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Week 12 [22.01.2018 - 28.01.2018] Driverless Cars

Artificial Intelligence has already weaved its way into many of the technologies that humans are using in their everyday life. AI technologies are being improved everyday influencing our everyday life in a better way. For most of us, driverless cars will be one of the first domains where we will be able to check if it is good decision to trust AI systems.
Every day people around the world are in traffic jams, get into car accidents, and this is one of the problems over which people are already finding a solution. One of these solutions is a driverless AI car. Driverless cars is the next generation technology that can help us to automate traffic, make driving safer, better and better every year.

A driverless (sometimes called a self-driving car, an automated car or an  autonomous vehicle) is a robotic vehicle that is designed to travel from A to B without a human interaction. Nowadays a lot of big international companies are developing driverless cars (Audi, BMW, Ford, Google, General Motors, Volkswagen and Volvo). Proponents of driverless cars are saying that they would like to eliminate accidents caused by driver mistakes, which is currently the cause of almost all traffic accidents. Greater precision of an automatic system could improve traffic flow, drastically increase highway capacity and lower or even absolutely eliminate traffic jams. Finally, the systems would allow commuters to make whatever they wish while travelling.

To make a car fully autonomous engineers have made a 5 level study model according to which in those five steps they will reach the goal of fully automated car driving. Driverless cars is a technology that will help us prevent a lot of current problems.

We are still far from fully automated driverless car system, due to two often-talked up sensors of this technology: lidar and cameras.
Lidar doesn’t see through some objects such as snow, steam coming off a manhole. Cameras can be fooled by long-distance conditions and glares.
First of all, the sensors need to get better. Secondly, cars have to be taught well until they will be able to predict and understand complex web interactions going on the road.
For example:
·       Is the human with one arm up a police officer, in which case the gesture would quash a green-means-go rule, or someone pretending to be a traffic cop?
·       Is the person on a unicycle doing a stunt, or ready to move forward?
·       Will the pedestrian at the corner obey walk/don’t walk signs?
1)    Do you trust AI driverless car technology?
2)    Would you like to see driverless cars on our roads in the nearest years?
Are you interested in developing such complicated automated systems as the driverless car?



It's hard to say if I trust in driverless cars, because cars like that are not widely used. I believe that in future, where cars like that will be something normal, roads that will be driven by AI will be much safer than they are now.
I would like to see Gal Gadot, but driverless car would be ok.
I'm not interested in that field, but I think that I will study more on AI in near future.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I agree that it is hard to trust AI technologies, especially those that can harm our health, because they can run out of control, but sometimes we will have to start to implement them in our everyday life. And I am 100% sure that there will be some problems with it
Unknown said…
No, and no. As of Today, I do not trust the technology to be good enough to work on its own. That is also, why I wouldn't want driverless cars to be out on public roads in the nearest future.

On the other hand, if the technology gets really advanced, I guess it's not a bad idea to replace all the cars of people, who found their licences in a cereal box with autonomous ones, even though I don't think it will happen very soon.
Anonymous said…
Actually I don't trust AI at all. In my opinion those cars should be tested for more years so that developers could guarantee their sureness.
I think it doesn't matter if I would like to see those cars - they will appear sooner or later. But I hope it will be later.
Unknown said…
I don't trust AI driverless car technology cuz I saw a lot of problems with AI.
In some moments, AI doesn't know what should do and it's dangerous for drivers.
Will be cool if AI will feel and think how people, but this will never happen.
I prefer to drive and don't use any technology or AI. 
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I think even nowadays it would be much safer to use automated car, because there are still lots of drunk drivers and those who have bought drivers licence and a may cause much more traffic accidents.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
How do you think it should be tested if no one will trust it?
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I am not talking about this year or even the next one, I am talking about nearest future, meaning about 5-10 years later. Because to my mind it will be something like smartphones when they have just begun to spread out.
Unknown said…
To be honest, I'm not sure if I understood your first example of gestures of the cop right. Because I don't know a lot about cars and traffic regulations. (If so, correct me). But there would be no need for cops in the situation with the self-driving cars. There could be some sensors, chips or so. And robots instead of cops. Just because algorithm will drive the car, not human.

As I said in the comment for the similar last week's presentation, I don't trust AI-cars, not yet. Technologies don't stand still, so it's possible that such cars will appear and become something ordinary in several few years.
Unknown said…
It's hard to say whether I trust AI driverless car technology or not. To be honest I don't even trust people driving cars. The amount of people I do trust when they're driving is about 3. I only trust me if it is about driving car so now I can say that I don't trust in AI but I trust that it's done very well and is rather safe. I'd like to try drive car with autopilot but to be honest I like driving fast and sometimes do some kind of racing on the streets so autonomous cars are not for me :)
Yevhen Shymko said…
This is not the question about trust it's future whether you want it or not. Driverless car shouldn't be perfect they should be just better then humans. It not only would be much safer but also will save enormous amount of time for people all around the world.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I am totally agree with you, it is out future and it will happen one day.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I think that there would be an option to take control over a car in some kind of "safe zones" where you would be able to race if you want with other drivers without interrupting others life by making dangerous situations onto the road in the city.
Marcin Mróz said…
I think that at this point I wouldn't say I trust driverless cars. Technology hasn't been developed fully yet and probably nobody use it. But I believe it's just a matter of time when we will just sit in our car and do some other stuff while the car will just drive by itself. I'm really looking forward to see first fully driverless car that would be 100% safe and won't cost fortune. Probably it won't happen in next few years, but I'm sure that it will happen at some point in future.
Unknown said…
I prefer driving by myself but I know that AI Car is the future. I'm very curious how this kind of car will work. But I think that cars companies have a lot of work. I never trust Ai cars. I have big problem with letting go of the steering wheel. We must wait for this technlogy but now we have first cars with it. I hope that I wiil drive a car as long as possible.
Unknown said…
I have been waiting for the moment when people can not risk their lives while sitting at the wheel of a car. I trust artificial intelligence, because it has already proved its worth on the road. Perhaps soon the most frequent cause of the accident on the road will be people: we can fall asleep or lose his vigilance, while the driverless car depends only on the batteries.
And, of course, I would like to see self-controlled cars on the roads, and even buy one :)
Unknown said…
1. It is hard to say if I trust driverless car technology as I have never had an opportunity to experience travelling by this kind of car. I do really trust major car manufacturers in terms of relying on A.I. -based solutions currently introduced in their cars (e.g. lane assist). I am sure that all these solutions are mature, well-tested and 100 % safe, so I would also not be afraid to use autonomous cars based on them.
2. 2) Would you like to see driverless cars on our roads in the nearest years?
Of course I would like driverless cars to appear in the nearest future as it will be a huge advance in people’s transportation. I can only hope that it will not cause normal cars to be banned completely as I love driving a car.

3. I would be interested in being involved into development of autonomous cars as I would enjoy working on algorithms which are facing challenges of accident avoidance and can contribute to reduction of traffic jams.
Marcin Górski said…
No, I don't trust AI driverless car technology. I like to have 100% control of my driving especially when I'm not alone in my car and that's why I don't want to see driverless cars on our roads in the nearest years. It's possible that I'm exaggerating... but I don't trust our technology. I saw a lot of tests where AI has failed and that's why I'm a very skeptical person in that topic.
In my opinion, it is too early to talk about any advanced technologies in terms of AI driverless car robots. They are still in the stage of development. Therefore in general my opinion is the following: right now I don't trust AI driverless cars, because the technology does not involve a lot of situations and functions. However, if the AI driverless technology is developed, I will totally support this technological decision as it will help avoid the human factor and many crash accidents.
Unknown said…
As I commented one week ago in another presentation - I don't think that now our AI algorithms are well minded enought to use them in driverless cars so I can't say that I trust such technology and I wouldn't like to see the driverless cars on our roads because it is still dangerous.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I don't trust the AI driverless car technology just yet. It still needs a lot of development. It's not and will not be perfect in the near future. I see the great opportunity in developing it and making it real slowly, but steadily. It would make our lives so much simpler and easier.
I wouldn't like to see such cars in the near future. I need to know that their functioning is absolutely perfect, before I'd be okay with driving anywhere near to them. Only time will prove if the technology is already nearly perfect or still needs a lot of improvements.
I would love to work in such sophisticated projects. I find everything related to the AI technology really interesting as it makes our world better to live in.
Unknown said…
I prefer AI cars instead of old people driving their cars. However I have mixed feelings about autonomous cars. I trust that it can park itself in a spot where an average driver couldn't park. I trust also that it can react faster in case of a car collision. I'm not so sure how will it behave during the collision where ethical decisions are involved (do nothing and kill many people or do something and kill only one guy). I think that this technology needs more time to be more developed, but I think it can really change our world.
Personally I love this technology and I believe it'll only get better with time. AI cars can drastically increase efficiency, especially of car traffic and accidents, because they all can cooperate and communicate at the same, with immediate speed, while humans, if they decide to cooperate in the first place, are rather slow and sometimes unresponsive and unpredictable in the first place.
Unknown said…
This is a breakthrough in technology but I do not know if I would trust such a machine to drive me alone by car. Funny will be the view of moving cars without a driver. As of today, it is good that there is no such technology, because driving a car gives me pleasure. I like to manage :)

Unknown said…
Do you trust AI driverless car technology?
I believe that in the future years will be driverless technology that almost everybody will trust, now it is only the beginning of that technology.
Would you like to see driverless cars on our roads in the nearest years?
Of course yes, I also will want one of those. Already there are more and more cars that have sensors intended to autonomous car. Maybe they already collect data, processing and learning from drivers.
Are you interested in developing such complicated automated systems as the driverless car?
Of course, that would be amazing.
AI driverless car technology is probably safe but unless all car are controlled by AI I can't trust it.
Seeing driverless cars on our roads could be interesting.

If all moving cars use such technology, I think that after previous positive tests I would trust them. The amount of technology that is currently used in cars is enormous. Each car is packed with technology and sensors. I believe that such cars will come into effect soon.
1) Do you trust AI driverless car technology?
Completly not. It would be a literally killer technology when something that is not implemented yet happens on the road.
2) Would you like to see driverless cars on our roads in the nearest years?
Yes but only in the closed enviroment - where all cars are automated.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
No and no, i can't trust something if i havent seen it in my own eyes. That is first reason. Second, the problem with responsibilities after an accident are still not clear so again i can't trust it at this point.
Honestly, all these articles about cars make me crazy. They are every week. And every week I try to think about something to answer them. I do not like cars. Of course, I can recognize their usefulness, and I really like their design. But I do not care about updates, components, etc. It seems to me that the topic of machines with autopilot is interesting. I do not want to be a driver, it's connected with too much responsibility and a big waste of time. Instead of sitting at the wheel, I could read a book, draw or play on a laptop. In any case, I'm very easily distracted, so I do not need to sit behind the wheel. In this respect, my car on autopilot will be my salvation. I look forward to when they will be available to ordinary mortals with a limited budget. I very much hope that this will happen in the near future.
Why wouldn't I trust autonomous cars? I think that this technology would make roads much safer, because as of now there are many issues with human drivers. Taking into consideration, that old people are allowed to drive and that people that were caught driving under the influence are still allowed to own a car afterwards, there is nothing safe about it nowadays. So yeah, I would prefer to live in a world where only autonomous cars were allowed on the roads, but it won't happen anyway so that's all I have to say.
I'd love to, I never got my driving licence, living in Warsaw I didn't really need it. If they come up with auto-cars soon, maybe I won't have to :)
I don't really have any problems with computers driving. I thing human drivers are way less reliable, even if they aren't drunk, texting, having a phone call, etc.
I think I would give it a try, ofcourse first I would like to know and learn it behavior (like what it would do in a life danger situation). But I'm impresed with the Tesla cars, that are saving their users from accidents (there are many videos on youtube showing that). I think maybe not yet on our roads, it is better to do the beta testing somewhere else :)
I think that for now I wouldn’t trust them entirely but in a couple of years I hope that I will.
Would I like to see driverless cars on our roads in the nearest years? Of course I would like! I hope that some day in the nearest future I would have to drive only when I feel like it, and when I’m tired my car can drive me.
Unknown said…
Honestly, I have no opinion on this subject.
On the one hand, I think it is a great idea and very developmental. On the other hand, technology can also fail. This doesn't convince me enough to start using it and depending on it my or somebody's life. I believe that the process of creating such cars is very interesting and definitely is a great achievement for engineers and scientists. It is good that humanity is doing more and more, but at the moment I don't want to such cars to appear on the streets.
I think it's too early for 100% driveless car technology at the moment. I would not trust these types of cars right now. I think this technology should be properly tested before we could implement that in real life. I would like to see driveless cars on our roads but i don't think it will appear in near future.
Unknown said…
To be honest, I don't trust this technology... For now. Probably it will change in the future. In my opinion this technology will be strongly developed. In guess in future it will be something normal.
Yes, I would like to see driverless cars on our roads. However, I have one condition. This technology must be safe.
Unknown said…
I don't trust AI cars, because it is just the start. I do believe that one day this system will work perfectly, but people will face some problems until it will happen, I guess. The thing, that scares me a bit - all the inventions are not perfect in the beginning and cars are not iPhones. It can harm people, so I do have questions about how are they gonna be tested. I hope that not in public places.
But I must admit, that the idea is interesting and it was obvious that one day it's gonna happen. For now I prefer to drive myself.
Well, right now - not fully, I would wait for at least 3-4 years. But generally, I think AI technologies are great and will make roads safer, no doubts. The most important is to make driverless cars affordable.
As I mentioned above, I would like to see driverless cars on our roads in 5 years, but I think people aren't mentally ready for this. Also, I guess, big manufacturers are not ready for the big demand. So, more likely we will see driverless cars on our roads in 10 years or later.
I am interested in developing driverless car, because I am not a fan of cars generally.
Wojtek Kania said…
No, I don't trust AI driverless car technology. There are many cases that AI failed. But I would like to see driverless cars on our roads in a few years. I think the developers must develop AI, because now AI is still too less for me.
Unknown said…
in my belief, the last three causes prove that AI cars aren't enough ready to be totally autonomous. i know that a lot of accidents happen because of people's bad however we are able to react in almost every situations. as a supportive function i like the one which is used by volvo. when a thing shows up behind a speeding car, the car stops autonomously at once.
it would be intersting experience but i am not sure it will decrease amount of road accidents
KamilG said…
At the moment I can not trust AI so much to let it drive any car. Why am I so skeptical? AI is still developing and obviously there are some shortcomings that can expose passengers to fatal accidents. In the future
when this technology will be tested enough, I think that buying such a car will be good investment not only for the customer,
but for us all. The more driverless cars there are, the more synchronization will be on the roads. It means smaller number of car accidents. In addition, if the cars equipped with AI conquers the world, lights in cars will be unusable. This would surely bring us some energy benefit.
I am mainly interested in this theme. However I like cars with a traditional clutch and steering wheel, I realize that
that the disappearance of such cars is a matter of time. That's why I try not to waste time and be up to date.
Unknown said…
1) If we talk about driverless cars computers built-in are so precise and powerful that they undoubtedly cannot be compared to the human skills and abilities. It is thanks to their laser sensors, infra-red cameras and other devices. People with their senses are many times slower than onboard computers, every activity takes time and we are limited to do only three things simultaneously. On the other hand it is nearly impossible to trust an AI which is deprived of instincts.

2) Yes, I would like to experience being driven by an AI. Besides few disadvantages of driverless cars we can surely trust in the technological development until everything is under the human control. Personally I’m more into apps for mobile devices, but this new technology seems very exciting and maybe one day I’ll focus more on it.
Self driving cars/ driver less trucks are our future. Technology behind them greatly overshadow human capabilities. As a human we make mistakes, get distracted we are careless sometimes ai does not have those faults, ai can process thousands if not millions of signals in a fraction of time we do, it can make calculated decisions instantly based on those signals. When we want to make turn, we check our mirrors, study the road ahead, adjust our speed then we anticipate the turn and make it adjusting to it during the maneuver - ai its already calculating how its gonna exit the turn before we even see it...

I strongly believe that if we all had selfdriving cars there would be much less, if not at all accidents on roads...

Question is would we give up "control" and fun coming from being a driver for our safety?
And god that formatting man
Zygmunt Z said…
I would never trust a driverless cars. First of all, there have been already accidents where people had to much trust in the technology and they ended up in an another's car end of in the tree (check Tesla for example). Second of all, I enjoy driving a car by myself. And finally, I would not like to see driverless cars in the near future as it would be unnatural to me
Magdalena Popek said…

I've heard about driverless cars testing and the fact that all the accidents were caused by humans, not autonomous cars. I wouldn't want to own an autonomous car but I'd like to own a car that "helps" a driver - for example when it "sees" you closing your eyes for more time than usual it alarms you. I think we should develop such complicated automated systems, but I wouldn't like to do it.
Unknown said…
Its inevitable that we'll be seeing self-driving cars in the future, but it would have to be either 100% or none. Otherwise there will be problems with AI interpretation of human driver maneuvers and the AI-car owners liability.
Patryk Pohnke said…
For now, I don't trust it at all. Nobody should trust, but there were a couple of accidents where people were reading book instead of looking at the road. One of them in United States resulted in death of driver, as he drove into a trailer.
I would like to have steering wheel just in case and I would like to have a driver behind it. But maybe some day I will change my opinion :)

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