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Week 10 [27.05-02.06.2019] How to increase your creativity?

I found a very nice subject that shows how complicated our mind is. It is amazing that the simplest activities between tasks can improve the quality of work. Please check this short video and answer the questions below ⤶:

1. What do you think about this idea? 2. Do you know any other trick that helps your brain work? 3. Have you got problems with concentration in work?
4. Do you think creativity influences the focus and efficiency of work? Or maybe it just bothers you?


Nataliya Tkach said…
1. What do you think about this idea?
Everyone knows that the best way to generate your ideas is a walk.

2. Do you know any other trick that helps your brain work?
I guess for me the alternative to walking is to go to the gym or play a computer game to distract and overload the brain or play monopoly with friends.

3. Have you got problems with concentration in work?
Very often I have problems with concentration at work, very often ideas do not come to mind. Usually the that can do for 2 hours, do 8 hours.

4. Do you think creativity influences the focus and efficiency of work? Or maybe it just bothers you?
I work in the creative field, it is important for me that the idea was useful and aesthetically beautiful.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. What do you think about this idea?

I think that what they said is true when it comes to me. When I have a bigger problem to think about I go to the gym and work out, almost every time when Im done working out I have figured a solution for my problem that I came to figure out. It really works and I highly recommend it to everyone.

2. Do you know any other trick that helps your brain work?

Well I really make my brain work when I'm bored just because I'm thinking about everything and weird other topics come to my mind all the time.

3. Have you got problems with concentration in work?

I have never had a problem with concentration at work just because I was working in a place where it was not forbidden to go out and relax, spend time outside only with yourself to think about something.

4. Do you think creativity influences the focus and efficiency of work? Or maybe it just bothers you?

Well I think it helps you to figure out different faceables to a problem but it might be problematic too just because your mind is floating somewhere else not thinking about that one topic that you are trying to solve just because you saw something interesting somewhere else. It can create some sort of a distraction which might be problematic.
Answering your questions:

1. I think this is a good idea adn in my opinion, everybody knows that all activities (ever simple walking, minimum movement) helps "think" better. I think this is due to a better blood flow to the brain (oxygen).

2. Nope I do not know any other trick that helps brain work better. As I said above, all activities helps brain work better.

3. Nope, I haven't got problems with concentration in work, because I'm very active person. I go oftem swimming and go to gym. Less or no concentration - never happened to me.

4. It's very hard to answer this question. But partially I should agree with it, because when I'm very focused on a task for a long time, I feel tired. But as we all know, practice makes perfect.
Thanks for your comment.
It's cool you have your own ideas how to overload your brain.
Have you heard about incubation phase inside your brain?
It's a good way to learn and rest for the brain.
That is so cool u train a lot. I think i should start doing the same :D
Dont you think sometimes your brain should got reset? Generally it's so good for you that you could have relax like that. How do you think why it's not everywhere this type of atmosphere?
Thanks for your comment mate ;)
It's good talking with better blood flow; I dont know why, but i had no idea about that before. Maybe special thinking can help your brain work better? I envy you your concentration. I can not concentrate during the day; only at night :O
I must agree with you: Practise makes better. It's same everywhere.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. What do you think about this idea?
I have to agree with the method presented in the video as it works for me too. I have never thought about why sometimes I must stand from my computer and walk even inside my house but now I realized that this helps my brain to process better.

2. Do you know any other trick that helps your brain work?
In my case I have to keep my mind on a high rpm because if I let it be lazy and give it a rest for too long then it's hard to come back to normal state hah. I have a summer holidays in my mind right now and coming back to school afterwards.

3. Have you got problems with concentration in work?
I nearly always have a problem with a concentration when I'm outside my home. I'm used to work/live in a very quiet and comfortable place and when I'm for example in Warsaw, I sometimes cannot concentrate on anything when it's loud. Now the problem is much smaller because I simply get used to it partially, but at the beginning of our studies it was a real problem for me.

4. Do you think creativity influences the focus and efficiency of work? Or maybe it just bothers you?
I would say that creativity is a really valuable feature to have and it helps in many different situations in work. But sometimes when you start to come up with thousands of new ideas e.g. in the middle of some project it could have a bad influence on meeting a deadlines.
I know that one of the most efficient ways of boosting creativity is actually changing past time. I don't know exactly the reason why it is, but it was scientifically proven that among other methods, changing the thing that you have been doing for past hours is actually helpful, as it refreshes mind and what is more interesting, it gets more effective if you do not change the type of activity to watching series or lying on a couch. Choosing active and physical one is the best approach.

Again, I know not the exact reasons to this phenomena, but I have tried it myself and found it actually viable.
s18716 said…
1. What do you think about this idea?
This is a super idea. An excellent experience has been done, and really good results. However it may be, at any moment the decision to go and walk is very useful.

2. Do you know any other trick that helps your brain work?
Well, sometimes there are such moments during a brainstorming, when the idea still does not occur to you. Often I heard advice from people to distract themselves, to refocus their attention on other things that do not require great mental exertion. I used it unconsciously, and it helped me.

3. Have you got problems with concentration in work?
They occur with external exposure, or at home. Many unnecessary things can appear in the head. But in general, I'm not complaining about my concentration.

4. Do you think creativity influences the focus and efficiency of work? Or maybe it just bothers you?
I think the influence is still there. Creativity is largely positive for efficiency. If you have original thoughts, they can save time and resources to solve problems.
I agree with this idea, I love to walk and think about problems and their solutions. Often before intensive thinking I do something that practically does not require thinking such as playing games or watching some funny videos, always after such a session i come up with new ideas. I don't really have problems with concentration because I can devote 100% of my attention to the problem I'm struggling with. I'm not sure if creativity affects concentration, because in my opinion creativity is about inventing new solutions, and focus is to calm down and focus on one thing.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. What do you think about this idea?

I think it’s a no brainer and most of us know that even a short walk can help with coming up with any idea or a solution to a problem.

2. Do you know any other trick that helps your brain work?

I think that short deadline helps my brain working 😉. Apart from that I usually find a solution to a problem while taking a shower in the morning.

3. Have you got problems with concentration in work?

Not at all, I know the faster I finish my work the faster I can get out of the office. There is another case as well which is sticking to deadline. If I exceed any time estimates by many hours, questions will start to appear.

4. Do you think creativity influences the focus and efficiency of work? Or maybe it just bothers you?

Of course it does increase our efficiency at work. I think that the more solutions you have, the better. For example, when I run of ideas I start to frustrate and it affects my productivity.
ExoKuzo said…
Walking is a great way to get your body in motion and start thinking on one thing. When it comes to brainstorming i prefer having music, but when i encounter a problem i need to solve now walking proved itself best way to do so.
Yes when there is much going on around me i tend to concentrate less on my work than i should be thats why i bring my own headphones to work and listen to curated playlist of music right for me.
Creativity can help focusing at work but more often than that i get distracted by it , you get an idea and want to hop onto it midway through.
Haha, sometimes I can't concencrate during the day but at night, as you. You know, it depends on our life.
Yana Lytvynenko said…
This is quite a popular way to get your brain to work actively, but I just regularly go to workouts, and they allow me in mind active and that is true.
I think there are no people who are always as productive as possible, some distractions can always appear, whether they are messengers or instagram or work colleagues.
I can also be distracted as well as if I have not slept well or have eaten, I cannot be as concentrated as possible for a long time. Often at work, a complete distraction from work for 10 minutes helps me, drink coffee, talk to someone on remote topics or watch a video. After this short remake I can start working with new forces.
i think you are right, becouse i can concentrate in night because i go sleep around 2-4 AM
Sometimes i need to go away from my PC for better thinking. But sometimes i need to stop thinking and do something else for example when i'm learning i learn for a while and then i go play game and again learn and again and again. It's really cool method and you can spend time on games too :)
I think that some physical activity could actually help your brain to become more productive. Well I would say that my trick to make my brain work faster is just don’t think about it. Sometimes when I’m stuck on something, especially when I’m programming the best way to came up with an idea is just to stop thinking about it, relax go for a walk and an idea will come on its own.
Not really, I usually do everything in last moment so I can’t let my self to not concentrate because I don’t have a lot of time to finish the job.
I think some activity can help. Running or other more attention absorbing activities don’t have a good influence on your thinking. But a little activity like walking and some fresh air can make huge difference.
Interesting article! Of course, there is no secret; physical activity increases mental ability. I think that using this method is quite practical. But I use a slightly different method. Every morning I go for a run. About five kilometers to run every day. It gives me a charge of cheerfulness for the whole day. I also have some problems with concentration. These are notifications and messages that arrive on my phone or computer. I use the attention focus mode in windows and turn off notifications on my phone, at a time when I need to concentrate on my work. Creativity is good, and we should approach it wisely.
1. Interesting and makes a lot of sense.
2. Sometimes I play with a Rubik's cube.
3. Yes, if you're working on something boring.
4. Depends on the subject of the work, as there is something that I am not interested in then my creativity is working on what to improve in my car. :)
Maybe it's popular, but the most important is this trick work :P
There aren't so tricks like this are usefull i think. The same situation with another tricks :D
I like same like you to watch yt or play games on my breaks. It's so usefull for me
1. What do you think about this idea?
It’s not creative it is appropriate but not novel many people do this and yeas I agree with her about this if you have many new incentives then there are many opportunities for new creative idea
2. Do you know any other trick that helps your brain work?
No, well maybe good long sleep after resting your brain will work better then when you are tired.
3. Have you got problems with concentration in work?
Only after few hours of work or when you do something very boring
4. Do you think creativity influences the focus and efficiency of work? Or maybe it just bothers you?
Not necessary all depends on what you are doing and how you use your creativity. Sometimes creativity distract you and disturb your work.
Nothing new for me, i do it always. But i prefer not only walking near your house or appartments, my goal is always to be alone and find a peaceful plice like mountains, sea or deserted place. What about other trick that can help our brain work - focus on something and make a timetable with deadlines. When i was younger i have got problems with concentration on my work, but now i can't say that i can loose focus. I don't think that creativity influences the focus and efficiency of work, every person has own distractions that can be annoying.
Is playing with magic cube so usefull and help that much?
I think it is a great idea. Background in form of reasearch did a lot to convince me that this is a good idea. My personal trick to help my brain to work is to do some cleaning. It is relaxing for me and helps me organize my thoughts. If you find something to organize, try it. I find myself many times in situation where i cannot think of work. Maybe it is because most of my hobbys are connected to my work. Creativity is essential when working, but only if you have job connected with some kind creative work. In my opinion, the state without creative boost is better for pasting cell values into Excel but not so much to designing/painting or something else in this category.
The older i get i think my creativity shrinks in most aspects. Luckly when i get some task i just cant think about anything else untill i finish it. The only thing i need is music. The problem is when stuff i have to deal with does not meet with my interests. Then nothing helps me to focus on it. Answering your last question, hmmmm. I think it might help you in some cases. Most jobs are based on creativity. Can't think of programmer that thinks schematically.
1. What do you think about this idea?

I think it depends on a person and his/her mood. Sometimes it could help sometimes no. It is not a precise problem solving but an interesting idea.

2. Do you know any other trick that helps your brain work?

For a short period of time, I switch to something else when I feel stuck. It almost always helps me and generates some great new ideas.

3. Have you got problems with concentration in work?

Sometimes yes. Sometimes, I feel that I simply cannot concentrate on work. In such periods, I go for a short walk, cup of coffee or chat with colleagues.

4. Do you think creativity influences the focus and efficiency of work? Or maybe it just bothers you?

I think creative could help you but not always. Because almost everyone had this problem, some task, which very boring one should be completed. This task is very important, so it should be done in time, but when you are over-creative it could be a problem.
1. It’s almost like your brain actually needs oxygen to function. Who would have thought. What a ‘creative’ idea.
2. Strong motivation is always a good factor. People sure outperform their competition when they have no other choice.
3. Plenty. The part about moving on if you cannot figure something out actually seems like great advice. The problem is that then you might just never get to finish. The realistic solution is to give yourself a time limit and just go with what you got. Not everything you do has to be great.
4. I don’t think I quite understand where You are coming from with that question. Applying creative solutions to problems is basically how we advance as a species. Thou I guess sometimes there is no need to reinvent the wheel.
Yes walking can help you clear your head and think from diferent perspective. Looking at normal things can help yuo find a solution sometimes watching nature can either. When I am stuck and need to think a bit I like to go under shower, as there I can really relax and clear my mind. Not always but sometimes yes, the worst thing is tiredness which comes for me about 13-14.
As a programmer I believ that creativity is the major part of our job, to find better solution and keep upgrading code to be the best as it can be.
1. I sure think so it's an interesting idea but it's really nothing new. Some physical activity and few whiffs of fresh air always get my brain going.
2. If I have trouble motivating myself, I usually cook or go out for a nice meal because when I can't concentrate I'm usually just hungry;)
3. Sometimes but not often. When I'm at work I'm usually too busy. I only have problems with concentration when i have too much time on my hands, if that makes any sense..
4. I think creativity can only benefit your given tasks. Speaking for myself, strict deadlines can surely influence the efficiency of work
When I was a kid I often go for a walk and imagine a lot of tales. This activity was one of my favorite amusements becouse I could create worlds or become the main character of the sort I liked. Later on I discover that when I was on my way back from some activity I could come up with new ideas or possibilities to solves problems that I would encounter trough the day. I definitely agree with this presenter that something as simple as walking can boost our mind my guess is that happen becouse when we are working we sometimes focus to much on one aspect and we tand to narrow our point of view. After a while that can lead to frustration but if we can create a stress-free situation our brain come up with new ideas easily and walking is a really good example of that. Sometimes in work when I start to feel anxious becouse I can't solve some problem I do break and walk around office for few minutes if I can forget about obstacles than in few minutes I propably come up with new solutions. Creativity is one of my friends and I always try to test new ideas for improving my work.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. What do you think about this idea?

I think that this is interesting concept. But three groups of people is not representative study. But still I will test it out in the near future.

2. Do you know any other trick that helps your brain work?

My brain works better when I listen classical music, and in second half of the day. Sometimes sleeping helps to find a solution of a problem, and sometime pause or discussing with some helps to resolve an issue.

3. Have you got problems with concentration in work?

Yeah, a lot of times. Programming is a creative work, and finding a solution is a tough task, because a lot of time you just thinking, and writing a code is easy mechanical task. And sometimes you should be really creative to design a solution.

4. Do you think creativity influences the focus and efficiency of work? Or maybe it just bothers you?

I think it depends on the kind of work you do. If you're part of the manufacturing line you shouldn't be very creative to do your work well or to make more products. But as a developer you should be creative, and if you run out of ideas, it's hard to move on.

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