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Week 12 [18.06-24.06.2018] Mobile camera

Most of us take a photo on mobile phone camera or even take a video on mobile phone. But have you ask yourself how it works? This video will explain basic principle of work and why we can't get photos like on regular camera.

  1. How often do you take a photo on mobile phone?
  2. Can you imagine future of mobile camera evolution?
  3. Do you think that mobile photo can challenge with photo shooted on normal camera?


Lukasz Mroczek said…
Definitely I do it every day. Sometimes I take one photo, sometimes one hundred but it occurs every day. It's hard to imagine mobile camera evolution but I'm sure that as it was before, each year, smarthpones will have better cameras and maybe some day it will we as good as professional camera. As for now it's impossible but maybe in future? Who knows.
Unknown said…
I don't really take photos that often, so having a good camera on the phone is not something I really care about. I think it's always a good idea to buy a separate camera which will give you a much better photo quality than a regular smartphone camera if you really care about photography. Although there is one smartphone from Nokia on the market which compared to the professional cameras has pretty impressive camera hardware specs.
I don't really know what else can be improved in modern mobile cameras except for quality.
Probably not, at least today, but maybe sometime in the future it will be possible that photos done with the mobile camera will be as good as photos taken using regular professional cameras.
Do you think that mobile photo can challenge with photo shooted on normal camera?
It happens not often but i'm trying to do it when i need to remember something or to make a new photo for instagram. I see as it is moving forward and making huge steps in to the future. Mobile cameras are already competing with all the cameras in the world. After 5 years of evolution our eye would not see the difference between photo that was taken by professional camera or mobile camera.
Unknown said…
I don't take photos too often so I'm not really interested in that topic. I think that the cameras will still increase their tech parameters and also improve software features, like facial recognition and filters.
Phone cameras can't possibly replace standalone pro cameras, but for amateurs there is probably little difference already.
Unknown said…
1. I always take a photo on my mobile phone, since it is always at hand. It's very rare when I manage to keep a professional camera in my hands.
2. Yes, of course, technology has long wanted to achieve this result. I would be glad if you could have a phone with a camera that made photos of such quality that would not be different from professional ones.
3. Last year in Berlin, I saw an interesting advertisement for iPhone 8. Advertising included photos of the most unusual places on the planet, for example, a desert or a canyon. But one thing is that first beautiful photos are obtained, and then these photos are specially processed. Perhaps a quality image and processing can replace a good camera and additional lighting.
Maciej Nowak said…
I don't take photos on mobile phone very often. Usually I use it to take photos of notes, some information written on the board or when my friend looks like a moron. I can imagine that future mobile cameras will have better and better quality and be more versatile in poor conditions. However, I don't think that they ever be as good as traditional cameras when portability isn't a problem. Normal cameras will give better quality and more options to adjust settings.
Count of photos depend on each person :)
I prefer to have a good camera for any case.
I think that this success is divided by software and AI too.
Absolutely agree with this.
Maybe but I think not always.
I use mobile camera in the same way :)
Marcin Mróz said…
I don't use it too often as I don't use Snapchat or Instagram, but whenever I have to capture something I grab my phone and take a photo. I don't even have a normal camera, so if I'm on holidays I'm also using phone to take photos. I think that they will get better and better as every technological device nowadays and maybe in some time photos taken with mobile phone will be as good as photos taken with a normal camera. For now, of course, normal camera wins in case of picture quality, but I believe it could change in the future.
Illia Lukisha said…
How often do you take a photo on mobile phone?
I use chip old phone, so I never take photos on phone.

Can you imagine future of mobile camera evolution?
No I can't, and I don't worry about it.

Do you think that mobile photo can challenge with photo shooted on normal camera?
I think it can compete with cameras now, and it's ok, photography become more accessible.
Filip Sawicki said…
1. Not very often, but If I do want to take a photo I’ll use my mobile phone. I don’t have any other camera.
2. My guess is that we’ll have some kind of 3d camera with higher quality of photos, probably lenses will grow a bit, oh and maybe there’ll be cameras on all sides of mobile phone (that would be funny)
3. It depends, right now what matters is creativity. There is no difference when it comes to choosing the device, one must just know how to operate it.
Unknown said…
I take photos of my mobile phone almost every day. It is very easy to use and it is always at hand. Whenever I see something interesting, I pull out the phone and take a picture.

I think that some mobile cameras are better than professional ones. I think the next direction could bring more extensive options of doing pictures in 3D, using more advanced filters, or extended frames. this technology develops very quickly that it is difficult to predict what else can be invented.

Yes. What's more, I think that this is happening now. And I think in the future, mobile cameras can completely replace professional ones.
Illia Kalinin said…
1. I do them quite often. I'm a slave of social media and I always hold the phone in my hand and some times it makes shots which I have to instantly share with someone or somewhere.

2.Ehmm, Ultra small camera with superior quality? Or no, It may be a camera that automatically makes shots for VR.

3. Even now, there a huge amount of films which are made without any professional cameras, only with mobile phones. And some of these movies are nominated for some kind of Oskar's. So. in my opinion war goes to end.
Kristina Moroz said…
I take a photo on mobile phone pretty much every day. Normal camera gives you more freedom to make photo whatever you. You can play with settings by changing exposure, focus and photosensitivity and make one picture looks like any different phones can do.
But there to many lenses which you can use to make macro or fish eye effects.
What about phone camera challenging with camera. Last year I saw in Berlin advertising of iPhone 8 it was about photos which was made by it. And they were pretty awesome I can't even think that phone could do it.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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In professional hands a lot of cameras can make beautiful photos :)
Maybe in future but I'm not sure because this is depend on lenses and distance between them.
I think you really need to update your phone to make more memories in photo :)
Yes, I'm agree with you. Professional photographer know how make amazing photos even on mobile camera.
I really like a camera on my mobile phone. I divide ninety percent of my pictures with its help. I can say that I'm a fan. The future of mobile cameras is very easy to predict. The quality will improve and the size will decrease. Already, a mobile camera can fight with professional cameras. But, I think that the niche of professional cameras will not disappear. Firstly, its also constantly evolving. And secondly, no one even the coolest phone will not be able to repeat the whole range of possibilities of the professional camera. And this will not change for a very long time.
I don't think that whole quality of normal camera can be achieved with mobile phone but for regular use case probably.
VR is cool idea for future of mobile photo but I think that this is more software story :)
Yes, most of magic of mobile photo is in software post processing.
It depends. Some day I may not even launch my camera and some day I may overwhelm my storage with innumerous amount of photos. When I was choosing my smartphone the main option for me was camera just because I like taking photos of nature and megapixels with resolution was vulnerable for me.

I can't but I know it will be better than it is now. Although regular users won't see the difference but the quality and cameras will be better.
Ah, im using my phone or any other camera really seldom. I just dont like takeing any photos. I only do when i have to remember something.
When it comes to evolution of a camera.. hmmm.. i think it will be somehow connected to us. So we can shoot a photo exactly of what we are seeing. I hope our brain would be the mostly used processor in this process.
It really depends, what phone, what accesories do you have, will you use pc to prepaire it etc. But overall i think basic quality is better when you use camera that is at the same price to your phone.
I take the occasionally but only because my camera sux big time (phone one).
In the future we will get maybe close enough to today's cameras, the problem is with how much miniaturization we have to deal with when making a mobile camera u cant really fit everything there and software solutions are nothing if u dont get all the information from the source(actual lens).
There are accessories that can greatly improve mobile camera's capabilities so yes i would say they can challenge the quality of normal sized cameras but i dont think they will ever win.
Unknown said…
1) Sometimes, mostly when i visit new place or city, but then I take hundreds of photos in new places
2) Not really. First what they need to do- make glasses really perfect, cuz right now our technologies dont allow us to remove curves and unevennesses of glass that are smaller than 5 nano meters, and without that we cant make smaller and better cameras.
3)Well, apparently I saw some examples of photos taken by some canon or some professional camera and Iphone 8, and they were almost same, so I think yes)
Unknown said…
Today taking pictures became strange. I mean an instagram story. We take pictures that disappear after one day. I know that in this way we present what we do. Until recently, we did it on facebook but more and more functions are taken over by instagram. Yes, I'm doing pictures but some people are photographing what they do.

Photography today is harder because the phone has a camera and there is no need today to have a normal camera to make a great photo.
Patryk Górski said…
How often do you take a photo on mobile phone?

Almost every day. It's very useful for me, and I'm glad that technology "is there" to provide such a innovations.

Can you imagine future of mobile camera evolution?

I think the quality of the photos will become so much better than now.

Do you think that mobile photo can challenge with photo shooted on normal camera?

In a few years I think yes. Right now there is a big difference between them. But in the nearest future something may change, who knows.
Marcin Górski said…
How often do I take a photo on mobile phone?
It depends on situation.. when I'm travelling I like to take some pictures because thanks for that I have memories.
Hmmm, second question is very hard and I can imagine only that quality of photos will be better than now.
I think that photo shooted on normal camera always will be better that mobile photo because normal camera has better equipment and some better features. Smartphone is smaller and used to a lot of functions... normal camera is only for photos.
I had a Nokia Lumia 720 and it used to take nice photos, never blurry or some crap in auto mode. I pretty much never changed modes or settings. Now I have iPhone X and the pictures are in 4k but always blurry and take forever to process. I went through tons of forums and nobody helped me. I changed the resolution down half and I see no difference in speed, quality or f-ed up focusing of the phone...
Btw I prefer the camera that captures as color-close as possible as the real object. Whether I want it warmer, more exposure, etc, I'll do it with software (post photo). The original should be as close as possible as the real color, even if it looks worse to some people.
Unknown said…
I am really into photography, so I use my mobile camera every day. I also take pictures on my DSLR camera, but it is too heavy to carry with me everywhere, so almost all of my favorite pictures was taken by phone camera. I think that sometimes it doesn't matter, what device did you use - if you have caught the perfect moment, your picture is unique. There are many articles on the Internet where people compare who does it better - the professional with a mobile camera or a newbie with the coolest DSLR. The result is predictable - no matter how cool your camera is, you will always lose to the talented person with an ald mobile camera. And the modern phones now allow us to travel without a heavy apparat. A few years ago, a was traveling carrying plus three kilos, now I just have my phone in the pocket. Of course the result is not the same, but it is enough to catch the moment.
Unknown said…
How often do you take a photo on mobile phone?
Almost everyday I have something worth immortalizing like super cars or funny situations.
Can you imagine future of mobile camera evolution?
Of course they are becoming more and more professional and I think the future will be theirs.
Do you think that mobile photo can challenge with photo shooted on normal camera?
As I said mobile photo challenge pro cameras pretty well but for professional fashion session or making a movie they will be always worse, but for ordinary people I don't see any sense of using something else than mobile camera
Unknown said…
How often do you take a photo on mobile phone?
I make a lot of them everyday, really :D.

Can you imagine future of mobile camera evolution?
I don't know. Everyday they are just better and better. Maybe there'll be some new amazing functionalities? Who knows.

Do you think that mobile photo can challenge with photo shooted on normal camera?
For sure! Nowadays, cameras in smartphones are incredible! iPhone X, Galaxy S9 or the newest Huawei (P20 pro I believe?) make bodacious photos.
Unknown said…
Leatly - a lot, I want catch memories not only in my memory, but also in phone memory - share them with my friends.

Camera is only an object, maybe someday we will be able to feel more emotions conect with our photo..

Yes, nowadays almost all photo on f.e. instagram are taken by phone - and a lot of them looks like professional photo from canon/nikon or other professional camera ;)
Cecylia said…
I take photos every day. Mainly it is snapchat where I take more than twenty per day. I really like taking pictures I cannot imagine living without camera. I have also big camera but it is heavy and big and if I can take a photo by my smartphone, which is way smaller and by two taps, I can share it with my friends, the choice is simple. Year by year we can see how cameras in smartphones are being improved. They are getting smaller and the quality is getting bigger. Maybe in future will be some kind of discovery of new technology and we will can get quality of our eyes in our smartphones. If I have to compare normal camera and smartphone camera I will definitely say normal is way better than smartphone one.

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