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Week 10 [29.05-04.06.2017] - Internet of Things

The Internet of things. This is a new stage of development of the Internet greatly enhances the collection, analysis and distribution of data that people can turn into information and knowledge. In this sense, the Internet of things is of paramount importance.


It is possible to imagine a world in which people get rid of phobias, such as "if I locked the door ?" or "if I turned off iron ?", because that information will be in the smartphone. And if suddenly is not closed and is not turned off, everything can be fixed from any point of the city and the world. The surveillance system detects faces of all who passed by your home or stood near the door, and the repeated appearance of the same person will compare his face with the base police. Just in case. The fridge is stocked with a set of cameras that will inform you about the end of the shelf life of food, and just the depletion of a loved the ice cream. Intelligent vacuum cleaner will send a message about the find jewelry, the debris under the couch.

In the TED presentation , below , Jordan Duffy tells how to use elements of the smart home , why is it so important and shows examples of cities that use this system now.

1)You heard earlier about the concept of "smart home"? What do you think about this?
2) Do you agree with the opinion of Jordan Duffy ? What do you think about this ?
3) Do you use any IoT device in your home ? Tell us about your experience. 


Unknown said…
I have mixed feelings about this. Problem with IoT is that many devices are disconnected from power source and they have to be equipped with batteries. Batteries do not contain much power, therefore those devices shouldn't use too much current. And good security (that is cyphering algoirthms) need more power than devices not using it. So there is conflict. On the other hand, devices like fridge or vacuum cleaner are usually connected to power sources. Thats why I think that smart homes are unevitable future and sooner or later all of us will have such devices. I also think that I will never fully rely on electronical devices in terms of having house locked. Good old Gerda lock always will be in my doors.
Unknown said…
To be honest, I love everything connected with IoT, smart homes etc. About year ago, I did it in my house. I have a lot of lights and that's why I wanted to have a smart solution to turn them on. There are about 50 bulbs in one room and, sure, they are divided into some areas, but still it wouldn't be fast enough. That's why, I decided to setup smart home.
Now, I'm really glad about turning on via my smartphone. It's really fast and I can change areas all the time.

Secondly, I have electric sockets connected to web. Thanks to it, they turn off when e.g. my computer is fully charged.

I would like to connect window-blinds to open them when I wake up and close when it's dark outside. It's my whim ;) I know that and if it would be cheaper, I would do this. Well... maybe in the future ;)
Unknown said…
I like the idea of Internet of Things. I would like to implement some smart devices in my home in the future to try this out. I find it really useful and convenient to use in everyday life. But of course, there are some concerns about the security of the network it will be connected to. It might be dangerous if not secured properly, so I would try from some small not important devices, but all the idea sounds really exciting.
Anonymous said…
Of course I have heard about smart homes. I think it may be awsome to have those devices, but it has to be organized well. It would be hard to make an old house be a smart home.
Personally I don't have any IoT devices in my home, but I would like to have some in the future.
I like the idea of smart homes, I have considered making my home “smart” but after thinking I decided that I would probably rarely use the smart functions of my house.
I think that in couple of years it will be very popular and that there will be much more smart possibilities, because lets be honest the possibility to turn off your lights with smartphone is not lifechanging.

Unknown said…
Your phone is smart. Your kids are smart. Your home should be smart, too.
1) You Can Automate Your Lights & Control Them From Anywhere
Smart lights can save you money and secure your home by automatically reacting to your daily routines and preferences. You can set your lights to slowly brighten when you want to wake up, turn on when you’re away to make it look like someone is home, turn off automatically when you leave the house, and so much more.
2) You Can Save Money on Energy Bills
Never sweat your monthly energy bill again. By automatically turning down your thermostat, your A/C unit, or your portable heater when you’re away, you can not only help our planet by living green, but also help yourself by saving some serious green.
Unknown said…
If we are talking about home, I can't imagine those devices that are usually disconnected from power source. Almost everything that we want to "stay in touch" with us is connected to power source - coffee machine, fridge, camera, dishwasher, lights, heating system and more.
Unknown said…
In my opinion when we have devices like smartphone, tablet and laptop and they are connected, this is great case but when all things are connected to each other it becomes dangerous. Technology sometimes fails so I can't imagine something like smart city and what if something went wrong with traffic signals? I think it would be a disaster. This idea of combining items in the network is good but only to a certain degree. I don't think it's safe if we know how many terrorist attacks is taking place in recent times. In my opinion enter the Internet in every aspect of our lives won't bring anything good but smart home sounds pretty sensible.
Wojtek Kania said…
I heard about the concept of smart home. For me this is great idea. I agree with the opinion of Jordan Duffy. I think in next a few years many homes in Poland may be named smart homes. I'm not using any of IoT device in my home, but I'm planning to use it. I already have a few beacons, Raspberry PI and a few ideas how to use it, but now I have no time to play with that. Maybe after all exams, I will have more time.
Unknown said…
I've heard of something like an intelligent home. It must be super business, you handle your house by phone or tablet, for example you light up or cover the blinds, just extra :D I think that in the near future most homes will exist as an "intelligent house". I have almost smart house because it supports TV from phone haha :)
I have heard about IoT before. It's a great idea to make your life easier and save money, with energy bills. For example if you forgot to turn off light, you can do it remotely. "Smart home" is a very practical concept, so it will definitely will spread, and in couple of years will start to be popular in Poland. Personally, when I buy my own apartment, I will install couple of useful tools that I can controll with a single device.
Idea of smart homes is very interesting thing, it can make our life much much easier. You can say that in the future will be possible that our home will take care of yourself. I think that could be great thing and can't wait for that.
Your phone is smart. Your dogs are smart. Your home should be smart, too:)
The smart home is a dreame of all persons: closing doors, switching on and off lights whenever you need to will surely be able to enhance the security of your home and workplace. However the technology used to build this kind of a home will be going to cost a fortune today but will be the norm in future.
I think the problem with the batteries should soon be resolved battery is also to develop, for example, you can recall what the batteries were in the phones 5 years ago and now, the more these technologies with wireless charging is also used in most devices .
I think a large share of the problems in security created by the developers of cheap devices that were essentially doing the same thing but cost 30-40% cheaper , saving on skilled software developers.
I think that life will not change, but such accounts to save on electrical energy may , for example, automatically adjusting the lights as the street lighting . Well or for example for example a moisture sensor in the bathroom , if you forgot to turn off the water , or broken pipe , I think it is very effective and can prevent the flood of neighbors.
Unknown said…
I am agree with Nina. Maybe someone could say: "Ahah, dangerous technologies, it's so funny, it will never happen to me". But I still think that we underestimate the possibilities of being hacked even in our home, sweet, home. I will never feel safe in such case. But of course I would enjoy the benefits of IoT devices. It happens to me all the time, that I run out of home being late and then suffer for the whole day trying to remember if I turned of my iron:)
IoT is future, and I'm sure it will be more available to general public, same like computers and mobile phones were very expensive and rare early on, while nowadays it's pretty much a standard thing to have. Personally I love the entire concept of IoT, but at the same time I'm not jumping around it like madman - I'm waiting for it to become better, cheaper, more available, and then I'm sure that I'll build smart home myself sooner or later ;).
Unknown said…
Yes recently I saw advertisement on TV about this and I saw this sytem in films. It's very comfortable way but personally I'm afraid to use it. For me digital things will never be the same as analog things. I will never trust system which opens widows and gate in my house. I had situation when gate opened itself and the same situation can be with door. But we know what skills hackers have today. In my opinion the safest way is when house is closed normal way.
Vyvyan said…
1)I have heard about this "smarth home" thingy. It might make our lives easier, yet it may also happen to be harmfull. Imagine software failure. Each lock in our houme is now open. Besides it might be vulnerable to power shortages and hacking.
2) I agree with Duffy, but i think he's overanxious about this. So manz things can go wrong itąs just impossible for me to be thinking all that positive.
3) I don't use any IoT devices at home and i don't plan to use any in near future.
Maciej Główka said…
Yes, I've heard about "smart" home. In my opinion it is a really good idea. It might make our lives a lot of easier. However, there are some issues, that developers implementing such things should really watch out, safety for example. I think no one would like to have "smart" home hacked by someone outside ;) Unfortunately, I don't have any "smart" thing in my flat. However, when I will be changing my flat in future, I'm sure i will buy some fancy smart stuff.
Unknown said…
I've heard of smart house and I believe that my uncle was a precursor of it - about 10 years ago he had got almost everything in his home controlled my remotecontroller. He is a fan of tech news and likes to live comfortable, so it was natural for him. He was able to control blinds, doors and root on the terance.
This year I was at a 4,5* hotel and everyting was controlled by tablet - on the one hand it was great, because you're able to control everything from a bed, but on the other hand, for longer time, it can spoil easily.
Unknown said…
Ahh the internet of things, the festival of vulnerabilities and paradise for those who might want to exploit those. Apart from that, it sounds awesome. Sci-fi ready future here you come!
Smart home idea is an improvement in our daily lives, large dose of hands-free interaction with home devices, statistics on usage of various things, less wasteful resource consumption, all those things are more than desiarble.
I do agree with the opinion of Jordan Duffy.
I do plan to use IoT device just when I find a time to try it which might take a while.
I don't have any IoT device in my home, so I can't tell about any experiences with them, but I really like this idea. Having access to your whole house from phone is genius idea. I want to have my house to look like that, but it's really expensive, so it will take a little time to bring that to life.
I am using power cords controlled by wifi and that can be remotly shut off. Also many radio controlled plugs that I can swich off internet, TV, speakers just by the press of the button. It really makes a life lot easier. I saw a quick set made by D-link that has Wifi/radio plugs and also few cameras for the house. Very good if you want to see what your pet is doing when you are not home or home is left alone during holiday. One thing I have recently found are electrical valves with alarm - when id detects water leakage water that comes to the house is automatically shut. It saved my friend home when his child left water opened in the bathroom.
Unknown said…
In my opinion concept and those devices are absolutely awesome!
I was able to use it and see if and how it really works.
My favourite is auto opening/closing windows blinds and auto play of your favourite music when you enter the house.
I agree with his opinion and I really like idea from Barcelona "smart parking" which shows you where parking spots are available - hope to have it in Warsaw one day.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I've already heard about smart home techniques and I think it's really helpful for us in our common day. I've missed the train, bus, etc. because of this last question when I've just left home "If I locked the doors?" and I would pay a dime for intelligent home. Now I have nothing smart (excluding me) in my home but if I'll buy my own house, flat, I would install intelligent devices there :)
I have heard about this concept earlier and in my opinion it's a good idea although in my experiences I don't know if I'd even use it. I agree with Jordan Duffy's opinon. The world's technology moves forward and our houses ought to be smart too. I don't use any IoT device in my home, because I don't trust it enough, but I do think in the near future it would be good enough to give a shot.
Unknown said…
This TED reminds me a lot of old cartoons like these In all seriousness, I like the idea of automation and data collection, but even if it's incredibly cheap, I feel it still be a luxury for rich people in better developed countries.
Magdalena Popek said…
I have been interested in this topic but it was only for a short period. I think this is the future of housing. However, as everything connected with the Internet topic, IoT may have vulnerabilities. If someone is able to break into your computer, it's just a matter of time for them to break into the house. Personally I wouldn't want my house to be "smarter than me". I would rather trust myself about locking the door or turning off the electricity when I'm leaving for a longer time.
Unknown said…
I totally agree with girls' point of view. It seems like we don't need our brain anymore, since we have a technology to think for us.
Depending only on a devices could have pernicious effect on our live. If we may be connected all the time and check our smart house whenever we want, why can't hackers...?
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Sure, I heard about the concept of a smart home - it's a pretty known term now. I tried using IoT devices, namely IP camera - it's really useful when you go away for vacation and you want to make sure that everything is ok at home. Also I used smoke and flood detectors connected to the internet via Wi-Fi. I think that using IoT devices can improve our everyday lives.

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