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Week 12 [10-17.06.19] Turning Negativity into Positivity

The act of positive thinking is a creative act that trumps the brain's negativity bias. Poet Danielle Jacobson drops some rhymes in support of her life-changing idea. Please, watch the video and answer the questions below:

1.   What do you think about her speech?
2.   How do you turn negativity into positivity?
3.   What type of activities brings your peace?



Bartosz Barnat said…
I think that her speech is about something that we all know but we are not really doing it so it might help some people but I didn't get anything from that. I turn negativity into positivity just by thinking it through. What brings me peace? I think what helps me a lot is working out and running in the morning, or simply doing something that I haven't been doing for a long time but wanted to come back to that.
Well, what if there is no negativity in our life, or it is insignificant? Many people tend to find problems that don’t exist. What is so negative in our everyday life? Work, school and other duties are parts of our life and they gives us a chance to grow. If there is an external source of negativity like violence, then finding a hobby is not a solution at all. Everyone has a bad day sometimes and there is nothing strange or unusual about it. In my opinion one of the worst sources of negativity are ourselves, because it is very hard to change our own behaviour and emotions. I think that I don’t turn negativity into positivity but keep it for myself and wait for it to disappear from my head. It’s not very healthy, but it is a matter of one’s character and how much we care about other’s opinion. To find peace I like to cut myself off the issues of my everyday life. I can do that by playing computer games, watching films and spending time with myself to be able to take a physical rest.
Unknown said…
Totally agree. She talked a lot about usual things that we don't do in our life, that's the main problem.
Unknown said…
I'm really wondered how computer games can help to take a physical rest, as for me, playing games it is a competitive stress. But if we are talking about watching movies and spending time with ourselves - it's the best way how we can relax, agree with that.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. What do you think about her speech?
She might be right blaming negative emotions for being stressed and making difficulties in our lives. Negativity blocks people from achieving goals and making their dreams come true. I really would like to know any effective method of solving this problem.
2. How do you turn negativity into positivity?
I am trying to ignore negativity which people direct to me, just don’t care about it. Sometimes negativity helps me work with myself, fight my defects and become a better person.
3. What type of activities brings your peace?
When I’m really stressed or nervous I can’t focus on anything, so nothing helps me. I just need to wait a little time until I calm down. However, reading a good book or spending some time outside helps me to relax and consequently look at the problem from another perspective.
In my opinion, when adhiring to such solutions -- it is way easy to turn positivity bringing activities into procrastination. Everything is achievable in moredation.
s18716 said…

1. What do you think about her speech?
The speaker basically says the right things. She is right, even from some side you can say that this is a banal truth. But yes, we have to admit that not everyone respects these things. You just need to treat such things more consciously and apply it in life.

2. How do you turn negativity into positivity?
I do not even know. Emotional negative can be translated into positive with the help of humor and jokes. I think this is a good option. Negative - this is also energy, you can send it in the right direction.

3. What type of activities brings your peace?
I think I'm basically a calm person. But still, it’s probably some kind of vigorous activity that will allow you to expend a sufficient amount of energy.
Her speech did not impress me, it's not about turning negativity into positivity, it's about not being affected and not gathering negativity at all. You do not need to turn something that does not appear in your life. I do not partake in anything that is obviously harmful and negative in it's nature, and if i get some of more negative vibes i just rest or meditate. I love cleaning house and generally organizing thing anywhere, be it clothes in wardrobe or classes in my program, the illusion of control gives peace to my mind.
1. What do you think about her speech?
I do not like coaches.
2. How do you turn negativity into positivity?
Drugs. And to be serious I just try not to think negatively cause I know it will not help me. Doing meditation, jogging, boxing or chilling with music also helps a lot.
3. What type of activities brings your peace?
Mentioned point above.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. What do you think about her speech?

I really enjoyed that one. I don't think it puts anything new into our lives because it’s something that we all know, but not everybody implements it into their lives. So yeah, listening that kind of speech is always something valuable because who knows, maybe some of us will change his/her perspective in the end.

2. How do you turn negativity into positivity?

I am that kind of person that always seek for a positivity in any negativity. I always try to use any kind of negativity as a lesson for me and my future and learn from it the most I can.

3. What type of activities brings your peace?

I always try to laugh at something that made me unhappy or miserable before and try to extract some positivity out of it. Other things are simply think about it as a worth-learning experience that will teach me something for my future.
1. What do you think about her speech?
Her speech is inspiring and motivating. I like that she had not even been talking that she is writing poetry, but had demonstrated.
2. How do you turn negativity into positivity?
I like dancing. That feeling when music is playing so loud that you feel the beat in your chest and describing that music with body. I feel happy in that moment.
3. What type of activities brings your peace?
Hip hop dancing makes me feel happy :)
Unknown said…
Don't be so nervous when you can't focus on anything, stay calm and remember that nobody likes nervous people.
Unknown said…
Wow, what a compact comment! Good job!
Unknown said…
Her speech didnt impress me too. Totally agree with your opinion!
Unknown said…
She is not a coach, she is a speaker.
Drugs, i use them too.
Unknown said…
How often do you laugh and how it can help to be less stressful?
I think that really everyone should choose an activity that will help calm down and translate all things into positive. I guess it must be some nice hobby. I used to have a very interesting hobby, I wrote music. But I quit my hobby as soon as I moved to another country. It seemed to me that I have very little time for this. I want to come back to this a little later. Now programming helps me =)
1. What do you think about her speech?
Hmm ... is right, negative emotions usually contribute to making bad decisions, to doing bad things. I think that sometimes they can allow us to understand the matter from a different perspective and discover new horizons.
2. How do you turn negativity into positivity?
It all depends on the situation, sometimes I really care about the negativity of people, sometimes I don't care about it.
3. What type of activities brings your peace?
In moments of great nervousness or stress, I can't concentrate on anything. It is possible that it will sound funny but to release emotions - I sing.
1. What do you think about her speech?
I consider her speech motivating. We do not always have time or attitude to think about our emotions. It somebody is sad because of his reality, he should change his thinking to more positive.

2. How do you turn negativity into positivity?
In most cases, I just go to sleep. A quick nap is all I need, and when I wake up, my mind is clear of negative thoughts.

3. What type of activities brings your peace?
Sleeping, playing video games and walking. I think for me taking a walk is the most calming.
Yana Lytvynenko said…
This video has not given any new information, but it gives a reminder about the most elementary things that we forget in ordinary life.
Of course, you need to carry negative thoughts into something nice. After all, the truth is, how much beautiful poetry and music was created from the great emotional pain that the authors and composers put into their work.
Getting rid of negative thoughts also helps me to write small notes of thoughts and feelings that I feel at that moment. Sport and dancing also helps. And you really can work out under such emotions much better, which also brings tremendous relief and a positive attitude. The hardest thing to find its own individual solution. And you will be happy :)
1. I believe that her speech had multiple valid points that we could all apply in our day-to-day routines. And despite her way of “venting” being far from what I would enjoy, I agree with the statement that we all should seek a way to let go of our negative experiences and emotions and replace them with a positive and self improving activity.
2. Personally I try to look at the situations I face from multiple perspectives. Through this I am able to distance myself from any negativity and rethink any given situation. I believe that giving yourself time to think over each obstacle allows us to see it in a different light as well.
3. Working out, driving at night- basically anything that gives me alone time to rethink my current situation and, as mentioned before- distance myself from the negativity that I am facing at the time.
Well, it's clear to me that negativity results in making bad decisions. Even though I find it obvious, her speech was entertaining. Turning negative thoughts into positive can be really challenging sometimes but by having a positive mind we're able to accomplish more. I think that there's no better way to change your mind than to convince yourself, and tell your brain to do so. Forcing yourself to think positive can do wonders sometimes. I meditate sometimes to get rid of negativity and really helps to clear my mind.
I consider her speech very self-defined and genuine. She definitely tried to encourage viewers to try method she presented by telling her story and shearing emotions she felt. I think that acting is much better than just saying or thinking becouse there is a real work behind the act and I can say from my perspective that when I feel down but decide to do some small things e. g something good to eat. When my thoughts busy with some activity and I'm focusing on this small goal I forget about sore thoughts. Generally I try to do things that I know best becouse I don't have to pursude any desirable effect I can just relax and enjoy simple act of doing.
1. What do you think about her speech?

I think that she is speaking about something that everybody already knows. It’s such a cliché “don’t be sad, just go to the gym”, I think that it’s a good advice but not in every situation, sometimes you’re just so mentally drained that you don’t want to do anything.

2. How do you turn negativity into positivity?

I don’t really know. I don’t have some golden method to deal with negativity, I usually don’t really care.

3. What type of activities brings your peace?

When I want to clear my mind I usually go to the swimming pool. Swimming makes me not think about anything but water and well… swimming ;)
1. What do you think about her speech?
Nothing particular, no one wanted to hear her poem so she made presentation and forced all present to listen her so she could fill more positive.
2. How do you turn negativity into positivity?
Alcohol… but seriously I don’t know how to turn negative into positive “Oh no my cat died, well but my roses will bloom beautifully this year” something like this?
3. What type of activities brings your peace?
Sleeping, watching movies and games but only when everything comes out good.
The way we react to situations may have a big impact on our lives. We all know it theoretically. However, in practice we let other people and unpleasant situations spoil our day. Therefore, it is good, that Danielle reminds us, that we should have a way to cope with negativity. I agree the best method is to engage in activities, which bring us pleasure. I also agree, we have to be active – probably the best way is to get tired physically, for example exercise or ride a bike. But the favorite computer game can also do the trick. The most important is not to dwell on negative situations, but try to look at them from a distance and with more balance.
1. What do you think about her speech?
It is powerful and truthful. Although, I prefer to live in real world, and wear my pink glasses only as an accessory.
2. How do you turn negativity into positivity?
I always tell myself that Everything that does not kill us, makes us stronger". Just repeat it in your head and keep fighting for your happiness.
3. What type of activities brings your peace?
When I am really angry or mad, sad or disappointed, I usually drive. Simply drive, with nice music on. Usually when the problem is medium sized, I drive to Lodz and back. When everything is BAD, like really BAD, I go to Gdansk, seat next to the seaside for an hour or two, and go back to Warsaw.
Adam Sukiennik said…
1. What do you think about her speech?

I Think that Her speech was that simple that i am bored of hearing it ;/

2. How do you turn negativity into positivity?

Diffrent look = diffrent result

3. What type of activities brings your peace?

Having Time with my Girlfriend She is everything i need

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