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Week 12 [10-16.06.2019] Do we use escalator right?

There is an unspoken rule that every city dweller knows, it's the split. Every escalator is divided into two sides. One side is for the standers and the other side is for the walkers.
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This escalator etiquette has been established in cities all over the world, Warsaw, Tokyo, Moscow, Washington DC. It's a delicate balance that's been struck, forced out of a battle between the walkers and the standers, that's been going on as long as escalators have been around. Escalator walkers and standers have learned to accommodate or at least tolerate each other.

But this split isn't the best solution because it's inefficient and unsafe. A better way has been proven through research and recommended by escalator manufacturers and public transit officials. But changing people's escalator behavior isn't easy. Officials know because they've tried and failed.

Because these two groups insist on using the escalator as they see fit. So what's the right way to ride an escalator, and why is it so hard to get everybody to do it. How people are supposed to use the escalator has always been a contentious topic. Just check out these letters to the editor from a Boston newspaper in 1946.

To the editor. Why is it that Boston people have so much time? As a New Yorker, I find it very irritating to ride standing all the way up the escalator because some stout Bostonian chooses to use it as a slow motion roller coaster. 

The original 1859 patent for revolving stairs so they could be used for standing or walking, but the first working prototypes were used as attractions at Coney Island and the World's Fair. Subway escalators could transport far more passengers than elevators but needed to be long to reach the deep subway stations that doubled as air raid and fallout shelters during the Cold War. Most of the world's longest escalators are in former Soviet Republics.

Картинки по запросу longest escalator

As cities got more crowded, people's need to get up or down the escalator became more urgent and the split became the norm. But walking on an escalator is not the same as walking on stairs. Escalator steps are wider and taller than stairs. They also don't have landings and are much steeper as a result. Walking is the number one cause of injuries on escalators for people under the age of 65. You can see why then that the majority of people would choose to stand on long escalators, but an uneven weight distribution caused by standers puts a tremendous strain on one side of the machine increasing the risk of it breaking down.
Картинки по запросу escalator broken

But the split is wrong, not just because it's unsafe but because so much escalator space goes unused. That's because half of the escalator is reserved for a minority of people. A walker takes up an average of three steps while the standard takes up just one. This leads to gridlock at the escalators entrance and the longer the escalator, the more pronounced the problem gets because more people are going to choose to stand on the right. But if people stood side by side on the escalator it could fit more people more people riding the escalator means less build up and it's been proven to work. Please stand on both sides these escalators. In 2016, London's Holborn Metro Station designated two of its escalators. Some of the transit systems longest as standing only for six months. The result, escalator capacity was increased by 30 percent but this only works if everyone does it and that's a hard sell for walkers.


1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?
2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?
3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?


1. I think that the issue is bigger than only about escalators. I am a “walker” kind of pedestrian and I find it irritating that many people occupy whole width of the pavement, so I can not overtake them. All people should know that the right side is for moving and the left side is for overtaking. It should apply to roads, pavements, escalators, stairs and even office corridors. If someone wants to take a walk – that’s fine, but I want to get to the bus stop before I miss the bus, because I have to get to the work on time as opposed to the old pensioner who is barely walking in the exact middle of the pathway.

2. No, I didn’t, but honestly, I don’t believe in that theory. It’s like narrowing the streets which according to some “activists” makes the traffic smoother. People in highly crowded cities are in a rush, because time is money and spending a lot of time on a journey is inconvenient. Those who want to walk fast should have such possibility.

3. I’ll stick with split and I’ll keep putting pressure on people who block the left side of the escalator. They don’t have to do that, because they are standing anyway. We should fight ignorants.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?

I think that similar problem is everywhere. If you have other people in some sort of traffic there is always someone who will block the whole traffic because he can... I think that this rule should be placed everywhere and promoted so people will know how it works and really start

2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?

I didnt't know that and I honestly don't believe in that. I think it's mor efficient just because there is a lot of people in a hurry especially in big cities and because of that there is always smoothness in pedestrians movement.

3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?

I think I will stick with split. I like it this way and I think it's easier for people to understand.
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?
Escalator etiquette is a very difficult issue. On the one hand, of course, it is necessary and good as well as savoir vivre, but it would be useful if the people who use it, mainly walkers, should also behave properly and move carefully, not as often happens.

2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?
Yes I know about it. What's more, not only inefficient, but as you mentioned - also the use of escalators and their load and excessive wear and failures is associated with improper use.

3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?
I usually use the right side of the escalator when I am standing, however, I think that using the left side is not a bad thing and I sometimes do it myself. The problem, however, is people who go to the left and start to argue when they can not pass a standing person. However, these people are not privileged. They should also be careful when walking, which they often do not do. They push people who are standing and go like "holy cows" on the left side.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?
Assumption was good I think. Both walking and standing people should be satisfied. Giving up one option at the expense of the other could caused dissatisfaction. As we can see the idea wasn’t as perfect as we could think.

2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?
I’ve never heard about it. I’ve always thought leaving left side for walkers is a good idea because it takes into account people in hurry. But thanks to the arguments presented in the article I understand the problem now.

3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?
We are used to old rule of using escalators so it’s not that easy. People standing on the left side and blocking the passage to walkers are seen as selfish sometimes and they are exposed to unpleasant comments. It requires time to convince people to use both sides of escalators. Maybe on the escalators should be an information or a sticker presenting correct using.
Nataliya Tkach said…
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?
I think that's right, people have different situations and need somewhere in a hurry, I often see how people run on the excavator. I'm no exception.

2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?
I didn't know. But it seems to me that people are already accustomed to standing with the right, and walking with the left.

3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?
For all more convenient method split and for me, too. I don't really want to get cursed. :D
Screw you, slow walkers. In my top 3 list of the most infuriating things is people, who walk extremely slow, and take up all road space. I am not telling everyone to walk as fast as I do -- I know, that physical conditions are not even, but if you know that you are a nasty snail, then stick to the right side with the likes of you. Same goes for escalators -- if that is such a major concern -- design areas specifically for fast people.

It has come to the point that I actually use stairs whenever possible. For example, in our Warsaw Metro. Escalators are crowded the whole day, while staircases (also for some reason being way wider, thus, capable of fitting way more people), are almost always empty. What stops me from benefiting from my physical condition and simply run? Nothing. I actually, even when going out from the bus last, make it first to the metro train, watching how everyone is casually standing on escalator, probably, even unable to use regular stairs at this point. I am not judging those, who obviously cannot do so. But when I see young, and fit people, who use escalator, while being perfectly capable of going up the stairs, I just don;t know.
Adam Nguyen said…
I think they are necessary. Sometimes people are in a hurry for various reasons, so it would be a good idea if we gave them a chance to get anywhere they need to be on time.

Maybe in general, but I don’t think people in a hurry would agree with that sentence.

I think it's a bit unnecessary to extend the rules to all escalators. Escalators in train stations and airports where people are in a hurry. But I've never considered it rude to stand two sides on an escalator in a mall because there generally isn't a need for to rush.
Oh, that was suprisingly very interesting. I never thought about it. I'd put myself in walkers and i was mostly iritated when someone didn't want to let left side open for walkers. It was very usefull especially when you are really in hurry. Also that is a reason why i'm not biggest fan of presented solution. If we wanted to make such change i think we should make either one row stairs (1 for walkers and 1 for standing people) or stay as it is. I can understand how standing would be more efficient but i don't think that queue for stairs is such a big problem.
s18716 said…
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?
Seriously? It's cool. I always thought that the escalator etiquette is to hold on to the right side, and leave the left side for those in a hurry.

2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?
I did not know, did not even think about it. I accepted the classical theory, and adhered to it. Interestingly, this is how generally accepted standards are formed.

3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?
Honestly, it’s already a habit to stick to the right side. Next time going to the escalator I will try to remember your post. For some reason it seems to me the classical theory is the most convenient after all.
Someone might need to get somewhere fast, and me standing in this guy's way whould not be appropriate, i know i wouldn't want to have someone else blocking my way. I am not concerned about some abstract efficiency, it's about what is better for me, and having
2 options always sounds better that having only one. I am not an ass, to stand in a way of people who hurry, thus if i do not, i would stand in a right part of escalator.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?

I think that in Poland there is nothing like escalator etiquette, on the other hand I don’t think that there should be anything like that. If someone stands on my path, then I just gently or not ask them to move. It’s not a formal dinner or gathering where you should or must you any sort of etiquette so that no one feels offended, in the end it’s just moving stairs.

2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?

XD no I didn’t and I don’t think I will apply this “etiquette” in my life.

3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?

I will you the escalator as I want whether I am in a hurry or not and I think that most of people will
ExoKuzo said…
Escalator etiquette is something known to me for a long time, and i tend to stick with it when possible. There are days u are in hurry so u take left side and walk up the stairs as they move , if u re blocked by sm1 who does not want to walk up only thing that happens is that you and anyone behind you is getting annoyed, on the other hand we all have lazy days when we take right and just ride it up/down not worrying about walking with it.
Even though splitting escalators is worse for efficiency its better for people who do not understand the concept of "not everybody is in hurry like you", it also is sometimes only option we can take in public place and we simply do not have a choice of taking "normal" stairs.
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?
In my opinion, it is much safe to leave the left side free. It that case people who are hurry up would have ability to get quicker without crowds. All we know what could happen in crowds when somebody hurry up.
2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?
Yes, but I didn't see crowds near escalator. In that case it means that if people would use both sides, escalator would just be running without people.
3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?
I will stick with split.
I think that escalator breakdowns are purely technical reasons, and it is worth modernizing escalators in accordance with accepted rules. Obviously, for someone who is in a hurry deeply, it doesn’t matter how the escalator works and what problems cause the accepted rules. I will always adhere to accepted rules. After all, a person may be late for a plane (for example), and if this person does not have time to take the bus, then all his plans will derail. I perfectly understand the complexity of the situation, but the “architects” (I don’t know how to call it correctly) should work on materials and drawings for escalators.
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1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?
This etiquette is based on a certain logic. But I will not lie, I do not always adhere to etiquette. Especially if there is an ordinary staircase next to the escalator. Those who are in a hurry should use it.

2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?
No, I didn't know that. We have to stand on the right because most do the same. Well, because the left side often someone runs.

3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?
I have already written above that I do not always follow this rule. So maybe in the future, I will break it. Especially if the escalator is a long line.
I often travel by metro so I know this problem well. I hardly ever stand on the stairs waiting for me to reach my destination. I like going up the stairs because I'm always afraid that I will be late for the bus when I was standing. I think that everyone thinks that if someone is in a hurry and wants to climb these stairs, and someone is sprawling on the left side, then this efficiency is not great. I don’t use only the left side because I feel prestige.
Yana Lytvynenko said…
I think that there is already a matter of chance, because if there really is a very long escalator, then it is unlikely that they will walk on it and there it is possible to occupy the entire width of the escalator.
But for example in Warsaw there are no long escalators, and I myself always prefer to walk on it rather than stand and wait. Therefore, I am always grateful to people who use the rules of etiquette and become on the right side and I do not need to stop and repeat “sorry” through each step.
Well, as I said above, it's all a matter of chance, and you need to watch not only for yourself but also for people. To prevent anyone from interfering with anybody.
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?

Although it may be dangerous, I would keep the standard of division people that would like to stand and people that would like to walk. There are people that are in the hurry and it is simpler this way. Changing people behaviour once they grow habit may be very hard. It would take to redesign escalators to change the way that it is right now.

2. Did you know that leaving a left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of the escalator?

I have never thought of this in that way.

3. Will you use both sides of escalators or will stick with the split?

I would stick with the split. For me, it won't make a change but for people that are late for the train, it could be.
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?
I understand why using escalator like we use it now isn't efficient and not good from the technological point of view, but... I'm in hurry! A lot of people are in hurry and making "the lane" for them on the escalator is helpful. In Warsaw we have some metro station that don't have stairs so the escalator is the only one way to go. If I can choose stairs over escalator, I choose stairs.
2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?
Yeah, this point of view is legit, but as I mentioned - people have need to hurry. But I think it's really interesting that someone examined this issue in such a deep way!
3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?
I'll stick with a split. It's an unwritten rule in our society and I'm frustrated if someone is standing on the left side...

1. What do you think about the label of escalators?

I think it's a good manners, but it should be available to everyone. Sometimes it is impossible to make room on the left for those who want to go. Then such a person should respect the situation.

2. Did you know that leaving the walkers on the left is actually a less effective use of escalators?

I think so too. According to my observations, most people are standing. Very often there are ordinary stairs at escalators. I do not understand why people who want to go will not go the usual stairs ..

3. Will you use both sides of the escalator or will you remain divided?

I am a person who can adapt, so it depends on the situation. However, I am more for the division of stairs.
I didn't know that keeping one side of stairs free for walkers could slow down the process. Personally I use both sides depending on situation. I don't know how could we manage to control such behavior becouse there is too much people in a hurry and sometimes I'm too. This sort of agreement seems beneficial for me becouse when you have to be on time you should have possibility to fasten your way and as you mention when I'm walking on stairs I'm making three steps in one. In my opinion bigger problem is that walking can drive to malfunction of escalators . Maybe solution for that could be flat platform, same as used in some markets.
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?
I’m an escalator walker so of course I think that escalator etiquette is important. I hate when I have to stand, because someone not aware of the unwritten rules, stands on the left side.

2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?
Yes, I have heard it before but I’m too impatient to just stand on the escalator just because it’s “more efficient”. For me it’s a waste of time.

3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?
I’ll definitely stick with the split.
Illia Lukisha said…
You probably will struggle in countries with left side traffic, as everything will be opposite of you used to :)
Do you think that leaving one side empty is ok for 10 minutes escalator rides, in cities where metro is much deeper than in Warsaw, and where this can really lead to improvements in throughput?
Illia Lukisha said…
I travel a lot and noticed that it depends from city culture how to ride. So I cannot agree that this etiquette is intuitive and more looks like things we are repeating instinctively. But if no-one is doing that, you won't start using right side for standing.
Illia Lukisha said…
Haha. Nice from "holy cows" comparison. I agree with you, to be polite is the most important no matter what do you prefer. Because some people are just looking for reason to make someones day worse.
Illia Lukisha said…
Good idea about information that could indicate what behavior is preferred. I think city government could agree on what is more efficient and convenient way, and present this information to public, so this will not be individuals decision.
Illia Lukisha said…
Stairs are also good option. Cool that you like walking, and are in good physical shape. But can you imagine a little bit deeper metro stations, that could take up to 10 minutes to go down, in that situation, what do you think is better standing or going?
I agree with the author that the escalator etiquette is common all over the world. It has honestly seemed quite natural to me. There is often no other way then to use the escalator and people standing in my way would actually annoy me. Only recently I have learned, that walking may result in an accident or malfunction of the escalator. I think this is a good argument to convince people to change their habits. However, I do not intend to block the way for the walkers deliberately, standing on the left side. Also, I’m way too sensitive about my personal space to share a step with strangers.
Illia Lukisha said…
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Illia Lukisha said…
Good point about the place. I was generally writing about metro station, I never thought that this rule can be also applied to malls. It's silly to run on the escalator there. Agree with you, that there should always be an option for walking on stations, so people will have a chance not to miss a train.
Adam Sukiennik said…
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?

I think it is important in Public in case of safety and fast travelling trough city and metro or something like that, i Think that there are not enough signs saying about etiquette.

2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?

I think that's a great idea, becouse people who are in rush can go by left side and dont push other people.

3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?

i am always in rush so it is very comfortable to me using left side of escalators
1. It is so that the easiest way to satisfy everyone, does not have to be productive.
2. It is logical, but we can not explain it to everyone. Not always the most effective ways are best for everyone.
3. I will stay with the division of stairs. As I said, such a solution is, it seems to me, more practical.
1. What do you think about escalator etiquette?
I definitely agree with it. Always stick with it.
2. Did you know that leaving left side for walkers is indeed less efficient usage of escalator?
I think that it is more efficient for people who are in hurry. Those who are not can wait for another 30 seconds or so.
3. Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?
I will stick with split!
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What do you think about escalator etiquette?
I think it is very necessary. First of all, when you are in a hurry when you do not want to stand on escalators and many equal factors

Did you know how to use an escalator?
I did not know it, well know.

Will you use both sides of an escalators or will stick with split?
Will be broken down

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