A lot of people complain about having not enough
time. Life is very basic, we make it unbelievably complicated. People lack the
ability to put their life in perspective, they don't want to organize their
time, make a plan and move towards dreams. I strongly believe in words: “An
idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan” and I want to share with
you 5 tips that helped me to become more productive.
🔥 Do the hardest thing first
As we know, harder things take more effort. According to statistics So why we need to keep them for the end of the day? Important things are usually the hardest, so do them first before
you have become unproductive and tired. It would help to avoid negative impact on your work, heath and relationships.
📝 Make a list with goals a day before

How can it help? The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is how many items you cross off from your to-do list during the day. So all you just need is to try it out and you will see how your productivity level is growing up.
🎼 Listen to the right music

It might be not so obvious, but sometimes a bit of background music can help you to stay focused and eliminate all the distractions. What about genre? It’s up to you, everyone has different tastes. According to research, calm music helps to stay focused for a longer period of time.
🙅🏼 Learn to say “NO”

Eliminating all distractions will help you not only to increase your productivity, but also to increase your value as a person. We can’t do everything and therefore we must learn when to say “NO” in order to save our sanity.
⚡️ Find your passion

I bet you heard it many times, but it must be the most important rule how to increase your productivity. You will not achieve a lot until you find your passion. All the rules we mentioned above do not work if you don’t love what you do.
- Are you productive enough?
- What do you do to be more productive?
- Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
I think I'm productive enough but I would like to do even more than I'm doing right now. I'm spending too much time on unnecessary things like playing computer games or watching videos on youtube.
What do you do to be more productive?
Well I'm doing everything that had been said in your presentation, whats more I try to work out what really helps a lot with beeing productive.
Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Yes, I agree with that 100%. Work hard and you will achieve whatever you want. Of Course there is head start for those with money or talent but you can always keep up with them and accomplish everything.
2. For me the main motor of productivity is the feel of duty. At work I am responsible for what I do and at the school I risk not passing all exams or failing to submit a project which can stop me from graduating. I don’t need more motivation than that and I simply don’t understand people who have problem with that. If something is obligatory, we have to accomplish this and there is no room for discussions. Productivity connected with passion is something different, because it is not obligatory, but very beneficial for our self-development and satisfaction. In that case it can be problematic to motivate ourselves, but there are probably many methods to deal with that. Anyway, in my humble opinion the only thing necessary to be motivated is the achievement we want or have to achieve.
3. Yes, but not only. Hard is not always clever. In order to be successful, one has to work hard and find smart solutions. There are many people who achieved success without working hard, because they outsmarted their competition. It is not always fair or legal, but that’s the flaw of our world that honesty and idealism are not rewarded but abused.
Yes, I'm productive enough - maybe even sometimes too much. At this moment, I run more than 10 projects in parallel, I work, study, and soon I will approach my master's defense. If I only wanted, I could do a lot more things at once, but you have to keep this balance - the family in life is the most important ;)
2. What do you do to be more productive?
Fortunately, I do not have to do anything - on the contrary - I can not sit in one place. I always have to do something: D
3. Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Yes, I think that I was quite successful for my age. This is not a result at the level of businessmen, but despite my age, I have been teaching at a university for 6 years and have successfully been rewarded for several years for teaching and a modern and innovative approach to students.
I think I am productive enough. I quite successfully combine studying and working and I also have some time to read a book or watch youtube. Of course I could be more productive but it would require more time than I have during a day.
2. What do you do to be more productive?
I use one of the tip mentioned in the article which is planning. In my case it’s the key to success. I like to know clearly what and when I have to do. It helps me to organize my time and don’t forget about anything. I also agree that doing what we like makes everything easier because we doing it more willingly and it seems to be less tiring.
3. Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Hard working is often the only way to achieve a goal. Moreover, it is said that if we put much effort in achieving something, we will appreciate it more lately. On the other hand, there are some people who became rich and famous just because of luck or noticing a perfect opportunity.
I am productive, but not enough, I need to sleep 11-12 hours,while the other 8, because of this I have less time than others.
What do you do to be more productive?
When I'm not worried about something,I have time to do more and better their work.
Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Not always success is hard work, sometimes it can also be lucky, or be at the right time in the right place. It is all interlinked.
It seems to me how much I would not be productive, it will always seem to me that more can be done. I think this is a normal installation. It works for most people. So my answer is no, not productive enough.
What do you do to be more productive?
Ahah, I sleep a little, which of course is not correct. Since enough sleep certainly affects this. I will try to fix it. A couple of years ago, it seemed to me that social networks take a lot of time, so I left them. It definitely helps.
Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Absolutely sure of it. In most cases it is. Less often, of course, you can count on luck. But hard work will surely lead to success!
I think that when I have to, I am productive enough to do everything relevant with expected results.
2. What do you do to be more productive?
I think that in my case is having many responsibilities that I know I have to somehow finish or push forward in a specific time range. Otherwise, when one things falls then it pulls other stuff with it. If I neglect one thing, then others are neglected automatically as well. So having this vision in my mind, makes me productive.
3. Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
In many cases it is, but I think that there are other multiple factors that help you in achieving what you want – some luck for example or the idea itself might be the most important factor in success. If you have a great idea that you implement quite fast without working so hard, then your success might be right around the corner.
To be more productive i tend to pop some energetic music on and focus on task at hand only, if i were thinking too much forward i would focus on one thing at hand only, but sometimes it does not work like i want it to , making me and my thinking flawed.
Success is 50% hard work and 50% luck, you can be hardest working guy on earth and u wont make it big if u re not lucky.
No, I don’t believe I’m productive enough. At least not enough to keep up with my own standards. I’m often disappointed with my productivity.
2. What do you do to be more productive?
I don’t really have any tricks that help me to be more productive. If I have something that has to be done, I just do it until it’s done. It often takes a lot of time, but what has to be done has to be done, it sometimes help me to become more productive because when I’m tired and know that I won’t leave my work until I reach my goal, I suddenly stop procrastinating and work as hard as it’s possible.
3. Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Yes, in my opinion working hard is one of the most important aspects of the “success”. You can be successful because of luck etc. but only hard work can make you stay on the top.
Maybe, but I always think that I should/can be more productive! I have a lot of commitments beside university, so it's really hard to balance all the things at the same time. But mostly I think that I perform nicely in my main obligations.
What do you do to be more productive?
I love to maintain my calendar - I can't live without it! If I don't write something down in it, I'll probably miss it! When I have to write an essay or do some work on my computer I have two tactics - I go to the BUW (Library of the Univeristy of Warsawa) or sit at home listening Studio Ghibli's piano soundtracks.
Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Hmmm, there are a lot of factors when it comes to the success and working hard is one of them. I think that it's really important to give from myself 100% in my work and constantly trying, but sometimes it is not enough. Your success may depend also on your social skills, your passion or even luck.
2.To be productive, I need to have the right conditions, for example, I can never focus at home, forgetting many things in being productive.
3. Hmm ... to achieve success, regularity, consistency and hard work are essential
It all depends on the time of day and the deadline term. Sometimes I’m very productive, but I’m lazing and procrastinating most of my free time.
What do you do to be more productive?
The examples given in the article are quite effective. I write lists and set shorter deadlines for me. In my case, the problem is to get started, and then it will go by itself.
Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Definitely, yes. The more you work, the more success you can achieve.
Are you productive enough?
I'm as productive as I need. If you need to do something heavy, I do it. I'm not over the norm.
What are you doing to be more productive?
I watch motivational films and make breaks between work. It helps a lot in maximizing my productivity.
Do you believe that success is the result of hard work?
Certainly, success and hard work have something in common, but certainly success depends on happiness and creativity. If it was not for an idea, then no hard work will succeed.
There are many methods and each selects its own effective through trial and error. Someone needs to drink energy or a cup of coffee.
I approach this issue more from a healthy side. Besides the fact that I use music for maximum concentration on the work itself, I still do a lot of preliminary work. For a start, I must comply with the regime: good and get enough sleep and eat right. After all, junk and heavy food takes us devoted more energy to digest, and this is not what we need. I also prepare the workplace: I remove everything that can interfere and distract, I put a large glass of water and snacks on the table so as not to be distracted by it during work.
Usually, I am productive only during the time before deadlines. The stress helps me focus 100% on my task. But if i have some free time, I spend it on some nonsense that is giving me joy.
2.What do you do to be more productive?
I try to plan my things with TODO lists, prioritizing the most important tasks firsts.
3. Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
It is said that after 10 000h you can be a professional in any field, and I agree with this statement, so yes. Most of the fields require a lot of work not only a talent.
2. However oddly that my sound- I rest. Very often in our daily/weekly routines we forget that there is only so much our body and mind can handle and just like any other tool- it should be used wisely. Propper rest can greatly improve our productivity.
3. Yes I do. I believe that the amount of work put into an activity is directly proportional to the outcome we are bound to receive. The harder we work, the better are the results, and the only way to achieve true success is through hard work and dedication, however... we should also not forget to rest and recuperate (every now and then :) )
I don’t think so my motto is “what can you do today do it tomorrow”.
2. What do you do to be more productive?
Nothing I’m too lazy for this
3. Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Mostly yes but you also need connections and luck, well if you are genius then hard work is enough.
Depends on what I'm doing. If I'm working on my hobbies or something I really enjoy doing, I would say I'm quite productive because I can get things done really fast. If I'm doing something that I find boring, not at all. But I think the term productive can mean totally different thins to different people and there's no certain way to measure productivity.
What do you do to be more productive?
To-do lists are really helpful in my case, I find checking things off kind of satisfying.
Also, waking up early could help in getting things done.
Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Working hard can lead to success but it's no guarantee. I believe there is no key to success. There's a series of factors (connections, luck, timing, education, money, charisma etc. )that all can add up to success, and the more you raise each one of them, the better your odds are in succeeding in life.
Only the last one statement from article which is “find your passion” suits perfectly my ways to achieve productivity. I’ve chosen a profession, which I’m into, so it’s easy for me to spend time on developing my skills in it.
That’s only a one of two secret ingredients, the other is smart working. Both in conjunction produce sucess. You need to find efficient path, because the other way all hard work can prove wasteful.
Are you productive enough?
I think so. I've been working on it for the past 1.5 years. I learned to wake up early, stick to my schedule (almost). I still have screwed up this course:(.
What do you do to be more productive?
Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Yes, it will always give some results. Remember, the talent is only 10% of success.
2. I try to plan the work, it makes the work easier.
3. Definitely, it is the most satisfying and gives better results.
I think that i am productive but in creativity way, i mean i can be that creative to make someting similar but i can make it in difftent way.
2. What do you do to be more productive?
Everyday i ask myself this question and i think in 20 Y i would know the best anwser, for today it was " Work Harder, Makes You Better"
3. Do you believe that success is a result of working hard?
Yea i believe in this, my father always told me about a award of hard work. More he told me it was that Hard Work is then efficient while You are working and it makes You happy You doing it.