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Week 6 [14.11-20.11] Soylent: The future of food?

The world population is estimated at 7.4  billion, 16% of these people do not have enough food to lead healthy life. Approximately 3.1 million children die from hunger each year.  As the world population continuously grows, the problem of world hunger will only arise. Scientists and philanthropists  constantly look for  food that is cheap to produce and provides all crucial nutrients.
Even in industrialized countries, getting all essential nutrients can be really hard. To prepare a balanced meal you need a lot of knowledge and time. We don’t have much time to really think what we put in our mouths.  When we are hungry we eat what’s most convenient at the time. Very often the most convenient food is the one which isn’t necessarily the best for our bodies. We eat tons of burgers, pizzas or other fast food. It brings us the necessary calories, but nothing much beside it. We still lack vitamins and other micronutrients to keep us healthy.
Source: https://soylent-production-herokuapp-com 1

A solution to this problem might be Soylent, a cheap food alternative, available in liquid and powered forms as beverage and a meal bar. Soylent provides all the protein, carbohydrates, fats and micronutrients that a body needs to function properly. One bottle of Soylent drink provides 20% of all daily nutritional requirements, not only in calories but also in proteins, ALL micronutrients and vitamins. Because of that, Soylent makes it incredibly easy to keep healthy and bell balanced diet.
Soylent is also much cheaper than traditional well balanced meals, what can help end the world hunger or at least lower the number of deaths caused by malnutrition and starvation. It also has a  long shelf life and it doesn’t have to be stored in the fridge, which makes it ideal for 3rd world countries. Soylent isn’t only the company selling meal replacements, it is also an open source idea of changing the future of food. At people share recipes for their own homemade Soylent ideas and try to make it cheaper and more available.
The only bad thing about Soylent is its taste (which, let’s be honest is quite important), people describe it as leftover milk with cereals. It’s not awful but definitely not super tasty, but maybe it will change in the future.


Do you think that Soylent or other meal replacements can help to end world hunger?
Would you consider changing your diet to Soylent only?
What do you think about future of food? Will our eating habits change or stay the same?


Unknown said…
I believe that our eating habits will change, as they are changing since the very beging - depends on circumstances.
It would be great if it could end the world hunger, but then it should be cheap and valuable at once, which can be difficult to achieve. Because, usually, quality depnds on price.
Unknown said…
I think that we don't need soylent to solve world hunger problems. We already produce enough food to cover every earth citizen needs. And yet there still is hunger. I think switching to semi-vegetarian diet (or even vegetarian) would be easier than switching to soylent and would have the same results in preventing world hunger. Soylent is interesting idea and one should consider making it to save some money, but eating only this? No.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
To be honest, I don't really believe that any diet which is based on some liquid can resolve the hunger problem. Of course, it will not be unhealthy, but when people are hungry they think about their empty stomach, not about that their lack of calories, vitamins or others. When we eat, we also consume by our eyes and minds. If we see a lot of food which we're going to eat it causes that we fell more full and stuffed. Anyway our organisms become accustomed to get not only liquids, but also food and there are two separate ways to digest liquids and food. When we stop providing to our bodies food, the whole digestive system will be unnecessary and will be out of use what can cause some problems with cleaning the whole body from bacteria or other micro-organisms.
Unknown said…
To be honest soylent is being considered a little bit of hesitantly by many people.

The fear comes from us not having a thorough understanding of nutrition yet. We can design a complete diet involving foods but those foods contain chemicals that don't appear on a nutrition label. We know without some chemicals our health will dramatically suffer and Soylent provides those. But what about others? Are there things a body needs that we get through a regular diet that Soylent lacks because of its precision? Soylent at the very least appears entirely safe for replacing a meal or two. Living entirely on Soylent is something else that I'm sure the Soylent people are researching.
Unknown said…
If the Soylent can solve the world problem of hunger and prevents people from dying, sure why not, but changing diet for Soylent only it isn't a good idea. Eating for me it isn't only about getting to my organism all micronutrients and macronutrients, but it's some kind of pleasure. I prefer to enjoy my meals and trying new tastes than drinking Soylent, which you describe as not super tasty. I think we can't change people eating habits beacause it's generally party of every country culture.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I think that Soylent and similar products are not meant to end the world hunger, it's a perfect solution for those people who don't have time for cooking or just hate cooking. When I first heard about it I thought that it's a great idea - when you have some project and have to work days and nights you can simply drink it and forget about hunger. Recently they had to stop production because of health issue reports, so it's better to wait until it's side effects are fully explored.
Unknown said…
I think that as long as it has some side effects or causes some health problems we should wait until it will be fully perfected for human diet. I don't believe it will help with world hunger, more likely it will help those who doesn't have time to prepare food every day for themselves. And also when I think about is always better to eat some hot dinner from your plate, not just to drink some liquid instead.
Dajana Kubica said…
I can not imagine replacing normal food with some liquid. I think that if we can keep moderation in eating and drinking such substitute is not needed in places where there is no hunger. However, this is a good solution for a society that is starving. But the idea itself does not convince me. People love to eat different things, starting from worms through to exclusive dishes of lobster in the lead role. I think it does not change within a few hundred years and not replace our normal food with the liquid.
I agree with all you guys. It's true that we dont need soylent to solve world hunger problem. There is so much wasted food everyday. Why dont we send it to 3rd world countries? I guess it's unprofitable for big companies. Like I've mentioned before, we dont need soylent to solve the problem but maybe that's the only way to do it. I find soylent disgusting. Must tastes horrible. I don't think it will be substitute of food one day. People love to eat tasty things. It's the simplest pleasure in our life.
30 days on Soylent experiment:
Unknown said…
The only aspect of Soylent food which I like is a bottle packaging, the rest I don't find interesting, moreover adequate for food pakaging. However, even this matter has a negative aspect - did they forget about creating eco packaging while trying to resolve world hunger problem?

What's more, the price is not so rational for me, about $3 per bottle? I consider it rather normal/a little bit to expensive for daily drinking, not speaking about possibility of 3rd world to pay such price for a drink. I tried to find the volume of the packaging, but that information wasn't there - another minus.

Furthermore, I strongly believe we should have balanced diet while eating everything but it doesn't mean consuming a fully nutritious powder from plastic packaging. Liquid consisting of Soy Protein Isolate, Algal Oil, Canola Oil, Rice Starch, Oat Fiber, Coffee powder and Dutch Process Cocoa for a main course, seriously?! It makes me sick, I'm gonna eat doughnut right now...
kondrat said…
It is unimaginable for me to live without a juicy burger + fries. That's the best thing I can eat, and then possibly take a nap :D
Unknown said…
I think that the soylent is a good option when it comes to hunger but I believe that the medium is a good option when it comes to hunger if we talk about a balanced, healthy diet, nothing can replace this diet even soylent. Diet is very important. I know from my own example. But to lay a good diet we nned knowledge or/and a good nutritionist
Piotr Basiński said…
Since soylent is available it can change few things in the world. Mabey hunger problem will be definitely solved because of this. Liquid food whats a brilliant idea.
Exactly, some people don't understand that a proper burger should not be classified as fast food. It is a decent piece of protein-rich beef with some really tasty and healthy additives. Please don't confuse fast food with this piece of food art.
Now, coming back to the article, I won't change my eating habits and I won't try things like soylent. I won't even support such companies - they just want to make money on people who like to experiment with food. In my opinion, the only way to save people from starving (e.g. in Africa) is to help them grow their own food plants. In that way they could become self-sufficient in terms of food supplies. This is probably the cheapest and the most effective way.
Unknown said…
I think that in recent times people (at least in Europe) pay more attention to the fact that what they eat to be healthy. Personally I love to eat and I can't imagine I could replace the normal food for some liquid or powder. I'm afraid that such inventions are also able to reduce hunger in the world until we begin to care more about the food. Did you know that in Poland wasted 9 million tons of food per year?! I think that by the fact that we live in an age of abundance means that we stopped to respect what we have and we have no problem with throwing good food.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Just try to stop and think for a moment that while we are typing our comments on our keyboards and watching Netflix before going to sleep, some people are dying of hunger in Africa. We live in a really unbalanced world.

It’s really true that we don’t have time for thinking about what do we put in our mouth. It reminds me of a driver who has a gap in a fuel tank in his car and he says that he doesn’t have time to repair it because he has a long way to travel.

Soylent sounds as a great solution for some people, not all of them of course. Take dying of hunger Africans - it’d be a great solution for them. Or take a software developer who has to fix bugs for the whole night before the app official release day. It’s just a perfect solution and I hope it’ll be tastier in the future.
Yeah i agree but soylent quality depends only on it's nutrients that cannot be changed.
Some people are forced to eat only fluids because of their medical conditions, for example people with esophageal cancer.
Yeah that's true but most of our food has a really short shelf life, making it impossible to send it to poor countries
I agree, but it can be a good meal replacement when we don't have a time to eat. I think it would be much better than hotdog from "Żabka" :P
I'm glad you like it :)
I don't think Soylent can help to end world hunger, not at this stage of its development at least. It would have to be really cheap, I think most of the starving people just can't afford to buy any food. Even if there is a possibility to prepare Soylent on your own, you still need to get necessary ingridients.
I personally would not change my diet to Soylent only, but I think it could be good food supplement in my diet.
The problem with sending that food, is it's short shelf life. It would become spoiled before it arived.
I'm all in for science and generating food that would solve or at least make things better in terms of world hunger. I never tried that food, so I couldn't say for sure if I'd be able to switch entirely to it, probably not as taste is very important for me, but I'd at least give it a try. It's very important that we're actively trying to solve world hunger issue, as indeed out planet is over-populated and it's rather sad that there are still people struggling for food. Let's hope that it gets better in future, and not worse.
Kacper Zaremba said…
I think, that Soylent may help with fighting hunger, or provide well-balanced food during natural disasters. Although I wouldn't change my diet to Soylent only. There are so many good dishes to try allover the world and so many new tastes to discover, that it would be very boring to go Soylent-only. I perceive eating as a social activity as well. That would be a very strange family-dinner with only Soylent at the table. Do you imagine a night-out with friends and going to Soylent bar instead of pizza or burgers? I don't Soylent will become popular.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I don't cook too much and certainly not very tasty but Soylent is great idea. There is one little bad point that is useless for people that have nothing to eat. As I've seen it's normal recipe with additional table with calories and other nutrients. I guess we won't know for a long time how to help those people who realy need. Diet is a huge subject for conversation and as we see it's still more and more common because of fashon for healthy food.
It looks good. It might be good as a supplement of normal diet. Is it available anywhere in Poland ? Can you buy it directly just to check how it really is ? The price is also important because if it will cost way more than standard good healthy meal I would only use while traveling or camping - where there is no time to make "good" food.

If you are missing time, travelling, want to eat right and fast - maybe is the answer for you. Many climbers, sailors are loving it - and this is known, tested type of food in many countries.
I have many doubts about this form of nutrition. Synthetic vitamin C is less absorbable than her natural form. There are many similar products that are having the same problem. Over time it can cause some problems with health and the immune system.
Unknown said…
The best solution to end the world hunger and allow each and every one of us to eat whatever they want is to reduce population growth tenfold. That's solution for most of world problems. We will have to this in the future no matter what. One way or another world population will be reduced so why not do it faster in a controlled way without killing anyone.
I guess it can be a good thing for places where hunger is a real danger. It's always better than nothing. However I refuse to believe that in long term living off of Soylent can be healthy. I guess you could use it as a supplement to your diet but I think there are other better ways than this.
Adam Nowak said…
In my opinion, it is not a good idea to eat "soylent" only, mainly because nutritional requirements for different persons vary greatly. I would not consider this as a good diet for pregnant woman and a little child.
Unknown said…
To be honest, I don't believe in soylent food. In my opinion, we don't know human organism as well as we'd like to. Of course, we do know a lot, but not enough.
Some time ago I wrote in a comment about influence of microwaves on our food. It's controversial issue because scientists still argue. I believe the same is with soylent food. Of course, eating it for day or two is possible, but not for entire life.

On the other hand, it is better to eat something than nothing, so if it can decrease the scale of hunger I keep my fingers!
Unknown said…
I will start with the fact that everthing that is healthy is not tasty and what is healthy is tasty. I am personally leading a healthy lifestyle, it started more than a year ago. I don't eat junk food. I provide the body with all dietary supplements. I lost 18 kilos. Diet is important but exercise also is important. I'm doing 6-8 training sessions a week. It is difficult to change eating habits. I recommend such a lifestyle to everyone because it gives energy for everything. And soylent is a good idea for people in the 3 world.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Unless you can't put it on pizza, there's nothing wrong with that. But I don't get it, if this is supposed the solution to "people are eating unhealthy food", how are you gonna convince anyone to eat it? They want burgers, they gonna eat burgers.
I could not agree with you. Eating well balanced and healthy meals is not so time consuming. You need to know what you are eating and gain knowledge how can you prepare it as you did with your current diet.
Even when you can't prepare meal by yourself there are a lot of so called "fast food" in the city that you can eat and have a balanced diet.
What will this soylent change?
It won't change a thing. People need firstly to want consume it and as Michał said if they want burgers, they gonna eat burgers.
Unknown said…
It's not a secret that healthy and balanced diet is very important. Fortunately, in recent years a healthy lifestyle is becoming more popular. But there are always people, willing to earn money, using the naive consumer - all this magic diets and wonderful supplements.. What should we believe in? I prefer to get the necessary trace elements from traditional food. Once upon a time during intense exercises I counted carbohydrates and proteins. This is how I started to love cooking at home. It is a catastrophe that we are running out of natural products. And if you read the articles on the web, you could be completely terrified - according to scientists all the products cause some decease. I should stop surfing the web. Sometimes i spend time seeking out the information on the jars in the supermarket. But sometimes I can go for a burger to McDonald's.

I don't have enough information about Soylent food, that's why I can't give my opinion. But if it will help someone who suffer, it would be great.
Unknown said…
Though I think it would be a good way to support the fight to end the world hunger, I don't think of it as a great replacement for normal food. Absorption of many vitamins and micronutrients is much worse if they are coming from dietary supplements. In most cases it is better to get the nutrients from natural sources. Of course there are some exceptions like folic acid, vitamin B-12 or vitamin D during winter. I definitely wouldn't change my diet to Soylent now. However, maybe in the future there will be no choice but to "eat" Soylent?
Michał Pycek said…
I appreciate such article, however I do not believe in such solution... Each year we as people of various nations waste tons of food which we throw out from our households and supermarkets. I believe this is just wrong and we should not do that, we should actually distribute the food to the people who need it and do not have enough of it.
When it comes to the sudden hunger, I agree we sometimes grab something to eat it quickly and forget about the hunger, but I think it is better to prepare yourself a lunch box or go to a cafe and get real type of food instead of the Soylent. I cannot imagine eating it as a substitute for a balanced meal... To me it just sounds too artificial and dedicated to lazy people, who do not care to eat the fresh and healthy food.
Moode said…
In the past few years I have noticed that lots of my friends start to worry about what they eat, read labels on food.
I thin that this is good. We should be more aware of what we eat. I think that we are what we eat.
On the other hand we should really do something with the world hunger and take steps to prevent it. Hopefully the solutions that will be chosen will be healthy.
Maciej Główka said…
Personally, I have never heard about Soylent. I think it is really interesting. Keeping in mind our population growth, I agree with you, that it might end world hunger. I am sure, that people will find out how to produce Soylent with different tastes
To be honest, I would really like to taste it somewhere.
KamilG said…
I haven’t heard about Soylent before, but I think it’s a great idea for all of us, not only for people from 3rd world countries. It can provide all protein, fat, nutritions also for people with serious diseases, who lost their appetite, but have to eat to recover and/or survive. Anyways I would stay with normal food because I love tasting different meals, products. In my opinion in the future Soylent will be at most only a part of our diet, because we aren’t ready to resign from smell, taste of our dishes yet for one bottle of liquid. Of course I talk about situation if we have any choice, because for 3rd world countries it’s only one chance to survive, at least for this moment.
I'd also like to taste Soylent. I don't think I will change my eating habits in the near future, but we'll see I guess. And I really hope these or any other scientific advances can really help to diminish or completely end world hunger. The fact that scientists even talk about it as a possibility is really exciting and it might be literally the biggest achievement of mankind.
Unknown said…
For me it doesnt resolve the hunger problem because its hard to move more food to 3rd world countries because there is a war which destroy ground to make food and its hard to secure transport which should drive to needed.
Unknown said…
This reminds me about some book I once read that showed a vision of future where everyone ate colored tablets that include all the necessary nutrients, and everyone tough it's great and awesome because you would no longer need to cook. Also the movie, Soylent Green.
It's good that there are people working on "food" that can be sent to malnutritioned people (if it actual gets sent to them). I think nutrition like this could go with any kind of diet, just as a supplement. More and more people want to eat healthy but doesn't have time to cook or money to order catering.

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