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Week 4 [23.03 - 29.03] How do you start the day?

How do you start the day?

As one of my favorite artists sang - Wojtek Sokół - "How you start the day determines your strength". It is said that the morning affects the well-being, humor and condition of the whole day. I start my day with morning jogging at 5:30 (I don't suffer from insomnia, but go to bed early), a series of push-ups and stretching exercises, a good breakfast, which in my opinion is the most important meal. Of course, I don't forget to make the bed and clean it after the night. Below is a video of morning activities of one of my authorities - Rob Gryn.

1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?


1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
Just regular habits to start a day. I go to the bakery shop for fresh bread, I am trying to exercise a little bit and after the breakfeast I wash my teeths and face and usually go to work. I would like to start meditating in a while.
2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
Yes, they are the most important things to do during your day. We should always give ourself an energy for whole day.
3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
I don't think so :) He's having very cool and interesting habits but I want to stick to my own.
1. I do the opposite of what Rob presented. I take my phone and see what messages I received at night. I answer my emails and I look at what I should do today and get out of a bed. Then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I take my laptop and work from bed for an hour and eat later, but I never miss breakfast. I don't think I have any other habits, but I was wondering about stretching in the morning. I used to do it, but I had trouble finding a parking place near my workplace so I calculated every minute to get to the work quickly.

2. Yes, of course. Some people have trouble waking up and they lay in the bed for another hour but that makes you simply lose 1 hour. You don't sleep, but you don't do anything. I also read that it is good to make one thing you have to just when you wake up. Then you are kind of woken up and happy, that you already did one of the things you had to.

3. As I already mentioned, stretching might be good for me. I don't see any other interesting habit in a way Rob woke up. I made great fun of how much equipment does he have at home to make his sleep better. The person who suffers from insomnia is trying to teach us how to have a good morning - seems not legit for me.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. Not any "special" ones. I start with a glass of water, then a few minutes in the bathroom and I'm ready to go. Usually I don't have enough time to have a proper breakfast - no matter how hard I try, I cannot force myself to wake up a little bit earlier to have a cup of coffee or something to eat.

2. Yes, they say that breakfast it the most important meal of the day for a reason.

3. I don't think so. Having your phone outside the bedroom during night sounds like something I'd like to implement in my life, but it would only make sense if I was able to stop using it right before going to bed. It definitely has some advantages, but I don't think I'm strong enough to stop doing it.
1. It depends whether it is a business day or a weekend. During the working week I do pushups, take a quick cold shower, eat breakfast and go to work. At weekends I get up earlier, go to the pool or gym and then go for a long walk.

2. I think so, everyday I try to wake up well - that's why I take a cold shower. Nevertheless, I like weekends the most - despite getting up early due to morning physical activities I have much more energy.
3. My weekend morning habits look very much like his. However, during the working week, unfortunately, I am not able to get rid of the need to hurry - I would have to get up earlier, which would be difficult due to the fact that I go to bed late.
Interesting topic. Answering your quesions:

1. To be honest, I don't have any morning habits. I think that the best way to start the day is to sleep first.

2. I think it depends on the person, the character and the person's habit. And how he leads his life. Life will look different when someone lives calmly, differently under stress. For example, I try to live in harmony and stress-free, if the situation allows. So far, I'm doing great and because of this I don't need any magic tricks to improve my life :)

3. As I wrote above, I do not need changes in my life, so I will not implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life. However, these habits are very interesting and who knows, if I get worse, I will definitely come back to this blog. But so far so good and let it stay as long as possible.
Thanks for the answer. I think that if you feel good after getting up, there is nothing to change. However, I know from my own experience that morning exercises - jogging, push-ups, really make you have more energy to work.
Thanks for the answer. I don't know if you have the same thing, but after I practice a little in the morning, I have a lot more energy to work. As if my head has restarted.
Thanks for the answer. I agree with what you wrote about breakfast. Tell me, do you pay any special attention to what you eat in the morning?
Thanks for the answer. I recommend you try physical exercises after waking up, for example, jogging. Of course, this requires sacrifice, but it can bring you many benefits.
Hahahaha, yes, Rob is such a crazy person. I like his podcasts, how he uses his artificial accent.
Thanks for your comment. Don't you think that by changing your habits, you will improve your efficiency? I think it's worth a try.
1. I start my day with a making the bed. American psychologists say that the first thing you do should be done perfectly so I do it. Then I eat breakfast, take a shower - rather normal things.

2. I think that morning habits do not affect our day. It is a matter of psyche and a positive attitude to the day. I think that the most important habit should be eating breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day.

3. No, I do not believe in the miraculous power of Mr. Rob and I will rather stick to my "normal" habits.
Viktor Ryś said…
Nothing ordinary to be honest, eating breakfast, taking a shower, dressing myself and walking to the nearest metro to commute to my workplace are all part of my morning routine. In my opinion an important thing to do is to not use the smartphone moments after waking up and to train some discipline in not using the snooze button.

Yes I think so, in the morning I find myself the most productive, so I would be able to do the uncomfortable things first, so rest of my day will be easier for me.

I liked how he did exercise in the morning it is an admirable habit, but I'm afraid that it might take too much time for me.

Olga Przytula said…
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

My only morning habit that I try to cultivate is drinking warm water with few drops of lemon juice in it before breakfast. It’s a surprisingly healthy way to start your day as it stimulates digestive system and helps stomach to get rid of the food faster. I don’t think there is anything more to my morning habits apart from obvious – eating, dressing up and brushing my teeth, but I wouldn’t call them habits, rather necessities.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?

I think they can help us improve our life by teaching us to be consistent and stick to the “rules”. Plus, by learning how to effectively plan every day it’s possible to have much more free time at the end of the day, as you are able to “force” yourself to do unpleasant duties fast and without whining instead of postponing it forever.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?

I do like the idea to get rid of all electronics from the bedroom. Unfortunately, it’s impossible for me to do it now, as I still live with my parents and my bedroom is also my workspace, but soon I will be moving somewhere else and I’m really hoping to make my bedroom chill place, without any distractions and unnecessary noises.
Thank you for your response. To be honest, I heard rumors about drinking water with lemon juice. I guess I'll have to try this trick.
Thanks for your feedback. Pretty good approach - everything difficult to do quickly in the morning, and then rest.
Thank you Paweł, for your opinion. Yes, in a way Rob is a complete freak. But quite positive. Do you have any authority you follow?
1. I hate getting up early in the morning, it is a nightmare for me, and I must do it every day, except weekends during which I get up usually at 1 pm. I don’t have any morning habits, I just try to survive and forget about the discomfort of leaving the bed. Sometimes my cat helps me a little bit by waking me up and asking to be petted and fed. That part is actually quite pleasant.

2. Yes, because usually I feel exhausted whole day, because I just can’t force myself to go to bed earlier. People are definitely more productive when they sleep well.

3. Putting the mobile away sounds like a good idea, but right now I can’t imagine not having my mobile right next to me all the time.

When I’ve heard about Rob Gryn for the first time, I was admiring him, but then, I read one article about what his company does and I began to have doubts. Better check it carefully.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. I don't really have morning habbits because I'm always in a rush but I have my bed time habbits where I read a book and try to not look at my phone. I want to create my morning habbits soon because they can really change a lot about our day.

2. Yes I think they can! There is a lot of people that no matter how exhausted they are, they try to be pumped, stay positive and if they are positive in the morning it stays with them till the end of the day. It's good to exercise in the morning too but not everyone has time for that.

3. I will try to work out in the morning and not at night. I will try to stretch in the morning or do yoga and maybe spend more time outside, even while eating breakfast.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

My only habit is to make oatmeal. I don't have time for other habits, because I always start work early, brush at 5.40 a.m., brush my teeth, then cook oatmeal and go to work.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?

I think habits have an impact, if I didn't cook oatmeal in the morning, I wouldn't have anything to eat. I think that those who make up and write articles like that probably don't have anything to do in life and they get bored.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?

I don't think I'm gonna do it because I don't have time for this. To have time for such ideas, you have to be unemployed.
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

I was intrested about morning routine habits but coronavirus crashed my plans and i dont have what i wanted. However for good start of the day i am jogging and then i am working. In my opinion it is really good to have some morning habits because it help us to improve our life.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?

Of course, there is a lot good morning habits which can affect a better mood and mindset for the whole day.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?

Yeah I heard a lot about Rob and i wanted to get some tips into my life but my day was changed by coronavirus and right now i have a lot other things to do. However i am sure i will back to this topic and i will find best morning routine for me. :)
Thanks for your statement. Yes, I know Rob, he is a good madman, a bit artificial man. But he was successful, some of his ideas are quite original.
Thanks for your reply. I encourage you to try to meditate. It gives nice effects, a good impulse for the whole day.
It seems to me that now, when we all work remotely, we have a little more time in the morning. It's worth trying now, you don't have to know how much time to spend on commuting or getting ready.
Thanks for the answer. I keep my fingers crossed for your mornings :)
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
I am a morning person and it is my favorite time of the day. On weekdays I try to wake up early to catch all my morning rituals because in the morning I do not like to rush. I always start the day from the glass of water, sometimes with lemon. Then I go to the bath and cook breakfast. I enjoy making breakfast and coffee in the morning. On weekends I can do some yoga.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
Yes, I completely agree with that. I often notice that if I didn’t have time to do all my habits in the morning then all day I’ll be not so cheerful and in a bad mood.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
No, I don't want to implement habits presented by Rob. I enjoy my own. And, to be honest, this was the first time I watched his vlog. And I absolutely do not think that he can be an authority for me.
1. Depending on what day it is I have a different routine, but what I do always is eating a breakfast. When it’s a school/work day I start a day with morning(not cold yet) and breakfast ofcourse. When I find time I do some stretching and core exercises. When it’s weekend I actually don’t care and do what comes to my mind.
2. Yes, I think that things a little sport in a morning can work as good as a cup of coffe and eating breakfast can make a clear mind for a day.
3. I do some of those things but not regurarly and I have to work on this.
Yuliia Sauliak said…

Usually my day starts from warm shower and breakfast which consists of latte and sandwich or croissant. I don`t have any specific morning habits, however I think it is important to have them.
2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
I think so, especially for those people who work out. A run in the morning is a perfect start of the day on my opinion.You give your body a healthy dose of oxygen, burn more calories. It makes us easier to breathe. Unfortunately, I don`t have this habbit:(hate cardio in general.
3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
I would like to get used to taking cold shower, but i cannot let myself be tortured:( Hopefully, I will manage gradually. Also, it is cool that he is exercising but even if i had a pull-up bar I would not make grips ahah:) Generally I like his mini-habits, something worse to implement into my life
MichalB said…
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

I don't have morning habits. My habits start at work. I turn on the computer and brew coffee. Then I visit all employees subordinate to me and talk to everyone.
It's a whole daily morning ritual.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?

No, just like Friday the thirteenth, black cat and various other such ... Every day is the way it should be. Rituals and other such things will not change anything. Let's love the moment.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?

No and I'm not going to use them. Maybe I will buy bear bones or other animal on the allegro and I will scatter them in the morning in a circle of sand, and I will secure the windows with salt :-D
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

My one and only morning habit is to take shower, I don't have more because i wake up at very different times, but recently I'm trying to add a habit of eating oatmeal to my morning.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?

Yes I think it's true, if you eat a good meal you will have considerable energy boost same as cardio exercises.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?

I will try to put my mobile phone away, that's sounds like great idea, but I need to buy alarm clock. Maybe then I'll sleep better.
Hello, here are my replies to your questions!

1. My main morning habit is checking my phone for notification on my social pages. After opening my eyes, I like to lie in bed for at least ten minutes, slowly waking up and getting my brain to work properly. After that I get up, dress up, wash myself and then cook breakfast for either myself or for my family members (unless it's weekend, then my dad cooks breakfasts).

2. Yes, I think that good morning can set up your mood for the entire day. That's why I always treat myself to something nice after I wake up - usually it's hot chocolate or good breakfast.

3. Nope, Rob has a totally different vibe than me so I don't think I'll be implementing any habits from him. It's just my own morning routine is so much better for lazy butts. And I am a big lazy butt.
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

Well, actually I have only bad habits I suppose. I like to start my day with morning coffe and cigarette. It can actually woke me up and is kind of everyday guilty pleasure

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?

Yes, I believe that the way we start the day is the main reason of how the rest of the day will look like. For example when I go out from bed
right after I wake up I have more energy for the whole of the day

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?

Perhaps yes, usually I am trying to implement such a little things to improve my life quality but i am also lazy and probably I won't make this things really my habits
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
I always start ma day with morning prayer and toilet. Then I make a breakfast. I always eat bread with Nutella and drink a green tea. After breakfast I brush my teeth and wash my face. Next I change my cloths and go to work. I have a morning habits. This all mentioned above are my habits.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
I think morning habits can definitely affect a whole day. Some habits are good for our health. We can feel better and our work probably will be more effective.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
Maybe in the nearest future I will do morning jogging. I think it’s good for overall health. For now I don’t have time for changing my habits. It’s difficult to changing some habits because for so many years we do it.
1. It all depends on the day of the week and my schedule. When I have classes that start at 8 I usually don't even have time for breakfast. Before you say this, yes, I have troubles sleeping and tried multiple solutions and nothing seems to work. I usually get up at 3 and stay up for an hour or two... However, I strayed from the topic. When I have time I wake up at 7 or 8 with no alarm, grab my phone, play sudoku or some other logic game that will start my brain (nope, no Facebook, messages or news) than I get up and usually start to clean, water the plants and in general be productive. While I'm still sleepy I can do all those boring things and not complain about it! I make breakfast then I work, doing homework or my own projects while drinking coffee and go for a run around 12 (so in a few minutes ;) ) and shower after that. It is quite a long routine but it seems to work best for me, and some thinks can be omitted when I have less time.

2. Obviously. When I have a chaotic morning, running around looking for socks, I'm chaotic all day. I prefer to have a plan, perfectly timed, with planned work as well as leisure.

3. I guess I clean in the morning as he does? I'm not this fierce and sporty as he is.
Filip Bartuzi said…
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
No, unless you can call taking care of your personal hygiene a habbit. I usually wake up just before working hours so I don't have much time and space to do anything planned in the morning.
2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
Yes! I know there is military rule to make your bed every morning. Even if you failed miserably at every step of the day you wouldat least come back home to made bed
3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
I'm not convinced if these habits can be applied by someone having 'normal' life with 9-5 job. Rob can support this lifestyle as he is not employee

1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
Ahh I don't like getting up, I love to sleep. Unfortunately, because of my sleeping, I break all day long. I have to learn the morning routine and do it
2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
I think so. Customs give you stability and performance without losing time. Unfortunately, I have this problem that I can't plan anything and I do it on
last moment. Ahh I hope to learn this one day.
3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
Probably not because I'm not disciplined :(
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. Yes, i do have morning habits. I usually start my morning with a breakfast. After that, i do a little 10-15 minute workout, then i take a bath and I'm ready to start the day.

2. I do think that morning habits can affect the whole day. After i began working out in the morning i feel so much more productive during the day.

3. Probably not, I'm satisfied with my own morning routine.
1.Unfortunately, I usually go to bed very late, so in the morning I use every moment to sleep. Therefore, I do not have my morning rituals. It would be great to have it, but unfortunately the constant lack of time doesn't help me.

2.I think it's true that morning habits can determine our day. Unfortunately, as with many things in our lives - it's easier to say harder to do.

3.A long time ago I had a plan to get up earlier to start the day, with gentle exercises and then with a cold shower to stimulate and a healthy breakfast to have energy for the whole day. However, so far I have not been able to achieve it, but I believe that someday I will finally succeed.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

During the week I usually wake up around 40mins before starting to work. Except for a set alarm clock, I do not have my daily routine. I wake up, dress-up and maybe grab a yoghurt from the fridge to take while walking to work which takes me just a few minutes. Sometimes I grab a sandwich or sweet pastry at the bakery on my way. One thing I always do is start my working day with a coffee at the office.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?

I think it is good to have habits, at least during the week. Right now I am quite busy with my job and school, but after graduation when I have more time, I will definitely go the gym more often. I hope that this could improve my sleep as I have been having some trouble with that.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?

Rather not. I have an office job and cannot take things as easily as Rob in the morning. I guess it is much simpler to have this free spirited approach if you are a freelancer.
His idea of not checking the phone and social media makes sense, but realistically I do not think I can restrain from that.
Kgajewska said…
1. I'm starting day by making the bed, drinking water, stretching, showering, my daily skin care routine, which depends on the weekday, then getting ready to work. Before leaving my house I double check everything and check my daily to do's list

2. Yes, I do believe that moring habits can set the rhythm for whole day. By doing exactly what i planned to do early in the morning, I'm going through the day with positive, fresh mindset, with which i can achieve everything.

3. No, I don't think so. Not keeping phone in room is impossible for me, the rest habits were pretty basic
Bartosz Warda said…
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

I usually do the basic hygiene stuff. I am preparing some meal then I eat that. After that I dress up, then it depends whether I have to go somewhere or not. Unfortunately, I don't have any special moring habits. I think that most of people do just what I am.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?

Of course they can. For instance if you are desperate enought to do some excersice every time you get up it will positively impact on your mornings and afternoons as well as for the general health. I think I should do that bu the way.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?

As I mentioned before I think I will start doing some excercises right after I get up from my bed. Some push-ups or jogging, I have not decided about that yet. And also cutting off from social media is not what I will do on the daily basis. I just want to be informed, you know.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

I wake up and try not to snooze the alarm because otherwise I feel sleepy for the rest of the day if I keep having those short sleep phases caused by the alarm. Once I wake up I go straight the to bathroom to take a morning shower. This is my short daily routine which helps me with starting the day correctly.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?

Of course, for example when I lay in bed longer, especially on weekends, I tend to be more lazy and doing the most basic stuff becomes challenging to me.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?

I don’t like the guy and how he presents himself. I will not mention anything about his business which is of course lucrative but can be a pain in the ass when you become the target. He tends to change his mind very quickly when something does not go with his mindset. I remember that when he was announced the millionaire of the year by Forbes, he was very cocky about it, but a year later, when he was dropped from the pedestal he completely changed his opinion about it saying that it does not have any reflection on the real position of the person.
So I probably won't implement any of these basic habits. Who knows, maybe a year later he will change those as well.
Maciej Górczak said…
1.I usually start my day by struggling to wake up. Then I check my phone, do a little bit of stretching and go to the kitchen to make coffee. I also open my laptop, read some news and work for a little before I eat breakfast. It usually depends on the day.

2.I do think morning habits can set a rythm to the whole day. But also my mornings aren't really very organised, I don't have any special rituals that make my day. Sometimes when I'm in a hurry and have to do everything in the morning as fast as I can, I get a little bit grumpy later. I guess my biggest morning ritual is just taking my time doing everthing.

3. I could think about getting a pull up bar. Now that my wrist is getting better and better, I can finally start exercising like a real man! It's a good idea for a morning habit.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I try to always start my day with a glass of warm water with lemon. Then comes the shower, breakfast and coffee.
2. I do think that they can affect the whole day. My habits definitely help me to get to work quite quickly after I wake up and focus easily, and that is essential especially when I work from home.
3. I really liked the cold showers. I think I'll try them starting tomorrow. I think it actually might work faster that just regular coffee!
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
I start my morning by checking messengers, social networks and email. Well, as usual, having breakfast and taking a shower.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
Yes, I think morning habits affect the productivity of the day. If you get up earlier, then you can manage to do more and the day will be saturated and productive.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
I think he is a very organized person and in order to implement his habits I need to change my own. This is difficult, so I don’t think that I will take something from his affairs.
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
It depends on which day is it. During week I start work at 9 so I am leaving home at around 8. I usually start the day at 7, I am going to take my jacket on and take my dog for a walk. It is a short walk, something about 15 minutes. When I came home I feel fresh and I am going to take a shower and morning routine. I prefer a long shower in the morning. Then I do not eat anything, just leaving. At Weekends I stay as long as I can in my bed and when I open my eyes I am reading the messages from my friends and then I am going back sleep.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
I do not know, I like to start the day like this, because I have to do it, things which I am doing in the morning are essential.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
I would like to start the day doing some exercises, it is very cool idea of starting the day. I will try it tomorrow.
I don’t think that I have some of my own morning routine. Everything depends on my humor I guess. Of course, there are some things that I repeat every day, but it also depends on a day and on stuff that I have to do this day. I think that the one constant in every day is my morning coffee. I love coffee and I drink it every day both in weekdays and weekends. But apart from that my mornings are not the same. I don’t really think that morning habits can affect my whole day. It mostly depends on humor that I am in while waking up. Most of days I have really good humor but during the day it can get worse and the other way around. I can wake up angry and then during the day it gets better, so I think that morning routine does not affect my whole day. I don’t think that I will implement Rob’s habits into my life because I think that my organism knows best what is good for it.
Roman Dubovyi said…
1. My morning activity has changed a few times. Unfortunately today my morning activity was to prepare some coffee, smoke a cig and take a shower... After it morning ends and I have to work.

2. Yes, of course it impacts your day. In the summer i had a lot of free time. I was doing sport, didn't smoke and had proper breakfasts. All this made my day feel longer and enjoyable even if I didn't do anything productive.

3. Yes, I should probably start from making a habit of waking up early in the morning...
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

I don't have special habits, I just woke up, take a shower and eat breakfast but sometimes I do some physical exercises.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?

I think that habits don’t affect your day but if you believe that it will, you start thinking that it does although I believe that physical exercises will affect your whole life.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?

I would like to do more physical exercises.
Yubin said…
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
I start the day randomly, I don't have an exact routine for my morning activity, what I usually did are preparing some breakfast, looking a bit at the stock market, practicing playing the guitar, watching a bit news and so on, and then started to do my work, so I think I don't have any morning habits.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
In my opinion, if you get up in a normal situation, then I don't think so that much, I think what can affect the whole day the most about morning habits is the time you get up from bed, if you get up early, you gain more time for the day, else you can do less things in the day, that is simple and straightforward. But if you only slept for three hours and get up, or you was too busy and tired to take shower before sleeping and get up, then sure some morning habits such as drinking coffee or taking shower can affect the whole day efficiently.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
I don't think so except for keeping waking up so early in the morning like him, I like to keep my own way to deal with my morning.
1. I would love to but I love sleeping so sometimes I have 1 hour to prepare myself for the day, sometimes it is 20 minutes. I think that regular sleep hours would help me.
2. For sure. The most important is breakfast because that is the most important meal of the day. It needs to give you strength for the whole day full of working or studying. Without breakfast I feel lack of energy and will to do things during the day.
3. I think that I should make more physical practices. It is important to keep your body in shape and when i practice regularly f.e. each day I fell more energy. Even when my body is tired my mind feels lot better, easier to think and process things.
Angelika Dutt said…
1. I don't have any special morning rituals except for the shower and coffee, which are obligatory elements of the morning. Before I started working, I liked to practice in the morning, but now, because I start work before 7 and I don't have the strength to get up earlier to do sports. When I have more free time or on weekends I like to start the day with running or visiting the gym.

2. I don't know if the morning rituals affect the rest of the day. I'm starting from the assumption that it's better to have the whole day in order. I mean, getting up at all times, a certain amount of time for work and pleasure and a fixed and regular meal time.

3. I don't think I'm going to use video advice, because I've had my own plan of life and day for years, so I'm not suggesting outside opinions.
Rafał Halama said…
1. I start it off with washing cream off my face, that I put before going to sleep. Then, I make sandwiches for breakfast, drink lemon juice with olive oil and eat an apple. I think I don't have anymore morning habits, I hate jogging in the morning, and I usually do it in the evening.
2. For sure, they affect the whole day in my case. If I stay in bed for few hours without doing anything, later part of the day becomes very unproductive.
3. I don't think so, I feel like you should think what you want to do in the morning by yourself, because each person knows the best which things will make the beginning of their day better.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. As many people on this world, I always start my day with breakfast and coffee. I have my precise way of doing this ritual. It's need to be specific coffee, prepare in specific way which was developed from years.
2. I think they can show general trends. If somethings goes wrong during morning I'm almost sure that day can be terible. But somethimes I'm wrong.
3. Rather not, I have my own way of doing things.
Aneta Artych said…
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
I love to start day and have time to prepare myself for upcoming over a dozen hours. So I eat nutritious breakfast, take shower and do some rituals with my face with different creams and serum (love!). At the end I am planning my day with a cup of coffee which I am addicted to.
2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
Yes sure. I am using this time to get ready for anything occurs or everyone I meet with positive attitude.
3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
Maybe, I don't like to promise spontaneously. I need to think and try if I actually will like anything from the video.
Aleksander said…

1. I do. I get up early, about 6 am, making the bed and straight away doing 20 push-ups and 10 Cossack squats. After that, I brew freshly ground coffee and then I’m taking a cold shower. With that preparation, I meditate for 19 minutes. Next 5 min I spend to write my thoughts into the notebook. Then I'm eating my breakfast (always the same) and start to focus on the tasks I prepared before sleep.
2. Of course, they can! There are many books about that, along with many fantastic people I admire, who have their own morning (and not only!) habits.
3. I know Rob and saw that video months ago. I see similarities between our morning habits, but as I have my own routine that works perfectly for myself, I would not change it.
Oskar Kacprzak said…
I don't really have any morning habits. I start the day by keeping up with my hygene, getting dressed and usually getting a hot dog on the way to work to save time. I know this isn't really all that healthy, but when you're in a rush, what can you do?

Morning habits can definitely have an effect on the whole day. Staying up late and getting up late can really set the whole day off. You have less time to be a productive member of society, however you have more time to your self if you like being a night owl and an introvert. Unfortunately the world doesn't work like this. The early bird gets the worm.

Why change what isn't broken? I think I'm doing ok.
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
Probably, but I'm not aware of them. Usually I start my day with cup of black tea and breakfast sometimes. The only mandatory activity, I have to do every morning, is taking shower. I'm even not able to go out without being sure that I'm 100% clean.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
In my opinion, they can and it's used in e.g. couching. There is a lot of people whose mood for all day can be easily manipulate with some little morning habits.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
No, I won't. Because of some private and health cases, I'm just not able to do these things. Moreover, I haven't got much time in the morning.
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
Normally waking up go to bathroom and do other stuff... and I don’t have any other morning habits well if unless you count changing your phone's alarm clock to nap count as a habit.
2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
I have no opinion on this because I have never had morning habits and I have never tried to get some, so how can I say if they can affect my day maybe one day If I create some habits then I will be able to say something more.
3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
Probably I will not because I’m too lazy for this but maybe I will try one day and who know maybe I will like it.
lukaszK said…
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

I wake up, take a shower, get dressed and go to work.
`i'd rather do sports in the evening than in the moring.
Sometimes I eat breakfast but it depends on my diet.
For example on Intermittent fasting diet
I only eat in the evenings.

2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
I think about implement jogging in the morning for some more energy, but I will surely stay on the evening workout at the gym.
I also think that drinking coffe in the morning for energy is very bad idea.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
Audiobook from my phone is the only thing that helps me fall sleep, so I can’t get rid off my phone.
1. I have one habit, if I do not wake up on the alarm clock, then I wake up for dinner:D
2. If you associate this with pleasant memories or actions that you like, it can leave a pleasant aftertaste for the rest of the day.
3. I think that I’ll be happy to borrow a couple if I solve the problem with my above habit.:D
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?
I start the day with breathing exercises, cold shower, and breakfast. Nothing more I do I would consider a habit, the dream is to add to some workout to my routine.
2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?
Yes! I used to wake up as late as possible and do my work from my bed without breakfast and I felt pretty much exhausted! It's much better to give yourself some time in the morning before work.
3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?
That mattress cooler looks neat and as I mentioned in my first answer - adding workout would be great.
That was a mine comment, but I was logged in the wrong account. :)
1. How do you start the day? Do you have any morning habits?

I start my day by brushing my teeth and taking a shower. I rarely eat breakfast, I just don't really "breakfast food" and it's way too early to eat for me.
2. Do you think that morning habits can affect the whole day?

I don't really think that morning habits can affect the whole day, of course, it has some effect on your day to an extent, but I don't think that your mornings determine your whole day.

3. Will you implement any of the habits presented by Rob into your life?

Probably not. I'm not a morning person and prefer to do most things in the evenings. Even if I tried it would probably last only a couple days. 

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