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Week 7 [14.05-20.05.2018] Why Mark Zuckerberg Wears the Same Thing Every Day

Take a peek inside Mark Zuckerberg’s closet:

It's it weird that the person who is worth more than $40B has a wardrobe like this? There must be a reason for that. Fortunately, in 2014 the Facebook founder had his first-ever Q&A publicly, and some bright person asked him a question we are curious about:

“Why do you wear the same t-shirt every day?”

His answer intrigued me.

“I really want to clear my life to make it so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community.”

Could this one decision improve our decision making or help our brains stay focused or maybe it's just a tip of the iceberg? According to some research, an adult makes about 35,000 “remotely” conscious choices per day. It's a bit overwhelming. I think Mark's answer shows us that billionaires take care of their minds and try to limit the decisions they take as much as they can.

How to make fewer decisions - become a decision minimalist.

A decision minimalist is a person who tries to make a decision only about the most essential things and automate the rest. The implementation of this concept breaks into three phrases – track, measure, and automate.

1. Phase 1: Track Every Decision
Try to observe the pattern. Try to find reliable and weak points of your decision-making process. Look for what requires the most and the least effort.

2. Phase 2: Measure Effectiveness
According to the 80/20 rule, 20 percent of your decisions generate 80 percent of the results. Try to filter these. It will help you to keep deciding only on most important things.

3. Phase 3: Automate Repeated Decisions
Evaluate the results from previous phrases and try to think of a way how to automate them or delegate them;  the decisions you make that do not have any significant impact on your life should be eliminated.

I hope that being aware of these facts will have quite an impact on your life only in positive aspects. The fewer distractions we have, the more productive and happy we become.

1. Would you be able to wear just one colour/type of clothes each day?
2. Do you think too many things bother you?
3. Have you ever tried to limit the number of decisions you make or improve your choices?



Unknown said…
I think, I would be able to this, but I don't spend much time on choosing what to wear each day, so for me, it's a bit strange idea.
Maybe, I 've never thought about it. I guess there are some things that annoy me.
Well, I usually try to simplify things in life to make fewer decisions overall. For sure I cannot do this all the time so I try to be more flexible in my decision making. I think everybody's decision making skill improves with time as they gain more experience based on their previous mistakes. Sooner or later you will find out the best life strategy that will fit your needs.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
It wouldn't be a problem for me to wear the same colour or type of clothes every day. To be honest I don't care about my outfit. I always just want and try to look neatly but that's it, that's all.
Hmm, good question but I think that I agree that too many things bother me. I think a lot. Maybe even too much but I'll always find things that are annoying me.
I've never tried to limit the number of decisions I make. It seems stupid to me. Any decisions I make are unavoidable. If there are any avoidable I will avoid them.
Unknown said…
1. One decision amongst 35 thousand seems like a drop in the ocean. Most people in business seems to share the idea that appearance is key part of the image of a person. One way of doing it may be wearing same clothes every day. But It’s certainly not for everyone though.
2. The opposite. I still don’t feel like responsible adult. There are too many things that I just put away in time or avoid completely.
3. I would rather put my efforts in automating mundane repetitive tasks. Decision making on its own isn’t time consuming unless it’s for example complex matter. In which case maybe, it’s important to pay its due attention.
Unknown said…
I think that would not be a problem if this outfit were comfortable and more or less normal.
I do not think I am anxious all the time. Of course it depends on the period, but usually I am a relaxed person.
All the time I try to change something in myself, so that people close to me would accept me. I think everyone wants to change for the better.
Marcin Mróz said…
I think that I could, but maybe during some period of time, not the whole life, because it would be a bit weird. I have never thought about it, but maybe there is something in this. Sometimes i got 'stuck' with some trivial dillemas and I just can't decide what to do for a moment. I always try to choose the best or the most optimal option, but I have never thought about limiting the decisions I make everyday. I have always thought that they are natural part of life and we cannot ommit them, but it appears that some people (like Mark Zuckerberg) found some recipes for eliminating them from their everyday lifes.
Iman Masjedi said…
It depends on the cleanliness of the clothes. Usually, the cleanliness of the dress is more important than its color. Everyone has different habits so we they should respect to their habits .
its depends what things we are talking about.
I have tried to improve my condition many times. I've tried to eliminate my life from anything that has brought down my performance in my life.
Anna Koca said…
As a girl, I think I could not limit my wardrobe to one kind of T-shirt and one kind of sweat shirt. I am not surprised that a notion of automating and limiting decision-making process comes from an IT-engineer. It sound a bit like changing oneself to a piece of code, or a robot. I will never be in favour of dehumanization, and even small things such as choosing what you eat and what you wear are what makes us humans. I do have some irritating decisions to make each day, that I would gladly skip, but I am afraid that this route could be a slippery slope. I don't think that "helping that community" and dedicating oneself only to "greater things" is something I could do. Because actually that could be just as overwhelming as making those 35,000 small decisions a day.
Yes, I assume that it won’t be a challenge for me at all. I really hate spending lot of time on what to ware today or that this color doesn’t suit to another one. We just complicate the simple things. I don’t see any point on spending lots of time on such things.

I have never payed attention to it. To my mind big amount of something makes our brain make lots of comparison with every single one of this set.

No, I didn’t. I guess I don’t have so much decision to make in my everyday life or I just don’t pay attention to it.
Maciej Główka said…
I've never thought about having one-color closet. I think it wouldn't be very hard for me to use for example only brown t-shirts and blue trousers. Do I think too many things bother me? Oh yes, I have too many important things to work out at this moment, I would love to have just 1 or 2. Unfortunately, at this moment I can't limit that number.
Unknown said…
haha I have not seen Zuckerberg wearing the same T-shirt every day. I wouldn’t be able to wear one T-shirt every day because immediately people would notice it and they would think that I smell bad or something and that I don't wash my clothes. I don't worry about what I'm wearing. Of course, I don't wear dirty or ugly clothes. I know what I have in the wardrobe and I pull out the clothes and I know that it will be good for today. I don't spend a lot of time on it because I see how much time my girlfriend spends looking for clothes. She can change clothes 5 times before she just goes to the city.
Unknown said…
Would you be able to wear just one colour/type of clothes each day?
I think I would be able to wear just one type of clothes each day I already have subdued clothes.
Do you think too many things bother you?
I don’t think so, many but not too many.
Have you ever tried to limit the number of decisions you make or improve your choices?
No I never tried that.
Maciej Nowak said…
Wearing just one colour/type of clothes definitely should't be a problem, I just would't like to limit myself in this way. I don't think that too many things bother me. Unfortunately I'm getting distracted too easily and because of that I am not usually too productive. I haven't thought about limiting the number of decisions and mostly everybody improves their choices as every single time they has to decide, they get some knowledge and are more experienced during the next choice.
I wouldn't mind to wear same colors any time, but i will not make any effort to limit myself. Many things definitely bother me, i usually have 2-3 sets of clothes and i think it is enough. It sound weird for a human being to limit your decision for improvement, but everyone knows that Mark Zuckerberg is a mason reptile-robot so it was expected.
Unknown said…
1. Would you be able to wear just one colour/type of clothes each day?
No way, I like T-shirts, of course (mostly black of course), but I like all of them I have. They are different and shows what I like and with what I assimilate with.

2. Do you think too many things bother you?
Yes, there are those things, but they are not things I may not do, because they are my chores or things involved in productive work. Unfortunately - humans are not designed to be able to maintain single intellectual task for long period of time without any break.

3. Have you ever tried to limit the number of decisions you make or improve your choices?
Never thought about it. But I tried to make decisions faster and with more logical and less emotional if there was possibility. Support with applications on my smartphone is extraordinary helpful in cases of decisions without heist.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I think I am one of the people who would be able to wear the same type of clothes everyday. That's probably the reason behind my wardrobe being filled with dozens of black and white T-shirts.
I like having to make multiple decisions during the day. It makes me pretty happy to make this small decisions which can't possibly have any consequences. The only possible result of them can be positive.
I didn't ever try to limit the number of choices I have to make, but I am trying to improve the quality of them. For most of people that also should be the case - we are lucky enough to be part of the species which has the ability to learn from its' own mistakes.
Filip Sawicki said…
I really hate Mark’s approach to showoff everybody how diligent he is. This exaggerated method he has presented makes him more and more disillusioned in my eyes. I would be able to wear one type of clothes every day, but why would I care about such a trivialities. I agree with minimalistic reasoning but this is taken to another level (similar with vegetarians and vegans) that makes me so critical. Yes I always try to limit number of decisions to efficiently manage my daily plan and not fall into void of never ending work.
Foodocado said…
Yes, I would be able to wear the same kind of clothes each day. It has a lot of sense for me. I hate wasting time on making decisions about the clothes, food etc. I love to buy a couple of the same t-shirts at once.
It's important to simplify our life as much as it is possible.
Unknown said…
1. I have never considered dressing in the same way each day, however I would find it hard to do it in the long run as it appeals tedious to me.
2. There are some things that bother me and they shouldn’t as they are not that important. I am constantly striving to prioritize things properly in order to minimize number of things which consume my time and don't bring added value in my life.
3. I have tried it couple of times in my life but only in regard to decisions concerning unimportant things, when it comes to serious decisions I try to make them in a conscious and reasonable way e.g.: decision matrix.
Unknown said…
Probably not. I like to wear something different every day. In the same color or type of clothes, I would feel strange.

Sometimes yes, sometimes not. Depends on the day. Rather, I can deal with everything. But sometimes it makes me angry everything.

I try to improve my choices every day. But it comes out differently.
Jakub Nietupski said…
I pretty much do that already, not because of some more advanced philosophy, but simply because I'm really bad with colors and black goes with everything so most of my t-shirts are black.
I am really easy to distract so definitely too many things bother me. When I work I like to put on headphones with loud music on and have almost empty desk (and computer desktop as well!). I such a way I have less things to catch my attentions and I can focus on my work.
I always try to plan my day ahead so that I don't constantly have to make decisions. It's especially helpful in the morning - I like to prepare my breakfast the night before, because in the morning I cannot decide what I want to eat.
Unknown said…
On one hand it is very interesting, oldest times, in some countries everyone has their own personal clothing, it could have been the one for whole his or her life, probably that's why all look so different that time. Now it is different as well, but today the brands decide what to wear, I would not be able to go through the same color or clothes, because it's just boring.
I think i'm a quiet person, I do something or I do not, and nervousness does not really help me.
I think that was the way it was before, as I mentioned above, if there is something to decide, there are two ways, yes or no, others like “may” or “maybe” are unnecessary
Unknown said…
1. No, I choose clothes in the morning under the mood. Dark, monotonous things I put on if there is no time or no mood.
2. No, I do not consider this "too", I am concerned only with what matters at the moment.
3. I think that the reason - a bad mood, just limits my choice, but this happens rarely. To reduce the number of decisions? No, I do not take responsibility for decisions that I would not like to think about.
Unknown said…
I think there’s no need to wear the same type of tshirt everyday, but I would hae to this wouldn’t be a problem. I don’t spend to much time choosing clothes to wear and I don’t think it distract me nevertheless I believe there ar emany people that might have problem with it.
To be honest i don’t feel like too many things bother me, but I think it will change in the future.
In my opinion every choice brings you closer to the perfect decison making process and I don’t think you can practise it at home or from tutorials. You just have to have them in real situations to draw conclusions and improve yourself
I kinda understend it. 70% of my t-shirts are plain white so it suits every kind of pants or hoodies. Also works as underwear for white shirts. It also makes my shopping much easier. Im just looking for one that looks good on me, and i'm buying like 3 of those. It also makes my washing much easier.
Unknown said…
1. Would you be able to wear just one colour/type of clothes each day?
Sure, in fact it seems pretty comfortable to have only one type of clothes, so I wouldn't mind wearing it each and every day.

2. Do you think too many things bother you?
I am sometimes disturbed by too many things around me. There is a lot of things going on these days, we are constantly "under attack" from a lot of sources, especially mass media. It is good to be around, but we always should keep in mind that no matter how loud it is outside, there should be always same amount of silence inside.

3. Have you ever tried to limit the number of decisions you make or improve your choices?
Nah, I am not a fan of focusing on improvement each second of life. I think that improving your choices is a life-span process, which bases on our mistakes and constantly improves itself.
Yes. Currently working on it.
I do in fact i think i get bothered by too many things that i should be ignoring. Eliminating that part of you is a process.
Yes but unfortunately its not always possible. Does not matter is it your coworkers, family or even a shopkeeper each person you meet/interact with every day is a opportunity to make decisions. While being anti social is a bad thing (as seen by the community) a rational amount of it might be actually a way to go. We all just need to find balance.
I mostly the do in the same way as Mark Zuckerberg because I in most cases has one suit for current season because I prefer to spend less money to dress that will be lay in my wardrobe. Also I prefer to update my close each season and use as long as I can while it stay in normal state.
In case of decisions think that count of decisions must stay in fixed measures because some time better to have a little bit more chances to do something and sometimes less because its hard to decide.
I'm wearing just one color/type of clothes each day and i find it normal. My position about clothes is to be clean and tidy. No matter what kind of t-shirt you wear every day. And i agree with a statement that too many things can bother us, everybody knows about it. You know, when we are talking about people who are not limited in a making choices you need to understand that this person a genius or a devil. I mean, that all the geniuses are not paying too much attention for their outfit, they are creating and developing great things such as Zuckerberg or Jobs.
Marcin Górski said…
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Marcin Górski said…
The same color everyday? It's not for me :P I like to choose clothes on the basis of weather and any other factors.
Hmmm, it depends. I'm always trying to do my best and sometimes I have no problem with too many things and I can deal with it. On the other hand, if I have a bad day (e.x. headache, bad mood) it can be stressful for me.
I have never tried because my life is very simply. I think that it will change in the future because I'm planning to make a family and I know that is combine with new duties for me.
Have you ever tried to limit the number of decisions you make or improve your choices?
Patryk Górski said…
1. Yes. I'm not a kind of "fashion" person. I think that I'm not even looking at someone's clothes. It would be easier for me to dress up everyday the same.

2. No. I'm a kind of calm person, so it does not bother me.

3. I've never thought about it. It's a curious think to think about it and make a change. Interesting
Illia Lukisha said…
1. Would you be able to wear just one colour/type of clothes each day?
I think no, because from practical side it's amazing, but from emotional side, you cannot express your mood wearing with clothes.
2. Do you think too many things bother you?
Yes, I do.
3. Have you ever tried to limit the number of decisions you make or improve your choices?
I will try when I become a billioner, now I don't have enough time to waste it this way.
Unknown said…
I would be able if i had to, but I don't, so I prefer to add some colors to my life.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I try to keep a lot of things in head and solve everything in the best way. Clothes don't distract me. I think I can manage with everything, even with choosing clothes for myself)
I sometimes do that if I'm under the big pressure or stress. Then i try to solve everything one by one, not thinking or choosing more than one thing at time. And that helps!
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…

1. Totally NO! It will be terrible for me. I like to express myself in that way.

2. Yes, i have many things to consider but i think that's good to know that we can choose and the effects of the decision depend on us.

3. I haven't try to do things like that. To be honest, i like make decisions. It help me to control my live. I don't think that it will help me make decisions better.
Unknown said…
1. For sure. My favorite color is black and I have black t-shirts/joggers mostly.
2. I don’t think so. I’m always trying to plan ahead and ignore bothering at all.
3. Interesting question. I haven’t tried to limi the number of decisions, but it sounds like a good idea. Of course I’m trying to improve my choices, every day ;).
Unknown said…
Actually, I don't think it works like this for everyone. Many people find it challenging to make decisions or don't know how to do it correctly. When you have lots of things you have to find a method of how you should prioritize them. That's not that easy.
Unknown said…
The example of avoidable decision is this with same clothes every day. If too many things bother you, I assume you also make a lot of choices during the day. Whenever you have an option, you have to make a decision, so for sure there are areas where you can find some avoidable choices you make ;)
Unknown said…
Ah, procrastination, I'm struggling with this too. Automating mundane, repetitive tasks is also a way of thinking less - making fewer decisions. Even if they are not time-consuming, you have to bothered about them, so they need some part of your attention. When you have to make lots of decisions you get tired. You start with a drop in the ocean, but later on, you find more and more, and it can make a difference ;)
Cecylia said…
So i think I could possibly wear one type of clothes because I usually wear black and simple clothes. i can say i like dresses , pants, short , skirt and different kind of t shirts but in daily life i wear quite the same . if its a day i want to look fancy i will but i'm not obligated. Yes i can say that may things on you mind can bother you and not thinking about you look will make you concentrate on want you need to actually do . Yes many times i limit number of decision into two because there is no point on to thinking too much if there are less simple options.

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