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Week 9 [05.12 - 11.12] The art of fighting without fighting

Fighting accompanies us every day. Everybody fights for something from grades, attention to love and many other things. As you can see fighting isn't always physical contact, you can fight in many different ways.
As the person practising Kung Fu for nearly 7 years I have noticed that the hardest part of fighting is to not fight at all. I know that it looks as if I was beating about the bush but I will try to explain it presenting two examples. To understand better this topic, it is crucial to refer to times when combats and wars happened on a daily basis.
Let's have a quick look at the quote of Sun Tzu, a Chinese philosopher, a general and  the author of the oldest textbook of the art of war:

“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”
Sun Tzu

This supreme Chinese general and strategist tells us that you can crush your enemy even without engaging in a fight.

What about a famous Kung Fu movie star and also master of Kung Fu - Bruce Lee? In Enter the Dragon, asked about his style of fighting, he answered “The art of fighting without fighting”. Then when his bully didn’t stop, Bruce proposed to move to some bigger place by boat for a duel. Please watch these short movie fragments to know what happened next. ;)

Are we a looser if we don’t fight? As we can see here Bruce won this fight without even fighting.  His advantage was a smart, fresh mind. He outsmarted his enemy because he did not think of fight as a fight.

Summarizing, the real victory isn’t measured by the power of fist but the power of your mind. It is always good to try to find another way out of trouble. Using violence against a violence isn't a way to resolve any conflict.
I hope that in my short text I have shown you the another way of thinking of a fight. :)

What do you think about fight without a fight?
Do you train any sport and what experiences have you had so far?
Have you ever had to fight?


Piotr Basiński said…
Interesting point of thinking. It's right that it is possible to win without fight. Nowadays the most important thing is brain. But if it would be so simple there would be no wars ever. In my opinion best option is to think but training martial arts and strength never put anyone in a worse position.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
While thinking about fighting without fight - I have in mind mainly fighting with our own weaknesses. I think it's the hardest fight in our life. As a person who is on a diet very often - I know a lot about it.
Now I train at a gym and I think that's also some kind of fight. First of all you have to fight witch your way of thinking and a voice in your head witch says "Oh, common, you don't have to train today, you are tired and exhausted after a hard day at work". No, you have to be consistent and do everything the best you can.
As a girl, I have never had opportunities to fight with someone, because there's always some friend near who would love to show up and be a 'hero'.
Unknown said…
In my opinion the worst fighting is fighting with himself ex. Addiction. If it comes to fighting with the other person it is always best to do it in an intelligent way. Unfortunately, it is not always possible. I think that the fist should be used only in self-defense
Yes but always try to avoid conflict in first place :)
Unknown said…
I think that your logic is valid, however there are to many scenarios that are not included in this film. What happens after bully comes back on board (eventually he will, right). They made fun of him, he will probably want to take revenge. Few times in my life I had been bullied, and it wasn't peaceful way that would solve my problems.
I usually try to avoid solving conflicts in this way since I believe most of the times it's not a soultion at all and it just exacerbates the problem even more. Mybe in times when I attended to the primary school it seemed appropriate sometimes, but when you grow up you realize that's not the case. On the other hand, there are many situations when an offender just attacks you, no questions asked (e.g. robbery). Then you just have to defend yourself or remain passive and let someone harm you.
Unknown said…
I could agree that physical fight is not an answer to any conflict. I think it's a girlish/ women's thing to devise intrigues and speculate - fight without fight. After all we have no chance in physical fight so we manage the way it's the easiest for us. However, I consider it as an absurd not to ask or check sth but conspiring.
Unknown said…
I totally agree with the concept - the best warrior will always try to avoid the fight, will try to find out how to solve the problems in different way. In many martial arts mostly you work on your skill, but also train your mind a lot. Day after day, training after training you understand that fight is never a good way out. That the opponent is just a lost person who has some problems. There is always a reason why people even start to fight. It is good to find this reason and solve the problem itself without using the fists. Although sometimes the situation doesn't leave us any choice. And then it is better to be prepared.
Unknown said…
Yes fighting with you weaknesses is hardest but as you said we don't need to listen this filthy voice in our heads that says we can't do something. :)
Unknown said…
There is always solution for such things. This film was only an example to show how can you fight and overcome your enemy only by using your mind.
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I think you didn't fully understand my point of view. You should always find a way out of trouble and if you don't have any other option, then fight.
It is not about escaping from battle like a coward but using power of your enemy as your advantage.
That is definitely true when you gain more and more experience you are slowly understanding that true winner is a person that fight without fighting ;)
As you said there is always some reason why people wants to fight and the most difficult part is to find why they want to fight.
Of course in some situations there is no other option than to fight but I always try to finish it before conflict get in the wrong direction.

As Uncle Ben (Spiderman) said:
"With great power comes great responsibility"

Nothing more to add I think ;)
I think you should always measure the situation. Engaging the conflict is in most situations the thing that exacerbates the problem.
Of course in such situation that someone attacks you without any question you should know how to defend yourself but such situations are minority. In most cases there is some small indicator that someone would do something stupid or wants to attack/engage conflict with you.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I agree, it seems that Bruce only escalated it, so fight will happen anyway with possibly worse consequences. I wouldn't call it fighting without fighting, it's outsmarting your enemy. Avoiding a fight is resolving issues via compromises, if one of the parties doesn't agree then fight will happen anyway.
Unknown said…
I like the concept - you don't have to be strong or agressive, you just have to know to use opponents strength. Most of the great victories aren't caused by muscle strength, but by strength of mind and I think that this is still valid.
Jarek_Ziem said…
It the best idea of fighting not to use hand only word of nonviolent actions.
Couple of times in primary school and mostly in the city center after going to clubs. Where everyone is drunk and everyone is seeking to find any reason to fight.
Moode said…
This article was quite funny because we have to fight all our life. For example, at work, with our kids and ourselves. We cannot train or learn how to omit fights because sooner or later we will deal with them, either it will be a fight or on an emotional level. The article is interesting itself but it lacks more information about the people you mentioned as an example you could mention why did Bruce Lee thought in such way to fight people without a fight, or his philosophical concepts such as "Be like water”.
I completely agree that you don’t have to fight to win a fight. You can break your opponent much easier and better with mind games than with physically fighting.
When it’s possible you should mentally break your opponent. The physical attack should always be the last thing that you do when you want to defeat your opponent.
Unknown said…
I really like Sun Tzu and I like the way you put his. Probably you already have noticed that he uses the word “resistance”. Resistance is the key ingredient of the “fight” in our life (as you said for grades or love). Without resistance, the fight wouldn’t happen. As an example let’s take the situation in life where some person is trying to provoke you and to have a conflict with you. They can do it in different ways, for example, they can say that you are stupid or a fool. And for example, I personally may have an emotional reaction and answer “I’m not a fool” - that’s a typical infantile reactive emotional response that we are conditioned to since childhood. So by answering, we already lost a fight because as you said - we joined a fighting process. So what is a more mature and constructive way to response? I think an understanding of the motivation of a person may help. At this example, the guy who offended you just wanted to get your attention (and was not really creative about the way he was doing it). Next time you’ll look in his eyes asking the question “How can I help you?” and just trying to understand this person. Let’s remember that all of us wants to be loved and mostly people are fighting with you just because they don’t experience enough love in their life.
Adam Nowak said…
I would say that "fight without fight" is the best style of fighting, mainly because in fight there are no winners, there are only loosers. If you won't engage in fight, then you won't loose. Even if you are the best warrior in the world, it is immposible to win every battle with everyone. And remember, you have only one life... One lost fight would mean that you will die. One of my favourite quotes describes that perfectly: "War does not determine who is right — only who is left". Today, in our modern life, it is still actual, even if you don't risk your life.
Unknown said…
Replacing the style of fight with something different altogether might be a good solution, but in most cases you aren't give a choice. If someone starts a fistfight with you, you might have trouble saying "okay, but now we will settle this with MIND TRICKS", by then you might be unable to speak. And even then, that's one fight you actually quit and lost. The opposite is also true, breaking an argument with a hit to the face is a clear indicator that you lost an argument.

+1 for Bruce Lee tho.
Luckily or not, I never had to fight (physically) with somebody else, as every argument I had has been solved in "proper" intelligent way. I think that violence is the last resort and it never does anything good, therefore it should be avoided at all cost. It's not always the case though, and sometimes it's even required to act in particular way as otherwise nothing will change - this is especially true if you tell somebody to e.g. stop insulting you, yet he doesn't seem to care. Good luck resolving that without having to punch him in the face, or at least using a bit of violence :).

Still, quite interesting topic, thanks!
Unknown said…
Few years ago I finished my adventure with martial arts. I was training Taekwondo for 12 years. I ended up my ‘carrier’ with red belt. I often heard from my trainer that the best way of fighting is to avoid confrontation unless it gets to critical point when you have to defend yourself. This lesson has really engraved in my memory. I always try to adjust to his advice in daily life.
KamilG said…
I think I'm lucky because I never had to fight. I think the article is great. A completely different perspective on the fight. In my opinion, to hit someone is much easier than trying to just such a battle without a fight. People, it is hard these days talk to each other, come to an agreement. Often, a lot of things that lead to critical situations where nerves let go and comes to fight, that I think is a huge mistake
You know it is a very hard topic and couldn't be easily explained on any example. This article is based on my experience in teaching and learning kung fu.
There would always be problems we need to deal with and some of them you cannot omit.
The art of fighting without fighting is not only martial art concept but also the way of living. It tells you that you should always see what will happen with the steps you have taken.
It don't say that you should always escape fights and run away, it teaches you how to deal with them. ;)
What a perfect summarize for this article. :D
Thanks ;)
Well, fighting without a fight is my go-to kind of fighting :D Even drunk I'm more of a diplomat than fighter and I indeed needed to talk myself out of some potentially dangerous situations in the past. I think I failed that only twice, when my long-distance running skills helped me get out of the predicament. I thankfully have never had to fight, sure I have exchanged some punches with friends, especially in my young teenage years, but I've never had to fight a stranger.
Everyone of us had a situation in life when you just couldn't refuse a fight - there are some situations that you just have to stand up for yourself and put your fist up. For me it's now always best trying to avoid conflict in first place - sometimes it makes situations worse at the end. Just never get yourself provoked first, get ready and wait your first defence and then hit as hard as you can.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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It is not about saying "Hey you, stop it I' m not ready for this fight.", it is about resolving conflict in the most peaceful way. :)
Unknown said…
Agree with you, guys. Of course, I am a girl, but I think there are some situations when you can't avoid fighting - we leave in a cruel world and Sun Tzu was a wise man, but all the same he understood that wars do exist. And you should know how to win in different ways.

I don't know much about the art of fighting, but as far as I know, there are the ways to defeat the aggressive man without causing the injuries. The idea is to stop him from attacking. I think all the boys should learn how to do it, or as the men in the future they couldn't protect themselves and their families.

But this is a great stupidity to fight only to impress the girl or your friends. Sure, if you can avoid the fight - you should.
Yes that is true. If you are reacting with aggression in most cases means that you are scared.
When you stay calm your opponent will see that he can't threaten you and he will rethink if it is a good idea to mess with you ;)
For some people it is the hardest part, not getting provoked :P
In kung fu we have saying:

It is better fight than to be beaten,
it is better to hurt than to be hurt,
it is better kill than be killed.
Unknown said…
I just hope that I won't have to fight anyone. Sometimes you just have to protect yourself or people who are important to you. In such case you should choose a strategy that gives you best odds. Negotiations and tricks are forms of fight too. You can find yourself in a situation in which you just have to try to overpower them. If you know you rally want to or have to fight someone you probably should attack by a surprise and leave them no chance to retaliate.
Unknown said…
That's a very interesing point. I don't think we should only think about it in terms of conflict with other people. “The art of fighting without fighting” tells us that there is a different way to resolve a problem than the obvious one. Maybe sometimes we have to take a step back and look around for a lifeboat ;)
I had some situations that it was very hard to avoid fighting but fortunately I have managed to avoid conflict :)
I tried my best to explain it from a different perspective. :)
OlaScislewska said…
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OlaScislewska said…
Being calm and peaceful can be our the most effective "weapon". Agresion wakes agresion and it is a vicious circle. One of the personality trait I appreciate the most is humility. Someone who can be humble in proper situation can win the most. Let's take life easy, do not fight, race and try to prove we are the best all the time, that my opinion and kind of philosophy - that's why, I totally agree with and appreciate this presentation.
Unfortunately I do not train any sport, and sport Develops know not only the body but also brain and teach us a lot - Especially martial arts. I wonder to join capoeira class. It is a brazilian martial arts based on dance. Could be fun and developing experience how to fight without fight.
Michał Pycek said…
I agree that fighting physically is not an answer, but sometimes it is the only solution to a problem between male representatives. In my opinion you have to be able to analyze the situation and adjust to it. Conflicts should be solved without any physical harm, but with power of our mindsets and words, however I do not believe it is always a way without any exceptions. I wish it was though, because I do not use it myself, but we can see even from the world's events that it happens unfortunately, because people don't see any other option.

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