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Week 9 [05.12 - 11.12] Modern education needs

The majority of people who have gone through the modern process of education, have probably had information technology classes. Most of them were basic, teaching students about technology, and how to operate a computer in a simple way. This trend, however, is slowly changing as programming languages are becoming more common and needed.

Necessity Breeds Innovation

As the society advances technologically, so does (or at least – it should) its educational system. It is mostly to keep up with the needs of the market and the industry, it has been the case since the industrial revolution. New kinds of jobs demanded differently qualified employees, which schools “produced” in response. This process can also be observed nowadays. With the rapid growth of the IT industry, contemporary schools begin to adapt to the changes.

Early Education and IT

Most interestingly, the more popular a field of knowledge is, the sooner will the education start. Nowadays, state and private schools both started experimenting with computer science and elementary teaching. On occasion, children would be given tablets or even laptops to work on. They would also start attending IT classes much sooner. Their focus has also changed. Instead of simple tasks like drawing or playing games, the young students receive a different kind of education – they learn the basics of programming. Some might say that might be a very tough nut to crack for children, and they would be right. Therefore, new, special programming languages have been invented specifically for adolescents, such as Scratch. It is a visual language developed by the MIT with one purpose – making the young mind comfortable with the concepts of computer programming.

Dedication in Education

Public schools however, are not always enough in that regard. In order to satisfy the demand for this kind of education, private institutions concentrating on computer science came into being, and recently they’ve become hugely popular amongst parents.

English IT class


The shift in the world of education can be easily observed. New technologies and their popularity affect everyday lives of not only the working adults, but still developing children. IT and the overwhelming presence of computers leave their stamp on modern societies.

It this a step in the right direction?
Should all children be taught programming?
Do you think children will benefit from early IT education?
Should governments change their educational programs to promote computer science?



Unknown said…
The sad truth is that we will require a lot physical workers and generally people to do a lot of either hard, boring, dirty, unpleasant and dangerous jobs for many years to come. Untill huge advancements in robotics are made, not everyone will be able to have interesting, creative, high-skilled job. Indivindual predispostions are also very important.

So I think that modern education should consider very well the job market requirements and attempt to produce right amount of workers for every field. Saying that, I belive that programming is great way to enchance child development and help their talents emerge. But oversimplifying it so everyone would be able to learn it is not the way to go.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
In my opinion it would be good solution to teach children about programming and some basics of any programming language, but not to demand much from them. We all know that not everyone have a science brain and not everyone can think like programmer. But it's good to let children know what it is and maybe some of them will interest in in and develop their skills later.
Nowadays when almost everyone is related with technology, children will for sure benefit from IT education. They won't have to learn on their own how to use the Internet safely and how to for example fix their devices.
I think that government should change something to make an IT knowledge more available for young kids.
Piotr Basiński said…
In my opinion government should prapare IT books for every level primmary and secondary schools. In cooperation with professionals books should learn kids programming. Now it at school in most cases is does not teach programming. This should slowly change. Kids will become smarter if they start code early and those with will choose to become programmers as adults will be great at whats they do.
Unknown said…
I think the schools should be more informatics lessons. I remember before studies I had few informatics. We learned things completely useless. In my opinion young people should learn programming. This science can always come in handy.
Unknown said…
I can see a lots of advantages of learning programming nowadays:
1) Programming is a basic literacy in the digital age
Kids are growing up in a very different world than that of their parents. Cellphones, computers, Youtube, Netflix, and Facebook are embedded in their daily lives. Even toys are digital, and many are programmable, such as Legos and the new-generation LeapFrogs.
2) Programming can change the world
For the last several centuries, people relied on the written word to spread ideas. The ability to write was the ability to create change. Today, writing is not enough. To change behavior, it is crucial to leverage the digital medium.
3) You have an idea for then next big innovation? Great. Can you bring it to life?
If you want your child to be a thinker and innovator who can bring ideas to life, encourage him or her to learn how to program. Programming gives children confidence that they can be designers and builders.
4) Programming doesn’t have to be hard to learn
Learning how to program is like learning any other language in that the skill must be practiced and tested out. Just as languages open up the ability to communicate with worlds of people, programming gives children the ability to create technologies that impact those around them. With just a computer, kids can use their programming skills to build things that could change the world.
Unknown said…
I think that is a good idea. Nowadays our lives depend on computers, and everyone should at lest know basics how does computer programs work. Sooner or later every simple task will be handled with help of some sort of computer. We don't need millions of professional programmers, but knowledge of computer science foundations will also improve general avarness of such things like IT security (where "the weakest link" is human.
Unknown said…
As Paweł said, everything what we do depends on computers. Nowadays, almost each job is impossible to do without knowledge of using computers. There are some pros and cons, which I won't talk about right now, but I believe everybody should know some basics in this field. I know a lot of people, who (despite the fact that they use computer every day) don't know how to use it in "a proper way". I think about my friends, who work in Excel and they don't know how to use e.g. formulas. For me, there are some basics, which should be known regardless of working with or without it.

On the other hand, I can't agree at all with the statement 'every child should learn programming'. There are two separable fields: using computer and programming. Of course, teachers could encourage to it, but it shouldn't be obligatory.

In my high school, I had a choice: programming vs "normal use" (Excel, Word and so on). I was the only person who chose programming and this is the best proof that not everybody would be willing to learn it.
Unknown said…
Nowadays education system for sure should be freshened and adapted to modern digital age. I believe every child could be teached not only some basic knowledge about computers, but also about new possibilities, simple programming for the young, modern media as well as photo editing or film creating. That's knowledge which every person living in a society would need sooner or later.
Unknown said…
In my opinion it is a great and necessary thing, to teach children about computers, programming, electronics or other similar topics. It is important because we live in world which demands from us more and more knowledge about computing. There is a lot of benefits for kids to learn programming in the early stage - even if they will not willing to do it for life, they will learn how does it work basically, they will have some idea about that.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Yes, I think that it's really important to teach children at least some basics of programming, it helps to think logically and can be really useful. Also IT may be the biggest jobs niche in the future when robots steal all the physical jobs. Nowadays any non-physical job requires at least basic knowledge of computers.
Unknown said…
In my opinion early IT education is really important, beacuse all our world based on technology. We could learn children good habits already at school for example how to safely use internet and how to learn from it instead of allowing them to play only in computer games. I think every child should learn the basics of programming becasue nowadays This is such an important as skill reading ability or counting skills. Programming could make their life easier and find a better job in the future.
Maciej Główka said…
I remember my IT classes, they were horrible. Therefore I think that it is necessary to change the way kids are learning IT in schools. I'm happy that it is slowly changing. Should all children be taught programming? Almost everything around us has some kind of apps in it. Therefore, In my opinion everyone should know at least basics of programming to understand how their surroundings work. Of course, as any other area, programming isn't meant for everyone, that's why any advanced IT courses should be optional.
Unknown said…
I think that this is important to promote computer science in school. Actually, everywhere they go computers are used. Everyone who finish primary school should know how to use excel, word, powerpoint, how to organize files on computer and how to use Internet - searching, e-mail sending and receiving.
I believe that programming isn't necessary for everyone, so it don;t have to be compulsory.
Modern education needs practice not theory. Of course in the early stage of learning we can not predict someone's predisposition but we can give them the opportunity to interest in specific topic. Teach children specific programming language can cause the opposite effect and a lot of future developers may discourage if classes will be guided improperly. Teacher need to point out the advantages of automation and make it to the kids wanted to use it in their everyday life.
Michał Pycek said…
In my opinion the educational path should be to some extent general, so all of the children learn basic things of each field. But then the educational path should include the technology and science development worldwide which influences the whole perspective of what is useful to study and what is not regarding the technological development level. This is why I believe that learning programming in the early age could help and open childrens minds. In my opinion useful and practical fields like programming or chess could help in the future not only with an interesting career path but most importantly with the way a child understands the world around and feels a part of it also as a creator, just like poeple who programm and create something from a scratch.
Unknown said…
Not only me but also you, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg has publicly announced that children should learn basics of programming. I studied C++ when I was 13 years old. I was going to the computer courses every evening. I remember how I was crying being afraid that I don’t understand anything in coding. And that it’s difficult. After the new teacher came - my attitude changed. Mrs. Svitlana showed me that programming is a game and I should enjoy playing it. She showed me that C++ can help me to do my homework. I wrote a console program that was calculating the hypotenuse of a triangular. And after I wrote a program that was calculating statistics of darts game.
We should show kids that programming can help to solve their own problems - like the faster way of doing homework.
With time the government will change the system of education and will adapt it to today's needs. The question is when. I can’t wait when my sister will get older so I can teach her some C# :)
kondrat said…
I agree! There is too much theory in whole education process in Poland. Too many books, too much thinking instead of doing. At chemistry lessons I'd like to see more experiments, at programming classes I would like to see more live coding with Q&A and so on...
Unknown said…
I think it's necessary to teach children programming, but we should remember that not everybody will be a programmer in the future. Some children are under parents pressure because programming is very popular and it's something that can you help earn money in the future.
From the other side, a lot of people even in my age aren't able to fully understand what technology are about. Technology intelligence should be higher, but we shouldn't forget about other aspects of education.
Unknown said…
When I was studying at school(it was so long ago) we were taught how to use ctrl-alt-del - very valuable experience. Fortunately, I had the PC at home and it helped me to become a normal user. I was trying to learn programming, but it was not my favorite hobby, so I quite.

Today things are not the same, and the technologies are becoming the part of everyone's life, so I guess it's a great idea, that children could try to learn IT at school. But I think it shouldn't be obligatory. For example, like drawing - the kid tries it, and if it's not for him, then he gets only the basis. So he knows the idea but doesn't have to spend many hours to learn things, that he won't be good at.
Programming will be only more important in the future, not less. If we start early, there is a chance that children will be capable of logical thinking and understanding how to work with computers, which can benefit not only actual programmers, but everybody working with computer. I'm all-in for teaching people how to code, although I'm not sure what the expected level should be, as programming is easy to learn, very hard to master, and it doesn't take much to over-complicate a very simple example into something that nobody will be capable to understand anymore.

Overall though, +1 for programming in schools.
Unknown said…
For me it depends. In primary and middle school you learn basic knowledge about everything but in secondary school you can choose profile of classes and profile of school. Not everyone interest IT. Maybe someone want to go to school which try to create more doctors. When you go to secondary technical school Of IT in my opinion you will get enought information about programming and other things.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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I think that all children could easily be taught programming in a basic capacity. Nothing to advanced though, just to show them what it actually is and maybe develop interest in some of them. The problems are when it comes to what exactly they should be taught, which programming language they should use and so on. Frankly I'm kind of glad that I don't need to make those decisions.
Unknown said…
Methods of teaching in Poland are imperfect and many important things are overlooked. I think that IT lessons should be taken way more seriously basic understanding of programming should be introduced as soon as in elementary school by qualified people.
All children should learn the basics of how software works and is made, except for Excel, we already have enough of that as it is.
OlaScislewska said…
From my perspective IT programing is not essential skill. I know many young people who has no idea about IT and it is not needed them at all. Anyway if we have opportunity to get some new skills like IT then why not? It is allways better to know more than less.
World of technology is developing so fast that IT can be more and more useful and if it is really needed I hope the Ministry of Education will change standarts.
Thank you for your comment. I believe that even basic knowledge if IT helps in the future. Of course advanced IT is not for everyone but those skills are for sure helpful.
Thanks for your comment. In Poland despite the fact we have certain curriculum in schools in every one of them it looks different and that is a problem. Now everyone has IT lessons in school but some for the 5th time learn how to use Word and Excel and some of them really start to learn some programming. And this diversity is bad. There should be an exact curriculum for IT lesson and every teacher should stand for it.
Hi, thanks for your comment. I think that you are absolutely right. But I know people who were interested in IT so they went to mat-inf or so ever and during IT lessons they had to learn how to use Excel or Word instead of something serious and helpful in future IT career. And some of them were discourage because of this and choose different field for themselves.
Thanks for your comment. Programming is a language, we can all agree on that. And children are really good in learning languages, especially when they are young. And we should encourage them to do that.
That is exactly my point! I am sick and tired of endless lessons about how to use Word or Excel. I'm not saying it is completely useless but when you do that for a 5th time it's just exhausting.
Right to the point. Practice is basic in every field of study. This is so important. And yet there is lack of it in Polish's educational system. I wonder what has to happen to change that.
And this is great! For sure coding can be difficult in the beginning. But after that everything is fun! Of course always there is some kind of problem to solve but when you solve it it's the best feeling ever. And we should encourage young people to learn how to code, not force them.
We all have IT lessons at school and it is obligatory. So is art, music and biology. It is part of our curriculum. And we have to accept that. I agree that IT is not for everyone but we are not talking here about quantum physics. We learn basics for everything in school so we should have a proper IT lessons for everyone.
I agree in 100%. There is a long way before us. Many years. But I look forward to see it coming. That would be great.
We all learn how to use Excel and Word. But how many times can we learn it? We have it in primary school, in secondary school and in high school. Always almost the same way. I remember my IT lessons in high school but I don't think I have learned many useful things. I'm not saying that children should learn advanced programming but only basics.
That is what I'm saying. Programming is helpful for young generation. Our parents didn't need it, we did, but our society and educational system was not prepared but our future children should have it. It is very important. Nowadays society is changing and we can't compare our grandparents to us or to our future kids. We should make changes.
Generally government should change curriculum in our schools because it is terrible. It hasn't changed for ages and it is not good. Everything changes but our curriculum is not. And it's not right. But there are years before it will change. I have my fingers crossed.

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