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Week 6 [14.11-20.11] TV vs. the Internet

TV vs. the Internet

Web portals are becoming more popular than newspapers and magazines. One of the most popular magazines , Newsweek”(American version), ceased print publication on December 31, 2012. Now Newsweek” is available only in the electronic version. Encyclopedia Britannica is the oldest English-language encyclopedia. It was first published in 1768. In March 2012 Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. announced it would no longer publish printed editions and would focus instead on the online version.

Paper version of newspapers, magazines and books losing out with the online version. Many people  believe TV will have share the same future.  But is it true?

Still, there are a lot of people who love watching TV. Every single day the news is watched by millions of viewers. The number of sold TV sets is growing up in Poland and abroad. YouTubers have their own shows on TV, we can see them in TV commercial. Modern TV shows are connected with social media. Viewers can tweet about these shows. Most valuable tweets are presented on TV. TV stations organizing voting for man of the match or winner of the debate on Twitter or Facebook. Results of these are presented on TV.

What about technology? Most innovative electronic companies, like Sony, stopped producing traditional TV sets. Now they are producing Smart TV. Internet brands like Spotify, YouTube have Smart TV apps. So TV is only one of many options that you can choose from.

I think that there is no loser of this battle.


In my opinion TV has already lost the war. When you are online you can choose whatever you like and whenever you want. You dont have to wait until the ads end. It's much more handy. You can pause and rewind video your are watching. You are notified about your favourite series releases. Isn't it great?
Unknown said…
More and more people are turning to the Internet for their television content. But that doesn’t mean traditional TV has fallen off the map. Networks and providers are getting smart and following their subscribers to the Web. Many major networks have deals that allow online streaming services access to shows after they air. And some even provide online streaming themselves. Networks including Fox, ABC and NBC offer recent episodes of popular shows on their own websites. The smartest networks are getting in on the mobile streaming game, too. For example HBO allows its subscribers to access its shows on any device with the HBO GO mobile app. And television providers are following suit. Verizon has begun to offer Flex View, a mobile streaming service, with its TV service. So, has the Internet taken over TV? Not yet. But TV networks and providers will have to keep up with online streaming and mobile devices to make sure they don’t fall behind.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
Nowadays, when everyone want to use all time what have to do some productive activity, it's very important to watch, listen or read only that things that really matters for us or that we are really interested in. People give more attention to block ads, avoid time wasting websites and so on in order to save time. I think that's why tv is falling into oblivion, because of very small amount of programes that may have interest someone. And if we are talking about books, people just neither don't have time to go to shop and buy a book or a newspaper nor order some books and wait for the shipping, so the quickest way is to buy it online and have access to materials immediately. To be honest, I love reading books and one of the best aspects of reading for me is a smell and touch of a book, but unfortunately my shelfes are becomming more and more full, so I have to wonder about electronical versions in the future.
Unknown said…
Of course that normal television is dying, people have less time than in the past, but I can't think about myself without watching my favorite shows like top model or Asia express on Tuesday and Wednesday at 21.30 with my family. Future of television is in the internet, because net gives us more flexibility and strengthen the connection with creators giving feedback in easier way. I think that fusion of tv and internet is imminent and producers of tvs are aware of it, so implementing functions like smart tv is key to make this transition go as smoothly as it can be.
OlaScislewska said…
Nowadays main recipient of TV are older people how are not so much into technology and interenet. They are sometimes even force to watch Tv because they have no choice. That going to change in next years, people become more and more aware of possibilities at the same time tired of poor quality of TV I mean the programs how are stupid and shoddy. When i sometimes by chance watch some TV shows i dont feel sorry taht TV is dying. It could make people samrter, maybe they will start read some books.. hopefully.
Unknown said…
In the Internet there is a lot of everything, so you can what you want. Sometimes, when I don't know what I want to watch I like to switch on TV - sometimes I may find some show, I didn't know I want to watch. In TV sometimes it is better that some show is on air for certain time, so you won't spend whole night with show.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I think that web surfing and watching TV are totally different ways of content consumption, while TV is based on video content web surfing offers all types of content and allows contribution. If you mean video content on the Internet - in my opinion Internet will win in the near future, streaming services like Netflix are growing really fast.
Unknown said…
For me personally TV lost already. I don't watch TV, because it is so much easier to use the Internet. If I want to watch something, I just make a choice and watch it via the Internet. When I need to check some news, I do it online. It is so much more convenient, I don't need to wait until the advertisements will end just to get back to my favourite tv series or wait for another episode whole week or two. It is just useful. I use it whenever I want and as much as I want and at this stage I don't need TV at home at all.
Dajana Kubica said…
At this time, television has only one plus. Big screen, where we can watch a movie and relax. But the screen is not suitable for other things, such as adding tables in Excel or checking the content of the web. I believe, however, that television will lose this battle in several years. I mean here by television TV stations. No one will be watching cable TV, but connects to the Internet to turn on what we wants, without the 20 minute advertising, with the possibility of stopping the film without further ado.
Unknown said…
Similar to my colleagues I dont' watch TV. For me it's lost of time. Why? The same reason as told above - I have no time to watch anything. Usually, I know what I'd like to watch and then I do it on the Internet.

Nowadays, it's very popular solution for many people.

What's more, the same situation is with news. Thanks to considered titles we can choose valuable content very fast. It's not discovery that for everybody the most significant role plays time we find the proper information. That's why TV lost its popularity.

Moreover, TV station presents statements which aren't impartial. The problem is some people defend only one side of an issue, because their favourite channel brings only selective information. Especially if it comes to politics. This is another reason the Internet has big advantage - we can find many websites providing different points of view.
Unknown said…
What is also important, Polish TV stations use only 2 international news agencies, so each station has the same piece of news, but presents it in the way that is "comfortable". I mean e.g. according to their beliefs. That's one more reason why the Internet has an advantage over the TV.
Unknown said…
It's possible also to pause a film/report on TV, I'm frequently using this funtion to prepare a supper in convenient for me time and then just pass through the adds while watching film.
However, as you said it's still better to watch film/tv series online, when we want, without having to bypass the adds or without having one episode divided, like a public televion always does to everything longer than one hour.
Unknown said…
That's exactly why I consider political news on tv an absurd and prefer to watch the matters which I'm interested in online.
kondrat said…
I've quit watching tv when I was at mid-school. Internet offers a lot of interesting sources, which you can adjust to your needs. Even when watching movies, or series- netflix is the best form of watching "TV" I can imagine.
Unknown said…
I never thought about it but actually something in it. I remember when my family and I really watched much television and now, just we don't have time. Now I watch only my favorite tv program in the evening.
To be honest with you, I stopped watching television regularly about two years ago and now I think it was the right decision. Internet is way more powerful in delivering the latest news and pretty much any other piece of information. Furthermore, every single one of us needs to pay for Internet access anyway. Therefore, why would want to pay extra for TV if it doesn't offer any superior possibilities? Most of the time my TV is turned off and I use only when I want to watch some football match or film; whenever I need a big screen basically. Other than that I think TV is dead already.
Piotr Basiński said…
Nowadays Internet have much more impact and power than traditional TV. Every material can by found on the Internet, so there is no need to still watch TV. I've end watching tv four years ago, and I'm happy with this decision.
Unknown said…
When I was younger watching television was a kind of tradition in my family. Nowadays, however, I must admit that I prefer the Internet more than TV. Watching programmes, finding out about the news or, simply, killing the time - everything I can easily find in one place. Additionally, the Internet is more useful for me since I’m a student and I don’t live in my hometown anymore.
Unknown said…
I have for a long time don't watch TV. A ot of programs that currently we can see on television are so silly and worthless for example "Pamiętniki z wakacji", "Dlaczego ja?". It's horrible. I prefer watching some series in the internet and I could watch that what I want and when I want. I believe that the future is platforms as netflix. I think that now the majority of TV viewers are older people who can't use the Internet.
I watch some TV programmes, but nearly all of them through the Internet. For me it's a really outdated idea to tune in to some show on a fixed date and time. I neither have the time nor the will to worry about this kind of stuff. I much prefer to choose whatever I want to watch at the moment and do it at the exact moment I like. As you mentioned TV in its traditional sense doesn't really exist anymore and surely the differences between PCs people use on a daily basis and equivalent TVs will drop in numbers severely.
Wojtek Kania said…
But I think TV channels are evolving. For example look on (TVN), or HBO Go (Damian Karpinski wrote about this). Also VOD is a great feature.
We must accept ads, becouse somehow we must pay for watching movie or series. If we don't have money, watching ads is good thing. But if we have money and we hate ads, we buy premium account.
Wojtek Kania said…
This is what I meant. YouTube for now can't give us content like TV channels. VOD gives us flexibility. Thanks for your comment!
Wojtek Kania said…
I watch only football on TV. But I think that TV channels know that they are committed to meeting our demands. And they give us many new features, like VOD, premium content on Internet, premium account, etc.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…
Thanks for sharing interesting facts about Encyclopedia Britannica and News Week. It tells a lot about the current situation of media war. We all grew up watching TV, we all loved watching Scooby Doo. But now I bet most of you watch Youtube instead of TV. Observing younger generation (6-15 years) they mostly watch Youtube as well.

Talking about technologies, I as a developer really like new Smart-TVs, coz it’s a brand new platform to make apps on. And it’s a so-called “blue ocean” (there is no a lot of competition on market). I’d like to create some party game for smart TV on the next hackathon.
In my opinion Internet is much more convenient than TV. I don’t really remember when was the last time when I was watching TV. Almost all TV programs and series can now be found online. It’s much more convenient to watch programs that we are interested in online, we can skip annoying commercials and watch it anytime we want. We are no longer forced to watch our favorite TV series on specific time.
I don't watch tv at all, so I cannot say too much too much about the content they served there nowadays. What really bothered me were the ads - they not only last long but advertise products like medicines, so are not especially engaging. That is only one of the reasons why i stopped to watch tv. Generally I prefer internet, because I can find here exactly what I need and don't waste my time.
I used to watch tv but only channels like Discovery, National Geographic and such. Now I only watch tv series and it's much more convenient to watch them on the internet. Commercials are killing television for me. I hate it when after 30min of a movie I have to watch ads for 20 mins. It kills the mood. Many times I just stopped watching completely when a commercial break rolled in.
Since you can watch pretty much everything on the Internet why would you pay extra for the television?
TV is getting outdated - same as the radio, it had it's (very important) purpose not that long ago, but as we evolve and get more demanding and more lazy, TV is simply not satisfying for us anymore. I watched TV when I was a kid, lots of it - there were interesting things, many cartoons and so. Look at TV now - material for teens and younger adults is almost non-existing, because almost nobody from that group watches TV anymore. Internet is simply better in every potential use, allowing you to watch things you're interested in, without having to deal with massive (yes, massive) amount of ads or "crap content" that has to be aired in the meantime to generate profit.

I can't see any future for TV, at least not in current scheme. More and more stations, programs and content move to the Internet, and I can clearly see why. Maybe it's just my personal opinion but actual content and quality of television degraded drastically, and I wouldn't recommend it to anybody but people that don't know how to use PCs.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
Nowadays people, not every but the vast majority, have less and less time for themselves and we have no time to sit in front of TV set and watch even for few moments so it's natural that TV is loosing the war. Internet give us faster and better access to the informations, news, knowledge, movies and many, many more. Furthermore we don't have to know telecast to watch any movie but only type the word in well known search service and there are everything in the moment. Many people says that watch TV is wasting time and I agree with it.
Unknown said…
Both TV and internet have pros and cons. TV is the old friend everyone is got used to. Often, TV is just a part of the everyday routine. Fro some people eating breakfast or cleaning the room isn't possible without some kind of noise on the background. Turning on the TV allows you to skip the part of looking for some interesting content online and just dive into whatever there is on air.
On the other hand, there is definitely a great advantage of using internet. Almost any TV show is online. All video clips or interviews are on YouTube. TV doesn't give the option of choosing what exactly you want to watch.
Smart TV is a combination of regular TV and internet. Everyone loves to watch favourite movies and vlogs on the high resolution screen. I think, there is no future for the regular TV. In our times it has no sense. But for people, who loves high resolution screens, who loves to watch some news or shows on TV, Smart Tv is a great way to connect those activities in one device.
In my opinion no matter what you choose - every technology has few advantages.

On TV you can watch something new and interesting every time you switch a TV on. If you saw it already, just switch a channel and voilla. The most fun part on TV is that sometimes you can watch something that you wouldn't even choose by the title/genre. Sometimes you are watching a movie that seems to be very bad but after a while get's interesting and you watch the whole thing. Normally you wouldn't even turn it on.

Video Services (like YouTube, Netflix etc.) have very large database of titles to watch but usually you have to know exactly what you are looking for - sometimes that is something you have to search for a while. The advantage is that you can pause it and watch it later whenever you like - the TV without recorder won't do that.. and if - you still have to be near that recorder.

Both technologies have one very bad disadvantage. And that are commercials - seriously sometimes I'm recording some program on TV just to watch it later and pass through commercials. For me - this is a complete waste of my free time - and I don't have lot of it. On the Internet - commercials are getting nastier and more common. Try watching the news or sport web site without using Adblock, Ublock - etc. It's impossible to get through the number of commercials given. For me both technologies have to wake up - or more and more users will get used to paid Channels/Internet Services just to get rid of any kind of commercials - because people are starting to hate them as much as possible.
Kacper Zaremba said…
I think the end of television as we know is inevitable. I don't watch TV because why should I wait for a movie or show to be played on specific time, when I can play it on the Internet whenever I want? Internet companies, like Netflix, are producing more and more high-budget productions. Even Jeremy Clarkson after resigning from BBC came with his show to the internet company - Amazon, so you can easily see a movement from traditional TV to the internet productions.
I thinki internet is winning this battle or already won. In web it's up to you what you want to watch and read and when you want to do it. Internet is giving you more independence, you dont have to wait for your favorite program, you just google it.
I think that TV in her present form is needed. 1/3 of Poles don't know how to use internet. Channels like TVN24 gives them constant access to information. Wheater, news, politics are the informations we all want to know.
Unknown said…
I agree. I don't watch TV at all. It could just dissapear in it's current form without affecting me. Internet can offer everything what television can in much more desireable form.
Unknown said…
I think that only social group keeping TV alive are people not familiarized with internet and computer. Probably in one geneneration people will stop using TV, because everyone will be able to use internet, which is much better and easier to use source of entertainment.
Unknown said…
I stopped watching TV about 6 years ago, and I don't miss it at all. Nowadays we could be happy people, by making our own choice. And television imposes its view, using different mechanisms of propaganda.
I can't stand watching TV. Actually I have Smart TV, but I use it only to surf different Internet channels, where I can find something really interesting and useful.
Unknown said…

In my opinion, the internet has the advantage. But the TV will never die. It is very sad to me that everything is stored digitally. I think that for a thousand years it will not follow us nothing because as digital information is less durable than paper. For example, few people today no longer call the photos. Today we make photos by phones. We often lose them when you change your phone. When I broke my computer I lost a lot of photos.
Adam Nowak said…
Different types of media have different purposes. I think, that you can't say, that internet is an equivalent of TV. In the past, people used to thought that TV will replace theaters, but it wasn't true. It is just a different type of media.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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I don't really watch much TV, if I watch it I do it because there is some good film there. I think it is better to watch some things online because there are no adverts, if they are it is in less intrusive way.
I think in future people will buy TV sets only to watch things from online services.
I for example have TV and only use it to play on console with my sister XD
Unknown said…
Television as we know them are probably going away soon enough, but it's probably going to be slowly replaced by services like HBO online or Netflix. Giving people the choice of what they want to watch is where it's at. Some people only watch TV for sport, making them pay for all the other clutter just so they can have Eurosport is just bad.
Unknown said…
I think that fewer and fewer people will buy TVs. At least in the form that we know today. That is because in the future there will be more and more people who know how to use the Internet and there will be no point for them to buy it. Besides, almost every show that is on TV can be found on the Internet. And when you watch shows online there are either no video commercials or they are much shorter.
Moode said…
Actually most of people are buying TV’s, to watch internet content on it, as YouTube and Switch. Everyone is connected the his/ her tv with some device that is connected with the Internet like Apple tv or boxSet. I think after 15 years there will be no more live channel, all of them will be on demand, search to find what you are looking for. so the internet is the winner.
KamilG said…
In my point of view, in a few years TV shows will not popular as now, because many people love technology and changes, so they read news on community pages. Definitely, we can find more important news and informations on web pages than on TV. Moreover, in Internet there are a lot of films and series that we can watch what we want. It is simply. You sit down, write a title on Netflix or PirateBay and watch! What more could you want?
Unknown said…
Television is still doing well, but in the near future will only get worse and worse. Internet after it has revolutionized the transfer of information, contacts and exchange of opinions, it began a new chapter of multimedia transfer. It all began about a decade ago when YouTube came out with short videos and television slowly started to make their broadcasts for the users of the Internet. Now it is the standard and many people do not have TV (which is increasingly frequent phenomen), or the one who have missed a program on TV and want to watch it legally on the Internet on a dedicated website dedicated TV station. In the far future television will disappear and only those websites will provide for us a broadcasts previously known from the TV.
Unknown said…
For me internet is more usefull then TV because i can find anything what i want and i could read more about thing what im looking for. I use my TV only when i want to watch some interesting movie or to watch some interesting news from World (but i can also find it in internet). For me Internet is better then TV.
Michał Pycek said…
I agree that Internet is more useful. I am one of these people who own a TV but do not have a TV license, instead, I use online TV, Netflix and Youtube. I prefer using the online TV simply because I can personalize my playlist and I am the one who decides what is going to be played and at what time. I am also tired of TV ads which used to waste my time the most while I was watching TV. Generally, the tendency of people watching more online TV than the usual TV is rising, which means that Internet is getting more and more popular among the audience, not only as a place to browse, but also as a place of an entertainment similar to the usual TV.
Unknown said…
A lot of young people don't watch TV anymore, everything they need (movies, information, series, entertainment) can be found on the internet. The rise in television sales are interesting. Most of my friends didn't buy one for their homes. The TV is looking for new ways of reaching viewers and adapt to the changing climate by releasing part of their programming on the internet.

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