is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us
with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with
that information. It’s is comprised of a pocket projector, a mirror and a
camera. Now, virtual world was separated from the real one, we are using
smartphones, laptops, tablets and many other devices.
Link to the
talk with Pranav Mistry – an inventor of SixthSense:
Mistry says: “I think that integrating
information to everyday objects will not only help us to get rid of the digital
divide, the gap between these
two worlds, but will also help us,
in some way, to stay human, to be more connected to our physical world. And it will actually help us not end up being
machines sitting in front of
other machines.”
Do you
agree with his opinion?
What do you
think about the process of involving the virtual world into reality?
Do you
think it’s dangerous or not at all and we should strive for fusion of these two
In my opinion everything used in an unappropriate way can be dangerous. But joining virtual world with reality could be very helpful and safe in most of cases.
Mixing them is our reality but I think that merging them completely may have really negative impact.
I think that we should always have a possibility to quit our virtual life, like deleting our accounts on social media and switching from smartphone to the regular phone.
When it comes to advantages, I can see a lot of them, for example:
1) Sharing real-world virtual workspace - Bringing together multiple mixed reality devices in a shared space will open up new collaboration options. With mixed reality, team members can be networked into a shared virtual world overlaying the physical. In this connected environment, they can collaboratively work together on the virtual objects and have the items interact with each other and the real word.
2) Remote experts (over-the-shoulder coaching) - Many enterprises struggle to address all of the support requests from workers requiring expert advice. Mixed reality offers a hands-free method to access an expert quickly and inexpensively.
So there is a difference between AR and Mixed Reality, but the line is very blurred.
Within a year (two at most), we’ll see some agreement on terms and Mixed Reality will mean something like holographic computing or it will all just fall under a larger umbrella of Augmented Reality.
VR at the same time as a world simulation can bring a lot of fun e.g. during playing video games.
This is technology same as everything else, and it can be useful/nice to play with. We should accept it and make use of it, since it can make our life easier.
Of course it could be harmful and dangerous - like every technology, that gets to the wrong hands. But it also could be useful. And I would be excited if I get a chance to try it.
However if Pranav develops a software or machine that could help people who have a speech disorder this could be an amazing and beneficial achievement.