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Week 10 [04.06.2018-10.06.2018] Sundays. Non-trade

Some time ago in Poland, a ban was introduced for trading on some Sundays. As it turns out, contrary to opinions of many experts, sales didn't fall down but grew. When in February 2018, the Statistics Poland (Central Statistical Office) reported that the sales figures grew up by 7,9 percent, everyone was wondering if this was the last month in which trade recorded such spectacular growth. However, the March results turned out to be more optimistic. After taking inflation into account , the increase was 8,8 percent. It happened despite the fact that two Sundays the stores had to close their doors for customers.
The Act of January 10, 2018 on the limitation of trade on Sundays and public holidays and on certain other days provides for a gradual reduction of the number of Sundays in which shops will be closed. By the end of 2018, the ban will not apply on the first and last Sunday every month, and two consecutive Sundays preceding Christmas and on the Sunday preceding Easter.
From 2019 , the ban will cover all Sundays without one Sunday a month. aBy 2020, a total ban on Sunday trading is planned.

The first Sunday without trade based on the new regulations was March 11, another on March 18. Easter fell on the first Sunday of April, so the ban on trade was in force on consecutive four Sundays (April 1, 8 15 and 22).
Despite the ban, shops are coming up with new ideas on how to get out of it. For example, chain of stores "Żabka" has done it. This kind of shops will work like post offices. They will put special stickers on the window. This is probably the effect of cooperation between Żabka and "Poczta Polska" and DHL.,zabka-siec-zmiana-wlasciciela.html?google_editors_picks=true

Are you for or against non-trade Sundays ?
Do you want  shops to open again?
Do you think that every store should closed on Sundays without exception?



Foodocado said…
I am definitely against non-trade Sundays. I am a working person and I don't have so much time to do the shopping in the week. Not once I woke up on Sunday and realized that all shops are closed that day and the fridge was empty.

I main reason for closing the shops on Sunday was to let shop-assistant spend more time with their families. What about police officers, waiters, taxi drivers and thousands of different professions? In my opinion is strongly unfair.

Summarizing, I want shops to be open again.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
I do agree with non-trade Sundays at all. Nowadays people don’t have time and also fucked up priorities. Maybe bans like this can help a little bit and people will spend more time together in park or forest or on camping instead of slouching in shopping malls. I also don’t care about people that don’t have time to do shopping and the Sunday is the only day for them. It means that they have some sort of mental disorder. What’s more, only two Sundays at month are banned so, come on… I think that it’s impossible to close every store but we should do it wherever it’s possible to.

I'm for non-trade sundays and that is the good topic to discuss. All the people, all the workers need a rest. And if we are talking about human rights i think that it must be the most important thing for government - how to make life easier. If you are so busy to go for shopping on monday or friday, it is your problem. If you are so busy, you might have a huge amount of money, so hire the person who will do it for you and piss off. In the other hand not all the shops are closed, so don't cry, please, we always have a choice.
Marcin Mróz said…
I'm rather against non-trade Sundays, I know that people don't want to work on Sundays and it would be more fair if the owner of the shop would serve on this day, but as far as I know they are paid more on Sundays and it's not like they don't have any day-off. For me, as a client, it's a pain in the neck because I have to watch myself not to forget about buying everything I need on Saturday. Also now you can sometimes loose track of whether the current Sunday is non-trade or 'trade'. I think that there should be some exceptions, at least for small shops where there is not so many employees and the owner could just come to the agreement with them or just serve by him/herself.
Unknown said…
I am against no-trade Sundays. I often do shopping on the weekend, because then I have time for it. For sure, it is easier for people with children to do shopping on the weekend. In addition, the number of customers increased on Saturdays and the opening hours of stores are longer, which means that employees have more work on this day. The introduction of this law was aimed at making people employed in stores not have to work on Sundays. It was necessary, then, to apply the shop owners to change shifts in stores, so that everyone would have these two Sundays in a month off. In addition, many people in other professions must work on Sundays and are off on a different day of the week. What's more, many stores have figured out how to sell on this day without breaking the law. For example, Żabka's stores have become postal items that sell food products. I would like stores to be reopened.
I don't really care about it when it comes to shopping malls but, it is so anyoing that you can't even go to a normal grocery store becouse of it. Like, just becouse they closed it people have now less time to do shopping and usually queues on saturday are so so long that you loose more time standing in there then if you could go another day. I don't really understand why it works like this but i think this idea will be abandoned soon.
Unknown said…
I am against.
Unknown said…
Honestly I'm against non-trade Sundays. They really just make my life worse. I always need to remember if this sunday is trade or non-trade and if I have enough food in my fridge. Yes, I definitely want them to be open on sundays. No, of course no! It would be barbaric and insane!)
Unknown said…
Personally, I usually don't do shopping on Sundays, but I don't think that forbidding trade and closing shops on Sundays is a good idea. Many people are used to making all their shopping on weekends, especially on Sunday. And if this ban will be applied, it will make a lot of people angry, not even mentioning that it can cause some serious problems and complications for example for food restaurants chains.
I agree with people who think that is a bad idea and that shops should be opened on Sundays again.
No. As I said earlier that would have some unpleasant consequences for lots of people and businesses.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I am not shopping on Sundays, that`s why I am not really bothered with that non-trade days. On one hand it is good idea, because everyone is resting that day on the other hand it is kind of bad from the economical point of view. These points are just examples from many others. What I would like to say under those words is that this is good and bad "invention" at the same time.
Unknown said…
Recently I saw in my parents' small town that after they started non-trade Sundays, there are more people in the town centre and park. It is for sure because of the ban.
Unknown said…
It's very simple to find open shops on Sundays for example most "Żabka" shops are open.
Unknown said…
Your answer is funny. In Warsaw a lot of shops are open 24h and someone works until late, he can buy something.
Unknown said…
I think that in future you won't have to remember because all shops will close on Sundays. If you look well, you find open shops on Sunday.
Unknown said…
I heard too that when only the owner works, shop can be open but I'm not sure if it is true.
Unknown said…
Most countries in the west have had non-trade Sundays for a long time. I saw that in Poland when something changes always a lot of people complain.
Unknown said…
In Georgia people work every day. Of course, we have bank holidays, etc. and Theoretically and practically weekends are free, but if you want to work on weekends, you will work if you don't want to work, you will not.
If I want to work over the weekend, why should someone in a free state supposed to forbid my right to work?
That's why I am rather against non-traffic on Sundays.
Unknown said…
Are you for or against non-trade Sundays ?
I'am totally against it. From customer perspective it just don't make much sense. It create so much inconvenience for all the citizens in order to provide a little bit of comfort for people who even didn't ask for it. And they agree to work on such schedule in the first place.
I'm highly disagree that shops should be closed on Sundays its just business and if people do not want to work on Sundays they shouldn't choose work in shop.
Maciej Nowak said…
I am rather against non-trade Sundays. It hasn't been a big problem for me so far, as I don't spend too much time in big malls, but for some who don't have time to go shopping during the week it might be really inconvenient. I understand this restriction was made to create time to spend with family, but still I would prefer to have choice how to spend my free time.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I'm totally against this kind of prohibitions. Such laws could be constructed in a much better way and they're already proven to be ineffective as well as to be source of unhappiness growth among the citizens. The statistical data presented in this article might be correct, but they doesn't really show the full picture. The laws of economics can't really be bended by introducing new ill-considered restrictions. While the figures of large stores (mostly owned by foreign entrepreneurs) have became higher due to their ability to introduce many discounts, the figures for the smaller shops are falling. The working conditions for employees aren't much better either - the working hours on saturdays have became much longer and the ones that are willing to work on the weekends no longer have such possibility.
I am waiting for the shops to work normally once again, there is no possibility that this law would withstand for a longer period of time. Customers aren't the only group of people that are dissatisfied with this law. It is estimated that the sales growth in the large supermarkets is around 15-23% in comparison to the regular shops.
I don't think that any shop should be closed on sunday just because of the law. The decision should lie in hands of the owner.
Definitely against. I guess not only me waking up on Sunday morning after the club, or evening meeting with friends and realized that my fridge is empty and shops are closed.
Filip Sawicki said…
This is quite hard and politically flavored topic. Generally I’m neither for or against non-trade Sundays. There are both pros and cons of it in many different aspects of economy and sociology. To truly understand what this will bring us we must wait at least couple of years and summarize whether it was good or bad decision. Regarding the last question, I think there should be a limit of shops in one neighborhood that are closed.
I do not support this regulation, because it is just plain silly, why would the shops be closed when they can be opened? Sometimes i catch myself thinking that it would be a good idea to get some beer and chips, but it is Sunday and i will have to go immense distance to the only working shop, so i would like shops to be reopened again. Maybe we should stop any kind of work at Sunday, like internet, electricity, water support, public transport etc.? It sound stupid, so why the shops are needed to be closed?
Illia Lukisha said…
Are you for or against non-trade Sundays ?
I'm against non-trade Sundays, because they reshaped my schedule and every week I need to check calendar to plan a week properly, also it creates more problems for tourists, and they even cannot buy water in a shop.

Do you want shops to open again?
Yes, I do.

Do you think that every store should closed on Sundays without exception?
Of course not, because that will be a tragedy.
Illia Kalinin said…
As a customer I obviously disagree with this, It added me a thing to remember. It would be better for many citizens if stores work on Sundays again. On the other hand I don't really care about all shops, because when shops in my neighborhood are closed I don't call it Non-trade day, I call it Pizza-day .
I think that closed stores on Sundays, it's a nightmare. Closed stores make me crazy. Because of this, you Saturday in stores there is a local apocalypse. The queues are so ding,y that sometimes they stand in them for forty minutes. In my opinion, this is wrong. Sunday is one of two days when I can afford to quietly buy food for a week ahead, or find new clothes. So, as this is a day off, you do not need to run anywhere because of the fast closing of stores. I hope that this law will be abolished.
Unknown said…
I think that stores should be open when they want and the law shouldn't affect it.

Yes, but at the moment it isn't so important. At the beginning, almost all the stores were closed on Sundays. Now these are only very large stores are closes example "Lidl, Biedronka", and most are already open, such as "Żabka".

No, I think people should decide whether they want to trade on Sundays or not and the law shouldn't prohibit them.
Unknown said…
1. I am against non-trade Sundays as I think the best option is to have choice whether we want to go shopping on Sundays or not.
2. I would like the old regulations to be brought back as I find it annoying when I need to do the shopping on Sunday and all the stores in the area are closed.
3. Of course they should not be closed.
It does not affect me as much as one would think so. To be honest i think it should be up to employers to incentive workers with benefits instead.
Should every store be closed without exceptions ? Hell no ! Why u ask? well what about gas stations ? or hospitals ? those people are employees too why would a government give a mandatory free day for some but not all employees? People are pigeon holed into thinking that all stores should be closed but forget about other institutions that they want to stay open because what if ? Would be a real shame if a hospital near you took a Sunday off wouldn't it ?
I really don't like this decision because I think that people that work whole week must have chance to buy products on weekends. On my opinion this is stupid law. In Ukraine we have open a lot of big stores even in big holidays (and even in new year night) and this is very good on my opinion because I mostly leave at night and like to kook at night and sometimes happens that I forget to by or just don't have some product and I need to by it even in 01:00. I fin'd such shop behavior very uncomfortable.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Obviously for me as a customer I would like shops to be open 24/7 but it can't be done but looking from other perspective It is good regulation for an employees who would like to spend some time with family or just to relax. Although this regulation is not fair, because people in food industry still needs to work on Sundays. I've seen a very good statement on the internet : "Now, people with faimly can spend time with family in the cinema or restaurant where people without family works.". And this is bad for students who wants to work in the weekends because lack of time during a regular week. I think that Sundays should be extrapaid for the employees and it should be optional. In that case everyone would be happy.
Unknown said…
Are you for or against non-trade Sundays ?
I am against that, market should decide by themselves when make them shop opens. As to the work in Sunday question, that could depend on worker, and that should be the law. Not the ban.
Do you want  shops to open again?
Of course yes, I don’t have time in week to make some shops. Sunday is often the best time.
Do you think that every store should closed on Sundays without exception?
If some of them must be closed then every should be, not even shops, everything where people works. People should be treating equally by the low. If someone can’t work in Sunday then everybody should not.
Unknown said…
I hate non-trade Sundays. I feel so confused when I can't go shopping in any time I want. I understand everyone wants to have free time, but it's not paradise and they choose to work in sector which requires 7 day work mode, exactly the same as cooks, academical teachers or petrol station workers. To add some people want to work on sundays, because they don't earn enough to handle all the costs.
So to sum up I think that we should return to all trade sundays without any exceptions, because it's unfair and as a society we are losing on it.
Anna Koca said…
Are you for or against non-trade Sundays ?
I am against non-trade Sundays, as it should be up to a specific company to decide on the shifts. Sometimes it is against the interests of workers, who earn less money, and they would gladly come to work on Sunday and get some extra income. So by intervening, the government is actually cutting down wages in a lot of cases.

Do you want shops to open again?
I think if a regulation was or is needed, it shouldn't be so one-dimensional, as in "let's close every shop on half of the Sundays". It should be up to the companies and moreover, up to employees to be able to work on Sundays, if their life status makes them do that to survive.

Do you think that every store should closed on Sundays without exception?
Of course not. As I've written above, there should be specific regulations on shifts and voluntary work on Sundays for those who need extra income.
Unknown said…
Are you for or against non-trade Sundays ?
I am absolutely against, in my opinion this idea is totally worthless and I can't find any pros and of course I want shops to be open again on Sundays.
In Poland there will be always some kind of trick and few stores will be opened, Żabka is a good example ;)
Unknown said…
1. No, I'm not against non-trade Sundays because I don't have problems to think earlier and buy necessary products one day before Sunday.

2. As I already said, I don't really care that these shops are closed.

3. I think that big supermarkets should be closed but one-person companies should have possibility to be opened on Sundays.
I don’t support the idea of non-trade Sundays. It sounds a little bit weird for me. Why most shops have been working on Sundays for such a long time and suddenly the government decided to ban it. As was mentioned above we should take in consideration the fact that most people still work on Sundays and it’s really unfair. If someone wants to spend more time with family he/she will find lots of ways to do so.
Patryk Górski said…
Are you for or against non-trade Sundays ?

I am against it. Sometimes, when I am busy on Saturday I can't go to the grocery store and buy all the things I need. Then I am realizing, that on Sunday everything is closed and I need to order some food, or I can't solve problems in my house.

Do you want shops to open again?

Yes. It was better when they were open on Sundays.

Do you think that every store should closed on Sundays without exception?

No. Let people decide. When you do not want to work on Sunday just ask your boss for it. Or think about it from a different point of view. When you work on Sunday you can have another day free during the week
Unknown said…
I'm against non-trade Sundays. In my opinion everyone should have choice how he or she wants to spend this day. Some like shopping, others prefer spending time with family. It shouldn't be forced by government. What about employees? Let's be clear, even with current law many people still work on Sunday. Maybe I live in a bubble, but I think if someone really don't want to work that day then he/she will find a way to not do it.
Wojtek Protasik said…
If was to take a vote I would be ok with non-trading Sundays. People usually say that this matter should be regulated by the companies and business owners but the fact is that the government job is to regulate those who are powerful enough to force anything. I'm not familiar with the law very much, as the most of us by the way, but I know many countries have this policy and it's not devastating their economics. Things change and sometimes it's very hard to predict the overall effect. It's always easy to talk and give definite judgement though.

I don't care. If I can't buy something to eat I order it. Other things are not so urgent.

The meaning of the shop is already very specific and every shop is actually closed on Sunday. Pharmacy is not a shop, as well as gastronomy, doctors and many more. I'm ok with that.
Unknown said…
Are you for or against non-trade Sundays ?

It's hard question for me. I want for people to have free day in whole week but for me it's also irrytaiting when i can't buy things.

Do you want shops to open again?

I totally don't know what i should think about it. In Poland it wasn't so bad with open shops. I don't think that people worked so hard on Sundays.

Do you think that every store should closed on Sundays without exception?

I think that "Żabka" make it great and for sure shops like that should be open.
Unknown said…
I am against non-trade Sundays. I think that is up to workers and they should decide if they want work on Sundays or not. Nobody is forcing their work, if they want to earn more money they are going to work, if not they stay at homes, it is simply as that.
In my home area are many shops that was open on Sundays, for now I didn't have any problem to buy stuff. But who knows what happens in the future so I rather want all shops to be opened.
Marcin Górski said…
It's hard topic but I'm for non-trade Sundays. I like when two Sundays are free because town is empty, people are spending time with family/friends. There are no any heavy traffics on the streets. We have six other days for shopping, it's not problem for me to plan my week without one day.
I think that actual situation is great because cafe and restaurants are open. I don't want to change anything.
Kristina Moroz said…
I'm okay about that, for now. But if someone want to work on Sunday why he couldn't do that? Sometimes I don't have enough time to shop on Saturday, so I would like stores to be available on Sunday because it's the only time when I can make it. So maybe they create one more weekend in the middle of week for people who can't make it during the week.
Unknown said…
I was and still am against this rule. Sunday used to be my day of the week when I was doing shopping.vWhen the government introduced the law that shops must be closed on some Sundays I was so angry. I think we should not regulate that, and most of the shops should be open during the weekends.
Cecylia said…
I am against non-trade Sundays it only complicates live. What if I forget to buy something on Saturday? All my plans are dead and I cannot even go to store and buy thin that I forget. I do not even know one person in group of my friedns which is pro non-trade Sundays. Some people would like to work on Sunday to earn more money because they are still students and the only option for them is to work in weekend. I would like to go in Sunday morning to buy fresh bread or ham and now I cannot. It is just stupid. All shops should have opportunity to be opened if they want and we cannot prohibit it.

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