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Week 10 [27-02.05.2019] Colombian guerrilla

Colombian guerrilla 

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 Colombia, although it still doesn't enjoy the best fame, is an amazingly beautiful
 and wonderful country. However, a dark story behind it is associated with corruption,
 drug activity and partisan activities.
Colombia is a country that is incredibly interested in me, I met many people who 
live there, I watched and read the accounts of Poles who decided to move to Colombia
 because they fell in love with it.
     Due to my interest in this country, I started to read books about it and this way 
I found a reportage in which the author tells the story of people from the worst 
times of Colombia, that is from the 90s. Among other things is described the story 
of a girl named Yineth who lived in the village about Remolio Alto Porte Orteguaza. 
     The world in which she grew up was extremely cruel to her, she didnt know her 
biological father, but for a short time her life was near her stepfather farmer, 
her mother who gave birth to her at the age of 17. She was the oldest of 7 siblings. 
Conditions in which she was growing up were difficult, a village in which there was 
no electricity or access to civilization, the children didn't go to school, but 
only worked on equal terms with their parents. Her mother left home when Yineth was 
8 years old, her stepdad drank a lot and disappeared from home for a week, sometimes 
even three weeks, that's why the duty to look after the house and siblings fell on Yineth,
 she worked very hard, stole food from her neighbors to feed her family. In 1998, 
when Yineth was twelve years old, her mother returned home, but that didn't mean 
an easier life for a little girl, no long later, in the same year, Guerillas, 
Colombian guerrillas, knocked on their house. They were looking for food, clothing, 
anything that would allow them to live.
     They came in green uniforms in a camouflage with rifles in their hands with corals of 
bullets hanging from the cross on their necks. They were polite, calm, they asked if they 
knew who they were, what is the full name of their organization. In the case of poorer families, 
where it was not possible to give them food or clothing, the oldest child was given and Yineth 
was taken. In total, the partisans took 43 children from the village. She got Leydi guerrilla 
peudone. From that moment, everyone was asking her so. After a year of service on an 
equal footing with everyone, she learned a hard work and service of weapons and got a new 
Yuri peudonim. Living in the forest in a group of partisans was difficult, women were used by men, 
if they wanted to make love with woman, they had to ask for permission from the superior but the 
woman had nothing to say, no matter that the woman was 13 or 14 years old. At the age of 13, 
Yira learned to read and write, learned basic information about the world and from then on she 
devoted every free moment to writing or drawing, everything and everything. However, the teachers 
told her only propaganda slogans, which only years later Yira understood that they were brainwashing.
During her first operation called "EL SOL" or Spanish sun, for the first time she really used a 
weapon, she saw people dying and mutilated.
This is not the end of this girl's story, however, I wanted to show you the enormity of cruelty and the 
difficulty of many people's life in this country not so long ago. This story made a huge impression on me, 
let us compare how good and comfortable we live here only 20 years later?

1. Have you read an interesting report recently?
2. Do you know a similar story that you would like to share?
3. Are you interested in the history and culture of a distant country?
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania colombia


Bartosz Barnat said…
1. Have you read an interesting report recently?

I don't read that many reports. I highly focus on books or easy talks about some topic. Recently I read a history about a Hacker Kevin Mitnick and how he was living as a fugitive, hiding from the FBI.

2. Do you know a similar story that you would like to share?

Unfortunetly I can't recall any similar story to the one shown by you. I know that there is few more people that have the same situation like the girl in the story and it is awful that they are treated that way and taken from their families to serve someone else.

3. Are you interested in the history and culture of a distant country?

Well I don't know many things about distant countries but I love reading about them and some similarities that we can see in our own country compared to theirs. To be honest I think that every country is the same in some way. There is just few changes but they have the same interest. When it comes to history I don't like reading about history so no, I try to avoid this topic.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. Have you read an interesting report recently?
I can't recall if I read any report recently, I'm rather more interested in short news, YouTube videos and books. The hottest topic of recent days is the Huawei story so I've definitely read some articles about that.

2. Do you know a similar story that you would like to share?
I don't know any story like that but I can imagine that such problems are not minority and there are many places around the world where such problems and cruel behavior is on a daily basis.

3. Are you interested in the history and culture of a distant country?
I always hated history lessons in school but as I'm getting older I'm starting to value our history and I see it could be really interesting to see some curiosities also from other countries.
Recently I read a report on the emission of exhaust emissions during the production of an electric car. It turns out that the production of one electric car produces more harmful substances than the production of a combustion car. What's more, considering the 10 years of operation of such an electric car in comparison with the combustion engine, it appears that it is more harmful. This is due to the production process of a car battery which is very expensive and harmful to the environment. An additional problem is the recycling of such a car. The battery can’t be melted or reclaimed.

I have just read the last report that I wrote above.

So the history of a distant country like Colombia is interesting. Although I associate this country only with films about drug cartels. Even went a good series on netflix talking about Pablo Escobar who conquered the drug market.
That's sad that you have not enjoyed history lessons. When I was at school my history teacher was one of the coolest guy I have ever met. That's probably why I loved my history lessons. It's funny how teacher can make one subject super cool or super lame.
s18716 said…
1. Have you read an interesting report recently?
This was an interesting article. Indeed, the country has gone through a lot in its path, although probably every country has its own history. Today, this country is also experiencing difficulties due to the political situation. In any case, we hope that everything will be decided soon.

2. Do you know a similar story that you would like to share?
But in fact there are a lot of examples. Each country has its own heroes and real people who survived so much in their path, even many literary characters would be sidelined. Such stories should be covered, maybe they will somehow motivate people.

3. Are you interested in the history and culture of a distant country?
Yes, in general, any culture to which you had nothing to do, it seems to me that a person is interested. Especially the culture on the other hemisphere. On Earth, a lot of everything unknown and unfamiliar, I want to learn more about everything.
Kocanka said…
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Anna Koca said…
1. Have you read an interesting report recently?
The only reports I read are those about design and new technologies because I have to be up to date in my work. UX is field where trends are changing from day to day and if you don' keep up, you're out of the market.

2. Do you know a similar story that you would like to share?
Unfortunately I don't know any similar stories, but after this article I will search for them. I think that stories like this should be noticed and published.

3. Are you interested in the history and culture of a distant country?
I was interested in Denmark culture for a long time. I was reading a lot about hygge, their education and politics system, history and traditions. I was so excited that I wanted to move there for studies and live there permanently.
Recently I read an article about Iranian lawyer, who is imprisoned for fighting for women right in Iran. She protested against mandatory wearing hijab. She is now sentenced for 38 years and 148 whips... I think that unfortunately there are a lot of these type of cases around us, but we don't know about a lot of them.
I'm a student of Japanese Culture, so I'm obviously interested in the japanese history and culture. I really like to explore escpecially their culture and when it comes to the history I'm mostly interested in the modern history of the Japan.
This type of stories is nothing new. You hear about something like that very often. It's terrifying story and no one should live like that but only reading about them it's not going to help them. Gang activity, violence and child labour is a problem in most 3rd world countries. I'm not really interested into other countries modern culture myself. I know something about English and American customs but it's far from a hobby.
1. Have you read an interesting report recently?

Yes, I have read an interesting report about crisis in Venezuela. I really recommend it :

2. Do you know a similar story that you would like to share?

No, I don’t know any similar stories to this one, but unfortunetelly I think that there are much more of this horrific stories that happened to people.

3. Are you interested in the history and culture of a distant country?

Hmm, this kind of stories do interest me, but I can’t really say that I’m interested in history and culture of any particular country. I often read some articles about distant countries, but I don’t really know a lot about their history and culture, which are probably very interesting but at the same time broad topics.
Sometimes, when I read articles about distant foreign countries, their traditions, religion, languages, sometimes this feels as if they were on a completely different planet. Cultural differences are way harder and are a much bigger deal than it may seem. I felt that really hard when first time went to live abroad to literally opposite side of the planet.
1. Yes, recently I read some interesting reports. Mainly related to motorization.
2. Niestey not, but I realize there are many such stories.
3. Yes, mainly Japan and African countries.
1. Have you read an interesting report recently?
Yes, I love such stories. They show us how cruel the people around us are.

2. Do you know a similar story that you would like to share?
I know a lot of similar stories. Nowadays there are many countries where people, for some reason, are oppressed. Gays are stoned, women are circumcised and so on.

3. Are you interested in the history and culture of a distant country?
Yes, I am very interested in the history of the communist system in Cambodia and also the events that are happening in North Korea. I believe that it is incredibly cruel not to be able to help them, due to the fact, that countries must respect the sovereignty of other countries.
1. Have you read an interesting report recently?
Honestly, i don't have time for reading reports. I read books and watch videos most of my time. Also i listen to books sometimes, but i'm not a fan of it. Reports take a lot of our time, it's better to listen them or read the short version.
2. Do you know a similar story that you would like to share?
Sure, i will share similar story on the last week of our course. I hope you would love it.
3. Are you interested in the history and culture of a distant country?
Rather yes than no. I've never been there, but i'm always for visiting new country and getting new knowledge about historical destinations, traditions and etc. After your article i will definitely take a look on it.
This is a very interesting and instructive story. Every time I read something like that, I thank God for giving me the opportunity to leave my country without obstacles. Unfortunately, our world is not always good. I know a lot of similar stories. But I do not want to talk about it. Because it is a policy. I can only say one thing, my wife from Donetsk. My wife ran away from this terrible place. Unfortunately, I keep a close eye on the neighboring country. This is Russia. After all, the success of my homeland depends on this country. I really hope that the sound mind will win and everything will be fine in the whole world.
I haven't been reading any reports recently. Unfortunatelly, i cannot remember any with similar story to share. Maybe i should be. Your article is very interesiting and got me many things to think about. Despite the fact thath i am not interested in history and culture of any distant countries, stories like this should be heard around the glob. In my opinion, no mater where these things are happening, we should warn others and ourselves. Only in numbers we can do something to prevent situations like the one you presented to us.
Yes, recently I’ve read about the mafia history in Poznań. I often watch films about criminal cases. I’m not particularly interested in the history and culture of foreign countries. If something interests me, I search more information in the Internet.
1. Have you read an interesting report recently?
To be honest, I am trying not to read such kind of articles. Our world is full of cruelty and intransigence and it is impossible to stay with positive meaning knowing a lot of such stories.
2. Do you know a similar story that you would like to share?
Unfortunately, as I mentioned before, I try to escape from such stories.
3. Are you interested in the history and culture of a distant country?
I am very interested in many cultures and its historical moments. It is amazing that there are so many different meanings, religions, rituals, etc.
Well the comparison between 1990s Columbia and modern day Poland isn’t exactly fair. 1990s we where basically the same country just with slightly less infrastructure and a little less pay. Meanwhile modern day Columbia is still plagued with gang warfare regardless of recent political development. There is military grade weaponry on the streets and money to be made in drug cartels. That won’t change any time soon I’m afraid. Still it’s not like extraordinarily horrible life stories don’t slip right past us. I mean illegal slave trade is still alive in most of Europe including Poland. Women are still taken from their homes, shipped abroad and abused right here. It’s become quite marginal but still functions.
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Personally I don't like to talk about stuff like that becouse I have this feeling that talking takes us nowhere. We tend to publicize horrible facts but I feel like most of them are forgotten. I don't think we should ignore them but the way we react or rather the way information is created for masses build circle where we feel bad for the one who suffer and nothing change. I'm well aware of cruelty that human can present to other people and it's made me sick. Unfortunately I'm more concerned about my own behavior and life and I'm not working for better living of third world. Harsh truth but I'm not presenting myself in bubble of the one who cares about victims of our world becouse my actions are shallow. Recently I watched document called "Nie mów nikomu" media went wild and afterward we can hear church bell's like before. My guess but in half of year we will hear about reforms that were not created and problem that remains and that's it, full circle. In order to change you need a lot of determination, strong will, and thousands of hours of solid work add good plan and you receive unbreakable wall that stops most of us in this pathetic form of superficial change. Fortunately some people are capable of making a difference and we still evolving as a society so in a next milenium our species might live in better system.

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