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Week 11 [11.06-17.06.2018] Second life of waste

We all, 7 590 378 000 people in the world,  produce 2.12 Billion tonnes of waste globally each year. Annually this number increases by 3%.So if the current trends of living continue, by the 2025 year we will double this number.
Most of the garbage is thrown into rivers, seas and oceans. One of the consequences is forming of Great Pacific garbage patch which consists of about 87 tons.  

But even more detrimental it effects on aquatic animals. Many of them eat garbage and die
and the rest of them are become harmful to consumption. So because of that statistic says that in 30 years there will not be any seafood in the ocean.

It is hard to imagine what will be with earth in 50 years if we do nothing. And I’m not even talking about any other world’s pollution or cosmic trash, or increasing  population, or climate change. Well. what we need to do to stop this?

Sorting system became the most popular in European countries. And in my opinion this should become a common thing for every developed country on the planet.
To start, you need to sort it by few types like: glass, organic waste, non-organic waste( plastic) and plastic bottles you can carry it back to the store and get a refund of the money expended on the packaging. So you have to create some space for this task and prepare two or three garbage boxes.

Making energy from recycled waste
Artists collect paintings from it, photographers create whole series of portraits of people surrounded by their own rubbish, entrepreneurs open restaurants with dishes not bought in time at the supermarket, architects and planners use garbage as a building material, as, for example, in Japan when building an artificial island Odaibo.
Or even making energy from biomass, or biogenic (plant or animal products), materials such as paper, cardboard, food waste, grass clippings, leaves, wood, leather products. You can make energy by burning waste, so it could also reduce the amount of material that would probably be buried in landfills.

Second life of waste. How we can use it.
There are many companies that use recycled materials in the production of new things.
For example, the last few:
Famous manufacturer of sneakers Adidas started create shoes from the trash from ocean.

And another one make sole of sneakers from processed collected chewing gums.


1.What do you think about this problem?
2.Do you do something to prevent or decrese ecological catastrophe?
3.Would you buy this kind of things?



Unknown said…
The problem of waste polluted oceans and destroying ecosystem was always a hot topic of discussions. There is already a severe damage done to the ecology of some regions that after all the pollution those areas are becoming hazardous for all local fauna and flora. And I support the idea of recycling wastes and garbage and using it for producing new things.
I am not sure how I could decrease ecological catastrophe, but when I travel in wildlife I at least don't pollute environment by leaving used plastic bags.
Yes, I would buy them.
Nowadays, this is a real catastrophe in our world and i would say that we need to blame ourselves for what we have done. The changes that are desperately required to prevent environmental catastrophe will not be handed down from above by world leaders and can only come about on the basis of struggle from below. For that reason, while an enormous amount remains to be done, the revival of environmental activism on an international scale is an encouraging sign. In order to support and help our world i would definitely buy these shoes.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
It sounds like a one problem but It’s much more complicated and includes a bunch of different problems and that’s why it’s so difficult to find a solution and even try to reduce it effects. It’s hard to say whether I do anything to prevent ecological catastrophe but I for example believe that rubbish collected from my house are not thrown in forest but they do something with it. I also always try to produce less waste using one sheet of paper many times etc. I’d like to buy this kind of things but with price reduced a little bit and without those great advertising campaigns
Kristina Moroz said…
This is really great that yo take care of environment in such way. It seems to me that this is the least that people can do. Clean up after themselves using assigned places for that.
Kristina Moroz said…
So in this neglected situation both world leaders and people who lives normal static life should work together. First one should prevent and solve this problem with new technologies and the second one should support this way of living by just making little things. It's all about working together and take care of this problem together.
Kristina Moroz said…
Well, I didn't mean that this is the one problem.
It is important what They do with it, maybe they don't throw it out in the forest, but there is no transparency in this matter. And actually, I don't know what position Poland has in wastу recycling, they don't have this kind of thing like sorting waste, so I don't have any idea what are they doing with it. And Adidas and New Balance are not the only companies which make things from recycled waste.
People have been polluting oceans and environment at all for years.
Everyone knows about it but not everyone tries to save it or at least prevent pollution spread. To my mind it's one of the biggest problems nowadays. Most people just simply don't realize what could happen in just a few decades.

I can't whether I do something or not but I sincerely hope that I pollute the environment as less as possible. I would buy these things but I wish I could easily forget about the fact that these thing are made from rubbish :)
Unknown said…
Problem of the waste is very important because we produce way too much of this. I try to recycle waste whenever I can. I would certainly choose a product from a reusable material if it were affordable and similar quality.
Illia Lukisha said…
1.What do you think about this problem?
I agree that recycling is very important. And try to recycle as much as I can. But for example my house have only container for mixed garbage, so I cannot segregate rubbish.

2.Do you do something to prevent or decrease ecological catastrophe?
I use backpack instead of plastic bags, and try to recycle as much I can.

3.Would you buy this kind of things?
Of course, but they need to become standard, not just one time offer.
Anna Koca said…
1.What do you think about this problem?
I think it is a great video. All videos that are educational and show how we can change our ways as individuals and also as a society, in order to improve our surroundings and do something for Mother Earth, is crucial, especially nowadays. Waste is a problem that will become bigger and bigger - because the population is growing and the amount of waste will therefore be piling up if we don't come with smart solutions.

2.Do you do something to prevent or decrese ecological catastrophe?
I try to segregate and I try to bring my own bags when I go shopping. I also never litter,

3.Would you buy this kind of things?
I think I would, at least out of curiosity to see how the materials work and what is the quality of the products. Even if they turned out not very good, I wouldn't regret buying them, as I would have felt I contributed to the community.
Filip Sawicki said…
I really love the idea of recycling and creating stuff from waste. This is not only great for our ecosystem but also very profitable business. I hope that in the future more and more companies will invest into that field. Regarding the second question, I think that any citizen should do a bare minimum when it comes to ecology. That is recycle own waste, throw garbage to the bins and use efficient/ecological heating system. Sure I would buy items created from waste, they look and feel like normal things, but also help ours ecosystem.
Unknown said…
What do you think about this problem?
That is huge problem of our time, we need to take care of it because future generations will have a big problem. The amount of trash is so big that nature will not handle this by its own.
Do you do something to prevent or decrease ecological catastrophe?
I think not much, I no throw trash on street or water, but I also produce a lot of trash, which is not good. I continuously look for some good idea but I do not have any.
Would you buy this kind of things?
Why not, the price should be bigger than normal, and part of it should go on resolving trash problems.
Unknown said…
1.What do you think about this problem?
I don't believe in the way of personal segregation of garbage. I choose to be a programmer exactly for the reason of hating to do some boring brainless manual job as segregation is. Most of the people are too lazy to do that and effects of that is to shallow. I would say technology is the way to go as always. There should be some method to do it automate it and force producers to pay some kind of fee for damage they make instead of shift the responsibility to consumer.
It's not a problem for me to use refurbished products as there price and quality comparable with new analogy.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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I think that we must recycle most of our trash except trash that goes to nature in period of 1-2 years. At this time Ukraine have huge problem with trash because we don't have recycle factories and our trash just collected on huge polygons that pollute our ground.
I'm trying to make eco things as much as I can but product developers also must make their product easy to recycle. Also I think that we must show possibility of recycled things especially when we recycle our trash in right way and we get money or some visible benefits from this.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I think that the issue is real and that we should put more attention to it before it's too late. It's the easiest thing ever to not bother about it, but after all, we would have to face the consequences of our actions someday. What do we choose - living in the ever growing society or having to deal with enormous amounts of waste that pollutes our home planet?
I think that the answer is easy - no one wants to live in dirty environment. We just have to make sure that we won't ever have to.
I don't really do much on this topic, but it's all about the simple things like segregating the wastes. It doesn't require much effort and could actually make a change if more people would start doing it.
I don't mind buying things like that as long as they're not insanely overpriced. Buying stuff like that is fair as long as it's not as expensive as the brand new and fresh products.
Patryk Górski said…
1.What do you think about this problem?

I think that world is so poluted, and we are not aware of this problem. We should do something to minimize the polution, otherwise the world may fall apart

2.Do you do something to prevent or decrese ecological catastrophe?

I'm trying to segregate waste, but I'm afraid that's all that I'm doing :(

3.Would you buy this kind of things?

I don't have a problems with buying things like that.
Unknown said…
1. It’s certainly sad to see. Reversing impact of this pollution will be much more expensive than it would be now to reduce its causation.
2. I don’t really know what I could do to stop it other than by not contributing the problem. I segregate my trash and don’t loiter.
3. I would buy anything that is made from recycled materials. I see no reason not to.
Unknown said…
I really think this is a serious problem. Unfortunately, the amount of people who try to solve this is far less than the amount of people who keeps on destroying our planet. I have seen couple of times those people in fast foods who are not even bothering to throw the paper to the paper garbage slot, even if it was five centimeters away. Sadly, but truth. People could buy stuff made of the recycled plastic, but still use tons of plastic bags at the stores. Double standards - sadly, but truth. Grocery store, two types of bags at the cashier: the paper ones and the plastic ones. How do you think, which do people choose? Ha, of course the plastic - easier to carry. The civilization is not civilized enough to understand the scale of negative impact on the nature... I think it is a great idea to produce things of the recycled stuff. I would definitely buy it, I already own the sweatshirt made of the recycled plastic from the ocean and I have many things made of recycled glass.
Unknown said…
1. I think the actual problem. I am very close to this topic, I am glad that they come up with ways to recycle waste.
2. Yes, of course, I try to reduce the amount of garbage, segregate garbage at home.
3. Yes, I liked this idea, I think an excellent advertisement for those who are on the protection of the planet from garbage. In large cities, the biggest problem with garbage is and I hope there will be more creative ideas for garbage processing in the future.
Unknown said…
There is no doubt that this is a very big problem. First of all we shouldn’t put rubbish in the street ourselves. The older I am, the more I notice it and don’t drop litter. But sometimes when I see a car and someone throws garbage through the window next to me, I want to take this garbage and give it back through the window. There should be more advertising campaigns on this subject and some system of penalties and rewards. Because people don’t want to do anything for nothing
Cecylia said…
1.What do you think about this problem?

People are just uneducated if they throwing away bottles and other trash in the land/water. we should make less trash and recycle more.

2.Do you do something to prevent or decrese ecological catastrophe?

actually i'm using my cup for every drink , water for example and not bottles.

3.Would you buy this kind of things?

sure! perfekt idea and I would love to wear someting that was recycled .
Unknown said…
I think it's big problem in our times. We should do everything to make our Earth clean. I can say that i trying to not to do so many rubbish and put it to right places and boxes. I've heard about new campain connected with strawns to drink. Many places start using strawns make from glass. We can use it more than one time and then make something else from this glass. It's great.
So, I think that this kind of things are great! Buying it we can help our Earth and our community to be heatly. We can also have beautyful things to use for our daily life!
Unknown said…
I'm glad each time I hear about a new company that specialises in recycling. We should be aware of pollution problems and look for the ways of how to stop it or at least lower the damage we do to our planet.

Not really. I have no clue about what I can do more than sorting my rubbish or support ecological farms.

If only it would be as good as "polluted" one, then yes. I hope we would get some hype on recycled clothes in the future. Same as we saw with veganism. Nowadays you can go for lunch to vegan restaurant and order food that tastes like meat, but it's made from vegetables. It's revolutionary in my opinion. When we would get to the same level as recycling, I am sure that people will switch to these items.
Peter Clemenza said…
1.What do you think about this problem?
That's a massive problem, west nations try to decrease their non-recyclable waste by selling them to other countries like Poland, however many of those wild illegal garbage dumps were burned in last months to hide evidence.

2.Do you do something to prevent or decrese ecological catastrophe?
I try to recycle old books, and paper, however its still too little, because of lack of proper plastic recyclicng in poland
3.Would you buy this kind of things?
People are going to buy them, they just shouldn't be more expensive because of their ecological hype.

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