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Week 7 [14.05-20.05.2018] How to get your s**t together, and raise your standards – become a better person in general.

What I’m about to write in this article could look like some kind of clichés – you can say that, because it’s XXI century – a great era of personal development. YouTube, Facebook or Instagram are the power of this movement – I’m not saying that they’re bad and we should create a new trend that overthrows them, but it’s worth considering all different perspective, and above all – yours, remember, it’s your life and only you can change it. Before we get started, I’d like to admit that each of the points you will learn in a moment is based on my own experience and is suited to my lifestyle, personality and behaviour. Without any further ado - let's get started!

Start with yourself  it sounds obvious, but look at this from your perspective – if You see someone who doesn’t bother to take care of their looks – neglected appearance, silhouette, hair, beard, clothes, smell, breath - do you really think that somewhere in there is something special to offer? In my opinion, first impression matters – we make opinions about other people in more or less 30 seconds, there is no chance that you can say something brilliant enough to attract them. I'm not saying that you have to look like a Greek god or the cover guy/girl from magazines - be yourself, but well groomed - create your own style.

Before I start to guide you step by step, I would like to introduce to you a simple “law of magnetism”, taken from John C. Maxwell - "We attract who we are, not who we want" - I will dive deeper to that later.
Now, ask yourself - what kind of people you are looking for in your life, what kind of man/woman do you want – are you interested in him/her as a neglected nerd, that eats junky food all the time, only plays video games that don’t lead to anything? Or maybe, you’re looking for a person with aspirations, ideas for life, unusual interests? This is just an extreme example, but now stop for a moment, think about the qualities that you value in other people, about their appearance and people who are around them. If you have a slight idea about them, then we can start.

- let's start with the basics, healthy nutrition - a lot to say, but in a nutshell, eat clean, so your body feels good and healthy. You don’t need to stick to the strict diet - eat healthy, use your brain and remember, from one fast food nobody died ;)
Ok, we already covered the body, it’s time for details. Take care of a neat appearance - choose the right hairstyle (and beard), that fits you. Next step - teeth – here, it will be hard because it's an expensive thing, but at our stage, you just have to do regular cleaning and keep fresh breath – it’s more important that you think, no one likes to stand near (or talk to!) a person who hasn’t seen a toothbrush for a week.
Skin – with clean food, comes clean skin. But you might consider washing your face a couple  of times a day, just to get rid of dirt and bacteria – keep it clean, you want to be fresh, it’s just a minute from 24 hours, c’mon. Smell – choose the right perfume – everybody likes a good pair of perfume ;)
And if you think that all of the points that I just mentioned make you gay, think again – they make you a tidy and well-groomed man/woman.

Okay, you've taken care of your body - what's next? Style.
Style is more a personal thing and beliefs, at this point I’m just gonna go with my own opinion, and you should look at this with distance. Create your own style, you’re a man/woman, dress like a man/woman and not like a teenager in strange T-shirts - I do not say immediately that they are not cool, they are just childish. As I said before, dress like you want other people to look at you – they can say what kind of person you are in a couple of seconds. If you don’t want to make your life difficult, and I bet you want a head start – work on your style. Find style that you find attractive, get inspired by popular people / fashion accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or Youtube. But most importantly - keep your clothes fresh and tailored to you posture – that’s it. I’ll not dive deeper in this topic, as I said, it’s your style, as long as you feel good, everybody will feel good near you ;)

This is even more personal than a style – but there are some kind of rules and basic paths that you should follow. So, find something interesting that you like and stick to it - do not hide it. As long as are talking with passion about it, it’ll be interesting. That’s it. You can even collect stamps, but be passion about it. A little tip from me – be positive, that helps a lot. People like positive attitude in general, they don’t want to spend their time in a negative environment – make them addicted to you and your way of being ;)
I believe that if you’re good to people, they’ll be good to you – because why not? Be the person that you want to meet, remember that not everybody likes you, like you want them to, and that’s fine, there are plenty of people to meet. Just be yourself, or maybe – the best version of yourself, like I’d like to say ;)

And last but not least – stay humble. This is the most important feature in personal development, you will not get anywhere without it. If You think that you know something best and that you fully understand it, I already know that you have lack of humility. As Steve Jobs said, "stay foolish, stay hungry". You have to go deeply into every topic you start, listen to others, analyse their experiences and try to draw conclusions from them.

Good luck!

1) Do you think that first impression matters?
2) Do you think your looks should bother you?
3) Do you think that after all the effort you put in developing yourself, you become a better person?


Unknown said…
I think that answer is both yes and no. When you meet someone for the first time you cannot possibly know what kind of person you are dealing with, so your first natural reaction is to make an assumption about his or her personality based on your first interaction. Usually, those first moments can tell you enough information to understand person's type of character. But at the same time, your view about this person might be false or not accurate enough and you must remember that in different social situations people can act differently.
Truly saying I don't know, but most of the time your character is what has the biggest impact on people's opinions about you.
If you put effort into developing good traits of your character then you will become a better version of yourself.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
There is no direct answer to first question. In my opinion, it's obvious that first impression matters because it's related to our brain mechanism and if someone is kind and friendly we will want to meet him again. Imagine that on the first meeting someone starts to insult you. I think that this situation is good example but I have to mention one thing from my experience. Remember that even this person who insults you, may become your best friend in future. People changes and it's possible but we often rely on first impression.
Our look should bother us but in healthy way.
Not always you become a better person because sometimes it doesn't go together but for sure you become more experienced person and it's also good thing.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately, even in denial, we all know that the first impression is important. Fortunately, this impression can be changed by everyone through their personality and this is the most important thing.
If I think about my appearance I don't have to worry, of course there are a few things I could change, but maybe one day ;p
I have never thought about effort which put in myself developing to being better. I think, that I can't judge myself.
Marcin Mróz said…
I think that it matters, but not in some irreversible way. Of course I don't take into consideration some extreme cases when you cannot even stand next to the given person, but even when someone could look weird at first time, but would turn out to be interesting person I wouldn't bother his/her look that much. In my opinion, they should bother us, but not in some obsessive way. The most important thing is that you look tidy and you're comfortable with your outfit. In the end people don't care that much what you wear, I guess. Personally, I like to look good and I care about my appearance, but I also try to make it with common sense - I don't buy everything branded or from some luxurious shops. I believe that self-development is always a good thing and everyone should practice it, in every field.
Iman Masjedi said…
The first impression only helps you to make the other person more like you and respect you if same gender or gives you a better chance to flirt with if opposite gender.
I think things are evolving. Our attitudes, our dress, our way of life, and the introduction of technology in our lives have evolved. All of this makes every effort to improve our living conditions everyday, which increases our self-esteem and, as a result, our productivity in life.
Anna Koca said…
First impression does matter, and I agree that you will probably attract people similar to what you represent. The dark side of it is, however, that if you spend a lot of time on "creating"/"branding" yourself, it will also reflect in the people you will meet - they may appear less authentic, less of themselves, and more "branded" people with some fixed gestures and reactions. It is useful to remember that clothes, appearances, smell, all that is important, but certainly secondary to the most important things, such as mission, being true yourself and others and so on.
I think that I may become a better-groomed person, but "better" sounds like a word from a moral plane, and I think looks have little to do with morality, ethics etc. In my opinion person becomes better through helping others, meditation, humbleness, but not necessarily through improving physical appearance.
Maciej Główka said…
In my opinion first impression is very important. Many people claim that it is not true, but let's be honest: even if we don't want to, our brain make such assumptions. Of course later it can dramatically change.
Should my look bother me? Well, if you live your home at least once in your life than your look should bother you. Of course i don't mean by that spending 3 hours in bathroom just to go to the shop to buy bananas.
I have never thought about effort which I put in self developing. I'm rather sceptical with all that coach-style advices.
Unknown said…
I agree that the first impression matters but let’s not exaggerate. If you see someone who looks bad in opinion of many people, it doesn’t mean that he is. I met many young people who wear on a daily basis a jacket and the first impression is good. In fact they are arrogant it seems to them that they are superhuman.If you make opinion about someone based on first impression, it can only harm you. Your appearance shouldn't bother you, you should pay attention to your outfit, but you should feel good about yourself. I never thought about it in this way that it makes me a better person , I take care of myself to feel good about myself.
You have to be happy with your youth. At the age of 20, you shouldn’t wear a suit to make people look at you and think this guy has good style. It makes me laugh when I'm on my friend's birthday party and someone comes dressed like he was going to a communion.
I would say it depends. Not everyone matters about how person looks like or how person smells. It all depends what you are looking for and the way you perceive people. I can’t decide whether I want to be a friend with a person(or talk to it) judging only by the way it looks. Maybe he/she has a bad day or something has happened, maybe it’s tired or bothered. I consider that this is a bad approach.

If we are talking about body than yes. The way how we look show our ability of self-control and hard work. It demonstrates how much effort we put in order to be healthy and it could be translated to every single sphere of our live.

Of course. In order to improve yourself you have to develop some new skills. These skills will most probably help you in some different areas of your life. That’s why I think that we become better people when we want to develop ourselves.
Filip Sawicki said…
1. Yes sure it does. First seconds determine your attitude towards other person. It is way easier to make yourself attractive on first glance than later try to change other’s first impression.
2. Yes, but at the same time most of us exaggerate the impact. Usually it’s enough to look decent and not like hundred million dollar boy/girl.
3. Again yes, everyone should strive towards becoming better person. There are many ways to achieve that and self-development (especially in areas of public speaking and self-confidence) is surely one of the most efficient and useful methods.
Maciej Nowak said…
First impression is important as it decides attitude of other people towards you and it is definitely harder to change it later if you get a chance to do so. However, you shouldn't judge a person too fast as they can be different person from what they seem to be at a first glance. You should take care of your appearance because it helps you to attract people and also shows what type of person you are, but you can't forget about your personality which is the reason why some people will want to stay by your side. If you take care of yourself and try to improve yourself, you definitely become a better person.
Unknown said…
1) Do you think that first impression matters?
Yes, but it works not only by our appearance, but the acts as well. Sometimes even more than the look.

2) Do you think your looks should bother you?
Yes, but there is this unhealthy thought I won't be liked by someone because of my look. And that will be this way, because they like other type of people than me or style I like.

3) Do you think that after all the effort you put in developing yourself, you become a better person?
If you will put a good effort, you will be a much better person, otherwise... You will get opposite effect. It is the way the humanity work.
First impression matters especially in an environment where time is of the utmost importance, for example at work. People usually have no time to search for your good personality and positive traits, but instead look at what first is catched by eye. We live in such environment where looks really matter, i do not judge people for their looks but in all honesty i wouldn't contact superbad looking people without serious need. The point of becoming a better person is putting an effort in develping.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I think that many people take the first impression seriously, that's why I can't say that it doesn't matter. If the question was about my own opinion about the first impression, I would say that only to some degree. Many of us are unfortunate enough to be born without the ability of making good first impression. That doesn't mean that any of these people should be assumed as people of lesser value than the others. Making a good first impression is just a skill. We shouldn't judge a book by its' cover.
Why should my looks ever bother me? I didn't ever put much effort into looking good. I only try to stay fresh, clean. To summarize it in one word - average. People should know that our looks are not the most important thing. That is not an excuse for being clean, though.
I think that after all this time I've became a better person for myself. I don't judge myself anymore and live my life more happily than ever before.
Unknown said…
First impression matters a lot more then we usually think. It's quite hard to change it and you might not have a chance to do that.
It depends on what I want in life. And I highly disagree with phrase that T-shirts is for children simply due to this concept of life-stile "real man" mass media promotes. If that suits you it's fine just calling all people around our childish is not well thought through.
For me better person is a myth. It's just a scale drown by society to measure people. There is no better. If you personally don't like where you are then yes it make sense otherwise if you do it because of low self-esteem for people to like you it would make you more miserable.
Unknown said…
1. It’s important. Every next interaction is influenced by it. And in situations like data or job interview it’s even crucial. Since there won’t be any next interaction if you failed to impress other party.
2. To a certain point. You shouldn’t be overly self-conscious about it. I personally dress only to look decent. I don’t really want to stand out but even sometimes I’m dress like a slob. When all I care about is comfort and situation permit it.
3. If you have put that effort in the right place in the right way than surely. Even so slightly. I would even say that just by stagnating you become wore person naturally.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I agree that first impression is important in our world, but my opinion is that a person should better watch what a person you are rather than putting all the effort in your appearance. Because if you are a bad person in nearest future everybody will realize how corrupted you are or spoiled by wealth, power etc. Developing yourself means for me exactly becoming a better person.
Foodocado said…
In my opinion, the first impression is quite important, but it's unfair for me to judge people based on it. Someone can be very interesting inside, but in the same time very shy and secretive.

Do you think your looks should bother you? No. Not everyone cares about their look.

Do you think that after all the effort you put in developing yourself, you become a better person? I believe so. I try to teach on every mistake I've made and take a lesson from it.
Unknown said…
1) Do you think that first impression matters?
Some people say that first impression is the most important thing when meeting a new person. We are humans and we are judgmental, so the way someone remembers you for the first time may stick for a very long time.

2) Do you think your looks should bother you?
I think it's crucial to feel confident with yourself. You should be bothered with your appearance, but everything should also be bounded within certain healthy limits. Long story short - be yourself and when you're confident about yourself, don't care if someone criticise your look.

3) Do you think that after all the effort you put in developing yourself, you become a better person?
I am convinced that it is true, otherwise what is the point of self-development. We are trying to improve ourselves each and every day and if we are doing it properly, finally we become a better, designated version of ourselves.
Unknown said…
1. Yes, for me the first impression is very important. I feel more confident if I have ironed things and clean shoes, it is very important that I smell pleasantly, and of course the hairdo, many think that this is an important issue for women, but my opinion is that for men it is important how their hair is laid and how looks like an image in general for specific events.
2. Yes, of course. There are certainly places where I can put on sports pants and feel comfortable, but in general it's important for me to even wear a sports suit, I had a pleasant smell from my mouth, cut my nails and hair (even if I did not pack it). But I can give you an example: my girlfriend dresses very strangely, I would not even say feminine, she often has a mess on her head and she does not care, until I think about her, it sometimes even seems to me that she specifically wants to push people away from herself. And many people who saw her would have thought that she had nothing to talk about, but this is one of the few women with whom it is very interesting to have a conversation. So the appearance is also deceptive, but the first impression was not canceled.
3. Of course, every day I try to acquire new and useful habits, for example doing sports exercises in the morning. I want that I was the person with whom I think it would be nice to be around and communicate.
Unknown said…
1. In my opinion first impression really does matter, as the author has mentioned, people judge subconsciously in less than 30 seconds when they first see other person. Thus, your physical appearance might decide about your further relations with particular person or group of people.
2. I think that our physical appearance can tell a lot about our personality, habits and lifestyle. However, I am far from being focused only on how I look as I don’t consider it as the most important thing in my life. I just try to be tidy and stay in shape.
3. I would say it depends whether we invest our time and money in right activities. I think that developing yourself by learning foreign languages and cultures, gaining new professional skills or staying in shape always pay off.
Unknown said…
I think that first impression matters, but it's not a rule. Sometimes by mistaken assessment of a person we can lose a big deal or a good friend or sometimes we can trust a bad person. So the first impression is impornant, but we shouldn't always be guided by it.
I think that your look shows your personality, so if you don't want to be confused with someone you are not - you should pay attention to your appierence.
From my point of view all the effort you put in developing yourself can make you better sometimes, but quite often you become vain, so it's really fine line between them. One is obvious - you shouln't overdo it.
Yeah, i think that first impression matters. We are living in a world where all the celebrities can't be impressive. And i'm sure, that every person wants to be famous enough. There is a thing about being famous, that you need to look neat at least to impress.Yes, if you want a normal life,beatiful wife and personal brand your look should bother you. Every try you will make, every step you will do is definitely a right way to become a better person.
Illia Kalinin said…
First impression surely is important, because it may affects on some people and their behavior in the first part of your communication, but mostly first impression is wrong.

It depends on a person, if you ask me I'd say that it is not obligatory, but it is always better when it does bother you.

Absolutely, if we can dream it - we can achieve it!. If we want something very much nothing can stop us.
As for me, it`s quite interesting to try to minimalize the decisions, which we used to do without even noticing. As a girl, I can`t imagine myself in the same type of clothing, but as a temporary experiment, I`d like to try it.

About things that bother me. For me it`s very difficult to make decisions, every single time I not sure about the correctness of the decision I made and that takes a lot of my energy. So I would love to cut down the decisions that need to be made in my life.
Unknown said…
Of course, the first impression is very important, but at times you also have something to expect or expect from us, and this may lead to someone or misleading us, so when it comes to the impression is the best thing to be objective.
I do not think that's what I'm like, it's hard to say something like this, there's always bias here, if I say that "I'm not the worst person" .
I don't know better or not but i would say that everything what i do for developing myself would have come back to my own experience.
Unknown said…
Thanks for reply Nazraz, nice point of view, in my opinion our character is repersented by our look. You're rigth about unique behaviour in different situations, but I think that this situations builds and shapes our character, the way we react when we're happy or maybe under stress ;) You're absolutely right that first judgment based on first impression might be not accurate, but only we can change that - we have the power to show the people who we are, so why can't we use it? ;)
Unknown said…
Good point Łukasz! The point of my article, was to show You, the power of first impression and how to make it better just by changing small things. Excellent sumup about experience, You really impress me there!
Unknown said…
For me first impression contains both: look and personality(just a scratch of the surface, but still) - the way how people react to the enviroment and words they say - judging people only by their look could be a mistake, and I personally don't like judging. Thanks for comment
Unknown said…
I enjoy reading Your comment, and Your right about irreversibility - it's possible, but not in every cae, so for me, doing my best to show who am I in the first interraction is a good plan. If the person don't like me, then at least I know it isn't because they missunderstood my way of being. Good point with not "tying hard", I don't like that either ;)
Unknown said…
I think that You didn't understand the point I made in article or the qestions.. But that's ok - thanks for comment ;)
Too much concern for first impressions means you will likely fail in the long run. You do need to get your foot in the door, but if you aren't genuine, you'll regret having gotten your foot in. Why not just be yourself, rather than attempt to fake it til you make it? If you aren't happy and confident, you will have to fake happiness and confidence for years and years in a career that demands it. Or else, just fix the happiness and confidence problem at the root before you go to meet people.
The first impression, of course, is important. And it's depends of your looks. For instance your dress or your suit, your behavior and your gesticulations in which way you try to speak and create your personality. Sintists says that the firs impression is creating in first 3 sec. of your verbal and visual contact with another person.
Everyone want to be especial, and try to show for us in the better way for example buy stuffs which are brand like Lacosta, Timberland, Sony, at cetera.
So, for me first impression is really important because it's just psychology.
Unknown said…
I think You didn't quite understand what I think about first impression. Of course it helps attract people simillar to You, but for me first impression is the quickest way to show people who you really are(all the factors You've mentiond included). Its not only about the look, I'm not that single-minded. In my opinion people forgot the power of first impression, thay constantly complain and care about other people judgment or opinon instead of accualy doing something with it. I've just showed You the tools to do that, You dont have to use it, but in that case stop complaining. I'm not a fan of fighting with system, cause I can't change others people way of living, so I just simply fit in to the system and get the best of it ;)
Unknown said…
Good point, I agree with You, maybe except last argument, but it's your opinion ;) Thanks for comment
Unknown said…
I've never mentioned to create opinion about other people based only on another person opinion. In fact it's not a wise thing to do. Like I said, first impression contains both: look and personality, so if your opinion is based only on their look and not the way they were reacting to people around them(for ex.) it's not weird that You missjudge them. I strongly dissagry with Your statement "If you make opinion about someone based on first impression, it can only harm you." - in fact, I think othervise, it can spare me disappointments and save a lot of my time.
I don't know what do You mean by saing "At the age of 20, you shouldn’t wear a suit" - my freind have 26 suit in his warderobe. He's wearing them daily, to make better and more professional impression on his clients. They want to be associated with that look, maybe they like their style and don't want to change it to look cool in social enviroment - in my opinion that could be mistake(or maybe miss oportunity), but it's their choice - thats why I showed You why first impression matters ;)
Unknown said…
Good point. But for me first impression contains not only look but both: apperance and personality(the way how people act and react to enviroment) - besides that, I agree with Your comment ;)
Unknown said…
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes

Three yes'es from me, thak You!
You've got my point Bro!
Unknown said…
1) Thats what first impression is: look and personality
2) and thats ok, screw them ;)
3) Yes!
Unknown said…
Thanks for comment Fabs!
I don't like judging either, but making opinion obout other people is something diffrent. It can tell whether we fit to that person or not. for me first impression is helpful but not always accurate.
Unknown said…
Good perception Marcel!
1) Yeah, and that could be brutal
2) Well said
3) I would not said it better ;)
Unknown said…
Thanks for reply!
1. You're right!
2. It can tell a lot, yes
3. That right ;)
Marcin Górski said…
Yes, I think that first impression is very important because it's first step in communication. It often can be wrong but it's true. I think that my look is ok, I have no problem with that. In my opinion I have made my own style which can be mixed of a few other. I agree with that sentence from your last question but only in normal proportion with other activity. I think developing yourself is the most important if you don't want to stand still.
Patryk Górski said…
1. Yes. I do try to have my opinion about someone after his first impression. It's very common, and I think many people also do the same thing. It's very important for me to make a good first impression, it can be succesful in the nearest future.

2. I don't know. I think, that people should like you as you are, not when you are trying to be another person.

3. Yes. Everytime when you are doing something for a long time, and you are trying to improve it it's going to give you something possitive in a return.
Unknown said…
1) Do you think that first impression matters?

We should know that a first impression is very, very important. We judge other people because of their appereance, their clothes or they character. It is really hard to change somebody's first impression about us.

2) Do you think your looks should bother you?

I don't think that my looks should bother me. I am not kind of athletic person which eats only gluten-free pastas but in my opinion I look fine.

3) Do you think that after all the effort you put in developing yourself, you become a better person?

I think that developing myself in the science makes me better person because of it I get to have better knowledge about different stuff. Even a sport gives me feel that I developing my body gives me better a better condition and health.
Unknown said…
I think that first impression matters, but I also think that a man shouldn't put too much effort in his look. Like, it seems starnge to me, when you see that a man spent much more time next to the mirror than an ordinary woman.
I think that you will become a better human, if you really want it, but i also think that effectiveness matters. If you will become better for 1 year or 10 years, and then you will become worse again, that doesnt mean that your self-development was successful. Simply because long-term result is bad. So i guess in this case you should think more in a long-term perspective
Unknown said…
1) I think that first impression is very important. I know that when i meet someone, very often I judge him because of the first impression.

2) Of course. It's connected with this what i write up. I agree with the statement "How they see you, that's how they perceive you". It's goot for everyone to be remebered from this positive way than other.

3) I think that work on yourself have always positive efforts. We only should take care about developing mentally and physically. I think that it's healthy to tace care about yourself in that two ways at the same time.
Unknown said…
1. Of course it does! It’s not right, but when you see someone for the first time, you can already imagine this person’s behavior etc. - what is not usually accurate(„don’t judge the book by it’s cover”).
2. Again - of course it should. For me, your look is your calling card. If you’re looking good - and by looking good I don’t mean expensive clothes - people can think, that you’re exemplary, organised etc.
3. In some way - yes. You know, it’s important to be yourself and stay yourself. I think, that we should „evolve” ourselves rather than change ourselves.
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Cecylia said…
First impression is always important. Even in psychology is something like “aureole effect” which is nothing like first impression. Of course it can be wrong and person we have just met can be much different than we thought. However first impression will always stay in our mind. Do my look bother me? No. I wear clothes which I like and I care about hygiene. I cannot change my face so I just have to accept it. Good clothes and caring about ourselves can change our personality. If we have new clothes and we find them awesome we can be more self-confident. Personally I think every one should take care of their look and hygiene. Everything became more complicated if we have to change our personality – it is not so easy. I think that being positive is a key. Most people like positive vibes and enjoy being with positive people. If you want change you personality I think it is the best way to start it.

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Week 12 (12.01-18.01.15) Are you an early bird or a night owl ?

Owls are nocturnal creatures. They’re wide awake at night and they sleep during the day. If this sounds like bliss to you, then, like about 20 percent of the population who find themselves most active at around 9 pm, you may fall into the same category as our feathered friend. Night owls often have difficulty waking up in the morning, and like to be up late at night.  Studies of animal behaviour indicate that being a night owl may actually be built into some people’s genes. This would explain why those late-to-bed, late-to-rise people find it so difficult to change their behaviour. The trouble for night owls is that they just have to be at places such as work and school far too early. This is when the alarm clock becomes the night owl’s most important survival tool. Experts say that one way for a night owl to beat their dependence on their alarm clocks is to sleep with the curtains open. The Theory is that if they do so, the morning sunlight will awaken them gently and natura...

Week 4 [06-12.11.2017] This is what happens when you reply to spam email.

James Veitch is a British comedian. In today’s Ted Talk James with characteristic for himself a sense of humor shows how he deals with spam emails and why responding to junk messages may be sometimes dangerous. Questions: What do you think about James’s  way of dealing with spam? Why are junk messages legal, even though it sometimes may be a fraud? Dou you have a problem with spam? How do you deal with with it?

Week 11 [03-09.06.2019] The problem with ecological cars emission in UK

The problem with ecological cars emission in UK Since the adoption of the European Emission Allowance Directive in the European Parliament, all car makers have tried to submit. Since 1992, the Euro I standard has been in force, which limited the emission of carbon monoxide to the atmosphere. The Euro VI standard currently applies, which limits the series of exhaust gases. These include: hydrocarbons, nitrogen and carbon oxides, and dust.   The most significant change was brought by the Euro IV standard. For the first time it introduced the limitation of nitrogen oxides, which are responsible for the harmful compounds of smog.   What is smog?   Smog consists of sulfur oxides, nitrogen and carbon. In addition, solid substances such as suspended dust (PM). Dust suspend in atmospheric aerosols may be in liquid and solid form. These can be particles of sea salt, clouds from the Sahara and artificial compounds made by people. These compounds...