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Week 11 [1.06-7.06] How E-sport and video game industry is growing

Video games industries is growing every year. In year 2000 it generated revenues close to 40 billions USD and less than twenty years later it was four times more. This business rise every year and in close future probably it will be more valuable than normal sport.

Revenues of the video game industry by Wikipedia.

A lot of video games are focussing on micropayments which gave huge profit for buying
virtual items. The most impressive thing for me is that this items not exist in real life but
still people want to spend even thousand dollars on something unreal.

In last couple of years we can also see how E-Sport evolves. Prize 1 million dollars on tournament is nothing shocking in nowadays. We can observe player transfer for money like in normal sport and amounts of that are higher from one year to another. One year ago for example one of the Counter-Strike Global Offensive team - Faze Clan acquired Coldzera reportedly for a 1 million dollars from MIBR.

Coldzera oficjalnie poza składem MIBR - IzakTV
Coldzera in MIBR T-shirt

We can also see how people from Sport want be a part of this business and i will give you
few examples of that. Former board members of Legia Warszawa created their own esport
team - AGO Gaming. The next example is Faze Clan which started cooperation with
futbol team Manchester City. In one of the game we could see logo Faze Clan on their hoods.

FaZe Clan on Twitter: "FaZe Clan Worldwide 🌎 @ManCity | #FaZeCity… "
Faze Clan cooperate with Manchester City photography from Faze Clans Twitter.

... but there is more and more. Even one of the greatest basketball player Michael Jordan decided to invest 26 millions of dollars in ESport. It was really unexpected from him because he did not want to be associated with this industry but he changed his mind. It is one of the proof of how forward-looking this field is.

Professional esport is evolving from one year to another. Teams employ not only just a
players. You can find a lot of organisations which have their psychologist, coach and
bench warmers. In last days i also saw some players which decided to get a temporary
break from professional gaming because of their low motivation and occupational burnout.

Some time ago i heard some ideas that esport pretend to be a part of olympiad. Maybe this
topic is familiar to you but i am sure it arouses great emotions. Some people agree that it
should be part of this event and in my opinion it is even inevitable. For me is just a question
when it will happen. What is your point of view on that ?


1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking
for you ?
2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?
3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?


Karol Michalak said…
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking
for you ?
I didn't know about this cooperation, but I am not shocked by it. People are eveywhere where money is.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?
Not sure it is still very young scene, but it definitely will be comparable to the traditional sports.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?
Yes, why not. It is a competitive sport like others so nowadays I don't see reason why it should not be a part of olympics.
Ela said…
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking for you ?
Yes, I’ve heard about it. During the epidemic, many athletes competed playing online. The coronavirus made me realize that this is possible, although I wouldn't believe it before.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?
I think this is very likely, people are becoming more lazy, young people love games, so everything fits perfectly. Such games would be possible even during a pandemic, which is a great advantage of this idea.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?
I think that it’s possible in the future, certainly not now but sometime. The costs of such an event would certainly be lower, it wouldn’t depend on the weather and diseases at all, this is our future in 100%.
1. No, I didn’t know about it. It’s not shocking for me in any way, why should it? Being sponsored by an e-sport team is as serious as being sponsored by a roofs manufacturer and there is nothing strange about it.

2. I don’t think so. E-sport is still not as popular as other sports, like soccer. I’d even say that majority of people don’t even know about the existence of e-sport. Maybe in the future that would change, but I think that e-sport will never be as attractive as for example soccer. Even for me, someone who likes to play computer games, watching someone else playing is extremely boring and to be honest I don’t understand why people watch it.

3. I was going to say that I don’t see any contraindications, because I was thinking that chess is an Olympic game, but it turns out that it isn’t. Taking that into account, there are no Olympic games which don’t involve any kind of movement of human body. E-sport is a mental effort, so it doesn’t fit the Olympic games.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
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Andrzej Kawiak said…
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking for you ?

I didn't know that. This kind of entertainment is becoming popular and there are organizations that bring together players. The most important reason for the uprising is that Organized institutions make more money. In Poland, there is even an Electronic Sports Association.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?

E sport is the opposite of sport understood as a type of activity that affects the development of physical strength, increasing the efficiency of the body, etc.
And esport is simply "clicking on the computer", not any sport. This does not change the fact that professional athletes are masters in this computer click, and it is really rare that someone is able to get close to this level of mastery. And since someone wants to look at it and someone wants to pay for it, there is no point in trying to depreciate it, it's his business.
Despite this, it's ridiculous for me to try to convince myself that clicking on the mouse and looking at the screen can be equivalent to physical activity.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?

I agree with you. It should be remembered that one of the competitions
Bartosz Warda said…
1. Did you know about this cooperation between soccer teams and esports organisations? Is it shocking for you?

Well, I'm a supporter of all sports, but here the members of G2 Esports are people who play football in their spare time, a lot of them even manage to play professional football. It's not surprising.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries? Will it be a bigger than normal sport?

Hobbies are important, but not more important than the skills and knowledge of it. I think people are too busy playing games and talking about games. Games are art but aren't real life. I think if we learn about real-life first, they will be more valuable to us. If we play games, we are truly living and learning about it.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esports to be a part of olympiad?

I mean, for me it does not matter, whether I watch it as olympiad or as a world championship or local one. I think that world championships are enough for me and I don't need an olympiad. Olympiad is more of a physical competition rather than a big brain combined with mechanics.
1. Yes, I knew that. It doesn't shock me, it's rather a logical move. Esport is watching and participating more and more people from here for clubs is just a kind of marketing platform. By the way, it can be loud about them, which allows football clubs to earn extra money.

2. Haha, you must be kidding. The video game industry is much smaller than ordinary sport. What is happening now in the world is very sad for me. Clicking on the keyboard becomes a sport - it's sick. In no way is this a real sport. I also sometimes play online games where I compete with players from all over the world, but I don't feel any competitive spirit. In my opinion, playing video games should not be considered a sport. Real sport is about body development, mind development - about improving health. Real sport is not only competition, it also promotes a healthy lifestyle. Does esports do such a thing?

3. Under no circumstances should eSports be part of the Olympics. Playing games does not meet Olympic assumptions and ideas in any way. As I said before, there is no real competitive spirit in esports, and playing video games does not improve health. It seems to me that this whole esport is artificially promoted.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. Yes its quite shocking. I didn't know about it at all, I stopped following this type of events and esport for quite some time now.

2. I think it might be bigger some day as right now a lot of people prefer to play video games than for example socker. We see how it has grown in just 3 years and I think it won't stop that quickly.

3. I have no idea. I would say that it is too random right now and games are not balanced that well to be treated as olympia sport. For example in league of legends you have some champions that are far more powerful than others and if someone would play only that one champion that he is great on but it was nerfed he would basicly be crushed in olympia game and he would have to learn new champion and basicly make his team less powerful. I think it will take a while before esport will have it's place in olympia.
I heard some time ago that olympiad doesn't want to propagate brutality from games but in my opinion for example FIFA would be a great start to make changes. Anyway i agree with that it will be comparable to traditional sports and the question is when will it happen... :)
Yes, i agree with you. There was organised a lot of tournaments or qualifications during the pandemic so it definitely didn't hurt this industry. In some point it can have even good impact for people because professional players also started to work of their bodies to be more confident in game and right now most of them can be role model for young people in such a lot of ways. What do you think about it ? :)
Why are you not convinced ? Tournaments have millions of viewers, streams from games on twitch are being watched all the time and prize pool on tournaments rise every year. I found out that fortnite world cup had 100 milion dollars prize pool in 2019 for whole year which was like 30 millions per tournament.
In some point it can be on the same level as traditional sport or even harder. Professional players spend a lot of time not only during the game time and their work day lasts more than 8 hours. They have to prepar tactics, analize their oponents, work on theirself both inside and outside the game. In last years they also started to care about their physical condition because it have impact for their confidence and performance in game. Did you know about it ? It is a lot more than just "clicking on the mouse and looking at the screen". That is a stereotype.
1) I did not know about it, but it is neither surprising for me. It is simply business and it is always easier to make money out of something you have some idea about. Maybe these are games on a computer and in reality, but still, it is football.

2) I think video games will become more popular than normal sport. Especially now lots of people started playing online games due to isolation. Also, it is easier for people to use only their hands and palms to play then need to go to the pitch, find a team, and care about the weather.

3) I don't think e-sport should be an Olympic discipline. The fact that it has "sport" in its name does not imply that it should be added there. There is still a need to keep these two separated.
Viktor Ryś said…
I didn't know such cooperation occured, but it's not shocking for me. Esport became a huge branch of sport with a very high number of fans.

I guess that video games appeal mostly to younger people, who are still in the minority of earth population, so right not that expalins the numbers (lower interest in video games compared to traditional sport), but I thikn that in the next 10 or 15 years we will see a major shift to esport or sports done in virtual reality.

Playing in a professional esport league requires many hours of hard work and
a lot of skill, those people should be noticed in what they do, so I think htat some games, like for example Counter-Strike should be on the Olympics.
Aleksander said…
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking for you ?
I didn't. It surprised me a bit but after giving it a thought it makes sense.
2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?
No, it won't. Normal sport is not just a game. It's a history behind clubs and players. It's their emotions.
3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?
I'm not a fan of that idea. Mainly because for me a sport is something physical - a player should train physically hard to be invited for such competitions.
1 / I knew about this collaboration. This does not shock me.
2 / I think that this topic has many opinions ... But I consider e-sports as a type of sports industry, and this provides an opportunity to open new borders and opportunities. As for ordinary people and for example with physical disabilities who cannot fully feel the sports spirit and competition, but want to become part of this industry.
3 / I think it needs to be given a green light!
Kyrylo said…
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking
for you ?
No, I didn't. I used to pay close attention to the E-sports, but not anymore.
2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?
It will, for sure. Normal sport has too high requirements, e-sports are far more accessible. And require a lot less investment.
3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?
Too early at this point. Decades will have to pass in order for a standartization and manifestation of a complete sport discipline to occur.
Interesting presentation, answering your questions:

1. Nope, I didn't know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations? This is a little shocking for me.

2. I think that in a few years, e-sport will also be very popular as traditional sport is today.

3. I think it is a great idea to make e-sports part of the Olympics, but it must be well organized and thought out. I would love to see such an Olympics out of curiosity about what the events are and how looks like.
Kgajewska said…
1. I didn't know anything about this cooperation and to be honest its a little bit weird for me. But at second thought e-sport is chance for big money and I'm not suprised by the fact that so many people want to invest and gain from this.

2. For some people it will be easier/more fun to try e-sport than regular one. For sure it will be a huge part of games industry.

3. Too early for this, for sure. maybe some day in the future.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. I would say that soccer players are not really in hurry during a daytime. Community of players is fast-growing environment so soccer players want also part of this money. Nowadays childs prefer to play soccer on TV than go outside to play it. It is ridiculos.

2. Considering size of community I think it already bigger. Maybe in Tv It is not observable, but long time ago the main content chanel become web. There the e-sport winning is indisputable.

3. I think a olympiad is already the relic of the past. In all of a discipline there is a main event, where champions are chosen. Consolidation of them in one event could be reasonable in times without mass communications.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. It is not shocking for me. Personally, I have been following e-sport for over 15 years and this is not a new topic for me.

2. I think that in about 20 years it may be a larger industry than a normal sport. Already today the best computer players can earn millions, which is comparable to the best athletes. If this industry develops maintaining the current speed, it is possible to happen.

3. Personally, I think that eSports should be treated as a normal sport. I do not see any contraindications for this.
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking for you ?
Yes, I have known about it. It is not shocking for me, because I am following the topic how game industries are growing. Really fast and the trend is still the same it will be. More and more people are playing games and the competition between professionals are really impressive, so people want to invest their money in it.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?
I hope not, I am a big fan of normal sports, Olympic games, football and volleyball. I do not consider it as a sport to be honest, but I know that they have to be prepared and train exactly as athletes.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?
No, I don’t agree with it.
s18716 said…
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking
for you ?
No, it’s not shocking me. I am aware that many relay sports associations work with video game companies. I also saw several times material on the Internet about the participation of real players in the process of creating a game, to help create visual effects and to create more accurate physical movements in the game.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?
The video game industry is developing very quickly and now we can see it by the number of people who are passionate about video games not only at the amateur level, but also at the professional level. People have long begun to earn good money on this. I especially think the number of video game players increased during the pandemic. Most likely, in a couple of decades, the number of e-sportsmen and real athletes will be approximately the same.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?
I would not be an ardent opponent of this. But to be honest, I think that for such sports where competitions are held on a virtual level, you need to create separate events and not interfere all in one heap. So it would be convenient for the development of both directions.
Filip Bartuzi said…
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking
for you ?

I've been aware that something like this might be possible but never heard about any examples. To be honest I am not shocked that it happened. That was just matter of time.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?

I am happy that gaming is a big deal this days, although Video Games industry is rapidly growing I think it will never be as big as normal sport industry. At least not in our life time.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?

I don't think that's a good idea. Esports got there own events and I think it should stay that way. Masses are not ready for it yet. People don't think about esport in real sport categories.
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking
for you ?
2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?
3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?
1. I have heard about this, not the details as here in the material, but I was aware of it, so it is not at all shocking to me. Even if I didn't know it, I probably wouldn't be surprised - after all, such connections are quite logical,
2. Probably yes, it is growing every year, so I think that this kind of sport will grow fast. Mainly because teenagers are often bored with today's sports competitions and such e-sport is an interesting alternative.
3. I don't have a special opinion on that. If people like it and that's what they want, I don't think it's a bad thing - tradition almost always stands in the way of modernization, so I wouldn't worry too much about it, in the end it always passes anyway.
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking for you ?

Well it is great I think, I mean eSport is quickly growthing so it is great business opportunity for classic teams to have its impact on eSport leagues.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport?

It could be but it needs more time to be developed to that stage as classic sport industry is.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?

Well it would be fair to allow this kind of sport to olympaid like any other sport
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking
for you ?
It wasn't a big surprise for me because I have known it for some time. I think it is very professional and it goes in the right direction.
2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?
Not yet but in a while it will be a big show
3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?
I think we should give a chance, because sport is not only sweat and physical effort but also a mental fight
Oskar Kacprzak said…
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking for you ?
I am aware of this cooperation, but I wasn't aware of its scale.
2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?
On one hand e-sport and traditional sport is similar, but on the other traditional sport is more popular throughout people various ages. Maybe one day e-sport industry will be bigger than normal sport.
3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?
Olympics is kind of traditional event. Olympics are based on ancient Greek competition, even soccer is not on Olympics. I don't think e-sport will be on Olympics, maybe some e-sport tournament will be bigger event than Olympics.
Roman Burlaka said…
1. Did you know about this cooperation between soccer teams and esport organisations? Is it shocking for you?

No, I didn't know cause I'm not very interested in such news but it isn't shocking for me. Money is money and if there is a market, why someone should ignore it.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries? Will it be bigger than a normal sport?

History will tell us, but it's probable especially when we will get better level of virtual reality games. Something like in Player One will be very popular, I think.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of the olympiad?

I don't know exact rules and traditions of becoming a part of the olympiad, but if there is curling, there can be literally anything.
I didn’t know about this cooperation but I guess it is good. I’m not really shocked about this. There is a loooot of money in games and sports industry so they probably need to work together to make as much money as possible. I think that it is possible that someday game industry will get bigger than sports. Maybe not yet but in few years when younger generation will get older they will be more interested in video games than in sport. I think that e-sport should totally be part of Olympiad. Or maybe even better idea is to make completely different Olympiad with only video games on it. Now there are so many games that can be played competitive that it could easily make whole other video games Olympiad.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. I have heard about it, and i wasn't shocked. For me it's only natural that soccer teams and esport organisations cooperate, since a lot of soccer fans are also gamers, and vice versa.

2. I think that the video game industry is changing really fast, and like every industry ever, it is really focused on making money. I think it might become bigger than normal sport in the far future.

3. I think it's an interesting idea, and i would like to see it, but i don't think that the world is ready for something like this.
Oh really ? Can you tell me which division are you talking about ? LOL ? CS ? Others ? Honestly a lot of esport players love sport as well. I can give an example from cs go because mostly i follow this scene. Some time ago old with Pasha Biceps played in soccer with old Sk Gaming (Fallen Coldzera etc). I am not sure what was the target of this show match but probably some charity goal.
I don't like to follow stereotypes. Obviously you can have your opinion but you didn't give any arguments. :/
In nowadays there is plenty of similarities. Winning games require a lot more than few years ago for example you have to train on team play, tactics, your own performance and so on. A lot of players also decided to step up with their healthy lifestyle to feel better and also be more confident in game.
1. I haven't heard about those cooperations, however, I'm not surprised. Football was always tight with computer games, Fifa is probably one of the most lucrative game. Esports are becoming more and more popular so why not merge it with the massive popularity of football.

2. Wow. Tough to say. I have never been at any sports game, however, my parents have seen multiple football and volleyball games live at the stadium. They always talk about the amazing atmosphere, the noise, the dancing and singing. I don't think that could be ousted by computer games. I know that there are events where people spectate and cheer for the players live but it is not the same. However, looking at the rising popularity of VR, maybe it would come to this that people will live through those experiences even more intense than in a stadium.

3. I'd like the idea. I'm not really a sports spectator. I like sports in general, but watching them was always boring for me so I can't genuinely support or deny this idea.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking
for you ?

Yes, I have heard about such cooperation – maybe not in football but in Formula 1. Each team has its two players who have been nominated after taking part in many rounds of fierce racing online. The best ones were invited to join the team and represent them in the world finals.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?

I am not a big gamer myself so I don’t have a clear opinion about the industry. I look at it as a source of service that sometimes helps me with passing the time if I have nothing better to do. There are some games that I really like but it’s not that I have my favorite studio that I can’t wait for another game to be developed. When it comes to sport – I guess that right now e-sports is a very lucrative business but I wouldn’t really compare it to the real sport. It’s completely different pair of shoes and money cap.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ? Olympics attendees are athletes that prepare months or years before going, they are not gamers that sit in their playseats. Of course, the game physics are getting more and more advanced but still, it’s the game, not the player.
1. I have never heard about it officially, but logic told me that it was completely possible. I think that such e-sport brings many financial benefits, therefore football teams cooperate with e-sport organizations.
2. At present, video games and e-sport have developed significantly due to the coronavirus pandemic. Many people who love sport could not leave the house, so they had to find another way to play sport. I think that because of this whole situation, e-sport may be more popular than usual.
3. In my opinion, this would be a slight exaggeration. I understand that competition is also needed in e-sport but they should be a completely separate competition.
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking for you?

I have heard about it but I am interested in Counter Strike Global Offensive competitive scene. I think that business is business so if it is profitable why a football club wouldn't invest in esports section?

2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?

It might be, to be honest it is hard to tell. For example some DOTA tournaments have prize pool of some ridiculous amount. I think the big pro of esports that despite the fact of virus spreading tournamenets still take place while almost all sports events had to be stopped.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?

I think that esports should have some seperate olympiad cause it is for real life sports.
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organizations? Is it shocking for you?

I have heard about some of these cooperations, another of them was a surprise. To be honest, I am more in DotA 2 and I know, that the DotA 2 professional team LGD has signed a unique contract with football team PSG. I also have heard about some Russian DotA 2 clubs cooperations with football clubs.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries? Will it be a bigger than normal sport?

I think it depends on what game we are talking about. If we will take into consideration all esport, than yes. Maybe in the future it will be even bigger than normal sport. We can already see, during this coronavirus pandemic, that some normal sports events were transferred into virtual and used it instead of normal, for example, racing.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of the olympiad?

Well, I think it is a great idea, but maybe a little bit ahead of time. I think the world is not ready yet. Maybe, in the future there will be some esport disciplines in the olympiad, but how to decide which of them?
Rafał Halama said…
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking
for you ?
I knew about some of them, and they weren't quite shocking to me. There is a lot of potential money gains in esports, so it's natural all those companies are putting their resources in it.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?
I think with time it will be bigger for sure. From what I know, even people at my age are losing interest in all kinds of sports so younger generations are probably even further away from this topic.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?
I would be glad to see it, as I like watching esports tournaments, mainly because the level of play is much higher than in regional leagues. That's why international competition is always something that I can watch without getting bored.
1. Did you know about this cooperations between soccer teams and esport organisations ? Is it shocking
for you ?

I haven't heard about that, but I'm not surprised it's a huge industry with a lot of money to be made.

2. What do you think about Video Games industries ? Will it be a bigger than normal sport ?

I think that it will be much much bigger than the normal sport. It's more approachable for regular people. You don't have to be super tall or athletic to be an e-sport gamer, and that's why everyone can dream to become an e-athlete one day.

3. What is your point of view in giving a chance for esport to be a part of olympiad ?

I don't really consider it a sport, so I'm not really for it. On the other hand money is money so I think that it will become part of olympiad pretty soon.

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Week 11 [03-09.06.2019] The problem with ecological cars emission in UK

The problem with ecological cars emission in UK Since the adoption of the European Emission Allowance Directive in the European Parliament, all car makers have tried to submit. Since 1992, the Euro I standard has been in force, which limited the emission of carbon monoxide to the atmosphere. The Euro VI standard currently applies, which limits the series of exhaust gases. These include: hydrocarbons, nitrogen and carbon oxides, and dust.   The most significant change was brought by the Euro IV standard. For the first time it introduced the limitation of nitrogen oxides, which are responsible for the harmful compounds of smog.   What is smog?   Smog consists of sulfur oxides, nitrogen and carbon. In addition, solid substances such as suspended dust (PM). Dust suspend in atmospheric aerosols may be in liquid and solid form. These can be particles of sea salt, clouds from the Sahara and artificial compounds made by people. These compounds...