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Week 6: Is being a good driver that hard?


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Everyone probably knows that the Polish driving test is pretty hard compared to other countries. A lot of things to learn and what is more the way the driving instructors teach us. Each of them has their own rules they try to put into our heads. And if you are taking practical part in Warsaw – woah. Literally everyone is capable of honking all the time and trying to cut you off as you MUST take all the rules into consideration. 

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But okey. You finally did it, you have your driving license and a car you can drive all night long with your pet or girlfriend and you can do it as long as the gas I still in its pumps. And now the question rises – Are you really ready to take the steering wheel and move in your silver arrow through the world? Did these 30 hours of practice were enough to learn everything you need to know? In my opinion it is enough if you are into it like for example I am. But a lot of people are not and they need additional time to feel comfortable, to not be scared. The important part are proper reactions to unexpected events.

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And here comes a controversial topic of  drinking and driving. As everyone knows it’s forbidden and breaking the rules have really strong consequences: not only losing the driving license but also paying a high fee ~10 000 zł at lowest if no one was hurt, it was nighttime and you weren’t “that drunk”. That also includes being high or using any soft drugs that can outshine your senses making you dizzy and less concentrated on the road.

The situations like these happens all the time but why? When you are going out with friends it is really easy to lose control and get into the madness of fun. Then suddenly it is really late, the weird ideas are coming to your head and somehow you must get yourself and your friends home. Sentences like “C’mon maaaan, you have a car, you can taaake us” – doesn’t sound convincing but if you touched alcohol it actually might feel like it’s a proper thing to do. Why wouldn’t you help out your friends in need, right?

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This also includes high speed. Is it that dangerous? How is it affecting our bodies if we’re driving too fast, driving too far ( little reference to fools garden )? During an impact the car stops, but all the objects inside are still in motion. The faster we drive, the more power is put into our bodies that can cause greater injuries. 

Cars are great, don’t get me wrong – yet they are tools that are dangerous and should be used with caution. Please remember that.

New Zealand is making great ads about speed limits or driving drunk I recommend watching them as they are short and can make you consider if you are behaving well on roads

Some of them are pretty rough so don't watch them if yuou don't want to. There are no questions related to videos.

Questions :

  1. Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

  2. What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

  3. Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

  4. If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?


I wouldn’t consider myself the best driver in the world but I’m definitely not the worst. It all depends on the day and my mood. Sometimes I feel like a boss - I’m sure of every move I make, I know what to do, I can easily talk to someone while driving or use the GPS. But sometimes I feel a little afraid of driving, it is usually when it’s dark or it’s raining. However, I also think that it has something to do with the fact that I feel the best on the highways. I don’t make mistakes there (usually) and I am also not afraid of speed. Whenever it comes to driving in the middle of a town, I start feeling worried that so much is happening that I will not notice something or someone so I always try to avoid driving a car in big cities. When I was traveling with my boyfriend to Switzerland, there was a day when I drove 640 kilometers, but it was all on the highway. As soon as we arrived in Drezno, I just stopped the car and we changed so he could drive through the citi and park. Parking is also not my best ability. But what’s funny I have never had any crush or problems. By saying that it is not my best ability, all I mean is that I just don’t like doing it and I am afraid of it, but whenever I have to, I always manage. Since I’ve had the driver license (4 years), the only mistake I made on the road was deciding to drive the same day I was supposed to attend Harry Styles concert… I was all shaking from emotions (I mean, who doesn’t love Harry Styles?), and I actually drove 1200 kilometers to Oberhausen just to see him! But that day I was just too excited, couldn’t focus on anything and rubbed my dad’s car door against the wall of the hotel garage. But I mean, it was Harry Styles’ concert so it was all totally understable and forgivable.

When it comes to driving drunk or high, in my opinion there is no discussion - it is just wrong, stupid and irresponsible. For everyone “a little sip of alcohol” means something different and this is how all the accidents happen, because someone took just a little sip…

Talking about the speed limits around the world, there are two funny things for me. The first one is that in Poland we have limits on the highways and this is the reason why some people have fun driving too fast. While in Germany, there are no limits, and the driving culture there is just amazing. I would say that as long as society is smart and responsible, there can be no limits. The second thing are the limits in the USA. They have so many beautiful highways which are completely straight for even 500 kilometers or more, they go through empty deserts and you pass another car every 30 minutes. It sounds like the best place to drive fast and save. Especially, that Americans love buying fast cars like porsche or lamborghini. Which makes it even funnier that they buy very expensive, sport cars which they can drive only 90 kilometers per hour… When I was driving from Yosemite to Yellowstone, which was about 1400 kilometers, I thought that I would go crazy. The highway was huge, beautiful and empty but we just had to set the cruise control to 90 kilometers per hour which was so frustrating and made our trip much longer. But the fines there are so expensive that we didn’t want to do anything against the law.

I watched the video “in my shoes” and it made me think about all those people who are so confident on the road and confident in their abilities that they are not scared of anything. But the thing is that you might be confident in yourself, but you just can’t be confident of others. You have no idea what other cars might do and if you decide to speed and someone surprises you with their unexpected move, you have no chances to find enough time to make a thoughtful move. I just wish that people would start realizing that they are not only responsible for themselves on the roads but for everyone around them and especially for the people who are with them in the car.
I do consider myself a fairly good driver. Of course, even the best, like Romain Grosjean, make mistakes on the road, as we've seen or heard recently. I've once was in a pretty serious car accident. I was driving and the person two cars ahead hit his brakes just before the pedestrian crossing. The car in front of me hit that person's car and I hit the second car. Fortunately, no one got hurt, but my car was totaled. I believe that it was everyone involved's fault. The first driver should've started to slow down sooner. The second driver and I should've kept a larger distance between us.

As for driving high or inebriated, it's a stupid and a very irresponsible idea even if someone has had as little as a single beer or a small drink. Even if that person might be capable of driving normally. Even if any kind of accident happens, the person under the influence takes all the responsibility, even if it's not his or her fault. It's just not worth it. It's a lot better to pay a cab fare than to regret that decision for a very long time.

The speed limits in Warsaw are sometimes strange. The speed limit on a regular street in the city is 50 km/h. I think that it's very appropriate. Although there are some examples I could mention that are ridiculous. For example, on Trasa Łazienkowska - a three-lane motorway, there's a part that there's a speed limit of 40 km/h. Everyone is driving there at least 70 km/h, and up to 110km/h. There aren't any bus stops, pedestrian crossings, exits, entrances, or any other place that might be potentially dangerous. I've got no idea why it's so low. It's sad that cops use places like that to pull over normal drivers and they reach their ticket targets that way.
I do consider myself a fairly good driver. Of course, even the best, like Romain Grosjean, make mistakes on the road, as we've seen or heard recently. I've once was in a pretty serious car accident. I was driving and the person two cars ahead hit his brakes just before the pedestrian crossing. The car in front of me hit that person's car and I hit the second car. Fortunately, no one got hurt, but my car was totaled. I believe that it was everyone involved's fault. The first driver should've started to slow down sooner. The second driver and I should've kept a larger distance between us.

As for driving high or inebriated, it's a stupid and a very irresponsible idea even if someone has had as little as a single beer or a small drink. Even if that person might be capable of driving normally. Even if any kind of accident happens, the person under the influence takes all the responsibility, even if it's not his or her fault. It's just not worth it. It's a lot better to pay a cab fare than to regret that decision for a very long time.

The speed limits in Warsaw are sometimes strange. The speed limit on a regular street in the city is 50 km/h. I think that it's very appropriate. Although there are some examples I could mention that are ridiculous. For example, on Trasa Łazienkowska - a three-lane motorway, there's a part that there's a speed limit of 40 km/h. Everyone is driving there at least 70 km/h, and up to 110km/h. There aren't any bus stops, pedestrian crossings, exits, entrances, or any other place that might be potentially dangerous. I've got no idea why it's so low. It's sad that cops use places like that to pull over normal drivers and they reach their ticket targets that way.
Unknown said…
While I do not drive often, I enjoy doing it a lot.
Before university, I used to take the wheel much more often, as in Warsaw I prefer to not care about my car.
The public transport system is covering the majority of my commute area and the authorities are aiming to make it harder for car owners to live.
Only recently, thanks to lockdown, I was able to renew my abilities, as I am stuck in the countryside
Nevertheless, I wouldn't call myself a good driver. I lack practice, especially during harsh weather conditions.
After seeing what my friends can do with a car, I am convinced that there is a long road ahead of me :)

Personally, I believe that the threshold of allowed alcohol level should be an individual case.
Let's not forget that there are people that can still drive perfectly fine after alcohol or drug consumption.
Sometimes, they cannot even start without dosage...

Same thing happens with speed limit. There are multiple studies which indicate that limits too low cause more accidents.
However, in reality, we should always be cautious about our decisions on the road and do not rely overly on signs or current regulations.
Instead of strict prevention, I would rather have more severe repressions for those who decide to be reckless.

Videos above are indeed touching.
I strongly believe that they further empower my point.
I know that I am not experienced and I cannot afford to perform certain maneuvers.
But if there are individuals who are skilled enough, I can't see a point why would they be limited.
In case, they happen to overstate their abilities, they shall be punished adequately.

Summarizing, on the road, everyone has to be cautious. Both drivers and pedestrians alike.
Giving one group special permissions will not substitute being mindful and consequences of such regulations, can be grave.
Unknown said…
While I do not drive often, I enjoy doing it a lot.
Before university, I used to take the wheel much more often, as in Warsaw I prefer to not care about my car.
The public transport system is covering the majority of my commute area and the authorities are aiming to make it harder for car owners to live.
Only recently, thanks to lockdown, I was able to renew my abilities, as I am stuck in the countryside
Nevertheless, I wouldn't call myself a good driver. I lack practice, especially during harsh weather conditions.
After seeing what my friends can do with a car, I am convinced that there is a long road ahead of me :)

Personally, I believe that the threshold of allowed alcohol level should be an individual case.
Let's not forget that there are people that can still drive perfectly fine after alcohol or drug consumption.
Sometimes, they cannot even start without dosage...

Same thing happens with speed limit. There are multiple studies which indicate that limits too low cause more accidents.
However, in reality, we should always be cautious about our decisions on the road and do not rely overly on signs or current regulations.
Instead of strict prevention, I would rather have more severe repressions for those who decide to be reckless.

Videos above are indeed touching.
I strongly believe that they further empower my point.
I know that I am not experienced and I cannot afford to perform certain maneuvers.
But if there are individuals who are skilled enough, I can't see a point why would they be limited.
In case, they happen to overstate their abilities, they shall be punished adequately.

Summarizing, on the road, everyone has to be cautious. Both drivers and pedestrians alike.
Giving one group special permissions will not substitute being mindful and consequences of such regulations, can be grave.
Unknown said…
1. Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I believe that I drive reasonably well. I feel quite confident behind the wheel and I love doing it. In fact, I believe that in my other job I could be a driver. It gives me great pleasure.
In the end, of course, I made a mistake and scratched my car, but it now makes me more focused on how I drive.

2. What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

Good thing a small amount is allowed, because when we have the windshield washer fluid with alcohol, there may also be alcohol in the exhaled air. I also believe that a sip of beer will not affect safety, worse if someone drinks a whole beer or more. Then it is a really big problem.

3. Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

Hard to say. After all, most people do not follow these laws. Sometimes recipes are exaggerated.

4. f you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

It is important to drive wisely and keep your eyes around your head. It is also important to get enough sleep while driving. It is also important that the speed is not too high so that we can react in the event of a problem.
Unknown said…
1.Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I believe that I drive reasonably well. I feel quite confident behind the wheel and I love doing it. In fact, I believe that in my other job I could be a driver. It gives me great pleasure.
In the end, of course, I made a mistake and scratched my car, but it now makes me more focused on how I drive.

2.What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

Good thing a small amount is allowed, because when we have the windshield washer fluid with alcohol, there may also be alcohol in the exhaled air. I also believe that a sip of beer will not affect safety, worse if someone drinks a whole beer or more. Then it is a really big problem.

3.Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

Hard to say. After all, most people do not follow these laws. Sometimes recipes are exaggerated.

4.If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

It is important to drive wisely and keep your eyes around your head. It is also important to get enough sleep while driving. It is also important that the speed is not too high so that we can react in the event of a problem.

Unknown said…
1.Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I believe that I drive reasonably well. I feel quite confident behind the wheel and I love doing it. In fact, I believe that in my other job I could be a driver. It gives me great pleasure.
In the end, of course, I made a mistake and scratched my car, but it now makes me more focused on how I drive.

2.What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

Good thing a small amount is allowed, because when we have the windshield washer fluid with alcohol, there may also be alcohol in the exhaled air. I also believe that a sip of beer will not affect safety, worse if someone drinks a whole beer or more. Then it is a really big problem.

3.Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

Hard to say. After all, most people do not follow these laws. Sometimes recipes are exaggerated.

4.If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

It is important to drive wisely and keep your eyes around your head. It is also important to get enough sleep while driving. It is also important that the speed is not too high so that we can react in the event of a problem.

Unknown said…
1.Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I believe that I drive reasonably well. I feel quite confident behind the wheel and I love doing it. In fact, I believe that in my other job I could be a driver. It gives me great pleasure.
In the end, of course, I made a mistake and scratched my car, but it now makes me more focused on how I drive.

2.What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

Good thing a small amount is allowed, because when we have the windshield washer fluid with alcohol, there may also be alcohol in the exhaled air. I also believe that a sip of beer will not affect safety, worse if someone drinks a whole beer or more. Then it is a really big problem.

3.Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

Hard to say. After all, most people do not follow these laws. Sometimes recipes are exaggerated.

4.If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

It is important to drive wisely and keep your eyes around your head. It is also important to get enough sleep while driving. It is also important that the speed is not too high so that we can react in the event of a problem.

Piotr Marchewka said…
1.Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I believe that I drive reasonably well. I feel quite confident behind the wheel and I love doing it. In fact, I believe that in my other job I could be a driver. It gives me great pleasure.
In the end, of course, I made a mistake and scratched my car, but it now makes me more focused on how I drive.

2.What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

Good thing a small amount is allowed, because when we have the windshield washer fluid with alcohol, there may also be alcohol in the exhaled air. I also believe that a sip of beer will not affect safety, worse if someone drinks a whole beer or more. Then it is a really big problem.

3.Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

Hard to say. After all, most people do not follow these laws. Sometimes recipes are exaggerated.

4.If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

It is important to drive wisely and keep your eyes around your head. It is also important to get enough sleep while driving. It is also important that the speed is not too high so that we can react in the event of a problem.

1. I consider myself a rather good driver when it comes to driving skills and controlling the car. I even attended a special course that taught me how to get the car out of slides. I also have quite a good reflex, probably because I am also driving a motorcycle and I have to think of what I will do, and what other drivers will at the same time - I think every motorcyclist here would agree. However, there are moments that I don't feel confident, I feel that the tires are more slippy for example and that forces me to slow down because of lack of confidence. I still know that my experience is too small to get the car out of all critical situations and there are situations without the possibility of a good ending. I do make mistakes on a road and I care about each one. I try to think them off and not do them again. It has been a few years since the driving course, but there are moments and places that you do something incorrectly. That's actually when reasonable speed can help you make your mistake not harmful. BTW - most of the drivers think they drive better than the others... and so do I :D

2. I have nothing against driving after one beer, but more than that is simply stupid. There is enough evidence that driving after drinking alcohol is dangerous and we should never allow anybody to do that. To be precise about the question - a little sip is nothing wrong unless somebody misinterprets 'little'.

3. In my opinion they are correct. People who make accidents usually drive faster than it is allowed to, so we can't blame the limits. There are even roads in Warsaw on which almost 100% of drivers are exceeding the speed limit and nothing happens. I also think that limits on the highways should be changed to recommendations - Germany is an example, that it can work. I think we should watch out for places like cities, villages and generally ones on which there are pedestrian crossings. If our speed damages somebody's car - OK, that's only a piece of metal and you actually pay for it - but you can't pay for somebody's life. Pedestrian has no way to defend against the car hitting it, he has no crash zones. I was a witness of a pedestrian being hit right in front of my car with a speed of about 50km/h and I would not like anybody to experience such a situation: both as a victim and as a witness.

4. Yes, it made me think about it. We can't control what other drivers do and even though it is their bad, we can be hurt too. For the first question, most of us would probably answer that we are quite good drivers and I think that also most of us would say that we might make a mistake because we are just humans. Back to the videos, the last one was very touching, because it shows that in one moment we can change everything.
1. Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?
I have license but to be honest i didn't drive too much in last two years. There was no reason i just more often ride by bike and later on i use public transport because it is faster. I think i am driving good enough but everyone can do some mistakes on the road. Sometimes you are tired or something can distract you etc.

2. What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?
If we talk about cars, motorbikes etc i am completly against that. I have never tried this before and i won't. Things are different if you think about electric scooter (which is also legal for now) in that kind of situation i don't see anything wrong if you won't be drunk too much.

3. Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?
Honestly it depends to place. In some locations it could be higher but at the end of the day people will keep breaking this rules.

4. If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?
It didn't but i can bet it will make some people reflect. I already saw one of this movies. To be honest you chose good topic of this article especialy this is time before Christmas. :)
Maciej Antonik said…
1. I believe that I am a pretty good driver. Of course they all correct some mistakes on the way. With time we gain practice. The most important thing to remember is that we are not alone on the road and our driving can affect other drivers. I may not be the most skillful driver, but I definitely try to be careful and look after other drivers on the road. I believe that a driver should be primarily responsible and focused on the welfare of others. We all want to be safe.

2. I think that driving under the influence of any substance is highly dangerous and should be prohibited and enforced by the authorities. If someone only tries alcohol because he wanted to taste some wine, there is no problem with that. But he shouldn't be drinking the whole bottle of wine and going for a drive. An drunk person does not have the same good psychophysical reflexes as a sober person. A sleepy person can also be a big threat. I lost my uncle in a road accident. He was a passenger and his co-driver had hardly slept the night before.

3. The speed limits are only meant to keep other people safe. If someone is exaggerating, it is drivers who cannot drive at normal speed and consider themselves bloody racers. Rather, there is nothing wrong with slightly exceeding the speed limit, e.g. by 10-15 kilometers, but driving at 200 kmph when the limit is 100 kmph is a big exaggeration. I don't know if such people should not lose their lifetime driving ability ..

4. "Everyone thinks they drive well but I have never seen everyone crash well" - hits hard and makes you think - you must never be overconfident in yourself and your driving skills. Caution and humility are key to road safety.
1. Yes, I consider myself as a good driver. Of course, sometimes I make mistakes, but I have never been on the edge of an accident, even though I have already traveled about 150,000 kilometers as a driver.

2. I do not tolerate this type of behavior. If someone has consumed alcohol, he should not drive. Such people should be put in prisons.

3. In my opinion, speed limits should be adapted to the road infrastructure. As for Poland, I believe that they are set correctly.

4. No, I don't care about movies of this type. If someone who has a driving license needs further education about road behavior, it means that he should not have this document.
Interesting presentation. Answering your questions:

1. I think I could call myself a good driver. Not the best, but good enough. I am attentive to the road and often think of other road users. Have I made a mistake on the road? Yes of course. Nobody is a master and makes mistakes. Fortunately, these were really minor mistakes on my part - for example, the lack of a turn signal.

2. I would never, ever get behind the wheel if I was intoxicated. I take care of my health and life, as well as of other people. I hate such people who sit behind the wheel drunk.

3. I believe the speed limits are good. Maybe some slight changes are required, but overall it's not too bad.
Artur Król said…
@Magdalena Pierzchała I haven't been driving much abroad but you seems to see a lot of things and the manners that exist there. I agree that driving in the middle of big city might be stressfull. I feel like people can honk all the time only bacause of traffics.
I hope your father forigave you that little brush on doors that you made from excitement about the concert. Or maybe he didn't even notice ^^
Artur Król said…
@Piotr Marchewka I always felt some strong aroma form windshields but never took a chance to see what its made of. I'm not sure If the amount of alcohol in them is big enough to be spotted by breathalyser. Somehow it's not like these sweets - the barrels with rum or whisky. If you eat too much it could be possible to spot it ^^
Artur Król said…
@Marcin Węgłowski That's really cool that you're driving a motorcycle! That's a special scenario where you have to be extra careful as you're not protected by big metal cage and you don't have any aribags. Motoricycle suit protectes a little but when it comes to slides and brushes but can't save you from other people mistakes like accidental lane change and not spotting you. That's great you re taking into consideration every little mistake you made!
1 Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

No I am not driving, but even if I drive I don't think I am an attentive driver. It is a bit hard for me to notice evrything traffic, lane and etc. I am very panicking person.
even as a pedestrian, I do not always notice the traffic light and sometimes I just go on the red light

2 What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?
I think it is unacceptable and should be treated very serious. It is not only about driver life or health but first of all it about society safety. Driving under any influence is very dangerous you never except what will happen, and how you your body will react on it.

3 Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?
As a pedestrian, sometimes I feel unsafe on the roads. Especially near the center, where sometimes people ride at high speed. This is actually very scary, because I witnessed a car hitting a man. He just lay and did not move, and this happened not far from the center of Warsaw.
I think the speed should be controlled.
When you cross the road, you never know from which side a car will hit you, especially in the evening

4. If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?
Hopefully I am not driving, I don't think that I would be an active driver. I prefer to be a passenger.
1. I think I'm a very good driver, but only when I drive alone. Other passengers distract me especially when they expect an extensive conversation and participation in it. Dividing attention naturally takes away our concentration on what is happening on the road. I once heard about the research which showed that drivers listening to music in the car drive better and are more focused than drivers sitting in silence. I think it is related to the fact that in silence we tend to think about various things, e.g. that await us at work today, and also sometimes we are sleepy. Music stimulates and acts like coffee.
"Do you happened to make a mistake on the road?" I am convinced that everyone makes mistakes. In the past, I have sometimes misjudged my overtaking distance or exceeded the speed limit. There is no error-free driver.

2. I believe that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is extreme idiocy and such people should be imprisoned for some time to reconsider their culpable mistake or should go to psychological therapy and incur a very heavy penalty. In my eyes they are killers without mind. It is difficult for me to understand that there are still people who drive under the influence of psychoactive substances.

3. Speed limits are often illogically planned. There are open spaces, wide and straight roads with no pitfalls... and we can see limitation to 50 km/h, i.e. like in built-up areas, because several houses are located several dozen meters from the road. In my opinion it is absurd and such roads can be driven faster than indicated on the signs to limit. However, apart from such individual cases, I think that the speed limits are appropriate.

4. I watched the above films and they didn't incline me to anything new. This is because most of the existing road situations are known to me. I watch a lot of films with car cameras from Polish roads and they have largely taught me what to watch out for and what to expect from other drivers or weather conditions. I recommend channels such as "Stop Cham", "Polskie drogi".
I consider myself to be a careful driver. I don't really like to sit behind the wheel, as I find those moments dreadful, but rather in the passenger seat. I prefer road trips, where I can relax and just enjoy the view. I'm always stressed when I have to drive somewhere, even though I have received my driving licence a couple of years ago. I feel the safest on country roads, far from traffic. Before the pandemic, I used to rely mostly on public transport, but it's only an option in the city and it can become problematic on its outskirts. It's shocking how big of a problem it is in small villages. In fact, around 14 million Poles are excluded from communication by the lack of a functional public transportation system in their area.

Drunk driving is one of the most selfish things that I can think of. People are so confident with their driving skills and their ability to control the vehicle, so much so that they consider themselves to be invincible on the road. A drink beforehand only encourages them to show it off, while recklessly endangering not only their life and heath but more importantly, the welfare of people who cautiously follow the rules of traffic. I would never sit behind the wheel while being intoxicated, no matter how much pressure someone would put on me.

When it comes to speed limits, I don't think I've ever given it much thought before. They are made to keep safe both drivers and pedestrians, and most of the time they are accurately distributed. However, those limits are prepared by a national administration, and of course, sometimes those limits do not work with the reality, as they could be simply miscalculated. Nevertheless, they can always be changed and adjusted to a limit that would work best.

Those videos were really impactful and with no doubt, they must have made an impression on everyone. I think it's important to show, especially to young drivers, what consequences bring speeding or drunk driving. We often think that the inexperienced drivers are the only issue, however, plenty of accident is also caused by senior drivers as well. Elderly people, who have received their licence for an indefinite period, often lose their ability to properly assess the situation on the road. Albeit, there recently has been some changes in the law, and all drivers will have to change their licences for the ones with a limited period.
1. Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I think I'm quite a good driver. I always try not to exceed the speed limit and control what happens on the road to avoid dangerous situations. When it comes to making mistakes on the road, no one's infallible and also I've made few, but fortunately they were totally harmless.

2. What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

I'm totally against it. Driving drunk is extremely dangerous, because you are not only able to hurt yourself, but mostly another traffic participant. I've never tried to drive after drinking alcohol, furthermore even the day after partying I always rest a lot to be sure that I am able to drive, if I'm not, I go to the police station to check myself by breathalyzer.

3. Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

I don't know the limits in other countries, so I will only talk about our polish limitations. For me they are sufficient to make driving safely, but there always be someone who will not respect the rules.

4. If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they make you think about the way you drive? Did they make you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

Yes, I watched all of them, and they reminded me how important it is to be very careful and to have eyes in the back of your head while I'm driving.
s16427 said…
Thinking of it, I think I'm pretty good driver. I don't doze of during driving, I', checking all the mirrors all the time and I keep my speeding to minium. ABout mistake, well... Let first cast the stone. Of course I've made a couple of mistakes like turning around where I wasnt supposed to, speeding (not hardcore one but still) or driving through intersection on light that was really, really late yellow.

About drinking and driving, I have 0 tolerance rule. You drink, you don't drive. Simple as that. Of course, that applies to being high too. We're all adults (all us drivers), and we can plan ahead. I think that "just one sip is ok" politic is leading to two sips, then three sips and so on. Even little amount of alcohol is impairing reflexes, even if we don't notice it. It was proven multiple times but multiple study teams, no discussion about it.

Don't even get me started on speed limits. I can't speak for whole world but in poland they are absurd. Really, It's like they are still appropriate for 1980s maluch's. Right now, most crappy car on the road is mych more advanced then 80's cars. Even thinking about it makes me blush with anger. They are much too low. Fun fact: it was proven that increasing slightly speed limits, drivers tend to respect it more. The logic behind it is: If driver drive a little faster (but within increased limit), he can accept that speed, if limits are too low, then driver is breaking them. And as soon ase he broke them, it doesn't matter if he breaks it by 10,20 or 50 kph, so driver tend to drive even faster then.

And to answer your last question - no, not at all. I've seen enough of that kind of short films. I know that no matter as safely i drive, there always might be some imbecile that will drive right into me, and I accept that. I guess we just cant controll some things but it doesn't mean we should stay at home.
Kacper N said…
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Kacper N said…
Interesting article Artur

According to your first question - It's hard to say, but I consider myself as a good driver. I drive a lot, and I really like to drive what's more important. Of course sometimes I tend to make mistakes on the road, especially when I drive in some new area which I do not know.

Answering your second question - In my opinion actions like that should be strictly prohibited by law. There should not be things such as general limit of particular substance in our organism which discriminates if we can drive or not. There are so many types of people, and they organisms react in so much different ways even to a small seemingly safe ammounts for example of alcohol. There should be some serious penalties, because unaware driver is not only risking his/her life (and maybe also passengers lifes) but also people which are around him (pedestrians, other drivers etc).

It's hard to say in general. In some countries they have better quality roads, harder drive tests (which as a result may result in better overall drivers) and in that cases speed limits could be a bit higher - drivers with better skill could cope more easily with higher speeds, especially when infrastructure is good enough. But also in some other places this aspects could be totally different. In Poland I think our speed limits are quite reasonable, and even if there is some people that think it slows them down, they should remember that this limits apply to all of us, and maybe some people could not cope driving safely that fast.

Yes, I watched all of them. These videos were emotional and appealing to me. We should remember to think how we drive, even if we are in hurry, safety is the most important thing.
While I do not drive often, I enjoy doing it a lot.
Before university, I used to take the wheel much more often, as in Warsaw I prefer to not care about my car.
The public transport system is covering the majority of my commute area and the authorities are aiming to make it harder for car owners to live.
Only recently, thanks to lockdown, I was able to renew my abilities, as I am stuck in the countryside
Nevertheless, I wouldn't call myself a good driver. I lack practice, especially during harsh weather conditions.
After seeing what my friends can do with a car, I am convinced that there is a long road ahead of me :)

Personally, I believe that the threshold of allowed alcohol level should be an individual case.
Let's not forget that there are people that can still drive perfectly fine after alcohol or drug consumption.
Sometimes, they cannot even start without dosage...

Same thing happens with speed limit. There are multiple studies which indicate that limits too low cause more accidents.
However, in reality, we should always be cautious about our decisions on the road and do not rely overly on signs or current regulations.
Instead of strict prevention, I would rather have more severe repressions for those who decide to be reckless.

Videos above are indeed touching.
I strongly believe that they further empower my point.
I know that I am not experienced and I cannot afford to perform certain maneuvers.
But if there are individuals who are skilled enough, I can't see a point why would they be limited.
In case, they happen to overstate their abilities, they shall be punished adequately.

Summarizing, on the road, everyone has to be cautious. Both drivers and pedestrians alike.
Giving one group special permissions will not substitute being mindful and consequences of such regulations, can be grave.
1. Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I think I am quite good driver but I know that sometimes I can lose my focus and I need to work on that. But in terms of technique, adjusting speed and acceleration to circumstances and so on I am good. I made one major mistake 2 or 3 years ago. It was raining and I was driving slightly too fast and I had tiny car accident. I touched the car that was in front of me because it stopped in a second which caught me off guard. Since then I didn't have any situations like that on the road. I learned from my mistake.

2. What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

I think it is totally wrong and fines should be much higher. I Also think that most of fines prices should be increased.

3. Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

I think they are ok but there are many roads in Poland that f.e. have 90 hm/h limit and all of the sudden it is 50 kh/h for no reason. Usually police waits for you there :D

If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

4. I think that such strong videos are a good thing. More campaigns can bring ore attention to the topic but on the other hand there is so much to be changed in Polish driving law, teaching mechanism that this is just a part of the process.
First of all I’m going to tell you that I love driving. It's an amazing feeling and when I focus on the road I finally can stop thinking about other stuff that can’t let me sleep for a few days. When it comes to your question, I think I am a good driver. I drive quite a lot and I’m really into it, just like you said about yourself. But it doesn’t mean I do not make mistakes. Sometimes it happens, when I’m tired, angry, or just focused about anything else.

Driving after drinking or when being high is forbidden and there are reasons for that. You can’t properly focus, your reactions are much slower, you can’t be sure that you will be able to react as fast as it needs to be. Even when you drink one shot, one sip of any drink, your body can react differently. There are no excuses for driving after alcohol on any drugs.

Speed limits were set in current points with a lot of tests, researches, etc. And current cars might have better breaks, better traction, and they might stop a lot faster than old cars. This means that speed limits could be higher, because new cars are much safer? No, definitely not. There are a lot of old cars on the roads nowadays and those limits need to be equals for all.

To be honest, I always think about the way I drive. I watch a lot of videos about driving, car accidents, unexpected crashes and stupid situations on the roads. Every time I watch this kind of video I’m really shocked how little depends on us, and how much can happen before we even think that anything can happen. If I think about it even more, I come to answer that most cases are not “someone’s fault” but the unfortunate accident.
1. Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I consider myself as an OK driver. I am driving as safe as I can, I usually don't exceed the speed limit but of course sometimes I make some mistakes like anyone.

2. What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

I think it's definitely wrong and anyone who does that should have their driving license taken away. I don't like the argument that "it's just a little bit of it". People should be at least responsible enough to not kill some innocent people in alcohol driving accidents.

3. Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

Maybe they are exaggerated in some places but in most cases they are ok. I think people are tend to drive faster than they should and usually that's the reason of many road accidents.

4. If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

They are definitely make me think. I don't know why, but these kind of videos are making me scared a little, so after I saw them I tend to drive safer then before.
1.Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

Yes, I consider myself a good driver. I always try to drive carefully and pay as much attention to the road as I can. I truly believe in the rule “safety first!”. However, mistakes happen to all of us. Every time I can remember I made a mistake while being in high emotion or tiredness. I passed the red light three times (I was stressed and extremely angry) and two times I almost drive through a pedestrian (I was distracted).

2. What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

I drove one after drinking a few sips of beer. I would never consider driving after drinking something of the larger amount or stronger. Driving after alcohol is just stupid.

3. Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

I truly believe that obeying speed limits saves lives! Sometimes people say “I drive fast but I’m a good driver”. I don’t believe in that. When you drive faster the less time you have for a reaction when something sudden happens on the road. And you never know the time.

4. If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they make you think a little bit about what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

Sorry, but I decided to not watch them. I’m very sensitive to images like that. Probably If watched them I would spend the next night overthinking accidents and my driving.
Illia Kalinin said…
1. Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

Yes, I have 8 years of driving experience, during those years I drove
many cars, from small town cars to buses, had several long distance trips, got into a small car accident and my first car was produced in USSR in 1977. I have made many mistakes when I was learning how to drive, but luckily avoided serious consequences.

2. What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

It is completely unacceptable and should be seriously punished by law.

3. Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

In my opinion those limits are properly set by the local experts who examined them taking in consideration people's safety and the local road quality standards. I would like to extend those limits by adding a 80% speed limitation for the first year of driving.

4. Sure, it is always good to remember how dangerous driving could be, even it you are doing everything correct.
Angelika Dutt said…
Unfortunately, I consider myself a very weak driver, even though I passed my driving test in Warsaw, which supposedly forces some skills. Even though I have a driver's license, I have never had my car and have never driven more than once every few weeks. I have never liked to drive and it is very stressful, so if I don't have to do it, I prefer to go by public transport. Additionally, I am completely unable to park, so unless I know if there will be a lot of parking space, I do not drive.
I think that driving under the influence of alcohol is bad. On the other hand, if someone drinks a glass of wine or beer for dinner and waits for a while, I don't see anything bad about it. Of course, everything depends also on whether you are not a 40kg woman who is drunk after a sip of alcohol :D
I drive quite slowly and am rather opposed to driving fast. However, there are places where the restrictions are not appropriate to the place.
I realize that I am not the only person on the road and not everything depends on me. When getting behind the wheel you have to take into account that you may meet someone completely irresponsible and it will end tragically.
1) Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I do consider myself a good driver. It has been an important thing to me to be good at it and I have been driving a lot since I got my driving license in 2013 to become confident, safe and basically experienced behind the wheel. I do sometimes make mistakes but I learn from them and I would rather make few small mistakes than one really big.

2) What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

I think that alcohol and driving should never be mixed and it doesn’t really matter how much alcohol it was. Of course, after a small sip of beer your behaviour wouldn’t really change but different people have different tolerance and different definitions of what “a sip” actually means. Overall ban is the best solution in my opinion.

3) Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

I am not an expert but from my experience it has to something wrong with speed limits because no one actually obeys them and if someone does it is just considered as to slow.

4) If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

I think that I am a person who is aware of the dangers and responsibilities of driving a car. None of those videos changed my mind but they only assured my that my opinion is right.
I do not consider myself a good driver. I passed my driving license test on my first try, but only because I was extremely focused and was taking things insanely slow. One may think that it's a good thing, but let's look at it from a different perspective - if I were to drive like I was expected to drive durig the test, I would definitely introduce more stress, more anger and, arguably, more dangerous situations on the road.

Since I had passed my driving license test (3.5 years ago) I have driven maybe a 1000 kilometers. That's like a couple of days worth of driving for some people. Because of this, I do neither feel confident nor qualified to drive with ease. But while we're at it, I would like to share an advise I heard couple of years ago. It was something among the lines of "humans are sentient beings that do not always follow strict logic - because of that, it is generally safer to be predictable than to drive in a, generally understood, safe way".

Regadring alcohol or other drugs, I think it depends on a person. How much you weight, how "experienced drinker" you are, etc., influences the, well, very influence those drugs have on you. But the law has to draw strict lines. If it didn't, there would be an endless loop of "he was pardoned and I had only 0.XYZ% more alcohol in my blood", repeated any number of times. Because of this, I think it's fair to establish a strict line and introduce a safe (for everyone) acceptable limit of alcohol percentage and stick to it (I don't think it's zero, is it?).

Ahh, the speed limits. Well, I would like to remind you that I am not an experienced driver and, for an inexperienced driver (so - strictly speaking subjectively) I think the limits are pretty good. I think it's safer to limit the speed taking into account the weakest links (such as myself) instead of focusing on the average or on the best drivers out there.
Bui Ky Anh said…
1. Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?
I am still a newbie, I decided to take driving course last month and I have driven 12 hours already. I still have a lot of things to learn and practise. But driving was fun in my opinion since the very beginning.

2. What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?
In my opinion there should be no exception for driving after alcohol. You should not do it whatever you think. Even if it is just a little alcohol or regardless if you have a "good head" or not.

3. Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?
I think that I am in no position to decide about that because I have no experience. Because of that I still prefer to drive slowly around 30-40 kilometers per hour.

4. If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?
I consider myself as a careful person. I understand the risk and possible effects of my action and the fact that it is not only about me but also about innocent people. Therefore those videos just made my opinions even stronger.
I think that I'm a good driver, I worked for 2 years in car rental company so I drive 3-5 thousand kilometers per month. I see a lot of strange and dangerous situations on roads and always when I see it, I try to draw conclusions. I make mistakes because I'm only a human but I when I did something wrong, I make everything to don't commit again.
In my opinion is only one rule - if you drink even one beer you can't drive a car. If you drink and next day you want to ride - check yourself by breathalyzer, if you don't have any go to police headquarters.
I don't know about all speed limits around the world but in Poland it depends. In developed and undeveloped zones speed limits are good, but on highways it can be like Germany (no limits). It only one condition - polish people need to learn how to drive on motorways. At this moment a lot of drivers use only one line (left of course) and that is very bad practice.
When I learning for my driving license I had class with guy who is public prosecutor and he showed us a lot of pictures/movies from accidents. It is enough for me to know that reckless driving is not good if you want to live long.
Paweł Misiejko said…
Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?
I'm sure that i'm a good driver. I have driving licence since 2015. When i got my licence, parents let me drive their car any time, that is why i gained a lot of experience. Now i feel confident. I spend some time on the track, it was great chance to learn how to act in abnormal situation.

What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?
No way! Don't drink and drive, it is pretty simple rule. I can't even imagine situation when i'm drunk and drive a car. Safety is the most important. I hope, law will punish more seriously people who drive after alcohol or drugs.

Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?
I think limits are ok, the problem is that nobody cares, people should respect limits, it can save a life. Drivers have to remember that safety is the most important thing.

If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?
I think videos like these are a good thing. People should watch more campaigns, it can bring more attention to the topic. To be honest, it didn't change my mind, i'm sure that my opinion and rules are correct.
Jakub Łukowski said…
I consider myself a good driver, though I am not the best. I do not think that I have ever made a mistake on the road, but I sometimes have problems maneuvering in small spaces and managed to scratch my car a little couple of times.

I think drinking and driving is highly irresponsible behavior. Little amount of alcohol in the blood is legal in most countries and that’s ok, I trust that most people are responsible and do not drive when they can’t handle it, even after small doses.

In my opinion imposed speed limits in most cases are on the good level for everyone safety, drivers and pedestrians. I only do not understand speed limits on the highways, I like the system implemented in Germany, there is no speed limit on highways and that does not mean higher accidents rates.
Marek Parr said…
1 Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I have a driving license, but I drive rarely, but on the other hand I try to drive safely and I'm not overly confident, so I guess I'm average or slightly below average driver.

2 What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

If you drink, don't drive, simple as that. I think that there is no excuse when it comes to driving while being drunk. In my opinion fines should be correlated to one's income, so everyone would be very careful about driving after drinking.

3 Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

I think that speed limits are quite high in Poland compared to other countries. I don't think that speed is the only factor that makes roads dangerous. For example, there is one crossing near my apartment where there are like two accidents each week. There are two reasons for these accidents. The main reason for that is not speeding, even though people don't drive there according to the speed limit, but bad design of the crossing. I think that may be the case with a lot of cases of dangerous crossings in Poland.

4. If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

That videos definitely made me think about that. I think that the second one is super important, because as a driver we have to think not only about our own mistakes, but also about other people's ones.
Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I considere myself as an aware driver. I can do a lot of things with my car, with its balance during acceleration, deaccelaratin or in the corners but ive seen some good drivers in my life during motorsport events that its hard to say for me that im a good driver. Of course it happen to me to make mistakes as to anyone that drives the car but i have enought look to not having the crash yet.

What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

I dont get it how someone is possible to drive after drinking alcohol. Its something stupid and irresponsible for me and i will not understand it.

Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

I considere speed limits as a good indicator of how the road is prepared to be driven and even so im guilty of driving above speed limit i agree with the limits and they should stay as they are.

If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

I have seen those videos before and thats why the didnt make an big impression on my right now, but i remember when i saw the second video for the first time (the one with the boy in the back). I was much younger and less experience back then and this video make so much influence on me that i think im driving slower after first time watching it because its not you who have to make mistake to make an car accident.
Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?
I definitely consider myself a good driver, but I sure made mistakes on the road and I think everyone can make mistakes, it doesn’t mean he is a bad driver because as a human you can make a mistake at anything.

What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?
I think driving drunk or high is so dangerous and should be avoided because when you drunk or high your brain does not work normally and this can lead to serious accidents. I think the legal alcohol limit is really low for me but I also know different human have different alcohol resistance and the alcohol resistance may vary depending on many factors as how tired the person is, what you ate and more. so the limit should stay the lowest possible.

Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?
the speed limit is exaggerated for the average driver, but everyone on the road is not a good driver, and that one person can cause a serious accident. so it should stay the same or just a little higher but just a little.

If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they make you think a little bit about what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

These can of videos illustrate well what can happen if you or someone else on the road makes a mistake can be fatal to everyone, and remind us to be more careful on the road.
Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

Yes, I consider myself as a good driver, I have driving license since four years. I'm always careful on the road and my car doesn't allow me to drive fast because as you can guess it is not a sports car. :p

What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?
I think it is worst possible thing to do. There is on excuse for doing this and people should get banned in life for doing any of these things.

Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?
In my opinion speed limtis are perfectly balanced. Goverments should put more work on law restrictions and penalties.

If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

Those videos made me think off all the tragic death caused by stupid acts of humans, deaths that could be avoided.
1. Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

In my opinion, I am a good driver, but there is probably no man who does not make mistakes. He belongs to the group of drivers who are rather nervous about the rest, and not the one they are nervous about. I think that not everyone can also be a good driver. You have to be predisposed to do so. Just like in other things. Being a doctor, plumber or someone else.

2. What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

I think people who drink and drive are dangerous. A person driving after drinking should immediately have their driving license taken away forever. People who drink alcohol are not fit to drive a car. Some people find it difficult to drive sober. What would happen if they drove after drinking alcohol

3. Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

I think the speed limits are good. Some people use them even if the road conditions are worse and this is bad. You have to adjust the restrictions to the road conditions. Not only to the signs.

4. If you happened to watch any of the videos above – did they made you think about the way you drive. Did they made you think a little bit what could have happened even if it’s not your fault at all?

I watched film “in my shoes”. And I think sometimes I feel too confident on the way. I have seen many accidents where the person breaking the rules was not responsible for the accident. However, later on, if something dangerous happens, we still feel guilty. Because we could have avoided it, even if it wasn't our fault. Therefore, we have to follow the rules as this can often save life.
1. Do you consider yourself a good driver, do you happened to make a mistake on the road?

I think I am a good driver. I don't break the rules, I drive often, which makes me feel like I'm making a habit. I believe that after completing driving courses and passing the exam a person can not yet drive. In fact, the driving lessons are only taken after the exam is completed. This is when a person learns how other drivers behave and how to adapt to the conditions on the street.

2. What do you think about driving drunk or driving high even if you tried a little sip of alcohol?

Driving a car for even a minimum amount of alcohol is irresponsible. I am ashamed if anyone explains their irresponsibility with a small amount of any toxin in their body. A person under the influence of alcohol or anything else does not think clearly. This can lead to many unfortunate accidents as in one of these videos.

3. Are speed limits exaggerated around the world? Should they be higher, lower?

There are many places in Poland which at first sight seem to have irrationally low speed limits. However, I trust that these numbers are based on reliable tests and researches, which showed that there would be many more accidents with faster driving.

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