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Week 12 [10-17.06.19] Best presentation

Dear Students,
Vote for the best presentation.  Justify your choice.


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It's hard to say ... there were many presentations that I read or heard with great pleasure.
However, perhaps the most memorable item is this one:

Week 8 [13.05 – 19.05.2019] The camera that brought magic to our childhood


But why? Because this article reminded me a bit of my childhood and let me develop many ideas for future projects!
Maciej Sadoś said…
It's hard to choose one but I think I liked the Week 8's "Books or movies" presentation by Maryna Bratishko the most. It's because while reading the presentation I felt author's passion for the topic and also there were many good points about the differences in watching movies and reading books. In was a solid and interesting presentation!
Nataliya Tkach said…
Week 7 [6.05 – 12.05.2019] Different body standards and how you should feel about them

It's more of a social topic.

a very important topic of the community, which concerns not only women but also men, is raised. Since due to different campaigns where there is a body, people get depressed that they do not meet the standard of beauty. But we are moving towards different standards of beauty.
Week 8 [13.05 – 19.05.2019] how the journalists set up McLaren

This article at least sounds like if it was a result of the Author's true hobby, so he did not have to look for a random topic which could end up being very boring. I like the way he described a very interesting story, which I assume isn't so popular that you can just copy it from a single website and change a few words to avoid plagiarism. It was a pleasure to read this article and I wish there were more articles like this. Just interesting, not dryasdust.
ExoKuzo said…

Week 6 [15-28.04.2019] Simple 3D printing world not only it tackled on possibly new technology it also made a good point in bringing attention to environment friendliness of as it might have been viewed as non eco friendly.
Unfortunately, I can not single out one of the best presentation. Because each presentation was very interesting. But if me really need to select some one, then I will highlight "Week 11 [03-09.06.2019] The Universe will die." Just because I am very interested in this topic!
My vote goes to Week 4 [01-07.04] An impact of video games on people's behavior

I am mildly infuriated of the amount of people that believe videogames is something harmful, and compare them to even alcohol and drugs while there is literally no evidence of negative impact of them. In my eyes such people are in the same boat with flat earthers and anti-vaxxers. And such presentation is wonderful as it sheds light on this topic.
My vote [Gaming disorder officially marked as 'disease' by WHO] week 11
I think it was a very interesting topic related to WHO and games. A subject that showed addiction and why the organization recognized it as a disease.
A series of questions and readers' answers was very interesting to me because I wanted to know what people think about it.
That's why I chose this topic.
Yana Lytvynenko said…
Indeed, quite a lot of presentations were really interesting to me, I already knew a lot of things, and some gave me new knowledge) But I liked this week 4 the most [1-07.04] How to turn stress into a friend? Since these were interesting facts that actually work if you think about it and watch it. This presentation is relevant enough in a world where a lot of stress and can really help.
I think that my own presentation liked the most Week 11 "The problem with ecological cars in the UK". This topic is very important to us today and everyone should pay attention to it.
However, I also liked the presentation which included the Kurzgesagt film about the anti-vaccine problem. All these films are well done and cool animated way and have a good message.
Week 11 [03-09.06.2019] Our contemporary killer: loneliness.
Because it's very intresting for me
There are a lot of fascinating presentations here, but the video in one of them especially catched my eye. This one - Week 4 [01-07.04] Future of our universe. It was really interesting to watch some predicitons about the end of the world which are based on scientific evidences!
It's difficult to choose the best one presentation. But if I have to choose, it seems to me that "Week 3 [25-31.03] Can you solve the jail break riddle?" I really like puzzles and I like the very logical way of thinking.

I think that many presentations were interesting, but this one was the most memorable for me.
Week 6 [15-28.04.2019] Simple 3D printing world
It was well made and it was interesting to see that now we can print almost everything
Week 9 [20-26.05.2019] A Tale of Two Brains, because it was funny and informative.
Week 8 [13.05 – 19.05.2019] The camera that brought magic to our childhood

My vote goes to this one because before watching that video I never paid attention to the animation process but after seeing this, I think I’ll stick with me for ever. It kind of blew my mind a bit.
Week 7 [6.05 – 12.05.2019] Different body standards and how you should feel about them
Liked to speak out on it
A car that never gets old. I know that this is not very reliable but for me it was an interesting topic that I just read pleasantly and readily responded.

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