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Week 12. [15.06-21.06] How to Get Your Brain to Focus

People on a daily basis use many electronical devices either it is our phone to check daily news or catch up with someone via any messenger either it is our computer as a tool to work or something else, but have you ever thought how our phones and other electronical devices limit our focus and imagination? We are so used to technology that probably most of the users don’t even notice how addicted we are to our phones and how negative this impact can be for us.


  1. How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
  2. What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think 
  3. As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.



Bartosz Barnat said…
I tend to spend at least 12 hours per day using electronic devices. I think it's a little to much especially when I play video games after work so the time rises again.
The video was really interesting to me. I agree with everything that he said in the video and I really think that we should take a break from digital world at least for few hours per week. I like to drive to a small cabin near the lake once a month to just relax and think about everything that I did. Technology is everywhere right not so it is important to spend some time developing real world experiences, friendships and memories.
1. How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?

It mostly depends if i am working given day or if I have free time. When i work I can achive even more than 12hours but when I have free time I usually meet with my friends or do a lot of "offline" activities so it is really just hour or two

2. What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think

Well I have seen this video and I still agree that such things are disturbing us especially in long-term

3. As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.

It's not even an option. My job depends on this devices so even for a few days I could make a lot of loss
1. How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
Definitely I spend too much time using electronic devices than I should. I hope to overcome my addiction to pixel screens one day.

2. What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
Yes, I think sometimes. The video was interesting. I have learned about some things I wasn’t aware of.
3. As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
Well, I wouldn’t been able to do this, because I need electronical devices in my work and study. I would be fired from my job and I would fail the semester due to many projects that I need to present in next week.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?

With the latest update, my phone has a new feature, This feature is called "digital balance" and is used to monitor the time spent with your phone and individual applications and the number of notifications they send. I read from it that I spend about 3.5 hours on the phone. I didn't expect to waste so much time browsing Facebook etc. I'll have to limit it

What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
I'm having trouble concentrating too. It means not so much with concentration as with distraction. I used to read a lot, I liked to watch a movie. Now I can't watch anything without clicking on a game or browsing something on my phone. Same thing with reading - I'm reading for a few minutes and I'm going back to my smartphone.

As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
I think it would be very hard at first. I feel like I'm a phone addict.
Kyrylo said…

How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
An entire day, working with a computer. I do not think it is too much as we are slowly shifting to the electronic world.
What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
No, I would not. I would then lost contact with everybody basically. Cutting e-devices now is much like cutting any interactions with people that you know.
1. How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
In last three months it is almost all the time when i am awake. Usualy i spend a lot of time in front of electronic devices but i don't thinks that is too much because always when i have oportunity to go outsite with my friends i do it and in some point of view in IT i will spend a lot of time in front of PC because it is my job.

2. What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think as a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
I think this video is quite interesting. More often i couldn't do that because i have a lot of things to do but there are some days when i am not using it at all and i don't feel need to check social media or anything. I had two days like this when i was on trip in May with my friends.
Maciej Sadoś said…

1. I don't know any exact numbers but I spend a lot of time. Something like 10-14h a day. I think it's definitely too much but that's also a way for me to learn new things or find some useful information or watch something interesting so this time is not wasted. Except that it's bad for health to sit too much.
2. I've seen the video before and I agree with the statements which was presented there.
3. I do it quite often. Maybe not shut it off but I put my phone on the side and not spend time on computer so much - I just don't use it and focus on other things. I'm not an addict.
Yuliia Sauliak said…
How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
I spend so many hours as most of my best friends and my boyfriend live abroad, so it is the only way to support communication with them, sometimes it looks like i am obsessed with social networking sites and messaging 24/7.
What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
I totally agree with everything what was told in the video and that we should rest from electronic devices and social networking sites at least several hours per day.
As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
Yes, of course I can imagine that and I usually do turn off my phone or just leave it at home. Every weekend I go to the lake and rest for about 4 hours in total isolation from digital world.
s18716 said…
How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
I think that I spend a lot of time on the use of electronic devices, but if you compare my time and the time that an average-static person spends on it, then it takes me less time. I try to limit the using of electronic devices, but since my work and studies are connected with a computer, that is not so easy. I think you understand what I mean.

What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think as a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
As part of the experiment, you would turn off all of your electronic devices for the weekend, or you can’t imagine the day without checking them.
This video mostly touches on the right ideas. I am watching this video for the second time. It does not seem difficult for me to conduct such an experiment, since I sometimes try to do this, turn off the devices, well, or at least just not pay attention to them as far as possible, sometimes it comes out quite successful.
1. The computer is the device I use to work, so obviously I spend at least 8 hours a day on using electronic devices. I do it after work as well, because I use the computer to have fun as well. As for the smartphone – it says that my daily average is 3 hours. I don’t know if it’s much, but doesn’t sound so.

2. The speaker is very charismatic. It was pleasurable to listen to him. The content of the speech wasn’t very surprising to be honest. I guess that we all know more or less about the impact of electronic devices and over stimulation of the brain with the overflow of information.

3. I am almost sure that I could do this. It would be annoying for those who try to contact me, but since it doesn’t happen very often, it should be perfectly fine, however a little bit boring.
1. I spend a lot of time using electronic device. If not considering laptop, because I use laptop for study and work, I am still in my phone all the time. For sure it is too much, but due to this Corona time I think it is okay
2. I like this video it shows me how inefficiently I spend my time and it made think about for several minutes, but I think think I can manage with it.
3. No I would not like to participate in such experiment, because everyday I am using email, messenger and other apps that I need. I am checking them evry hour so it is hard to imagine to spend a day without devices
1. I definitely spend too much time using electronics a day. However, how to act differently? My work is based on using a computer, my studies are based on working with a computer - even now, as I answer this question - I use a computer. And I can't stop using electronics, the system just forces me to.

2. It is very interesting video. No, I have no problems concentrating, but I noticed that when I play computer games I am very tired. Computer games make me lazy.

3. When I'm on vacation with friends I can do it, but normally it's impossible for me. Maybe I'll work on it this summer. And no - damn - I have to write my master's thesis - I will not write it on a piece of paper :(
1. Personally I spend about 14 hours a day in front of the screen. I work on the computer, I study on the computer and I do not think it is a lot. Such a profession, such a life.

2. Very interesting video, however I have no problems with concentration. Sometimes I feel tired but it is the result of hard work.

3. I'd love to turn off electronic devices but in the 21st century this seems impossible.
How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.

1) I think that I could spend even 80% of the day on electronic devices during the last weeks. This is due to the fact that I work on a computer, we have remote classes/lectures and I like doing things on my computer in my free time. I think it is too much, but sometimes there is no other choice if there are so many things to be done that do not depend on me.

2) It was very interesting, thank you for sharing it. The thing that compared distraction with overstimulation was very educative and it changed a way I thought about it. I think I could experiment with some of these methods, especially because I was already thinking about changing some of the habits I have.

3) As I've just mentioned, I am open to experimenting with it and I think it would not be a problem for me to turn off everything (or at least the internet, because phone calls are sometimes important) for a weekend. It is not my weekly habit, but when I do something else I like to disconnect my mind. I don't even have to switch my devices off - I simply don't look at them.
1. How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
I spend a lot of time using electronic devices. I can't exactly say how many hours. I think it’s too much but it's difficult to change it. I have a lot of work to do. Sometimes I dream to do nothing.

2. What are your thoughts after watching the video?
I think this video was very interesting. I learnt that we need to find time to do nothing. It’s good for our brain. I remember that sometimes when I take shower I came up with a good idea and solved many problems.

3. As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
I think it’s a good idea and definitely I would try it. I don’t need using computer or phone. I remember that I done an experiment and didn’t use any electronic devices for week. In this time I read a book. I am not addicted.
Yubin said…
1. How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
Except for weekends, I think I usually watch at least 12 hours of the screen every day, and sometimes 20 hours. Although it hurts my eyes, as a programmer, I have no choice. I think that is too much, I hope we have 48 hours a day.

2. What are your thoughts after watching the video?
I like this video, it is very interesting for me. I agree with the guy's opinion about how we can get distracted less, it is actually useful for most of us no matter what we are doing.

3. As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
It depends on whether I really enjoy this experiment, if yes, then I will check it every once in a while, otherwise, I won't bother at all.
How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?

The problem with my time spent in front of electronic devices is that it is a huge part of my job and my school work. Current situation doesn't help it at all but that made me appreciate my off-screen time much more. What I am trying to do is to optimize my workflow on computer and phone to make my work faster and more productive. I tend to get lost at youtube but not so much on facebook or instagram anymore.

What are your thoughts after watching the video?

The video is very thought provoking and I appreciate that you made a presentation about it. While watching this video I removed Instagram app from my phone and set Facebook app to only inform me about useful stuff.

As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.

Of course I can imagine such day and it has happened before. There is this anxiety about missing out something important but I think that doing such detox from time to time might be very beneficial. I am thinking about doing one in the nearest future.
Aleksander said…
1. How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
Fortunately, I'm using an app to measure the time I spend using electronic devices. As a programmer, I work a minimum of 9h per day on a laptop. Adding studies things and my free time on a phone I counted that it's about 12hours per day. BUT if we are talking about detractors - it's only about 1h.
2. What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
For me, that's a video of the month. I was always a person with tight deadlines and many things to do, no matter if it was a work, a free time, or something else. A few months ago I discovered how important it is to have a free time during our day. So the video is great as It talks about those things.
3. As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
I tried to do such an experiment a week ago and that week also. And.. resited max 4 hours without checking my phone messages and calls. That really hard but I'm working on it!
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
Approximately around 12, sometimes even more, though rather not less. It might seem too much, but I spend at least 8 of them at work. What worries me the most, is that I tend to look at my phone every half hour, sometimes even more often. It’s also the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do before going to sleep.

2. What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
I think it’s the first coaching-type TED talk out of all that has been posted here during the semester, that kind of “touched” me and really made me consider putting in place presented rules. Maybe not all of them at once, because I’m pretty sure I would get discouraged too quickly. That would be really amazing to be able to stay focused for more than 30 seconds, so I may actually give them a try.

3. As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
As I stated in answer above - totally. But I guess I would have to have every minute of the day planned and filled with activities in advance. Otherwise I could get frustrated with the fact that I am not able to “fill the gap” with my phone.
Kgajewska said…
1. It really depends on the type of day we are talking about. During working day it could be even 12 hrs, during my free time I'm trying my best to rest from electronic devices. Sometimes I have to study during free time so it's impossible to turn my laptop totally off, but I can survive without my phone a day.

2. I don't know. For me this idea was quite obvious, but for me its all about time management. Maybe I'm different but sometimes I find this kind of distraction quite usefull. Especially when I have too much on my mind and I know that I have to reset my thoughts.

3. Yes, I could try to test myself in this way. I''lly try to do so after the semestr is over.

I spend over half my day on electronic devices. I know it's too much, but that's my job, and I like to play computer games after work. Sometimes you also have to call etc.
For me it is no problem to use electrical devices throughout the weekend. I hate social media, so I'd be happier if all my equipment was taken away :)
Angelika Dutt said…
I think I spend most of my day with electronic devices. Unfortunately, work and studies require the use of a computer all the time. The situation is different on weekends, where I don't use it at all.

The video was quite interesting and I found out many things. But I never had any problems concentrating.

I would love to get away from the online world and go somewhere to rest. The only problem would be that I like taking pictures, so I would have to have a camera.
1 / I am always at my computer or phone. Even if I'm in the city, I look into my smartphone any free minute. I think that I spend quite a lot of time on electronic devices.

2 / I made some interesting conclusions and observations for myself ... But I definitely thought that I should at least devote an hour to myself.

3 / I think this is good practice as well as prevention. I would love to try it.
Anonymous said…
How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?

Nothing to be proud of, but that would be whooping 100% of the time I'm awake. At least recently, during covid-19 lockdown.

Even if I walk my dog it's always with headphones in my ears.

Is it too much? Most likely yes. Some parts can not be optimized - my daily job requires staring at the computer screen every single minute. That already makes 50% time I'm awake.
What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
It was my second time watching it, I think. Or maybe it was another ted talk mentioning the exact same things.

I agree with them as I can see the negative effects of technology on myself (and I was heavily exposed to it since childhood, and rarely fully resigned, all my hobbies were somewhat technology-related).

The biggest bummer for me is an attention span, which I think in my case raised to unhealthy measures. Even people I work with, peers or any other technology-acquainted people point that my stream of thoughts, the way I work and use the computer is extremely chaotic. I blame attention span, it might seem chaotic, but I got so used to it I can be effective in it
As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.

I'm very keen to believe it would indeed help me. I will try it, most likely on vacation, if I ever get any :)
How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?

Well, to be honest, a lot. I am starting my day with my phone, then I work on my laptop, then I spend the evening with my other laptop and then I finish my day with my phone. I know this is too much and at some point in time, I tried to fix it. At the beginning it was ok, but then I lost to my procrastination and continued to use all electronic devices.

What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think

I think we should try to limit the use of our phone, lower its role in our every-day life and somehow start focusing on more important things. But it is easy to and hard to implement. So, I don't know :)

As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronic devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.

Well, I working with my laptop, so I cannot turn it off. I am using my phone to connect with my family, who are in another country, so I don't think I will it either. So, I think I won't be doing such an experiment.
Hello, here are my answers to your questions.

1. I'm studying IT at PJATK, and my work also includes working on computer, so I spend a lot of time as it is required for me to do so. I do not think that it is too much though, as I still manage to find a lot of time for myself.

2. I sometimes do catch myself thinking, but it is not an often occurrence, as I am, in fact, a robot. I did find the video entertaining, but I as for most of these TED talks, it sounds great, but using it in your life is harder than you think.

3. I could do that, but I do not see the point. I sometimes find myself without using them on weekends anyway, as I'm busy spending time with friend or family, and I don't believe I have a problem with addiction of using them. However disabling myself, by turning them off for a longer period of time, would be too inconvenient, as they are so usefull in many ways, that without them we would spend too much time wasting on trying to find a different way of obtaining information that we could need during this experiment.
Filip Bartuzi said…

How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?

Nothing to be proud of, but that would be whooping 100% of the time I'm awake. At least recently, during covid-19 lockdown.

Even if I walk my dog it's always with headphones in my ears.

Is it too much? Most likely yes. Some parts can not be optimized - my daily job requires staring at the computer screen every single minute. That already makes 50% time I'm awake.
What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
It was my second time watching it, I think. Or maybe it was another ted talk mentioning the exact same things.

I agree with them as I can see the negative effects of technology on myself (and I was heavily exposed to it since childhood, and rarely fully resigned, all my hobbies were somewhat technology-related).

The biggest bummer for me is an attention span, which I think in my case raised to unhealthy measures. Even people I work with, peers or any other technology-acquainted people point that my stream of thoughts, the way I work and use the computer is extremely chaotic. I blame attention span, it might seem chaotic, but I got so used to it I can be effective in it
As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.

I'm very keen to believe it would indeed help me. I will try it, most likely on vacation, if I ever get any :)
How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
At the moment, during all the covid situation i spend more than 10-12 hours a day in front of a computer or my smartphone. I deffinitely think its too much. Lokking forword to try the 2 week bordom exercise after the school year.

What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
I think something is in it. I try from time to time to do things like not taking my phone with me when im going for a walk or shopping. I turned off all notification on my phone to be less distracted during the day. And it changed my behaviour a litle i think and i deffinitely like that.

As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
I would love to. Unfortunatelly i have always something to do for school or work during the weekends. I hardly ever can allow myself to be offline but would love to be.

How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
1. I spend a lot of time using electronic devices. First of all, because they make my life, work and communication with other people easier. It seems to me that this is far too long, but I can't imagine functioning in any other way, restricting access to electronic devices.

What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
2.I don't think I'd have to do it as an experiment. I could do it without hesitation, for example on a trip, where I would rest and take a break from electronic devices. If I spend time with people I care about, I definitely don't have to use any electronic devices at this time. I think you can survive these few days without contact with the online world.
1. I have no idea how much time I spend using electronic devices a day, but it's definitely a lot of time. At work I use a computer and a telephone all the time. After work, I use a telephone as well as a laptop. I know that it is bad for my health but this is how the world works today. There is no life without technology.
2. I have seen this type of material more than once, so I did not find out anything new. Listening to these things, we know that we should do differently, but sometimes it is very difficult.
3. Currently, it would be impossible, because because of the coronavirus, all classes take place over the Internet, so I need it. However, I once thought about whether I would be able to disconnect from the world of technology for some time. I think it would be possible if I had company with me.
1. I think i spend too much time using electronic devices, but after realizing that implement to my life behaviors limiting time spend in front of electronic device.
2. I think that it is good to limit time spend stimulating brain by stupid things. When i catch myself doing wasteful thing on phone i stop and switch to other better activity.
3. I would and i think it is good to check how would i feel after such digital detox.
1. How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?

It mostly depends if i am working given day or if I have free time. When i work I can achive even more than 12hours but when I have free time I usually meet with my friends or do a lot of "offline" activities so it is really just hour or two

2. What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think

I made some interesting conclusions and observations for myself ... But I definitely thought that I should at least devote an hour to myself.

3. As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.

I could do that, but I do not see the point. I sometimes find myself without using them on weekends anyway, as I'm busy spending time with friend or family, and I don't believe I have a problem with addiction of using them. However disabling myself, by turning them off for a longer period of time, would be too inconvenient, as they are so usefull in many ways, that without them we would spend too much time wasting on trying to find a different way of obtaining information that we could need during this experiment.
1.How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
I use my laptop all day long, i working on it, playing and watching movies. I heard that its very harmful but i dont feel any complications.
2. What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
I agree with what've been said. We have to do more helpful things instead of spending time on Instagram or Youtube watching stupid things and blogers.
3. As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
I cant turn off my electronical things because i have to work, then i got fired because of that "very interesting" experiment and probably become homeless. So i can call it "failed experiment".
Aneta Artych said…
1. How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
I am always at my computer or phone since I'm studying IT and working as developer, so I spend a lot of time...
2. What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
I really like this video, I think it is very important topic for all of us reading. I agree with the statement about how we are getting distracted.
3. As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
Yes, for sure. If I have free time during weekend and I don't have assignments to do in work or for studies I am usually not using my phone while spending time with family and my close friends. I need a phone when I am alone to be in touch while there are away.
Rafał Halama said…
1.How many hours do you spend on using electronic devices per day? Do you think that’s too much?
It is definitely too much. Around 8 hours at work in front of the computer, then 3 hours of looking at phone while coming back home, and then there is also some time before sleeping. Sadly, this is a reality of a person working in IT.

2. What are your thoughts after watching the video? Do you think
Electronical devices have a lot of bad inluence on people for sure. It would be impossible to live normally without them in current world now though.

3.As a part of an experiment, would you turn off all your electronical devices for the weekend or you can’t imagine a day without checking on them.
No, I wouldn't. It's my main way of communicating with friends that live far away.
Tom said…
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