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Week 10[27-02.06.2019] A handful of information about Savoir-vivre in business

In everyday life, we meet new people both in social relations and in professional relationships. We would like to make the best impression on new people. Often, the first impression we make will depend on whether we will gain a new customer or how we will negotiate the terms of cooperation we use. So how to point at the boss and get a chance for promotion? How to behave in a recruitment interview and not commit 'faux pas'? It turns out that a great interesting resume and an expensive watch on your hand may not be enough, because what we need is good manners. It is often said, "fine feathers make fine birds". That's why it's worth getting to know some basic principles of savoir-vivre in business and make a good impression on the other person.

1. Adapt the garment to the occasion.
You may have heard more than once that the "clothes do not make the man". However, sometimes our dress is very important. Remember to always dress according to the occasion. It is worth knowing how to distinguish a particular dress code, for example:White tie - Ladies dress long, ball gowns, sleeveless dresses and long gloves. Men wear tuxedo, black patent leather, and a hat.
Black tie - This is a less elegant garment than the "white tie". It can be a short evening dress or a festive costume with a long skirt or a fancy costume from the pants. These creations are always sewn from materials for evening dresses. They assume a more modest jewelry. Gentlemen dress tuxedo or black suit.
Business casual - Men's business outfit is based on a suit. In the dress code business, the basic color of the suit should be a grenade. In the case of a shirt, the base is white. Ladies should wear an elegant dress or costume, a skirt and an elegant shirt are also a good option.

2. Be punctual
Being late is a sign of disrespect for the person with whom you have an appointment. Leave the house an hour earlier than you intended. It will be much better to wait at the appointed meeting place than to expose yourself to the irritation of the person who arrived on time. If, on the other hand, something actually stops you, according to the label, notify the person who is waiting for you by phone.

3. Follow the rules of the hierarchy
Business savoir-vivre usually does not recognize sex or age, especially when it comes to greeting. The principle adopted is that the one who is in the lower position is the first to bow. The hand gesture gesture will be the decision of the boss and he should reach out to you, and not the other way around, because he is the senior and decides to give the hand to the person in the lower position.
4. Mute the phone at the meeting
During all social and business visits, in the church, theater, restaurant cafes etc., meetings or conversations, the telephone should be strictly switched off
There must be a really special situation for the phone to be on.
If this is the case, we are talking about the hosts or guests or other people in whose company we are just after welcoming and we apologize for the fact that our phone will be switched on.

We always answer the phone as we step aside and talk so that no one listens to it.

5. Learn to conduct business talks

Conversation rules by Brigitte Nagiller:
  • "Be friendly in every situation";
  • "... be polite, even in unpleasant circumstances";
  • "Do not get carried away by the nerves";
  • "Be honestly interested in other people";
  • "Speak first of all about things that are interesting to your interlocutor";
  • "Learn to listen";
  • "... encourage the interlocutor to continue speaking by nodding and asking questions";
  • "Pay attention to the fact that it is particularly important for everyone to look after their first and last name.
  • Remember the names and surnames of the people you talk to and use them during the conversation ";
  • "Try to talk about pleasant matters in the conversation";
  • "Do not complain";
  • "... do not judge others";
  • "Let your criticism be factual";
  • "Do not point people."
Of course, these are just a few examples of rules that seem obvious, but sometimes we forget about good manners in stress.
1.What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?
2.Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?
3.Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in bussines? 


1. What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?
Savoir-vivre is very necessary in life. These are the simplest principles of good manners that should be followed by each of us. Without these rules, in my opinion there would be quite a lot of chaos, which is still very big these days.

2. Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?
Yes, of course I'm warning. Maybe it does not always work, sometimes I'm overcome with emotions and I break out of the rules, but every day I try to follow them

3. Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in bussines?
Of course! I often attended business meetings, which despite the difference of opinions, but with the principles of Savoir-vivre ended with an agreement and benefits on both sides
Thanks for comment :) Have you ever met with lack of manners?
In my case, unfortunately, I meet a lot of people without rules :( What do you think about the introduction of "Sovoir-vivre" rules in schools?
Very interesting and helpful presentation. Thanks! :) And answering your questions:

1. In my point of view, Savoir-vivre are very important list of rule in our life. Those rules and good manners helps people get organised.

2. Yes, of course I respect this kind of rules, because I am a gentleman and I know how to behave in different situations. In addition, I respect my personal and other culture.

3. Yes and I think Savoir-vivre is very important in business. It is thanks to the savoir vivre that there are many positive transactions in business. Without savoir vivre there would be chaos on our Earth, I think.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?
I think Savoir-vivre is an important aspect of our lives both private and business. It gives us many rules that defines the proper behaviors and leads to better organization of our day to day situations.

2. Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?
I do respect them even if other people sometimes seem to don't even know what these rules are :-)

3. Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in bussines?
Of course I do, like I mentioned above, we are given a set of model behaviors and if followed properly we should be on a successful way to maintain a good communication and relations with client and colleagues. On the other hand we should not exaggerate because everything in a wrong dose could kill you.
I think that Savoir-vivre is important. I meet a lot of people in my life and often see how someone presents myself. If you want to get a good impression on someone, it's good to know the rules.

I respect these principles so. The more you follow these rules, the more you can see that you are trustworthy and reliable in what you do.

Of course. Referring to someone with respect and not getting fooled is often the key to making the first good comeback, for example during a recruitment interview.
Thanks for another interesting article among those boring ones!
1. I think that Savoir-vivre is essential for an adult gentleman not only in the business situations, but also in private life. I especially like the rule not to get carried away by the nerves, which is not always easy, but gives the impression of professionalism. People who always don’t follow these rules are considered impolite which is why it is important to be aware of them and do our best to learn how to behave.

2. I try to respect them, but sometimes I don’t, because I forget about them, or I don’t know how to behave in certain situations. For example, I usually forget about the rules of the hierarchy and I reach out to my bosses. Another awkward situation is greeting women. The problem is that 90% of them don’t know how to greet men which ends up with not greeting at all and holding a grudge against them (wrongly, because it is a woman’s decision how to greet) or simply using the same hand gesture which is used for male buddies which can be considered rude. Tragic situation indeed.

3. Yes, of course, because business relation is very much different than the private one. Savoir-vivre has to be used to build up trust and good relations between partners. I think that the dress code is somehow important to show respect and I don’t like the trend to give up dress-code in IT companies of various sizes. At work we should keep professional and not mix business life with private one. That’s unpopular, but this is my humble opinion.
I agree with Sławomir that savoir vivre is really important. I have only two things to add:
First, why respecting savoir vivre try not to be posh person. No one likes person like that.
Second, we must remember that some of rules we know are changing across the world. For example people in Asia are eating they meals way that would shock most European people ;)
s18716 said…
1.What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?
A very useful thing in our time. It seems to me that it is really possible to understand from the first minutes of taking a job how responsibly a person is to this. It is very important to know the framework and rules in which you will have to work in the future. At a minimum, it is worth adhering to the basics of business etiquette.

2.Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?
I think as if people did not treat them, it is worth adhering to this. These are norms of public perception, no matter how a person is, he should pay at least a little attention to such things.

3.Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in bussines?
Definitely yes. This helps in keeping the business as a whole in order, as it affects the relationships in the team and in the workplace. Of course, you need to be able to defuse the situation with some ordinary things, but it is a good tool for maintaining the microclimate in any area.
I will write honestly, I do not know how to answer these questions, because I fully support the author. I believe that having good manners is always a plus. Punctuality is the key to success. People love to be respected. I respect the rules of good tone. But I can not say that I know about all the rules of good form. For example, only after I arrived in Poland did I learn good manners. Indeed, in our country it is not accepted. Or maybe I was in such a society. I dont know. I believe that "Savoir-vivre" is undoubtedly a plus in business.
Anna Koca said…

1.What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?
For many people savoir-vivre is very important, and they follow those rules with no exceptions. Although, I try to respect savoir-vivre and always check, what is prohibited or polite, I prefer our natural instincts and behavior.

2.Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?
I try to respect and use some of the rules which are common and useful. I'm a person who don't like places where people are required to use savoir-vivre, because it makes me feel embarrassed and hampered. I'm always looking for places where you can feel free and don't worry what people say.

3.Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in bussines?
Yes, I think business is the best place to use savoir-vivre. In this area can't be any doubts about what somebody should or shouldn't do, while making business and negotiate. In business it can be really helpful and useful.
Zygmunt Z said…
1.What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?

I am aware that in some places savoir-vivre is required and I know how to respect these rules. But to be honest I don’t really like spending much time in these places as it tires me. I think that I am a bit laidback person and at some point I’d rather laugh at something than sit quietly and follow every rule so I don’t offend anybody.

2.Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?

As said in the first answer, I do respect them but I don’t like being in places for a long time where savoir-vivre is required

3.Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in bussines?

Yes, to some extent but I think that savoir-vivre will not always help you for example closing the deal. Business requires very specific type of people and if you stick only to savoir-vivre you will not survive. It has to be something more at the same time like ingenuity and self-confidence especially. Sometimes I think that getting rid of savoir-vivre might actually help you and catch someone’s attention at you.

ExoKuzo said…
Its important to behave with others in mind, being respectful and considerate is free inmost cases so why wont we use it to gain advantage? When it comes to "Savoir-vivre", it depends on your position and what you bring to the business meeting.
I tend to respect those rules but when situation needs it i can break them to gain an advantage over it.
Going by those rules in business helps immensely with negotiations and its a great tool to hide your intentions behind ;)
1.What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?
"Savoir-vivre" is needed in many places, the very idea of ​​creating something like that is good. Just look at places that are devoid of the obligation of "Savoir-vivre" eg warehouses. People sometimes go below criticism.

2.Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?
Of course, I have always been a "Savoir-vivre" wife in the right places, this raises our personal culture

3.Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in bussines?
Undoubtedly, imagine now a man who talks with the company director presenting his offer in a blouse on straps and shorts, whether such an offer can be taken seriously?
Yana Lytvynenko said…
I think that "Savoir-vivre" is very necessary not only in terms of a business meeting, but also in everyday life. After all, punctuality, turning off the sound on the phone are the basic rules of good tone, even with an informal meeting with friends.
And then assembled the most basic principles that are not even negotiated. Do not follow at least they will be considered a big disadvantage in terms of education and knowledge of manners.
Business skills play a big role in business. After all, everyone who has achieved some reached certain peaks business is constantly studying this issue. After all, such skills as: being stress-resistant, being able to correctly present information to people, as well as from a psychological point of view, understand how to act do not appear in one day. Everything is honed with the help of acquired knowledge as well as personal experience.
Good manners are very important in every aspect of social interactions. If you treat people politely, they are more likely to treat you the same way. It's more pleasant to be in kind surroundings
I try to be the best I can. It's very hard to remember all the rules but I'm sure very few people can.
I'm sure there were some researches saying that negotiations that follow sovoir-vivre rules have much more chances of succeeding

1.What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?
I think that savoir vivre is very important, it literally means “know how to live” in French, and I agree with it. In my opinion it’s just plain politeness, and for me it’s a must-have in other person that I’m dealing with.

2.Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?
Yes, I try to respect this kind of rules, but I think that most of people don’t see them as “rules” but a normal way of living.

3.Do you think that "Savoir-vivre" helps in bussines?
I’m sure savoir vivre helps in business, because it shows your business partners what kind of person you are. And we can only make “first impression” once ;)
I agree, but notice that in business it is more common
Thanks for the comment, I hope that my article brought you a bit of a savoire vivre in business
Thanks for the comment, I'm glad that it was not boring for you. I hope that some of these principles will be useful in your life, maybe you already use them :).
Your answer to my last question, I also think that mixing private life in data is not appropriate :)

Very interesting answer, I am glad that you see the advantages of savoir vivre.
I think that the society sets the rules
good manners. But for sure savoir vivre is the official textbook for keeping the rules
I think "Savoir-vivre" is needed and was invented for a purpose. In my opinion, the rules are simple enought that most of them could be done subconsciously. I respect theses kind of rules. It helps to not get in any weird situations when someone could possibly feel not comfortable. It helps avoid thing like that. In real life as well as in bussines. In my opinion a set of rules should be well known to any worker.
I think that savoir-vivre have some good points, but it shouldn’t be treated like a law. I mean that it’s very important to know how to behave like a gentleman and know what to do if you are in company, but you shouldn’t blindly follow a set of rules, just be yourself and behave politely. I respect people who know how to behave not people who just follow some rules. I think that savoir-vivre can help in business very much because on official meetings for example it is expected of you to behave correctly but you don’t need a savoir-vivre to know how to behave you just need to think and know some traditions.
1. I prefer survival. :) Savoir-vivre is very important at work as well as outside. It's good to know the basic principles of good behavior.
2. Not always, sometimes you have to adjust your appearance and the way you talk to the event. If it is, for example, a social conversation at work, between employees, we do not need to behave the same as during a romony session with the boss.
3. Yes. During serious business talks, follow the Savoir-vivre rules. For example, during negotiations, talks with the boss or when discussing the project.
Wow, i really like this article, good job, keep it up! I would say that those rules are necessary for everyone. I'm in love with this business atmosphere and all the serious meetings and events that happen. I'm pretty sure that people who take part in this type of business talks are much more successful people. I respect those rules as i mentioned and they will make you better in terms of negotiations. And yes, "Sovoir-vivre" helps in business, it's not a secret from now.
1.What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?
This is a very interesting rule. Now I want to learn more about etiquette and business communication.

2.Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?
Yes, definitely. I believe that hierarchy and subordination are very important. You can be friends with your boss. But you should never expect that, thanks to friendship you have a discount in the working situations.

3.Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in bussines?
It seems to me that these rules help. Thanks to their knowledge, many things can be said without words. We live in a civilized society and sometimes you should not stoop to rudeness.
I think Savoir-vivre is a very important skill to learn, you should obey it everytime and you'll get rewarded.
Poeple like others who are kind and elegant, those people inspire confidence.
Yes I always try to respect rules of savoir-vivre, especially when meeting with potential or current client. It is really important and you as a representative need to show you firm from the best side.
Yes I think it is helping bussines, as everyone knows bussines is harsh but you should always take it with smile and confidence.
It is important not to loose temper after defeat, always go forward.
I think that "Savior-vivre" is necessary in our lives. I usually be aware of such rules and respect them. I think it adds elegance. At work we should follow "Savior-vivre" and dress code. It inspires respect and helps in conversations along with further building authority.
1.What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?

I think this is a very imported set of rules and everyone should stay with it. In our everyday life, we are often facing a lot of problems, but part of that problem could be avoided if all of us will use those rules. It is not hard but is very crucial.

2.Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?

Most of these rules I respect and I am trying to live in accordance with them. To be honest, not all of them are everyday use, but most of them are useful. Also, there are some rules, which I want to start developing, like being always puntual and etc.

3.Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in bussines?

I think yes. In business it is important to show, that you care about the person you are conversating and the best way is to follow these rules.
I think it is really important to kinda know this stuff if u have any contact with client at your work. The only problem is that as long as you try to be polite and make use of Savoir-vivre, people on the other side of table usually do not if something is different then what they thought. But you still have to be polite and agree with everything as they are paying for job done so you can't do anything unless you can handle loosing a client. So unfair but thats how business work, sadly.
1.What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?
Savoir-vivre is must have in life especially in work where you have a close contact with others. It will allow you to make a good impression but sometimes it’s easier to say then to do and I mean point 5 Conversation rules this is probably the most difficult to master.
2.Do you respect this kind of rules? If no, why?
Yes, I respect them like the saying say “you will catch more flies with honey than vinegar”
3.Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in business?
Depends what kind of business you have and who you are talking to. Sometimes you need to show your claws to get something done.
1.What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?
I am using this philosophy all the time, but I didn't know that it is called "Savoir-vivre". For me it is some kind of indicator of the interlocutor's courtesy.
2.Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?
Yes, I respect it a lot.
3.Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in bussines?
For sure, yes. This is a standard of business relations. You cannot be successful without this knowledge how to communicate with your colleagues, managers, clients, etc.
Illia Lukisha said…
1.What do you think about "Savoir-vivre"?

I think that to be cultural and polite is natural thing disregarding place or occasions. Also if someone cares in which order give hand to other person he's weirdo.

2.Do you respect this kind of rules? If no why?

I think that most of the above information is like know-how to behave is society, and should be taught when the child is growing. If person don't use this rules in everyday life, I think it's rather uneducated redneck.

3.Do you think that "Sovoir-vivre" helps in bussines?

I think that to be polite, punctual and respectful will help everywhere not only in business.
In my opinion "Savoir-vivre" is a great thing to practice. Appropriate behavior can put us in good light and give a chance to aquire few good points in front of boss's. Good impression is very important and every one prefer to have around themselves people that can made them look even better. I'm one of this who prefer to stay formal at the beginning and eventually become more open when the right times comes becouse in bussines the first thing that matter is ability to preform good job and with my proper behavior I can show respect and savvy. I believe this is a good way to show that I'm an appropriate person for the work. Of course you should stay true to yourself becouse fals intensions can be easily found out and lead to privation chances for business or even create bad opinion about you in the field you are working.

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