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Week 12. [15.06-21.06] The history of pizza

Pizza is one of the most popular dishes in the world. According to the surveys,  more than 5 million pizzas are sold around the globe annually! Everybody knows that pizza is from Italy, right? But is it? There is an ongoing dispute on who had invented pizza. 

The first pizza

The very first pizza recipe is hard to pinpoint exactly. It was a convenient dish. Various cultures had some kind of a pie with toppings on it. The simple dough was not very expensive and easy to come by and the toppings could be whatever one wanted or had to put on. It could be cut down and sold in pieces right on the streets. One doesn't even need a plate to eat. For all those reasons it was widely eaten in not only all Mediterranean countries but presumably in any country that has been growing wheat, and it was rather considered a dish for the poor. So what made the world believe that this was an Italian dish? It was the pizza Margherita with classical toppings including both, tomatoes and cheese, that was formally marked as a first pizza.

Fast food outlet: a Neapolitan pizza seller, 19th century.

Fast food outlet: a Neapolitan pizza seller, 19th century.

It wasn't a coincidence that this dish was created and we know a full story behind it. In the late 18th century the city of Naples had gained lots of influence thanks to the sea trade. It even became one of the biggest cities in Europe. Precisely, in 1889 King Umberto I and Queen Margherita,  then rulers of Italy, were visiting the prosperous city. They were quite fed up with the elegant French cuisine and demanded something less complicated. Raffaele Esposito, a local chef, was charged for this job and he decided to deliver a pizza. He had put a lot of thought to this task and decided to make it using three toppings: basil, mozzarella and tomatoes which colours represented the individual colours of the Italian flag. Queen Margherita loved it so much that her name stuck to this creation and we still call it like that.

Pizza stayed in Italy for a little while. Finally, it came to the USA with the Italian immigrants that opened the first pizzeria in New York in 1905. Initially, pizza was mostly consumed by other immigrants but shortly things changed. The convenience of this dish quickly made the recipe spread through the United States. All restaurateurs wanted to have pizza in their menu and began to accustom it to the needs and taste of their clientele. This is how some variations of pizza were created, such as the Chicago deep-fried pizza that is about 5cm thick and has sauce over the cheese and toppings.

Today we have pizzerias at almost every corner. There are chain restaurants and smaller family establishments. Many countries have taken on pizza and made it resemble their cuisine. Turks make their version shaped like a boat and put inside lamb or eggs which are frequent in their menu rather than mozzarella and tomatoes. They even argue that their pizza was the first. As this dish became so widely popular,  people started to strongly favour one over another, almost as if they were sports teams competing with each other. Americans generally like them puffy and with extra cheese, while Italians tend to stick to their thin crust favourites, however even in Italy it does vary. And when we talk about pizza preferences one cannot forget the dispute over pineapples on a pizza. Almost everybody has their opinion about the true pizza. I wonder what is yours. If you could please answer a few questions below it would be marvellous.


Ela said…
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
I knew that Margherita is considered to be the first pizza in the world, but I didn't know all its history. It's amazing that someone came up with such a good idea.

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
I like pizza on a crispy, thin, well toasted bottom with not too much cheese. If I had to choose the most I like Greek pizza and Hawaiian. However, I don't like seafood pizza.

3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I love Hawaiian pizza and I love pineapple. I don't like seafood pizza and pizza with fried egg. I don't like weird ingredient combination either.
1. Unfortunately, I've never heard the story of Margherita pizza. Nevertheless, I love this pizza and I order it very often so at the earliest opportunity I will definitely share this story with loved ones.

2. When it comes to pizza dough, my favorite kind is Neapolitan pizza. On the other hand, when it comes to ingredients, I choose various combinations from basic to fancy. Most important, however, are a good pizza dough and sauce.

3. I don't order pineapple myself but I happened to eat and didn't complain ;) Nevertheless, I like banana much more. Generally, often if I see a strange composition which taste I cannot predict, I am willing to decide on it.
That's my favourite kind of crust too! But I'm not a fan of canned pineapple on anything... You should try pizza with fresh pineapple, that is absolutely fantastic! Not judging, but you like Hawaiian pizza but don't like weird ingredients? I'm not sure where you draw a line, to me pineapple is weird, common, but weird ;)
It's nice to hear you are open to strange compositions :) I also often order the one thing in the menu that seems odd, which can resolve in the best food on the table or the worst, there is no in-between... However, I like to risk it!
Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
I never wondered what the history of this pizza is. I thought the pizza was treated as food for the poor. That is why Italians rarely exceed the number of 3 ingredients they put on pizza. In the past, this was due to poverty - less ingredients landed on the pizza because there were simply no ingredients. The story presented in the text seems to me unreliable, the most famous Italian pizza owes its name to another margarita, the common one. Margherita is a daisy in Italian.
2. What is your favourite kind of pizzza?
My favorite pizza is pizza kebab or with ham and mushrooms, both I like with onions.
3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I don't like the pineapple pizza. I'm not used to that kind of pizza. I've just had pizza and pears. But I think that everyone should eat whatever pizza they want. Pizza is just a naked name for a dish that has endless varieties. Even two identical pizzas can taste different.
Olga Przytula said…
1. I am not sure, I think I may have heard it before, but I didn’t remember it.

2. I am this evil kind of person that simply loves thin crust pizza with ham and … pineapple. Seriously, it’s like a god’s touch to make our lives better. When I was little it was the only kind of pizza I ate. Now it is a bit harder, as I tend to reduce meat consumption in my life but … oh dear god. It’s the greatest “sin” of all :D

3. As I said above, I love it. But to be honest – I think people should leave other people’s tastes alone and just let them eat and live how they want. It is seriously none of my business if someone likes strange kinds of meals or not.

Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?

Yes, many times, even on History lessons

What is your favourite kind of pizza?

Any kind. Pizza is just one of the best kind of food in the entire universe. I don't personally know anyone who doesn't love it

What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?

Pineapple on pizza is one of its noblest instances
Kyrylo said…
Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
I have, but did not believe that it was true
What is your favourite kind of pizza?
The meat one. To be honest, it can be without dough, just meat
What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
Personally I do not care about it. If it is tasty, then good, eat it.
1. I have not heard the story about pizza Margherita, my only knowledge about margherita is that it is the basic pizza.
2. When i was younger my favourite pizza was pizza hut, because it was the most popular, easy to get delivery pizza. Later dominos pizza because it was not as greasy as pizza hut. But taste changes and now i am a big fan of classical neapolitan pizza. I can recommend restaurants like ciao a tutti and bella napoli. During the quarantine when i didn't want to order any takeaways and my yearning for pizza grew bigger i ordered a pizza stone to make homemade neapolitan pizza. After lots of attempts and watching lots of youtube videos i can say it is not so hard to make homemade pizza as good as a restaurant one.
3. When i was young my favourite pizza was a pineapple pizza and i can say that it stayed with me, the combination of sweet pineapple and salty ham is perfect. And i think that other deviations are good because that way we can find some goood variations like ham and pineapple.
Yubin said…
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
To be honest, as an Asian, I have never heard of the story of Pizza Margherita, because there is very little information about this, and I usually only care about eating but not paying much attention to the story of what I am eating. After reading your presentation, I know a lot now!

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
Any kind of pizza, pizza for me is just one kind of food, so I don't care what kind of pizza I want to eat, every kind is the same for me.

3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
Not bad! I like pineapple, in my city, we usually cook pineapple with meat too. I would like such strong deviation as long as it tastes good.
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
No i didn't heard the story about pizza margheritta but i heard that it was a first pizza.

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
I don't have one favourite. I like to try new tastes and also i don't mind to pizza with ananas but a lot of people don't like it.

3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
As i said before i don't mind to pizza with ananas but i am not sure what about some other fruits. Maybe some of them won't be my taste. I didn't try before but i can't imagine bananas with pizza.

1) No, I haven't heard it. I thought the invention of this specific pizza was connected with people who simply added what they had at home, but it seems to be a bit more complicated story.

2) To be frank, I like basic kinds of pizzas. What I mean is I don't like if there are too many different ingredients mixed on the top, because then the tastes mix. I like Margherita because it is a "base" for me, and I like it when some mushrooms, meat, or corn is added.

3) Pineapple is the best pizza invented ever and I love this war between people! The pineapple is a great taste-changer and together with salty taste ham used, it makes an amazing balance. But I have to agree, that it does not comply with original "pizza rules" and was made just because Hawaiian people had much of pineapples.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
To be honest I've never heard about it so thank's for the presentation. I've only heard that the Margherita was the first one.

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
My favourite kind of pizza is the simplest vesuvio that is cheese, ham and red pepper. I don't like some sophiscitated ingredients or overload of ingrediends. It must be simple. Sometimes I also like pizza with more meat but generally a simple one is the best for me.

3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I don't mind a pineapple on pizza as long as I don't have to eat it 😄 Generally I don't really like pineapple even outside the pizza so that is why I never order a pizza with pineapple.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
Yes, I have heard the story about pizza Margherita. I think it is a popular fact. But, honestly, I almost don`t cook or order pizza Margherita, because I like to add something else besides cheese and tomatoes.

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
Free pizza is my favourite kind of pizza! :D
I adore all Italian cuisine in general, and I can eat with pleasure all kinds of pizza. Maybe the exception will be extra hot once.

3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I don`t mind such deviation from the original. Everyone has their own tastes, this is absolutely normal. Pizza is the perfect dish to experiment with toppings. I have even tried once pizza with oranges.
Viktor Ryś said…
No, it was an interesting story though.

I really like all kinds of vegetarian pizza. So a lot of spinach and mushrooms.

I like Hawaian pizza, I think it was the first one I tried when I was a kid, so for me it's the original one.
1. For sure, I once read this story, but of course I forgot. It was very nice to remember the story of pizza Margherita.

2. To be honest, I love pizza - all kinds. I like to eat traditional Naples pizzas the most. With the addition of arugula, Italian mozzarella and traditional Italian ham. I also like to prepare pizzas myself, then I can say that I experiment a lot with ingredients ;)

3. When I was little, I loved pineapple pizzas. Over time, however, Hawaiian pizza stopped tasting to me. I'm not her opponent, but whenever I order or make a pizza, I don't add pineapples. I've never had an egg or broccoli pizza. I think these ingredients don't really match the pizza.
1. No I haven't heard that story before. I think the story of any kind of food is very interesting and the story of that pizza was interesting as well.
2. I very cheesy pizza. I can't say that I have my favorite one. Generally I like all pizzas, but maybe I can underline the pizza with 4 different kind of cheese and pizza with salad. Also I like crispy pizza.
3. I don't mind of pizza with pineapple. I think there is no bad pizza it is just impossible. Pizza is good with any kind of ingridients, the main thing is to not forget about cheese.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
No, I've never heard this story before. I was aware that it was the first one "invented", though I had no idea the colors on Margherita resemble Italian flag not the origins of its name.

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
To be honest I'm not a huge fan of the traditional Naples-style pizza, the crust is too thin for me. When it comes to toppings the less, the better. I don't like it when it's overloaded with ingredients, so I usually go for tomato sauce, mozarella + one or two more toppings such as smoked meat, olives, onion, mushrooms or some hot pepper.

3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
Even though I really like pineapple itself and the sweet-sour combination, pineapple pizza is a huge no for me - it just doesn't work. If you like it, then go for it. I don't really get this whole fight over the internet - I think there are much more controversional ingredients you can put on you pizza - peas, bananas or even kimchi.

Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. I heard about it for the first time in my life. It's funny how probably most popular pizza variation, got its name from a visit of monarchs. Fact that it was made from Italian flag colors is nice addition as well.

2. As thin as possible, because we wanna it toppings not dough, with pretty basic ingredients, namely tomato sauce, mix of gouda and mozzarella slices, and pepperoni.

3. As you can probably guess from above, #teamPepperoni here. Pineapple one is inedible for me. But whatever people like, right? It's not like there's good pizza and bad pizza, because everyone has different taste. Same goes for other weird ingredients. I remember there was a game called Pizza Syndicate, where you could put living ants as one of toppings, and it was one of most desirable ingredients you could use :). Thinking about it actually made me think about installing it.
1. Yes, I heard the story about Margheritt's pizza, and even watched about an hour's report on the Discovery Channel about it.

2. My favorite pizza is Quattro Stagioni whose name refers to the four seasons of year. It includes artichokes, prosciutto cotto ham, mushrooms and olives.

3. I have no contraindications to pineapple on a pizza.
Bartosz Warda said…
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?

No, I haven't. I thought that people were just adding some random ingredients that they had at home. But surprisingly the story is more complicated.

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?

First time I've tried this one was at a festival in a food truck. The name of the pizza was the Goat. It had some ham on it with goat cheese and the game-changer ingredient - pear. I was so surprised how good a pear could be on a pizza. I really cannot forget the taste till today.

3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?

I just simply like the taste of pineapple on the pizza probably that is the reason why my favourite pizza is also with a fruit - pear. I know that there are anti pineapple pizza fanatics out there but to be honest I do not care. People have different tastes and I don't hate them because they don't like for instance radish in some dish.
Roman Burlaka said…
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?

Yeah, it's a quite famous story and I think if you are not too fixated on something specific and don't care about the world around, you probably have heard about it.
2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?

A lot of them. One burger pizza from my origin city, chicken with BBQ sauce, classic Pepperoni, the same one, but with capers. Moreover, pizza is my favourite dish.

3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?

Anything you want to eat - you should be able to eat. Even strange combinations can be tasty, for a lot of people or not. It's a matter of personal taste and maybe in such experiments, we will find something completely new and fantastic.
Olga Bogdał said…
1. I've never heard about that before, it's actually a very interesting fact. Thanks for sharing.

2. I like margherita the most. Sometimes I also do enjoy my pizza hot with red peppers or jalapeno.

3. I don't eat meat and I don't really like sweet pizza so I think I would not like the pineapple pizza anyway. I am also very surprised about the sushi pizza, it seems to weird for me. Pizza crust and rice in one dish? This cannot taste good. I would definitely try frutti di mare pizza especially if I could do it on holiday in Italy.

Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?

I haven't and I think that it is hilarious. It's funny when you think about how nearly every place in the world gives you an opportunity to get a piece of pizza margherita and that it was originally a Queen's dish.

What is your favourite kind of pizza?

I has changed over the years but right now I am in a Calzone phase. Earlier I was a fan of european pizza from pizza hut, capriciosa, quattro formaggi and many others. Calzone (especially vulcano) is my choice right now.

What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?

I have nothing against pineapple pizza. People seem to be overly excited about this topic. Who cares that there is a pineapple pizza? I have seen banana pizza or chocolate pizza many times in my ife and nobody seems to be offended by those. What's more - people even found it amusing so what's the problem. It is not like someone is taking away something from you.
Yuliia Sauliak said…
Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
I haven`t heard about the history of a pizza, however I knew that pizza was originated in Italy. It is the fact, which is really worth to know.

What is your favourite kind of pizza?
I don’t have a favourite pizza - it depends on my mood and who’s around. However,
I prefer pizza with smoky flavor and a balance of elements, a mixture of veggies/fruit, meat, and cheeses. My best combinations are:

2. sausage or bacon
3. green peppers
4. pineapple
5. pepper-jack cheese

What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I really like the combination of chicken and pineapple in a pizza and actually experiments with food. Although, It is alright but I don't go out of my way to get pineapple on my pizza. I don't understand how some people can get murderously angry over a pizza topping, though.
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
Yes, I have. First time I heard a story about pizza Margherita from my best friend Marta. I didn’t know that pizza was created for poor people. A few months ago I found an article about history of pizza.

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
I love many kinds of pizza. My favorite is a vegetable pizza with tomatoes and olives. It’s delicious.

3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I don’t have problem with that. Sometimes we need to experiment to find a new combinations of ingredients which improves taste of food. Some people says that pineapple on pizza is a sin. I don’t agree with that.
At first, pizza was a food for the poor, that is why it was so shocking the queen was served one.
Well, I did my research, if you think that it is wrong then proof it ;] it may be true that half of the world is wrong and just someone thought it looks like a daisy, but in my opinion, your story is less reliable.
I love your reply <3 so non-agressive and pleasant to read. I do agree with you, however, as a child of pizzeria owners, I do look down on such a combination. But it is not because it is wrong but because this pizza, of all the others, become popular. I just can't stand it :D

Also, as mentioned above, try pizza with fresh pineapple! Totally different story.
I already like your history teachers :D

I do agree that pizza is a perfect food. No matter the occasion, mood or season, pizza is always the best choice. Sad? Eat pizza! Happy? Eat pizza! Having friends over? Order pizza, because who dislikes pizza?
Well, a pizza with no dough wouldn't be a pizza, but I admire your style. But I'm concern of your diet, try some veggies from time to time ;]
Oh my, you learned how to make your own pizza! I admire that. Send me a slice, please!
I can see that most of you like pineapple pizza, I'm quite shocked, I hoped there will be a 50-50 situation here, but we are not even close...
You never knew when you will learn something new, maybe it will be a good conversation starter someday?
Well, but you must agree that there are better pizzas and worse ones... I recently ate a slice of pizza that a friend ordered and I though my stomach would explode. It had so much cheese on it, it took only one slide to take me down.
One of the weirdest pizza I ate was with arugula, blue cheese, strawberries and balsamico sauce. As I love to experiment with food I ordered it with high hopes and it didn't disappoint me a bit. I understand that it might sound weird, but it is awesome.
To be fair it probably wasn't the first time it was tried, but that is how it gained its name and fame.

I assume you are right, you put on pizza what you have, such as in Poland you can eat pizza with potatoes and pickles. I did try it and it was ok, but I could feel the eyes of Italian spirits around me dying once again...
Kgajewska said…
1. yes, I've heard story about the pizza.

2. My fav is the neapolitan style. the crust is much more important than the topping tho.

3. I don't really care. I don't like pineapple at all so I won't put it on my pizza but I don't have the porblem with people enoying this kind of pizza.
No problem!

I do agree that a smaller amount of ingredients is better, however, I like a large variety of them. So it can be combinations of even 6 or 7 toppings but in smaller quantity, that is the best pizza to me. There is a traditional pizza called Quatro Stagioni, meaning the four-season, and each quote is different. It is marvellous for me as I usually can't decide what to eat :D
Wow, I haven't thought of this kind, but you are right! Free food always tastes the best :D

I also had a pizza with oranges and it was my favourite one when I was a kid. It had oranges, kiwis, pineapple and peaches. I'm not sure if I would like it now, but back in a day when I walked into the pizzeria, they knew what to do without even asking, I was obsessed!
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.

Spinach and mushroom on pizza are amazing! Plus some garlic and you would win me over.
Another person can make pizza by themselves, I'm so glad you guys are so talented :)

Would you eat pizza with romanesco broccoli? it is the one that is shaped in fractal spirals and it's native to Italy. Would this kind of broccoli be acceptable for you?
But I like pizza with no cheese... I understand your love for cheese, I love it too, however, when it is 30 degrees Celsius outside I can't eat it. When it's hot I prefer just dough, tomato sauce, some capers and olives, it is amazing, give it a try if you can.
Klaudia Kozioł said…
1. I have never heard of this history, but it is really interesting.
2. My favorite kind of pizza is Neapolitan pizza with Parma ham and arugula.
3. I don’t mind pineapple on pizza.
Oh, you are the first to prefer thick dough over Napels thin crust. It's ok, I'm not judging, but isn't it nicer to eat fewer carbs and more delicious ingredients? Maybe pizza isn't best for talking about healthy nutrition, however, when a pizza has too much dough I become full to fast and it has less flavour.
Oh, and I forgot to say this, KIMCHI ON PIZZA??? I'm not sure if I can respect that...
Exactly my point! On the contrary to the comment above, the thin dough is better as I like toppings, not some bread...

Ok, you mean that this combination is just in a game? I'm ok now, but my heart stopped for w while...
OMG, somebody knew about my favourite pizza! I already mentioned it in the comments above, it is great as you can taste different kinds at one meal! :)
Oh, wow, that does sound's great. No ham for me, however goat cheese and pears work together perfectly. I'll have to try, thanks for the tip! I'm hungry already.
Pizza is everybody's favourite dish ^^
No problem, happy to help :)

Yeah, rice on pizza seems like it would call for a long nap after :D
Finally, someone mentions Calzone! Isn't it great?! Just not too much watery ingredients inside and everything goes, and the pleasure of crushing the outer shell... It is marvellous.
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
I have never heard the story about pizza Margherita I see that even rich and powerful can get fed up with the elegant French cuisine

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
My favourite kind of pizza is pepperoni with extra cheese I know it's nothing special, but I like it
3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
Maybe they are not my favourite pizza toppings but from time to time it is worth trying something new and crazy
Maciej Górczak said…
1.I have heard about the history and its quite interesting. When it comes to the history of pizza, I would really like to eat at Da Michele in Naples. It's a very historic place for pizza making and eating!

2.My favourite pizza is neapolitan style, preferably in Ciao a Tutti in Warsaw. The best pizza I ever tried was in Rome in a very local spot - it was great. When it comes to toppings I would eat pretty much anything but when I really want to treat myself I choose: salsiccia, marinated peperoncino peppers and mozarella di bufala or buratta.

3.I don't really care but yeah, I do not like it. When it comes to fruit on pizza I like fresh figs or pears. I once saw some people put bananas on their pizza - it was horrible.
Anonymous said…
Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?

Oh, yes, someone mentioned it to me. I was surprised at first but it does make sense!
The other pizza story, probably heard from the person, was history of (one of my most favourite!) carbonara.

It was introduced (discovered?) during around the war, where the economics of the country weren't good (is the Italian economy ever good?), so carbonara was the finest answer to it. Very fulfilling and cheat became a standard for poor/working class

What is your favourite kind of pizza?

I usually use meat content as a predicate which pizza to choose. It varies from restaurant to restaurant, so there isn't any "official" name for it, but perhaps "Wiejka"/"Country-like" is the most common name for full-meat pizza option.

What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?

I'm not pizza connoisseur by any mean, therefore I don't mind "theory" or strict rules what pizza is, what pizza isn't or what pizza should be like. I treat it as "utility meal". It must be tasty and fulfilling.

With that rules, I can accept basically any "pizza-deviation", including pineapples or calzone.
Filip Bartuzi said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
1 / Yes, I read a story about this story, it is quite interesting and I was very interested when I first found out.

2 / I really like unusual pizzas with interesting flavor combinations (Pineapples, seafood, avocado or mango, as well as chips and marshmallows) But very often I choose either new types of pizza or my favorite, classic Margarita.

3 / Very positive :)))))
Filip Bartuzi said…
Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?

Oh, yes, someone mentioned it to me. I was surprised at first but it does make sense!
The other pizza story, probably heard from the person, was history of (one of my most favourite!) carbonara.

It was introduced (discovered?) during around the war, where the economics of the country weren't good (is the Italian economy ever good?), so carbonara was the finest answer to it. Very fulfilling and cheat became a standard for poor/working class

What is your favourite kind of pizza?

I usually use meat content as a predicate which pizza to choose. It varies from restaurant to restaurant, so there isn't any "official" name for it, but perhaps "Wiejka"/"Country-like" is the most common name for full-meat pizza option.

What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?

I'm not pizza connoisseur by any mean, therefore I don't mind "theory" or strict rules what pizza is, what pizza isn't or what pizza should be like. I treat it as "utility meal". It must be tasty and fulfilling.

With that rules, I can accept basically any "pizza-deviation", including pineapples or calzone.
I have never had pepper-jack cheese on my pizza, seems worth a try.

I think is mostly a symbol. Pizza that originated in Italy is now all around the world. It would be like Italians doing schabowy but with mushroom instead of meat :D It could be good, but calling is a schabowy (pork chop) would be a stretch.
Mmm tomato and olives are also high on my list. It is late already and I'm getting more and more hungry because of you guys!
Neapolitan pizza seems to be winning this contest, I'm glad :)
Another vote for Naples pizza!
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
No, unfortunately, I've never heard of Margherita's pizza history.

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
My favorite kind of pizza is pizza capriciosa. I think the simpler something is, the tastier it gets. I don't like a lot of additions, because then the dish loses its taste.

3.What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I don't have a problem with the pineapple on my pizza because I like Hawaiian pizza very much and it is one of my favorites. However, I don't like to experiment too much with this dish and Hawaiian pizza is rather the exception. I have no problem with new kinds of pizza, but I rather choose simplicity.
Elegant cuisine can make everyone wanna eat some pizza. Especially when you eat it with your hands, not worrying about the etiquette. It's liberating!
Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
Yes i have heard it before.

What is your favourite kind of pizza?
I like classical Margherita on thin crust and NewYork style one with cheese.

What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I really like pineapple on pizza. I think that it become more of a cultural think to not liking it. I like almost every deviation with pizza. Pizza is greate.
Figs on pizza are great! But bananas are also nice ;] try them with salami, you will change your mind.
Yes, I also heard about it. From what I heard mostly soldiers ate Carbonara as it is cheap but having a lot of nutritional value.
Oh, my. Pizza with marshmallows? Are you for real? I'll need to google that.
I read that somewhere before ;]
Capriciosa was my go-to for many years, especially when trying out new restaurants. It was the safest choice.

Btw it is also the one pizza that people don't know how to spell. They often say "Kaprikoza" :D
I agree :) I still won't choose pizza with pineapple, or even won't call it a pizza, however, I understand that it could be tasty for some. But if it would be with fresh pineapple and not the one from a can that is awfully sweet I can eat it!
Rafał Halama said…
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
No, I didn't. Only thing I knew was that it originated in Italy.

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
It's really hard to just choose one. Also, same kind of pizza may taste differently depend on the brand of pizzeria that made it. I would say the most reliable option is pizza with barbecue sauce, as it tastes amazing no matter what.

3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I have never eaten that, and I never will. Everything other than meat on pizza isn't for my likings :D
So a American pizza is your favourite? :D I haven't heard of Italian pizza with BBQ sauce ;]
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
Yes, I saw that story several times on Facebook and somewhere else.
2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
My favorite pizza is Quattro Formaggi as I'm a cheese lover and pizza with pepperoni, mozzarella, black olives and jalapeno.
3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I hate the combination of pineapple and chicken, it's too much for me. I don't like sweet meat, but somebody likes it and it's OK for me. Once I have tried Quattro Formaggi pizza with pear and it was very strange but tasty.
1. I have never heard this story, I think it is very interesting and when I have opportunity someday, I will tell a friend a story about pizza over pizza.
2. My favorite kind of pizza four cheeses, like her by pulling cheese and great taste.
3. I think that there is nothing wrong with that, we should experiment because we can get to know interesting flavors, pineapple on the pizza is ok for me.
Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
I didn't know about the story behind the pizza Margherita and thank you for letting us know.

What is your favorite kind of pizza?
I think my favorite one is four seasons but I think restaurants make it differently some of which I like others not.

What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviations from the original?
As much as I like pineapple, I really don't like it on pizza.
Another mention of pear on a pizza! I think I'm gonna try it!
Use it as a pickup line! :D
Me too! I like pineapple when it is fresh or in the form of a dessert, but not mixed with sour food. Btw I once ate donuts made out of pineapple rings. They looked like a classic American donuts but in fact, it was a pineapple slice in tempura. Super tasty.
Aneta Artych said…
VERY nice topic :) I like pizza!
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
No, it is first time I heard a story about pizza Margherita. It was very surprising that pizza was created for poor people.2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
I love usual pizza. In my opinion it is all about the pizza dough.. when it is good - pizza is good :) SO I would choose one with 2-3 types of cheese and mascarpone with rucola.
3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I don’t have problem with that, but I think pineapple is to intense to taste overall taste of pizza. So in normal life I would choose without pineapple.
1.Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
I have never heard of the history of pizza, I always thought that the whole phenomenon is a cake and here it turned out that it is all tradition
Thanks to you I learned more about it

2.What is your favourite kind of pizza?
I don't have a favorite pizza but certainly with a lot of cheese (I love cheese)

3.What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
I don't have a problem with it and I will eat a pineapple pizza, some students don't understand this problem
he laughed at the pineapple pizza and stayed that way
1. Have you ever heard the story about pizza Margherita?
Unfotunately not. I have heard story about pizza in general, but not particularly Marghaerita.

2. What is your favourite kind of pizza?
Just a basic one - Margherita but with ham and mushrooms.

3. What is your take on pineapple on pizza or other strong deviation from the original?
Most ot this "deviations" are just thing that I don't like or can't eat, so I usually avoid them. Moreover, I can't stand sweet taste in meat or pizza and because of that I don't like pizza with pineapple. Everybody eats what they like.
You are absolutely right! The dough is what makes pizza. However, the taste of the sauce and the type of cheese is also important. Most restaurants use mozzarella, for me, it is to blend, I prefer salty cheese on my pizza.
:D I have a friend from Italy, we have been living together in a student apartment when our german friend ordered a pizza with pineapple. I thought Luca will have a stroke...
So, you mean Capriciosa :)

I'm glad that all of you are so understanding about other people taste, even if you don't like something it shouldn't be forbidden for others. It's nice of y'all.

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