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Week 10[27-02.06.2019] It's time to reply to spam

It's time to reply to spam:)

Each of us gets a lot of unwanted e-mails on the mail. In present times there are some kind of filters that protect us from spam, but what happens if we start to respond to spam? I invite you to watch a short material in which James Veitch in a funny way show what happens when we start responding to spam

1.Have you ever responded to spam?
2.How you deal with spam?
3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?


Anton Medvediev said…
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
maybe when i was yang i want to take some million but now, nope, sorry
2.How you deal with spam?
i check spam some time to see that i dont miss something important
3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
0 advantages
Nataliya Tkach said…
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
Of course not, I don't even want to waste time like that, I didn't know you could do that.

2.How you deal with spam?
Previously, you had to manually remove, but the technology goes forward so the mail itself determines what is spam and what is not. But it works in 90% of cases.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
Spam used to breed people for money, but it worked when the Internet was just beginning to develop.
I remember the first time I saw this movie during English classes. We had a long discussion on this subject and we unequivocally found that the presented form of spam deviates not only from what we know, but was specially prepared and the needs of TED Talks.

1.Have you ever responded to spam?
No, I have never replied to any spam. Most often after the title I see whether the message is wanted by me or not and in this way I immediately delete such messages without opening them.

2.How you deal with spam?
I just delete it. Why worry about or analyze something that someone deliberately sends to thousands of recipients?

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
Benefits? No, rather not. Although I once met with the statement that spam helps to see if our mailbox is still working correctly by such messages: P
Bartosz Barnat said…
1.Have you ever responded to spam?

I don't really see spam any more just because there is a lot of algorithms on the internet that stop spam from getting to you.

2.How you deal with spam?

As I said earlier there is a lot of things that stop spam messages from comming into you on your email or some other account.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?

Well there might be always someone that will be interested in the thing that you send them to so yes, it has some advantages which is a potential client.
1. Yes, when I was young I responded to a spam, because I was stupid and had 0 knowledge about mails, spam and IT. I was stupid kid. But now? Nope. After reading the title of an e-mail message, I can recognize spam or a message from another person.

2. How I deal with spam? It's simple! I delete mail and block sender.

3. Nope, nope and again nope. Spam has not any advantages. It should be removed and exterminated. I hate spam.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
I've never responded to any spam in my entire life, even as a kid, hah. Now I don't even receive any spam as I don't give my data anywhere when it's not really required and as today mailboxes are good at filtering spam of us.

2.How you deal with spam?
I do nothing with it because I don't receive it. But in a case when somehow I get some spam message I simply delete it.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
No I don't thing that spam has any advantages for us - receivers. But maybe companies sending it have some benefits from this. But that kind of marketing is probably a relic of the past like Nataliya said.
1. No, I have never responded to any junk that happened to land in my mailbox.

2. At first when I decided to do something about my poor mailbox with a lot of spam I switched to outlook mail provider which solved the issue but created other problems such as blocking emails from certain websites such as shops. After that I switched to Gmail which is really good at filtering spam and since then I have no problem with unwanted emails.

3. No, for people not at all. I hate all sorts of advertisements, in TV, radio, internet and on the street. I despise ads and I don’t care about the profit of those who use them. Because of ads the world is a worse place, where companies try to picture shit as gold instead of competing by quality of the product.
What is the point of responding to spam? Most of them are still automatically generated mails with no real person behind them.

Actually the biggest mistake humanity came up with -- advertising. That includes tons of spam. Just imagine, what would be if there were no way to automate this process, and those dumbasses who cannot come up with better way to promote their shitty business had to manually type all the emails.
I've also uploaded this movie two years ago :D
I've enjoyed it very much, but there are people that think TED talk should be serious etc. For me, it does not matter - this movie is kind of cool, even thought it's not very educational.
When it comes to dealing with spam, I do not have to do it a lot of times, because Gmail is making most work for me.
s18716 said…
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
No never. At least I don’t remember that. Times change, apparently we will soon do it. But I did not see the point.

2.How you deal with spam?
To be honest, I do not make efforts to deal with him.
Usually I get spam through the mail, some kind of mailing and so on, but as a rule I just ignore them.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
Well, maybe not for ordinary Internet users. Maybe for those who run their business, they often use such methods for mass media people. Well, or for employees, marketing is also a good advertising tool, for example, and so on.
I guess I've never responded to spam in my life, I've always known that people on the other side want to scam me. Once, when there were no effective algorithms to avoid spam, I just blocked the sender, but nowadays I practically don't see spam on my mailbox. I don't see any benefits from sending spam these days.
This is a very funny story. I had a correspondence with a spammer in the past. We talked about my dead grandfather in the United States. According to the spammer, millions of dollars are waiting for me, my inheritance. This person who answered me constantly asked to send money. But I was interested in details. A few weeks later this man stopped responding to me. It was sad. Probably, he realized that I was doing trolling. Now I do not get spam. Probably, filters block spam. I believe that spam is useless. And in response to spam, we spend our time.
Anna Koca said…
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
I have never responded to spam. But after this article maybe I will ;)

2.How you deal with spam?
Nowadays, there is no spam on our mail boxes. Thanks to new technologies we don't have to struggle with it.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
No, in my opinion it makes no sense at all. Although I think, if companies send spam anyway, it has to give them some profits. Maybe there are some people who read spam and companies makes money on them.
Zygmunt Z said…
1.Have you ever responded to spam?

No I haven’t but I really enjoyed the video you uploaded.

2.How you deal with spam?

I don’t. At this point of technological advance if you have a good mailing box you don’t have to think about it. Companies create highly advanced algorithms that filter all spam that you receive and automatically place them in Spam folder or delete them. To be honest, I haven’t received any spam mail for the last couple of years.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
ExoKuzo said…
Spam is a plague of 21st century. Unfortunately nowadays its so easy to bombard random people with spam that its not serving its purpose anymore and leads to scams and overall anger of both parties, spam used to be a wide range marketing tool, nowadays its mostly way to scam people of their data, money, identity etc
My way off dealing with spam is having an spam account, when i register on any site that id not know yet i use my spam email and check what they send me afterwards, if their emails are interesting and relevant to me i tend to make "real" account next, but if they are not i leave them rotting there.
Have you ever responded to spam? How you deal with spam?
Never, because I can't see a point in doing this. I simply ignore it or report it, especially on the Facebook and YouTube, where you can simply report comments, which are spam.
Do you think that spam has any advantages?
It's an unsucessful type of advertisement, so no, it has no advanatges.
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
Never, at most, I read out of curiosity by checking what it is. Then everything landed in a trash bin.

2.How you deal with spam?
In Google Mail settings, I marked the message as spam, that's all I did in this matter.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
Unfortunately, I don't see any advantages in this, what advantage can be something that is not even read by most people?
I hate this episode. It's like everyone from the street can come and do the speech there and that's it. And it's not even funny. Most of the people use Gmail seriveces and their spam filters are pretty decent so it's very rare to see this kind of email in your inbox. Spam emails are just phishing attacks or unwanted ads so I don't know how it could have any advantages.
Yana Lytvynenko said…
This saw quite funny. It was interesting to watch, but I don’t have to spend my time on reading and even less on the answer to spam.
I have several mailboxes and I usually share :one I can give for some accounts that can then spam me and the other for matters important to me. But in the end, after some time, spam appears on the main mail too.
I am a really glad that now there are filters that separate spam from important information. And I very rarely check spam (usually in cases when the letter I need does not arrive).
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
There are various types of spam, not many times I got interested and responded to spam but a few times I became interested in the offer or information from eg a store where I signed up for the newsletter

2.How you deal with spam?
Today this is not a problem, browsers in the sense of email services segregate spam from important emails or newsletters.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
Perhaps from the point of view of companies distributing this type of messages, it makes sense. It should be remembered that there are probably a lot of people on the scale of the world who in some way can be drawn into something that would not normally arouse trust and interest.
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
No, I have never responded to spam.

2.How you deal with spam?
To be honest I don’t really notice it anymore. I’m so used to getting a ton of spam mails everyday that I don’t really do anything about it. I delete it every now and then, but the most of the work does gmail for me, it automatically sorts my mails to different folders so I don’t have to.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
Honestly I can’t see any, maybe sometimes you can get a discount code for some stuff or pizza? But I don’t really see any advantages, especially with spam that tries to scam you out of your money.
Thanks for the comment, you noticed that we watched it in English, we had a lot of fun because of that, so I decided to share this video here.
You wrote that spam does not bring benefits that I fully agree with you but there is one funny story when spam has become good for me. Once when browsing spam I came across a contest which is known as spam is always a suspect, I took part in it :) A week later I received an email not to the magical spam folder but to the main mailbox that I won the draw and asked me for the address. A week later, I received a game for ps4
Thanks for the comment, I also only once responded to spam and I took advantage of it :)
I also think that spam is useless, but sometimes companies send mass spam count on profit in the form of clients. But for mailbox users, this is the most useless one.
Thanks for the comment, I was very amused by your spam story. Maybe if you answered well, you would receive the promised money haha :) I am curious why he stopped writing with you, I guess he guessed that you did not get fooled and make jokes from him :)
Or you've come across an ingenious troll. To summarize, it seems to me that this is how the extortioners work and try to find naive people who, however, give them that money
Thanks for the comment, it also seems to me that spam is a nuisance. But what do you think about the video in which the host responds to spam and gets ridiculous answers? Have you ever got one?
Thanks for the comment, in total I also hardly look into spam. Gmail does this for me and removes spam that's 30 days old.
I have never responded to spam. I treat spam like a flyiers given to me on street. I galnce over them and then toss to garbage bin unless it is something that interest me in some way. For spam i have special desigented folder on my mail. Everything checked as spam goes inside and then after a week it is deleted. Spam has it benefits. It has an opportunity to impress me. But it is almost always some ads where i am not even in the target group. But when spam is especially crafted for you, it may be appealing and i could look at it. That's all.
No, I have never replied to a spam e-mails, but now after watching this video I am curious what could happen if I did. I think I’m dealing with spam the easiest way possible, just by ignoring it and deleting. I don’t think if spam have any advantages or disadvantaged because I just ignore it and don’t read it so I don’t even know what is inside.
1. No, that would be stupid.
2. Google blocks spam for me.
3. When you get very bored you can read. :)
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
I've never ever responded to spam. Come on, i think that our generation is not so stupid and can differ messages that are needed to be replied and messages, that are spam.
2.How you deal with spam?
Spam is everywhere. I use different browser extensions, app filters that help me to avoid seeing it.
3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
It's all about phising - hacking. I don't think that there are any other purposes of doing spam things.
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
Unfortunately, I responded to spam several times. It happened because I did not immediately understand that this is it. But those cases taught me a lot, next time I will be smarter.

2.How you deal with spam?
If this is an email, then just put a filter for this addressee. And if social networks, then either ignore or add to the blacklist.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
Well, I think there is a certain percentage of people who respond to it and even become victims of fraudsters. So advertising using spam works in some way. But because of the reputation of spam, real clients may then not trust this firm.
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
No, I didn’t I must admit that I opened some but never responded
2. How you deal with spam?
I ignore them or simply delete immediately
3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
Only for people that send spam because there are people that will open them because they want to win millions of dollars or other thinks even though they did not take part in any contest
I was only responding to spam if the interlocutor warned me that the message might be in this directory. Fortunately, most spam message go to a separate folder and I don’t have to think about it. I think that a lot of such messages are sent right after registering on some website/game in which case we never read the regulations with hidden paragraphs about them.
1.Have you ever responded to spam?

Actually, I never responded to spam. Sometimes I am opening those emails, but never responded to them. I think it is a waste of time, which I can spend more effectively.

2.How you deal with spam?

I am using some built-in filters as well as my own created filters. Also, I divided my email into separate dedicated addresses, so one is more official, one is more for fun and this helps me a lot.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?

I think no. Usually it is a simple money-taking and time-wasting emails. Maybe there are some worse deals to read and negotiate about, but I think it doesn't worse it.
No. I have never replied to spam. Although I often get job offers from the portal, so I browse some offers. However, it is annoying how you get the daily dose of information that at first glance seems attractive.

I think that as everyone does, I have my private email on Gmail. This is definitely the most convenient mail. Mainly from the automatic spread of spam to relevant tabs, such as notifications, forums or promotions. This makes searching for a particular message much easier, in the amount of information.

As I wrote about such a portal as It is so convenient that if you are looking for a job, it is easy to see if certain offers are attractive. However, I also have travel offers that irritate me. They tempt with low prices and in fact, if you want to plan something specific, it comes out differently.
I’ve never responded to spam. It seems to me like giving the schemers attention is just going to encourage them, especially if it’s so witty. Honestly I admire James’s gesture. A person tries to scam me, insulting my intelligence in the process, and I am to reward it with quality entertainment. Don’t think I will. Thanks to filters I have been able to successfully ignore spam so far.
Adam Nguyen said…
I’ve never responded to spam.

I usually report spam and add new filters. I have two email addresses. I use my main email address for direct emails between me and my friends and close contacts, whereas I use my second account for online purchases, it is an email address that you enter on the websites. I think, Google mail has a pretty good spam-filter, so hardly ever I get spam.

I don’t think so, but if there are any benefits I don’t see them.

1. No, I've never responded to spam
2. Thanks to gmails filters I don't usually get spam mail but if i do I always report it
3. No, I don't think so. I have no idea how spam mail can benefit anyone besides hackers
1.Have you ever responded to spam?
Only when I was a kid and didn't know that it is spam. I was very naive :D
2.How you deal with spam?
I set up filters on my mail and use black list on my phone.
3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?
No, for sure, no. It makes you learning how to ignore a lot of information. However, this skill can make you miss something really important.
Illia Lukisha said…
1.Have you ever responded to spam?

No I haven't. But when I was child, and just got my first email address. I was pretty sure that I won one-in-a-lifetime lottery and just didn't know English good enough to reply and was using email form Internet cafe, so my time was limited. Only God knows what could have happened if I've replied.

2.How you deal with spam?

As for know Gmail filters works so good that I haven't seen spam for a few years. And from the moment I achieved zero mail box, I only add irritating mails, that don't have option to unsubscribe to spam.

3.Do you think that spam has any advantages?

I think that spam can work only on inexperienced users as for know. When email is pretending to be the one from apple or google, and you enter your credentials, on other site. And even now, we have 2-factor authentication to deal with stolen passwords.
This was a positive video I enjoyed this ten minutes of show he presented I have a feeling that his interlocutors had as much fun as he had. Personally I never respond to a spam mostly because I don't have one and before when I had my first email account I encounter automatically generated advertisement but not far ago when I visited my grandparents they showed me a letter presenting new generation of hearing aid. Of course this was a complete swindle but I had to present them a lot of conter arguments and ways to verify documents like the one they receive for future similar accidents. Your last question is kind of interesting becouse at first I couldn't come up with anything but my guess is that it can help thiefs with they work.

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