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Week 5 [23.04-29.04.2018] - Effects of Global Warming

Effects of Global Warming

I think that everyone of us has heard about the phenomenon called ‘Global Warming’. I guess that some of us could also notice some weird weather behaviors or that it is not so stable nowadays as it used to be in the past. But have you ever wondered what the cause of such events is? Yes, it’s because of temperature growing all around the world that has more effects than we could imagine.

But what is the cause of the Global Warming itself? It’s mainly human activity and industrial revolution that brought us there. Burning of fossil fuel and deforestation lead to higher emission of so called greenhouse gases that trap heat to the Earth’s atmosphere. These gases occur naturally and make our planet warm enough to sustain life, but larger amount of them make temperature grow.

So what are the main effects of Global Warming?
Extreme weather events such as cold or heat waves, tornados, lightning strikes, droughts, rainstorms are more likely to happen and will be more intense. All of them could be very damaging for human and lead to social and economic disasters. I think that we all have seen cities destroyed by tornados or floods in other countries and how difficult situation it is for all the people living in this areas.

Global Warming can also affect agriculture all around the world. Growing temperature could make some plants harder or even impossible to grow in some areas. I’ve recently heard that there is a possibility that production of wine in the areas such as France or Italy will not be possible because of climate change. Instead, it could be moved to north, to countries like Poland, where currently it’s hard to grow good grapevine. That would mean that all those people living from producing wine from generation to generation would have to stop doing that and find another way to make a living.

Finally, Global Warming has bad impact on human health. With the growth of the rainfall mosquito-borne diseases like malaria are more likely to spread. Also the higher temperature itself can be very damaging for some people. According to researches, more people in USA die due to extreme heat each year than due to all the natural disasters (tornados, floods or hurricanes) combined. Additionally, increasing temperature leads to worsening of air quality which can cause diseases connected with lungs and can be dangerous for asthmatics or people with allergies.

1.      Do you believe in Global Warming? Or do you think it’s just a scientific creation?
2.      Have you spotted some weird weather behaviors in the last years?
3.      What do you think we can do to stop the process of climate change?



Jakub Nietupski said…
I don't need to believe in the climate change, I know for a fact that it's real. Same applies to every "scientific creation", since the integral part of scientific method is thorough verification of one's findings.
I have witnessed weather anomalies but single artifacts are neither proof or counterargument for the climate change theory.
It is not clear if we will be able to completely stop the process but certainly we should try to reduce greenhouse gas emission and the production of waste.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I agree with the previous comment, climate change is not a belief. For me the closest analogy is if you heat the water it boils at some point. By maintaining such a big population and global industries we crossed the line and there is no return to what we had before. Our planet changes and the awareness of that is the key to survive in the future, I believe.

I noticed more extreme seasons, but some say it occurs regularly as a cycle.

It's not something you can stop. I mean, if you wiped out humanity maybe Earth would normalize. Our way of living and current technological advancement is like a huge machine that can't be stopped and when I think of the way to do it, it could require the same or even more amount of work we've put to start it across the ages. Although from the Earth perspective, the most harmful times can be fit in few hundred years, so it's not so long.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
I believe in God, not a global Warming but it doesn’t mean I don’t believe that the problem exists. Hmm.. about weird weather behaviors I can only say that it’s embarrassing when after whole sunny week the rainy and cloudy weekend comes. To be honest I think that in our climate, sometimes there are strange changes like winter without a snow or summer without a sun. Also far from us there are strange situations like snow on sahara desert. This means that “something is not yes” :D
Marcin Mróz said…
I know that climate change is a fact, but it appears that some people still don't believe in it. Donald Trump, for example, seem to think that it's not a thing and withdrawn US from Paris agreement on climate change. Of course it wasn't the main reason for withdrawal, but still.
Marcin Mróz said…
Yes, the sad truth is that we got to the point that it's impossible to get to the previous state of our planet. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't try to reduce the damage that we cause for Earth. I agree with you that the awareneess of the fact that our planet and its climate change will be the key to the survival of our race in the future. The main goal of my presentation was to raise this awareness. :)
Unknown said…
In my opinion, Global Warming isn't just a scientific creation. As it was mentioned in the article, today we can observe some changes in climate that started to affect our lives. But those effects are results of years of polluting environment and it might take decades to revert our planet to its earlier state.
Yes, I've spotted lots of weird changes in weather behaviors in last few years, for example, rapid changes in temperature.
Truly saying, I'm not sure what is need to be done to stop Global Warming, but one of the obvious ways is to invest more in alternative, eco-friendly sources of energy.
Marcin Mróz said…
I also spotted this kind of strange weather behaviour. Especially recently, there were no like smooth transition between winter and spring, it has just suddenly became warm. Alternative sources of energy are indeed something that could help save our planet and we can start contributing to this process on our own by for example installing solar light panels on our houses.
Anna Koca said…
If it's scientific, then it's not a creation per definition (in a sense - it is not made-up). Since there is proof to global warming, I would be dumb not to give it credit.
I have spotted weird weather behaviour in Poland. For example, a fixed change of times of the year - spring used to start on March, now it is around mid-April - sometimes we have snow for Easter. But rarely during Christmas, though. It is warm longer and later in the year calendar and summers get more rain.
I think we can stop the process of climate change through segregating our trash, using more public transport instead of cars, trying to change our economies from carbon-based to alternative sources-based.
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Climate change is not a matter of faith but a fact. In my opinion, human contribution to these changes is insignificant. The climate changes cyclically - sometimes such cycles last several years, as shown by the metrological historical data. Unfortunately, such data is not collected from the beginning of humanity, so little is known about climatic dependencies.

From my observations the extreme seasons intensified. In the summer we have record high temperatures and record low in winter. While autumn and spring are fairly short and unstable temperatures.
Unknown said…
I believe. However, I don't believe that we can do something about it. This is a natural thing and no matter what we do, global warming will happen or not. We have no influence on it.

I don't pay attention to the weather. Sometimes it is cold, sometimes hot and sometimes there is a big hurricane, but in my opinion it is not a strange weather behavior.

I think nothing. The weather will not change as we start talking about it or do something about it.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Maciej Główka said…
If we compare weather 20 years ago and nowadays we could clearly see difference. Almost every month there is news about weather cataclysm in different parts of the world. There are also many scientific researches that confirm global warming.
Are there any differences in Warsaw? There is clearly less snow in winter, it has shorten a bit also. There are also bigger fluctuations of temperature.
What we can do to stop it? I think the biggest step we can make to stop it is switching to green energy.
Yes, I believe in Global Warming and the humanity has been observing its effects for the past few decades. There is no reason not to believe in it and I consider it to be one of the most significant threats in future.

I remember when it was snowing in the beginning of May several years ago. After this I realized that Global Warming is real. But on the other hand everything depends on what you consider to be "weird weather behavior". As for me it was really surprising but someone else could consider this as normal flow of things.

To my opinion we should reconsider a little bit the way we live. We should sort out things that are vital for us and not really. Then just start getting rid of these "not really" things and the impact will be huge.
Filip Sawicki said…
I do believe in global warming, there is no doubt in that. It is happening right now and we must do everything to reduce it’s devastating effects. I have spotted that there are more and more tornados in Poland, winters are shorter but colder, springs are insanely hot and summers have mild temperature with lots of thunderstorms. Couple of years ago we usually had snow throughout all winter and enjoyed truly white Christmas, nowadays we can only dream about it. I think that we can stop the climate change using new eco-friendly technologies. We already have necessary tools to reduce global warming, but the rate of introducing them to the market is way to slow.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
For sure our climate is changing and each year there are more and more weather anomalies occur during year. I believe in global warming and I don`t really know what we should and what we can do. Personally I trying not to use transport that runs on fuel, that reduces emission, but what can I really do with all other people using it. For sure this topic has been discussed in many conferences what we should, but after 1-2 weeks everyone forgets all measures and promises that were proclaimed at this events. I am really sad for people who talk about global warming more than doing something useful to stop it.
Illia Shynder said…
I definitely believe in global warming. I think that this is the problem that should unite all people and make them work together to solve it.
I spotted that weather is behaving strange all the time. We get warm winters, no spring(i mean there is this temperature jump from 0 and 5 degrees to 20-25 in just a week or two) and cold or super hot summers.
I think people should find ways of avoiding using some bad-for-environment things. Find other ways. People should stop to use things like old and even current cars(let's be honest, cars are the major part of pollution). Either find a way to make the really eco, or just use some eco public transport or something like that.
I believe in fact that our world is always changing and we need to adapt to this changes but also need to be more careful with our technologies because some of them is good for nature and some not. We must minify pollution of nature and clean up most of things that we have already done.
Unknown said…
I believe that this is true. What they say is not a product of imagination, it is a serious problem that is a fact. We are in a country that has a strange climate. On Christmas there is no snow instead, it rains and on Easter, which is usually in April, it snows. So it can be treated as strange weather behaviour. Some institutions recommend doing or not doing something, but are they right? Whether our actions have any influence on what is to come, nobody knows.
Marcin Górski said…
Hmmm, it's hard question for me. I don't know that Global Warming is real or only a scientific creation.
As everybody, I see climate changes. I remember that when I was young, winters were very frosty and that is the biggest difference between today's weather.
I don't think that we can stop it completely but we should stary with pollution - people should change their old ovens to newest which are having a lot of filters etc.
Marcin Mróz said…
I don't agree that this is natural thing, because it's mainly human activity that leads to the higher emission of greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Maybe we cannot totally stop the process of climate change, but we can (and should) at least minimize the destructive effects that we have on our planet.
Marcin Mróz said…
Yes, we can spot that natural distasters seem to happen more often than some years ago and have more destructive effects. That's really terryfing, because it's a big problem for countries that are being stricken by the cataclysm, both socially and economically.
Marcin Mróz said…
I observed exactly the same things that you mentioned. Last summer I was hanging on to my umbrella all the time because you never knew when the thunderstorm could begin. Also now, spring is outstandingly hot, I don't remember if it was like that for example ten years ago. It's a bit sad that the tempo in which we introduce eco-friendly technologies is so slow, because as you said we have all the tools that we need to make our impact on planet less damaging. However, some days ago, I spotted and electrical bus test in the centre of Warsaw, so maybe there is a hope. ;)
Marcin Mróz said…
Yes, it's sad that everyone is aware of the fact that the problem exists, but still do nothing about it. The most basic thing is segregation of trash which is now obligatory, but in reality most people don'y bother with that and still put everything in one container.
Marcin Mróz said…
I also spotted this 'jump' of the temperature this year. It really suprised me that there was no smooth transition between winter and spring/summer (I don't know how to call it finallly), it has just suddenly became hot.
Marcin Mróz said…
I believe that every action that could help save the environment is worth undertaking. We shouldn't think about whether it would really work or not, just do it and make our contribution to save our planet.
Unknown said…
I think is possible that Global Warming is coming but I don't think it will be that swift. Definitely noticed some abnormal weather behavior in recent years like the hottest day last summer and much less snow during winter.
I think only the development of the technology will and can change that.
Unknown said…
1. I do. But I think that so called “climate change deniers” focus more on the impact of humans since they cannot simply argue with overt concrete observations.
2. Yes I did. It’s noticeably increasing. Just like you mentioned. Not only weather phenomenon. I’ve heard recently that Lyme disease is not only more common but is also spread by other insects.
3. Energy production is the biggest culprit. We have to try and move away from the oil and gas based energy production. Western world uses much more energy than more papules Asia. It’s warring considering the fact that their energy consumption will be only increasing with their economic development.
Unknown said…
Do you believe in Global Warming? Or do you think it’s just a scientific creation?
There are many scientific publications about the global warming, and I think that is not a creation.
Have you spotted some weird weather behaviours in the last years?
I spotted out in media that was more of hurricanes and tsunami in the last years.
What do you think we can do to stop the process of climate change?
We could be more eco and environment friendly. We should choose to not use car everyday, produce less trashes, segregate wastes, and may others in our daily live.
Unknown said…
1. There are some confirmations to the fact that in the world global warming, for example melting of glaciers and a high temperature of salty seas. I believe that in the world the temperature in summer increases every year and the white continent is all the less white.
2. Of course, I noticed, it seems to me that spring and autumn have completely disappeared. One day at the end of April, snow falls, while in the other, +15 and the sun. This all takes place in a temperate climate, so I can assume that in the tropics there is absolutely no winter, and summer 7-8 months of the year.
3. It is harder for people to live in the country where they have lived their whole lives, agrees that it affects health, allergies, and lungs, it also affects the land, it becomes less fertile. But this: it is impossible to influence natural changes, it is not subject to man. Option only if scientifically identify the problems that create a person and then the society can then help.
Peter Clemenza said…
Thanks to the war on global warming we can see the very high cost of energy.
This war – if effective – would harm the natural environment -
because what the plants need most for their growth,
is carbon dioxide. Fortunately this war has no effect at all –
but the countries occupied by the EU had paid tremendous price.
The global warming – if it is real – is not anthropogenic.
It is humbug. But it is the instrument to achieve a specific goal:
ZERO GROWTH. 2 trillions Euro were spent – and wasted. It's felony.

I hope that pseudo-scientists, who had in bad faith supported this lunacy
will be found, named, duly prosecuted, tried and put to jail.
Yes , I do belive in global warming as it is scientific proven. We can see damage that is causing to the North Pole, huge massive of ice are being melted by the hot and a lot of animals are sufering because of this. No, i haven't maybe in past 5 years there were more hurricanes ? I am not realy sure , I was to young to remember those from the past. Well, at first we should lower usage of fuel, maybe we should focus on developing electric supplied cars. For sure we need to stop logging and polluting atmosphere, we should more focus on the recycling as it the most pro nature way.
So i do not have to believe in global warming, i was just convinced by scientific research and data. I was sceptical at first, since we cannot really observe its effects and "feel" it ourselves, but in the end i was convinced by facts presented to me.
Actually yes, i would not say it was caused only or even by global warming but yes indeed i saw and even experienced a unusual weather.
So in my opinion we cant do anything, companies do if we were to accept the global warming and tone down the "consumer" part" of our products we could help everyone.
What do i mean by "consumer part" ? Home appliances fridges, washers etc are built to last for usually several years, not because they cant be build to last longer but to maximise profit and force us to replace them usually by never model. To tone it down is to make them last longer, focus on reliability again even if that means them being more expensive to buy. Unfortunately it wont work because of competition on the markets if "our" company does not release new model someone else will and our customers will go to them.
Unknown said…
I believe in global warming. I know for a fact that it's real. It is happening right now - scientis are doing reserch in that area for quiete a long time, and they have results and raports to prove that global warming exist.
I've noticed warmer winter in my lifetime. Weather are more likely to change diametrically in a short peroid of time that it was a several dozen years ago.
Developing renewable energy might be a soluton. Switching to green energy sources rather that using same, old energy technology can be a game changer - it'll slow the process of climate change for sure. Renewable energy is the future.
The benefits are so great that we should accelerate the transition to solar, water, and wind, as fast as possible, by retiring fossil-fuel systems early wherever we can.
1. Do you believe in Global Warming? Or do you think it’s just a scientific creation?
Suddenly i believe in global warming. And it's not a scientific creation. It is happening right now and we can't do anything to prevent this catastrophe. But i hope that this warming need so many years, that i and my followers won't be on Earth.
2. Have you spotted some weird weather behaviors in the last years?
Yeah, the main thing i've spotted is no more cold winters. And i know it is connected with global warming.
3. What do you think we can do to stop the process of climate change?
We can't do it. But the scientists can do it. I don't know how, but we will see in 20-40 years.
Maciej Nowak said…
Global warming ins't just a scientific creation, the weather is more and more unstable across the world and it is very important to stop this destructive way of live. Just right now we have abnormally hot weather for the spring and many other anomalies could have been observed in recent years. Definitely we should limit consumption of resources and recycle more material. Also new technologies that are more efficient than current would be very helpful.
Cecylia said…
1. Do you believe in Global Warming? Or do you think it’s just a scientific creation?

I believe in global warming

2. Have you spotted some weird weather behaviors in the last years?

The wheather is unstable each year and more violent.

3. What do you think we can do to stop the process of climate change?

Change the industry i think

Patryk Górski said…
I do not believe in it. Winter showed us a lot of times, that it can be very very cold :)

Yes. Snow in May. What is this? :D

Nothing. It's nature, you can't control it.
Unknown said…
I remember how winters used to look, lots amounts of snow, freezing temperatures etc. It's easy to spot that climate in Poland is changing because we don't have that harsh winters anymore. Looking more, you can find many scientific papers. I think we are facing up with Global Warming and will need a solution for it.
I'm not an expert on that topic, but from what I know, if you want to do something to help to fight with GW, you could ask all your family members if they have replaced old heaters in their homes and if not change their minds to change it to stop poisoning their neighbourhoods.
Illia Lukisha said…
I believe in a global warming but suddenly we can't prevent it. I hope that our smart scientists will invent a way to solve this problem. I would call it catastrophe nowadays.
There are no cold winters anymore and it is really strange thing to watch. We need to stop using all the dangerous gases that are spoiling our atmosphere. That is not only the way to prevent this catastrophe but everything depends on us.
Iman Masjedi said…
Facts or not, I remember every years harsh snowy winters as a child that happen rarely now, and experiencing record high temperatures in winter. I also know that where I now live, summers are harder and and hotter and longer than they were, with new record temperatures every summer.
It doesn’t take facts to look around you and know that things have changed, and that it’s warmer than it was.
Unknown said…
1. I see that during my life climat in Poland a bit changed but I don't think that it is because of 'Global Warming'. I am not a specialist and it is not an interesting topic for me but I don't believe that people have so much influance on Earth that we are able to change a climate because of cars or factories.

2. I don't think so that in the last years something weird happend in Poland.

3. We have to build smart cities with eco friendly infrastructure and use energy from nuclear power station instead of fossil-fuel power station and then it would be a huge step to make our environment more clean and healthy.
Unknown said…
1. Do you believe in Global Warming? Or do you think it’s just a scientific creation?
My intuition tells me that Global Warming is a fact rather than a scientific creation. It is very easy to find a proof these days, specially when you can hear about it everywhere. Nevertheless, whether it is a truth or not, every source of pollution should be decreased to its minimum.

2. Have you spotted some weird weather behaviors in the last years?
In our country there is this tendency over the few past years, in which summers are less hot and winters are less cold. Every season seems to be normalising and stabilizating, so there is no longer a big, weather gap between e.g. spring and summer.

3. What do you think we can do to stop the process of climate change?
Honestly I don't know, that's why there is so many people and organisations working on this. I think reducing the pollution as a whole and taking more advantage of electricity may help.

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