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Week 7 [27.11-03.12.2017] Sweet procrastination

 Procrastination. Everyone knows what does it mean - it is a horrible habit which disturbs us when we are trying to be productive. We have a whole week to comment on presentations of our friends for the English course? That’s great! Let’s do this! but not now… I think that Sunday at 10 p.m. will be a much better time to do it. I will be well rested and after the whole week of studying and working I will be older (and, therefore, wiser). I believe that spending the whole evening on Wikipedia reading random pages is the best activity I can do right now - it’s both fun and intellectually stimulating.
               And then comes the moment when you finally go to bed and feel this shame that you wasted another day doing nothing, but reading a lot of information about nothing and which you are going to forget tomorrow. But, hey, Zen Buddhists are studying
nothingness all the time! Maybe I am a reincarnation of a Zen master? I even love Zen jokes! And there is one really smart:
A Zen student went to a temple and asked how long it would take him to gain enlightenment if he joined the temple. 
"Ten years," said the Zen master. 
"Well, how about if I really work hard and double my effort?"
"Twenty years."

As we can see, working hard on something is much more destructive than working at your own pace. That is great that I spend a whole evening on Wikipedia reading Zen jokes - I feel much smarter and calm.
               Yeah… but secretly, deep inside your mind you know that you have wasted another day and you are only trying to explain yourself.

               Ok, I have wasted this day, but tomorrow I am going to do every task because I want to have a free weekend. I promise.
               And this happens again. And again. And again…
               And now it is Sunday evening, 11:40 p.m. and you have to comment on eight presentations. Oh, and write your own too. You hate yourself at this moment. But somehow you finished everything you had to do in 15 minutes (everything you wrote is a garbage but that does not matter, right?). Afterwards you told yourself that this is the last time you did something like this.
               You wake up the very next day and see some new presentations. “Great!
Let’s do this!… but not now , I think that Sunday at 10 p.m. will be the perfect time to do it…”.
               Sounds familiar? You are not alone! Many of us have this kind of problem.
               In the video below Tim Urban explains in a funny way how procrastination works. It can help you with dealing with this problem.


Some questions:
1. Are you a procrastinator? Why do you think so?
2. Do you have some special method of dealing with procrastination?
3. What was the worst/funniest moment of your life caused by procrastination?


There was a time when I was procrastinator, but I'm not anymore. I try to be most productive as I can and in fact I tend to do stuff that I don't like and are necessary first. It results in having more free time, I guess. There is no point in delaying work that must be done. For example when it comes to studying, I'm always trying to do it as quickly as I can, so then I have free evening and I'm able to do some sports, play games or read books.
There are moments in life that change your attitude. When I was younger my father gave me book called "Rich dad, poor dad". It has changed my point of view in some way. Then I read some other books like "Getting things done", "the power of habit" and some others - it also made me who I'm today. When I was young, my mother was always learning me to be put together and well organized. That's how i deal with procrastination - is it a sense to delay something that must be done anyway? Making dirty job first makes your day easier/better after.
During high school my life was a bit different. I remember when I was having a test from Polish language and it was ultra boring. I was waiting as long as I could to start preparing for it. Result? - Night without sleep. I don't recommend it if someone still does it on University.
Unknown said…
I'm trying not be a procrastinator. I'm early leaving to go to school/work. When I got back I'm walking my dog and then I'm trying to do something at home, some home-duties, if there is homework from school I'm doing it, then there is sometime to relax. I know that if I would lay down after getting home I wouldn't do anything if it wasn't absolutely necessary.
My method of dealing with procrastination is being still busy with chores. I'm making one thing after another so there is no time to think about doing it later - I believe that most of us can I agree that 'I'll do it later' is almost same as 'I'll never do it'
A lot of bad moment where caused by procrastination - usually the result was night without sleep or waking up at 3 am.
I don't remember any funny moment caused by procrastination - have you got such memory?
Unknown said…
With full awareness I can calmly say that I am not a procrastinator. I always try to make my duties as fast as possible in order to be calm later. I have never had a problem with this and I have no method. I just performs my duties as soon as possible. I have no answer to the third question. I do not remember anything like that.
Unknown said…
I think that I can say that I’m a procrastinator but marginally. I used to be procrastinator more when I was younger and had more time and less things or duties but now I have more duties and less free time so I just have no choice.
I don’t think that there are any special method for dealing with procrastination. If you become older and mature It is normal that you are giving up this bad habit of posteponing. You have less time and if you will try to do this it may be harmful for you.
I remember a few situations that I haven’t even started to study for a test and the day before it teacher said that it will be next week so leaving studying for the last evening was a great idea :D
Unknown said…
Yes, I'm procrastinator . Because I always do on the last day ... it's real problem and I don't know how to solve it.
The worst moment of your life, it's when I should be finishing my work. I had a deadline for this project, and I all the time kept putting it off. And on the last day I worked all day, otherwise, they wouldn't be paid.
Unknown said…
I was a procrastinator until I started working. When I don't have a day job I become lazy, and just push things to do later. Then I always have to do everything last minute. When I have a job I'm working more systematically, plan when I'm going to do things and follow it. It feels like the flow I get while working also applies to things I have to do for the university after work, it's easier to get going with the studies. Even though I have much more to do now, I manage to get it done and still get some free time over, which now feels more valuable, and therefore I think more about how to spend it. This is a good thing.

I never had any exceptional situations due to procrastination, of course stress and last minute work but nothing unusual. I always managed to get everything done on time anyways :)

I'm commenting this article today, so i'm not a procrastinator. About 5 years ago, when i was at school - yes , i was a procrastinator and that was not only my main problem.
Yeah, i'm trying to motivate myself,i'm doing that in a way like, if i learned something, how much money i would get after.
Can't remember something funny, but as i said, 5 years ago, i felt that everything went wrong because of sweet procrastination(homework -> bad mark -> arguing with parents -> taking my computer back and so on)
Anonymous said…
I don;t think I'm procrastinator. When I have to do something I just do it. Procrastinator seems childish and stupid to me - adults shouldn't behave like that.
I'm responsible person and when I have to do something or someone asks me to do something and I promise him to do it then I know that I have to do it just not to disappoint this person.
Sometimes when I have a lot of work and tasks I like to use sticky notes to note down and stick around my tasks.
Unknown said…
I could be a king of procrastinators. But I'm trying to change this situation. I'm trying to switch from stupid lazy to smart lazy mode. That means that I must do everything in time or even before time and do it fast and good, so after that I will have a huge amount of free time. But, as you can see, it is not so easy, as it might sound.
The good way to fight the procrastiation is to note down all tasks you need to do and then start doing them from the easiest one to the hardest one. In some special case, change the difficulty of tasks as a parameter to the importance.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately, I noticed that I became a procrastinator last time. I tend to put off all my necesarry stuff that's why I am writing this comment now however I promised to start doing it from Monday. Actually, I have the same monster,which was mentioned in the video. Only it can make me doing something. I have no special approach, though the sense of responsibility still exists in me. I think that my moster calls "responsibility and embarrassment" XD
The funniest thing is that I promise myself to start commenting form Monday but every weekend I make this mistake. Only the idea that someone postpones it as well cherishes me
Unknown said…
Agree. The problem of procrastination is very relevant. In my opinion, when you don't want to do something, when you don't see reasons, but you have to do it (or the reasons are not convincing enough), you procrastinate. And it's sad that people have to do what they don't like.
Yes, definitely. I'm a procrastinator. I put off a lot of stuff (homework, etc).
No, I don't really now fast and easy methods to get rid of procrastination. Except for deadlines, when it's a matter of life and death that you finish the project. I think happy people don't postpone anything. They make right choices and don't have anything (or have, but little) things that they don't like to do in their life. If I'm right, then the best way to stop being a procrastinator is to change life dramatically.
Alicja said…
I'm not much of a procrastinator, because my need to feel in control of a situation is too strong. I do find dull tasks harder to start, but I think it is natural.

Since I don't really have an issue with procrastination, I'm not sure I should advise on dealing with it, but I will give it a shot: maybe splitting a task into smaller parts will help? Feeling a satisfaction from achieving something each day is a good motivator.
Procrastination is only an illusion of free time. Only when you have good work habits you can tell that you have really free time.
I've heard about the "Rich dad, poor dad" book but I haven't read it. If it really that good I will check it.
Yevhen Shymko said…
Terrible procrastination it's my perfect description. It's so usual for me to leave work for night right before the deadline. For me that state of mind and body when you quite tired and mind is a bit blurry and the understanding that you have to do it right now is almost screaming at you its perfect time to get into so called "flow" where you just start doing staff with so clarity of what you have to do next so much precision and intuition and feel so much alive afterwords. Not very reliable thou...
I would say I don't have any particular method. It's just that when you getting older you start to use your brain more and figure out that is not the best long term strategy.
I also found it useful while fighting with procrastination- being busy all the time.
I remember that once I had a sleepless night before exam. WORST. THING. EVER. I have told myself "never again" and I can tell that I've learned an important lesson from this situation.
Well I also don't remember any funny moment caused by procrastination. I was just curious if anyone had such moment.
Magdalena Popek said…
Yes, I am definitely a procrastinator. I usually do things on a last moment and I, unfortunately, have no special way of dealing with it. Sometimes I can convince myself to do something earlier, but if I really don't like doing something it's hard for me to start much before the deadline. My story is not funny, because I was doing my math's internal assessment in highschool, I did it right before the deadline (was working the whole night) and the next evening my teacher called me to say it has to be completely changed. So I wasn't sleeping for almost 60 hours to do it. And you know what? It taught me completely nothing. I still work like this.
Unknown said…
I think everyone is some of procrastinator, because no one can be productive 100% all the time and everyone needs a break. In my opinion the best method of dealing with procrastination is simply self-motivation. The knowledge of the daily process we are going through and deep analysis of the moments of weakness is a key to to take a first step against delaying stuff. I can't recall the worst/funniest moment of my life caused by procrastination right now, but just from the top of my head I can tell a story, which happened when I was studying physics. I started studying to this big, statistics test night before and I passed it 100%.
I'm still fighting with procrastination and I'm jealous about your willpower :)
I also noticed that when I have more duties and less free time I'm more productive.
Situations like this you have mentioned are great and bad for true procrastinators because they will wait another week before studying :D
I feel you. The example of solution (as many mentioned above) may be being busy all the time. And I can tell you that this works fine.
I see pattern here- everyone mention here that being busy all the time makes them more effective. An observation worth remembering :D
Maciej Główka said…
Unfortunately I'm not a procrastinator. I have full time job and also attend pjatk on daily basis, so I go out from my home at 8 and come back after 21 most of work days. If I were procrastinator, I couldn't manage both. Only during holidays I have some free time and that's the time I can feel some true procrastinator's life. I'm not ashamed of it, I think everybody sometimes deserve it.
Tomasz Morawski said…
I don't think I'm procrastinator. I tend to be a little lazy but I don't feel it stops me from doing productive things during the day. I usually try to learn something useful every day and I hardly ever fail, so I believe I'm not that bad.
I don't think I can remember any funny situations caused by procrastinator. Usually it's stressful and I'm quite bad at dealing with stress so it doesn't end up well :P
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
When I have read the article I ralized I am also a procrastinator. I want to do some things and after doing them I suspend doing what I have to do on later moment. I like doing what I like to do. My special method for dealing with procrastination is telling myself next time I will do something earlier, which of course doesn't work.
Unknown said…
I think that I am not a procrastinator in the true sense of the word. Most of the time, I do plan things and accomplish tasks in the order they were planned. I think it is related to number of things you have to care about, the more tasks you have the more organized you are. When I was younger and I hadn’t to handle that many things I often delayed starting working on them. Of course, sometimes I am still having hard time dealing with some boring tasks at work and then I tend to distract myself by checking Facebook or chatting with my team mates but I am working on getting rid of that bad habit.
In my opinion , the best way to avoid procrastinating is to have things planned and to define milestones that have to be reached in order to finish particular task.
As many people here mentioned, the worst thing is that I had to sit up till late night finishing projects just before deadlines because I was to lazy to start working on them early enough.
1. I take offence with you calling procrastination a horrible habit.

2. Full acceptance. Just relax and let it come to you.

3. Can't really thing of anything.

Have you ever heard about a concept called mental hygiene? In short, always work bad, sometimes procrastinate good. It's important to find balance in life. Being wound up all the time can lead to a lot of bad stuff, so it's healthy to set aside one day of the week, say a Sunday, for doing absolutely nothing to do with work.
Personally I do it on Wednesdays
Foodocado said…
I used to be a procrastinator. I used to do things on a last moment. Since I've started working and attending PJATK classes on daily basis, I had to change my bad habits. I am trying to manage my time the best i can. It's not easy and not once I back to home exhausted. On the other side, I am happy.

I think the best way to deal with procrastination is to be busy all the time. The self motivation is also important.

The worst for me is when I start watching a new TV series. If its good enough, I am able to spend day or even a whole weekend watching it. I feel terrible after that. I know that I waste so much time on something which is not important.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I am lazy-bones if i have just a little free time. As you said best way for me to deal with procrastination is to stay
busy. If I have a work to do or very specific occupation i am good to go, but as soon as i let myself a little free time like: i have 2 days for that then as always i do it last minute because i had to use that free time to pleasure myself... I can't fight it right now. I need to change something in my life.
Marta P said…
Hi everyone!
1. Unfortunately being a procrastinator often happens to me. As far as I’ve read about this kind of behavior, more than 80% people declares to have such problem. After such “general” introduction explaining I’m not the worse and only one, I can tell you, when procrastination “happens” in my life. It is always connected to long-term obligations, no matter at work or at home. If there is even small possibility to do something later, I generally fulfill the duty in the latest acceptable term. Taking into consideration being very busy, hard-working mum of three small kids, I always find justification to such behavior…
2. The only one effective method is to agree with someone to control the progress and to point earlier date to the given obligation. If another person does it for me, it always helps me and this is the only one possibility to avoid procrastination. I just always keep the promises, that’s why it is successful way in my case.
3. The worst moment in my life caused by procrastination happened on last Friday. It concerns my colleague’s procrastination, because he didn’t change his car tires for winter. We were in business trip driving to the airport in the morning and it was snowing…. As a result we had serious car accident on Toruńska street in Warsaw. The car is totally destroyed, fortunately we were lucky having no health problems. But I told my colleague I would never go with him anywhere again, because - driving his car with summer tires in December - this time he exaggerated with his procrastination.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I absolutely agree that it is a bad habit. This habit always make me do any kind of job at the very last possible moment, but still I have never failed with this method yet, so currently I don`t want to do absolutely anything with this habit because without it I guess I would forget about the rest and laziness, which are two of my favourite things to do)
Marcin Górski said…
I think that I'm not a procrastinator. If I get a new task, I like to do it immediately. I hate to lose my time.
I have never had that problem so I don't have method against procrastination. In my opinion self motivation is the most important because we have to organize our work everyday.
I don't remember any situation which would base on procrastination.
Jakub Lisicki said…
Am I a procrastinator? Well, probably yes. I'm doing my best not to be and most of the time I succeed. I just don't have enough time to procrastinate anymore.
I don't have any special method of dealing with it. I just have a lot of work to do, so I can't let myself be unproductive for too long.
I don't remember any funny moments, but it has led me to many sleepless nights. Now the biggest problem for me is not procrastinating, but forgeting the stuff I have to do until the very last moment.
Unknown said…
I think that I am procrastinator, why? Propably because I am commenting your article right now and it's 3 December. I had a lot of time before but like always I am doing it right before deadline. I have no method for it, I am just trying but you know how it is...
I don't remember any funny moments. I have bad memory:(
Unknown said…
I am a procrastinator- If something is further than, lets say "next week" it equals "as far as 10 years" for me, so there is nothing to worry about.
That is, until "the week before" shifts into Sunday 23:59, and I realize its not "next week" but "in 3 days"/"on wednesday"/"in few hours". I can't say it's good, because pulling an all-nighters too often can't be good for your health, but I also can't say its definitely bad, since it gives me room for unexpected events that I can squeeze into my timetable.
The other thing is, that I couldn't live having a full-time job, that includes going to work at 8am and going back at 4pm, cause in most cases, if its nothing like manual labor, or some other "assembly on conveyor belt", you have to sit and pretend you are working after you've done your job.
My method do at least try to deal with it, is to constantly think about it. Some day (that is further than, like 3 days from deadline), I will kick-in "motivated mode" and will do something for hours, or even few days. Of course, after some hard work, there needs to be some(i.e a lot of) relaxation time, after which I will once again get motivated.
Well, for the funnier moments - since I'm supposed to write my thesis, our corporate server room is shining now more than ever, and all of our servers are updated to newest versions, as well as I have already twice rearranged the cables under my desk, dusted off all of my laptops, and uninstalled some useless apps from my phone and PC. I don't have to mention that my thesis has no errors, as it contains no phrases, as it has no words, as it doesn't even exist, but at least my work space is clean now more than ever.
Patryk Pohnke said…
I am definitely a procrastinator. I do things as lately as I can. This applies to many aspects of my life, but luckily not all of them.
Sure, I'm trying to stay motivated. Usually I don't have trouble with short-time deadlines, my procrastination concerns things without deadlines :)keeping yourself busy helps a lot
I don't remember specific example, but as you can guess all of results of procrastination are the bad ones.
I don’t think I’m a procrastinator I just think there are many good tv series to watch and it’s almost like learning English so it’s a priority :D I do have a method - I watch an episode after I’ve finished some tasks. I guess it’s a good system I get most of my work done on time except of my bachelors thesis I’m leaving that for the last week :D
Yes, I am a big fan of procrastination. Almost everything I do, I delay it to the last moment. There were times when I started to be more organized, but after time I became more and more indolent, and it bringed me back to procrastination. There were some situations, that I left some project until the last moment, and it turned out that it was no need to do it on time.
Zygmunt Z said…
I have to admit that I am a huge procrastinator sometimes, compared to other people who tend to do things that they don't really enjoy at first just to later do something much more interesting, I like to do everything the opposite way. I may enjoy myself doing many things that I really like and then end up sitting up late to deliver I had to do. Sometimes I force myself to do the most important things at first but it doesn't work everytime and that is the only way I try to deal with procrastination. The worst moment caused by my procrastination was when I didn't want to do projects for university classes which ended up with lower grade than I at first wanted to score
Unknown said…
I think i'm one of procreastionations guy because i want to do everything on my last time. I want to delay my whole tasks because i want to do something better and nicely things then my important tasks. In my work i want to waste whole time on my task so sometimes its turn on me.
I am definitely a procrastinator. I postpone a lot of important things, I think It's connected with my mood and in some way with a weather. Overall, I think, that I am the procrastinator only for a small interval of time. It happens with me maybe twice a week. But still, for me it's a problem.
I don't have any special methods of dealing with it, but going to the gym encourages me and sometimes a self-made motivational speech.
Unknown said…
Am a procrastinator. Sadly. Why? Too many times did the thing just before the deadline even though I had plenty of time to do it. Another thing is there's just so many things to do. My procrastination happens because most of those things (funnily enough) are things which I don't want to do. So why do it? Usually those unpleasant steps are necessary to achieve or get to the point of doing something I do want to do. Just how it is. Went through many different methods of dealing with procrastination but those didn't work because... guess what, procrastination. Initially, making todo lists, breaking bigger tasks into smaller ones, planning ahead, time management, organizing etc, it does nothing if I don't actually get things done. Worst moment caused by procrastination? I guess it's happening now, when it's the last semester and I'm behind schedule on the thesis and few unresolved exams from earlier semesters. Sleepless nights are the worst, I agree.
I'm the weirdest mix you can think of - I'm procrastinator at its finest, playing video games and doing everything but the tasks that I need to do anyway sooner or later, very often starting them in the very last moment. On the other hand, I'm lazy so much that through all this years of procrastinating I actually learnt when to start as far as possible, but at the same time soon enough so I can still make it before deadline. I must admit that nothing motivates me as good as a fixed deadline, since there is no freaking way I'd do something out of my own free will, I'm doing it very rarily and only if those are rather low-effort tasks, nothing crucial.
I do not think I'm a procrastinator. Despite trying to fill every free minute during the day, I'm not late. I always go a little earlier, even if the communication is not active, I will make it on time. However, I happened to miss school a few times and it turned out that they were canceled.
Unknown said…
I was a procrastinator but I realized that it caused a lot of stress in my life and now I prefer to finish my tasks much before deadline. I don't think that I have a special methods for it. As I already said I needed to realize that when I do something before deadline my work is much worst because I have to hurry up.

I have to say that all of situations like learning to some exam or preparing a presentation few hours before deadline was very stresful for me. Fortunetely from few years I don't have such problems. :)
Well, the thing that works for me is to put my own deadlines to my own projects, and sometimes (not always, I'm still a master procrastinator) the panic monster awakes. But then, there are other times when I have real deadlines and the panic monster doesn't want to show up, and it ruins a lot of things, I feel pretty guilty and I lose opportunities.
We do not like do things we have to at the start. It is always like that. For me there is also another factor of postponing things that need to be done. I have more free time on weekend. On Saturday I'm usually resting after hard week of work - so Sunday is a day to catch up on few things. But if you are doing everything good and in given time rates it is okay to postpone something.
Well, today is an evening of double shame. I sit and am ashamed of the fact that I write almost at night a comment, and here this text. Separate many thanks to the author.
Why do I think that the procrastinator? The paragraph above is still relevant. And, probably, that I have not yet painted ten illustrations for tomorrow. Well, Well, the night is long. And if I start to talk about the session and how I gave it, then this will be the book.
It's hard for me to deal with this problem. But sometimes the alarm clock on the phone helps a lot, dividing tasks into pieces and interest. But there are tasks that we love and want to do, not because we have to finish them. Usually, it's most difficult to sit down and start to do it. But if you persuade yourself and start doing it, even Armageddon will not be able to tear you away from it.
Wojtek Kania said…

Well I am procrastinator but I'm working on me :) My method of dealing with procrastination is simple - I have always TODO list. I'm trying to have list on every day, week, and month. I have not any funny moment in my life caused by procrastination. I have many bad moments but I keep these for me
I definitely am a procrastinator, because I’m lazy AF. I hate it but I constantly do everything to avoid real work.
My method of dealing with procrastination is being so stressed out about the deadline that I work as crazy just to do the job.
I don’t think that I have had any special moment caused by procrastination.
I procrastinate all the time. Why? Well I think that procrastination only takes place when you delay doing something that you don't want to do and if that's the case then you have your answer. I can't be bothered doing something that bores me so I just leave it for the last moment. Well my way of dealing with procrastination is to accept it, because I believe it's a good thing. It plays an important role, that is it's an indicator of things I don't like and because I probably only have one life I would rather not do things that I despise. Simple as that. Other than that I was once told that rage is my fuel, which might be somewhat correct given the fact that I work better, when there is less time left.
Unknown said…
Right now - yes, I am procrastinator, because of my free time. Year ago, when I was full time worker, I hadn’t have enough time to be procrastinator. I was coming home after work and I was learning some things for university. After university I was going to work. The best method to deal with procrastination is to be busy. Fortunately I’m starting another job, so I will not have a lot of free time anymore.
I think that Netflix is the worst thing in the universe, when you’re a procrastinator :D. Or nah, the worst thing when you’re a procrastinator is Game of Thrones, definitely. I was able to watch this all days.
Same with Breaking Bad. You see, I’ve seen a lot of TV series, and that means I’ve had too much of free time ;).
Unknown said…
You got me! I am 100% procrastinator. I proved it by writing this comment on that day at this time. It was very funny and interesting to listen to this video about myself. I have to congratulate you on this article because it is really great. The monkey made me laugh the most. I really have it in my brain somewhere? Really?! Fortunately there is the panic monster which the monkey is afraid of. Well, it's time to change it! I will start today! Maybe not today but somewhere in the near future! haha ;)
I've never heard about mental hygiene but it sounds nice. One free day in a week? I have to try it for a month. Thanks for advice :D
I'm procrastinator too but I see a lot of profits of being a non-procrastinator like more free time.
I've never failed too with procrastination but I want to have a peaceful life without night dramas caused by an important project :D
Well hello! It's 23:49 03.12.2017 and I'm replying to your comment right now :D
So I'm procrastinator too but I'm ready to fight with it!
Yeah I know... We want to do our stuff as fast as possible but we have power to do it only a night before the deadline. Such a horrible curse!

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Owls are nocturnal creatures. They’re wide awake at night and they sleep during the day. If this sounds like bliss to you, then, like about 20 percent of the population who find themselves most active at around 9 pm, you may fall into the same category as our feathered friend. Night owls often have difficulty waking up in the morning, and like to be up late at night.  Studies of animal behaviour indicate that being a night owl may actually be built into some people’s genes. This would explain why those late-to-bed, late-to-rise people find it so difficult to change their behaviour. The trouble for night owls is that they just have to be at places such as work and school far too early. This is when the alarm clock becomes the night owl’s most important survival tool. Experts say that one way for a night owl to beat their dependence on their alarm clocks is to sleep with the curtains open. The Theory is that if they do so, the morning sunlight will awaken them gently and natura...

Week 4 [06-12.11.2017] This is what happens when you reply to spam email.

James Veitch is a British comedian. In today’s Ted Talk James with characteristic for himself a sense of humor shows how he deals with spam emails and why responding to junk messages may be sometimes dangerous. Questions: What do you think about James’s  way of dealing with spam? Why are junk messages legal, even though it sometimes may be a fraud? Dou you have a problem with spam? How do you deal with with it?

Week 11 [03-09.06.2019] The problem with ecological cars emission in UK

The problem with ecological cars emission in UK Since the adoption of the European Emission Allowance Directive in the European Parliament, all car makers have tried to submit. Since 1992, the Euro I standard has been in force, which limited the emission of carbon monoxide to the atmosphere. The Euro VI standard currently applies, which limits the series of exhaust gases. These include: hydrocarbons, nitrogen and carbon oxides, and dust.   The most significant change was brought by the Euro IV standard. For the first time it introduced the limitation of nitrogen oxides, which are responsible for the harmful compounds of smog.   What is smog?   Smog consists of sulfur oxides, nitrogen and carbon. In addition, solid substances such as suspended dust (PM). Dust suspend in atmospheric aerosols may be in liquid and solid form. These can be particles of sea salt, clouds from the Sahara and artificial compounds made by people. These compounds...