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Week 10 [04.06.2018-10.06.2018] Big Data

What is Big Data? This term has become popular recently, you can hear it everywhere. But what does it generally mean? What does it need for? What benefits does it give us? In this presentation, I’m going to answer these questions and make a short introduction to the Big Data.
People for ages have collected data. Starting from cave painting through papyruses, books, tapes to modern devices such as discs. Along with it an amount of data has grown exponentially, so our technologies have improved and now allow as to store a huge amount of data on small and light devices. If we gathered all the data which had been collected before the year 2000 it would be less, then we generate now in 1 minute. The number of data roughly doubled every 40 months starting from the 1980s. From 2012, every day has generated 2.5 exabytes of data (exabyte 10^18). IDC predicts that we will have gathered 163 zettabytes (zettabyte 10^21) of data till 2025. 
Now the whole our life is digitalized. We manage, share and store our lives online. Data gathers from laptops, smartphones, social networks, online shops, search engines about what we are doing. Moreover, a lot of things such as TVs, smart watches, and other smart devices collect data. All this data has a different source, structure, quality, variety. All these sources have a huge volume of data. And all these sources have a tremendously high velocity of collecting data.

So, how can we can manage, transfer, search, visualize, query, analyze this data? This is what Big Data is all about. Big Data describes data sets which are so voluminous and complex that traditional data-processing software is not able to deal with it. The words which are bolded in the previous paragraph describe 3 main concepts of Big Data: variety, volume, velocity.
The main reason to use Big Data is money. It helps companies save money by providing business intelligence that can spot losses, reduce the cost of inventory and operations. Big Data can improve decision making by analyzing past data, to help businesses make better decisions not only here and now but also forecast future. It helps in analyzing users and customers’ feedback to improve products and services.

Summarizing, Big Data is a general name for constantly growing huge volumes of data. Also, Big 

Data represents a wide range of software which is suited to work with such data, to bring profits to 

companies and improve our lives.
1. Do you think Big Data will be in-demand in the future?
2. Do you think it will be useful for you to be familiar with Big Data technologies?



Iman Masjedi said…
The future of Big Data looks very bright, extremely promising.The Future Of Big Data Is Bigger Than You Can Possibly Imagine. I believe that for small-mid size companies who are shopping big data solutions are: new big data architectures, open source solutions, cloud services will make their lives easier. They can have the powerful big data tools that previously only Google can afford to build.
I hope that big data will be in-demand in the future. I think that every person in every company will use it in someway. I believe that it will be useful thing, maybe even "must know" thing in the closest future. We can save a lot of resources using it and prevent the data crush. I don't know about all the small businesses but if you want to step up and create big company, you must use it right now.
Marcin Mróz said…
I guess that it's in demand right now and there will be probably greater demand in the the future. Collecting the data gives you the ability to analyze it and make some predictions, which is very useful tool. It also enables you to get to know your customers better basing on the data you gathered about them and give them more personalized services or just improve them. For me, as a software developer, I think that knowledge about Big Data technologies would be very useful and in near future probably simply essential to matter in the IT world.
Unknown said…
I believe that there is already a large demand for data processing and extracting valuable information from them. Of course, mainly this field develops for advertising and sales purposes. However, you can use knowledge in this area for medical purposes. Based on the results of patient tests and their symptoms collected so far, you can automatically detect diseases in new patients or help physicians diagnose them correctly.

For me as a programmer this is an area worth attention. There will be more projects based on Big Data in the future.
I think that big-date is going one of the biggest subjects in the world. Every day we are going to improve our lives with technology. To do so we need data. As we use this data to create new things we create even more data and we create newer things that produce even more data so it is some infinite circle. And now every company have to analyse it so we have to be able to do so. The more data you are able to contain and process the more you can use for your purposes. The more data you have you are capable of bigger things. To sum up, i think that big data as a subject will grow every year and more important it will become as we are able to recognize more and more patterns out of it.
Unknown said…
Yes, I think that big data will be getting more important in the future, especially because we are generating and gathering more data every second than ever before. Because of that, we will need means and methods of analyzing, aggregating and using this data.
I think that it will be important to be aware about existing technologies and trends, but my prediction is that it will be so complicated that only qualified specialists will ever be able to comprehend everything.
Unknown said…
Big Data will be always in demand in the future. Moreover, there is a big demand for data scientists that have experience working with Big Data even today. Due to fact that many modern IT-based solutions based on data processing, many companies try to invest more of their resources in data processing in order to improve software products that they make and maintain.
As someone who works in IT industry, I think it is always good to have at least some basic knowledge about this area because in future it might come in handy, especially if you are a developer who wants to start a career in data science in the future.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
No doubt, on my purpose, Big Data is the technology that is already in demand for big companies, but storing such big amount of data is money consumable, so we have to find out ways to store data in more efficient way. Big Data is a technology that every IT person should know, because Big Data is a future. As and example all machine learning algorithms are highly based on Big Data, or any kind of huge data analysis. Perhaps we will find even better alternative than Big Data in the nearest future, but still it is worth studying.
Unknown said…
Yes, i believe that big date is one of the most important subject right now an will be getting more important in the future.
I guess that because we are Every day going to improve our lives with technology, we will hevn't other choise, big date will be somthing what we will need to know, otherway life for us might be difficult.
Unknown said…
for sure Big Data will be in demand. You can look at our government and latest GDPR law to protect data. It is really surprising how mach data corporations can gather on individuals and sophisticated techniques they use in order to connect your activities on different platform\devices\sites.
It always depends. You can leave happily without knowing anything about it but on the other hand it might be helpful to know what data corporations may have on you and decide by yourself if you want them to have it or you'd prefer not to share that.
Filip Sawicki said…
1. Of course it will, we are already seeing huge increase of big data companies and need for specialists. I suspect that in the near future number of big data engineers will at least triple and the demand will further outmatch job supply.
2. In terms of monetizing information technology skills, oh sure it does! But there is a catch, one must really feel the pleasure of data engineering and processing to stay in that field for a long time. It can be boring after working in this industry for some time.
Maciej Nowak said…
Big Data will definitely be in demand in the future, as it is already very popular and it will only increase. It is hard to tell me if I will want to become Big Data specialist but having some knowledge about it will definitely not hurt.
Jakub Lisicki said…
There is already a really high demand for specialists that are able to manage and build software around the data that many companies out there collect. Since the data growth is proven to be exponential, I guess that the demand would only grow higher. The futer for this branch of studies is really bright and it's worth going and educating ourselves about that.
Personally, I'm really interested in this topic and I would be willing to become a specialist in that field. Especially that there are so many case studies to focus on and to choose from. I don't think we could ever get bored of that, because of the variety that big data provides us.
To me data is about bettering the human race, giving us a chance to inspire the future leaders.
So for me data is important and I believe we need to make huge adjustments in being more detailed in data collection. 

Unknown said…
1. Definitely, demand for Big data processing technologies will be rapidly growing in the near future. Nowadays, large amounts of data are generated every second and there is a high probability that some of them contain valuable information which can be analysed and then can bring business value.
2. I can’t imagine a scenario where financial analysts, marketing specialists, software engineers etc. would not have solid understanding of Big Data fundamentals, tools and techniques. It is one of the most crucial skills that every professional should have in order to stay competitive on the job market.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. Do you think Big Data will be in-demand in the future?
Definitely yes. Because computational power is growing, and every day there are more & more data collected. So for now, every digital and even traditional business collect as much data as they can, to better understand their clients.

2. Do you think it will be useful for you to be familiar with Big Data technologies?
I'm familiar with this technologies, and even have a diploma dedicated to machine learning, so I think it's useful for me.
Illia Kalinin said…
Surely yes, Big Data is popular even now and in the nearest time it will only grow up. From day to day people produce enormous amounts of data and technologies which analyze it also improves. According to this I may say that it gonna be useful for quite everyone to be familiar with this technologies, especially for a programmer.
Unknown said…
Yes, it will be available on demand. In the future, a lot of things will be available on demand which we are not aware of now.

Yes, it's definitely worth it. It is definitely a very cool technology that will continue to grow. Personally, I would like to learn it as soon as I have the time to do it.

Thank you for a very interesting and informative article. In my opinion, knowledge governs the world. The more information we leave, the more insecure for us. Sooner or later, thanks to this information, latent or explicit control over people will begin. We all know the story of Snowden and understand that this is happening now. But the whole situation develops with the speed of a snowball.
Big Data works on the principle that the more you know about anything or any situation, the more reliably you can gain new insights and make predictions about what will happen in the future. We are changing data into valuable knowledge and thats important for many companies.

Knowing how to work with it migh be a job opportunity for me in the future if i choose to deepen my knowledge in that direction.
For now im leaving it to the others.
I think that big data is our reality now because we want to control a lot of actions around us and analyze it. I think that this will be cool to be familiar with technologies that allow to analyze huge amounts of data.
I think that this amount of data will be useful for AI for better results in teaching process because sometimes we need some specific type of information for better results.
Unknown said…
There is no doubt that Big Data is one of the hottest topic in IT at the moment. It has huge potential for every sector, mainly because it gives a lot of information about clients and their behaviours.
Actually the job market is full of offers for data scientists/ analyst and I think it is proper time to get into this topic, especially as an IT Specialist.
Unknown said…
Big data is in-demand right now and it's growing rapidly.
Connected wtih AI it can be very, very big step forward in Data Analyze.
Yes, of course and I am thinking about Data Science studies.
Unknown said…
Do you think Big Data will be in-demand in the future?
Could be, but I don’t really know. Data are often private or protected and because of that sometimes can’t be share with others.
Do you think it will be useful for you to be familiar with Big Data technologies?
I think yes, in future will be more and more data and somebody needs to take care of this. Also people need to be aware that sometimes data could be useful in context of future decisions.
Unknown said…
1. Do you think Big Data will be in-demand in the future?

I think that we can say that Big Data is "in-demand" now. It will be waste of time and resources if we don't use this now.

2. Do you think it will be useful for you to be familiar with Big Data technologies?

In my work I think that one day i will use Big Data. I think that in our generation (generation y and z) should expect that we will use this technologies.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I think that we are already conscious that a Big Data is very important part of IT. We produce more and more data and we need a new technologies how to store it and how to make fast queries to get data which is interesting for us in particular moment. We need a Big Data also for artificial intelligence algorithms because it works by analysing tons of data. As a programmer it will be very useful for me to get to know more about a Big Data and I know that I someday I will learn more about it.
Anna Koca said…
1. Do you think Big Data will be in-demand in the future?
It's even in demand right now. I know a lot of my friends that work in that field and they say it is a very lucrative and developing business. Due to data security information, it will become ever more valuable and with scarcer resources that the companies will have, they will have to learn how to analyze the data they have best they can, and that's what Big Data is for.

2. Do you think it will be useful for you to be familiar with Big Data technologies?
I think yes. My specialty is Data Science, so I expect to be dealing with Big Data quite often. It is exciting to think I could be seeing, e.g. patterns of clients' behaviours just out of the raw data and algorithms.
Wojtek Protasik said…
I know it already is and prognosis is demand for people working in it will grow. It's one of the big pillars that IT world consist of at the moment. When looking for a job you can already see big data tags. There are specific technologies and tools known to specialists doing this kind of work, so Big Data is quite mature. I would say it's a good choice thinking of the future job market.

I'm not sure what did u mean by this question. I think it's useless for every day computer users. For the IT guys it depends on their profession. I don't need to know or learn any of the big data concepts in order to keep my job. Getting familiar with it and reaching a level to go to work would take quite much time. Looking at the job market I can say if they look for an IT guy doing Big Data, they usually look for experienced people. So if someone is interested then it is useful 'cause you get paid. Otherwise waste of time in my opinion.
Patryk Górski said…
1. Do you think Big Data will be in-demand in the future?

Yes. It already is. A lot of companies are using it, and they're making a lot of money because of it.

2. Do you think it will be useful for you to be familiar with Big Data technologies?

Yes. Data have a lot of impact in our life. You can simply just check some things, that you need for example to work or education.
Unknown said…
In my opinion big data is already one of the most important IT sector in the world. That's why I'm sure it will be in demand for many years.
Do I think it will be useful for me to be familiar with Big Data technologies? I think everyone should know how does our favourite store know what we would like to buy. Of course I don't mean knowing technology behind it but rather being aware, that every our move in the internet is being watched for example by Google who then sell that data to our favourite store.
Unknown said…
I think we will use Big data even more in the future. It's promising, and the conclusions we can gather from analysing big sets of data are unlimited. The progress of computers components is increasing each year, so in the future, we would be able to commute even more complicated things and issues and solve significant mysterious problems.

From my perspective - computer science student who is on the market for almost three years it obvious that I will face the wall of making complicated computations on big sets of data at some point. This segment of the market should actively evolve in the upcoming years since we have lots of sources of data.
Marcin Górski said…
I think that Big Data will be for the asking. Nowadays, it's something new but it normal situation with new technology. Firstly, it can be expensive, access to it is very difficult but after a while it is changing and it can be the same with Big Data.
I think that Big Data will be in entire IT world and it will be very hard to be IT specialist without meeting Big Data. In my opinion, a big part of new technologies will be relate with that because we need to store informations. To sum up, I hope that Big Data will be with me in the future.
Cecylia said…
If it is in-demand now and big companies use it probably it is going to be used in future. If we can see what do we have to do to increase something and make better decisions in company to increase amount of money and it really works why would we not use it? By using Bigdata we can predict somethings and even prevent big mistakes we could possibly make. Maybe in the future when I start my own company, topic of Bigdata will be so big, that I will not start company, without looking on it.

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