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Week 4 [23.03 - 29.03] Bicycle Messengers

Bicycle messengers are people who work for companies carrying and delivering items by bicycle. Since bicycle travel is less subject to unexpected holdups in city traffic jams, and is not deterred by parking limitations, fees or fines in high density development that can hinder or prevent delivery by motor vehicle, it a method that offers a predictable delivery time.

I am personally riding a 'fixed bike' and am fascinated by its culture. Cycling gives you a feeling of freedom and relief throughout working day, aside of it, getting from place to place in the city is (in majority of examples) faster by bike, rather than using public transport. 


1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?


1. Yes, I ride a bike. I have an MTB bike in the garage, I think that it fully meets my needs. Instead of traveling around the city, I choose to ride in the woods. In my opinion such a ride just makes sense. You can relax, breathe fresh air, observe nature.

2. I think cyclists behave very irresponsibly. They drive very fast, they do not pay attention to pedestrians or even cars. When you pay attention to the cyclist, they become very aggressive, they insult you.

3. Certainly a lot of Warsaw is missing to such a Netherlands, where cycling is really mega popular. In recent years, however, the authorities devote a lot of money to the development of the bicycle route network. In this aspect, we are indeed "chasing the west".
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
No I do not. For now when I want to ride a bicycle, I just take it from veturillo as I don't have space in my flat for the bike.
2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
I hate it and it is really dangerous for both - drivers and cyclicts. There should always be an extra part on the street that would be given for cyclicts.
3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
In some places, yes. There are many places where you can safely ride a bike. The point is to don't ride in places where you shouldn't. Travel by bus if you want to leave the city center and start cycling where the bike road starts.
1. I ride an XC Bike, but I use it mainly to move around the city. Maybe it is not the best choice for Warsaw, but I like cycling in forests on weekends.

2. Cyclists on the streets are a big problem when there are no traffic jams because then they are creating them. If the streets are crowded, bikes are a very good alternative.

3. It is getting better and better, but still, there are places where there is much to be done yet. For example, from my flat to the university I have only like 300m without a bike lane, but from the flat in which I lived before, I had to travel 4km without a bike lane.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. I own a city bike, but to be honest I haven't been on a bike since I've passed my driving license exam... Before that I would always go to school on a bike and basically everywhere I could.

2. In my opinion they are far too reckless and irresponsible. I've already lost count of times I could have caused an accident because of a cyclist. I think bikes should be only allowed on bike lanes.

3. I am not a cyclist myself, but from what I've noticed the bike lanes infrastructure is well developed (at least in the city centre and the area where I live). But I'm pretty sure there's still a lot to do when it comes to availability of bike lanes, if the city council wants to make people switch from cars/puclic transportation to bikes.
Maciej Górczak said…
Hey Daniel, do you really think all cyclists ride irresponsibly? I know that this subject is pretty controversial (that is why I have chosen it ^^), but I am pretty sure both car drivers and cyclists can coexist on the streets.
Maciej Górczak said…
I am curious -have you ever had bike with yourself while travelling with the bus? I have been kicked out from the bus several times for having my bike with myself.
Maciej Górczak said…
Yeah I know how it looks from both cyclist and car driver perspectives. I have already lost count of times I could have get injured, because driver was turning right without stopping his car before the turn (on the green arrow). Given that example, do you think people should be automatically fined (through camera systems), while not respecting this law?
Maciej Górczak said…
Wide tires you say? ;) At least you don't have problems with curbs and holes in the pavements mate.
Definitely. I feel like a tank.
1. Unfortunately, I don't ride a bicycle in Warsaw. The flat that I rent does not have a place where I could hold my bike.
However, in my family home I have a city bike on which I go for trips around the area.

2. I have nothing against cyclists who can comply with traffic rules. Everyone who does not pose a threat to other road users is respected by me.

3. It's hard for me to judge because I don't use them. In my area, the bike paths are well developed, but in other parts of the city there will certainly be space to make progress.
1. I used to ride a bike when I was working approximately 3 kilometres from home. I don’t know which type of bike it is to be honest  Just a normal one with three gears at front and seven in the back. I could do this, because there is a bicycle lane alongside the whole way from my home to that place. Right now I work in entirely different district, which is too far for me to go by bike, so I use a motorcycle or the public transport instead.

2. In the places where there is no bicycle lane, there is no other option, so I don’t have any arguments against it, even though it is very annoying to the drivers. Unfortunately, we can see cyclists on the street right next to the bicycle lane very often, which is unacceptable. Such people are just thick as a brick and I don’t care about pathetic arguments about their “roadster bikes” which could get damaged on the bike lane. Moreover, I think that for the purpose of riding on the street, every cyclist should have an obligatory insurance and a license plate. Otherwise, they are always unpunished and during an accident it is the driver who is always assumed to be guilty, if he doesn’t have a camera. Recently in Warsaw one of the drivers went to jail, because some cyclist got killed when he ran straight under his wheels. Speeding by 10 km/h was the only reason, and the reckless behaviour of the cyclist was totally not important.

3. It’s not great, not terrible. The most annoying disadvantage of bike lanes in Warsaw is that they tend to be cut off suddenly and cyclist are forced either to manoeuvre through a pavement, or to enter the street. I think there could be more bicycle lanes, but definitely not if it requires to narrow the street.
1. Yes, I like to ride a bike, but unfortunately I don't have my own bike because I have no place to keep it. I mainly use Veturillo on sunny and warm days to ride around Warsaw and relax after a hard day.

2. SOME cyclists riding the streets are really annoying. They do not know the traffic rules, they are sometimes shamish and rude.

3. I think Warsaw does not have well-developed bike lane systems. At least in most places. But let's say that in the downtown and near downtown is great.
1. I haven’t been riding a bike for 2 years. However, before, I rode a lot and most often on a mountain bike. Sometimes I used to ride a road bike, but unfortunately it is not suitable for all terrains.

2. I believe that cyclists shouldn't drive on the streets but in forests or on bicycle paths. I think 90% of cyclists do not know the road signs and they pose a threat to other citizens.

3. I think Warsaw is too well developed when we are talking about bicycle paths. Instead of bicycle paths, additional car lanes should be built to reduce traffic jams on the streets.
Olga Przytula said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?

When I was younger, and lived with my grandma throughout whole summertime, while my parents were working, I used to do 10km bicycle trips every day, just for fun. I loved this chilly breeze on my face, pure air that surrounded me and the beauty of the views that I could admire every day. It was nothing special, just an old bike that my parents bought. Nowadays, I do like to ride bicycles only when I’m in the woods or somewhere far from the city. There is just something in the idea of riding next to the smelly fumes of cars that I hate. Plus, I don’t feel safe there.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?

I don’t think I have an opinion. If they want to do that, and they know how to do this fast and at the same time being cautious and aware of other people on the road, I think it’s a good idea. They help to reduce traffic and pollution on the roads. However, as I am not fan of bicycle rides in the city, I don’t understand how they can find pleasure in it thus I do not care ;)

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?

Oh, that’s a tough one. I have no idea, as you now know, I do not cycle through the city myself. If I had to guess I would say that Warsaw could do something more to create safer space for cyclists, so they would have their own space, free from cars. That would probably be safer for pedestrians too, as they wouldn’t have to share sidewalks with cyclists.
Ela said…
1. I ride a mountain bike. I love forest rides, especially if the only individuals that I meet are mooses and deers. I don’t like cycling on the streets and crowded bike paths in the city, it gives me no pleasure.

2. Unfortunately, I don't have a good opinion about them. I don’t understand why so many cyclists aren’t able to cycle on bike paths, especially if the surface resembles asphalt - they always explain in the same way, “they have a road bike to ride on the street”. Unfortunately, some of these cyclists don’t follow the rules of the road, sometimes they pass the red light and they don’t understand why it’s bad.

3. Unfortunately, Polish bicycle paths don't resemble Netherlands paths, which I regret very much. In the Netherlands there isn’t any problem with the cyclist on the streets - the paths are long and really wide. Sometimes they are wider than the pedestrian walkway. Despite this, I’m glad that there are more and more bike lanes and bike paths in Warsaw. Cyclists can feel safer thanks to them.
Viktor Ryś said…
Yes, I use the Veturillo city bike, which is can rent for a limited amount of time. It's practical for going from point A to B, but not perfect. In my hometown I have a fixed gear road bike which is great for casual riding.

They should be riding on the street due to traffic rules when there is no bike lane available. I always try to be respectful of cars when sharing the road with them and obey the traffic rules.

3. It's bad, the bike lane stops often abrutply, starts in random places and the overall route of the path isn't very thought out. From my experience the bike lanes layout in Wroclaw makes much more sense.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. I was riding a lot when I was a kid but right now I don't own one. I had a mountine bicycle in the past, the one with a huge tire but it wasn't great for longer distances.

2. As everyone riding motorcycle and a car I really hate them. They are so annoying! Honestly they do not respect any rules and this is really annoying.

3. Not really. There is a lot of places where bicycle lanes simply end and you have to ride on a sidewalk to get to the street. It is badly organised and it is way quicker to ride or normal street (which a lot of bikers do) or simply ride on a grass (which they do too...)
Maciej Górczak said…
Good to hear you have nothing against cyclists on the streets. As with every part of human life- we really can coexist :)
1) I have cycled a lot before the Coronavirus outbreak. Bicycle is my primary mean of the transportation besides the train. I have several bikes. For example, mountain bike, city bike, touristic bike.
2) It depends on the type of the street. Some streets are extremely dangerous, and it is not advisable to ride the bike on this type of streets. Some streets are empty and riding bikes on them are fun, relaxing and easy.
3) It is good enough for me. Especially the districts I cross with the bikes have well developed paths for bikes.
Maciej Górczak said…
Verturilo is also a nice point to start - I use it whenever I have to get somewhere fast and weather outside is decent.
Do you really think, that bike takes that much of space you can not keep it inside, even when you're having small flat?
Maciej Górczak said…
These are strong words - 90% of cyclists do no know the road signs - did you gather these informations on your own, or you checked in national statistical office? ;)
Just joking Paweł, do not put so much hate into your comments about subjects that are controvertial for you. It's not worth it haha
Maciej Górczak said…
I totally understand your point of view, especially when it comes to cyclists riding on the streets, when bicycle lane is near the road. They should always use the bicycle lane, but as you said - we have problems with the infrastructure in Warsaw. It is changing, but slowly. Hopefully I'll be able to use bicycle lanes from my home to work throughout whole way in the future :)
Maciej Górczak said…
Healthy point of view. Thanks for your comment!
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?

Yes, i am using bike every day! I ride even in the winter, nothing can stop me. ;)
In my opinion this is very eco friendly sollution and this is the best way to go somewhere in rush hours. I am not sure which type is it. It is really hard to say.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?

It depends. When you are riding on the street it is fine but when you are driving car you are not so happy. Anyway sometimes people on the street are not doing bad and everything is alright.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?

Honestly it is hard to say for me. I mostly use bike in my city. Warsaw has really good public transport so if you are not satisfied you can go everywhere in a lot of different possibilities.
Maciej Górczak said…
Mountain rides are truly awesome, but you have to live at least close to it if you want to be there often.
I think they are able, but they use also this part of the infrastructure, that they are allowed to use. I mean, wouldn't it be better if all people living in Warsaw ride bikes on the streets, than with their cars? :)
Maciej Górczak said…
Yeah mate, that is how we should act in every situation in our life - be respectful to others.
I agree, they have a lot to do to improve the quality of bike roads.
Maciej Górczak said…
And now you're not cycling? The only transport I use for month now is bicycle :)
Could i ask where are you living?
Maciej Górczak said…
I do not share your view, but thanks for your comment!
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
I ride a bicycle, but recreationally. Recreational cycling has a very beneficial effect on our body. He also believes that it is the best way to spend time with family and friends - instead of sitting at home or in a pub you can go on a bike and combine two pleasures. I personally love cycling trips in the company of other people. I often go for walks alone, but cycling is much more fun when I go with someone.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
Some cyclists believe that the speed they develop entitles them to drive on the street with their cars. However, according to the regulations, they have a clear hierarchy of roads they can use. These are: the road for bikes, the road for cyclists and pedestrians, the roadside and only at the end of the carriageway - in addition, only when the previously mentioned routes are not available. The traffic law defines when you can cycle on the streets. Generally speaking, drivers as well as cyclists should use common sense.

3: I don't live in Warsaw
Maciej Górczak said…
Fixed gear bike is like a regular one, but can be a bit more fancy these days than in times of our childhood (style is all we care about, right?!).
I totally agree - riding on the sidewalk with pederestians all around cyclist's 'track' is very dangerous for everyone on the streets, including people driving cars.
Maciej Górczak said…
Same with me, only hail can stop me from riding my bike :)
You can not really make both sides happy, but I hope that things will change as Warsaw will develop more bike lanes.
Maciej Górczak said…
I usually do not go out for walks (especially alone) but I'm trying to take my friends out for biking trip whenever I can - as you said it is healthy for our bodies. In addition it is a great way to visit the city and explore unknown in an easy way.
Yubin said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
Yes, I rided bicycle almost everytime I went out when I was in my home country, and it is the sharing bike, that kind of bike has QR code on it, I just need to scan it and activate the bike with my phone application and then pay for the payment by phone when I will finish riding, there are some sharing bikes in Warsaw too.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
It depends on what kind of road they are riding bicycles, when I drove to work, I didn't like to see them casually riding on the roads, once someone knocked my rearview mirror, and then he didn't take it seriously and proceeded to ride away. If they ride on bicycle lanes, then I have no objection, because I usually ride on bicycle lanes too.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
Yes, I think so, at least it is better than the situation in my home city, so it is well developed enough for me.
Maciej Górczak said…
It was an electric bicycle or the usual one? I rode both types and I prefer using my muscles rather than taking adventage of battery powering up my legs :D Can I ask you where do you come from? In my opinion it is getting better here in Warsaw, but we still lack ~80 kilometers of bike lanes...
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?

I don't ride a bicycle, but I know how to ride it even if after watching this New York guy, I feel like I've never ridden one.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?

I'm okay with cyclists who are careful and able to ride on the streets because it can be sometimes dangerous to them and others. But the amateur should consider safety over anything else and ride in safe places only.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?

I do think Warsaw has developed bike lanes system because it is way better than ones in my country but improvements are always needed.
1. Yes I do. I have MTB and sometimes I have an opportunity to take it on mountain trails in Szczyrk and must tell you it’s a remarkable experience. Also I love to use Veturilo in Warsaw. It’s a very good option when you don’t have your bike with you and the weather is good and you want to ride a bike rather than taking a bus or tram. And actually I’m searching right now for racing bike to buy.
2. It depends whether I’m a car driver or a bike driver. When I’m driving a car I may get furious when I see cyclists riding on roads they shouldn’t. When I’m on bike I’m the cyclist on the road I shouldn’t be.
3. Yes and no. I can say that I like that there are long bike lines on which you ride straight across Warsaw, but I don’t like some things that are not thought through. For example they made a bike lanes (which I use very often)under Łazienkowski bridge and there is a problem that when riding from right side to the left you still have to ride far south or north to get thought Czerniakowska street.
MichalB said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?

Of course I ride and have a bike. Mountain bike on which I can travel through forests and ducts. My son prefers electric skateboard, but he also rides a bike with me. It's a nice way to relax.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?

They devote too little attention to cars. The car weighs a ton a bike a few kilos plus a man. The car protects the man, on the bike man protects the bike. I know there are such and no other rules, but the basis is reason!

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?

Yes, there are many bicycle paths in Warsaw. There is a place to go, not necessarily in the streets. Kampinos, or the road to Otwock, is fun and nice. You can easily turn around 100 km on a sunny warm Sunday!
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
I used to ride the bicycle about a year ago. It was in my hometown on the track that runs along the sea. I rented a bike, so I don’t know what type of bike it was. I am not good at riding a bicycle.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
I think cyclists should ride on special bike paths. But firstly, not all cities have such tracks. Secondly, many cyclists do not know the road rules in general, which creates dangerous situations for them, pedestrians and drivers.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
I cannot objectively answer this question since I have never ridden a bike in Warsaw. All areas where I was equipped with bike paths. But judging by the comments above, not everyone is happy with the bike lanes system.
Maciej Górczak said…
This guy rides like the devil itself, I know how you feel.
Where do you come from?
Maciej Górczak said…
I have heard about trails near Szczyrk from my friend who lives nearby, and he told me they are 'top shelf' in our country. I am not brave enough to try riding MTB, but I envy you the courage.
As with whole life - duality :D I think I share your feelings, although i try to be patient to road cyclists.
Maciej Górczak said…
Wise approach!
I will remember about the road to Otwock and check it out maybe in next week, seems lika a nice trip destination with all theirs Świder-Mayer houses :)
Maciej Górczak said…
Riding the bike near the coast? Sound amazing.
I think you can find a good solution in Madrid, where you have bike lanes on the streets and everyone is happy. I found it safe and nice, as you can meet officers riding horses on bike lanes ;)
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
Yes I ride mountain bike with my friends. We have track in the forest with hills and jumps i also ride a bmx bike but less than before. It's very dangerouse sport and I got a lot of injuries caused by this hobby.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
It's ok for me, but I think they shouldn't ride with headphones on. I see this everyday. It distract them and often causes accidents.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
Yes I think Warsaw has very well developed bike lines, you can ride almost whole city without driving off the patch. In my home town it's imposible to get somewhere on skateboard but in Warsaw you can do it smoothly, bike paths help a lot.
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?

I've used to ride until the e-scooters are came in. My bike was pretty standard bike - I don't even know the genree of it. Now i am using Ninebot KickScooter which is the most popular sharing scooters models.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?

Some of them are really anoying but overall they are have great culture of riding especially in Poland.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?

I believe - yes. I mean we have a lot of bike lanes, now as big innovation Warsaw hall decided to add system that meassure velocity of bikers and showing them information whether they will get to crossing with green light with thath velocity or they need to speed up or slow down
1. Yes, I do. I have a Trek Mountain bike. Those 29" wheels make me feel like I'm on the top of the world! I love biking, but I prefer doing it in nature, not in the city.

2. To be honest, I don't think it is safe. Especially like in this video. They move quickly and chaotically and mostly they succeed, but what if just once they don't? Also, they quite regularly cause confusion on the streets. My uncle was once driving behind a column of bicycles and the last one got distracted and staggered a bit which caused my uncle to panic and, to save the cyclist, drive to the opposite line, crashed into a car and rollover... he lived but never got into a car again. I understand that cyclists are trying their best, but even this tiny little move can cause that much damage. When I ride through the city I try to take only bike lane and less crowded sidewalks, when I'm on the street I always look in my mirror and try to be as predictable as possible.

3. Bike lanes in Warsaw tend to stop without proper warning and appear again. I get it that it's probably because the size of the available space didn't allow for the bike lane to continue, but it's quite frustrating. Although, in recent years it gets better.
Filip Bartuzi said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
I use city bikes quite often. I'm not bikes connoisseur, so till it has wheels and working pedals it's good enough for me.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
I don't mind. Usually riding on the street is justified and safer than a sidewalk.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
Usually I'm dissapointed with the experience I get from riding city bike in downtown. There is maybe 1km in total of properly done bike lines. Warsaw needs more!
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?

I used to ride my bike a lot when I was younger. Typical bike - nothing fancy. Right now there not many situations when I would ride a bike but when it comes to such situation I use public bikes like Veturillo. In my opinion this is a great and convinient way to travel and thanks to such companies I do not have to purchase a bike.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?

Well... I am much more of a car guy so it is a natural thing that bikers annoy me when I have to watch out for them. Not even mentioning situations when I have to drive slow behind them because there is no way to move past them. However, I am sure that there is a way to make it on the street work for both of us.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?

As I person who was born and raised in a smaller city than Warsaw I have to admit that our Capital City has really well organized and long bike lanes. I have somewhat of an comparison and that makes me appreciate Warsaw's bike lanes system much more.
Maciej, but there is no hate in my answer. Just my insight and my opinion. Criticism and disagreement it is not a hate :)
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
I love to ride a bike, unfortunately I have to go rent because I don't have my own. And as for the type of bike hmm I don't know, maybe it's a "city bike"
2.What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
A very interesting question. Join me, riders are divided into two zones. One of them are normal, calm people who follow the rules.
On the other hand, unfortunately, there are also cyclists who do not pay attention to the rules and pedestrians. I think it depends on the type of person you can't categorize
3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
Hmm, I think she is well prepared. We have a lot of bicycle scientists and probably in one sufficient place.
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
Yes, I do. I have a mountain bike because I love riding on uneven terrain.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
In some case it is frustrating. This happens when I drive a car and a cyclist ride slowly and in the middle of my road lane. Sometimes they don’t show hand when they change ride turn. I don’t know what this person will do. I know that riding bike is good for health and natural environment. It's ok for me that people ride bike on the street, but they need to be caution. On this video that you presented drivers and bikers knows what each person will do. In Poland it is different.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
I don’t know. I work and live in Lublin. My home city is Opole.
1.Unfortunately, I don't have my bike here in Warsaw. If I want to use them I use the application and I rent the city ones.

2.It all depends on the cyclist. If he drives in accordance with the regulations and does not pose a threat to other road users, I do not mind. Unfortunately, looking at what is happening in the streets, there are more people who do not comply with traffic rules and regulations, which is very dangerous and at the same time annoying. It would be best if there was always a lane on the street for cyclists.

3.There are more and more bicycle paths in Warsaw. In some places you can drive safely moving only along separate paths. However, there are many places where there are few or no such paths, which poses a threat to all road users. That is why I think that the city authorities should make sure that there are such paths in the whole city, then many residents would give up cars or public transport and reach for bicycles. It would also benefit the environment.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?

Before moving to the city center, I used to ride the bicycle almost every day. At my family home I have a mountain bike because the house is surrounded by the woods. Unfortunately, at my new apartment I do not have enough space to store the bike so I do not ride anymore, but lately I was considering taking the city bikes that you can rent on every corner.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?

I think they need to be more attentive. Many of them switch from the streets to the pavement all the time, and they never get off the bike at the pedestrian crossings, like they should. The cyclists should remember that in case of an accident with a car, they will be the ones that can get hurt more so they should be extremely careful.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?

Not really, there are bicycle paths mainly in the city centre but not in the outskirts of the city. I think Warsaw is going in the right direction, but it will take a long time before we will have a good and safe bike lanes system.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?

Yes I have a bike. To be honest that is a really old bike, which I got from my godfathers diring baptism. And I still am riding on that that is so strange and funny because I do not need a better one. Some of my friends are laughing at me because of that old bike but I do not care because I stil enjoy rinding on it.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?

Well they have their own route so I they should stick to that, but unfortunately some of those hardcore cyclist are rarely turning off their sight of vision because they are tired and they just cross the intersection of the road blindly which results in a crash. Of course by the law the responsibility is on the side of car driver but the truth is that cyclists should be more careful.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?

I do not complain about that. In my opinion the bike lanes system is on point in the Warsaw city.
Kgajewska said…
1. No, I don't I used to ride a bike in childhood, but after few years without doing it I completely forgot how to ride.

2.It realy depends on the cyclist. Some of them follow the law and they are very careful, but some causes dangerous situations which can end terrible.

3. i think we can't complain about it that much - it could be better but I it always could be worse.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?

I used to ride a lot as a kid, right now I don’t really. I used to ride mountain bike.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?

As long as they don’t ride in the middle of the lane, I don’t mind them.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?

Not yet but it is developing in that direction. There was a tender lately for redesigning the John Paul II Alley in the city center. There are going to be pavements renovated and extended for bicycles and many trees are going to be planted as well.
Maciej Górczak said…
I have heard about injuries connected with mountain biking, that's why I have never tried it myself. I prefer cruising on the streets (especially now, as we have ghost town).
I can partly agree, as we always want to compare ourselves to the best :) In my opinion there is still some space for improvements.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I don't have a bike yet. But I actually was thinking about buying one this spring. The previous location where I lived in Warsaw did not have a place where I could safely keep my bike, but now I do have the place and the neighborhood is quite nice so I'll get one as soon as possible.
2. I think that in Warsaw it can be quite dangerous actually. There are plenty of cars, traffic jams and most people are in a constant hurry. I know that sometimes it's impossible but I would much rather stick to the bike lanes.
3. As I said, I'm not too experienced in riding the bike in the streets of Warsaw but from what I saw I think it could be better. There's a nice bike lane along the Vistula River, but it is crowded most of the times.
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
Yes, I ride a bike a lot in season. It is one of my favorite way of transportation. If I can I will ride a bike everywhere, but sometimes the distance is just too long or I have to be in formal clothes. I have a mountain bike, I love it, but i am thinking about changing the bicycle saddle because it is really hard.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
I hate them, it is really dangerous for them, because often they do not know about rules on the street and the forgot about the fact that they can ride every road. The worst of them are people who ride on the street and the path for them are next to them on the pavement.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
No, Warsaw is not a good example of good developed bike lanes system. The better example is Amsterdam or Conpenhaga. They have a good system and the car drivers knows how to share the road with them.
Maciej Sadoś said…
I do ride a bike and I really like this activity. I don't exactly know what kind of bike is it. It's a normal bike simillar to the one presented in a video but with gears in front and back. It has thin wheels so it's really comfortable for normal roads but it's a little bit harder to ride 'offroad'. But it doesn't stop me from doing that :)

As a car driver, generally I don't like cyclists on the streets 😅 But I understand that it's the only place they can ride according to law (when there is no bicycle lane of course).
I don't really know how it is in Warsaw or other cities but at the countryside many people, especially old, completely don't have any idea of any rules on the road or any
traffic regulations, which is of course very dangerous. But as a driver I'm used to it and I always know that the cyclist could suddenly do literally anything, even the most absurdally thing, so I'm always very careful when I spot one on the street.

Unfortunately I have no idea as I don't live in Warsaw and I've never ridden a bike in Warsaw.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. Yes yes yes. I love cycling. I had 4 bikes during my life, I think. Right now I own a hybrid one, but I think in the future I will buy myself a road bike.

2. I am from Ukraine and we really didn't have any dedicated cycling roads till recently... So for me it's not a big deal if someone moves on the walkway by bicycle. I personally never had an accident with bicycle or on bicycle. On other hand I really hate when someone on the bike rides along with cars.

3. Warsaw actually has a really good infrastructure for cyclists. In Odesa for example we have only one cycling road that stretches for kilometers, it belongs right on the coastline among pines so it's very pleasant to use it. In Warsaw though you can traverse through city freely on the bike, respect.
Maciej Górczak said…
The thing with scooters is (at least for me) that they do not give you the possibility to do some cardio throughout your day. I think because of office work and uni I am spending too much time sitting and cycling give me the feeling like I do something with my life.
Interesting information in last part of your answer, I didn't knew about it.
Maciej Górczak said…
A woman on such a big bike, I bet you feel like you're on the top! I rarely see guys driving with this big tires :)
Of course it is not the safest way to ride, still it all depends if you're in a constant rush and how good you ride the bicycle and 'feel the city traffic' .
Maciej Górczak said…
Where do you live? Maybe on the right side of Warsaw? I've heard there are almost none bike lanes...
Roman Burlaka said…

1. I used to ride it when I was a bit younger. Two times younger than now in fact. It was a usual bike and I'm not into bicycles so I don't know their types at all and a type of this one either.

2. If they act due to the rules - what I should think about them? Hmm... people... riding bicycles... don't affect anyone... like all others around...

3. I'm from a city with a bike lane system that is a little better than nothing, so for me in Warsaw it's developed and all places I visit during the week have these lanes, they are big enough so I can't imagine any problems. But if I were a cyclist, the situation may be different.
1. usually don’t ride bicycles because I have poor control over the bike and can knock someone down.

2. Recently, riding a bike ride has become popular all over the world and it pleases me because it is good for health. When I arrived in Warsaw for the first time, I was surprised by the special paths for cyclists throughout the city. I don’t know what to say about cyclists, but I met rude ones too.

3. I have never been to other cities where the bicycle system is better developed than in Warsaw. I was surprised when I came here for the first time, because it is very developed and popular here.
Aneta Artych said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?

Yes! I ride bicycle by myself. Actually I am not using bicycle as my daily commuting option. I have city bike and I am cycling just for random journey in the park or just to chill out by the river Wistula in Warsaw.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?

It is totally normal for me, as I am also cycling. I think the problems can have people that don't understand it or even hate cyclists....

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?

I consider Warsaw as very good developed with bike lanes. There are a lot of them or at least as the main ones think to which you are able to follow while commuting from different districts in Warsaw and between them. For example in my family city where I am now, lanes system is terrible. Some path are just ending in the middle of nowhere...
Aleksander said…
1. I do, the most I like mountain bikes and long journeys through forests/mountains.
2. Well, if a city has well developed infrastructure for bikes, I wouldn’t allow bikes to ride on a street. If not- I totally understand the necessity of using roads.
3. Yes, over the last few years the city made a lot to increase the comfort of bicycling.
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
No, I don’t ride bicycle because I can’t.
2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
Nothing special if they are riding on the streets safely and responsibly it's good, they do not pollute the air and help reduce car traffic. But there are some that are very irresponsible. They drive very fast like there was no tomorrow, they do not pay attention to pedestrians and cars and I don't like these kind cyclists.
3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
I don’t think that Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system but well they at last try to develop them but it’s hard if you have so many buildings and other obstacles.

I happen to ride a bike (before quarantine), but it is a simple ride as a pleasant way of spending time, among others in the forest.
I am a car driver and I know how persistent some cyclists are, but sometimes it is not their fault but too narrow a road. The truth is that people should get along and find solutions where no one is lossy.
Warsaw has a very well developed bicycle path system. Certainly around the center is like that. In my area, cyclists have special roads only for bicycles, so based on these 2 places I can say that the Polish capital has a fairly well-developed system of bicycle routes.
s18716 said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
Honestly, no. The last time I actively used my bike everyday was the time when I was in school. Recently, there is rarely a need to travel long distances, so I prefer to walk. Sometimes, even over long distances, I just go on foot, without using a bicycle or other transport.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
I just want to get more of them. After all, many of them use a bicycle to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I fully support this. Some of them save their personal budget, and someone just thinks about not polluting the environment. Whatever category the bike owner is in, I support them.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
It seems to me more yes than no. A lot of people recently ride bicycles, it pleases. If there are more and more of them each time, this indicates that the city’s infrastructure allows this to be done. In addition to this, there are a lot of bicycle stations, where everyone can also take the opportunity to rent this vehicle.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. I used to ride a bike a few years ago, but since my move to warsaw I do not have a bike. I used to have an MTB, but now it is my brothers.
2. I think cyclists riding on the streets could potentially be dangerous and is unnerving to drivers.
3. Warsaw does indeed have a well developed bike lanes system compared to the US and most other countries.
Maciek Olko said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
At the moment I don't have a bicycle. I sometimes ride a city bicycle.
2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
I think them and public transport are future of Warsaw, because city center is not capable of park and let through as many people as some would like to.
3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
For couple of years Warsaw is working on it, it's not that bad at the moment, but still there is much place for improvement. Especially at suburbs and its connections to city center.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. I ride MTB bicycle. I have also some road bikes but riding on a asphalt is boring for me.
2. They are serious danger for everyone on the street. Law about them is not really precise and even when it is, many car driver don't know about it. When it comes with natural stupidity and recklessness of cyclists on the road it can really mess up fast. Many of them thinks they are a car and they can do everything like a car. Even if cyclists have a point in that moment, often there are situations when they are badly hurt and car driver has serious problems. And cure for it is really easy to find. Absolute prohibition of cyclists on the road with speed limit above fifty.
3. I believe Warsaw pretend to be cyclist friendly city. There are many bikes lines, but many main crosses are impossible to adapt for cyclists.
Rafał Halama said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
Nowadays I don't ride bike too often. It was different case when I was young, and we were going on trips quite often with my friends. I have a mountain bike because I live in the village and this type is really good on uneven terrains.

2. In my opinion, bikers should be kept on biking lanes. However, in places where those lanes don't exist, they should be able to ride on the street freely.

3. Yes, I think so. There are a lot of bike lanes in Warsaw, and they are well-kept and wide. They aren't present everywhere, but every major area has them, so you can easily grab a bike and make a healthy trip to your destination.
lukaszK said…
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
No, I don’t. I don’t see any point in cycling.
2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
Don’t even start with this... How could you let them drive on the streets with cars? Why?

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
I have no idea. I don't use bike lanes.
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
I used to ride bicycle in childhood. Nowaday, I don't have any space for bike in the flat I rent, so I don't ride bicycle in Warsaw.

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
If I remember well, in driving law it's forbidden for cyclists to ride on the streets. They have to ride on bike lane or pavement. I agree with it, because I am a driver also and I think cyclists are dangerous and endangered for traffic.

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
Unfortunately I don't know. I don't ride by bike in Warsaw, so I can't say anything about it.
1. Unfortunately I do not know how to ride a bike ...
2. Often there are thoughts that it would be great to ride bicycles along the street, but there is still fear.
3. I did not follow this, but it seems to me that in this regard it is well developed.
He is a natural, I'm from Rwanda
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?
Yes, sometimes. I have an old, 12 years "normal" bike. It's terrible really, I need to buy something new.
2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?
I think that both parties on the road need to respect each other. In the cities, there should be bike lanes, but if there aren't any, what they can do. However, outside the city, there are some cyclists (especially semi-pro and pro - I am from the city with a good cyclist club, so it's easy to spot one) who are blocking the road and making passing them quite hard to do, if the traffic is big. They should make space for cars in such conditions.
3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?
No. However, it's much better than it was, and more money should be invested to make a really good bike lanes system, like in the Western Countries.
1. Do you ride bicycle yourself? If yes, which type of bike?

I ride a bicycle but not very often. I have an MTB, and if I ride it a couple of times a year, almost all of them in summer. 

2. What do you think about cyclists riding on the streets?

I find it really annoying when I see a cyclist riding on the street when there is a bike lane next to him, which happens very often on the street near my house. I try not to ride on a street if I  have that option because I don't feel really safe when there are cars just next to me. 

3. Do you think Warsaw has well developed bike lanes system?

I think that the Warsaw bike lane system is quite good but unfortunately it's patchy. For example for me to go to work by bike, I'd have to drive almost 2km on the street, and that's the reason I don't do it. 

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