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Nowadays a lot of platforms, such as Microsoft, Apple, Google, Yahoo etc., are collecting information about you.

Let’s talk about the most famous one: Google.

google logo
Google is a platform we use in our everyday life. But did it ever come to your mind how much Google actually knows about every single one of us? Everything that you search for goes straight to its database. Google does not forget.

In order to see the Ads that fit you, Google collects every search that you have done. For example, someone who searches tech related topics will get an iPhone ad. This is because the platform creates a profile of you based on the things you search for. From this profile Google can get a lot of information about you; for example, your age and gender, where you live, study and where you are right now. Once you confirmed the location, Google has every right to see where you are.

But how does it know you are at home? it’s quite simple.
Where you spend your nights the most is logically your house and the other dots are the places you mostly go to.

So, if you have an android phone or a tablet, like a lot of you do, there is a very big chance that you 
Google locations tracked from my account
have used a Google calendar, Google+ or Google docs, therefore if you have one of them, it is certain that Google knows what appointments and with whom you have. But that is not all…

If you chat with someone using any Google platform, Google links you up and knows that you know each other, in that way it can form whole communities, friendships etc.

So, if you are looking forward to knowing all the information that Google collects about you here are some useful links:

0-    Your activity:
Your last Google activity, you can find here:

1-    What Google thinks about you:
This part is very important for Google to serve revenant ads. You can find it here:

2-    Location history
to find out the locations that Google has stored about you, you can find here:

3-    Your entire Google Search history
each keyword you have searched or ad you have clicked is stored here:

4-    Applications, extensions and devices that access your Google data--
these are very useful pages to have more control of your data:

5-    YouTube search history
Google also keeps a history of your YouTube searches. You can find it here:

Googles also has tools that help Publisher to see the pages you have visited on their website, for how many times and how long you viewed them etc.., this is called Google Analytics.
But thanks to “Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on” you can prevent your data from collecting. You can find it here:

So, were you aware so much information is collected?
Were you aware of the scope of the data that they actually collect?
Do you think it is good or bad that they collect it?
What will happen if any of the platforms provide information to the wrong people? Will we all be in danger?



Unknown said…
That's really interesting. I have heard somewhere that you can find what google knows about you and that it have got some interesting features, but I didn't know where I can find it.
Some people don't like the fact that google is collecting data about them, so they are not using it. I believe there is something about duck/with duck in its name, which can replace google.
They collect it mainly to provide better service to users, so it is planned as a good thing, but you never know how it will end.
Unknown said…
I am well aware of what information social sites, google and other companies do collect. I regret that i did agreed on terms and conditions of many sites when I was younger, however now there is no going back, so I have to live with that. If I knew it back then I probably would never create Facebook account.
Unknown said…
I am aware of this issue. Unfortunately I can't do almost nothing... The only way is stop using Google services. From the other hand, they provide very precise data. I can't imagine myself not using Google. The worst is that almost everyone knows this but almost no one resign from using them...

It is definitely bad because with such amount of information Google can influence our life in many aspects, for example shopping (ads). They do not collect this data only for themselves to collect them. They make a proper research, learn how it is connected and finally use them to earn money. It does not matter if it is your private data or not - they do not really care.

I think that there may be such possibility that for example NSA already has this data. In my opinion we can feel safe anymore.

Sylwia Pechcin said…
For me the whole Internet is very interesting issue. For sure many of us due to being IT students, protects privacy and know how to use the Internet in the secure way. But what about some older people, who are not aware of being 'spied'? I'm worrying about them, because very little amount of our grandfathers knows exactly how it works and how dangerous it could be. When it comes to me, I am aware of all this things, but it doesn't mean that I'm not terrified about that amount of data collected, because when it get to the wrong hands, may cause a real disaster.
OlaScislewska said…
This topic is extremely interesting. We are not aware of controling and following us by platforms like Google and it can turns against us one day. Somewhat wither our privacy and intimateness. Noone even ask us if we agree for that, i feel somehow scammed.
Platforms like Google or Apple prepared smart trap, we can ask whatever we want they will just remeber that and creates a profile of our-selfs to manipulate us. And what is interesting thats all lawful..
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I have to admit I'm really aware user. To be honest, I'm crazy about it. Unfortunatelly I agree with Damian - we can do nothing.
Despite my awareness, it makes my angry when I see my activity, whole history and even data from my navigation!

On the other hand, everybody is impressed with smart stuff. We use it everytime. Everybody is impressed with cars that know service is needed or smartphones that suggest suitable music for current mood. How to do it without collecting data about user? It's impossible.

So that's why even if I could stop using Google, I wouldn't do it.

When we talk about Google Analytics.
You said "Googles also has tools that help Publisher to see the pages you have visited on their website". I understand it as Publisher is able to see that I - specyfically Filip Małecki - visited his website e.g. 2 days ago. That's not true at all. He can see my activity (duration of my visit, subpages etc.), but he doesn't know it was me (by name). Then, you and your privacy is not in danger.
This tool helps designers to make or improve content of the websites. Such plugins as you advertised, don't prevent your privacy, but impede designers' work!
Of course, we can assume Google connect this data with your name in the background, but if so - such plugins don't change anything.
Unknown said…
I think that collecting this kind of information can be very usefull when someone is missing or kidnapped. We can easily get know where that person is and if he or she is travelling and many other useful information. On the other hand when we'll have our mobile device stolen like mobile phone or tablet, we also can be spied by the thieff and for excample robbed in our own house. The thieff can as well steal our data and get know everything about us. Of course there are a lot of pros and cons about this aspect, but we can be sure that we won't stop development this kind of technology and we have to deal with it.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Yes, I'm aware of this issue and I guess everyone should be since we agree to Google terms of service during the registration and then every time Google changes these terms, it's not a secret. Data is the new oil and this is the only way for companies like Google to exist.

As far as I know there were no major incidents related to selling data by Google so far, so it's ok while they fund awesome tech projects and invest in science. If someone is really paranoid he can try using anonymous search engines like DuckDuckGo, but sometimes search results based on location are really useful.
Dajana Kubica said…
Personally, I like to use Google Apps, because they are developed and I can find in a few seconds what I am looking for. The best example may be an application that collect photos from your phone and puts them to the cloud. I've got more than 10 000 pictures, but it is enough to enter one word to find accurate photo. It is so innovative! But the thought that all my data is stored is a little frightening. As long as my data are not used for evil purposes, I agree to their use. :)
It's nothing new to me that many apps are gathering information about my online activites. Even now whem I'm typing down this comment. Everything spies on you. Why? Because it's a great business for huge companies to sell such data (usage information). A lot of comapnies are fighting each other just to get that type of information. Even when you are in hospital making some medical check-ups all those medical accesories are gathering information about you. You may ask: "why companies need such data?" - it's simple. If you got broad knowledge about population you can make product that exactly fits certain group of people. It's funny because such companies make more money by selling gathered data than medical equipment.
Unknown said…
Oh I didn't know there is equivalent for Google, good to know, thanks!
I've also been aware that one could find somewhere the information about his/her activity, however I had no idea where I can come across it.
Unknown said…
I'm just waiting for the times when hacking timetables/google calendars/navigation would be a common practice helping to kidnap/rob people...
I don't like this possibility, I consider collecting data as a very dangerous invention.
We have so many facilities nowadays that without electricity it's difficult for us even to drive out of our own garage and gate of property, that's why I don't like being addicted to new technology which makes our brain lazy.
Unknown said…
All this information can be dangerous if they were in the wrong hands but nowadays we can't be anonymous, it's enough that we have a mobile phone with access to the internet. It's a little bit scary that we are still being followed. Even if we don't have an account on any social media site, still is collected a lot of data about us. Now no use of the internet is almost impossible. The truth is that often we don't read the terms and conditions of some websites so we don't know what is happening with our data and to whom we give them. We can allow large companies to turn our data and possibly they earn a lot of money. I think we should pay more attention to how we use the internet.
kondrat said…
Just stop using Android and you will be fine :) That's about google politics, not internet being bad. Apple takes more seriously privacy of their users, so there are some companies, which respect your rights.
Unknown said…
This is terrible that google have so much information about us. That's why I use Apple :D but I don't even know how much can know about us Apple.
Every mega-corporation wants to know as much as possible about its customers. It doesn't matter whether it's Google or any other company, and please don't be so naive thinking that Apple is any different.
The bottom line is that if you want to be anonymous, then you better stop using the Internet ;)
Unknown said…
It isn’t something new that big companies like Google or Apple are gathering information about our activity on the Internet. Nowadays, this type of information is very valuable. But why? Why those companies benefit to know these things? It is simple. Thanks to this information they can create product that will be most suited to the intended user.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
I’m aware that google collets data about me, I don’t really like it but I know that I can’t do anything about it. I was really shocked when on Google Maps app on my phone, I found correct address of my home and work, which I didn’t add. The home didn’t really shocked me because that’s the place where I spend most of my time so I wasn’t really hard to find. The one that shocked me was address of the place where I work, because I spend more time at school than at work, and Google was able to guess the right one. It’s really amazing but also really creepy.
Unknown said…
I was aware that companies like Google collections my sensitive private data. And I try to use this to a full potential. With a help of this data, I can get more relevant search results and ads (like discounts on the products I’d rather use). Also with a help of Google Fit, I can track if there is not too much of programming in my life and if I have to move to not to weight 200kg in 10 years.

Is it good or bad that they collect it? I think if you’re a terrorist or a drug dealer - it’s quite bad that Google collect this data. If you’re a person who likes to analyze yourself with a data you produce - it might be a great self-quantifying tool. If you’re just a person who doesn't trust corporations and the fact that they’ll keep your data private, you can just turn off tracking in settings or just use

Also, almost every app uses analytics solutions such as or Firebase Analytics to track every button your press and how long do you use the app each day. I use it as well in my apps. Developers do it not because they want to spy people, but because they want to improve the product and fit it to your personal needs.
I'm aware what kind of data I share with applications I use. I know the pages listed in article, but I remember I was really surprised when I saw them for the first time.
I don't like the fact, that companies collect so much informations about us. It mainly serves to target ads, recommend some products etc., what is not so important for me. I would be better not to store such a sensitive data, I always wonder if this kind of data leaks sometimes and we don't even know about it. Sometimes we hear about some leaks, but maybe it is only drop in the bucket.
Unknown said…
I was aware that Google is collecting data about me. It was fun to look at the map of my most visited places or at my google searches. Sometimes I'm listening to people's complaints about data collecting and I think that it doesn't bother me at all. I am not kind of person who has something to hide. I'm glad that my google search fits my needs, that google maps remember where my home is and where am I living to give me info about the current weather. Maybe I'm a careless internet user, but I don't think that data collection can make me any harm, at least for present period of time.
I'm well aware of all of that, especially Google policy on collecting everything they can. I can't say whether it's positive or negative - it is negative if we look at it from privacy view, as Google has data about nearly every our activity, and that is definitely not good considering it's just one company. On the other hand, people intentionally and willingly share their private data everywhere, not only accidentally by using various Google services, but also on social media and alike, and who are we to tell them that they don't respect their privacy at all if they're doing that.

However, it's not like there is no choice - for example in terms of Android, if somebody indeed wanted to stay outside of any Google services while still using the phone, it's possible, for example thanks to CyanogenMod - custom Android OS that in it's clear version has no single proprietary code from Google, and still allows to use the operating system in whatever way you want to. Of course, 99% of people, including myself, intentionally add proprietary google services to that OS, as it's true that for the small price of privacy, Google simply makes our lifes easier, and I can't really say that I'm unhappy with that fact. It's important to understand what is actually happening - what, when, where and why Google collects out data, and then decide if you're happy with that or not.
Kacper Zaremba said…
Thank you for bringing up such interesting topic. I was aware that all our activity on Google is collected, and I am fine with it until it is used to improve the results, or automatically show the information that may interest me, for example interesting Youtube videos, or information about traffic on my way home. I hope they will never start selling this data, because it may get a bit controversial. For example changes in prices of insurance based on our health-related searches.
Really I'm starting to miss old times when the only history that cellphone had, was call history or SMS Log - you could easily delete both of them if you wanted to. Right now every Android app is trying to get some information about you, every Internet site wants a cookie to store some information that might be used in a future, Google wants to improve their "search history" by tracking your every move - every site, place visited. Microsoft is turning on lot of Telemetry services just to make "your system better" - sorry for me that is too much already. The more you know how those things works, the more depressing it gets. Privacy is really being stolen from us piece by piece. That is really a sad thing. Even more we have to use a lot of software just to keep our private things private. That is getting more time consuming day by day.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
Firstly I have to congratulate the author because it's really good article. I was aware that Google collects our data but it's normal I think. I don't see anything bad in collecting our data and event it could be better to see "ads adjusted to us". Of course it's depends who have an access to these data and for what purpose it is used.
Unknown said…
I agree. I have yet to see real negative impact of them collectring data on me. I just don't think it's such an issue. I trust much less my own government than those companies.
The should defend our privacy in every possible way. Turning off localisation or even phone, creating harder passwords, using firewalls and many many more. This data can be used to take loans, make transactions on darknet. And many other crime stuff.
Honestly if you are not a criminal or something then you shouldn't be concerned about it. Yes you might get annoying ads on your email (but you can easily filter them) but other than that I don't see anything bad about that. As long as that information is used mainly for advertisment I don't really care what they store.
Adam Nowak said…
That's not true that they use collected data to only advetise anymore. They do not need your personal information to analyze your browsing history and using this analyze to suit adverts for you. Recently, they decided to link personal information with your activity on the Internet. If you are interested in this, check for "Personally Identifiable Web Tracking"
Unknown said…
To tell the truth, I don't care about it. Nothing significant is going on in the history of my browser. But I have a friend who closes up the front cameras on all his gadgets, so no one could spy on him. I find it a little bit funny, but if it makes him feel safe and calm, than it's up to him.
Of course we hate the invasion in personal space, but it's just a side effect of living in a modern civilization. You could either accept or isolate yourself.
Moode said…
Thank you guys for your comments. Did you try to find more information on the links I provided? This may be useful.
Moode said…
I guess that this is a price we all have to pay for living in a society based on computers and internet.
Moode said…
Yes, having Google using the information as you have mentioned for eg with the adds appearing is the first thing that you get to observe. However, I think that not maybe people wonder why this is acuity happening. Probably most think this is just a coincidence.
Moode said…
Did you tell your grandparents about the danger it can cause?
Moode said…
I am happy that I got you interested in this topic.
Moode said…
I would not stop using Google either. The tools that the provide make everyday life much easier for all of us. I hope that the data will not get into wrong hands at the end.
Moode said…
I agree with you that this information can be used in useful ways but it would be great if we got the guarantee that this information will not the used in the bad way.
Moode said…
As you have said not many have pointed out - there were no major incidents related to selling data by Google so far. I hope that this will stay so for a long time.
Unknown said…
I too miss the good old times, when spying was done the good old fasion way. There's no fun in just getting the stuff copied from the internet. Todays spies just sit in front of their computers, reading boring e-mails, when they could go out and do some James Bond stuff like in the good old times.
Moode said…
Google makes our life so much easier. I wonder what is the price that we all pay for this.
Moode said…
Maybe thanks to gathering the information Google can also provide better APPs for us and better services?
Moode said…
This issue has been also brought up when people post on Facebook that they are going for holidays - then the robbers know that they can easily get into someones house with hardly any risk of finding someone inside. I have also hear that the Police was saying about it but I guess that without a big promotion on the media.
Moode said…
In fact I don't know may people who read terms and conditions. I think that I could count the with only one of my hands!
Moode said…
Apple and Google are both collectors of data.
Moode said…
Yes, stop using the internet and read newspapers printed if you don't want to be tracked.
Moode said…
so do you think that in the end we all may be "winners" because we get better products?
Moode said…
Andrzej, I am happy that I got you interested in the topic enough that you would also look up the links.
Moode said…
Maybe it is because it also analyses the address and compares it to the data it has already collected on you.
Moode said…
To sum up: if you are a good person you should not be worried ;)
Moode said…
I hope that the data will not leak to the wrong people.
Moode said…
I like to hear your opinion that the collecting does not bother you that much. I guess that we can divide people into those who are really concerned about it and some which think that the collection will do them no harm. At the end of the day, I guess that no matter what we do now, if someone wants to collect our data they will have easier access to it.
Moode said…
I guess that to most of us at this stage the benefits we get form using the google APPs is much bigger that the risks it may cause.
Moode said…
Maybe in fact some collect these data and make the prices higher or give some promotion on mostly sold products so for eg you would buy more things.
Moode said…
It also makes me wonder if there are many people our age that consciously don't use google. In fact how many of us use normally maps while travelling instead of Google Maps or similar apps?
Moode said…
I am really happy that you found it interesting. I hope that this article has made all of us think and be more aware about this issue.
Moode said…
There are the bright and dark sides of collecting data. We should really consider what data we provide while using the apps and internet and the way we do it - safely and wisely or carelessly.
Moode said…
This is only if the date don't get into wrong hands. Hopefully.
Moode said…
Adam, thank you for sharing the information with us.
Moode said…
I think that it all comes up to the point whether you try to take all possible steps in order to keep your privacy and protect your personal data as much as possible. If and how it works, most of us may never find out.
Maciej Główka said…
I know, that Google and other companies collect almost every data than can about our activity. It makes our life easier, for example youtube is proposing videos similar to those, which we often see. I think it is obvious, that big companies like Google can't only give something to us, they need also receive something, data about us. It is well known, that Google biggest profit are adverts.
I think it is really stupid to think, that no one sees what are we typing and doing in internet.
Well, Google knows everything about us, but also makes our life easier. We must deal with it.
Moode said…
Good old James Bond! Bring Sean Connery back!
Moode said…
you've got a point, that we all have to deal with it.
KamilG said…
For me this article doesn't say anything new. I have known that Google gathered differents information from users.
It doesn't matter which system we use (Android, IOS, etc) Google crated too many tools, which can control what the users do or where they were.

Good option for someone who want to be anonymous at least partially is "duckduckgo". This browser doesn't track users, offers us truly privacy but it has one disadvantage, the results of searching some information are worse than in Google.
I am aware that many companies collect information about their clients in the manner you described. The problem is with those that do it too much and in unneccesary ways. Nowadays you trade your privacy for services and I actually don't mind when the collected information about me is used in improving/profiling some service to me.
Unknown said…
For me everyone could get information about me but he has to hack google servers because google have every single information about me. When i use google chrome google show me add what i search on his website. They know what i need in this time and every single information about my life relationship. They hold this information just for their information to adjust their add to my profile
Jarek_Ziem said…
It's what makes Google so value for shareholder and profitable. Our personal information is what's on sale. Every single one of us is being profiled to match the best type of adverts for different companies and their services or products.

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