When I was watching I found presentation about interesting app made by Jeff Kirschner.
When you use this app you identify, collect and geo tag waste on the map. Jeff collects information about rubbish in more than 100 countries and he hopes to use data to prevent rubbish from falling on the ground. He needs to cooperate with companies and organizations to do it.
When you use this app you identify, collect and geo tag waste on the map. Jeff collects information about rubbish in more than 100 countries and he hopes to use data to prevent rubbish from falling on the ground. He needs to cooperate with companies and organizations to do it.
Personally I think that this app is good idea. When you use it you can use rubbish in artistic way and show people the problem in your area.
What do you think?
Have you ever taken part in cleaning the world ?
Are you going to download this app?
I've never taken part in cleaning the world, but i want to. After some time you realize, that living in the world without rubbish is making you breathe easier,so i'm watching forward to do that.
I know about commercial things, but it must be free,definitely. Only in that way this application will work.
The problem isn't people littering, its the fact that these plastic things were made in the first place. even if you throw the litter in the bin its just gonna keep piling up in the garbage dumps till it covers the whole world.
I took part in cleaning the world, and i'm doing it everyday by cleaning after myself. And no i won't download the app as it is boring and useless to me.
I have been taking part in cleaning the word action when I was at primary school.
I'm sure I won't download this app. When it comes to me it would be useless and I don't think I need it.
I took part in few cleaning the world campaigns when, as most of the people here, I was in primary school.
I can’t really see a reason for getting this app because I would not have many opportunities to actually use it. This app may be beneficial for parents as is in the Jeff’s case, through this app parents can teach their children about how to keep our planet clean.
I also agree that we have a big problem with indecomposable waste that we are not doing anything about. Sadly, the research in this field is not picking up as quickly as it could, because there is currently no real money in this market.
I will defend the app itself though, I think it can be useful. It is certainly more productive to catch garbage than pokemon.
In primary school we used to clean the local forests on each Earth Day. Today except of occasionally picking up a garbage here and there I don't actively participate in any cleaning initiatives.
I took part in a world-cleaning events when I was in elementary school, back then it was a lot of fun.
I'm not going to download nor install this app. I often pick up litter when it's relatively clean and I see some trash can nearby, but I'm not interesting in showing off how much I'm changing the world nor in taking any photos of the litter. I don't even use instagram or any similar services.
I was taking part of cleaning actions when I was at secondary school. In my option, government should organize activities a few times a year when people will be cleaning Earth together.
That’s a game changer.
It’s sad, that people are making the Earth a one big trashcan. I can’t stand, when people just leave some wrappers etc. on the ground.
Yep, I’ve taken part in cleaning the world few times, especially in primary school and I think it made an impact on me.
I don’t think that I will need this app, cause I’m always using the trashcans the way they were created to, but it’s a great thing for those „rubbish leaving” people.
Yes, I have taken a part in cleaning a world a few times back in school time (it was compulsory for everyone). I liked it because our environment looks much better.
I'm probably going to download this app and tell my friends about it. We can make a difference :)
>Have you ever taken part in cleaning the world ?
Yes, once in primary school - it was raining and we, small kids, were collecting dirty trash for free, so we could get some points or something at the end of the year.
Its pointless - why would I have to clean up after someone? It's better either to fine that person for littering, which will be far more educative or to pay someone to do it, thus lowering unemployment in region. Why force kids or anyone else do it?
I won't install the app, because I don't litter, and taking pictures of trash isn't something i'm fond of.
Also, consider the following:
Some day in the future, you are walking down the street, and see some plastic cup. You take picture of it, so you can save world etc., then you put it on instagram with filters, so other people can call it art and stuff, then you update your fb status, that you "Found a cup #foundit #cup #someothertag". You then have to update twitter and hundreds of other apps on your phone you keep installing pointlessly... Its scary isn't it?
I personally don't think that organising actions such as cleaning the world would be necessary, if someone would think about it from the start. Unfortunately in Poland (even in big cities) you can sometimes walk for a few hundred metres and not find a trash can. And when you do, it's more than full. Walking with a piece of garbage in the hand for 15 minutes is not the most joyful walk, so I can imagine this makes many people litter. Maybe this should get sorted in the forst place? :)
Thanks for the article.
It would be great if he created robots that would track all these places and do the cleaning. Or maybe it's enough to just send this data to companies that utilize litter.
In the past I've been involved in the world cleanup. In the primary school, such actions were often organized. It is important to teach the young generation to care for the world.
Parents should teach children that the place of trash is in the basket. Also very important is the segregation of our trash.
We also need to remember about recycling. Unfortunately the world cleanup actions were stopped in high school. Basically I have no idea why...
To be honest i will leave home to use this app. Seriously!
In the past, in secondary shool i was involved in cleaning the world. It was nice because we didn't have to learning in shool. We had a free time outside. Great idea. Now, i think that i will download this app to make some good! :)
They also are available for everyone (just by looking at tags). It can lead to the situation that someone thanks to access to these data can prepare his own analyse. Let's assume that it's a kidnapper. Based on knowledge where and at what time most children collect garbage, he can realise his bad intentions easily. In general the idea is good, but unfortunately it doesn't protect our privacy.