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Week 5-Hunger for libraries -(23.04-30.04)

Hunger for libraries

Literacy or lack thereof has been a topic of lively debate for a number of years. Some say that, given an access to a library, all people may start to broaden their horizons and become educated, but several reasons to the contrary are not too difficult to find. Are we doing enough to ensure wide study material for those who wish to learn?
On the one hand, in most countries in Europe and many outside of it, people have a virtually unrestricted and unlimited access to the knowledge. However, in the age of technological development and an abundance of news online, few benefit from the libraries’ resources the way they would a couple of decades ago. Additionally, there are those who could not take advantage of the information gathered there either due to lack of basic research abilities or, what is even more worrying, an utter lack of interest in finding any new data.
On the other hand, in the third world countries, access to information is almost absent, which in some cases is not unlikely to be the reason for armed conflicts between African tribes who still hold on to the unenlightened beliefs of their forefathers. Moreover, if the right people were provided with the necessary resources and information they could lead their people out of poverty, pointless fight or the aforementioned illiteracy, which plagues African countries.
In this day and age, however, access to libraries may be seen as redundant, taking into account all the knowledge amassed in various Internet sources. Nevertheless, it is vital to allow every willing individual to use this online information, which is now much cheaper than purchasing expensive books and building libraries, which slowly become a thing of the past.
However, some countries bet on libraries.
 I would like to introduce some of them that have aroused my interest.

Black Diamond - Danish Royal Library, Copenhagen

Parque Biblioteca Espana, Medellie

University Library in Delft, Delft (Netherlands)

1.Do you think that access to e-books will deprive the library of popularity?
2.Do you think that it is worth building modern libraries?
3. Do you borrow books from the library? Do you go there often? For what purpose?



Lukasz Mroczek said…
To be honest I’ve never been in the library like it is always shown in American movies. Generally, I’ve never spent more than 5 minutes in the library. Nowadays we have access to so many different knowledge sources that in my opinion books are left only for passioned readers. I think that access to e-books won’t change almost anything because people have access to the internet. That’s the main reason why casual people don’t go to libraries. To be honest I think that building modern libraries is not worth. I respect people who like to read but I think that that money would be invested better. As I’ve mentioned I don’t go often to library because I’ve no need to :)
Jakub Nietupski said…
I don't think that access to e-books will decrease the number of people visiting libraries. I visit library quite often even though I don't borrow any books - library is a good place to study and work in silence, its space is available free of cost and you can spend there as much time as you want.
Building modern libraries is a good idea because that way we can increase access to knowledge, especially if we build them in areas where access to books or internet is low.
Unknown said…
I don't think that e-books will make people forget about libraries. There are still many people who used to do some research, study, and lookup for information in a traditional way by reading old-fashioned paper books. Besides all our achievements in technology wouldn't be possible if people hadn't had access to needed information in books.
I not only think that this is worth idea to build modern libraries but I'm assured that this should be 'must-have' place for every town or city. These libraries not only add an aesthetic look to city architecture but also symbolize the idea that knowledge should be available for everyone.
Yes, I borrow books from a library, but I don't do this very often. Most of the time I borrow them only for study purposes.
Anna Koca said…

I think that e-books are a threat to libraries, but only e-books. All the digital information, paid and open source books, materials, articles, newspapers and so on are slowly making physical paper and libraries a thing of the past. Someone said that in 1700s an average man was receiving as much information in his entire life as a XXI century man in one day! We do have our limits for data processing and given so much of it is to be found on the Internet, libraries will undoubtedly fade away soon. That's why I also think that nice buildings for library play more of aesthetic and architectural role than a functional one. I still try to go to libraries, when I don't want to buy books, but when I do need something in particular, usually I can't get it in a library, and am forced therefore to buy it online.
I think that e-books could diminish the interest in taking books from the library. What's more, non-scientific books are quite cheap, so people buy them more often. In libraries, there are often no new releases or they are in small quantities, which is a big disadvantage ..

Nevertheless, libraries are still needed and I think it is worth building them as modern learning objects. Many people like to learn in such places because of the silence and the fewer things they take away and distract from learning.
There are fields of science about which they are on the internet
very little inforamtion and then you have to reach for a book from the library.

If I go to the library, it is when I am looking for information from a very narrow field. At the beginning of my studies, I went often, now very rarely.
Unknown said…
I think so. Of course, that we have the option to buy an ebook from home and go to the library is in favor of an ebook. However, when I read a book, I like to have a paper version. It's the same with games, I can buy a digital version, but I prefer to definitely have a game disc.

I have never seen a modern library, but I think we should support and build modern libraries.

I used to borrow as I needed to school. Currently, when I need a book, I buy a paper version from online stores.
I am convinced that libraries will still remain very popular in the next few decades. As for me, library is a place where you can forget about everything, concentrate on the book and dedicate yourself to reading. It’s an ideal place to read because of its silent atmosphere where nothing interrupts your thoughts. Moreover surrounding you people may motivate to stay longer and study harder.

I don’t really think that it’s worth spending lots of money on building modern libraries. To my humble opinion the libraries nowadays attract people because of its ancient architecture and charming atmosphere.

I can’t say that I often borrow books from any library but it happens quite some time. I do prefer reading paper book rather then e-book just because it lets my eyes take a break.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I guess that I would choose e-books over going to library, because I it is more time efficient to download e-book and read whenever and wherever you want, but visiting library is not a bad idea as well, because it is place where you can concentrate on all 100% on your task. I try not to borrow books from library, I am reading usually them right in the library. Actually to be honest I don`t remember when I have visited library last time, but I think that I definitely will soon.
Unknown said…
There were always people who were not interested in libraries and the ones who were, so I think internet is bringing some value to people who are not used to put a lot of time into research and damaging the resources for people who identify libraries with information.

Yes definitely, even if it would be done only for the sake of the idea.

I am not a library type of person, however, I can understand its value and I know how it is when the book gives more insight than all internet resources found.
Illia Shynder said…
I don't think so, i just think, that access to e-books will change a bit auditory of library. For example, for usual person library is not needed because you can buy a e-book. But library is very important for all students and people, who are doing some research. When you are studying or trying to search for something, you need a lot of different books, and some of them you need only because of 1 paragraph. And libraries are perfect for such need, since you don't need to pay for every book.
I don't borrow books from libraries, but I had friend who really needed library and took a lot of books from there, and spent days there while writing diploma. I hope, I wont need to library when writing diploma, tho
I don't read books so I can't tell a lot about this but I think that future on e-books and all information better to be in electronic storage's and in this cases there much more easier to share info and even knowledge thorough much more people all around the world. Also I think that library is in past nowadays.
Marcin Górski said…
I think that e-book access has changed perceptions about library. Using libraries nowadays is a kind of time-wasting for me because if you want to read book you can find/buy it without going outside. It's a magic of the Internet.
Of course, library is good place when I want silence. If I have a free time between classes I like to go there with my computer because quiet is good for my productiveness.
I think that modern libraries are unnecessary because as I said - we have the Internet and that's enough but you know... it's only my opinion :)
Unknown said…
I think yes because, on my own example, I can say that I practically do not visit libraries. I don't remember when I was in the library recently. This is because everything we need is practically on the Internet, where it is more convenient.
Without leaving home, at any time, even at night, we can find a guide or book we want.
However, that is my opinion and I know that not everyone will agree with it. That's why it's worth building modern libraries for people who love paper versions.
Filip Sawicki said…
I don’t think that access to e-books deprives libraries of popularity. However it is becoming harder and harder for libraries to encourage people only by educational purpose. Nowadays they should be built with an intent of both education and recreation. It is worth building modern libraries, as they are an integral part of a city and still serve well all citizens. I do borrow books from time to time from my local library. I love to feel touch and smell of a paper book, e-books on the other hand require to sit in front of a computer which I already do for most of my time, so for health reasons I’d rather stay with paper ones.
Cecylia said…
I remember I was once in a librarie and not for long . E-books are easier to use because they’re not heavy and you can have a lot of book in one. Libraries are good if the book that we want is not disposable as an ebook. It good to build modern libraries because there are still a lot of book that need to be stored somewhere ale modern libraries are attractive .
Unknown said…
1. We can already see the transformation of typical library from general books storage to a place where you can sit and read a book. There are still some people that prefer paperback books to the electronic alternative. This is especially the case for picture books, albums and atlases and many others that are often best enjoyed in more tangible physical form.
2. It is as important as building museums, theaters and other cultural places. They serve the purpose of showcasing city’s status. As well as fostering creativity in its population.
3. Not anymore. I used to when I was younger when e-books weren’t as popular as they are now.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
In my opinion books are mostly obsolete due to the nature of how they intend to be consumed. Books are intended to be read and memorized rather then using it as a point of reference when it will be needed. So I think building libraries should be left in the past and put that money in better organized information like Wikipedia and make it easily searchable. Cose in our century there is no problem to get information the problem is having to much information.
No I don't think that way. Libraries are good way to focus and relax. E-books could be read at home , or during commuting to work/school.Personally I find studing in library the most effective way.
Maybe not building , just renovation for old ones. Easier accessibility for people to borrow books.
I guess there are plenty of libraries in Warsaw for example. I dont find build a new one nescessary.
Sometimes , only for studing because of the focused and silent atmosphere there. I do read my books on kindle and I love doing it at home. So for me library is only good for studing.

Unknown said…
You've said that you've never spent more than 5 minutes in the library, but events like "BUW dla sów" organised by Warsaw University Library are very popular. Personally I prefer to study at home but lot of my friends finds library as the better place for doing it.
If you had noisy flatmates (f.ex. in students' house) you would prefere to have different place to studying - like library. What do you think about it?
Unknown said…
Thank you for a comment. I totally agree with you. I don't use libraries very often - I prefer to studying at home - but my friends do it and spend there a lot of time.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your comment. Libraries are more and more places dedicated to spending time and not only borrowing books from there. I agree with you about building the modern libraries - maybe youths will prefer to meet there than in malls?
Unknown said…
Thanks for a comment. I disagree with you about modern role of libraries: for lot of my friends there are not only places for borrowing books but also for spending time together and studying or making group projects.
Unknown said…
1. I consider that access to books on the Internet has already deprived the popularity of paper books. All books that are on the Internet are scanned from paper or printed again. When Google decided to scan books, many large libraries in Germany or France were against it and did not give permission. In connection with this situation, I am sure that many books simply do not exist on the Internet and there are probably books that exist in libraries in a single copy.
2. Build new libraries can and should be if they look like in the photos from the article. But how to fill these libraries? I think that the books that are already on the shelves, especially the unique books - are quite old and require careful handling, so transporting libraries from one building to another will be almost impossible.
3. Now there is no such need, all the information that I need is on the Internet, but when I went to school - often used libraries and took books home.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your comment. I think that if libraries have more money for new books we will have news on the shelfs. And if we will have modern libraries we will use library collections even from home.
Unknown said…
Thank you for answer. But if you have posiibility to but a lot of books is great. But there is a lot of students who are on Erasmus and they don't have enough space in their homes for books or they don't have enough money to buy all books which are interesting for them. I think that for those people libraries are great solution.
Unknown said…
Easy access to e-books might be the case. As far as I know, people are lazy, their choosing the easiest way. Nowadays anybody is in rush, so e-books are more likely to chose, rather than trip to library - so yes, I think that e-books will deprive the library of popularity.
I can't remember when I was in library last time. I just use internet, I don't read a lot of book, i prefer e-book or better, audio books. In my opinion, the reason to build modern libraries is that we should leave something in our legacy. It's better to keeps all the books in one, specificly designed place for that.
As I’ve mentioned before - I don’t visit library because my way of finding knowlage fits me
Unknown said…
Thanks for comment. I think that modern libraries are something more than buildings - there we can meet with friends or just find quiet place for studying.
Unknown said…
Thank you for comment. E-books are much easier to use but for me the libraries are the main source of them - if I have to use it for univeristy purpose.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. I totally agree with you. I find your way of thinking very similar to mine. I also think that modern library is good place for doing group projects.
Unknown said…
Thanks for commenting. In my opinion using library just for writing thesis is not enough. There are lot of small city or district libraries where you can borrow even books of modern writers. I prefer to buy or borrow from my friends but few of my friends read only books from libraries.
Unknown said…
Thanks for a comment. I disagree with you. There are people who don't read books, but there are also who read a lot of it. For the second group libraries are the good and cheap (in fact - free) way to find a lot of things to read.
Maciej Nowak said…
Widespread internet access already deprived books and therefore libraries as an knowledge source. People can easily get information that interests them just by writing question to a search engine. They don't have to go to library personally. They don't have to register and they don't have remember to return a book before a deadline. However it doesn't mean that libraries are not needed anymore. Still people use them for borrowing or studying and building modern libraries might encourage other people to visit them. I don't borrow books form libraries as usually i buy books in bookstores or e-books on the internet.
Peter Clemenza said…
1.Do you think that access to e-books will deprive the library of popularity?

I believe that I have already answered this question in my previous answer on different artcile-
However I think that's very possible.

2.Do you think that it is worth building modern libraries?

No, I think they should leave this area empty for the Park. People should spend their time on some green

3. Do you borrow books from the library? Do you go there often? For what purpose?
I don't like libraries because they charge you for not bringing back their books on time.
And I don't like the lack of books that would like to read.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. I don't understand one thing: from one side you like library as the place where is quiet and you can focus on your works, from the other hand you write that places like that are unnecessary. Of course it can be manage by so-called "quiet zone" but if we use that place for that puropse why can't we put there also some books? ;)
1.Do you think that access to e-books will deprive the library of popularity?
I think libraries are already abandoned. I use e-books and every third person is using it right now.
2.Do you think that it is worth building modern libraries?
We are not in 20th century and we are moving forward. We need to create a space for reading,definitely, but not a building that we called libraries.
3. Do you borrow books from the library? Do you go there often? For what purpose?
I'm not using libraries, everything is needed for me i can find in the internet.
Iman Masjedi said…
-In my opinion, as things are changing, libraries need to be designed so that people can read their electronic books there, a combination of traditional and modern E-libraries.

-Yes, modern libraries with more specific designs and facilities will motivate people to read more.
As we need clubs to exercise, but we can do sports alone, libraries should be a fascinating place for those who want to read books or create creativity, not just a place to study and silence.

-I have been using e-books for a long time, and the most important reason is environmental protection.
It already did, i think that most small libraries will fall unfortunately, school libraries will be as they are and most of the big libraries will keep on going.
I think so, most of the library concept problems come from its outdated system. if we change the system it will prevail. Imagine if u could order a book or couple books from your local library to be delivered for a small fee ?
Most of my time spent in libraries was purposeful, since i dont have much time for recreational reading even online it would be hard to spend that time in library or on borrowing book from library. On the other hand when im there there is no better place to do your research and have it be factual and backed up by a physical thing(book) there is just so much trash information on the internet nowadays.
Unknown said…
1. In my opinion access to e-books can contribute to a decrease in number of people who go to the library. Using e-books is far more convenient and time saving solution than borrowing a book from library.
2. I think that building modern libraries is a still good idea as libraries are not only the places where you borrow books. They also serve as places where you can study without being distracted or find peace during a busy day.
3. I rarely borrow books from library as most of them are available online. I go to the library from time to time, especially to study before the exams.
Unknown said…
To some stage, I agree. It's easy nowadays to obtain a book online, but it's harder to find a quiet place too. I see modern libraries more as a place for studying, rather than a place where I can find the book I'm looking for. Often, you are also able to eat something, drink good coffee or calm down. In my opinion, it's worth it to keep building them. I don't like how most of them are made in Poland, that's why I'm not an everyday gest there.
Unknown said…
1. I can to say from my experience but since I have a e-book reader I read more and more books every year. It is convenient, I have my own library always in my pocket and when I don't have anything to read I can always buy another book in a unlimited bookshop which is called an internet.

2. It is hard to say but maybe it would be better idea to scan valuable books and share them in the internet instead of giving possibility to access to them in expensive and modern liblaries.

3. I'd not been doing it for so many years.
Illia Lukisha said…
I think that access to e-books will never be the same as taking books from the library. It's not free to use all the e-books but it's defintely worth spending money on it.
Yes, i'm a fan of modern libraries where you can find a huge amount of not only paper books but also free e-books. I borrow books at least 1 time in a month. The main reason why - i like reading paper books. It gives me energy and knowledge.
Patryk Górski said…
No. There are a lot of people, who prefer normal books and I understand it. Sometimes it's better to have a physical book, it's easier to read it when your e-book reader runs out of battery :D

Yes. It will be still popular to visit library and borrow some books.

Nowadays not, but in the past I used to do it. It was quite a good thing.

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