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Week 12 [18.06-24.06.2018] Cheating on the exam

Cheating on exams or test is something that everyone did at least once in their lives. Someone has a really big experience, others don`t respect cheating on exams. Cheating is something that helps people to avoid studying that seems useless for them. It's happened to just about everyone.

You have a test coming up and you've completely forgotten to study. Or, you have a test coming up and you just don't want to study because there are better ways to spend your time, like living your life for example. In the internet you can easily found tons of ways how to cheat.

Some of examples of cheating:

1) It's Just Water 

2) The Masterfully Genius iPhone Smuggle

3) The Pen Was Just Made Like This

In a survey of 24,000 students at 70 high schools, McCabe found “64% of students admitted to cheating on a test, 58% admitted to plagiarism and 95% said they participated in some form of cheating, whether it was on a test, plagiarism or copying homework.”

So, what could possibly lead to such behaviors?

Students has various reasons to cheat:

It can be intentional decisions made at the very beginning of the month. Often it is motivated by the easy path to success.

Also, students aren’t being taught how to paraphrase. As a consequence, they just cut and paste from the articles they read on the internet – it is easy, quick and takes very little effort to do this.

Another reason is being unconfident in their own thoughts. So when they have to express their own idea it is better to go to the internet for some good ideas.

1) Did you ever cheat on exams? Why? What most unusual ways did you use to do that?

2) Do you think it is normal to cheat on exams? Please explain why yes, why not.

3) How do you think teachers who used their energy on studying students will feel when they catch their student cheating?



Suddenly, i cheated so many times on exams that i can't even count it. Why? Cuz a lot of exams are trash and there is a huge amount of useless information is given by "professors". Once i wrote all needed formulas on my legs under my socks and put one leg on another in the way i would be able to see it. When we are talking about really important exams, where you need to test yourself, to show what you are capable of, it is a bad idea to cheat. It depends on a person and on a teacher who is studying students. After i studied in 3 schools, finished 4 years of university, i would say that i met only 2 teachers who is really giving me energy and knowledge. You need to feel the difference between information and knowledge.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
Thank you for you reply. I guess that transforming information in knowledge is what studying is made for. I agree that there are some teachers that are not competent, but still, I guess that the biggest part of studying is self education for absolutely any kind of education. If a student has no will to study some subjects even a really good teacher will be helpless. This works in another side as well, when student is eager to learn new he won`t be stopped by anything or anyone.
Unknown said…
No, I have never cheated, not once in my life. I value hard work and never use such a cheap tricks to get good grades.
When it comes to unusual ways, I once saw a guy that had a laptop on his legs. It was obviously visible, but the teacher didn't care about that, he probably lost all hope in us by that time.
I understand people cheating on exams, because in most of the cases teachers have bad approach to tests - they do it to prove students how little they now, not to check what their strong and weak sides are.
Unknown said…
1. Yes, when I was cheating in school at the exam and used for this the most primitive way. I was very scared to write off and the teacher walked around the class throughout the exam, and when he sat down at the desk, and in my answer not a single letter, I realized that it could not be worse, got out a book, put it on the desk and started copying, could and I did not notice, later received an excellent evaluation.
2. I tried not to use the method of cheating, as I always taught myself, and if I wrote off, then I did not like this subject or did not have time to prepare beforehand.
3. I saw how teachers react to cheating, and the more the teacher invested in his lectures, the more they took offense at what the students are writing off.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
Thanks for your reply, it should be really hard to never cheat, because for me seems almost impossible to learn subjects that I don`t like.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I have experience when teachers allowed students to "cheat" intentionally with hope that in that stress exam situation at least something will stay in their heads.
Maciej Nowak said…
Yes, I have cheated on exams and probably will in the future. Mostly because I hadn't prepared well enough and retaking would be just troublesome. Also some subjects are just unnecessary and boring and studying them is rather waste of time. I can't recall any particularly unusual way of cheating. Whether cheating is normal or not depends rather on a country and it's culture and school. Here in Poland it is common to cheat on exams, but in other country it might be more or less popular. How teachers will fell if they find a cheater depends from attitude of this teacher to teaching and students. Some may be angry, some will just take a paper and some will don't even care.
Unknown said…

haha first photo is very funny. Of course, I cheated on exams. I think everyone did it. I bought a special watch where you could put different sentences and photos. I know that today we have smartwatches, but I bought this watch about 6 years ago. Maybe it's only a few years but then there were no smartwatches. We shouldn't cheat, but in every study we have classes that should't be there. There is a lot of learning by heart which in large part isn't useful.
Illia Lukisha said…
1) Did you ever cheat on exams? Why? What most unusual ways did you use to do that?
Yes, of coarse. Because there is no enough time in life to dedicate so much on unnecessary things.

2) Do you think it is normal to cheat on exams? Please explain why yes, why not.
I think it depends, if we eliminate stupid stuff from program and will examine not ability to remember things, but ability to apply knowledge to practical tasks.

3) How do you think teachers who used their energy on studying students will feel when they catch their student cheating?
Are all teachers really teach well? Usually when classes was done bad, then on exam you know nothings, and vise versa, good teachers rarely have bad students that need to cheat.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
Thanks for the reply, I think absolutely the same way as you do. So to my mind to change it we have to change educational system. Make it more flexible like in other countries where students choose almost all their subjects which has to make them more interested in studying.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I agree with the technology development students find out more and more "exotic" ways to cheat on the exams that they didn`t prepare for.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
Nowadays all students are saying that there lots of bad teachers. I am saying it as well, but sometimes it seems to me hard to teach someone something new. Always when I try to explain something complicated to someone I am getting stuck on the moment where the problem that I have to explain to the student is too easy for when student has no clue what I am talking abut. Creating good educational program that will fit everyone is hard, but I really hope that one day there will be found some almost perfect system for all.
Filip Sawicki said…
I did cheat on exams, many times. Everyone should do it, just because of how our educational system is created. We are not living databases (or Wikipedia) if on an exam there are only memory testing questions why would we even bother. In professional life we rarely have to use our memory, what we really need is creativity, sharp mind and observation skills. I don’t care what teachers think, if that’s the only way how they examine us. Just because they are poor at teaching or so lazy that they don’t give a damn about students, why would I even bother feeling ashamed.
Sometimes you just need to pass some exam but due to some circumstances are not prepared to, and you must choose be a good guy and do no good to anybody, or cheat and do good for at least yourslef, i don't have any postconventional morals stopping me from cheating thus i do it sometimes. I think that a good teacher does not need to feel anything towards a student it is not what he is being payed for.
Unknown said…
Yes I cheated on my exams. It was in high school. I didn’t like all the school subjects. Some of them just bored me. I especially didn’t like biology. I was more interested in artistic and humanistic subjects. I decided to devote more time to them, and not to learn biology at all. I didn’t have any unusual ways to do that. I had written sentences on rubber or on a small piece of paper that I kept in a pencil case.

I think it is normal that students cheat on exams. In high school or in collage , we learn many things that simply do not interest us and they are not related to the choice of our professional path. But we must pass it because education requires it. I believe that it is better to focus on the issues, lectures and subjects that you choose, than to learn everything.

I think that teachers should not take it too personally and consider it as their failure. Students decide about themselves, they must learn from their own mistakes and make their own decisions. Teachers should try to convey the knowledge to most students, but do not worry if someone is not interested in their subject and cheats on exams.
Illia Kalinin said…
I've cheated but it was long long time ago, I did it because I wanted to get a better mark. I've used a regular mobile phone, not a smartphone. In my opinion it is not normal, because doing this you won't remember anything. So you just lose your time and money. I don't really know, but I'm sure that experienced teacher won't blame the student.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
1)Did you ever cheat on exams? Why? What most unusual ways did you use to do that?
No, because even if I cheat and pass the exam I won't succed in work or anywhere where I should know this information so it makes no sense.
I think teachers feel bad and not statisfied but students are just students, there will always be someone who is cheating.
Unknown said…
1) Yes, because I don't like to cram something. I don't know, putting my notebook right in front of teachers table so teacher cant see?
2) I think it's normal, because why should i cram something that I don't need, and is mostly useless
3)I have no idea, probably I need to be a teacher to know that!
Yes ive cheated sometimes but not really often. I only do when im sure that the exam isnt to see if you can do something but only if you have read and remembered one whole sentence properly. It doesnt test your knowledge but capability of learning something by hearth and forgeting it the next day.
I think most teachers doesn't care. I think they know that it is impossible to know everything if you have this many other classes to learn whole book to pass. But that is only my opinion.
Yes, I did. I don't like studying things that I consider useless and uninteresting for me. I don't like wasting my time on stuff like that. There are some subjects(at this school as well) that I know I will omit at the very beginning. This choice could be connected with the person that teaches it or with the knowledge that this subject gives.

I hated my history lessons in school with all my heart but my parents made me learn it. Instead I learned how to cheat without being even noticed. I think I gained way more better lesson from this history lessons :)

I don't know. You should probably ask teachers. But to my mind there are 2 types of students - the one that want to learn and the one that just don't care about this subject. If those students will get the teacher that don't know his/her subject or is not able to explain this subject in the way the students will get the information than most probably everyone will cheat on his/her exam
Patryk Górski said…
1) Did you ever cheat on exams? Why? What most unusual ways did you use to do that?

Yes I did, because sometimes I needed to. It was mainly because I thought, that this lecture is not that important for me, so it wouldn't be anything bad to cheat on it a little bit. Usually I was doing it with my cell phone.

2) Do you think it is normal to cheat on exams? Please explain why yes, why not.

I think it's normal, but it doesn't mean that it is good - the examination system should be reworked. Nowadays we have a lot of mediums, so we can just "google" anything - why we can't check, if people can find answer for their problems by themselves? Of course it's not applying to all of the lectures

3) How do you think teachers who used their energy on studying students will feel when they catch their student cheating?

I think that they're aware of it, so it's not a surprise for them.
I did well why? Because if u tell all circumstances together sometimes what seems like enough time is not enough to prepare.
Being able to work under pressure is a skill sometimes even valuable why shouldn't be being good at getting an advantage while needed an important skill ? Yes if i hear that my surgeon has cheated on his exams i would be scared but on the other hand if i did not know that would i see the difference ? For me what matters is an end result anyways.
How do you feel a student with 7 days of constant exams feels when they hear that their teacher is incapable of even emphasizing with them being overloaded ? How do you think one feels when someone thinks their subject is "the most important" ?
How does a student feel when he gets to take a test with no valuable information on it? How often do you use facts from History lessons ? Once a year it comes handy? or even less. There are subjects less important than color of the wall in some people life and every system of teaching i saw always downplays it.
I think that cheat on the exam is awful. Although I'm ashamed, I cheating several times on the exam. Yes, I know that this is wrong. But sometimes even knowing that you can cheat really relieves stress. I often get nervous during the exams, and because of this, I forget all the information I need.
As far as the temptation to cheat in school or "cut corners" at work or school- I believe cheating is lying regardless. Sure we are all guilty of this at some point, but cheating is lying regardless if someone knows you're doing it.

Marcin Górski said…
Yes and I think it's normal situation. I don't like it but sometimes I have to cheat. If I have to do it I often use my smartphone because it's easy to read information (zoom etc).
Last question is very hard because I can't think like teacher but in my opinion he can be disappointed because it seems like he didn't interests his students. Why do I think that? If course is interesting then studying is pleasure for me and I really want to know everything so I don't need to cheat.
Unknown said…
I have cheated a few times and I am not sorry at all. Because some subjects and courses just don't make any sense, and why should I spend my time learning something I would never use? Some educational systems are just not perfect, so why should students suffer? When I was getting my first education I had so many useless courses. Some students from my group were so stressed, but now, I bet, none of them remembers a word from that useless texts. So do I. I know, that some teachers understand that students are not gonna learn the subject, so they allow to cheat. Well, they just don't pay attention when students are cheating. Easier for everyone. I am not a good cheater(neither a liar), so I can't advise any genius ways of cheating.
Unknown said…
I think that cheating on exam is a bit unfair, but I think everyne did this at least a few times in his life.
Teachears are aware of that and in my opinion they shouldn't feel angry. If someone don't want to learn why they have to force him to do that. Only what they should prevent is to judge based only on 1-2 exams not on everyday work and progress.
Unknown said…
Yes, I did. You know, there are subjects, that you're not interested in at all. Why should you waste your time then? It's just better to pass it easily and focus on things, that you're interested in. I think, that my smartphone is my best cheating tool.

How do you think teachers who used their energy on studying students will feel when they catch their student cheating?
You know, it's hard to tell. There are teachers like "My subject is the most important one, blablabla" and they make it all harder. If teacher is encouraging enough with his/her teaching, then you don't need to cheat on exam, because you'll listen gladly.
Peter Clemenza said…
1) Did you ever cheat on exams? Why? What most unusual ways did you use to do that?
Sometimes, but I won't tell when, and how, that's secret way that when using it I was never caught

2) Do you think it is normal to cheat on exams? Please explain why yes, why not.
It's not, but after all, you wont use knowledge learned on polish universities. Its about dealing with serious problems, and finely resolving them, not about learning formulas by hearth.

3) How do you think teachers who used their energy on studying students will feel when they catch their student cheating?
I think they will recall their youth - when they were cheating during exams
Unknown said…
Yes, I did it couple of times. Why? Because I dont like theory - Sometimes I just feel that i dont need that specific knowladge.

As for me - yes. I belive that exams should test your ability to find stuff as quickly as possible and understand where to find them, but not neccessery remember all of them.

As for me, if students can cheat its good for him. Life will test him, and his ability to know the answear to current situation, If this student will know how to deal with it, I dont judge.
Cecylia said…
I cheated on exams very often. Mostly because some of subjects were just boring and I had to learn more interesting and useful knowledge. I do not like wasting my time by learning something which I wont use in future. I can cheat and pass it without wasted time. The most savage method of cheating was using my phone while sitting next to teacher. I was hiding my phone behind teacher’s monitor. Cheating is normal and it happens in schools all around the world. I truly understand pupils which are cheating. Teachers sometimes cannot understand that someone does not find their subject interesting and it is bad. Why do not we let them learn what they like and are interested in? personally I think it is just stupid.

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