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Week 11 [15.01.2018 - 21.01.2018] Welcome to the real world

Hi everybody,

Please look at the article I would like to share with you. The story of this man, famous as well-known Polish “computer games creator”, is very interesting, as concerning “IT people”.
I recommend to read more about him, unfortunately the most interesting articles are available only in Polish (f.e. in last Forbes).
For me his story inspiring enough to think over some issues:

1. In terms of psycho-aspects: where are we approach as “technology addicted” and “money concentrated” society? I mean, in what directions our brains have been modified lately?
2. What is worth to spend our life time on? I mean, how to divide it, what proportions to achieve?
3. From professional point of view: is there a bright future in front of “game business”? I mean, regarding to point 1, will this kind of entertainment survive as influencing humans too much?
4. What assumptions shall we make, if we want to work in any business?

I am very interested, what answers you would give to such questions.

Hoping that such stories are inspiring also for you,


I do not think that using things that makes our life easier is a bad thing. Still, our society is messed up. Most people focuses on making money and fall into rat race trap which will quickly make them burn out.
I think that the most important thing is to be happy in life. For someone it may be exploring world, for other person it may be becoming boxing champion and for other getting PhD would be a pursuit of happiness. It's really personal thing. I do not know what will happen in future, but my shoot would be that situations will look just like it is - 95% of society will be bored with their life, having shitty job and not running for their dreams.
As I said before, life comfort is more important than money, so while searching for a job we must ask ourselves is that what we want to do everyday.
I'm not sure what the future will bring but staying happy should be the first and most important thing for every human being. How one would stay happy - that depends mainly on him, since every human is different and we have entirely different way of achieving happiness. Making our life easier is definitely a good thing, but we need to keep in mind to not get slothful and lazy, since we'll never achieve our dreams otherwise.
Alicja said…
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Unknown said…
1. Probably in the wrong one but that we won't know.
2. Spend it on work and fun. Work so that you may provide for your family and be able to have fun.
3. Future of game buisness is bright. Remember this business is very young and has a lot of potential.
4. Don't make any. It's pointless
Alicja said…
These are some interesting questions.

Regarding the first one. This is a very complex question. I read that the ways in which children interact with technology from an early age significantly influence their perception and information processing capacities. It is a very interesting and also a hot research topic right now. PJATK offers excellent Ph.D. program that gives an opportunity to research this field.
Our academy has a cooperation with, among others, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities and one of the issues they study is how technology usage changes the brain activity of children and teens.

I would not attempt to divide what life should be spend on. Life is worth spending on something you enjoy. Something that gives you satisfaction and independence. As long as it does not cause health issues and harm to others, it can be anything you like.

I think game dev business is just getting bigger and bigger (see the insanely huge events of LoL:
Something that I remember in the 90s was mostly an entertainment for geeks is now a mainstream activity for anyone and a huge business.

I would not make any assumptions. You should see what you enjoy doing and figure out a way how others can benefit from it.
Alicja, thank you for your response. Could you write, who is developing this issue on our Academy? I mean among professors. I am particularly interested in this subject, because I have 3 kids and I have to manage their computer's interests, I mean I often fight with them. Otherwise they could forget about sleeping, eating, drinking and other activities. I let them to play only during weekends and limit them the time of it. I don't want them to be strange among their friends, but if I could, I would ban it at all. I think this is not good for them.
It depends on person i think, more people are "money concentrated" and that is the main problem why they are not improving.
I know that happiness it is not always money, but money helps us to reach this level of happiness. I don't know about others, but for me money are important thing of my life. I would say that my family is also important for me,of course, but with money i can make them more happy.
It is difficult to say, but i think that future of "game business" is close and real. It has not a big popularity now, but later it will grow up and rise.
No assumptuions is a best way to create successful business.
Unknown said…
When I was younger, I believed that money can't buy happiness (or health or whatever they were saying). Now I think if you can't buy happiness with money, you don't know how to use them, and you should probably give your money to someone, who knows. I doubt, that I am the only one, who think so. We are all "money concentrated", you can't live a day without thoughts about how much money you spent (if you can, you are either filthy rich or completely broke).

When it comes to how to rational division of our lifetime, there is no right answer, even theoretically. One way or another, you will still think that you could spend your time better, or do something more useful, you can't just reach the perfection, and try to do so is pointless.

I hope that entertainment of any kind will not become something from Huxley's "Brave new world". That is the only thing that bother me, other possible outcomes are not so horrible.

Unknown said…
In my opinion, there is "a bright future" for game business. People always play games. Maybe not all people, but many. Some are even letsplayers or just players - they make money playing games. Not only do people love to play games, but also watch other playing them. Some people who don't play computer games usually like to play mobile games (for example, in a bus/train).
And you're asking a really difficult question. I'm talking now about the second one. Everybody decides for themself what to spend time on. Someone like to watch serials, someone would rather work hard without stopping. For me, I would either work and have a good time playing games or watching a film. You just need to manage the time properly.
Magdalena Popek said…
In my opinion nowadays consumerism is the direction we approach. We buy more and more products not necessarily thinking whether we need them or not. "I want a better phone, because nowadays everyone has at least Samsung S6, so I want S7. My old phone works, but it doesn't show my social status". We do thing so that others can admire us. Everyone has various needs and priorities. I would like my life not to be entirely work. I would like to find the work-life balance. I think game buisness has nothing to fear. People will be playing computer games. As a sport or to relax.

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