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Week 4 [04.11-10.11.19] How your emotions change the shape of your heart?

- How do you understand the expression "emotional heart"?
- Do you think the problems in one of the systems in the human body necessarily associated with any other system? Why?
- If we replace the biological heart with an artificial one, how will the emotional heart react?


In my opinion, emotions are in the brain. Still, everyone loves with a heart stamp that doesn't look like it is real. After all, the heart, like the brain, is the most important thing in body fascism. Maybe that's why the heart is a sign of love and feelings.

It may be strange, but in my opinion the human body is like a machine. The defect of one part often affects the functioning of the rest. Fortunately, our body can deal with it and assimilate into the surrounding world.

An artificial heart saves lives, so it's needed. The emotional heart is a metaphor, so no problem. However, I'd rather have my heart than artificial!
Anna Koca said…
1. How do you understand the expression "emotional heart"?
Emotional heart is connection between feeling of love and biological reactions to love in our body. Even though love and emotions come from brain, we can feel it in heart beating, butterflies in the stomach, weight in the chest.

2. Do you think the problems in one of the systems in the human body necessarily associated with any other system? Why?
Human body is collection of connected systems which compose a whole. Every element is important and when something breaks it affects other parts.

3. If we replace the biological heart with an artificial one, how will the emotional heart react?
I think there will be no difference. Emotional heart is actually emotional brain. It is the matter of time when artificial heart will match to whole body. We can compare organism to plant which is able to absorb or fit to new environment.
Bartosz Barnat said…
I understand it as our emotions have a huge impact on our heart and can change it in a way.

I think that other organs in human body can have impact on a different one. Everything is connected so if one thing messes up, the other will stop working properly too.

I have no idea. Artificial hearts are really important to produce because it's hard to find a donor for the real one. I think it might have some impact on our body but don't really know what it would be.
1. Emotional heart. Hmm, let's think .... I think these are feelings for another person. A strong connection. Just like butterflies in stomach.

2. Yes, I think that problems in one system in the human body are necessarily associated with every other system. Each organ is connected to another organ in our body. Our body is a set of connected "elements". Usually, failure of one causes, to a lesser or greater extent, a weaker functioning of another organ.

3. I have no idea, it's very difficult to answer this question. However, I think that emotions come from the brain. And it's usually said from the heart.
Kuba Berliński said…
1. It is feeling the emotions inside your own body. The whole organism may react to certain things. Such happen on first dates or when the faviourite team wins the match you're on.

2. We are created of components, some may fail which would drag the others as well. Many of our organs actually cooperate directly, so if one fails the other has to just as well.

3. The heart can be stimulated with many things and so artificial one would have to be. If it works just like ordinary one, it would not addecr emotional one in my opoion.
1. I understand the concept of "emotional heart" as experiencing something incredibly emotional (positive or negative), it can be the first kiss, a practical driving test, or the loss of a loved one. It's a feeling that we remember for the rest of our lives, we are able to accurately remember an event or moment, and recall it at any time in the future. It can be both something nice or scary.

2. Do you think the problems in one of the systems in the human body necessarily associated with any other system? Why?
Yes of course. Problems arising in our brain, that is, through any injuries to the psyche, directly affect the rest of our body. We feel worse, often it also leads to insufficiency of some organs or just physical weakness. I think all our organs and bowels are connected, even if it doesn't have to be anatomically correct.

3. I think that such a change would not matter much, because the heart has nothing to do with our emotions. Emotions arise in the brain and it's he who sends them to other parts of the body. The heart responsible for pumping blood: whether real or artificial, it wouldn't matter to him if he feels emotions. Only the pulse and heartbeat would change, which would happen in any case, regardless of the type of organ.
Damian Drozd said…
1. How do you understand the expression "emotional heart"?
Emotions have impact not only on our mood, behaviour but affect our whole body.
I understand the expression as process in which nervous system signals the heart about current emotions which changes speed of the heartbeat.
2. Do you think the problems in one of the systems in the human body necessarily associated with any other system? Why?
Yes I think so. Human organism is like a machine so one part broken breaks proper working cycle.
3. If we replace the biological heart with an artificial one, how will the emotional heart react?
Interesting question. Probably my knowledge is not enough to even speculate about the problem. In my opinion brain would affect artificial heart as a biological one.
Mateusz Szych said…
1. There is no such thing. Emotions are just hormones.

2. The human body works properly when all parts of it work properly. A problem with one part affects the other.

3. There would be no difference. The heart is just an organ, its exchange will not affect emotions.
1. "Emotional heart" for me is the "Artificial heart" in our head that is responsible for our feeling, not only those positive, but also those negatiev ones.

2. Yes, human's biological systems are all compact with each other with the neural system being the most important in my opinion. We're like the computers, with built in processor, graphics card, motherboard etc.. It's all compact and integrated

3. As i mentioned in the first answer, emotional heart exist in our mind, so replacing physical heart won't affect the emotional one.
Marta Matysik said…
1. As an "emotional heart", I understand that when something good or bad happens, we feel reactions in our chest. As it was said in the film, that when we are very sad we can have a heartache, and when we are happy have so-called "butterflies" but in the heart.
2. Yes, I do. For example, the endocrine system affects the digestive system, heart and others.
3. But I doubt it. The natural heart is influenced by hormones, stress and many others
and they will not affect the artificial heart. Also the naturalne heart is surrounded by other tissues so it's unlikely that this tissues can cause pressure even on
artificial heart and cause biological syndromes. Besides, it's just a (very important) pump.
1. An emotional heart doesn't exist, it's just an expression. In my opinion, our brain is responsible for everything. All processes occur in the brain that affect all of our organs. However, it has been proven that long-term stress is responsible for the most serious damage, including heart disease

2. Of course I agree with this statement. Everything in our body is connected. For example, if our heart is defective, it has an effect on our blood circulation, and therefore oxygenation of the brain is also not normal

3. As I mentioned, there is no such thing as an emotional heart. All emotions stored in our brain and the heart is only a pump that can now be replaced by an artificial one thanks to scientists.
1. i think that the emotional heart is more likely the way our brain works and reacts on some particular situations in our life. As it's commonly known our brain controls entire body, including our biological heart. It's also known for controlling enzymes and hormones responsible for the way we feel in for example stress situations.

2. Yes because our all body is one huge mechanism combined together. Every system is associated with others to work properly. this is due to human biology and anatomy.

3. As it is known from many research and true life experiences every human organ have something like "cellular memory". It was documented that people with transplanted organs (not necessarily heart) were showing some of behaviors of previos "organs owners". It's not fully understandable but certainly it exists. So as well the artificial one will leave some changes.
Kristina Moroz said…
As for me "emotional heart" it's an ability to feel everything like it happened to yourself. Trying to wear someones body with its feelings and emotions. Well, it's more as psychologically caused impulses in brain rather than physically. So, in my opinion replacing biological heart with artificial one could lead to loss of emotions.
s15052 said…
1. Hmm its hard to describe this. It's complex chemical reactions that take place in our brain.
2. Yes, i think so - parts of human body are connected with each other for example with nervous system.
3. Biological heart is just a pump. It's a special muscle that pumps blood through our body. Of course it can be replaced. There is nothing to do with our emotions - all of those are chemical reactions in our brain.
1. How do you understand the expression "emotional heart"?
I think that the concept of "emotional heart" is a very emotional experience that stays in our heads for all our lives. An event that was so exciting for us that we remember it for the rest of our lives, e.g. the first boy/girl or high school exams. It can be something different for everyone. Depending on what is important to us.

2. Do you think the problems in one of the systems in the human body necessarily associated with any other system? Why?
This is usually the case. The human body is hierarchical and works together. Maintaining the balance of all systems at a relatively good level at the same time is called body homeostasis. It should be remembered that mental health, i.e. the nervous system, is also included in this.

3. If we replace the biological heart with an artificial one, how will the emotional heart react?
I have no idea. If you ask if we can stop loving someone because of it, I don't think so. Contrary to all rumors, love is just a chemical compound that affects the brain. The heart has nothing to do with it. There is a saying that someone is heartless if they don't give affection. That's not true. A heartless man is simply dead. A man without empathy, or learned behavior, does not give anyone affection.

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