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Week 3 [23-29.10.17] Mr Robot

We live in a strange world. We are directly or indirectly slaves of the corporations and banks. Maybe not everyone works in a corporation, but everyone has a friend who works in a big company. And your friend is exploited by a corporation. He doesn’t have enough time for you. Or when you go out with him, he is very tired. Well,  you are not working in a corporation. But a corporation influences on your relationships. Maybe you don’t have a mortgage, but your parents have and they have to work very hard to pay it off. This is our world. We are slaves of the corporations and banks.

What would happen if somebody removed all informations about loans, mortgages. Is it possible to have a blank card? What would the world look like? Would there be anarchy? Would you be happier? If you would like to see a vision of the world when the world  order falls I recommend watching Mr Robot.

Mr Robot is a series about a young programmer. „Elliot. Just a tech.” He works in a cyber-security company. He meets with the management of corporations. He also see how his friends have to work for many hours and fight with stress, because they have student loans. He has amazing hacking skills and he can destroy all databases, all servers, all data, all informatios of Evil Corp (Evil Corp is a hostile corporation which deals with all element of our lives e. g. food, computers, cars, etc.)

For us, IT students, watching this series should be a pleasure. We will not see „emacsem przez sendmail” hacking. The characters use Kali Linux and all hacking stuff. Even names of episodes are in a geeky style (e. g. „"eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf", "eps2.4_m4ster-s1ave.aes",  "eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h").

For the rest of all (no IT guys J) this series may be also very interesting. Mr Robot is a very complicated drama–thriller series. Its Storyline is very elaborate and complex. The world of the show is fascinating.

1.         Have you seen Mr Robot? What do you think about it?
2.         Do you agree with my introduction? Why? Why not?
3.         Do you think our planet would be a nicer place to live without corporations?



1. I've seen Mr. Robot and it is one of my favourite tv shows of all time. Rami Malek performance is pure masterpiece, like he was born to play Eliot. Malek with help of producers and directors achieved to create multilevel character, a sociopath that despises our civilization and his drug addiction makes him paranoiac. Despite great story and great characters ( not only Eliot) Mr. Robot is a first show that presented hacking as it is. There are no mini-games as data protection or anchoring some secret micro computers to main servers in "James Bond style" in that show. Pure Linux and real attacks - that's a huge advantage for a nerd like me.

2. I agree with you, especially in that part that focus on "IT stuff". In times of Hollywood where hackers are played by actors like Chris Hemsworth and hacking looks more like Indiana Jones adventure than programming, it's a huge plus for Mr. Robot for showing hacking as it is. One think that you forgot to mention is music - in my opinion it rocks (for example moment of suffocation with FKA Twigs playing at the background, episode 8 of first season I think).

3. There is a great french movie called "Les Choristes". Movie tells a story about teachers and their unethical methods of education in school for disaffected youth. They explain themselves using a physics low "action réaction". Why I'm even talking about it? In my opinion big cooperates work the same way. We hate them (ok, maybe not all of us, but most for sure). Of course it would be a nicer place to live without big companies. But reasons why they exists are our needs. Who do not have a phone made probably by child in china or clothes made by starving people from third world country? How many of us don't do shopping in stores like Tesco or Biedronka? It is unfair that people who saves life earn less than football player, but that is how economy works. In my opinion the problem lies in ourselves, not in corporations.
1 Great series, I love this kind of convoluted story telling. In season 2 almost every episode required you look back and rethink all that's happened before.

2. I'm afraid the feeling on our lives being controlled by corporations isn't nothing new, David Fincher shoved it brilliantly in his Fight Club, but If you ask me, it's still preferable to the standard of living of a normal person several hundred years ago.
Where's the edit button?

*required you to look back
Wojtek Protasik said…
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Wojtek Protasik said…
I am not a fan of big companies and/or corporations. I strongly disagree with any company, which tries to affect my life in any matter by creating their own "unique" working culture. However, I'm not a fan of demonizing and generalizing too. Kill or cure solutions are very dangerous and also are the people who follow such ideas. They lack critical thinking and reason. This is why I think your introduction was too straightforward when you offered extreme opposed choices. Appreciate you brought this up , though.

When I give it a thought, it appears (as stated above by someone else) that our needs and choices, so in fact we ourselves, created these companies. In my opinion, the best way to change it, is to start with yourself. I believe it's worth a while to reevaluate our every day routines and the way we think. It might bring us closer to the world we would like to live in. You can vote every day by choosing cinema, products, restaurant and university too.
Unknown said…
I agree with you. Some corporations wants to be seen as a place of people - so it isn't a place or projects, but people who are there - but a key is a word 'seen'.
Some corporations are like a sect - every week a meeting, where someone is saying how awesome they are as a group, how happy should workers be that they are they.
Unknown said…
1. I have never seen a Mr.Robot, but that would be nice if it was finally shown as it is - in most movies and tv series it is shown as just typing ( something like this) and many people think that this really looks like this - quick typing, no thinking
Unknown said…
It is not about a world of bad corporations, it is about groups of people letting the corporations influence their lives. I would like to point out, that corporations in the Nordics (it is an example I know of) do not work that way.
Nobody forces you to do overtime. You get coffee breaks, lunch breaks, leaves, duvet days, maternity leaves, paternity leaves, holidays. You get fair pay and are treated nicely. IF you decide to stay overtime, you get an overtime rate. If you work on weekends, you get paid weekend overtime. Weekend evenings? You would definitely not complain. And if so - you still do not have to do it. Nobody will force you to. This is all law-regulated, because it is not socially accepted to get trampled upon. Working in big corporations also often means housing, insurance (health and dental), phone, car, even computer.
But then again, that tend to be very different depending of the mentality of people in each country. I do not necessarily think that our planet would be a nicer place without big corporations. I think it would be a better place if governments would actually make proper laws about how employees should be treated in these corporations making rejecting holidays, unpaid & forced overtime, overstressing, overworking and generally being treated unfairly things of the past.

Unknown said…
Yes, I saw it, but only the first season. It's interesting and I like the dark color theme. But it's very pessimistic.
People are not unhappy because of corporations. Or loans. Or mortgages. If there wasn't a corporation where somebody works and afterwards don't has time for relationship, he could had worked in the shop and be tired either.
And not every corporation is bad. There are Google, Apple, Adobe, etc. They create really good products, think about environment and people. And simply put, life'd be difficult without banks and corporations.
Unknown said…
Yes, I’ve seen both episodes. This is my favourite TV series. The most appealing thing to me is dark coloured theme and pessimistic attitude. I’m really optimistic in real life so such TV series allows me to leave this world for a while.
I do agree that people working in corporations are usually tired but to be honest every demanding job will make you tired. I think that more important fact that has influence on people tiredness is the peoples approach. Of course their approach depends on company culture and as we know, corporations often do not treat their workers well. That’s why they feel tired and have problems in relationships etc. Of course our planet wouldn’t be a better place to live without corporations. Imagine how many people have job thanks to them, we should rather think about changing things like company culture.
I haven't seen it. But you have my attention with the introduction, and maybe I will find some spare time to start watching it.
Corporations involve people to start living for them. Like your life is based on the condition of corporation. Maybe destroying the corporations won't solve the problem, but their approach to the workers can.
Unknown said…
I haven't even heard about this tv series but I would like to see it. But I know this actor I like his face. I will never work in big corporation. I prefer to work less but have a life. Of course the world would be better. At least I wouldn't stay in traffic jam in Mordor and I wouldn't have to use crowded trams.
Unknown said…
I've seen both seasons and I do like this show, but in my opinion this is big "inflated bubble" among other modern shows, specially directed to youths. Don't get we wrong, actors play good, scenes are well prepared and dialogues are wonderful, but I keep feeling like episodes are written out of flow - they are not consistent by the theme. I will probably watch season 3 and more to come, but it will always stay in the back of my head. Your introduction is an open question (which I guess is a quote from the show) and it was asked hundreds years ago. I feel like we are dependent in a big way from corporates and banks, but getting rid of them is not an option. It is everyone's choice how he or she wants to live and if your friends spend too much time at work or not - whatever, it's their choice, it's ok. There is no corporate which forces you to stay at work when you don't want to. It can be easily compared to the Internet - gives you a lot of opportunities and perks, but most people can't use it properly.
Foodocado said…
I saw the first season of Mr Robot. I was really amazed with the frames, the camera captured. Featuring a good use of colours makes it pleasant to watch.

I don't agree that we are slaves of corporations. People are not forced to work in one of them. Many of them decide to work for big companies with obvious reason - good money.

It's hard to imagine the world without corporations. they bring to world many good things like smartphones, debit cards etc. Nowadays it's imposible to live without any of these.
Alicja said…
Paulina, I like your observation that some corporations act similarly to sects. In certain cases they even behave like a religious cult. On a conference meetings of a corporation that I will not name for legal reasons, their employees must stand up when a director comes in to give a speech and loudly shout out the corporation's name a few times.
Filip Sawicki said…
I have recently finished last episode of Mr.Robot and it took me just under one month to watch from the beginning. That already indicates how good this series is. World created in Mr.Robot is very depressing and dramatic, compounded with corporation intrigues it is very tempting to compare it with the real world. Obviously, we should be conscious and cautious about ethics in businesses. However, I see that lots of people start to over panic and want to see evil things in all real corporations even if most of them are not guilty.
Alicja said…
I have not seen Mr Robot, but I will check it out. I read that it was praised by almost all antivirus companies for its technical accuracy so I think your introduction is spot on. I am also curious about Christian Slater's performance in this TV series.

"What would happen if somebody removed all information about loans, mortgages"? good question, I always wondered what happened after Fight Club's members blew-up all the credit buildings at the end.

I do think we live as slaves today. We learn on history lessons that these poor peasants in medieval Europe had to pay 1/4 on all personal property and income. Today we must pay to the government in various forms of taxes and insurances well more than that. Banking mortgages are certainly also a form of slavery. It is often very difficult to get out of the contract and you are forced to be chained to the place with a burden of debt for 30 or more years.
Unknown said…
Actually, I haven't watched any episode of Mr. Robot as the author of the comment above, but it really seems to be very interesting. To my mind, it would be some kind of utopian world, because even despite of all dreams about the world without loans, huge corp. it is impossible. Globalisation has reached so advanced level and it would be very weird idea to try to unchain us, that's why it is especially attractive to see how our world would function without banking system etc.
Yeah, your introduction is quite fair, but Idk if we can change something. Huge corporations are based on such office workers and as a consequence these corporations create service industry in most Western countries. As we know, this industry takes a position of the most important and desirable part of any modern economy. I am deeply confident that no-one would led you to overthrow the system.
Unknown said…
I absolutely loved the series! However I can't separate just one thing thet make me love it. its more like a orchestra of excellent operators work, scenario, actors. It's like you inside in it. You start to feel it as it was real.
Corporations is just representation of people. People is the root of whole problems we have got so far. That is the main objective of the series - to show that the problem is not in corporations but in people. And to change that you have to change people rather then corporations.
Now this is an interesting movie I didn't hear about. Thanks a lot for the introduction! World with companies is kinda hard to imagine, personally I don't believe that the actual quality of life would improve, it'd rather drop due to people becoming lazy and not really focused on doing anything productive - that's only my opinion though.
Unknown said…
After much hype, i watched Mr. Robot. After just few episode, it started to become more and more unrealistic. Well the hacking and everything is fine but the story takes twist for worst and most of the characters starts to drifts away from reality. Well i don't like the "beautiful mind" twist and it takes away all fun from the series... Sorry but its pretty boring.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
No time to comment, I have to watch it right now. Just kidding.

Well, what do you suggest to put instead of corporations? I've heard about those, who have tried to divide wealth equally between everyone. Sounds good, dosen't work, as Trump says. What do we need is to make them really work for the society, not only for the good of their CEO's. This will be the right approach, in my opinion.
Maciej Główka said…
I really like Mr. robot. I was bewitched after first episode. In my opinion it is one of the best tv show right now.

I agree with your introduction, but not maybe in 100%. Daily work influences our lives, I think it is obvious. On the other hand, you can for example travel with money you earned, so working in corporation isn't 100% evil.

In my opinion world couldn't exist without big companies. We, as society, should put a pressure on them to work for us and to make our world better.
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I’ve watched entire first season and couple episodes of second season of Mr.Robot, and in my opinion it’s a bit overhyped. It’s a good show but I wouldn’t call it one of the best.
I can’t completely agree with your introduction, yeah corporations exploit people but it’s not because they are corporations per se but it’s because of people working in them. I don’t think that people working for big corporations are more exploited than people working for small companies like local grocery shops.
No, I don’t think that our planet would be a nicer place to live without corporations. Corporations boost our economy and give a job to hundred thousands of people. I don’t think that any of them would be happy, if they lost it because some random person decided for them that their company is “Evil” and decided to destroy it.
Unknown said…
Wojtek, thank you very much because I have never heard about this tv series but after trailer which you link here I know that I will watch it. Sometimes ago I thought that I would prefer to live in the world where we don't want have access to internet because it would protect world from globalisation and big corporations. Now I treat this like a humanity progress and we shold looking for assets that we can easliy communicate with people from all word.

I think that is is not problem that big corporations exists. It is problem with our social and political system. In the most of countries we have democracy which cause simple problem - everybody can lead. It is easy to buy such people and what's then? Big corporations have power to change laws and they have tools to influance on our life.

I feel that we should change our mind and we should understand that democracy not protect us as human from these days world problems which we have to face. If we have people who can lead in the countries and be responsible for they acts - it can easily protect us from big corporation's influance.
Unknown said…
The idea of destroying the System already existed before, for example in the "Fight Club" movie. But there is one small problem with all that "world without Evil" stuff: if you are going to destroy the backbone of a whole world (that is, no doubt, money), you should propose something better as a replacement. If you can't describe why your future world is better(and still real) then already existing one, then there is no sense of destroying one evil and reassemble another.
Neither you can just say goodbye to corporations and blow them up, smiling to the applause of a folk you freed from loans and mortgages(and perhaps from their work too).
Almost every(!) revolution causes more pain for country then gain of it. February Revolution in the Russian Empire, for example, had wiped out of existence a lot of scientists all over the country. Every revolution in Ukraine brought more problems then solutions and made everything only worth.
By the way, I think that the real problem is rather in people themselves. Everyone should be aware of how economy works, because it's a part of their life. Better educational system can resolve a lot of other problems as well, so I would rather invest in this area.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I have seen 'Mr. Robot' and I find it as a really interesting and well-written series. While it was a great experience for me to watch it, I may still understand people who doesn't like it. It shows the world from a certain point of view that some people may not agree with. What I love the most about it is that it shows the psychology of the main characters in-depth and we may really have some thoughts about how the reality and human mind really works.

I don't really agree with that introduction. It is showing corporations as one and only evil of this world. People who aren't working in corporations are also often tired and it may affects they relations with other people as well. If we hate corporations, then why would we use their products? I doubt that a person who wrote this intro isn't using any of the large companies gadgets or hardware. We can blame them for many things, but we also have a lot to thank them for - they make our lives infinitely easier. Just imagine, how life would be though without help of one of the largest companies in existence - Google.

As stated in the previous paragraph, I think that life without corporations would be pretty though now that we got used to so many things created and provided by them.
Unknown said…
I have had worked in a corporation and it was awful.
I will definitely watch Mr Robot right now:)
I kinda feel the same about corporation but there are some "good" that creates new things, and useless focused only on making money.
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1. Yeah, one of the best series. Malek did fantastic job playing Eliot. I loved everything, climat, storylane, characters and music oh music was sooooo good there. Scene with "Hell of a night" was the best.

2. I have had worked in corporation and i liked it a lot so i can't agree with your introduction. Corporations are not bad. How many good things we got becouse of them. The problem is with people leading such companies, with greed and willing of power.

3. Without corporations? Nope, without human qualities mentioned above, for sure.
Vyvyan said…
I think that vision of life without corporations is not good. I mean, the corporation isn't that bad. We can have earn a lot of money working for them, have many benefits (for example health care - I'm making use of health care from my job, it's invaluable benefit when you broke your leg or you are very ill and can have help without queue unlike in hospitals - few hours of waiting). The problem is I think in treating employees because, mostly, employee is just a tool for a company.

I watched a few episodes mr. robot. This series is very interesting, but sometimes very unreal. This, however, prompts you to think of even unreleased things that may be available in the future. This series presents a number of everyday computing issues that are often overlooked by many employees, which is often seen in the show.
In answer to the last question, I agree that our planet would be better without the corporation.
Yes i have seen Mr Robot. I watched full season one and despite the ending which disappointment me a bit, I enjoyed it. I disagree with introduction. I think that if you don't like corporations, just avoid them. But still, it's hard to imagine the world without corporations, they exist because of us, and we cannot exist without them.
We weren't enslaved by corporations, we chose to become slaves ourselves. We humans are a species of apes, that is social animals, so making and joining groups is inherently associated with our lives, most of us simply need them to survive. With it comes all the other issues that we face like enemy groups. I believe that's why a lot of people tend to think of corporations as enemies. But they are not some form of evil creatures that spawned out of void to destroy everything we love, they are made of other humans, they are made of us. So if we want to see any positive change we have to act ourselves, companies need us so strike them where it hurts.

Would our world be a better place without corporations? Maybe, maybe not, as I mentioned before it all depends on us to make changes that will try to mitigate the damage that our species did. It all went wrong with agricultural revolution anyway, so why not try something new.
Dear Krzysztof, I agree with you – Mr Robot is beautify made and music is excellent but the storyline itself is indeed overhyped and it’s just too much. As for working in corporations I think that people in IT are now very in demand and are treated very well both in terms of salary and working conditions.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I didn`t watch this film and I would like to do it. I agree with your point of view that people are kind of trapped in this "economic trap" that have been developing through many years. Working in a big corporations making this system evolve, but most of us just have to do it for the living.
Unknown said…
I've seen few episodes and it would be an understatement if I said that I did not like it. Maybe it is because I don't understand the show but the hype that surrounds the whole thing killed it for me to the point where if I see or hear something about Mr Robot I just roll my eyes and ignore the person talking. There is just nothing special about it. There aren't any likeable characters, the plot is not interesting and the premise of a world without corporations is idiotic. People need someone to lead them, they need a government, a corporation or whatever it is that they answer to, to guide them and constraint them. Without them it would be a total chaos. For me the show is a no go.
Are we really forced to succumb to corporation control ? Dont think so! Is it convenient for us definitely yes! No one is forcing u to use Facebook account or credit card we choose so for our convince and we fail to see what consequences it brings for our lives.
Can we imagine world without corporations probably not because of years inside corporation controlled society, but our grandparents probably can go ask them what they think about those for some it will be worse for others way better. I dont think that having to wait weeks for products to be aviable would suit our society and thats one of the problems corporations solve steady continuous supply of goods all around the world.
Unknown said…
1. I have neverseen it.
2. I do agree. Why?Constant rat race, poor treating of employees and greedy and power hungry bosses. Do ireally need to say more?
3. Yes i do.
1. Have you seen Mr Robot? What do you think about it?
First three episodes got me very interested and I really wanted to watch the next one very fast. After seeing three next my expectations went completely the other way.. It was a pure computer series and later ended to be lame just like many others...
2. Do you agree with my introduction? Why? Why not?
Hmm cannot say - about loans, mortgages... That is why those are still on paper and not just in the IT systems.

3. Do you think our planet would be a nicer place to live without corporations?
Corporations have good and bad sides. You would not drive a car with full warranty and specified standards (Opel, VW, Chevrolet, Honda) or use YouTube or even eat the same sandwich in every Country (McDonalds, Burger King) if there were no corporations at all. Just like in corporations - think BIG :)
Unknown said…
I've seen it, but the second season was not as good as first one. Still, very good TV series. All the hacking stuff is made in a very interesting way.
You know, corporations are more strict than start-ups for example, but you don't have to work in it. There are a lot of opportunities. Personally, I don't like that rat race and I will not work in a corporation.
"Do you think our planet would be a nicer place to live without corporations?"
I don't know. Corporations are here cause of our needs. Can you imagine life without a smartphone, internet connection, etc.?
Unknown said…
I have seen the show and I am the huge fan of it. The show i realistic and interesting to watch. On of two world's existing TV shows that I would recommend to anyone. But still, I disagree with your introduction and with the thoughts of Eliot during the first season. We need the banking system because it is the thing, that evolution brought us to. Many years ago you could have only what you have earned for. But nowadays, we have an access to the credit systems, which allows us to buy a car, or, for example a home even if we are not a billionaire. But this is jus my opinion.
Unknown said…
I've never seen Mr. Robot before. The trailer was very interesting to me. I think I will catch up in the near future.
I agree with this introduction. I know many people who are living fast and they are running and they don't know why. It's sad and i think that now it's kind of art to have the ability to stop and rest.
The world desires more and more money, people are very ambitious. Maybe too ambitious? We live in a society dominated by consumerism. Our world is running, and not everyone is able to catch up with it. I think that it was with Mr Robot. Although he was outstanding in what he did, his psyche did not keep up. I think about that if world without it will be better but i think that no. Problem is in people not in progress.

Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I haven’t seen the show but I’ve heard so much good opinions from my friends about it that I’ll just have to watch it sooner or later.
While we kind of are slaves to the corporations we simply let them into our lives, we’ve allowed them to.
I’m not sure if our planet would be a nicer place to live without corporations. Different? For sure, but how different it’s really hard to say.
Wojtek Kania said…
Thanks your comment! Yeah that is true that first season is very pessimistic. But I recommend to watch season 2, because...well I can't tell you why, because it will be a spoiler.
Wojtek Kania said…
Thanks for your comment! These series is for everyone who worked or collaborated with corporation ;) Just watch all two seasons. Because first season might be a depressive.
Yes, I have seen the first season of "Mr.Robot". I think , it's the most true series about "hackers and etc." which has quite interesting and dazzling plot and good actors.
I am not fully agree with above mentioned statement, I think its too early to declare that " We are slaves of the corporations and banks". In my opinion, corporations are natural "phenomenon" in our society. I can't imagine world without them - our governments are big corporations, also I think it's stupid to call every corporation evil. I don't know how we can change it and should we do it at all. But , I definitely worry that people behind those really enormous "corporations" have too much power.
No, I think it's terrible idea to go backwards. I don't believe, that planet would be a nicer place to live without corps., don't forget that people manage corporations and there will always be powerful and powerless people . Problem in us.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately I haven't heard about Mr. Robot. I have just checked Mr Robot's rating on Filmweb and... wow 8.2/10 this is a very good rating. Your introduction really encouraged me to watch this film and I think I will check it out in near the future. It is hard for me to imagine how our world will look like when all people have a blank card. I would like to see a vision of the world shown in Mr Robot just to see how people will react on this new situation. I have to agree with part of your introduction. Big company has a lot of influence on people who work there. Not without reason we call them a corpo-rat.
On the other hand they are not forced to work there - this is their choices. It depends on us how we use our free time.
Sometimes people have to learn separating work from their real free time.
Unknown said…
I have never seen that show and this not the topic I am interested in. But never say never. Maybe one day I will try it, I have heard many good reviews.
Well, I have never worked in a huge corporation, neither my family or close friends did. And, to tell the truth, I would avoid it as much as possible. I am more into arts and freedom. Cant imagine such a work. And I hate banks and all about it. So, yes, maybe for me the world would be a better place without corporation. Or there would be a total chaos. Nobody knows. But I also know, that some people are in love with their crop job. So it all depends.
KamilG said…
I haven't seen that serie, moreover it's my first time hearing this. I'm a huge fan of movies and series, I liked "Black mirror" very much and your proposition seems similar to that serie.
I don't agree with you about corporations, because I'm working now in one and don't feel exploited. I think that the myth about corporations exploiting workers remains in the past. Now many of them are trying to provide proper circumstances to their workers, especially IT specialists. For example they allow programmists to work in any space, even parks, homes etc.
I don't think that the world without corporations would be a lot nicer, just everyone would work in their small companies, which sometimes takes a lot more time than corporations. Besides, everyone has choice, people can go to work in corporation, but also in a small company, or even to found their own business.
Magdalena Popek said…

I've never seen Mr Robot as I just don't watch TV series. I somehow agree with the intro of your presentation, however I , myself, haven't experienced such life yet (fortunately). Corporations nowadays want people to sacrifice their lives for work. They start building kindergartens, gyms, supermarkets inside their bulidings. It is a great convinience for people working there but it makes you spend most of the time in a place where you work.
Zygmunt Z said…
I have watched every episode of Mr Robot that was released by USA Network. I can’t say that it is my favourite tv show but I really like its that the episodes vary from each other. One can be psychedelic, another one is a strong thriller or a crime story. Sometimes it is also similar to Fight Club if we look at Elliot – character played by Rami Malek in Mr Robot and The Narrator played by Edward Norton in the second title. Its realism is also very strong side. What I can't agree is your introduction, which is quite lousy. I don't know if it is really your opinion or is it its complete lack and your source of creating a point of view is rooted in watching tv series. I don't think that corporations affect you or your relationships. People create atmosphere in corporation not corporation itself. Also, you can't say that when you go out with someone is tired because of "working in corporation". I'm sorry but it is complete bullshit. Working somewhere else also can be very demanding and at the end of the day you can be very tired. Finally, I can't imagine world without corporations because they boost economies and provide place of work to many people. I don't think that anybody would be happy if they were informed that someone is planning to destroy their place of work just because it is evil. It is as stupid as your introduction.
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A friend of mine has told me about that series and he was very enthusiastic about it. I haven't seen it YET but im going to watch it in my free time soon.
About introduction: really interesting and I'm more interested in watching it.
Corporations these days are like country but without a land. They have their own culture, specific language and power of influence. I'm not sure if we are slaves but many people think so.
Does our planet would be a nicer place to live without corporations? It's hard to answer yes or no because I have no idea how would our world look like without corporations. Propably after destroying all corporations some people will build their economic empires. So corporations will still exists.
Unknown said…
I have never watch Mr Robot but i think i have to start because it look very interesting and good. For me hacking is very interesting because you can do something without any permission and get some interesting data in silence and only for you. You can also check how some company is safety and maybe give him some advice what they can do to save our data better then now. Mr robot also talk about my branch so its more interesting for me because of that.
Unknown said…
Have you seen Mr Robot? What do you think about it?
I’ve seen Mr. Robot and I like it. That tv show is worth of recommendation. The serial keeps you in suspense, and is unpredictable. I know that third series is recently available, but unfortunately I haven’t had time to watch yet.
Do you agree with my introduction? Why? Why not?
I partially agree with you but I think people trying to lead their own business are also „always in the work” and with comparison to corporations the salary is lower in small private sections. Furthermore in corporation, when you are hired based on time, you make your 8 hours and go home, everything else is up to you.
Do you think our planet would be a nicer place to live without corporations?
In my opinion world without corporations would be slower and less civilized. Without communication, and transport people would live in their cottages like in tribes. But maybe then we would be happier.
Unknown said…
1. Have you seen Mr Robot? What do you think about it?
2. Do you agree with my introduction? Why? Why not?
3. Do you think our planet would be a nicer place to live without corporations?

Yeah, I've seen Mr. Robot and it was a blast! I love this show, first ever tv show, an entertainment production, which sticks to the facts about how computers, networking and most of all the skewed (by other tv shows and movies) image of hacking. Anyone watched first movie about hackers - "Hackers"? Computer viruses eating up files as a pacman animation or a rabbit multiplying itself? Or an NCIS hacking episode of two people hacking using one keyboard? I/we needed something real and Mr. Robot delivered. Real, actual command line, real life examples of security exploits, vulnerabilities, events, approaches, possible situations of breaking into or defending against an attack. Much respect for the directors.
The first season (following seasons are sadly a downfall in the plot) focuses about corporations or rather one big worldwide corporation - Evil Corp. The exaggerated form of such a corporation is crucial to show what's it really about. In the first 2-3 episodes it reminded me of Apple, the 'E' sign everywhere, like an apple sign everywhere you look (United States at least I imagine). Corporations are not evil itself but let me remind you their goal is to make shareholders/stakeholders happy, by any means neccessary and rather often than not in a questionable ways or methods of doubtful ethics. So when they say they do something for the greater good or to make our lives better, easier, more eco friendly, I call it a bull. There are corporations more wealthy than whole countries. The influence they make or can make frightens me.
I don't think it is possible to "live without corporations", I think it is inevitable to end up with just a few of them in the end, ruling over us ;)

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