Kathryn Bouskill is an American anthropologist and social scientist who gave her TED Talk
about the consequences of a fast-paced world in which we live. Some people say that life
moves so fast that we have to be careful not to miss it. Turns out that there is a much bigger
meaning behind that sentence. Everything is done faster and faster but are our bodies and
minds able to keep up with this constantly growing speed? Are we really those "stone agers
in the fast lane"?
1: What is your opinion on this topic? Should we slow down?
2: Which lifestyle has more advantages in your opinion? Living slowly in a fast-paced world
or always trying not to waste any minute?
3: Name one thing which you wish you could do faster and one which you would love to
have more time for.
2. I wouldn't go towards any extremum and stay in the middle, however, I'm leaning more to the fast-paced world. It's truly amazing to me that I can be on one continent in the morning and on the other in the evening. I love that I can check the best connection to school while going down the stairs. However I don't think it makes my life meaningless, on the contrary, it gives me time to be slothful when I need to relax.
3. I would love to make house maintenance even faster as I hate those activities. I like my place clean and what's more important, dust-free due to my allergies. Therefore I designed apartment in a way it's easy to clean. I also have one of those automatic vacuum cleaners to help me, a dishwasher and a washing machine but not everything can be done for me. I'm always angry when I have to dust again. When it comes to the things I would like to have more time for is a hobby I discovered last year: sculpting with concrete. I do interior items, such as flowerpot, candle holder and my biggest project was a table. I love doing it but it takes time and patience. First, you have to make a form than pour the concrete in and wait for several days for it to dry, constantly managing it by, pouring water over it to prevent cracks. It is fun, but I simply have not enough time for it lately.
In my opinion both lifestyles has their pros and cons and it is important to fit well into what you are doing and what you need. This kind of lifestyle philosophies can be helpful with setting direction for yourself but in my opinion the most important factor are inner needs of a person. Some people need to live fast while some people need exactly the opposite.
First thing that came to my mind and actually fits both is sleeping. I'd like to be able to rest faster but still I'd like to have more time for some exceeded sleeping.
To answer that question more seriously - I think that I'd like to learn things faster than I do and I'd like to have more time to paint wargamer miniatures.
I think everyone lives at their own pace. Sometimes it seems to us that we do something fast, we live quickly, and in fact, we do something slowly. The pace of our work and life depends on many factors. When I was little I had the impression that time was running slower than now. Currently, I think the time is the same. I only have more responsibilities, because I wanted more of them myself.
2: Which lifestyle has more advantages in your opinion? Living slowly in a fast-paced world or always trying not to waste any minute?
I definitely prefer not to waste a minute. I try to plan my day and prioritize tasks. It gives me greater satisfaction. I can reduce my voltage level by increasing the intervals between tasks.
3: Name one thing which you wish you could do faster and one which you would love to have more time for.
I would like to learn even faster and move from home to work and vice versa.
I would like to have more time for my friends and family, not only when I come home from work. I would like to meet them than talk on the phone.
I am sure that there should be a middle ground in everything. I'm most likely Living slowly in a fast-paced world. I very rarely use social networks, I don’t have an instagram, I never used a tinder or bado, I don’t like most of the things that modern youth do. In my free time I prefer to watch something more necessary or at least interesting than how some streamer plays games or even worse how he watches the stream of another dumbass.
I don’t know what I'd like to slow down, but I know what I'd like to speed up. Movement. I rarely go home to my parents, and one of the reasons is a long road, in the worst case (by bus) a trip home will take almost 24 hours, and I hate such trips. It takes almost an hour to get to work and if there are no traffic jams. It would be great if we could move very fast.
I think that as people we should slow down and think about what we're aiming for. On the one hand, we are constantly rushing for money and want more and more money and we are destroying our planet through our growing consumerism. On the other hand, we are no longer able to find time to pleasure and enjoy life.
2: Which lifestyle has more advantages in your opinion? Living slowly in a fast-paced world or always trying not to waste any minute?
Today's world is not conducive to a rather slow lifestyle and does not allow to slow down completely. However, I think we should find a golden mean between rushing through life and stopping for a moment and enjoying the moment that is going on.
3: Name one thing which you wish you could do faster and one which you would love to have more time for.
I want to learn and work faster. I would like to spend more time on traveling and exploring the world.
2: I can't live slowly, at least not now. I have a feeling that time passes very quickly and delay can hinder the achievement of goals. after all, sometimes you have to slow down and I think that it should be reconciled.
3: It would be good to be able to complete certain processes faster, e.g. passing a diploma exam within three days instead of within a month, but many external factors make this impossible. I would like to have more time for doing nothing, everyday work, responsibilities, passions, meeting friends cause that there is no time to do nothing
2. I'd love to slow down for a while, but it's impossible for me at this moment. Both concepts have some advantages and as I said before I think we should have something in beetween, the lifestyle which combine both and gives the best results.
3. I'd love to form better habits faster. Changing lifestyle is such a painful and time consuming thing to do. I'd like to have more time for cooking
2. I think it is highly dependent on what you consider an advantage and what are your priorities. Personally, I reckon it’s crucial that you’re able to sacrifice some time in order to take care of your well-being and mental health, which might be endangered by a very dynamic lifestyle, with no room for self-care.
3. I wish I could spend less time on necessary everyday activities like doing the house chores or spending time in transportation, because they don’t benefit me in any way. I wish I had more time to spend with my family and friends or to cultivate my interests and hobbies.
2. It really depends on what you're doing in life. There are people that can afford slow-paced life in a house that they build far away from the city and are just on their own without a job. In big cities like Warsaw, there is no time for anything.
3. I would like to do my work at the job faster to come back earlier home and I would love to have more time for my close friends and family
1. I would say that, how much we work then we have, it depends, but in general I think we should slow down. Often, we lost our minds about stupid things and do not think about our families or hobbies.
2. I think that it depends, it is such an individual thing. Everyone is diffrent, so there is not only one good recipe for the best lifestyle. I think the most advantages has a balanced lifestyle and being flexible to catch up/being fast if it is needed.
or always trying not to waste any minute?
3. I would love to learn things faster, it would be easier to develop more skills which I have planned to do. When it comes to second part, I would like to have more time for mysefl.
2. It also depends on many factors, primarily the character of the person and the situation in which he finds himself. If you are a wealthy person who does not have to worry about your existence, you can live freely and enjoy what you have. However, people who do not have enough money are definitely more so they have to rush to ensure a better life for themselves and their family.
3. I love to sleep and spend time relaxing so I would love to have much more time for it and that time would flow more slowly during these activities. However, I do not like to waste time on travel - I would like, for example, travel to work and home from work would take much less time, it would be best if you could teleport.
Most certainly not. This is a mere consequence of progress and everlasting growth of demand.
2: Which lifestyle has more advantages in your opinion? Living slowly in a fast-paced world
or always trying not to waste any minute?
Finding a balance is a key. Just as simple as that. But here is the catch: way easier said than done.
3: Name one thing which you wish you could do faster and one which you would love to
have more time for.
Do faster -- sleep. My body requires too much time for sleep that I could have been spending on other tasks. More time for self education and constant growth and perfectionizing myself.
I think no, just lets keep it as it is. Unfortunately modern life consists of living from weekend to weekend, from holiday to holiday, from starting the university to graduade and so on and so on. The people live the live just to survive, not to enjoy.
2: Which lifestyle has more advantages in your opinion? Living slowly in a fast-paced world or always trying not to waste any minute?
It depends what you expect from the life. If you expect the living without ambitions then first option, if you want to be "successful" whatever it means you must catch each second.
3: Name one thing which you wish you could do faster and one which you would love o
have more time for.
I do not want to makes something faster that is it now, but I want to have more time for things I love.
More advantages has the lifestyle that suits you personally. It’s not a secret that some people are more phlegmatic, it’s easier for them to process everything calmly and slowly, and some people running and speeding all the time and it feels wrong for them to be slow. It’s important to be in harmony with yourself, your mind and your body. I’m more of the second type myself, I like to live in a crazy big city, I like to work over hours, I like to do more, better, to run, and run, and run! But I’m making sure that I always have the time to stop, to get myself some rest, because otherwise it’s possible to burn out quickly or become stressed and unhappy.
I’d like to learn faster. There’s so much knowledge in the world, on the millions of topics, and I want it all! :) As for slowing down - I’ve had a problem with resting, I was so demanding for myself that it felt wrong to do nothing. I felt guilty when I watched movies that cannot teach me something, or when I was reading fantasy books instead of some learning materials. But I managed to find a balance between work, self development and resting, I managed to slow down just enough to stay as ambitious as I was, but also to keep my life nice and balanced.
In our modern world we are focused to be better, more productive, to be faster. We want to break records, pass all limits. I agree with statement that we should slow down, without it that potential accident can be really dangerous.
2: Which lifestyle has more advantages in your opinion? Living slowly in a fast-paced world
or always trying not to waste any minute?
Both approaches has advantages, but from my exprience I know it would be hard for me to stop being more productive and live slowly. I think this lifestyle is more suited for me.
3: Name one thing which you wish you could do faster and one which you would love to
have more time for.
I wish I could learn faster. I think it would be a big asset, I could get a lot if I speed up my learning process. On the other hand I want to have more time to play the piano. I love this activity and really regret leaving this hobby.
2) I believe that assuming you are able to deal with the speed of your life. Then it is much better to go faster, as you are able to be much more productive. But I don't think you can do it forever. Hence I would say it is not a question of which is better but which is more appropriate to you at the time.
3) I always wanted to be able to learn faster. There are too many benefits to it. And as unoriginal as it might be, I would prefer having more time to sleep.