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Week 11 [03-09.06.2019] A man's perspective on our world

Around fifty years ago, expectations of women and men were determined by a set of behaviors and skills. A man had to be able to earn money, take care of his family's safety, be gallant and generally be resourceful. The woman had to take care of the house, raise children, support her husband, etc. 

Nowadays, from a man's perspective, nothing has changed, further, we have to earn a lot of money, we have to be neat and resourceful. In our lives, there is no room for tears, worse days, sensitivity. Consequently, the world of men is limited to words: “You must" and "you cannot". After all, if you show weakness, you will be accused of not being masculine, and yet no one wants to get involved with such a person.

However, there have been many significant changes in the world of women. A woman may or may not. She can work 100 hours a week, but she may not work at all, she can raise a child at home or she does not have to, she can be tough, but she can be sensitive. She has a choice.

I mean that nowadays, women can realise themselves as they wish, but there is no other acceptable form of being a man than being a tough, well-paid, professionally active male. After all, no woman wants to deal with a poorly paid, sensitive gardener.

A man either acts like a guy or does not deserve to be called a man. A woman can lie down on a sofa and watching TV series, painting nails or browsing Facebook all day long and that's acceptable because she has the right to do so. But she can also pursue her career, develop her passion and then she is cool and resourceful. In other words, everything a woman does is a plus and a man has to do only what he has to do to be called a "real man".

I would like to give a few examples here:

A man who lives with his parents after graduation is called a mummy's boy and a woman who is in the same situation is a good, caring daughter who simply cannot move out.

A woman in a male occupation is an example of how to fight stereotypes, while a man in a kindergarten who raises children is the subject of a joke because he could have become a lawyer.

Women fight against being stereotyped, but they treat men in the same way.

I'd like to ask you a few questions:

How do you see a man these days?
What do you think about feminism?
Can you give an example of a situation where a man is treated worse than a woman?


Bartosz Barnat said…
1. Well I don't agree with you 100%. I think that men dont have to be tough all the time. Sure they have to provide money if he have a family but he don't have to earn like a bunch of money. What you say is a thinking of our grandparents and not young adults who are starting to create their families. The border between woman and man are shrinking a lot.

2. I have feminism and I think that it shouldn't be a thing right now just because Women have the same rights as men. I would say that right now men can be more batter than women.

3. Hmm.. every situation involving feminism? :D If you want to know a normal situation I would say for example When people are breaking up or taking a divorce and girl is crying, every person seeing this would say that a man is the worst person in the whole universe and how bad is he that he made his girl cry. People just assume that the guy is in the wrong here and he did something bad but in reality that was a girl that for example cheated.
1. I feel a lot of emotions coming from your text, and I must say that I have a similar opinion. There is a huge crisis of manhood nowadays, because of strong liberalization of social issues and probably lack of mandatory army service. Men has become weak and women entered the market and started to occupy jobs which were associated mainly with men with an exception of hard physical work. There is absolutely nothing wrong in women’s desire to pursuit career as everyone is free and should do whatever one wishes to. On the other hand, I’d personally really like to live in a conservative family as a man who is responsible for earning money. In my opinion the traditional model which consists of a man who has a job and a woman who takes care of the house and children is the best way to keep the family happy. Unfortunately, most of the women these days prefers to have a job and then raising small children is a challenge. To sum up – we can’t prohibit anyone from choosing their own way of life and we should always support all kinds of activity, but at least for men and children it is way more comfortable to keep the traditional approach.

2. I feel sorry for the real feminists, because there are many people who call themselves like that and act like a moron. Once upon a time they were fighting for a right to vote, which was reasonable and heroic, but now we have to deal with so many nonsenses like parities or making up false statements about lower salaries for women. If “bad and greedy employers” always pay less because someone is a woman, then why don’t they hire only women? These are manipulations of statistical data without considering many factors. I absolutely don’t believe that any women earn less just because of the gender. Everyone has a salary which reflects one’s qualifications. There are also problems with maternity leaves and so on, but this is the aftermath of abandoning the traditional model of family. You can’t have everything, and employers are harmed as well.

3. Recruitment fairs for women only, scholarships for women only, resolution of most court disputes in favour of the mother, protection against domestic violence, but only for women, advertisements which slander all men as rapists and aggressors (Gillette), tons of false accusations of rape and violence and wasted life of many guiltless men.

I could probably find more, but I wrote too much already. These are all acts of insanity which harm real, honest and normal women.
Anton Medvediev said…
Why do u care about opinion of society man?
Do what u want to do, always will be a someone who can said some shit about u,i mean u can be a millionaire or a playboy, it’s doesn't matter, you shit:)
c’mon, do u think that womens dont hear something like “you must”, “you cannot”
ur post looks like a social experiment for me, or see it only from one side wich is bad too
How do you see a man these days?
From my side it’s lovely father, and husband
What do you think about feminism?
it’s nothing right now, thinks like this it’s a pendulum, slavery in a past and what about black people now, 0 women rights in a past and what now ?
it will stabilize in a future.
Can you give an example of a situation where a man is treated worse than a woman?
Here we are

Man don't have a wife and he had a 2 childrens - oo poor guy something wrong with his wife
Women don’t have a husband and had a 2 children - wh*re, sl*t

Man have a good job - he is very smart
Women have a good job - wh*re, sl*t, she take a job because she is a women

and i can think all day
so Man overthink that idea please
for normal people doesn't matter what sex or type of color do u have
Peter Clemenza said…

>Around fifty years ago,
Yeah but who cares what was Around thirty, fifty, sixty years ago.

>no other acceptable form of being a man than being a tough, well-paid, professionally active male.
Well you just have to be handsome dude. And no money can make you that

> A woman can lie down on a sofa and watching TV series, painting nails or browsing Facebook
>all day long and that's acceptable
No! She still will be considered as lazy, and golddigger

How do you see a man these days?
Some are strong, some are weak. Women will appreciate men who will be stable and men who do
not require enough attention of them and are relatively independent

What do you think about feminism?
Women reported higher levels of incivility from other women than their male counterparts.
In other words, women are ruder to each other than they are to men, or than men are to women
And yeah, womens should first take care of themselves.

Can you give an example of a situation where a man is treated worse than a woman?
In silicon valley, thousands of kilometers from us?

And just to add at the top of that:

This is a man's world, this is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl
You see, man made the cars to take us over the road
Man made the trains to carry heavy loads
Man made electric light to take us out of the dark
Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark
This is a man's, a man's, a man's world
I think men these days are very confused. On the one hand, action films promote heroes in wars. Others tell us that a guy without a sports car is not a guy. This creates a certain social image of how a man should behave. On the other hand, when a man wants to start a family, he collides with a series of opposites to the alpha male myth. Because time spent with the family is more important than material pleasures.

Personally, I support feminism. I believe that each of us should be treated equally. Both in terms of earnings and treatment.

A good example of different treatment of men from women is the issue of parental care during parents' divorce. Usually a man stands on the losing side during a court hearing about a child. It is an interesting case that it is believed that in advance a man is not good at raising children.
Nataliya Tkach said…
1.How do you see a man these days?
Nowadays, men are used to making money and their duties end there, their manners have disappeared somewhere, opening the door is no longer in fashion, giving a hand to get out of the car or if a girl in heels takes arm.

2.What do you think about feminism?
I'm feeling good about this. Nowadays, all feminists just someone too clearly shows it, and someone just takes a very good leadership position at the same time to be a wife and mother)

3.Can you give an example of a situation where a man is treated worse than a woman?
We have already said above about violence, I agree that in most cases a man is guilty, because he is physically superior to women and she cannot resist. And at the expense of crying in most cases we express our emotions that we cannot convey in words.
This is a very interesting argument. I have noticed something similar in my life. But I try not to divide people. If equality, then equality in everything. There should be no exceptions. Girls tend to do as it suits them, depending on the situation. That is their nature. If a girl wants to be on a par with a man, then she must be such. I only welcome equality if equality is equal for all. But if these are only specific things, then I am against it. For example, when it is beneficial for her to do something for her just because she does not want it, she says that she is a woman and this is not women's work. And when it comes to cooking and cleaning, there should be equality, this is an example =). Of course, in my family there are schedules and all responsibilities are correctly distributed.
Honestly speaking i wish to fully agree with you, but i can't. Everything you said is based on a stereotype and a people sets of mind. If we still be thinking and discussing this from a point of stereotypes, nothing will ever change. The situation that you are saying a man is only accepted as a man when he is doing manly things, work hard, has active lifestyle is a good example to follow. It is well-known how ideal man should look and behave. There is nothing wrong with man not doing so. When the ideal is set, you are comapred to it. It may be wrong to compare you like this, but you have to go over it. Some people cannot think on their own, so they judge others over comaprison. As speaking of women, the ideal behaviour is not set, thats why the situation on the other side of the fence is not clear. It is not clear what should ideal woman look like. Thats the difference. Equaly laws are already archieved. It was archieved when in law there is no division on a man or a woman. Many people tries to push feminism over this and it just looks riddiculus. For me, a man and a woman is treated the same way. There maybe are situations where man is treated worse than a woman but it just shows the
stupidity of person judging them.
1. How do you see a man these days?
Our evolution has prescribed men certain roles and responsibilities, and it would be nice if a modern man at least partially correspond to these parameters.

2. What do you think about feminism?
It offends me when I am treated only as a personal chef, or a cleaning lady. But at the same time, I do not think that girls should stop caring for themselves and work in jobs where brute force is needed.

3. Can you give an example of a situation where a man is treated worse than a woman?
Not in our country. Now in this situation, there are many white men in the United States. I really hope that they will learn to deal with this injustice.
s18716 said…
How do you see a man these days?
I think that if the modern world strives to become equal in relation to men and women, then people should stop laughing at men who work in kindergartens and in other places that are traditionally considered to be women. Similarly, a woman has the right to hold positions that previously seemed to be male. This is a world of double standards. The same applies to domestic issues. We cannot label all of society. I think we should not forget that the distribution of duties and statuses also depend on the individual characteristics and character traits of family members.

What do you think about feminism?
I think that if the world strives for balance, then each sex should have equal rights and duties. If the movement is aimed at equal power, then I think it is okay.

Can you give an example of a situation where a man is treated worse than a woman?
As a rule, situations where a man is treated worse than a woman is affected by moments where there are opposing phenomena. That is, for example, in many recruiting criteria, sometimes for a particular position it is indicated that this vacancy is intended for a girl. But in the same area there are situations when a notice appeared in a job ad that this work is for a man.
I agree with you that men have forgotten their manners, but I also think the same applies to women.
The historical background matters if you want to show change. I think that money can make you handsome, just look at some football players as they looked before they reached fame and money. And thanks for the song I haven't heard it in a long time.
I've been reading your posts lately and I've noticed that we have a lot of similar opinions. I feel sorry for real feminists too, and I agree 100% with your argumentation. I was impressed by the fact that in the Gillette ad only white men were trampled on as aggressors and rapists.
I don't want to divide anyone either. "If equality, then equality in everything" - I totally agree with that. When it comes to cooking I got to say that probably I cook more often than women because it's my hobby.

It is not clear what should the ideal woman look like. This is the perfect conclusion.
1. How do you see a man these days?

I think, that nowadays, you can be whatever you want. It depends on boundaries, which you put for yourself. If you want to be a gardener then go and be him. Why you should bother who and what will think about you?

2. What do you think about feminism?

I think it had a positive impact on your society. Today, I would say there a few ways in which feminism is developing and only one is ok for me. Some feminists today look like, they are fighting for some useless staff and they forget about the really important things and why they started to fight for it.

3. Can you give an example of a situation where a man is treated worse than a woman?

I had never seen such a situation, moreover, I think it is not a question of who is treated worse. We should go to equality in our society and not build some stupid boundaries or medieval rules.
How do you see a man these days?
It is a little bit strange question. Any of us has its own portrait of a perfect man. Anybody can do what he/she wants. Each of us has talents and its our decision how to apply them. I don't see any problem of man working as nanny. A big part of examples of inequality are just bloated experiences and self-guards.
What do you think about feminism?
Feminism movement did a lot for women around the world. Thanks to that I can do a lot of what women 200 years ago couldn't even imagine. I can have a high education, wear trousers, drive a car, do not marry, do not have children. Now a life of a woman it is not only home, husband, children, piano and French language.
Can you give an example of a situation where a man is treated worse than a woman?
I don't know such examples.

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