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Week 7 [27.11-03.12.2017] The secret life of ants

Most people look at ants as annoying animals which disturb their Sunday picnic. Ants are insects and majority of people hate all insects in general (except ladybugs: ladybugs are sweet. Oh, and bees too - because of honey). However, ants are in fact very interesting creatures and I will try to tell you why you should look at them in more respectful way.
               Ants are known for something which in scientific language is called “swarm intelligence”:. every ant knows what it should do in this very moment (and in every moment of its life). These creatures create great societies with a strong hierarchy. This is well known fact, but there are others, in my opinion much more intriguing.
For example a species called Monomorium santschii- is characterised by surprising type of parasitism. What is more it has no worker caste. A M. santschii Queen releases pheromones that attract ants of another species -
Monomorium salomonis s. The salomonis ants get so excited because of the pheromones, that they pull the santschii queen into their nest, kill their own queen and make the santschii queen their new one. Then the queen though uses salomonis ants as slaves and forces them to take care of  her offsprings. It may look horrible, but this is their nature and it makes them so fascinating. 

 A Monomorium’s species representative

Another interesting species of ants is Lasius flavus. This type can be found in the whole of Europe and North America. These ants live all their  life underground; they do not have to go outside to look for food thanks to the fact that they breed aphids that produce honeydew for them. The ants control the population of aphids and, when there is too many of them, lasius flavus eat them to reduce the number of breeded animals. As we can see the borderline between slavery and breeding is narrow.

A Lasius flavus ant

Bullet ants (Paraponera clavata) are well known by most of the people thanks to their
extremely potent sting. It  causes a pain which is ranked as the most painful sting, according to the Schmidt Sting Pain Index. Schmidt described the pain as „pure, intense, brilliant walking over flaming charcoal with a three-inch nail embedded in your heel”[1] .This is why these ants are used by the Satere-Mawe people of Brazil during initiation rites for boys to become warriors. Hundreds of ants are woven into special gloves made of leaves and the boy, whose maturity is tested, has to wear these gloves for 5 minutes. When the rite finishes, his hands are paralysed and he may shake uncontrollably for days. This is the power of bullet ants.

Paraponera clavata aka bullet ant

Bonus: a video about the rite mentioned above:

1. Do you like insects (especially ants)? Would you like to have an ant colony in order to observe how their structured life looks like?
2. If you could create a whole new species of ants and become its queen what kind of features would you “install” into their minds (how they would behave)?
3. Would you like to test yourself in initiation rite of the Satere-Mawe people of Brazil?




I do not like insects, I'm more fan of animals like dogs and cats. I'm not very interested in that topic, that's why I would not like to have a colony of ants. If I had to choose, having own bees may be quite fun - opportunity to have own honey made from flowers I want is quite nice.
I would like to create ants that are able to program in Java, so I don't have to do it anymore.
Like most normal people, I would not like to test myself in initiation rite of the Satere-Mawe people of Brazil. Having cup of Brazilian coffee or going into beautiful Brazilian beach and enjoying great weather are more fun activity than this trial :P
Unknown said…
I hate insects, but I really enjoy nature programs, so I've learnt a lot about many of them. It is amazing how organized ants are. Sometimes they act like one distracted organism! Watching them in TV is enough, so I definiteky wouldn't like to have an ant colony.
It would be better not to implement my idea: I would make a spiece of ants that would kill other insects. But it would kill also an enviorment, co it isn't good idea. I just hate insects, but butterflies - there are nice and harmless.
I DEFINITELY wouldn't test myself as they do - this is stupidity and backwardness.
Unknown said…
I have nothing to ants but I would not like them on my plot but I have to admit that I did not watch them for a few hours as they live, as they build their house :D The second question is very difficult.
I know that the ants are very industrious. Maybe weather forecasting haha :) For example when the weather is bad, the ants colony will try to enter the house :D
Unknown said…
I don’t like insects. It doesn’t matter if talking about ants or different insects I just don’t like them and even If they are really disgusting I can say that I hate them. It’s obvious that I wouldn’t like to have ant colony but I would like to see such colony.
It is really abstract question but I would also do abstract things like installing them chip to make them useful for people. They would work for people by connecting into huge herds and generate money :D
I wouldn’t like to test myself in such thing. It doesn’t test, show or say anything about person so it is useless. It’s their stupid practice.
Unknown said…
I like insects that won't kill me, and I think will be interesting to see how their structured life looks like.
hmm, question number two very strange to me. I don't know how to reply to this..
I would not to do that, it's dangerous.
No way!I hate insects and think they are disgusting. I can't feel normal even in museums, when i'm staying near them.
Interesting question about creating new species. I would create something close to our mindset, but not so close, that they can not compete with us.
Shocking thing i've watched, so my answer is certainly not. I can't find out for myself, what they do it.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I prefer to watch ants and any other insects in documentaries with David Attenborough. I don't like the idea of having insects in my room. Imagine, one night the terrarium breaks and all ants would be on you...

I wouldn't like to test myself in this initiation. I like my hands and prefer to have my body unharmed. If it's their tradition then I respect that. I wonder from where people get ideas like initiation with venomous ants or running on hot coals.
Anonymous said…
To be honest I love animals, but not insects. I mean I don't mind ants, but I really hate spiders. But I wouldn't like to get a colony of ants. It isn't interesting for me to observe some insects.
Unknown said…
Ants are really interesting creatures to observe. I'd like to have a colony of ants at home, of course, a controlled one, I don't want ants running around my flat (except they will pay the part of rent).
The main feature that i'd add is the ability to harvest some small and weaker bugs and breed them as humans breed cows or sheeps. And maybe the same thing with some plants. Just imagine such ants-farmers.
Unknown said…
Oh, I hate insects, especially wasps,bees and ants as well. First of all, it caused by the fact I have insect-sting allegry. No, I even don't want to think about these monsters.
Sorry, but I am not interested in such thigns, so I definitely wouldn't like.
Crazy question, because I think there is no person who would voluntarily do it. It's rather matter of weird tradition. Of course, someone may not agree with me, because we have to resprect diversity, but this custom brings tremendous pain
Unknown said…
Yes, you're right. Honey is amazing. If ants had been making honey, I'd have loved them. And now NAI is only one that I'm associate ants with (algorithms, homework, exams and other unpleasant stuff).
But after looking at the picture with yellow elephant I remembered a game about ants. It's called A Bug's Life. It's a very old video-game, but I enjoyed it a lot. Maybe some of you played it too.
Unknown said…
Yeees, totally agree with answer to the 2 question. When you create them, please share some with me.
You can go further and create software house where ants will do everything for you!
Spending whole day on beautiful Brazilian beach is indeed more relaxing than this trial but beeing sting by bulet ants would be more educational ("Now I know that this trial was stupid idea") :D
Alicja said…
Swarm intelligence is an absolutely fascinating thing.
At work we built a distributed system based on swarm intelligence designed to process large amounts of textual information. Its elements work independently contributing to an overall solution without a central processing component. The system does not have a single point of failure and it theoretically scales without a limit.

If I could I would make ants clean my flat :)

I must admit this rite does seem to present more pain than gain ;) If I had to choose I would prefer to take part Navajo's peyote ceremony.
Well, your idea is destructive, but you could create a business based on ants of annihilation- demolition! A great amount of workforce with swarm intelligence and proper strength and size would be really effecive in that kind of business!
Weather forecasting ants sound good.
If the colony is wet- it's raining
If the colony is dry- sunny
If there is no colony- snowing or windy :D
You would become a respected and recognised meteorologist who as a first person in a world used the ant method of weather forecasting. Fame and money!
Abstract things are the best kind of things!
An interesting idea, I like it!
Well the trial test one thing- the level of attachment to tradition. Some people would try it once (like me for example) and after that would never try it again. But Satere-Mawe people of Brazil have to pass this trial 20 times.
The worst part when you see an insect (especially spider for me) is when it stands really close to you and then after few seconds it disapeared when you dont look at it. So now it's closer and you cant see it. ughh...
Ants like humans but less intelligence? That would be nice! We could use them to build and create many technological wonders thans to their teamwork skill which is far more developed than in humans.
"Imagine, one night the terrarium breaks and all ants would be on you..."- THIS! Such terrifying thought.
In such cultures adolescence is very important part of life and boys have to prove that they are no longer kids. Life of a kid is all about play and beeing happy but beeing an adult is about huge responsibilities for family and whole tribe. To show your friends and family that you are no longer a boy but an adult man you participate in such horrifying rite.
Ants- farmers sounds interesing. Maybe people could learn something new about cropping and you will receive a noble prize for solving the problem of famine in the world!
A species of ants which can pass any exam for you or could learn you everything while you are sleeping (I don't know.. maybe some kind of telepathy?) will make stuffs like exams or homeworks more enjoyable :)
I have played this game too!
Wow that sounds amazing!
let's expand this thought: you can create a cleaning company for students/dorms/big companies... for everyone. And of course for you :)
Well Navajo's peyote ceremony is indeed more interesting (and less painful). What about ayahuasca ceremony? It could be much more intense than the peyote one.
Yevhen Shymko said…
Ant are for sure outside of my field of interes. I'm not gonna commend on second question but regarding last one I do think such a test for yourself might be useful to prove yourself that you can do it. On the other hand there is planty less painful ways to take a fight inside your mind.
Unknown said…
I do not like insects and I would not like to have an ant colony in order to observe how their structured life looks like for sure. The second question is weird, but I think the loyalty and respect to my position would be very appreciated, specially when you don't want to get killed by your own soldiers in order to be replaced by other, better smelling queen. I don't think I would you like to test myself in initiation rite of the Satere-Mawe people of Brazil, I simply don't see any fruitful product of this process.
Magdalena Popek said…
Very interesting topic! I actually don't mind insects. I do not kill them (only mosquitos), rather try to take them out (despite arachnofobia I try to take spiders out or ask someone to do it). I always try to rescue or help them if I can. I love watching how ants manage to overcome some difficulties, like an obstacle or dead insect on a way or how they carry things.
I don't know ants so much that I could think of the characteristics they may lack. And I would never ever ever ever want to test myself initiation rite of the Satere-Mawe people of Brazil.
Maciej Główka said…
Very interesting article. Do I like insects? Not really. However, If my child would like to have some ant farm I wouldn't be against it.
If I would be ants queen or king, I would make them do my house work like cleaning my room or cooking.
No, I would never want to try initiation rite of the Satere-Mawe people. I think I don't want to be their warrior ;)
Tomasz Morawski said…
Very interesting article! Yes, I'm quite interested in life of insects and even wanted to have my own ant colony but my enthusiasm stopped when I heard that I needed to find impregnated ant queen by myself first. I'm not sure if it was true but it successfully discouraged me from exploring the topic.
If I could make new species, I'd probably create something useful for humans or natural environment, so they would repair our mistakes. Of course we should be careful not to make something too dangerous.
I'm not sure if I want to take part in any rite at all, so I believe this one wouldn't be exception. But who knows, maybe my mindset would change if I were drugged or overly drunk.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…
I don't like insects. They are small but very scary. I don't like ants, because they are dangerous in groups, and even single one can do harm do human. It can bite, and it hurts. I wouldn't like to have a colony of ants in my house, I would be scared of them all the time, even if they were in some special onbreakable container. If I could create a whole new species of ants I would "install" in their minds the rule not to hurt humans, even though human could kill many of them. I wouldn't like to test myself in initiation of Satere-Mawe.
Because of honey and cross-pollination which keeps our entire ecosystem not dead. But mostly it's the honey :D
1. I don't mind insects, but I prefer them outside.

2. Not that interested.

3. People have really weird becoming of age rituals. For example rich Americans give their 16-year-old kids expensive cars to crash on a nearby lamppost.
ad 2. Maybe conducting electricity, you could do some cool stuff with that.
Foodocado said…
I concider all insects to be disgusting. It doesn't matter if it's an ant or a bug. That's why I wouldn't like to have any colony, but I don't mind observing them. They are really fascinating animals. The second question is quite tough and I am not able to answer it. I am sure I wouldn't like to test myself in initiation rite of the Satere-Mawe. For me it's simply stupidity.
Marta P said…
Hi everyone!
1. I am not a great fan of insects, but if I had to choose, I’d prefer ants rather than mosquitos for example. I consider ants as a very hard working animals, and very interesting ones, inspiring also for computer science - I mean the ant colony optimization algorithm, which is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems which can be reduced to finding good paths through graphs. It aims to search for an optimal path in a graph, based on the behavior of ants seeking a path between their colony and a source of food. When naturally ants find food, they return to their colony leaving a trace of pheromones. When another ant encounters this trace, it ceases to move randomly and follows the path towards food.
I guess having and observing the ant colony could be very interesting, the question is how to protect the whole house from ants’ invasion, because it wouldn’t be nice to find them everywhere…
2. I can imagine in my dreams that new species could bite very strongly people who destroy their colonies. That would protect their work from mindless destruction which often happens to them.
3. I definitely would’t like to test myself in such initiation rite. For men maybe it could have more sense to compare oneself to candidates to become warriors, to check a pain resistance, after all also to feel being alive - through suffering. As experience it must be both difficult to cope with, and very interesting, I suppose, so I can understand people who freely and intentionally decide to take part in the rite of the Satere-Mawe people of Brasil.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I don`t like insects. I understand that they all are very important part of our ecosystem, but for me they are really disgusting and some of them are really dangerous. Of course if I could be a queen/king of all insects or at least one type of ants then I would watch after them with interest, but I am not a head of any ant colony so if I see any ant I kill it or try to avoid contact with them.
Unknown said…
I've always liked ants and how they work. I think that we can learn from ants. When I was a child I always wanted to have aquarium with ants. I like ants tunels. It's amazing what ants can do. It's very interesting that ants are able to breed aphids. I heard about ants which breed plants. Ants work together like the same oraganism. This ritual with ants is very strange for me and I never want to have it.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I don't like insects and I wouldn't be interested in observing them. It would get incredibly boring after a while. I prefer some other kind of animals like cats and dogs.
I can't really thing of a good use for ants, even a new species. I guess protecting our garden from some hostile insects would be pretty good.
I think these rituals are pure examples of stupidity. It's dangerous and unhealthy. It just proves that people who attempt them are uneducated and blindly follow their culture.
Marcin Górski said…
I don't like insects, I know that every entity is necessary for our world but animals are better for me :)
Second question? I don't want to think about it! It's strange for me!
I wouldn't like to test myself in this initiation, I know that every country has their own habits but I don't understand that one.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I hate insects, they are disgusting. I would never, ever like to have an ant colony! When it comes to second question, all I can say is that I cant think about it. I don't know, I have a problem with ants and even thinking about them makes me sick.
If you are asking me about initiation rite of the Satere-Mawe, I would say NO WAY! for me it's stupid.
Unknown said…
I don't like insects very much in general, especially mosquitoes, but for many years I wanted to have a terrarium with spiders. I was very interested in them and generally liked them. I could never understand why a person would be disgusted of one, even though I understand you can be afraid of some of them. Ants I do not really like and would not want to have an ant colony.

As for the second question - maybe the possibility to control them? Like in the movie Ant-Man, they turned out to be pretty useful.

Regarding the ritual - I'm good without it :)
I'm neutral to insects. There are only couple of which I hate, like ticks, mosquitos and wasps. I'm not interested in having an ant colony in my house, but I would like to see one.
I'm not interested to have helots. I am not seeking to be in power.
I would not like to test myself in this kind of ritual.
Unknown said…
I don't mind insects as long as they are outside my house, otherwise, I "Kill it with fire". Ants might be interesting as I remember looking after my own ant colony in the backyard during summer. They were very organised and had their own "roads".
Second question is basically "You become a nation leader, what would you do?" - I would probably make them listen me, and play it in the direction of gathering resources (you know, minerals and vespene gas :3).
All those rites make me think "We have invented a plane, developed lunar program and now we are heavily thinking about colonizing Mars, and yet, in the Earth's "lower body parts" crack, there are some guys who stick their hands into gloves full of ants just for fun and pain.
Patryk Pohnke said…
I don't like insects at all. They are not directly useful for people comparing them with cats or dogs for example. Anthill can be interesting from constructional point of view, but nothing more.
2. I would create a specie of ants producing bitcoins for me :)
Of course I wouldn't like to take part in this test. I thought such times passed long time ago, but I guess they didn't. This test proves nothing but the stupidity of the person that take part in it :)
1. Do I like insects? Hmm I don’t hate them (except ticks and mosquitoes, those I really hate), but I can’t say that I like them. Ant colony would be cool I guess but I think that YouTube is enough and I don’t really need it.
2. Oh if I could create a new species of ants they would be really badass. They would kill other ants and then disguise as them in order to take over their colony.
3. Nah, I’m good
Unknown said…
I don't like insects and I have to admit that it disgust me. I understand that it can be interesting for somebody and ants structured life is also exciting but I don't feel it and I wouldn't like to be owner of any kind of insects.

This question is funny and answers for it was even funnier. It would be a funny anecdote: I don't like programming in Java so much that I would learn to program ants instead of me. :D I don't have any other ideas. It is quite abstract for me.

Unfortunetely not, I am not fan of such initiations and I don't get it. ;)
Zygmunt Z said…
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Unknown said…
Its very interesting ant can create they own society and what to do in his houses. Its like little humas in rip. Of course they cant thing but they communicate themsalves in they own way. For me its very good example to show people how to work in group. I think people doesnt think in good way on ants and identicate them like insekts
Uhhh I don't have anything against ants or insects in particular, but I'm really not interested at all in having a colony in my own house. Sure, it might be interesting for some people, no doubt, I'm just not one of those.

Still, I think it's awesome how ant colony in fact works and how queen has dictatorship power over everybody and noone objects :).
Unknown said…
I mostly dislike insects (those annoying ones especially) but in case of ants those are rather fascinating. Especially given that one ant is just an ant but a colony of ants makes it intelligent hard working totality capabale of building sophisticated structures. Still, I wouldn't want to have an ant colony in my room just to observe it.
If I could create a new species and become their leader I would of course install them more muscules and intelligence in order to make the greatest colony ever and take over the world.
The test initiation, would not participate, looks kinda silly but I wonder about its origin.
1. Do you like insects (especially ants)? Would you like to have an ant colony in order to observe how their structured life looks like?
No especially in my vacation house they were involving a lot of problem around the house. It is good to watch their life in a controlled environment but when they choose the place to stay it is not so good.
2. If you could create a whole new species of ants and become its queen what kind of features would you “install” into their minds (how they would behave)?
Way too fantastic for me :)
3. Would you like to test yourself in initiation rite of the Satere-Mawe people of Brazil?
It doesn't look too good - I hate rites of almost any kind.

I have nothing against insects. Of course there are those I hate, but there are very few of them. The worst of them are probably mosquitoes, which can irritate a man in the summer afternoon. I believe that creating a new ant species would not be a good solution for the environment. I would not like to participate in such a ritual
Zygmunt Z said…
I am not an insects' fan, actually I don't like them at all. Having an ant colony doesn't interest me at all, to be honest it's just not my type of thing. If I had to be an antqueen I would like them to do jobs they cannot do, just like people who "harras" their Sims in "The Sims" video game. As for the ritual - no thank you, I am not interested
The ant venom causes the real pain, so doesn't that mean the first guys get the most venom and maybe the later ones have ants running out of venom? Also, the charcoal apparently is there to deter most from stinging making it not too life-threatening
Unknown said…
I don't like any kind of insects, especially maggots but slowly i am getting used to it. For me they could simply disapear but i know they are important for nature.
Wojtek Kania said…
I hate insects. I fell joy when I kill any insect that is in my house. I would never like to have any insects colony. If I could be a queen of ants I will order not to approach people. No, I wouldn't like to test myself in initiation rite of the Satere-Mawe people of Brazil.
I don't mind insects at all. My attitude towards them is just neutral, they are just another beings like us striving to survive another day. The thing is that we need them, because without them there wouldn't be us, which situates them in a better position, considering that extinction of humans would go unnoticed by them. Once upon a time I was really interested in ants, even bought a book by Edward Osborne Wilson, famous myrmecologist, and learned a lot of things about this amazing beings. Probably they are the only animals besides humans that engage in farming activities, there are fungi growing species and ones that domesticated other beings, that is aphids. I believe that when humans are finally gone, ants will rule the Earth.
Unknown said…
NOPE! I don’t like any insects, spiders etc. They are disgusting to me.
Hm, I’m not sure if I’d like to have an ant colony, but observing their structured life could be interesting.
Hmm… Maybe some skill to unite and create one, bigger organism? That could be cool.
No! Man, I’ve seen some documentary about bullet ants. Their bite is incredibly painful.
Unknown said…
I hate insects! In my opinion all of them are ugly. However, the ants really interest me. Yes, I would like to have a few of them to be able to see their lives. I can recommend you nice animations related to ants: "Antz", "A Bug's Life" and "The Ant Bully".
If I could create a new species of ants, I wouldn't change anything. Ants work perfectly! The only thing I would change would be their size. They would have to be much bigger.
I would like to see the sand structure which are their homes! That would be unbelievable!
For sure I wouldn't like to test myself in initiation rite of the Satere-Mawe...
Unknown said…
I've always wanted to have an ant colony but I am too scared that I would break it and have an ant colony in my bed instead. They are magnificent creatures that have fascinating type of hive mind intelligence. I can't even comprehend how does it work exactly and how is it different from ours.

If I could create my own type of ants I would give them ability to understand speech and communicate in some way. Probably the most sense would be to "talk" through writing because of their small size. It would be great. I'd have sooooo many questions.
Bitcoin-ants are the best kind of ants. Especially now. Lets do this!

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