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Week 4 [04.11-10.11.19] What were the dinosaurs?

What were the dinosaurs?
It is a good question. Almost everybody has seen the film "Jurassic World" which tells us the basic history of Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. There are many other interesting films and cartoons which describe this group of reptiles. However, in each film, they are represented in different ways. So, today, we will try to define what the dinosaurs actually were and how they survived in their days.
For many years the scientists have been discussing what happened with our earth in the Cretaceous period and what happened with the dinosaurs. There are many theories about this but the main one is that an asteroid ended the reign of the dinosaurs. Another common cause why they became extinct is a massive climate change in pre-historic times. Nobody exactly knows, so we can only guess and propose how it was.
Dinosaurs mostly lived on the earth like Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor.




But not all of them. For example, Ichthyosaur and Plesiosaur lived in the seas and oceans. And Pterosaur could even fly.




However, not all of those groups are classified as dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates of the Mesozoic, especially the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Another group of animals was named as mammals and their size was not so impressive and big in comparison to the dinosaurs. However, they were fast and adapted to cold climate, they could live in habitats where reptiles cannot live at all, such as the Arctic or mountain tops.


Dinosaurs were of different size and body shape, from huge creatures up to 40 meters and a hundred tons in weight to small animals like chicken. They did not have hair on their bodies and the color of the skin could range from grey to colorful. Some dinosaurs had two hind legs and stood upright. It helped them to move quickly, however, others had strong bones to support their massive weight and this let them move slowly on four legs.
The dinosaurs were also divided into the plant, meat, and both plant and meat-eaters. So, can we say that they differ from animals that live nowadays? The difference is the in size because today the biggest animal is the blue whale and, in that time, blue whale could be only a medium-size animal.
In the sum, dinosaurs were huge animals, however, I can suppose that we could adapt them, maybe even to use them for our needs as people have done with horses and cows or just for keeping them as domestic animals such as dogs and cats.

1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?


Angelika Dutt said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
I don't have any other theory about the extinction of dinosaurs. I think scientists
have exhausted this entire subject by creating new theories based on further discoveries.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
In my opinion, if dinosaurs hadn't died out, they would have lived with us on
earth now. Dinosaurs are compared to animals as their prototypes, so they would
be controlled by humans like other wild animals such as rhinos and elephants.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
The dinosaurs would most likely be used by humans in some way. However, in times
of high animal protection, in my opinion it would be forbidden to use them in war.
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
I don't have it. I will stay in theory of meteor hitting our earth.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
It would be harder to progress for our civilization but sooner or later we would just erase them from world or put them in some parks.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
No, lol.
Maciej Szczypek said…
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Maciej Szczypek said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
I do not. I stick to the theory that they extinction was a result of the metheor colliding the Earth.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
I honestly think that there would be no humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died. At least no humanity which we know today. What is more, it is even hard to say if mammals had any chances to survive in the world dominated by predatory raptors.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
I do not see any chances for that.
Yubin said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
No, I don't, I support the reason that asteroid collisions mainly lead to the extinction of dinosaurs, and actually not only dinosaurs, but also caused serious damage to the entire ecosystem of the earth, and almost all lizards and snakes were extinct.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
Then I think humanity would not even exist, the emergence of human beings evolved over a long period of time, and the dinosaurs at that time were all-round suppression of mammals, and it was impossible to give evolution to human ancestors. Moreover, in the era of dinosaurs, mammals that were slightly larger would soon become a delicious meal of ubiquitous carnivorous dinosaurs.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
No, I don't think so, probably they will just be in zoo, they should be protected but not becoming weapons in wars.
s18716 said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
I heard such a theory that a huge meteorite fell on our planet, somewhere around the Yucatan Peninsula. This blow served as the first extinction factor. But that's not all. Further, according to this theory, climatic changes took place on Earth, and the average temperature across the planet sharply decreased, after which they began to gradually die out, since such a climate was not favorable for them and they could not adapt to such changes. This is one of the most common theories. And as I understand it, most of the scientific community adheres to this theory.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
It seems to me that in the natural food chain they were at the very top. Most likely they would somehow interfere with the development of human civilization. A person would constantly feel fear and insecurity in nature. Maybe that would make development difficult. But on the other hand, there are so many predators in the world that man has feared since ancient times. And this did not prevent the human individual from developing and making progress.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
I'm not sure that they would give in to training, and they could be tamed. People during this time came up with more powerful weapons. I think this is only possible in films. Maybe in ancient wars, their remains could be used as weapons, and made of them various tools, nothing more. So far I think so, but if I lived at that time, maybe I would think differently.
1. Apart from being killed by the asteroid, it is possible that they have just extinct because other species were better accommodated to the environment and they displaced weaker dinosaurs. To be honest I have no idea, because I barely know anything about dinosaurs. I only wish that someday scientists would find the evidence of particular cause of dinosaurs’ extinction.

2. Again – I have no idea ☹ One of the possibilities is that mammals wouldn’t win the competition with dinosaurs and the human kind would not develop at all. On the other hand, we could be stronger than we are right now, because defending ourselves from huge dinosaurs would require higher combat abilities. It is hard to tell. Maybe the world would look completely different to ensure that everything is “dinosaur” proof, or nothing would change significantly, because they would be present only in certain areas just like wild animals today.

3. Maybe – but on the other hand, we don’t use any animals as a weapon. I don’t consider horses, or elephants, because they are more of a transport mean than a weapon. I guess that people would not have been able to reach that level of control over dinosaurs.
To be honest I don’t have another theory on why dinosaurs died. I think that meteor hitting earth is a quite good explanation. I think that this is the most probable theory and those of dinosaurs that weren’t killed by explosion died just some time after that due to climate change. It is also possible that dinosaurs just weren’t evolving as fast as other organisms and they were just replaced by other superior life forms. Answering to Your second question, I think that nothing would happen to humanity if dinosaurs hadn’t died. Humans dealt with huge and dangerous animals in the past and we always won because of our intelligence so I think it would be the same with dinosaurs. I have no idea if people would use them as a weapon in war, but I would definitely like to see that.
Anna Koca said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
In my opinion dinosaurs extinct because of meteor. Many times I thought about other possibilities but evidences speaks for themselves. A while ago there was a research which proved that some of dinosaurs died because of dust in the air. That finally proves authenticity of meteor theory.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
I think we would tame dinosaurs. It would take many decades but eventually they would become our pets and we would live happy ever after. I would love to have little Triceratops on my own.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
As we can see in our history, people sooner or later will use everything to make it a weapon. I think that with dinosaurs would be the same. There should be a game which shows such reality, that would be awesome. I would definitely play in it.
s15385 said…
1. Honestly I don't. I stick to the theory that big meteor hit earth and caused extinction of dinosaurs.

2. If dinosaurs woudn't die, humanity wouldn't live no longer because dinosaurs. Another option is that people would tame them and would live among them as pet owners. It's really hard to predict.

3. They were normal animals like tiger or elephant. I don't think people would use them as a weapon.
When I was a kid, I was a big fan of dinosaurs. I had a lot of books with photos and descriptions of different dinosaurs and a lot of documentary films recorded on VHS tapes. I have no other theory about the extinction of dinosaurs, in my opinion climate change has made dinosaurs extinct. I think that if dinosaurs had survived to the appearance of humans, nothing would have happened to us. Dinosaurs had very small brains, man would find a way to deal with them. I think people wouldn't have any use for them, but you never know. Recently I watched a film in which a famous Austrian painter was riding on a T-Rex :p
1. I once read that dinosaurs went extinct becuase of the waters were poisoned (probably by sulfur, but I don't remember exactly what it was) when meteorite fall. But I don't know how much truth there was. We probably will never know.

2. I think we would adapt to this. In history, people have already had to adapt to many things and accept many things, so I think there would be no problem here.

3. In my opinion, yes. People use everything they can to gain more power or win the war, so it would be the same with dinosaurs because they were very dangerous and could do damage to other people.
Dawid Piotrak said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
I don't have any other theories besides those you presented.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
I believe that people would struggle to survive around such wild and violent animals. Maybe now we would have the needed resources to somehow contain those dangerous creatures but we wouldn't be as advanced if we had to deal with such danger throughout the decades. Many inventions surely wouldn't be able to see the light of day.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
I don't think it would so easy for humans to be able to control such wild animals.
Roman Batyuk said…
I agree with you that the history of Earth would have changed if the dinosaurs hadn't died. But I believe the ancestors of humans would survive in those conditions. Concerning the weapon in wars, I don't agree with because at some point in our history people did use animals in wars. For example elephants in the Persian army, dogs during the conquest of Latin America, monkeys in China.
Roman Batyuk said…
On the one hand, you are probably right that humanity would not have existed if the dinosaurs hadn't died. In my opinion, the extinction of dinosaurs is a lucky coincidence like making a fire or the ability to use tools. However, on the other, I think it would have been great if dinosaurs had pushed us to evolve much faster. But now we can only imagine it.
Bartosz Waś said…
1.I don't have any other theory of my own. The most popular one i know is that about massive asteroids hitting the earth.I'm not into the topic too much so I will stay with this.

2. It's really hard to say.I think humans on such an early stage of evolution wouldn't be able to survive among dinosaurs with much higher survival and combat skills and would just get extinct.Given the size and other characteristics chances of humans restraining them are really low.Even hiding would be an almost impossible task.

3.If humans found a way to control dinosaurs like other animals they would definitely be used in wars just like for example horses or dogs. They would be used until the moment when they would be no longer needed because of being exceeded by technology.
1. I strongly believe in the theories of scientists about the impact of a meteorite. But of course, other theories cannot be ruled out. Who knows? Perhaps, as in the movie Prometheus, the creatures of that time were eliminated by a virus, widespread by a foreign civilization.

2. I never imagined that. I think that human would have no chance with dinosaurs and would live in secret.

3. It's hard to imagine - you probably watched Jurrasic World? As I mentioned, dinosaurs are probably too wild creatures for man to control.
Kacper Gąsior said…
1. I don't know any other ideas than climate change. I think many factors that contributed to this change may be considered. One of them can be an asteroid hitting in the Earth's surface, another one is a massive volcano eruption which covered skies with dust.

2. I think the existence of dinosaurs could have stopped humans' development, so maybe our species would never exist in the present form. On the other hand, maybe we will be able to evolve and stifle dinosaurs. It's hard to answer such question, as it depends on many factors.

3. I have no idea. As I wrote in response to previous question - probably these two species won't be able to coexist, so it's hard to imagine if it's possible or not.
Olga Przytula said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?

No, I don’t. I think I will stick to the theory in which asteroid collisions lead to the mass extinction of dinosaurs and wildlife.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?

Considering the rapid development of mammals after the dinosaurs left a niche to fill, I think that the humanity, as we know it for today would not exist. Our predecessors had a hard time evolving along the mighty raptors roaming the Earth. It’s hard for me to say would life evolve in any kind of structure resembling one that we have today, but I’m quite sure we, as a species, wouldn’t stand a chance with predators as enormous as dinosaurs.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?

I don’t think, they would be used as a weapon. This unpredictability element would be too high of a stake in my opinion. During war the strategy and total control of the situation is an essential element, that changes the game. Maybe thanks to their sizes, they would be used as machines or home pets, as they were portrayed in “The Flinstones” ;)
1. No, I do not know any other theories about the extinction of dinosaurs other than those described in this article.

2. It is hard to answer the question what would happen to humanity if dinosaurs did not die. But most likely, humanity would not survive. It is very doubtful that dinosaurs live in symbiosis with people.

3. I don't think people use dinosaurs as a weapon of war. It seems to me that they would be ineffective and certainly people would find a way to neutralize them.
Karol Michalak said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
In my opinion it was a combination of many things, like climate, asteroid and few more we don't even know.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
It is quite simple, there will be no humanity to begin with.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
It we would be able to recreate them and train to obey us i believe it is possible though now we have bombs and other things which is much faster mean of destroying enemies.
Kuba Berliński said…

1. I think it would be a theory, but a fact I guess that they dies out due to meteor stirke. Those species that didn't die due to the hit directly struggled to adjust to the new climate, which occured as the effect of the strike.

2. Probably the entire evolution process would have gone different. Perhaps our ancestors wouldn't be able to live, as they would end up being eaten by dinosaurs, and therefore we wouldn't be here.

3. I don't think so, although people in the past used animals in wars, like elephants. Perhaps if they were alive and were able to be tamed people would find the way to use them.
Olha Romaniuk said…
2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
It seems to me that if this had happened, people would have
"moved" into the ground. There is no point in building a house :) And also, in the process of protection or domestication of these animals, people would probably become more powerful and stronger physically, and at the level of development we would remain at the level of Neanderthals... And after many years, dinosaurs would have created a Red Book, which would have recorded such an animal as a man...

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
I think so. "In war all means are good."
And if we talk about dinosaurs as pets, it would be funny:
- Who ate a neighbor? Who is a good boy here?
Roman Batyuk said…
I agree with you but I believe people could control dinosaurs just like elephants or bears. There are videos on Youtube where a cougar lives in a flat like a cat so I think with dinosaurs it could be possible too.
Roman Batyuk said…
Thank for your comment, I completely agree with your opinion. Unfortunately, now you can only tame something that looks like a dinosaur. For example a crocodile :)
Roman Batyuk said…
I think you underestimate humans :) Come on we have invented space rockets. Of course, there would be a lot of dead people trying to control the dinosaurs. But 'practice makes perfect'.
Roman Batyuk said…
Unfortunately, during the real war, nobody cares about animal protection.
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
Alien terraforming, they hat to die so we could live.
2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
There is big chance that we would go extinct but not necessary. Not all parts of the word were equally dangerous so if we had some luck, we could have some chances of surviving.
3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
If we could live long enough, I believe that yes, we would use them as a weapon in wars. Our history tells us many stories about how we used many kinds of animals in our wars like elephants as a transportation/shooting platform/ram, dolphins for placing mines, dogs for finding land mines and people etc.
Mykola Suprun said…
1. No, not really, I can come up with some entertaining theories on that topic, but I think this should be left to the conspiracy theorists as they proved to be much better at writing these kinds of stories.
2. My bet would be on early extinction. Primal humans were far from being as good at survival as we are now. Having to live in the world they are much less adapted for might prove to be fatal to them.
3. I don't think it would be possible for them to survive long enough to come up with the way to tame dinosaurs.
Kyrylo said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
Meteor theory is nonsense if You ask me. A meteor capable of driving the whole population of a planet to extinction, would leave a considerable mark on the surface, if not crack the planet into pieces. Yet, the surface of the Earth is unharmed.
2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
We would have evolved into another kind of species capable of coexisting with them.
3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
Knowing people -- definitely.
1. I don't suppose anything more happened than severe climate change which made the planet inhabitable for such creatures. Looking on Earth natural history it doesn't seem like something unusual.
2.Well, the survival for first humans would be a little harder at the begging but I'm sure we would dominate them as well in the long run.
3. They used elephants and other animals so I don't see why they wouldn't use them as well.
1. No, I think the theory with climate change is quite believable. But hey, you can always blame some alien cookie monsters for it.
2. Humanity would’ve looked entirely different. Maybe, we would’ve lived underground, maybe we would’ve resembled the dinosaurs etc. It is possible that humanity wouldn’t have existed at all as well.
3. People would use anything they can to kill the others so – yeah, of course.
1.I don't have my own theory about the extinction of dinosaurs, but I think scientists have studied this thoroughly.
2.I think that if the dinosaurs survived at first, a person would have to try not to get in their way, maybe some species could be domesticated, but the most aggressive I think that they would disappear because of the urban agglomeration and hunting of modern people.
3.I think that the use of dinosaurs in war would not be possible.
Pawel Bluszcz said…
1. No, I agree with what was mentioned in the blog. Rather extinct by the impact of the meteorite.
2. I think there would be no such an option. If dinosaurs lived, humanity as it is now, it would not have developed to such a level
3. As I mentioned in the previous section, I believe that humanity would not have developed to such a reasonable level to control other animals.
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?

In my opinion there might be another reason for dinosaurs to extinct. I am talking about a virus. We have seen or read about numerous massive diseases that had killed millions of living creatures througout the history. According to that we can't be sure why there couldn't be a disease among dinosaurs causing them to die out.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?

I think that they would cause people problems but only in early years. Later they would be exterminated or domesticated by people. Let's face it, no matter the size or strength of any animal - people are the biggest predators in the world. If dinosaurs would cause problems, they would be killed of very soon. If they would became friendly and not very harmful like, for example, elephants they would live a peaceful live in jungles or other green areas.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?

Of course they would. People used to use elephants, dogs or birds as weapons so why wouldn't they use animals with the biggest killing potential in the history. As the time would go by they would serve less and less, but I think that up to around XX century they would be a common sight on a battlefield.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. I have never delved into this topic. Like most, I think meteor was cause of their extinction. To be more precise, even not meteor itself, but its after effects. I think that I even encountered some article about it in the past, that it wasn't actually meteor at all, but environment changes generated by it, that were cause of their extinction.

2. Life of human species (and many others too) would be probably much harsher. Only in the beginning though. In the final, human species would most likely end up on the top of food chain. Maybe it would take us more, but I think we still have the best predispositions for advancement and evolution on our planet.

3. I think someone would obviously try it. Even now they are probably often included as weapons in fantasy books and movies. They would of course become obsolete with time, but it would probably be just recently. Considering their size it could become perfect weapon, that could reign for centuries or fasten human advancement in researching new ways to tame, fight, and improve them.
Mateusz Szych said…
1. No, I don't. Scientists have determined how dinosaurs have become extinct and that's what I stick to.

2. In my opinion, people would never evolve. Dinosaurs would greatly reduce mammal evolution.

3. Of course not. This question is very stupid.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. People might have had killed them with stones. Seriously, though, I believe in the asteroid theory. It’s quite probable that the impact of asteroid caused huge damage in the environment and led to the extinction of plants and consequently the extinction of dinosaurs.

2. People would have to learn how to live next to the dinosaurs and until now I think they would do it. Maybe people would live in closed zones with huge walls where they would feel safe and live normally close to how they do now. Or maybe people would try to convince carnivorous dinosaurs to become vegetarians.
In spite of everything, developing of our civilization would be much harder when everywhere around you are beasts wanted to eat you. When you live in dangerous conditions it’s difficult to focus on more advanced needs than basic ones and safety, so maybe people wouldn’t achieve that much.

3. I think sooner or later they would find a way to do it. As history shows during the war people are able to do almost everything to win or survive, ignoring the suffer they cause. They could try to train them or just use them against enemies. However, in my opinion it’s a cruel and unacceptable idea.
1. Meteorite extinction is a sufficiently well documented theory, so I will stick to it.

2. Human evolution would be much harder to achieve. Dinosaurs were kings of the ecosystem at that time so survival of our ancestor would be almost impossible.

3. If humanity evolved maybe they would use dinosaurs as weapons. Probably something similar to Ottoman Empire elephant unit, etc. but later on they would probably go extinct because of us.
s15487 said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
No, I wouldn't dare to doubt in the scientist theories :)

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
It is difficult to say, as a lot of scenarios would happen. For example, it could change human habits, slow down the development of our kind or maybe it would cause the extinction of homo sapiens and domination of other human species... who knows. On the other hand, our kind would survive and try to adapt some dinosaur species for their own advantage. It would happen, but it seems ridiculous when we imagine Tyrannosaurus helping people plowing fields or moving huge stone blocks. I would rather say that dinosaurs would stay wild and we wouldn't be able to domesticate them.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
I think there is really small possibility. Dinosaurs were wild animals and people wouldn't be able to control them.
Marta Matysik said…
1. No, I don’t. I've only heard about these two theories.
2. Everything depends on what level of evolution we would be. Rather, I think we could be food for them. However,
3. It seems to me that man wouldn’t subdue dinosaurs, he wouldn’t use them in tactics of wars.

1.There is a lot of evidence that dinosaurs died out due to a meteorite fall, but if this almost proven fact was repelled, then I think that climatic conditions could be the main factor in their extinction, since the climate in our planet is not always constant.
2.I think people and dinosaurs could not just coexist. I am sure that even in antiquity the human race would die out due to the adversity of dinosaurs. Even if people could somehow survive among the dinosaurs, scientific progress would not be so fast.
3. I suppose if you imagine that people would use the dinosaurs in the war as military equipment, this would be life beyond fiction.
Vitalii Ohol said…
1. I can’t even imagine what else can exterminate whole species of animals with such huge individuals.

2. In my opinion humans can adapt to much harder situations that just huge reptiles. So I think people not only will know how to live with them but also will try to domesticate huge variety of individuals.

3. Of course they will use. People use in war things that created for good needs and peaceful usage;So what about meat-eater dinosaurs? They are killer machines by default, It won’t be a hard task to use them in war.
1. No, I do not have any other theory, only this with an asteroid.
2. I think humanity wouldn't even exist. At the beginning I don't think that human would had any chance against these monsters. If somehow does - progress of civilization would be much slower
3. Well, if somehow people would be able to tame dinosaurs why not, but I don't think that would be possible
Alex said…
1. I can't come up with another theories than the existing ones.
2. I think humankind would adapt and learn to cohabitate in one way or another
3. If I'm not mistaken i think that in Jurrasic World was a plot with dinosaurs used ad weapons and it ended badly. That should tell something.
1. I can't think of anything right now. As you mentioned in the article, the most famous theories are: the comet hit or drastic climate change. I've never been particularly interested in the subject of dinosaurs, which is why I haven't searched for any interesting information.

2. Surely the development of our species would be very difficult due to the fact that dinosaurs would be difficult to control. In time, however, we would certainly be able to cope with that, in the end we are a thinking species after all, and dinosaurs only animals. I think there would be two options: either people would be dominated by dinosaurs, or we would somehow tame them or separate from them and live in secret for some time. Then, with a thoughtful plan, we would take control of the planet.

3. In certain early eras of our species, this would be very likely. If people learned to tame dinosaurs, they could be used in various battles. Such a weapon would certainly be much more effective than sharpened stones or sticks. In later times, using dinosaurs to fight wouldn't be profitable due to technological development.
1. I think the theory that dinosaurs became extinct because of a meteorite impact is the most plausible and one that I believe in.

2. If dinosaurs hadn't gone extinct, I don't think humanity would have been born. Because all this is closely interrelated. After the extinction of the dinosaurs, only small mammals and rodents remained. Nothing hindered their development, they became the strongest in the chain, they evolved and in the end so there was humanity.

3. As I said above, I don't think humanity would have appeared. So I can't answer that question.
Mateusz Hefner said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
I don't have any other theory besides existing ones.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
I think people would struggle with evolution but on the other hand, maybe we would use them for our purpose

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
I think it is possible because people often use whatever they can to dominate others.
1. I only heard about the most common theories (meteors and climate change as mentioned in the article) so no, I don't have another theory.

2. The same that happens in many different historical situations - adapt. People are always adapting to the situation, most common exapmle would be to wear additional clothes during winter so that we won't feel cold as much.

3. No, In my opinion, these creatures would be untammable for human, let alone used in wars
Anton Chechel said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
To be honest I didn't think about it before. But I can assume that it happened during some kind of environmental catastrophe, such as global warming. Another theory may be that other more advanced species simply displaced dinosaurs from the food chain, which led to their extinction. Or maybe they achieved such a development that they built rockets and just flew from this planet :).

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
I think that if such thing happened, it would be hard for such highly developed species to live together and eventually someone would die sooner or later. However, only one species can be king of nature. Proof of this can be the list of extinct plants and animals over the last century - the century of high development of mankind

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
Unlikely. Large biological organisms, as practice shows, are not very effective in war. the governments even wants people to be displaced by robots because biological organisms have greater needs to fight and are poorly recoverable unlike robots
Cem Ates said…

1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
yes, same gender "marriage" could be, but if I say it and even it was the reason of their ends still no one would believe it. :P

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?

Definitely not the same, but similar. I would speculate that there would be a lot more fences. Humans would show dominance over them, so we would still have buildings and roads, etc. The only dinosaurs I see giving humans problems would be ones that could fly.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?

Probably not, maybe in some rare cases in small operations like(police dogs) but not in the wars.
Mehmet KONUK said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
There is much evidence that dinosaurs have died from a meteor fall. Another theory doesn't make sense
2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
I think it's impossible for humans and dinosaurs to live together. Either they would eat us or we would make kebabs from them. :))
 3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars
They were very possible. In time, pigeons were tied to bombs and even left to enemy positions. Dinosaurs are very strong and durable. shows that they will be used more
Unknown said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
No there is only one real theory proven by science about dinosaurs and I believe in it.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
I would rather not even think about it as this scenario wouldn't ever be possible. If humans would have evolved from dinosaurs they wouldn't ever live in the same or even similar era.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
By extending my answer to my previous answer: no :-)
Bartosz Warda said…
1. I am no scientist, so I don't want to argue with their theories. The theory with asteroid that slammed into Earth 66 million years ago seems legit.

2. That topic is hard because the question questions evolution humans and other species. It is unlikely that the inconspicuous mammals would have ever evolved into large and diverse animals that fill the world today. We, humans probably never would have evolved to ask such question.

3. That question should be connected with the one above. To be clear- humanity might've not survived. Dinosaurs were mostly predators, so they would've hunted us, which collides with our evolution. I don't believe that humanity would survive with dinosaurs.
Roman Dubovyi said…
First of all, this presentation has outdated information about dinosaurs. For example maybe back in times, when “Jurassic park” premiered, it was considered that dinosaurs are featherless, however nowadays research shows that most of them had feathers, sometimes fur-like.

1. No.
2. Dinosaurs had a perfect ecosystem with an extremely small percentage of mammals in form of rodents in it. This ecosystem lasted for eons and could last probably even longer. Mammals just couldn’t compete with dinosaurs.

3. People used elephants in war, however elephants are much smarter than dinosaurs were, but theoretically, maybe...?
1. I think the most likely are the theories about huge meteor and climate changes afterwards. No new or breakthrough theories hear from me i guess.

2. In the first place it's likely there wouldn't be such a huge overpopulation problem, assuming by number of large predators. And seriously speaking, dinosaurs were very good prepared and adapted species as we know, so existence for people would be much more difficult and complicated, but humanity as we know is also very adaptable.

3. I'm afraid so. People are known for using different animals species for military purposes for ages. It's terrifying how people can use and adapt any being for their uses, not necessarily with benefits for the being itself.
Mykyta Smirnov said…
1. It could be anything: diseases(Noone says dinosaurs can not get sick), meteors, vulcan eruptions, climate change and etc.. But I think everything might be connected and truth is somewhere in the middle.

2. Only most adapted will live, it depends if people adapt their lives to dinosaurs or dinosaurs eat all people, we can even imagine.

3. Dinosaurs as a riding animals for people sounds great, I can even imagine such things.
Denys Pogurskyi said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
Maybe someone from future come back in that era and staged genocide.)
2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
We would either have to survive or dinosaurs would become our pets. It would be very funny if the dragon race appeared at all.
3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
Well, of course, people cannot live without war. That is why we would begin to tame them, and then fight with others.
1. I do not. I support the theory that the climate change made them died.

2. I think that we will coexist, some of the dinosaur would be used to help us with heavy things, work for us or transport

3. It's really nice idea, that i didn't thought about before. It's possible but i'm not sure if agressive dinosaur would let someone controle them to fight with only particular human.
1. I used to be interested about dinosaurs when I was a little child. Unfortunately I heard only these two theories which was mentioned in the article ( climate change and meteor hit). However, when I started searching for more information I find interesting fact about gasses. Probably dinosaurs died long after hit of meteor hit but that event start gas release and that killed these creatures.

2. I think life for humankind on earth would be impossible. Dinosaurs were too dangerous for wild people. It would be too hard to create society and evolve civilization.

3. I saw this idea in move, it was Jurassic World. There was an idea about creating dinosaurs for combat goals. But in was so unrealistic that I'm convinced It would be impossible. However, I'm open for discussions if someone has different opinion.
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?
I thikn i agree with the theory of the meteore that killed the dinosaurs.
2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?
Maybe we wouldn't evolve to the point that monkeys are now? They were much better adapted to the environment than we are. We change environment around us and they were living in it and beeing the greatest creatures in the world.
3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?
propably in some time. People used elephants in the past.
Paweł Hadacz said…
1. Do you have another theory why the dinosaurs died?

1. I don't have enough knowledge about this topic, but I can assume that the reason of dinosaur extinction could have be unknown illness, but seems like an unlikely possibility. It in many options like huge volcanic eruption or radical climate change.

2. What would have happened with humanity if the dinosaurs hadn't died?

I think that the humankind would endure, as it always had. I belive in the face of danger Humanity can united even against threat like dinosaurs.

3. Would people have used them as a weapon in wars?

I think that our technology level isn't up to use them as a waepon and for long time won't be.
1. In my opinion, the dinosaurs died because they could not love each other enough. Probably why they are no longer here with us. That's why you have to love and be loved. I don't think they felt loved enough.

2. I think that we would be friends like dogs or horses. People love animals and it could be a wonderful experience. People could also use them to work on building large buildings. We wouldn't need so many machines then.

3. This is not excluded. People used everything. However, they would only use them at the beginning. In World War II, people were using atomic bombs, so dinosaurs would simply be too weak and unhelpful for them.

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