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Week 5 [23.04-29.04.2018] - The power of introverts

Did you know that a third to a half of the world’s population are introverts? Still though, our system seems to be designed to adjust and promote only extrovert behaviour. At school working in a group is prioritized over working alone. At work one of the most valued qualities is the ability to talk and present your ideas to others. However, it is important to remember that although introverts do not fit in those schemes, they still play an important role in the society. The speaker in the below presented TED talk touches upon issues like deep thought process and advantages that come with solitude, as well as, being an introvert herself, gives an honest testimony to an introvert’s view on life.

1. Do you think that the current status quo in schools and workplaces that favours the extrovert behaviour should be changed? Why? Why not?
2. Do you agree that some of the rules and institutions in the society today are not well-adjusted to the needs of the introverts?
3. What do you think about the idea of “going into wilderness for deep thinking”?


Unknown said…
I don't remember any favoritism when I was in a primary school or even after. Although it's rue the way of accomplishing assignments was sometimes frustrating as I didn't always like the idea of the group. There has to be some way of teaching and every person should be given a chance to develop in the area they clearly excelling others.

When it comes to the rules, I would like to refer to the example given during the speech, which is open spaces in our modern workplaces. Note, this is even used as a benefit in a job postings, which is ridiculous. Some of us could state it as a huge disadvantage due to lack of personal space and low work standards, not mentioning it's often used to put countless people in a place, sitting on each other, where there is room for half less.

It's worth to mention that it's easier for introverts to endure this excessive stimulation than for extroverts to cope with, let's say, contemplative way of being.

Solitude is being confused with loneliness. The first can give you some insight into what kind of person you are and you can learn how to live, it's important. The latter has a strong negative meaning. I think people should carve their ideas when not affected by group dynamics, as the speaker noticed it's being done nowadays.
Jakub Nietupski said…
I think that in polish schools we could definitely profit from showing students more inclusive ways of conducting group tasks and discussions. Even extroverted people would benefit from allowing everyone to voice their opinions and insights - there is always something that other people know that we don't.
In my opinion a lot of institutions in Poland are simply so chaotically organized that you really need to be dynamic and visible and talkative to have your case done. So the first step in changing it for the better is improving the logistics of the whole system.
It is often helpful to change your environment if you struggle with some problem. Personally, I find going somewhere quiet really clearing my mind and helping me focus on the problem.
Anna Koca said…
Thank you Wojtek for your insights.
I agree that solitude is confused with loneliness, even up to the point of forcing people that need some time alone into socializing. It is interesting that you mention about introverts coping easier with extrovert environment than the other way round. Could you elaborate why it is so?
Anna Koca said…
Thank you for your comment Jakub.
I understand that chaos in institutions, where the "jungle rule" is "survival of the fittest", so whoever is louder and more intimidating gets his point across, may be an example of favouring extroverts over introverts - a fair point.
Unknown said…
I believe that problem is related not to institutions but to society itself. I think that favoritism to extraverts can be explained by the fact that they are more open and confident when it comes to handling social interactions which makes it easier for people to get along with them. Also, some extroverts are born leaders who can take risks and make hard-decisions, which from society's point of view makes them more important and more likable. But it doesn't mean that introverts can't be as important as extroverts. Overall, I don't believe that you can simply divide people into two categories and prioritize one or another. In reality, people have more complex characters that cannot belong only to one group.
I don't think that nowadays rules of society somehow suppress introverts. As it was said, there is a majority of people in the world who consider themselves as introverts. And most of the time, misunderstanding between introvert and rest of society comes from person's lack of self-confidence. But this is something that society cannot adjust to. You need to solve your confidence problem by yourself.
It's always a good idea to fresh your mind when you stuck on some problem. Sometimes you even simply need to make a break and forget about a problem for a moment in order to find a solution or a new approach.
Unknown said…
I think it is true that extroverts are favored in schools. I agree that some of the rules and institutions in the society today are not well-adjusted to the needs of the introverts .Whether or not you succeed doesn’t depend on whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. It all depends on your ability to deal with problems, your professional skills and if you have some knowledge in the subject you are dealing with. Obviously, random factors also have big influence.
Anna Koca said…
It is an interesting view that we cannot put the sign of equality between introverts and lack of confidence, and maybe it is hard to envision a society which tolerates the lack of the latter. And of course, just as the lecturer mentioned, most of us are ambiverts, meaning we have a bit of both.
Anna Koca said…
Sometimes even being introvert helps - you may find yourself in a life situation when not reacting promptly and taking a minute for re-thinking your position may be a good thing.
Filip Sawicki said…
Maybe my thoughts are controversial but I think that such extreme introverts are pathetic. There is nothing wrong with being less open to other people or frightened of some situations, but it certainly is when one can’t achieve his own goals just by being self-contained. I think that this behavior should be treated and not accepted by society. We are living in a market capitalistic world and it is crucial for everyone to show (or sell) ourselves to the public in order to truly succeed with ours goals. Therefore extroverts will always win in such situations. However introverts can very nicely pretend to be extravert when needed and this is probably the best combination of human characteristics that every introvert should strive for.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I think that there should be done something for introverts in schools, because in schools usually only active persons get all attention, while introverts become more closed in themselves. Sometimes being closed in yourself helps you to be better than others, because you have less thing to worry about. I have heard that introverts that have personal space and those who are not getting stressed by society are way more productive than anyone else. I think that introverts are really smart and nice people, but unfortunately they in our educational and other institutions they have really rare chance and sometimes no opportunity to shine and show their full potential.
I am Introvert and I think that this is not bat and even good for me. I prefer to consider on my work and this type of work exclude chance to talk with people instead I must think and build huge abstract architecture. I think people that need think a lot in abstract way must be introvert to prevent errors in work.
Unknown said…
I think, that this system might be changed, but only if we will come up with a better system, that will equally support intro- and extroverts. Give them opportunities to study, work and grow personally.
I think, that there are a lot of things that are not adjusted to the needs of the introverts, however nowadays more and more things become adjusted due to the fast technical progress. So i hope, that all needs of introverts will be satisfied soon, as well as needs of extraverts.
Actually i like this idea. Sometimes i really need some quite place to think about something, but for me its hard to find such place in a big city.
Unknown said…
Honestly, I do not remember someone being favoured. Everyone was treated in the same way, when someone needed help, they always received it. That is why I think that no changes are needed. In the same way, when it comes to rules, I don't think of anything that might offend introvert people. All are treated equally regardless of the group to which they belong. The idea of such a way of solving the problem is quite cool. Sometimes I myself need such a pause and silence to think about something better.
Unknown said…
It's not the problems of schools or workplaces it's not a problem at all. It's rather how human mind is working.
I don't think they need to be distinguished in special group, it's rather introverts who have to adjust if they are not satisfied of how things are rather then trying to change the environment.
Unknown said…
1. Do you think that the current status quo in schools and workplaces that favours the extrovert behaviour should be changed? Why? Why not?
2. Do you agree that some of the rules and institutions in the society today are not well-adjusted to the needs of the introverts?
I don’t see the problem in it. I think that everyone should be able to express his opinion. I think that in work soft skills are very important to make whole team productive.
I know that introverts doesn’t exactly mean the same as what shy mean, but they have a lot in common. The communication with such people is often really hard and they cope badly with stressful situation or when they have to make a decision very quicly.

3. What do you think about the idea of “going into wilderness for deep thinking”?
I think that everyone regardless of the character needs a break and spending time alone to take a deep breath before or after tough decisions.
Unknown said…
Do you think that the current status quo in schools and workplaces that favours the extrovert behaviour should be changed? Why? Why not?
I think a little bit. Changes for example to put introverts in the centre point of attention could be not easy for them. Schools are social places and lead their social rights and the extroverts are more social and they fit to that social places more than introverts.
Do you agree that some of the rules and institutions in the society today are not well-adjusted to the needs of the introverts?
Maybe some of them. But is hard to satisfy everyone.
What do you think about the idea of “going into wilderness for deep thinking”?
I think it is good idea, because nature and wild is very inspiring.
Unknown said…
1. Certainly it’s a reasonable to take this issue into account. It’s counterproductive to not use the potential of introverts just because of bias not based entirely on reality.
2. I think so. I agree with the speaker. There are behavioral norms rooted deep inside our culture as we are social animals. Perhaps they have to be revised with help of todays psychology.
3. I sometimes do it. I just spend some times alone with my thoughts. Nothing great come out of it so far unfortunately 😉.
Unknown said…
1. I do not think so, because I have not met to recruit an extrovert or an introvert. An adult person can be less or shyer, or conversationally, but an adult man can control his actions and emotions, so most likely I do not even understand who an extrovert is.
2. For all the rules are equal, a person has the right to choose whether he wants to fulfill them or not. I do not think that introverts are more intelligent and require special treatment, because the mind does not depend on their peace of mind. This is also how to assume that sociable people gain knowledge only on the basis of experience.
3. With this of course I agree, most often to make a decision you need to retire with your thoughts, only in this case you can make a decision "to your liking".
Peter Clemenza said…
1. Do you think that the current status quo in
schools and workplaces that favours the extrovert behaviour should be changed? Why? Why not?

Say what? You could just say that nothing changes instead of this latin stuff.
I thing its ok, school will adjust itself because of popularization of ipads and computers
-lack of human interaction

2. Do you agree that some of the rules and institutions
in the society today are not well-adjusted to the needs of the introverts?

And what should be changed? Psychology on every corner of the street?

3. What do you think about the idea of “going into wilderness for deep thinking”?

I would rather stay home. Americans once went into wilderness and they lost a Vietnam war.
Yes, i believe that current status quo must be changed! It's a kind of racism but not truly visible. I would say that more than 70% rules in our society are not well-adjusted for introverts. They need to be changed but not in a way only for introverts - for all people.
I don't think it's a good idea of going into wilderness for deep thinking. It depends on every aspect that is connected with a person but not with a society.
Patryk Górski said…
No. It's okay as it is I think

I think that everyone should try to socialize. It's hard to live without any social interaction

I don't know, it's hard to say.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. Do you think that the current status quo in schools and workplaces that favours the extrovert behaviour should be changed? Why? Why not?
I think that our status quo in schools is ok for now. It is hard to say about what we need to change, but we would see after some time when something bad happened.
2. Do you agree that some of the rules and institutions in the society today are not well-adjusted to the needs of the introverts?
I agree with the statement above and i want to add that all the rules we need to change and not only for introverts.
3. What do you think about the idea of “going into wilderness for deep thinking”?
I've never thought about it but i bet that everyone will go into wilderness for deep thinking once in a life. It depends on a person and his lifestyle.
Unknown said…
1. From my experience, the current status quo in schools/workplaces does not favor extroverts or introverts. I think that main goal should always be to create friendly environment which allows for effective cooperation both intro- and extroverts.
2. In my opinion rules and regulations should be not be adjusted to the needs of any particular group.
3. This idea seems a little bit eccentric nowadays, however it can be very inspiring and can help us to regain our balance
Unknown said…
I believe that the can adjust. I don't like flavouring groups of people. I'm an introvert, and I was always able to find a place for me, so I think it's a matter of people effort to feel good in a place they are.
I agree, but at the same time I cannot point out anything I'd like to be improved.
I need it from time to time. I think its healthy for your mind to go into the wilderness to forget about all your problems and daily life. A week in the wood will give you lots of energy in motivation, so I recommend everyone to do it at least twice a year to fill up your body batteries ;)
Iman Masjedi said…
I think Workplace behavior is a subset of workplace culture,So, the behavior that you intend to bring in your organization is open communication and valuable synergies. I can go on about how to bring in this behavior (which, in reality, is the most different part), but that's outside of this question's context. So, assuming these behaviors are in place, what happens to the productivity of your organization? it increases (no points for the right answer).
Therefore, the behaviors in a workplace highly impact the the productivity of the organization. Your organization culture drives the intended behaviors and these behaviors boost the productivity in an organization.
-its depend on which part .
-yes its good sometimes.

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