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Week 11 [03-09.06.2019] Our contemporary killer: loneliness.

Our contemporary killer: loneliness.

Most of us will work or currently work in the IT department. IT people are very often exposed to loneliness. It happens to the large amount of work that the employer gives us.
I invite you to watch this movie so that each of us will realize how important relationships with friends are and what the effects of seclusion can be.


1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?

2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?


1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?
I rarely feel lonely because I have a really big family and a few close friends, so there is no room for loneliness. I sometimes feel lonely when I have to do a lot of work and there is no one to help me.
2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?
I've never thought that the loneliness can refelect in our health so much! It's really sad that in modern world, where we can communicate easily, many people have problems with feeling lonely.
3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?
I think that remedy for the loneliness is maintaining a good relationships with people around you. Maybe organizing regular meetings with friends like going to the cinema every two weeks, or eating out every Friday. I don't have a lot of friends, but I need a lot. I like to take care of few relations, which are really deep.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. I felt lonely a lot in the past but right now I'm surrounded with friends. I think it was caused because of my lifestyle and my attitude to others. It had nothing to do with excessive work.

2. Yes I did know and I have seen it on myself. It has huge impact in our health and mood. I highly recommend getting help or just find someone to talk to about that because it can really mess up your own life. Trust me, been there done that.

3. Find a few friends that you feel comfortable with. Find something that interests you and share that with others. Try to find your own community and be a part of it, dont push them away. I have a lot of friends that I have a good contact with but I really talk to 4-7 of them about my problems.
1. Yes, I often feel lonely, because I am an introvert and my social life is hopeless outside school and work. It has nothing to do with excessive work, because after graduation I am pretty sure that I will lose all my friends from our academy, as I did with all previous ones. It is mainly my fault of course, because I didn’t care enough about keeping contact, but neither did they. Right now, actually excessive work keeps me busy most of the time, so I don’t feel so bad after all, but I am anxious about the near future.

2. Yes, it is not hard to guess that something like that can drive you crazy. I think that besides being alone (some people need time for themselves to calm down) the awareness of failure in private life leads to the inevitable depression, which is one of the common civilization diseases.

3. If I knew the answer, that problem wouldn’t concern me that much. I can only say that such people should exit their comfort zone and put more effort into keeping the contact with friends, but it is not easy and can lead to a life in permanent falsehood about our true identity. Being an introvert sucks.
Anton Medvediev said…
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?
it’s a hard question, for me lonely not always bad, because sometime that push u to do more, to overmind take all think in ur hand and push
2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?
Of Course, yes, but smile to live more but sometimes it’s hard to smile :)
3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?
to fight it, you need understand why do you have it, it’s a wife? or it’s a work? or friend? what happend, how to fix it etc, yes, i have a lot of friends
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?
In recent times, I do not feel as lonely as I used to, but even a year ago I felt very lonely. And here I will surprise you - it was not due to work. At work I just had many people with whom I could talk on various topics.
The greatest loneliness made me aware that I can talk to anyone about certain topics. Some of that things are so technical and connected in various fields that few people can comment on such topics.

2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?
Yes, the most. At one time, I myself had many health problems because of that. Even I do not wish my worst enemy to go through it.

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?
It is difficult to fight with loneliness, but there is one, the simplest recipe. Open to people and meetings with them. When you go to a few people with whom you can always reset yourself, talk about any topic, or just go out and have a drink, your life will turn around 180 degrees.
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?
I do not feel lonely. I have good friends, family and my girlfriend who is living with me. It is not caused by excessive work.
2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?
I know what does it mean to be lonely or feel loneliness. I have periods of time in my life when it happened. For now, i'm happy that i'm not lonely and luckily i didn't notice how loneliness had reflected on my health.
3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?
You need to find friends, girlfriend and you will never be lonely. Even if you are not living with your family. I don't have many close friends, i have 2-3 close friends and bunch of "good" friends.
Peter Clemenza said…
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?
No, i have plenty of friends, and girlfriend. I don't have time for myself.

2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?
Mental for sure, and mental probably reflects physical

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?
You dont need many friends, just two -few close friends and you are good.
Seek out professional help. If you just keep on trying to get a girlfriend, it might make you feel even worse. There is no shame in taking antidepressants. If they make you feel better, then that's great news. Eventually you might find somebody, but you need to feel alright and be happy to do so. Trust me, not many girls fall in love with depressed guys and when they do, that's a red flag. Best of luck.
Nataliya Tkach said…
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?
I almost never needed to communicate, never felt alone. I can well do without communication, sometimes it's necessary to get my thoughts in order.

2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?
I think that Yes, loneliness affects our health. We can't laugh ourselves , we need a reason, and for this we need communication. We all know that laughter prolongs life.

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?
If a person is sociophobic for some reason, he can try online communication, such as playing online games. I don't need a lot of friends, just one, but a good one
Very interesting video. Before, I often felt lonely. This was caused by moving to another country. It seemed to me that everyone around was opposed to me and I was shielded from society. As a result, I communicate with people more and everything is not as bad as it was before. I will say that everything is fine and I no longer feel lonely. It is like a period in life through which me had to go. When I felt lonely, I felt bad. I did not feel bad morally, I felt bad physically.I often had a cold. This proves that loneliness affects health. It all depends on others. If any of you feel alone, feel free to admit it. I was helped by people with whom I was at that time. Everything will be fine.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?

Sometimes I do. But I think that this is normal to feel lonely sometimes. Some people are more independent and some are not, it's normal to require some social contact if you need.

2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?

I didn't. For me it was quite interesting to watch the video. I think that our mental health is really important. And stress and sadness can affect our physical health. We need to treat our mental health and our physical health equally to feel well.

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?

I have a few friends, but for a long time. And they are the best. I feel myself happy.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?

To be honest, I don’t at all. I really enjoy company of myself. I live with my talkative girlfriend in a small flat so spending some time alone is something that I look for when sometimes she’s going away somewhere.

2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?

Yes, I have heard about few examples. It didn’t result in any advanced diseases of course, but I know that people who feel lonely might have some problems with health and especially with their mood.

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?

As I said in first answer, I really enjoy spending time alone. I like when it is quiet and I can do whatever I want and no one bothers me. It’s that special time when I know that everything is up to me and I am responsible for “the best time ever”. But when I need to speak to somebody I always have friends that I can meet with and spend time together.
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?

Yes, sometimes I do feel lonely, I think that everybody does from time to time. In my case I really do feel lonely when I’m excessively working, I just feel like I’m on my own because no matter how many people are around me, in the end I and only I have to deal with my issues at work, school etc.

2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?

Yes, I did know that. When I heard about it for the first time I wasn’t really surprised, because when I felt lonely I could feel the physical pain, and let’s be honest that doesn’t sound like it couldn’t affect your health.

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?

Yes, I have a lot of friends, but I think that loneliness (at least in my case) isn’t caused by the lack of people around you but the mental state you are in.
I do not feel lonely. I live with my girlfriend and i have a family that always can support me. I do not know if excessive work can have a much impact on me. I haven't felt it, so I suppose I am in a good situation. Loneliness can surely be reflected in our health. As well many other condisions like depression or long exposure to stress. Many parts in our body is controlled by a brain and if you have problems, brain control is limited. I think the best way to fight loneliness is to meet with people or talk to somebody you trust about your issue. I have not so much friends. I know many people but friends are special to me and nobody gets this title easy.
Adam Nguyen said…
I rarely feel lonely. As an introvert I don’t have many friends. Most of my free time I spend by myself. But I don't regard it as a bad thing. I prefer to do some things by myself, because only then I can deeply think about the problems or see more rather when you travel with someone.

Yes am aware of that fact.

I have few friends with whom I have a good contact. I share with them some hobbies so I don’t feel bored when I’m spending time with them, and definitely I don’t feel lonely. But when I don’t spend time with them I usually occupy myself with work or things that I enjoy doing.

Thanks for the answer. It's great that you have someone to turn to and you have good contacts. So actually loneliness is not terrible for you. ;)
I have a similar number of really good friends with whom I have a good contact. They are just my support in good and bad times. How often do you see them?
You have to make sure you do not lose your friends! I understand that it is not easy and I often have the will to reject everyone. However, our friends cause that we can feel better when it is really bad.
1. I do not feel lonely. At work I have many friends with whom I willingly go out for a beer. At home, a lovely woman is waiting for me.

2. I think, that's why I always try to be with people, talk to them. Often at work, we go to social events, meet at home.
A lot of people who are lonely become depressed because people usually live in society and not alone.

3. I think that jointly going to parties, meeting friends, getting away from routine, making new contacts. Computer games also help in suppressing loneliness :)
Thanks for the opinion. In fact, a little loneliness is not bad. It is also good to focus on yourself. Set new goals or think about the events you have experienced.
In fact, talking to someone about rare things is quite satisfying.
I agree with you that the best fight with loneliness is simply opening up to people. Maybe you've met someone recently so randomly?
You seem to be overwhelmed by the company now.
You do not have enough?
Personally, fortunately I'm not a depressive guy so I do not have anything to be afraid of;)
Why are some people being ashamed of anti-depressants?
I once heard that people who met on the Internet are with each other and even got married. And did you meet someone like that on the internet sometime?
I also moved to another city one day and felt very lonely. However, I was able to meet very cool people. Despite the fact that I do not live in that city, I still have contact with those friends. Do you think that your current relationships will stay?
I'm glad you liked this video. By the way, I recommend watching other films of the same producer. I got caught up in it : D
It's good to have someone and often spend time with him.
However, to living with someone doesn't start bothering you?
It's good to have friends with whom you can talk about custom topics. Do you miss such friends?
So loneliness does not apply to you. You say that you have a family support.
Do you often see your family that you do not feel lonely?
An interesting point of view as an introvert. From what I see you loneliness you can call through your hobby? What, for example?
1. Sometimes, it's a human thing. I don't think it's caused by excessive work because actually in my case, starting a full time job few months ago helped a lot. My job requires me to have a constant contact with loads of people at all times so it's impossible to feel lonely. To be honest it's a bit too much sometimes and alone time is a blessing on some days because I live with 2 roommates and finding time for myself is almost impossible.

2. Yes, it makes a lot of sense tan loneliness gives you depression due to not contacting anyone. Being isolated eventually kills your social health making you not used to being around anyone.

3. My best suggestion would be to pick up hobbies where you can meet people. Take up dance classes, improv or join any kind of club. Also, don't be afraid to talk to someone first, people should have some type of support network and try not to keep their emotions to themselves.
I also like to play on the computer! Well, it kills loneliness. but it's even better to play with someone!
s18716 said…
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?
As it was said in your video, that if a person feels lonely - then he is lonely. It would seem a banal phrase, but if you think about it, then it is that loneliness is a state of mind. That is, it is not like having a large number of people aroundLoneliness really affects our health. After all, it can at least cause a depressive state, and as we know, depression definitely does not have a beneficial effect on our body as a whole. And so on the logical chain, you can come to the conclusion that loneliness is bad for human health.. As for me, I do not feel lonely, maybe thanks to the people who surround me. At least I do not feel lonely, and even glad about it.

2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?
Loneliness really affects our health. After all, it can at least cause a depressive state, and as we know, depression definitely does not have a beneficial effect on our body as a whole. And so on the logical chain, you can come to the conclusion that loneliness is bad for human health.

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?
To begin with, a person should decide how he likes to spend time. Since there are people who feel pretty alone in solitude. But if this is a classic situation of a lonely person, then of course you need to try to surround yourself with people who will save you from this feeling. It can be friends, relatives and various close people, of course I mean more natural methods. Since it seems to me that having you on social networks will not make your life brighter and more colorful.
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?

Sometimes, I feel lonely, but I cannot say it is often. In such times, I simply feel, that I need to talk to somebody, go out and do something with my friends. It almost always helps me and this feeling disappears.

2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?

I was thinking about it but wasn't sure. I think, that everything, that we feel or experience has some reflection in our health, so is with loneliness.

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?

Every time I feel bad, I know that I can rely on my close people. They will always help me to deal with this feeling. I think this is the best way to fight the loneliness, go out and spend some time with people. It will help feel less miserable and will deal with loneliness.
I don't feel lonely at all. I have my friends and girlfriend for over 6 years I don't think i have every experienced true loneliness in my life. I know that loneliness could really affect our health as it is a serious change in mind that could really affect your health. It is easy to say: go outside find new friends. But it is not that easy i guess, friendship takes years to develop and you can't expect that introvert would expose to new people in a days even months. I don't know a good advice for lonely people.

1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?
I was feeling lonely 6 months ago when I moved to Warsaw, the new city without friends. It was pretty hard, but I coped with it. There are many great people, I just needed to see it :)
2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?
No, I didn't. It was very interesting that emotions could have such a huge effect on body.

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?
as I mentioned below, there a lot of great people, you just need to open your eyes and see it. Friendship doesn't appear in 5 minutes, you need to work on it. For me the most difficult was to talk about whole my life for n times to make person understand who I am without any lie. I have 3 close friends, one of them is in Ukraine, 1 is a new friend and I'm so happy to meet this person! :)
Adam Sukiennik said…
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?

I like to feel lonely, i like myself, i like a silence, no one distrupt me, its okay for me

2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?

i dint knew but i can think that it has a impact on health

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?

I dont, i love it :D its best think that could ever happen :D
i have a friends to spend time with them but only to get some fun in Co-op at board games
1. Sometimes it happens but it does not bother me much.
2. I've heard about it and it makes sense.
3. I do not have many friends I prefer to have good that I can trust.
1. Do you often feel lonely? Is this caused by excessive work?
I often feel lonely and this is not due to work, going back to an empty home is one of the worst things that can happen to you

2. Did you know that loneliness is reflected in our health?
It was something that surprised me the most about this film, and especially how big it is. Now it's easier for me to understand why I started eating so much

3. How to fight loneliness? Do you have many friends with whom you have a good contact?
Of course, I have to try to fight it, first of all I don't allow too often to situations in which I have nothing to take care of and I am alone, which is why I am constantly outside my home.

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