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Week 11 [03-09.06.2019] Gaming disorder officially marked as ‘disease’ by WHO

The problem of children addicted to playing video games is a topic that is around for years. When I was a little, I have heard about it a ton from my parents. And that was a time, where I have a console and I could play only for an hour or maybe 2. Now, children are spending their whole day in front of a computer. And smartphones are not helping out here.

For years there was a problem where to put a border. How much is too much? Or what it takes to consider something like gaming disorder? We do not know the answer. Until a few days ago. WHO (World Health Organization), on 25th May 2019, marked officially gaming disorder as a disease. Here is a video describing what is gaming disorder and what are the symptoms of it.


1. Do you consider yourself as a gamer? If yes, what are you playing? It is a computer game or a handheld one?
2. How much time do you spend on playing video games?
3. Do you think that considering gaming disorder as a disease was right?
4. Have you observed any symptoms on yourself?
5. Do you have any ideas on how to protect children from playing too much? Is banning them from playing a good idea?


Bartosz Barnat said…
1. Yes i consider myself a gamer. I play League of legends, world of warcraft, Battle royale games (Arma 3 in perticular). I play mostly computer games and rarely try some ps4 games like days gone or mortal kombat 11.

2. Right now I spend like 1-2 hours a day playing video games but in the past it was even 12 hours a day...

3. Yes I think it was right and it really exists. We need to understand that games can have a huge impact in our life and behaviour.

4. Well right now I don't see any of them but when I was playing a lot in the past I started to mess up my sleep schedule, stop studying and learning new stuff because games were the most important things in my life, I think it was because I was good at it. I stopped to work out and even move, I stopped interacting with my real life friends and started talking to the ones that I have met in video games (some of them I have still contact with). I had almost all the simptoms of gaming disorder but I think about it only right now when I have different priorities in my life, In the past I didnt see this as something bad.

5. Well I think people shouldnt ban games for children because they will still find a way to play and they will start to be more obsessed about it. I highly recommend to start taking part in childrens life and what I mean by that is spending time with them and giving them something interesting other than games.
Anton Medvediev said…
1. Do you consider yourself as a gamer? If yes, what are you playing? It is a computer game or a handheld one?
Yes, but i don't play a lot right now, but i feel good about my childhood and about spending a lot of time in past.Different games, from Single player games, to multiplayer and some killing time like dota 2 or cs, computer games.
2. How much time do you spend on playing video games?
2 hours a week, because i have smth more important and i can feel free and relax when i play right now
3. Do you think that considering gaming disorder as a disease was right?

4. Have you observed any symptoms on yourself?
Maybe in a past
5. Do you have any ideas on how to protect children from playing too much? Is banning them from playing a good idea?
Speak with ur childrens, they are mirror of u
1. Do you consider yourself as a gamer? If yes, what are you playing? It is a computer game or a handheld one?
Honestly? I have not been and I will not be a player, although in the past I have been very much involved in the computer games industry. Sometimes I like to play a computer game for a "reset", but I do not do it often. However, I love playing board games with friends :)

2. How much time do you spend on playing video games?
When I was younger, it was about 2-5 hours a day, depending on my free time. For many years, if you accumulate 5 hours a year, it's still a lot for me.

3. Do you think that considering gaming disorder as a disease was right?
Of course! Increasingly, more and more people start to manifest such symptoms, which causes not only problems with sleep and exclusion, but also the disruption of the entire organism.

4. Have you observed any symptoms on yourself?
No, although I see some symptoms in the younger people I deal with at work.

5. Do you have any ideas on how to protect children from playing too much? Is banning them from playing a good idea?
Your best bet? Restrict contact with computers. Set a time frame during which children can play on the computer, but not too much. Also, do not give children under the age of 6 looking at the screen at all. This is not good for them.
1. Do you consider yourself as a gamer? If yes, what are you playing? It is a computer game or a handheld one?
I'm not a gamer and i've never been a gamer. I used to play a lot and even have some plans for standing out of the crowd and become professional player, but i'm not a fan of games naymore.
2. How much time do you spend on playing video games?
Zero time for now. I played CS:GO for 6-8 hours per day when i used to be younger and i played dota2, but it stays in the past.
3. Do you think that considering gaming disorder as a disease was right?
Yes, it is a disease now. People are addicted to the game and can't see the limitations or the moment when they need to stop playing and do other things.
4. Have you observed any symptoms on yourself?
Luckily, not.
5. Do you have any ideas on how to protect children from playing too much? Is banning them from playing a good idea?
Yes, banning them from playing a lot is a good idea and it definitely will help to change aggressive behaviour of the kids.
Peter Clemenza said…
1. Do you consider yourself as a gamer? If yes, what are you playing? It is a computer game or a handheld one?
I used to play gta san andreas multiplayer. Thanks to that I learned english better that anywhere or anytime
in school or university.

2. How much time do you spend on playing video games?
Currently no time has been spent by me

3. Do you think that considering gaming disorder as a disease was right?
Yes it's an addiction, and it affects between 2-7% of the population
Guys who who play games for 60 hours a week, live in their parents' basement, and
have big hopes and dreams, but never move towards them in a substantial way.
If your life isn't going in the direction that you want, and you're playing a ton of games,
that's a problem.

4. Have you observed any symptoms on yourself?
No symptoms observed

5. Do you have any ideas on how to protect children from playing too much? Is banning them
from playing a good idea?
Tournaments (also in pjatk) and considering e-sport as sport is major fault here
Nataliya Tkach said…
1. Do you consider yourself as a gamer? If yes, what are you playing? It is a computer game or a handheld one?
I am a former gamer with 12 years of experience in online games. Now unfortunately do not have much time, sometimes I miss it very much. But it is easier to find the games where you don't need to develop character, for example Overwatch.

2. How much time do you spend on playing video games?
When I was in school, I played 6-8 hours a day.

3. Do you think that considering gaming disorder as a disease was right?
I don't understand how you can be addicted to games, I have never had such a problem.It's all individual, there are people who are more prone to addiction.

4. Have you observed any symptoms on yourself?
Never seen such problem,I'm in love the moment could go for a walk or to help parents.

5. Do you have any ideas on how to protect children from playing too much? Is banning them from playing a good idea?
Banning the game will only exacerbate the problem. Need to be interested in something else, such as board games.
About your anserw to 4th question, i can relate to it too. My history is pretty similar. Throught gaming i could connect to many other people which i still label as friends.
Yes, about children uder age of 6 it is common that parents leaves their children with smartphone to get some free time. It is bad idea. That wasn't suppose to happen. Most of games has restriction to age but it seems like nobody cares about them. Restrictions are here for a reason.
Thank you for your input. Pretty interesting observation. I never thought children coping everything we do. Maybe thats because i do not have a child.
Tournaments can spread the information and encourage children to play games. I agree with that. Maybe there is something deeper in this. I do not know if children observe their favourite players as heroes.
I used to play about 13 hours a day, when i was at school. And i haven't observed any syptoms on myself and i do not consider myself addicted. Just like you, i have no problems with doing other things. Maybe it is connected with personality if you are going to get addicted or not.
I do not consider myself a gamer, because now I do not play games. I have no time for games. I used to play on the SEGA game console, it was exciting. After, my friend and I had a game console "SONY Playstation". After that we play games on the computer, but very little. We liked to play a game called “command & conquer generals zero hour”. I watch my friends who spend their whole lives on games. I think this is one way to protect. This is the answer to some kind of depression. I think that children should spend time actively, and the need for games will disappear by itself.
Unironically calling oneself a gamer in 2019 sounds like the cringiest thing ever, i do play games though. I play games an hour or two almost every day, and a bit more in weekends. I think that sometimes people can develop an actual addiction to playing games and even replace real life with a fictional one, i think that such cases should be treated like a disease and some ways to reintegrate such people into society and help them should be developed. As of me, i think i am "hooked" in some way, playing became kinda like a routine for me, like cigarettes for a smoker.The best way to protect children from playing too much games is actually spending time with them and being a good parent, people don't try to find surrogate for real life if they have one.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. Do you consider yourself as a gamer? If yes, what are you playing? It is a computer game or a handheld one?

No, I don't. But I played a lot earlier. Since then I'm not playing any games for a 5 years.

2. How much time do you spend on playing video games?

Once in a month I could spend a few hours in the mobile game, but this is rare, and become boring for me fast.

3. Do you think that considering gaming disorder as a disease was right?

I don't know. Because we have gambling, tv series addiction, or food addiction and we could treat anything as a decease, I think that gaming addiction is not as important as other mental deceases.

4. Have you observed any symptoms on yourself?

I did. But I steal were in control of situation. And this is just tricky marketing that publishers are using to make us enter the game a lot times a day. The same things are used by facebook and instagram, but social network addiction, that is real problem as for me, and leads to suicides and mental disorders, should be considered as decease.

5. Do you have any ideas on how to protect children from playing too much? Is banning them from playing a good idea?

I think it's important to provide feasible alternatives to spend time, rather than limit computer usage. Remote controlled vehicles modeling, building robots, sports there is so many cool things around, so it's more important not to be a lazy parent that only restricts, without providing valuable alternative.
I think I can call myself a gamer. I started my adventure with playing Cod4, then there was the league of legends, CS:GO, world of warcraft. I always played on the computer, I never liked consoles. Let's say 2 - 3 hours a day. I think that addiction to computer games is a disease and I agree with the decision of WHO. When I was younger I used to spend a lot more time on computer games, so I was often sleepy. Sometimes I didn't study for exams because I preferred to play. I gave up going out with my friends too. Prohibiting something is never a good solution, I have no idea how to protect children from playing, children prefer to play football on the server than on the backyard and I think it will be like this.
1. Do you consider yourself as a gamer? If yes, what are you playing? It is a computer game or a handheld one?

No, I don’t consider myself a gamer. To be honest I can’t remember the last time when I was playing some computer game.

2. How much time do you spend on playing video games?

As I said above, I don’t really play games but if I had to guess I would say that I spend approximately 3 hours a year, usually in one or two days.

3. Do you think that considering gaming disorder as a disease was right?

I’m not an expert and don’t want to sound like a know-it-all but I feel like calling gaming-disorder a disease is an overstatement.

4. Have you observed any symptoms on yourself?

No, I haven’t.

5. Do you have any ideas on how to protect children from playing too much? Is banning them from playing a good idea?

I don’t think that banning children from anything is a good idea, because when I was a kid and was told not to do something, it almost appeared to be more fun than it was, just because it was something banned. I think that parents should limit their time using computer, but completely banning is a bad idea.

1. I think you can call me a player :) I play a lot in the world of warcraft, minecraft, strange ubisoft games and many other interesting games.

2. I play on weekends after 2-3 hours, usually there is no time during the week. But I've never played 12 hours.

3. I think not, because everything in excess is a disease. It seems to me that people play because they run away from everyday problems. A colleague who had depression was treating her that way.
It seems to me that the WHO is overreacting. They will soon do that sitting at the computer for 8 hours is a disease, I wonder how we will work then.

4. I do not see such symptoms at home :).

5. I think that children up to a certain age should be banned. I see it in the popular counter-strike game where children use a microphone to create a toxic atmosphere
Hmm, the diagnosis of “Gamer” can be made after how many games passed, or hours spent playing? Or maybe hours a day or a week. I usually play one game a month or two. And I suspect that my case is not so heavy as to call me a gamer. But I still love the game. Although I do not observe the symptoms of this disease.
In my opinion, a game disease exists, and I am glad that scientists have officially recognized this. In Japan, there has long been a separate name for such people. Yes, even in our country is full of such cases.
If we allow, the children will play all day and eat only sweets and chips. Many parents give children to play that they do not interfere under their feet. I think they make a mistake, although I understand the reason for their actions.
1. No, I absolutely don't consider myself as a gamer. I don't even own any kind of console or computer games whatsoever.

2. Like I said, I'm not a gamer but I would say about 30 min a week because I sometmes play solitaire on my phone.

3. Well, a 'disorder' or a 'disease' is a little strong but I think it for sure could be an addiction and should be treated in some way if it's taking over someones everyday life.

4. Not at all

5. Banning something completely is never a good idea. I think parents should be present in the gaming world of their children in some way. If they play together and set healthy limits, they will keep gaming safe and sensible for their kids.
I totally consider myself a gamer. I play all different kinds of games but my favorites ones are World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Apex Legends and Heroes of the Storm. Today I can’t spend so many time in front to computer playing games as I did in the past because of working and studying at the same time. But still definitely I play games every day. I think that playing games is very cool thing to do and it totally isn’t a disorder. You just have to control your self and not do it to much but as it is with pretty much everything. I have never observed any of these symptoms on myself. Banning children from playing on computer is the worst thing you possibly can do. Playing games was huge thing in my youth and I remember it as very awesome part of my life. I think you just should make sure that your child also has other things to do in his/her life.
I don't recognise myself as a gamer, I love playing but I don't try every new game lanuched. I have my 3 -4 games which I like to play with my friend, I have to admit that sometimes I spend to much time on them but it gives me joy and helps me relax after working day. In regular week I play about 2 hours and at the weekend when my girlfriend is at the university I play a lot ! :D Yes thaere are a lot of children and teenagers who are addicted to games and it should be treated someway.
I don't think that banning games from them is a good idea, I think we should show them that real life and friend are more important and valuable and that spending time outside can be fun as well.
Adam Sukiennik said…
1. Do you consider yourself as a gamer? If yes, what are you playing? It is a computer game or a handheld one?

Yea, i am a gamer and i play lots of titles, like Darksriders, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, and other... they are comp games

2. How much time do you spend on playing video games?

about 1/2 time of all my free time

3. Do you think that considering gaming disorder as a disease was right?

Yea it is disease like alkoholism, it comes shy and after some years it is impossible to stop ;/

4. Have you observed any symptoms on yourself?

Yea i observed that games give me more fun then book becouse book cant give me finished animation which is good to my eyes

5. Do you have any ideas on how to protect children from playing too much? Is banning them from playing a good idea?

Banning is worst idea, i think that need to experience what they can lost while they would play too much, i think its greatest idea which could work poperly.

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