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Week 12- Networking

Every day we meet a lot of people. Some of them we know, some of them we don’t. In the past few years, there has been a new world for connecting with people and making a lot of friends. This world is networking. So what is networking? How can efficiently grow our network of friends and how to use it properly? This is nothing new, people with a wide network were always known, but nowadays it is especially important.
I suggest watching this short video about networking and how to use it.

Is it hard for you to make new connections?
How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?
Do you think, having a big network of friends helps to deal with a problem in everyday life? Or now it is not so important as it used to be before?


Maciej Sadoś said…
Usually it is quite hard but it depends. When I meet a stranger it’s difficult for me to make the first move because I don’t know that person and I don’t know he/she/ will react. On the other hand, I like meeting new people and when the other person makes the first move I willingly talk with them. Sometimes we meet someone and talking with that person is as simple as we’ve known each other from years. That’s the perfect situation to make new connections.
Talking to old friends/colleagues depends on how close we were and still are. If we were a really good friends we meet from time to time and call themselves quite often. If we were just colleagues we usually talk only when we come across ourselves somewhere accidentally.
Nataliya Tkach said…
Is it hard for you to make new connections?
When I was young :D I was difficult to approach the stranger and ask something. Now easier to start a conversation first.

How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?
I quite often turn into account the fact that we live in different countries for 6 years. Even in visitors come to each other.

Do you think, having a big network of friends helps to deal with a problem in everyday life?Or now it is not so important as it used to be before?
The point of having many friends? everyone needs to allocate time, everyone needs to tell the same story.Before remember the more you have friends in the social itself, the more popular you seem.Now many have realized that it is not necessary.
Unfortunately for introverts -- many ways of achieving different goals spin around finding connections and meeting new people. Unfortunately -- because some may struggle to even keep aquaintances. That is often caused by behaviour, common to many, which is about preferring staying at home instead of going out with friends, and so on. That may be interpreted incorrectly by those who struggle in socializing, and they might think that they have been dumped or resented, causing even more isolation and distance.
s18716 said…
Is it hard for you to make new connections?
More likely no than yes. In the 21st century, people are open. And it seems to me that I, too, is not always of course, but I try. If people go on contact, then I try to reciprocate. But I cannot call myself extra-sociable, I don't know, is it good or bad?

How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?
In general, I think I have enough communication with my surroundings. In this regard, I do not know what it means often, but I am satisfied with the state of affairs in this matter.

Do you think, having a big network of friends helps to deal with a problem in everyday life? Or now it is not so important as it used to be before?
Man is a social being, who would not say anything. He needs to communicate with the outside world, but for everyone it has its own limits, since these are relative things.
I used to be like you when I was younger. It all changed when I went to high school for the first time. How it looks in your situation?
Zygmunt Z said…
Is it hard for you to make new connections?

In the past it was quite hard but right now I think of me as a quite extroverted person that has an ability to create new relations. It’s not just me that think this way but many people also told me that. I think that I am not that open like some other people but as I said, it’s much better than it was few years back.

How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?

Quite often, especially given the fact that most of my friends are from secondary school so I can think of them as my old friends.

Do you think, having a big network of friends helps to deal with a problem in everyday life? Or now it is not so important as it used to be before?

I think it might but as long as I am a talkative person with many colleagues I only talk to my trusted friends about my problems. There are only a few of them and in my opinion they only know how to possibly help me and they are the only trustworthy people that can listen about my troubles.

Hello, thank you for your comment.
Sometimes it is better to make the first move by yourself. I find it better, sometimes. Because as for me it depends on my mood. Sometimes, I simply don't want to interact with anybody and sometimes I have almost physical need to do this.
Hello, thank you for your comment.
I understand you. I have the same situation, but I am trying my best to stay in touch with those friends, who are in a different city/country.
Many friends could possibly bring many interesting stories or moments in your life.
Hello, thank you for your comment.
I think there is a problem. But if you will explain yourself, or at least will try to be more or less open to other people it could help.
Hello, thank you for your comment.
I think that being extra-sociable is not ok. It looks like you are pressing other people too much and at some point, some of them could start to avoid you.
Yeah, I think you are right.
Hello, thank you for your comment.
That's great, take my congrats. Could you tell what helped you to become more opened and easy-going with unknown people?
That's a good point. Not everyone could help you.
Is it hard for you to make new connections?
Making new connections is not hard for me. Much more harder to keep those new connections.
How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?
I talk with my old friends at least 2 times per week. About colleagues I'm not sure, something like once in a month.
Do you think, having a big network of friends helps to deal with a problem in everyday life? Or now it is not so important as it used to be before?
It definitely helps. I know a lot of people from IT and the can help me with some issues, also I can find out what is the best place to work, etc. Also I know people that work in different types of arts, they help me with some decisions from artist point of view. It's very interesting to know such a lot of people from different areas.
Hello, thank you for ypur comment.
I think, that you are right. For me it is also very hard to keep new/old connections alive.
ExoKuzo said…
When it comes to making new friends/ connections i have very little problem in that, on the other hand its really hard for me to sustain any kind of reasonable connections with people ive met in pas but have split apart from.
How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?
Nowadays the more people you know the more you can get help with instantly, its not uncommon for a friend to have a "friend" that can help you out in the time of need, the bigger your network the better in that case. But having big network of friends can be also a con.
I will answer honestly and frankly. It's really hard for me to make new connections. But I try to keep in touch with my old friends. Usually, it happens that we do not know a new person. And a new person may not do something very well, and it will be unpleasant. It seems to me that people can help each other. For example, advise to go to some company get a job. Usually such tips help. After all, someone has already passed this path, and you just have to go through it. I do not know how it was before, I live now =)
Is it hard for you to make new connections?
Yes, for me it is quite difficult. It seems to me that the older a person becomes, the harder it is for him to find new friends.

How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?
Not as often as I would like. Many of us have our own lives and not enough time, so this is quite understandable.

Do you think, having a big network of friends helps to deal with a problem in everyday life? Or now it is not so important as it used to be before?
I do not think so. Definitely, a large circle of friends saves from loneliness. But the more you know, the harder it is to find someone close to them.
Is it hard for you to make new connections?
It really depends. Sometimes I can make a new connection almost immediately, and sometimes it takes a lot of time for me to make connection to other people. I think it depends mostly on my mood.

How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?
Unfortunately, not often as I would like. But I guess that’s the way of life, some friendships fade away and some new are made.

Do you think, having a big network of friends helps to deal with a problem in everyday life? Or now it is not so important as it used to be before?
I think that it does, and it will always be as important as ever. But on the other hand big network of friends isn’t an answer to every problem. Some problems in life you’ll have to face by yourself, and with some others will help you only your closest circle of friends. I feel like quantity is more important than quantity.
1.Is it hard for you to make new connections?
No, I love meeting new people, thanks to this you can discover or learn many amazing things, you can discover your new - future passions. New people are always a new experience

How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?
Six months ago I spoke to my old friend, whom I talked to last time 8 years ago, so probably not too often

Do you think, having a big network of friends helps to deal with a problem in everyday life?Or now it is not so important as it used to be before?
Of course it helps me, when I didn't have a boyfriend, I felt very lonely, even sad, thanks to conversations with other people, even on simple topics, I didn't feel bad

Is it difficult to make new connections?

It seems to me that it is very simple. Just speak to someone at the right time. You definitely need courage to dare to talk to someone new.

How often do you talk to old friends / colleagues?

Sometimes I talk to old colleagues. It is probably important that you do not lose contact with old friends, because it is very easy to let your knowledge cease to exist.

Do you think that having a large network of friends helps to deal with the problem in everyday life? Or maybe it is not as important as it used to be?

It seems to me that it is worth having a lot of friends, because these people can help you, but it's good to have a small group of friends, because they will always help you. Without friends, life is sad.
Is it hard for you to make new connections?

Partially yes, partially no, it depends on the situation. Usually, I am an open person and making new relations is no problem for me, if only someone wants to take the first step. I almost never initiate dialog with others.

How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?

I am trying to keep up with my friends but it is hard. With my old friends, I try to talk or meet at least once a month but sometimes it is impossible to find the time. As to my closest friends I talk to them almost every day.

Do you think, having a big network of friends helps to deal with a problem in everyday life? Or now it is not so important as it used to be before?

Having a lot of friends is hard to maintain, I prefer to stick to a few that I know very good and can depend on. I think that real friendship really needs to be maintained, so I rather spend time with only a few people rather than trying to keep in touch with a big group.
When I was a little girl I had issues with making new connections, but it's not a problem for me anymore. I prosper in a few social circles which taught me how to make friends. I maintain contact with only few of my old friends. I don't really have a need to have a lot of people around me, it's seems exhausting. I prefer having a small group of close friends. I would name as a BEST friend only my boyfriend and Kasia (friends since middle school!). I also have a big family - 3 sibilings, so there are 6 of us in the home, so I always have someone to talk to. I think humans are social creatures, so they have to have someone to communicate with. It doesn't matter if you're an introvert or extrovert - everyone need someone!
Yana Lytvynenko said…
We are now at that age and at what stage of life that it is still quite easy to establish a new connection. After all, we meet many new people at work and at study.
But of course you should not forget about old friends and always try to communicate with them.
We now live in such a time when it is as easy as possible to make and have a large circle of acquaintances. After all, thanks to the Internet, we can be always known new in the life of friends and communicate with everyone in different parts of the world.
I believe that a large circle of communication can of course help you in certain situations, especially if you have gathered your circle of communication from more than one area of ​​work. This circle is perpetuating throughout your life and as a result it turns out that it consists of completely versatile people. This is a plus, because they can tell you and help you in many situations in life if you ask.
I consider myself as introvert and meeting with huge groups of people scares me but I found out that I'm not alone. There is a lot of people that feel similar to me and this thought helps me to break the ice and start conversation becouse when I do the first move in most cases I can handle people nicely. Generally if you listen to what other says you can always come up with a response and find topic that might be interesting or even common for you and your interlokutor. I try to stay in touch with my old friends becouse I considered them as friends and even when we are separated for a long time we always enjoye our company also when I stay with touch I might encounter some interesting opportunities. People know people who might do business in similar areas and sometimes from apparent conversation you can broaden your perspective of activity.
Depends on a situation, but it never was a significant problem for me. I would consider myself as an extrovert and fortunately making connections with others is fairly easy for me. Over the years I've learned that It's always the best idea to get out of your comfort zone when meeting new people and as obvious as it sounds, practice is the key to get better at socializing. I try to keep in touch with as many people as possible. They're not necessarily my friends but I think it's good to maintain some kind of contact. When it comes to friends, I believe it's better to have fewer than more because the fewer I have the more valuable the friendships are.
It is not easy for me to make new connections, they usually come from the university, since I do not have a very rich social life. The requirements of my studies prevent me from talking too often to my friends, sharing interests through massage groups often has to do for a daily interaction. However, I believe having a network of friends has a big impact on everyday life. I think now it is even more important than before. Previously it was natural for people to live in the network of family and friends. Now people become more separated as we migrate between jobs, but it is not in human nature. Research shows not only the impact of one’s career, as illustrated in the TED talk, but also on the well being and health of an individual.
1. Yes, I'm not the best in talking to people.
2. Often, depends a little on the season.
3. I prefer to have fewer friends but to whom I can trust. Most of my friends I see regularly, whom I know I can trust, for what we've gone through.
Is it hard for you to make new connections?
It has never been a problem for me. I can become friends with almost everyone.
How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?
I try to keep in touch. Still am contacting my friends from hometown and school . But the time, of course, mad some amendments.
Do you think, having a big network of friends helps to deal with a problem in everyday life? Or now it is not so important as it used to be before?
Of course it is important to have friends. Especially if they will help you in case of trouble, but I am still believer in "inner circle"
Adam Sukiennik said…
Is it hard for you to make new connections?

No i am type of very social person, and it is easy for me to get some friends.

How often do you talk to your old friends/colleagues?

Hardly ever, seriously i don't have time to spend with someone who doesnt affect my curent situation.

Do you think, having a big network of friends helps to deal with a problem in everyday life? Or now it is not so important as it used to be before?

I don't think so, everyone who doesnt have a piece of authority, its just waste of time, someone who lives 1000 km away wont do anything in reality which can for example improve Home situation

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