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Week 11 [ 15.01.2018 - 21.01.2019] Why are weapons of mass destruction worse than convetional weapons?

Why are weapons of mass destruction worse than convetional weapons?

The consequence of civilization development will be the proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction. Atomic weapons, biological and chemical weapons are future threats to the "global
village" after 2050


The construction of nuclear weapons was a technological feat World War II. Today it is a 
matter of solid physics, mathematical modeling and investing the proper amount of money.
You can buy anything fot it, even if you are Iran - cut off from the world by sanctions or North 
Korea, in which the bark from the trees plays the role of our sorrel. The principle is trivial - you
have money, time and physicists - you have nuclear weapons. Of course, from the academic 
development and carrying out a controlled explosion in laboratory conditions to produce ready-
made loads and means of their transfer there is a very long way.
However, it should be assumed that in 2050 developing from zero to the full success of nuclear
technology to the size that would allow carrying this weapon in a travel suitcase - will be a 
matter of 15 years of research, trials and tens of billions of dollars.

There will be arround 30 countries that will afford it, and worse - there will be several
paramilitary, political and openly terrorist organizations that will also be able to do so in
cooperation with the countries concerned or in the territories of the fallen or very weak states.

Source: The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, July 2017

We must also remember biological weapons, which are totally dangerous and can be used
secretly. That is, you can attack biologically a hostile country without revealing the "sender" of
the attack. Just another regional epidemic of some dangerous mutation of "bird flu". As a result
of attacking the state - its economics deteriorates people are afraid lose trus in the state, 
political shock, social riots, breakdown of interpersonal bonds, famine. To create biological
weapons, human capital and a laboratory will suffice. Both can be bought with money. The
only factor that prevents even the greatest madmen from developing this weapon is its
unpredictability. That is, without a really serious scientific approach - there is no guarantee that
the virus used will not attack its own population. However, there are plenty of crazy people, so
we must remeber about the risks associated with the transfer of life-science technologies to
countries, let's call it a risk. Generally, any pharmaceutical company that produces vaccines
can produce a mutant virus accordingly. However, do societies know what is happening in the 
labs? This is a great challenge for secret services.


The chemical weapon after the recent Iraqi-Iranian war experience still terrifies people. It must
be remembered that this was the only thing that Adolf Hitler feared, after his own experiences
from the front. Today, the production of chemical weapons even in large quantities along with
the means of carrying it is as trivial as the production of artifical fertilizers and ordinary artillery
shells, rockets, bombs. This is no philosophy, besides it is a very cheap weapon, which 
arsenals can make even the poor countries extremely dangerous from the military point of 
view. The example of Syria should be scary enough. However, chemical weapons have one 
drawback; it is much better to fight without chemical weapons than usning it.


Conclusions - only being better in a technology race can preserve the primacy of the West in 
armament. One cannot regret money for secret service actions, on the contary - funds for this 
purpose and its activity should gradually increase. Moreover, science must undergo
concentration processes and what is very important - to be somewhat transparent. The
international community must absolutely enforce peace and force "difficult" countries to open
military and dual-use projects. If any country is a threat to the international peace, it is 
necessary to intervene.

  • Why are weapons of mass destruction so dangerous?
  • Do you think it is a real threat to the "global village" after 2050?
  • What precautions must be taken regarding weapons of mass destruction?

The sources used:


Filip Sawicki said…
The danger of mass destruction weapons is obvious and terrifying at the same time. Apart from the immense casualties and devastation of whole cities, the thing that scares me the most is MAD – Mutual Assured Destruction, a military doctrine which states that if two opposing countries would start nuclear war it would cause complete annihilation of both sides and their allies. I think that there are no precautions which would guarantee us safety. However we should do everything we can to minimize probability of mass destruction. One thing that comes to my mind is that UN should ban countries from producing and storing these weapons.
Unknown said…
I think that is is pretty easy question... Mass desctruction weapons are so dangerous becouse they can affect a thousends of people and it can endanger their life. I hope that it would be impossible to make a world a 'global village' because it is dangerous for us. We have different laws, we have different culture and we have different level of development. It would be the best if any of countries have weapons of mass destruction but it is of course impossible to achieve. I think that we should thinking about our country and has a weapons which can protect our country agains such weapons.
They're bad because of the area of effect itself. With one button you can eradicate entire nation, without second thought or a way to undo your action. It's much harder to achieve that even with 10 thousand army marching forward with an order to kill anybody on-sight.

Protection methods are also quite difficult, since you can't really avoid everything pointed at you, hence the actual fear is even bigger. Personally I hope we'll never have to see another successful nuclear attack, just check what happened back in the Japan.
Unknown said…
It's needless to say how nuclear weapon is damaging, because we know a lot about Chornobyl at least. I consider danger of nuclear war is not so high as it was 40 years ago. For example, the USSR owned 65,000 nuclear warheads in 1986. Today Russia has just only 2,500 nuclear warhead, which is, of course, killing number as well. There has been signed a couple of treaties like NPT treaty, CTBT treaty etc. It has led to decrease of the tension between the USA and the USSR( later Russia). I am convinced that ordinary people, even organised in a Non govermental organisation, are not enough influential in the international relations. Nuclear weapon plays rather a role of a stick, which deter someone, who wants to interfere in your affairs.
Maciej Główka said…
In my opinion there is quite tight atmosphere right now in the world. That's why, with such technology improvement, we should be really focused on keeping world peace. Each country should know, that use of mass destruction weapon on any other nation would cause real military reaction from whole world. I think this is the only threat every country really fear. However, I hope that this won't happen in our lifetime.
Unknown said…
In my opinion, weapons of mass destruction are really dangerous, because you need only one guy (like the one in North Korea) to launch e.g. atomic bomb and results of this action can be terrifying. However I don't think that it's possible to eliminate this threat. The only solution that comes to my mind is to destroy all existing mass destruction weapons or send into the space far far away. But it's a human thing to hide some things "just in case" and some of the world leaders will keep some their toys for "safety".
Unknown said…
Hmm... Why are weapons of mass destruction so dangerous? hmm... I don't know, maybe this weapon kills people? Everyone must to focused keep on peace, not on war! Open Wikipedia and read about the world wars. Really, I don't remember where whose was writing something good about weapons of mass destruction and now I am not talking about only mass destruction, about all weapons.
Everyone must destroy weapons and not create, It's my opinion.
Marcin Górski said…
First question? It's very easy... weapon of mass destruction can kill a lot of innocent people. Situation on our world is very worrying because there are some nuclear bomb. I hope that they will never use it.
I think that 'global village' is unreal because we are different and our national authority are not the same.
It's hard to answer the third question. We can say 'we should destroy all weapons' but do you think that is possible? I think no... we can't do anything.
Why are they dangerous - > because we have no real defense agains them ! Strategically detonated Nuclear Bomb can end a nation ina an instant. Whats worse is that even if every country has weapons of mass destruction we cannot feel "safe" its not like everyone has one so we can act like noone has one. Threat is real as long as we dont deal with imminent treat of stupid people in chargeD
Unknown said…
Of course that weapons of mass is dagerous. After Hirsohima people didn't use again nuclear bomb and I hope that people never use it again on other people. I don't know what's happnes in the future but I think that after 2050 we will have normall world. I don't know what we can do with this kind of weapon. How influence normal people have for this kind of problem. All cuntires must have all weponds for defense because other cautries ahve this weapon.
Unknown said…
Why are weapons of mass destruction so dangerous? Umm because they do a lot of damage to a lot of people at the same time?
Do I think it is a real threat to the "global village" after 2050? Frankly? I don't care. What will happen will happen. Period.
What precautions must be taken regarding weapons of mass destruction? Ha ha ha. None
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I would like to say that I am absolutely against any kind of weapon especially nuclear weapon. Unfortunately I can not do much to change it nowadays, but If only I would have chance to do it, for example to take part in a huge protest against weapons I would do everything that I will do my best.
They are causing so many problems and killing a lot of people. Also destroying nations that will never reborn again. I don't think it can a real threat. I believe that someday our nations will understand the importance of being together and will stop wars all over the world. You can do nothing, it is just impossible to prevent this kind of attack.
Weapons of mass destruction are made only to cause destruction. There is no other use of it. I do not think that "global village" is possible, because of the cultural diferences, unless one of the cultures will be imposed. We are starting to live in times, when the biggest danger can be caused by artificial intelligence, and I think that all significant countries are working to create the best AI.
Jakub Lisicki said…
These weapons are so scary and dangerous because they would cause a complete anihilation for both of the sides during the war. There would be millions of unintended casualties. It's just the matter of giving the power to the right people. As we can see though, that's not always the case - somehow, North Korea still claims to have an access to such technology.
The only precaution that would work would be to not use it ever. It is too dangerous, hazardous and uncontrollable for people to claim that they can tame this.
Unknown said…
Are you really asking that question? Because even those, who have them, can't control them totally. One second of anger or fear and here you have a bunch of corpses, dead cities and nothing but hatred of your enemies and even of your own people.

I think that "global village" is impossible concept in the world divided by those, who have mass destruction weapons. So the threat is not that "global village" will be destroyed by mass destruction weapon, but that such concept won't become real because of such weapon.

The one and only one precaution - do not create them if you want to use them against humanity.
Unknown said…
Weapons of mass destruction could be so dangerous because they are "mass", invented to do as much damage and kill as many as possible. A threat to the "global village" after 2050 would be ever effective throughout human history weapons of mass destruction: dis-information, fear, greed, inaction (Faithless anyone? ;)). As you noted in your conclusions, international community must react to every incidents, threats and actions regarding developing and using weapons of mass destruction, more and more.
Foodocado said…
Why are weapons of mass destruction so dangerous? Let me think... Maybe it's because it can cause damage to a large area and also can kill thousands or millions of innocent people.
The last of your question is really tough one. It my opinion we are not able to stop the process of developing the weapons of mass destruction. The only thing we can do is to choose people who will represent us wisely. These kind of weapons can't fall into the wrong hands.
Unknown said…
Why are weapons of mass destruction so dangerous?
The weapons of mass destruction are so dangerous because of its impact on nature and environment. It could cause a big damage in people other living organisms and places. That damages could stay for a long time and make difficult to renew the live, even on the whole earth.
Do you think it is a real threat to the "global village" after 2050?
It is real, people have power to destruct whole earth and bad decisions could have dramatic effects.
What precautions must be taken regarding weapons of mass destruction?
One solution - peace in the world, in other cases people could use this weapons to destruct the enemy.
Tomasz Morawski said…
I believe weapons of mass destruction are dangerous because it may kill a lot of innocent civilians by single person using single hand.
I think it may be real threat in the future but there're many project that fights with development of mass destruction weapons.
I think the only way to prevent using such weapons in evil way is to have well trained and developed intelligence.

I believe that weapons of mass destruction aren't only dangerous, but also terrifying. At the moment you can destroy everything that people built for years, and also kill thousands of lives. In my opinion, we should not treat it as a threat and I don't think that it would be a real threat after 2050. Heads of State know the power of such bombs and don't want to use them.
Such weapons are dangerous because they can easily destroy whole city or kill many people without the threat of death of the attackers.
I think that that such weapons are real threat to the "global village".
Propably banning such weapons and destroyig whole a arsenal would be good but enforcement such thing is very difficult. Not everyone will be happy about that.
Alicja said…
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Alicja said…
If we are to count on the UN solving the problem of terrorists acquiring mass destruction weapons, we already lost. The UN resolutions, like the resolution 1540, do not have any power. They have no means to enforce that every government must adopt and enforce laws that forbid terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction. On top of that, the UN itself is a morally dubious institution and not always works in our interest. Only 75 of the 184 member states are free democracies and, for example, in 2011 the UN decided to hold a moment of silence in honor of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il.

The weapons of mass destruction are dangerous, because they can be used to kill a large number of people. Some of them can also cause a very long-term damage to the environmental resources.

WMD, especially nuclear weapons, certainly pose a real threat in the modern age. We should make sure that groups, which hold antidemocratic views, do not manage to successfully complete their enrichment programs to produce uranium.
Why are weapons of mass destruction so dangerous? Because they can kill huge number of people in short amount of time, with a small risk to enemy forces. I think that the threat to the global village is now and will be after 2050. What precautions must be taken regarding weapons of mass destruction? I don’t think that we can take any real precautions.
For me the biggest problem of these is not only the carnage it will spread by just "1 button push" but also that it makes not as dangerous people more dangerous. With normal weapon like a pistol or smth thay cant do as much as some guy with a nuke which will destroy 1/3rd of continent...
Unknown said…
Weapons of mass destruction are dangerous, because they kill innocent civilians. And in war the casualities should be only in soldiers. They are trained to kill and ready to die. I think the pracautions that should be taken against weapons of mass destruction are sanctions against countries that develop such weapons.
I totally agree with you. Unfortunetly, war is a great buisness, so situation will not change in near future.
Magdalena Popek said…
Weapons of mass destruction so dangerous because they are weapons of MASS destruction. There are many countries that have for examle nuclear weapon, but don't forget that using nuclear weapon can cause a nuclear war, so I believe no country now will use a nuclear bomb "just like that". The world was taught a lesson after WWII. What precautions must be taken regarding weapons of mass destruction? They can't be used.
1. Personally I think this is the way we’ll stop exist on Earth as civilization. One day someone will press one button and everything will disappear.
2. I think such threat takes place every day. We are not conscious of that, how serious it can be and how close to such disaster we are so often. I’ve read about many dangerous experiments made in this respect. Many catastrophes which we consider as natural ones, are provoked by such activities. And I guess we balance with such threat very often and it is possible that step by step we are closer and closer to “the end”.
3. In my opinion it should be forbidden, definitely. All the other activities cannot prevent “total danger” in fact. We should consequently cut down such possibilities and forget about war as grown up civilization. But this is too ideal to be possible, unfortunately.
Unknown said…
I think of weapons of mass destruction as a weapon of fear. I think that anyone will think twice, before using theirs, but they will not hesitate to use it to blackmail/frighten others. As some stated before, actually using a nuclear weapon would also trigger others, and would kind of wipe the whole planet. I don't think that will be exactly profitable for anyone.

When it comes to precautions, I don't really think that much can be done. I mean, a falling bomb cannot be stopped with words, once triggered it will explode, no matter what. It is too late to do anything about them existing, and we cannot really influence if they will get triggered someday or not. Lets just hope for the best.
Unknown said…
I like the title of this article:
Why are weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION worse than conventional weapons (OF NORMAL DESTRUCTION) xD
>Why are weapons of mass destruction so dangerous?
Cause they are "global" - where a normal bomb/rocket/bullet is usually designed to kill one man or group of them, WMD purges both the target, and hundreds/thousands of people/equipment around it. We conceive "to be nuked" as "to be wiped out" for a reason...
>Do you think it is a real threat to the "global village" after 2050?
It could be, that is if any "bad guy" gets his hands on enough materials to build it.
>What precautions must be taken regarding weapons of mass destruction?
"Handle with care" stickers on them, and not giving shady-looking people your rockets' codes.
It's been almost 75 years since the development of nuclear weapons. Chemical and biological weapons have been around for much longer than that. We're way past the point of having the capacity to destroy out own species, and yet, somehow we still exist. There have always been man men, people bent on realizing some deludes goals ready to burn the whole world to get what they want, but time and time again better judgement persevered. No one knows if tomorrow some madmen won't push the button, but since we've managed to survive for so long, I think our chances look pretty good. Plus, once we go to Mars, build a population there and become and interplanetary species we'll become much more resistant to such things as a race.
I, as a deeply creative person, prefer not to think about the subject of wars and weapons. All this is very scary. Now no one uses atomic weapons because it is unpredictable. The consequences of its use can affect neighboring countries, and it can not be controlled. The same is with an artificial infection of diseases. All this can get out of hand and harm not only those for whom this weapon was intended. In addition, do not forget that the country of the aggressor can respond with the same weapon. I very much hope that the predictions about the Third World War will never come true.
First of all, they are so dangerous because they have enormous striking distance and damages caused by weapons of mass distraction are irreversible. I guess the best solution is peace in the world and to help poor counties to balance the economical differences.
Unknown said…
I want to formulate the question of the presentation in another way: why can not we abandon weapons and their production at all?
Man historically have to deal with two conflicts: the desire to survive and to exterminate their own kind. As the saying is, the strongest survives. Natural selection has evolved with the development of human thinking and technology, and control of the population
is now provided by nature through the war - extermination of man by man. To some extent, this is a solution to the problem of overpopulation. But what is the price? Someone will say, "This is a great idea" until it turns out to be a target or a participant in the war.

What measures should be taken with respect to nuclear weapons?
- Expansion of nuclear-weapon-free zones;
- Nuclear testing Ban;
- Control over the transfer of nuclear materials, technologies and equipment.

What measures should be taken with respect to biological weapons?
- Prevention of potential danger for the population
- Use of protection in case of a virus
- Collective protection of the population, provision of shelters

The more I read the articles, the more I am amazed at how many problems humanity is creating by itself :(
Unknown said…
They are bad because they have enormous power and strength. In my opinion they are really dangerous. Imagine, in one moment everything around you can collapse and people can die... This is horrible!
It is hard to predict what will happen in 2050. It's possible that everything will be fine.
I think that people have to take steps to ensure the safety of the world...
Yevhen Shymko said…
This would be the most scariest moment when terrorists will have access to such a deadly weapon and there demands would have to be met. Can't really think of a way to somehow prevent it from happening. On the other hand technology might get advanced enough to prevent that somehow but you never have full guaranty that someone will not trick it.
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Weapons of mass destruction are so dangerous because (as the name suggests) they are dangerous on a large scale. Yes i think that weapons of mass destruction is a real threat even now. There are no any good precautions that can be taken right now.
Unknown said…
Weapons of mass destruction are dangerous because it one moment you can destroy part of earth. I have no idea what will be in 2050 but I hope that everything will be fine. We shouldn't have acces to mass descturtion weapon, no one should have acces to power like that.
I guess because it is to much power for a small group of people or even for one person (talking about red button weapons here)
Wojtek Kania said…
Weapons of mass destruction are dangerous because they may kill hundreds of thousands of people in a moment. But I polish etymology of word 'weapons', which is 'broń'. Weapons should be use only for defense. I am happy that USA have weapons of mass destruction, because it defense our world against extremists like North Korea or Iran.
Unknown said…
Weapon of mass destruction is very dangerous for society. You can replace this word with the weapon of destruction. At the moment, I believe that one shouldnt develop such skills only to eliminate the struggle and lead to world peace. There were already explosions of the power plant until today people are suffering from such disasters. Chernobyl suffered a lot and people died there after a while. I understand that the state wants to be protected, but is it worth hurting others.

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