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Week 11 [11.06-17.06.2018] What would happen if you didn't sleep enough

Modern lifestyle (work, family, friends, hobbies and entertainment ) requires a lot of time and effort from us. Too often, because of that, we have to sacrifice sleep and proper rest. Although we all know that everyone need to sleep at least 7 hours every night. Why we should think about it and what are the consequences of this let see in video.

1. Has it ever happened to you that you should stay awake for more than 3 days in a row?
2. Did you ever have problems mentioned in the video?


Iman Masjedi said…
I had the experience of not sleeping for 2 days, but very difficult complications left my body for a week, a severe headache for a long time with me, it seems to me that the human body has been developed to sleep and wake up, everything in the world needs a recovery period, this recovery can be short or long-term to maintain its useful performance.
Unknown said…
It is never occurred to me to stay awake for more than 3 days in a row. I am pretty sure I would not last that long without appropriate rest and sleep. Our bodies are not machines that can work 24/7 without any break for renewing energy whatsoever. Our brain also needs to receive enough sleep in order to be able to function properly.
No, thankfully, I did not have problems mentioned in the video, but I experienced some problems with concentration due to not sleeping enough or going to bed very late and waking up in the middle of the day.
It has never happened to me, but i know people who have this experience. There is a thing, that problem above depends on a person's lifestyle and health problems, how stressful he/she is and etc. We must do everything we need to make our sleeping process healthy. Fortunately, i did not have the problems mentioned in that video and honestly, i'm afraid of testing it on myself.
Illia Kalinin said…
This is an interesting video! I like it.
No, I've never been awake for 72 hours in a row, but I was even more with 1-3 hours long pauses for speed napping. These days I have a problem with falling asleep when it is needed, because my sleep schedule is totally ruined. Also I usually have problems with concentration and coordination when I do not sleep even a night.
Kristina Moroz said…
I've got this experience about sleeping 3-4 hours and this led me to the same problems with concentration and perception information, it seem like I have fog in my head, so I can't think clear.
Kristina Moroz said…
It's great that you did not have to deal with this. I hope you'll stay as healthy as usual.
Kristina Moroz said…
There must be a balance in everything otherwise our body will break down. But what if certainly scientists do not invent injections of hormones that will allow our brain to recover while we awake.
Kristina Moroz said…
I tried to go to sleep till midnight and was feeling much better than go to sleep late and wake up at the middle of the day. Like in both cases you sleep 7-8 hours but in second case feeling worse than in first one.
I have not been sleeping for 35+ hours several time. I would say that it was great experience for me. I understood that days and hours last really long, that I am able to do lots of things, meet with lots of people and accomplish lots of tasks. Being awake for a long time shows me another side of life balance. But after all not sleeping for such a long time is a disaster for my heart. I sometimes don't sleep for a long time when I have incoming deadlines or I am just limited by time and has to do lots of things or just simply want to fill up life with new memories.

Yes, I sometimes have problems that have been mentioned in the video but it doesn't necessarily depends on the time I spent sleeping
Unknown said…
I have never stayed up for 3 days straight but I need a lot of sleep so even after one night of not sleeping I usually have big problems focusing and working effectively.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. Has it ever happened to you that you should stay awake for more than 3 days in a row?
No?, I didn't experience that, the max amount of time is about 48 hours, but unexpectedly I felt good, and if I didn't stop activity, I could go even farther.

2. Did you ever have problems mentioned in the video?
No, I didn't, fortunately.
Anna Koca said…
1. Has it ever happened to you that you should stay awake for more than 3 days in a row?
Today I had to take a morning train and slept only 4 hours and I already felt vulnerable and almost sick. I think that sleep experiments are not for me. I was considering it now in the exam period, but it is a risky choice in my eyes. Maybe it will work fine for me, and I will get some more time out of smart sleeping systems for learning, but I also run a risk that I will be ill-rested and not able to work at all.

2. Did you ever have problems mentioned in the video?
Actually I suffered from mild insomnia for a while, but that has mostly passed. Now I sleep like a baby and this is also not great if you have to be at work or at lectures early in the morning ;)
The biggest time i had to be awake was 2 days in a row, and i was just celebrating a New Year at that time. Being fatiqued and overall lazy and sleepy sucks, but the fun part starts with the hallucinations, because you don't recognize them as ones, like if you are already sleeping and treat all the weirdness around you like it is normal thing.
Maciej Nowak said…
I have never had to stay awake for more than 3 days in a row. Just once I had been awake for about 44 hours when i attended 24h asg event which was quite intense. At the end of the event after running with equipment at high temperature during the day I was exhausted and every little thing started to irritate me. The only thing I wanted was to come back home, to take a shower and go to sleep.
Filip Sawicki said…
1. No, it never happened to me. Even in extreme situations I always value sleeping as crucial part of my live that must be taken with care. That is why I sleep at least 7h every day and follow natural day-night cycle. It certainly has a great effect on my health and cleanness of mind.
2. No I didn’t but I heard some stories from my friends that like to sit long hours/days without sleep. They portray it as an achievement but to me it’s just stupid. How can you feel proud about doing harm to your own body?
Unknown said…
Has it ever happened to you that you should stay awake for more than 3 days in a row?
No, after one night I am useless. I try to sleep well every night. It is important form me because without that my day is less productive and modern lifestyle want productivity from us.
Did you ever have problems mentioned in the video?
I think not, but I also think that is possible. I do not want to try this.
Fortunatelly it never happend to me, I am not sure if I could withstand such effort. I do have 2 days sprints but even after 48 hours I was a living dead and couldn't focus on anything. I think not sleeping in 24 H could also influance our health. I know I am not sleeping well, I am trying to sleep atleast 7-8 hours per night but it is hard to achieve for me, simply I am not that exhausted in the evening then during daylight, I could say I am night owl :)
Unknown said…
1. Has it ever happened to you that you should stay awake for more than 3 days in a row?
Fortunately no. And I hope I wouldn't change it anytime soon.

2. Did you ever have problems mentioned in the video?
Another no - and again I'm happy with this state and don't want to change it.
Unknown said…
I had a few times in my life where there wasn't enough time to finish some projects or tasks so had to stay up at night. Tried not to sleep at all but quickly come to realize that my productivity drops drastically and to maintain acceptable functionality of my brain after some experiments came to conclusion that 2 hours would be good enough if I need to stay awake for one or two nights. Four hours is enough to stay at least 3-5 night.
I have not sleep for 2 days few times and I have had feeling like I can continue not sleep and next day but I have not tried to be active 3-d day in a row. Once I have had problem that I fall in a sleep suddenly and without control (this has been when I have been in a way to Odessa).
Unknown said…
1. Fortunately I have never experienced staying awake for more than 3 days in a row. I can’t even imagine how difficult would it be to me to function properly in such conditions.
2. Again, I have never experienced this kind of problems but I am aware that such problems can appear if I will not be getting enough sleep.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I have a feeling that I've seen this video on the blog already, but maybe I'm wrong about it. Nevertheless, it's still highly educational and important. Sleep deprivation is the real issue of our times where we focus so much on work, studies, etc. that we can't even find enough time for staying healthy. It's our fault that we don't put enough attention to the issue that could be so dangerous to our lives. It didn't ever happen to me to stay awake for more than 3 days in a row, but I had a situations when I was awake for almost that time. I'm not really looking for any justification, but it was all out of necessity.
I could notice that I had some problems with my reaction times, memory etc. I was talking without any sense, it was pretty hard for me to express myself. I don't really like to be in that state, but it's pretty hard for me to manage my work-life-studies balance enough to get a regular sleep on every occasion. I've just started to take more naps than before.
Foodocado said…
I have never been awake for more than 24 hours. It's not healthy for our body. We should at least sleep 6-8 hours every day and I adhere to this.

I've never this kind of problems.
Patryk Górski said…
1. Has it ever happened to you that you should stay awake for more than 3 days in a row?

No. The longest peroid for me without a sleep was about ~27 hours. It was because of the long journey I had to take, and because of the time zone change it was not worth to go sleep early. I've stayed, but it was very hard

2. Did you ever have problems mentioned in the video?

No, but I know that those kind of problems may occur.
Unknown said…
I have never had a problem with sleep deprivation. A few times in my life I haven’t slept for longer times only on purpose when dealing with jetlag or on some other special occasions. So far, I’ve been a heavy sleeper. Also, I keep my sleeping schedule the same each day. Still It’s hard for me to wake up when it’s dark outside.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I have experience of short time sleeping (about 3 hours a day for 30 mins throughout whole night). This little amount of sleep made me feel really exhausted and unable to anything. I lost my usual concentration and other useful abilities.
Unknown said…
Well, maybe when I was a teenager, I don't really remember, but that was the only period when summer nights made me stay awake and feel full of joy and energy. Now I am to old for it:D Ok, when I have my exams I suffer from insomnia, because when you are nervous, no matter how tired you are, you can't fall asleep. So I sleep for 2-4 hours a day and then walk like a zombie with a cup of coffee in my hand. I really believe that having enough sleep is very important for the health in general, so I try to control that process, try to go to bed earlier, drink less coffee, try not to use my cellphone before bedtime(ok, I am lying:)). But I think there will always be a problem of not sleeping enough.
Marcin Górski said…
I have never had a problem with my sleep. I think that good dream is better than staying awake because your organism is regenerating at night. In my opinion, person who sleep 6-8 hours can make a better work than person who are not sleeping by one day. It's about productivity and concentration. If I want to sleep I'm going to my bed because I know that is better for me. I remember to take into account my sleep time regarding to my day organisation.
Unknown said…
1. It was with me that I could not sleep for a maximum of three days. Either sleep for a week for 3-4 hours, it's hard too.
2. Yes, I had such problems, the most unpleasant problem for me was - to fall asleep anywhere as soon as I sat down, so I tried to stand in public transport. And of course, hallucinations are an unpleasant thing.
Unknown said…
Thank god, it has never happened to me. Most days I have spent without sleeping was 2. And it was extremly hard to come back to my normal sleep schedule.
I have never had problems mentioned in video. Only sleep disturbance I have ever had was during studding to pass the exams. Hope that times like this will never come back.
Unknown said…
Once in my lifetime I was awake for 2 days. It was absolutely terrible, I felt weird, I was angry, nervous and unpleasant in general.
After this 2 days I slept for 16 hours but I felt weid for next 2 days.
I won't do it again.
Unknown said…
1.I have mever stay awake for more than 1,5 day. I love sleep and my organise stop work totally when i can't go sleep for 5 hours for 24 hours. I'm then tottaly bad person for everyone and all things which i do, i make wrong.

2. Sometimes (when I have session on my studies and i sleep less than 5 hours) I can't wake up even when my alarm make noise very loud. I had a situations when I was sleeping and then i just turn my alarm off. My brain didn't notice that it was ringing.
Unknown said…
I haven't had to stay awake for more than 3 days in a row yet. My record is around 50 hours. I had to put a lot of effort, and it cost a lot of my mental energy to stop my sleepiness at that time. What is more, I really like sleeping, and my body needs time to regenerate, if I had not enough sleep during the week, it would end up sleeping till 4 PM on Saturday.
Even if was only 50 hours I felt terrible at that time. I felt like I passed some barrier, after which everything seemed to normal, but I felt dizzy and like everything was happening slower than usual. I will not repeat it if I do not have to.
Cecylia said…
1. Has it ever happened to you that you should stay awake for more than 3 days in a row?
no, it's impossible for me , maybe two days but thats it.
2. Did you ever have problems mentioned in the video?
yes of course, like reactions problems and eye focusing.
Unknown said…
The maximum time I've been awake was something about 24 hours. After that I was horribly exhausted. I felt very bad.
Fortunately I've never had mentioned problems.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter Clemenza said…
1. Has it ever happened to you that you should stay awake for more than 3 days in a row?
No, never, its absolutely madness for me to stay awake 2 days, and 3 is a dead end. Its very exhausting

2. Did you ever have problems mentioned in the video?
No, I can control myself

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