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Week 4 [23.03-29.03.2020] Mozart of chess

Mozart of chess

Chess is a game which we learn the rules in five minutes, but to become a championwe need all our lives.
I assume that each of us, like not everyone, have played at least one chess game. But there is someone who played a lot of them. Magnus Carlsen is a 29 year old Norwegian chess grandmaster who is considered as the most inteligent man in the world. He even played with his opponents with turned back to them and did not look at the chessboard throughout whole game.
I encourage you to watch a short film about Magnus and answer the following questions.

1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?
2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?


1. Yes, I heard about him. A very interesting case, at first glance it gives the impression of a unperspicacious. However, when you see him playing chess, you start to notice his genius.

2. Of course I played. My father taught me. I am currently playing with my brother. This is quite interesting entertainment in the time of quarantine.

3. No, I do not think that a guy who plays chess well can be considered as the one of most intelligent man in the world. Show me his other important achievements, something for humanity, contribution to technology. It seems to me that Magnus cannot be considered as the most intelligent man in the world.
Olga Przytula said…
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?

No, I have never heard of him. Mainly because I’m not a chess player myself. I do think that you must have “brain predispositions” to play chess and enjoy doing it, but I think that Magnus Carlsen is just unique and talented man considering his profession. I’m always impressed how talented and intelligent these people must be to be able to play chess without even looking at the board. I have met one guy that was able to do the same thing and play chess without looking (I think he was able to do so with 3 people at the same time) so it’s nothing new, but it still is undoubtfully impressive.

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?

I have played chess when I was a kid, my dad has taught me how to do this, but it was never something that I have found enjoyable or interesting, so we ended up playing by the fake rules and with figurines created only by my imagination :D

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?

Hmm, it’s hard to tell. I wouldn’t say he’s the most intelligent guy in the world based only on the fact that he has developed his brain to beat every human being during chess play, but he is undoubtfully intelligent beast that can achieve everything he puts his mind to.
Ela said…
1. I've never heard of Magnus Carlsen. I'm not a big fan of chess and I'm not interested in them. I’m full of admiration for people who can play them well. Not only that these people must have a predisposition for this, they also had to devote a lot of hours to training. I think Magnus Carlsen is amazing and he achieved so much for such a young person.

2. My grandfather taught me how to play chess when I was very young. I mainly played chess with him. Unfortunately, I don't have enough patience with chess and I get discouraged too quickly.

3. Magnus Carlsen is definitely an amazing man, but I don't think he can be considered as a one of the most intelligent people in the world. He is a genius of playing chess, he trained his brain for this game. Chess teaches you thinking, but you can't judge people so highly based on chess skills.
Thanks Daniel for your reply. Since you train chess during quarantine, you are getting better day by day. If you had the opportunity, would you like to play with Magnus (with his back inverted to chessboard)?
1. No, I have never heard of him. He seems to be very humble, which is nice.

2. I’ve never played chess, which is very bad, because it is said that intelligent people should be able to play chess. Maybe I’m just not intelligent, because I find those kinds of games extremely boring and I almost never success. Most of the time my actions are based more on the knowledge and experience than intelligence. I am not entirely satisfied with this to be honest :)

3. Yes, why not, after all he just “knows what do to” without excessive thinking.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. I have never heard about him. From the video he seems really nice. He seems intelligent and I would say easy? I mean a guy that won't brag about how great he is.

2. I have never played chess in my life. I would like to try it one day but right now I stick to board and computer games.

3. Well he must be intelligent but I don't think he is one of the most intelligent. Chess is a strategic game, you predict what your opponent could do and you try to plan your moves. I don't think it's purely itelligence.
Yubin said…
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?
To be honest, I am not that much into chess, so I haven't heard about Magnus Carlsen, anyway, I appreciate all kind of people who are so hard working like him, I can tell he is really talented, he seems like a genius.

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
Yes I have played it a lot when I was a child, I don't remember too much about who introduced chess to me, I guess it was my father, else it should be my teachers in school, but now I am not that much into chess, I don't have too much patience on chess now, as an IT student, chess for me is like I would rather implement a computer chess game than play the chess game I implemented.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?
It depends on how do you define most intelligent people, I have to say he is very intelligent, but in my opinion, most intelligent people are like Newton, Einstein, Tesla such people, so he is not one of them for me, but I still appreciate him as a chess genius.
1) Yeah, I know him well. I follow news about him. Brilliant chess player and amazing human being.
2) I play chess every single day. I have the app on my phone. I climb my ranking constantly. Since last week I experienced more fair games, probably due to the coronavirus outbreak. More people stay home, so more people have time to play in the app. Having wider players pool the matching algorithm can more accurately match players. The game was introduced to me by my grandfather when I was younger.
3) No, he isn’t. I remember watching one of the tv interview with Magnus. He said he isn’t especially talented besides the game of chess.
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?

I heard about him once. All what i know is that he is chess master.

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?

I played it when i was younger. I am not sure who introduced me into this game but i know that it was interesting and hard at start.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?

I cant agree that chess champion will be one of the most intelligent person in the world. Of course, he can be but chess is not good way to decide about it.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?
Unfortunately, I can't play chess and I'm not interested in players. Only now have I become interested in this player.
2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
I have never played chess, once I watched a 20-minute film after which I found out nothing and found that it was not for me.
3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?
The result obtained on the intelligence test reflects nothing more than the range of knowledge covered by this test. Nevertheless, it is common to consider IQ tests to reflect the level of intelligence. The problem is that to get a better result on an IQ test, you just need to practice solving similar tests a little. In addition, there are a lot of different sweaters of intligation. So you can't say that he is the Nazi's most Nazi man.
Viktor Ryś said…
The name did come up in some conversations, his a quite famous in his sport.
I always admired people who were good in chess, it requires not only good memory, but also analtycial skills and strategic thinking.

My father when I was 9, then I did play sometime on kurnik and some matches in real life. But I never was good in that game, and maybe that's why I don't enjoy it that much.

3. He's good at chess, that's without a doubt, but I don't link intelligence to being good at one thing. He could be lacking in other forms of intelligence let's say social or emotional intelligence, not saying that's the case with him, but it's wrong to tell label people that way.
MichalB said…
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?

Every now and then, somewhere in the world, a unique chess player is born. Every now and then, somewhere in the world someone special is born. It's easier today! Internet, youtube, portals, television. Once a word of mouth, someone knew someone.
Personally, I haven't been interested in chess for quite a long time, I stood at Garri Kasparow in 1994. So information about Magnus Carlsen surprised me. I checked the chess ranking and actually according to Wikipedia is in the first place. Respect!

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?

Of course I played and play chess. My father taught me how to play and I'm currently learning to play chess for my children. This game develops the mind a lot. I like playing with the computer.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?

Hard to say. 100% very intelligent, but is it the most in the world? Rather, it is not just a chess player. A young man born 1990s but his successes really knock you down. I don't know how to answer this question.
Yuliia Sauliak said…
I have never heard about Magnus Carlsen as I am not very intereseted in this kind of sport and chess players. I think he might be a very talented person who has his lifework and it is exciting to watch him and interviews with him.
2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
Unfortunately, I have never played chess, I am convinced that if somebody suggested me to play and told me the rules I would be more than happy to try, however I don`t remember that any of my aсquaintances were in this game.
3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?
I think it is unobjective to estimate intelligence of any person just taking into account his ability in one field. He is undoubtedly very talented and smart, I am judging just from his interview and the manner in which he expressed himself.
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?
I have never heard about Magnus Carlsen , but now I know he is good at chess :)
I love to watch such amazing people, everything looks so easy then.

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
Yes I play chess from time to time with my family, I like this game but it takes me so long to make a move that we need to start using a clock. My aunt taught me how to play when I was 6.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?
Yes I think he deserves it, but I would rather give such a title to outstanding scientist.
Filip Bartuzi said…

1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?
Yes! It's incredible that he can maintain his 2900 score for over 10 years now. He is actually a prodigy and probably we will need to wait another century for anotherone :)

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
When I was younger my father taught me how to play chess. I didn't really study openings but enjoy playing game itself. Now, when I'm a bit bit older, I don't play chess anymore but I watch and study chess strategies. It's a funny plotwist, but now I approach watching chess games like other approach football or handball match on TV.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?
The question is tricky, as intelligence definition is ambiguous. His ability to learn, adopt and memorize is definitely outstanding. Despite that without the hard work he wouldn't achieve his grandmaster title
1. I have never heard about him and I think his mind is amazing! Being able to remember all these patterns, while thinking of strategies is amazing.

2. My grandpa taught me to play chess. He would intentionally lose from time to time to make me wanna play more :D

3. It all depends on what we agree intelligence is. I would say he has extraordinary remembering and visualisation skills, which doesn't necessarily mean that he is the most intelligent person in the world. The scene in the Ferris wheel shows that he thinks about chess all the time and I wonder if that's not all he can focus on.
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?

I haven't heard about him. I believe that he is very interesting type of person. When we see him in action it's really insparing to think about his motives and moves

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?

Yes, i've used to play chess with my grandpa which showed me it. I quite liked that maybe not becouse the game itself but becouse of tactics showed my by my grandpa. It was great spent time.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?

I don't believie that we are talking about the good indicator of intelligent. I think that this subject is more complex and is based on too many factors to judge.
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?

I believe that I have heard about him before. I read about a genius chess player which seems to fit to Magnus' portrait but I cannot remever the name of his. I think that having a mind which works the way his mind works is a blessing but a curse at the same time. I can already tell be watching this video hat he has some problems with social skills.

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?

I was introduced to chess by my friend who showed me the moves and rules. I have played only few games in my life but watching this video made me want to play one right now.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?

I think that Magnus is a person whose mind was used and developed in a way that made him use the most of it potential. If he never tried chess he might have been considered a weirdo who has some social problems. There is a lot of luck in the fact that he took on playing chess because that is the thing that he turned out to be the best in the world at. I cannot say that he is not one of the most intelligent people because his IQ is definately high but I can't admit it either.
Thank you for the answer Ela. But could you name someone who is alive and is considered the one of the smartest in the world. When I thought about it, it was hard for me to give an example.
Thank you for answer Marcin. In the current situation, when we are all in quarantine, you may find a moment and catch up on chess. When you are winning it is definitely more satisfying game.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I've never heard about Magnus before. But after watching the short movie I can tell that he is very passionate about what he is doing and that passion absorbs him all over.

2. I have only tried it once when I was much younger, but can't remember the rules now. I would love to try it again, I think I would like it.

3. I think he can be one of the most intelligent people on earth. His strategic thinking is very impressive. And the fact that he can remember and easily recall so many chess arrangements is just unbelievable. His brain can do things that most of us can't. I think that if he applied his way of thinking to science, he would be one of the most devout scientists in the world. I wonder if he ever tried to focus on another area than chess.
Thank you for answer Piotr. Probably this book was about Garry Kasparov (I am 99% sure about it :D).
1. Yes, I once heard of him. I watched the program about people with outstanding skills and he was among them. When you look at him for the first time, he doesn't seem to have such talent. He gives the impression of living in his own world, the world of mind.

2. When I was a boy, my grandfather tried to encourage me to learn chess, but it never attracted me. I always preferred other games, even checkers.

3. Without a doubt, it can be said that Magnus is very intelligent people. I also think that there are a lot of such undiscovered talents but we will never know about them.
Bartosz Warda said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. I think it's first time I heard about him. I'm not too sure though, because my friend used to mention few chess players to me in the past. Never bothered to remember any of those names though.

2. For first time, I have played chess probably in primary school or even a bit earlier. But it was more like one time entertainment back then. It was vs my older brother if I recall correctly. Later I used to play chess a lot during lessons in high school. Unfortunately, chess board is quite bit, so we couldn't play on some of them and switched to cards. Those were much easier to go unnoticed :). Our physics teacher even began to play with us, as it was one of his favorite if not favorite game. It was only during first and second class though, as in last one he wanted to focus on teaching. We were math-phys profile class after all, so even though he was laissez faire towards us, he had to put some time into doing exercises as well. What surprised me even more though, was not the fact that one of teachers played chess during lessons with us, but that another, quite old, probably around ~60 yo history teacher, scolded us for gambling after he noticed we play chess. I'd understand cards, but chess? I know we can play for money, but we can do so with practically everything.

3. It's hard to say. Chess is for sure easier to learn for people with high IQ, as logical thinking and noticing patterns goes in pair with it, but it's not a good measurement. Everyone can learn chess, as it's a simple strategy. Theoretically if someone had absolute memory, one could learn moves for every possible situation, and be undefeated. It's time consuming though, so it's more logical to assume that good chess players naturally may have higher IQ, and that a chess genius might have exceptionally high one. I'm not sure if I'd consider him as one of the most intelligent people around the world though. Most of people to be considered as such probably go unnoticed for their lifetimes.
1. No I have never heard about him, but now I'm sure that he is very intelligent person with incredible planning skill.

2.Yes, i have played chess but it was many years ago in primary school, so i don't remember the situation when somebody introduced it to me.Over the years, I have played a few times but chess has never engaged me so far.

3.In my opinion of course he can in the group one of the most intelligent people, but he can't be considered as the most intelligent person in the world. Playing chess demands only one skill, and the most intelligent person must be the best in many fields.
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?
I have never heard about him but I think he is amazing. In this video I saw that he played with 10 people at the same time and did not look on chessboard. I'm shocked. He has a great talent.

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
I played one time in elementary school. My class friend showed me how to play and explained basic rules. He showed me a specific moves. It was a great experience but I know that chess are not for me.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?
I don’t know for sure and can’t answer this question . Definitely he is intelligent. I know there are some people that are very good in some areas. Some of them are good in logical exercises.
Kgajewska said…
1. Sadly, I haven't heard about him. He's gifted for sure, the video looked amazing. I'm very impressed by his talent

2. Once or twice in childhood I played with my uncle - he was trying to teach me the rules but I wasn't a good student.

3. It's a tricky question, it depends on how we define inteligence. Having an outstanding level at one ability often means that there's a lack in other area. For sure he's able to think logically.
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?
No, I have never heard about him, I like him, because he is self-confident and very intelligent, moreover he can focus and develop his skills in one narrow field like chess and he is literally the best. I admire people like him, in my opinion it is better to be the best in one thing rather than be average in many places.

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
Yes, I like this game very much, I used to play it a lot. Mostly I have been playing with my brother and friends. My father has taught me how to play it. Definitely I will try to play chess again only if I find some good opponent.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?
No, it is hard to say that he can be one of the most intelligent person in the world. For sure he is intelligent and he uses his brain and logical thinking very good, but for me I would say he is not.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?

Yes, I've heard about Magnus. Some time ago my friend was trying to identify with him, which of course was hilarious. One day he stopped and then he came up with another person - Moto Moto. Carlsen is for sure one of a kind nowadays and it is just unreal for me, the things he does daily.

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?

I do not remember the person nor the time, when I tried chess the first time in my life. I did not enjoy that much this kind of activity, to be honest so I do not play chess. I prefer more active activities like dancing, gym or riding on a bicycle.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?

I do not know about the topic to comment on that, but for sure he can be considered as one of the top places in the ladder of most intelligent people in the world.
Maciej Sadoś said…
I've never heard about him but I must admit that his skills are unbelivable. It's hard to believe that a human could do such a things and think about so much chess plays at the same time.

Yes I have played chess a couple of times in my life. My father introduced them to me when I was a little kid. I liked playing them but I remember some story that I've been playing with someone else and that person was, I don't know, kind of lying or cheating, or maybe I just didn't get the rules right. Anyway, since then I wouldn't like to play chess anymore.

I don't know if it's not too big words. He's certainly an unimaginably talented person but he's not the only one on the planet. Nevertheless, seeing his skills noone can deny that he is certainly a very intelligent person
Maciej Górczak said…
1.I've never heard of him but his skills are impresive! I always admire people that are masters in their craft.

2.I did play chess, my mum taught me when I was younger, but I never showed any interest in pursuing a professional career ;) I wouldn't say I'm very good at it.

3.Although I'm very impressed by his knowledge, I don't think his one of the most intelligent people in the world. From my understanding chess are based on algorithms that you can learn. They also require some logical thinking and probably a lot of intelligence. But I think anyone with a decent level of intelligence could master chess in a similar way to Magnus Carlsen.
No, I have never heard about Magnus Carlsen. I think that there are not many people like him. He has to have really incredibly sharp mind to does what he does. For me it is very hard to play 2 chess games at the same time and have any good score while he can play 10 games at the same moment with out even looking at the bords. For me it is unthinkable. Of course, I have played chess in my life. Not much but still some. If I remember correctly my grand father thought me how to play it. Answering Your third question I think yes, he can be called one of the most intelligent people in the world. If someone thinks differently, just let him play 10 chess games at the same time…
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. I have never been into chess as a sport really. Therefore I never watched pro tournaments and never researched players. I can name only one chess player and it's obviously Kasparov.

2. When I was a little boy my fathers' friend introduced me to chess. Later on we bought one really piece of art handmade chess board and figures. This board included materials like pearl and redwood. Playing those chess was such a satisfaction... But now I can't even recall when I played chess last time.

3. You know that there are some conditions that allow people to perform such things in almost computer-like manner. Many people who have autism can be very proficient in some activities. I don't call him autist but for the same reason I won't consider him genius.
s18716 said…
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?
Yes, I heard about him many times. This guy is a real star not only in his sport. He's just some kind of invincible. The first time I heard about him during the world championship where in the finals he ran into some Russian grand master, and won him. Then I saw a video with his participation where he simultaneously played with several players, and did it successfully, moreover, he managed to cope with some of them in a few seconds. And in general, if you look at his results, then you can say he derates himself in a chess tone, if I may say so. That is not the first year already shines in the chess arena.

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
Yes, my first experience in playing chess was in early childhood. Then I tried to study the pieces and how they are able to move on the chessboard. Then, in high school, we got a discipline called “Chess,” where we began to study in more detail various game methods and tactics. But I did not become big fans of this game, but I always admire people who are successful in this matter.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?
Most likely, most will say yes, he can be called one of the most intelligent people in the world. But here another question begs. What criteria should we consider when defining such people. There is no doubt that his intellect and critical thinking are well developed, the processing speed of thought processes is certainly high. But if there are other criteria, then most likely he will have to compete for this title. Although in general I have no doubt in his intellectual abilities.
Roman Burlaka said…
1. I've heard about him and I think the first time it was when he actually became the world champion. Greatest results in one of the oldest games in the world - yeah, it makes you excited if to think about this. But chess is only a game, an intelectual game, but a game.

2. Yes, I have played and I still sometimes play chess. I'm not very good at it, an amateur, but however, not bad. My grandfather has introduced me to them, I was a little boy and soon I beat my cousin, but honestly, he wasn't good at it at all.

3. No, I think he can't. He is the best player in the world. Maybe also in history. But, you know, intelligence is important to become a good player, but becoming the best one does not improve your intelligence. Such first place is more about practice and skill directly in chess.
Aleksander said…
1. I do. I wish he could play with Capablanca. I was shocked when he outperformed Anand and then, came to realize how good he is.
2. I used to play chess in my youth, with my father who reveals arcane of that fantastic game. Currently, I’m playing once a month and trying to be up to date with news from the chess world.
3. No. He developed his brain only in the chess field. Following the Gardners study, I believe that intelligence consists of 9 types: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic. I don’t know him, but knowing the fact that he’s quite a young person, I don’t believe that he had enough time to explore other types.
1. Yes I did because I used to watch chess videos. In my opinion it is great game but it is mistaken to be all about being inteligent. If you want to be good at it You need to know many patterns and playstyles.
2. Yes I did. I don't remember who it was but probably my father or brother. To be honest I haven't play chess for ages.
3. I don't think so. For sure he must be intelligent person but chess is not only about being intelligent. Wide knowledge of moves is probably the most important thing in this game, also thinking and reacting quickly to current circumstances. It takes years of practice

I play chess on a daily basis, I follow several chess portals and watch many movies on this subject. Magnus Carlsen is a longtime chess world champion who at a young age won the earlier chess champion Gari Kasparov. Carlsen is a cyborg on chess.
Once when I was younger my aunt and uncle bought me chess and I started playing. I also learned a lot from LEGO Chess, because that's where I learned most theories. Even today I played chess with my dad and won.
Magnus is not very intelligent in my opinion. He just devoted his entire life to chess, practices a lot and has an amazing tactical sense. He just sees a dozen or so moves forward.

Anyway in my opinion teh best player ever is "Wizard of Riga". I love his tactics!!!
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. Yes, I've heard. Video from his chess games are my watch-when-you-cant-sleep video.
2. I've started to play chess when I was really little. My dad learned me how to play and we used to play really often.
3.After Bobby Fischer, he is, i belive.
Maciek Olko said…
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?
No, I haven't heard of him before. He seems to be very good at chess, I like him :).

2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
Yes, I have played chess. A friend of mine introduced me to chess at scout camp.

3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?
Intelligence is about using skills in various situations, not only the chess. I think he would have to prove himself in few other fields to be considered as such.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. No, i have not heard about him. Watching the video I can say, that he is an incredible person. Being able to play on such a high level while being "only" 29 years old, and be better than people that have been playing chees for much longer time is amazing.

2. Yes i did. I used to play a little bit with my father when i was younger. After that, i've played a little bit with my friends in primary school. I was never good at it. In fact, I've lost almost every game i have played in my entire life.

3. I do believe that. If everything that was said about him in the video is true, he is definitely one of the most intelligent people alive.
1. Wow, I’ve never heard of him before, but he’s just a genius. He is unique, he is so young and talented. I always admire people who improve their skills to perfection in spite of any restrictions and every time they find new challenges for themselves.

2. I played chess in my school years. Nobody introduced me to chess, but in our school there was a chess table where you could sit down and play. Unfortunately now I have forgotten a little. Of course I would like to try again.

3. I do not think that he can be called one of the most intelligent people, he is certainly talented. I don’t know much about him, only video material to answer this question.
Angelika Dutt said…
1. I've never heard of him, probably because he's not interested in chess, but he must be a very smart and intelligent man.

2. I've never played chess. I was once taught by a colleague for a while, but unfortunately we didn't have enough time to learn the rules of the game. I would very much like to learn how to play because I find chess to be a demanding and difficult game, and I like challenges.

3. Marcus may be one of the most intelligent people in the world, but I think there are a lot of people in a lot of different fields that might be smarter than him.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. I have never heard of Magnus Carlsen. Thank you for telling me about him, I think his expertise is jaw dropping.

2. My grandparents introduced me to this game at a young age, however I didn't stay interested in it long enough to become better at it.

3. I think it depends. Chess isn't only a game of intelligence. You need to have a great memory, and quick wit too. If you don't have your wits about you, it's easy to be at a loss in a game. Could Magnus have an eidetic memory?
Rafał Halama said…
1. Yes, I have heard about him before. He is one of the greatest chess players in the world, so it is kinda hard to not know him. I watched few of his streams online, and he seemed like a funny and down to earth person.

2. I played chess a lot when I was younger. My dad had amazingly looking magnetic chessboard, so I was always fascinated by it. I have never won against him, but for sure it was a lot of fun.

3. Yes, I think so, being able to calculate several moves ahead in your head is not an easy task. I'm sure he would show same amount of intelligence in Math or Physics.
lukaszK said…
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?
No, I haven’t heard about him until now.
2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
Yes, a long time ago I played with my father and cousins.
3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?
Can you say that Deep Blue, who beat man in chess, is intelligent at all?
1. I have never heard of him. I am not very keen on chess as a hobby, and even more so as a professional.
2. As a child, I often played chess with my family and friends. My grandfather and father taught me how to play.
3. I think that you can consider him one of the smartest people.
1. Have you ever heard of Magnus Carlsen? What do you think about him?
No, I haven't. I think that he is consumed by chess, and seems like nothing else interests him. He seems like a very highly intelligent but genuinely a good guy,
2. Have you ever played chess and who introduced you to them? If not, would you like to try?
Yes, I did, and I was terrible. Maybe I would be better with some practice - I played only with colleagues who play regularly, and I didn't stand a chance.
3. In your opinion, can Magnus be considered one of the most intelligent people in the world?
Yes, playing 10 games at the same time is very impressive, and I don't think that many people could do anything like that.

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