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Week 3 [23-29.10.17] Blind color human became a cyborg

I’m sure you all have heard about color blindness. But I think not everyone knows how this illness was discovered. John Dalton living in XVIII and XIX century one day decided to buy his mother a pair of stockings. He picked nice light grey ones and imagine his astonishment when his lovely mother told him that she would never wear them, because this color was inappropriate. She explained to him that was not a good idea for an older woman to wear red stockings. That’s when he realized he was color-blind.

Nowadays color blind people have a lot of obstacles in their everyday life. They can’t start a driving course, they may wear odd colors (because they don’t realize what they’re wearing) and mainly they can’t see the beauty of nature: flowers, trees and so on.

Neil Harbisson is a color blind person, but recently he can listen to colors, what sound even better than observing them. A color detector was created for him. His electronic eye detects colors and sends to his head sounds. In that way he can recognize colors, but that’s not all. He also can watch music. As he learned color names he can listen to music and present it using colors. He is also capable of hearing faces. Sounds really awesome, doesn’t it?

As people who were born color blind aren’t able to dream in colors – he can! It is really amazing.
People who have never seen any color – can’t imagine it. That’s obvious – how they could be learned what for example green looks like? Neil Harbisson actually learned colors in his way and now he lives as we do. I mean – not really, he has a really interesting life now ;)

Now he treats his electronic eye as a part of his body. And he’s right saying that he looks like a cyborg, but it really makes his life easier.

In my opinion his life is really awesome, but I’m not sure if I would like to hear all colors and finally listen to something all the time.

At the end of his speech he tells a very wise and important statement “I think life will be much more exciting when we stop creating applications for mobile phones and we start creating applications for our own body.” I totally agree with him.

What do you think about this kind of “app”?
If you had a choice, what app/device would you like to create? Which sense would you like to extend? 


Wojtek Protasik said…
At first, I do not envy him. I like the story, it's impressive how he made it but I'm also sure he doesn't always feel that life is so awesome while he can't see as the rest do. Again, it's good he's happy and he made it.

When it comes to programmable body I would focus on helping people out first. Personaly I don't see anything sepcial or exciting about human apps. Many people follow Elon Musk ideas these days so check it out

And I'm also already satisfied with my current human functionality. No need for enhancement :)
Unknown said…
I believe I would like to extend my hearing, because sometimes I really can't hear what was said, even if it was repeated three or more times (I don't have got any health issues with it)
To the point of seeing colors - I've seen somewhere, that blind person was taught about colors with objects - cold stone was blue, hot one - red. I agree with those, no more colors were shown.
After seeing this I started to think how would I describe other colors. This is really hard! Easiest ones were shown.
It is really hard! How would you describe yellow to someone, who has never seen sun or sunflowers? How would you describe grey color?
The hardest thing about it is that except blue and red percepion of colors is very differently.
Most people think that green is soothing, while it is teasing me.
Yellow could be describes as feeling, when spring, warm sun is touching your skin, how about other colors?
Unknown said…
For colorbind people this sounds awsome. But for healthy human? As a oddity, yes but for daily use? No. It kinda reminds me Blade Runner or Deus Ex game. Look at main character build-in sunglasses :) This kind of research is very important as it helps sick/disabled/injured people. It is not meant for healthy people. Someone who wants to exchange his/her health for app/device has mental problems.
Unknown said…
Once I saw a video on YouTube about glasses that make it possible to see colors for people who can't do this. It's called "These glasses cured my colorblindness". It's so exciting to watch somebody discovering the colors of the world after so many years of colorblindness. But it seems that the guy from this article and the guy from the video I saw have different types of colorblindness.
I would like to create an app or smartphone that allows people to send smells and tastes. It'd be wonderful. Video in 360 with smells. (Ok, maybe it wouldn't be wonderful in every case). But we could try food before buying it.
Every try of helping someone with disease is something good. Technology develop in such a high speed that I'm sure that in the future improving our bodies with technology will be something normal. I don't think that we will become some kind of super-humans like in many games, movies or anime but people which will be born without leg or with some light disease will have opportunity to be cured in one way or another.
There are already attempts to create fake skin for people with burn wound or mechanical heart to be used in transplantation.
The hardest problems to solve are ones with neurons so if I would be a person to solve that problem, it would be nice ( of course I know it will not be me to do it, but it is nice to have dreams :) ). Also I would like to create an app that would help diabetics.
At the end I would like to mention about Cyborgs, because that is what it is about. Think of body modification as improving our bodies, not helping ill people. Adding some mechanism to make us better in some way. Sounds nice, but what about security? There is a saying "no system is safe". What about mechanical heart - can it be hacked? Technology is a great think but we should not put it in every aspect of life without serous reason.
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So hard to imagine how he remembers all the sounds of the colors. But it's a real thing and that is not future. When i heard what John told us about his life(how it's difficult to make it looks like a habit, about passport), i started thinking about creating or improving this kind of app to help more people. For now, it's really helpful, but i can not understand how creators found that idea.
If i had a choice, what app/device would you like to create? Which sense would you like to extend?
Generally speaking, it doesn't matter what kind of app it will be, but it definitely must help people with diseases(cancer,hiv,aids) and for disabled.
Unknown said…
An app (or product) that makes at least one person with any type of issues happier is from my point of view a valuable app. One thing that is always important to consider is if the idea/product can be a threat if in wrong hands, but other than that, it is fine. When it comes to improving healthy people - this is very controversial and every case should in my opinion be considered on its own. For example, while a visual system (google glass-like) helping to notice pedestrians or oncoming traffic, analyzing the input and notifying about threats while driving might be good, the same system analyzing peoples biometrics, associating them with Facebook/social media profiles and providing instant data about them does not sound as good anymore.
I'm of the opinion that technology is made to make our lives easier and if it is made to help with some kind of desease or condition, it's even better. It's better not to share your ideas, so no one could use/steal them :). But now seriously, I don't have and good idea for an app that could help, someone with a specific condition, out.
Unknown said…
I think that this is great idea. The most important fact is the willingness to do such a thing being color blind. In my opinion this is huge opportunity for people suffering that illness to expand their whole brain. Colors are really important in life, we connect them with emotions, feelings, we improve our creativity and imagination thanks to them and it is terrible that people who are color blind wouldn’t have opportunity to feel this. This device is great opportunity for them and I do appreciate it a lot.
In my opinion for sense to expand I’d choose hearing. I think that interesting thing would be some kind of echolocation for people. Dolphins are able to use echolocation, such a thing would be very useful for soldiers for instance in difficult areas.
Marcin Mróz said…
I think that everything that helps people with some disfunctions feel or make things they normally cannot do needs admiration, no matter if it's an app or device. It's really great that technology nowadays enables us to do such things. If I had a choice, I would like to create something for blind or deaf people. I think their lifes are really hard and it would be amazing if there was something that could help them in everyday existence.
Anonymous said…
Combining ears with eyes would be cool in my opinion. What if you might listen someone and read it at the same time? I mean - someone is talking to you and at the same time you can see in front of your eyes his speech. That would be cool for visuals!
About describing colors - I think it's impossible to explain how any color looks like. Not only to color-blind people, but also to blind people.
Anonymous said…
Actually you're right. I didn't mean exchanging health for such experience, but it would be nice to try and experience his everyday feelings.
Anonymous said…
The "easiest" diseases are I think not a problem nowadays. I've seen an app recently witch helps blind people. Actually it's some kind of a society who creates this app. Blind person can for example send a picture of a milk to this app and he gets a respond if milk is expired or good to drink. It's really awesome that people all the time are using technology to help others.
Anonymous said…
Wow Łukasz, that's a great idea! But unfortunately there would always be a guy who would try to hack this app/device and I think it would became useless soon.
Anonymous said…
I agree with you. It's really cool that nowadays not only money matter, but also helping others.
Unknown said…
This is very good for him to find himself in this colorful world. He reminds me Black Mirror episode (S03E05) about cyborg soldiers and all examples given in this episode how human can take advantage of its own senses with some electronic input. Personally, I would not like to become him. Being able to hear colors must be great feature in life, but not for grayscale price till the end of your life. I love colors and this just simply would be too much for me to lose them, because colors work like indexes in my brain for emotions, people, food, music, feelings etcetera. I would like to create device or switch to enable and disable synesthesia any time I want (synesthesia - ability to feel colors).
Unknown said…
To be honest I woudn't like to walk with a horn on head like unicorn. Plus this machine makes sounds which are very irritating and they would make me nervous. I have never thought about this driver problem that they can't get driving licence. I guess that in Poland they can. If not, they should do something with this maybe some car system. About app I think that it is interesting but I wouldn't wear it.
Unknown said…
I admire this man because he managed to create a device, which is able to perceive ultraviolet, which is not possible for any human. Moreover, I may just guess how Neil Harbisson can remember the sound of every colour. There's no doubt, that we must expand our senses and creat new devices, which will help to enjoy life for the people with such health defects. His main message was whole understandable for me. Unfortunately, I don't have any specific ideas about new devices but I am inclined to believe that there are lots of new projects,which are waiting for their money and time.
Unknown said…
His clothing says only that his perception of color is radically different from ours.
And sure this idea has application. Not only has it given intimate color perception to someone that has never seen colors before, but he also explains he can sense the intensity of ultra violet radiation on a sunny day.
With enough training in color theory people with his condition could become normal artists using color to sound devices, unlike people with more common color blind conditions. That's unheard of.
Alicja said…
He is an entertaining speaker :)

The app is interesting, but I found even more interesting how his body responded to him using the app. He mentions that in his dreams his brain started to transform colors into sounds and that he also started to be able to see sounds as colors. These are the symptoms of synthesia disorder. It is a phenomenon in which simulation of one sensory pathway leads to automatic triggering of experiences in other senses.
Quite a few famous people had this disorder including Franz Liszt, Stevie Wonder, Nabokov and physicist Richard Feynman. Richard Feynman saw letters as colors, so he experienced the mathematical equations as colorful pictures. He often wondered "what the hell it must look like to the students" :)

I find it fascinating that the speaker developed this sensory and cognitive pathways' modifications later in his life and due to being stimulated by the app. We still know so little about how our brain works. It is exciting to get a glimpse into each occurrence of a new phenomenon.

As for what kind of app I would like to develop, I go with what Anastasiia wrote about creating an app that could produce an experience of gustation.
I enjoy cooking and good food so that would be a treat for me. I'm not sure about a smell app though. I'm having a nightmare imagining a mixture of smells in Warsaw public transportation, which already leaves us rich in odour experiences.
Filip Sawicki said…
How awesome is that? We are living in times when technological revolution is influencing also our own bodies. This is going to be even more apparent in the following years, as the research in human-computer interaction is going to flourish. Apart from colour blindness we have already seen some promising technologies that allow to overcome blindness using cybernetic vision sensors (basically artificial eye). Imagine world where each organ could be replaced with mechanical one. This may be also controversial, but it is rather a broad topic so I’m not going to discuss it here.
Unknown said…
It's great that with our technology we can help such people to make there life easier and brighter. On the other hand it brings to the table questions of ethics and morale. And what I mean by that is if those apps come into our world it would divide our society even more. Questions of privacy will be raised. Personally I wouldn't like to "upgrade" my senses and go completely natural.
To be honest I'm happy I wasn't born with color-blindness and I don't need any form of "replacement" to fill this gap. From technological point of view this is awesome and I'm happy to see that such things exist, but at the same time I'm happy that I don't need anything like that myself.
Unknown said…
Have you heard about synesthesia? Long story short it is phenomenon in which one sensorical reaction activates another one, which is not related in usual way (hear colors, taste sounds, see music as combination of colors). The concept of this device is really looks like usage of such latent ability of our mind. Even not having color blindness, I'd like to try this device and experience the way of "hearing colors".

I believe that human body is full of bad engineering decisions and requires an upgrade. The way we perceive the world around us, our weakness in the face of multiple diseases, genetic diseases etc., all of these problems cn be solved with cybernetical improvement of the incomplete mechanism created by nature. The age of gods from the machine is coming. What a time to be alive, as they say.
Anonymous said…
Oh God... This man can finally see like everybody and you think it's controversial? If somewhere on the planet there is a kid who can't draw, paint and use colors because he's blind, you'd also say that he can't have any device/app because it's controversial? I assume that you also would rather die than have an artificial heart or any organ?
Unknown said…
It feels like we're living in the future now. Like in movies when people partly becomes robots. From one point of view upgrading people sounds good, if it really needed, but as always it'd become something different. People will change or add some part of their body because they are bored, or worst, they will use their 'body apps' for violence. But who knows, maybe I'm too pessimistic.
Unknown said…
It is nice that such device can help him. In my opinion I prefer to see colors and I am really grateful that I don't have such limits. I think that 'hearing' colors is not perfect solution and we as programmers should still develop technology to help people to fight with their disabilities.

I heard about glasses which was made for color-blind people. I watched reaction of people who are color-blind and after they wear such glasses they start crying and behave like they see colors. I am not sure that it is true. Maybe this is only marketing because I don't know person who is color-blind and also tried this glasses.

I hope that I will have opportunity to work somedays on project which helps some people to win with their disabilities. I feel that we as programmers have a huge occassion to use our abilities to make this world a better place.
Unknown said…
The way Neil Harbisson perceive reality is awesome! He has to hear the difference between tones of sound, and I believe that he has very strong hearing.

If I had a chance, I would extend not one of the senses but our memory. As for me it is the only big advantage of today's AI comparing to human. If we could remember things in a seconds and keeping them in our memory forever, then our life would be a lot of better.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I don't really like the idea of having any extensions to normal and healthy human bodies. That sound's pretty abnormal even for my standards. That's the reason I wouldn't like to work on such an "apps" or devices.

The ones that I truly admire and perceive as something which would make people's lives easier are the ones aimed for the disabled. We shouldn't focus on upgrading senses that work like they're supposed to. Instead, we should probably focus on fixing the faulty ones.

On this video we can see the early technology that helps the disabled. It's pretty primitive, but it has a chance to become something better. I fully support that kind of technologies and hope they would evolve fast.
To be honest with you, it sounds like a science-fiction to me. If it's true, then it would be great progress in treatment of blindness. If i were blind i would tottaly try this technology on myself. It would make blind people life so much easier.
Unknown said…
Looking at this man i can't afford thought that it isn't likely to "hear" the colours. Maybe it's the way to learn and imagine the sounds... Maybe that people can learn a lot of theory about colors and when they hear the sound they can connect it with this knowledge bu t i'm preatty sure that it's imposible to hear the colour so beautyful like it is. I don't say taht this cyborg eye isn't useful beacuse it is but i really can't belive that it's similar to see the colour.
If i could make app like this i want to create something like true mind control app. It will be great to make all things in our smartphones even touching it. It will be helpfull for ex. for paralyzed people. I know that we have trial versions of such applications but i know that it isn't works.
Vyvyan said…
Awesome! We definitely should start making apps for our bodies like this. It's very big step in technology/medicine and I support them. In future, when this technology evolve a little, it will help in curing the blindness or other diseases.
That is a really interesting invention. I think that it’s great that thanks to technology we are able to help people with disabilities. I heard also about glasses for deaf people. Inspired by FPS video games, which typically show a red glow in the direction from which an enemy is shooting at you, these glasses will light up at the edges when they detect sound in that direction.
It's an amazing ability of a human brain that it can adjust to so many things. I once saw a documentary about a deaf person who used touch to hear. The way it worked was, through the use of a special cyber-t-shirt which would convert the sounds waves into mild vibrations, he would feel on the skin at various parts of his back. At first it only allowed him to distinguish between basic sounds, but after several months of training, he became capable of having normal conversations.

Another interesting example covered in that documentary, was the use of an exoskeleton to speed up recovery of patients with fractured spines. Basically, allowing people to walk using the exoskeleton, stimulated their bodies to faster rebuild the damaged nerves, and speed-up their rehabilitation.
Unknown said…
I think this kind of "app" is what will push the evolution of humanity in right direction. Natural evolution is too slow to satisfy needs of next generations. That's why we need something more.

It's only a matter of time before we move from prosthetics for war veterans to the stage, when we provide all people with body augmentations on daily routine, changing their lives entirely. I am waiting for technology letting people transfer their minds to new bodies. I am waiting for a time, when people change functions of their body parts at will, don't have to care about diseases, can change malfunctioning parts at any time and so on. This is the future.
Unknown said…
I think that Filip's point was that we might get to a point when we replace whole bodies with synthetic ones. Some people think that a human with non-human body is no longer a human being. This is a phylosophical question and it refers to a universal problem of defining humanity.
Unknown said…
In my opinion people shouldn't extends their limbs. It is unnatural. "Cyborg" that this article mentrions is too much complicated technology too wear. It can be broken at some point and what then? It sure can help, but also is dependent on electricity and could be "buggy".
Unknown said…
Wow, I haven't heard about that. I think it's great for colorblind people. Just imagine how "empty" life without colors is. We even associate colors with emotions. For example: red - rage, blue/green - peace etc. It's amazing, that they can finally describe some objects not only by their shape, but personally I think it's not necessary for healthy people. Of course, I would like to try it, but that's it.
About creating some devices, I think I've seen too many episodes of Black Mirror, what makes me a little bit pessimistic, haha. Futuristic, high tech devices, that can integrate with our brain are excellent, without a doubt. Unfortunately, there are people, who would love to hack those devices and who knows what are they able to do with our minds.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
Actually, I am keen on cyborgs and cyberpunk topics. I would not be even against plugin my body with some mechanical awesome tools.
Should we extend our senses ? Even if we could would it be really good for us ? What if we could see at night wouldnt then sunlight become irritating/painful? Or if we could hear more how would u sleep if even silence would not be silent ? I think that having our senses expanded, enhanced would leave us as incapable as we are now just in different spectrum now we could see at night but we would be blind in sunlight and so on. As for Him video is old fortunately we have now glasses that can correct some aspects of colour blindness, its been 15 years and we just have that which means fortunately sense enhancements and body apps are far away from us.
I think it is really awesome that he had a problem, a disability and he didn’t give up and tried to live it. He found a way to lead a normal life recognizing all the colors. That is very impressing but to be honest I don’t think I could stand constant beeping.
For me every app that helps people to deal with their disability is great. After watching this men Ted presentation and the way he is psyched about it shows me it is working :) Some time ago there was an article about glasses that helps you to see sounds - they are just showing from which side and what amplitude sound is coming from . For me a great extend of our senses would be glasses that are able to zoom an area we want to see better - some kind of zooming binoculars. That would give me great advantage for me when shooting a long range. Or maybe some kind of night vision would be great to drive at night easily.
Unknown said…
Such things are the reason to live form dont you think? Imagine in 50 years we could be so technologically advanced that we could increase our reflexes by a thousandfold with a push of a button. Still Daniel is right about many things, but i hope that i will live long enough to be able to see times when it will become possible.
With the development of technology we are able to break through more and more barriers. This allows people with disabilities to use them in their daily lives. Certainly such technology will help people with color-blindness.
This comment has been removed by the author.
It seems like people are really insecure about their abilities. While I agree that it's a rather good thing to help those that were born with disabilities, I really don't like the idea of humans becoming cyborg like beings. For one evolution takes time, we don't know what all these enhancements will bring about, probably more problems just like almost every human invention. While the aforementioned sentence is subjective as it can get, there is a more prevailing issue, that is we are incapable of coming with perfectly safe technology. We have problems with electric cars, it's possible to remotely control engines or brakes of such cars, and yet we want to put hackable devices into our bodies? Can't wait to see how bright our future will arise.
Unknown said…
Of course this is wonderful, that colorblind person can hear the colors, but don't you think that the technology went a bit too far in this direction. The last time I've heard about people hearing color and seeing music was in article about the LSD drug. I am really happy that nowadays people with the color blindness have a chance to live a normal life, but I am afraid of what the humanity will invent tomorrow. Maybe, the fake Aderol screensaver for students?
Unknown said…
For colorblind people this idea is a amazing device. Without this equipment their lifes is not complete. The missing part is a really big problem, and thanks to this wonderful device they can feel like a normal person. Personally for me it is hard to imagine how Neil Harbisson can recognize and remember so many sounds. Also that endless sounds can be sometimes very annoying, but maybe I'm wrong?
In my opinion we should create more apps for our bodies. This is a great example how the technology can help us and make our world more colorful.
Unknown said…
While I see your concerns with humans becoming cyborgs, I think that enhancing our abilities and senses would be a step in right direction. It would push evolution even further. We would have to be careful and cautious while developing those enhancements but in the long run I really think they would bring only good for us.
Magdalena Popek said…
Recently I've heard about glasses for the colorblind allowing them to see colors like other people do. Until I saw the video with people seeing real colors for the first time I didn't think it is such an inconvenience. I thought if they were born with colorblindness they are just used to it. But seeing those people crying melted my heart.
I would find such device quite annoying I guess. I often get tired of hearing the noises of a city all the time and can't imagine hearing colors added to them. But if it works for him that's just great.
Zygmunt Z said…
Thank you Sylwia for this video. Comparing to some other people's articles, this is very interesting :). I think it is fantastic idea when you can use technology to help people with disabilities. I can't think about good examples myself how to help these poor people but some kind of hi-tech socks which would help people with RLS maybe would be a good idea.
Whoa it's awesome! Listening to the color? Presenting music as graphic? I'm impressed.
I would definitely extend seeing. I would like to see music during listening to it. I'm curious how the smells would look like. And touch. Seeing every other senses would be amazing!
Unknown said…
I have watched this video before and I was amazed by it. I am obsessed with colors and I couldn't imagine my life without them. But it's such a great thing, that colorblind people could have a chance to feel this world better. Because for me colors are about feelings and emotions. And you can get them not only by watching, but also by hearing. I think, this is the main idea. This man has a chance to feel the wide range of feelings using his device and his experience is very-very special.
Unknown said…
This makes me wonder if a colour blind person can experience synesthesia. Probably not but it is an interesting thought. I wonder if it would be possible in the nearest future(10-20 years) for disable people to once again experience senses they lost or have never had in the same way as regular people do.
Unknown said…
What do you think about this kind of “app”?
In my opinion these kind of apps are great steps to use technology to help people in their daily live. That could improve live in huge amount of different areas.
If you had a choice, what app/device would you like to create? Which sense would you like to extend?
I think about something to help some disabled people in moving their bodies, in a way that the brain sends signals to electrodes to shrink the muscle. That could be very helpful for people with broken core who are paralyzed.
Unknown said…
Great story. Can't imagine "hearing" colours in such a way though, would drive me nuts. As for writing apps for our own body, sounds great, finally in a XXI century we begin to touch extending the potential of human body. On the other hand Deus Ex and Bladerunner shows us the hidden dangers of such a future...

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