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Week 6 [14.11-20.11] Pokémon Go

Less than two months ago Pokémon was the game that everybody was talking about.
It was one of the most successful games in 2016 or maybe even the most successful one. The game has over 500 million downloads and it was played all over the world. However, this very successful game has also brought some negative aspects, but we’ll talk about them later. So first things first, do you know what Pokémon go is?

Here is an official trailer short video about the game:

Having seen the video, I wonder if those of you who have played the game think that the video itself shows what the game is like. Is it close to what you get? I heard that players are disappointed after comparing the game with the official trailer and they say that they are not even close.

So for the ones that don’t know anything about it, here is some information and a quick explanation of the game:
Release Date:
July 6, 2016
Real World Adventure
iPhone and Android devices
Single or Multiplayer

You download an app on your smartphone, which you will use to collect Pokémon all over the city and ones you get better you can also fight against other players.

I personally didn’t play this game, but my nephew played it, and, in fact, he walked over 50km while doing it. Thanks to this app he moved out of his room J
and I know many people who walked over 100km playing Pokémon go. So this app really motivates people to go outside. So what do you think about that? I think it’s really good in a lazy society we live in today. However, on the other hand, I saw in the last couple of months’ people just staring at their phones and not looking in the eyes anymore. But at least they go outside and stop sitting in their rooms all day.
Yeah so that is the concept of the game that broke many records. Mainly because people who watched Pokémon in their youth were fascinated by it and know they have got an opportunity to catch them in the real world, so for them it’s like a dream comes true. But many young people are playing this game because they just like the concept and I don’t see anything wrong with it.
And here comes the question to the ones of you who have played it: why did you find it attractive?

The game is good, but in my opinion NIANTIC (the company which created this game) really messed up in the last months. The game is, as you may have noticed, not such hype anymore. Every day fewer and fewer people play it. And that’s because Niantic does not offer anything new. On the first day of release (where they made 5million USD by the way) they said that they only released 10% of the actual game and that everything will be released step by step. And now, here we are 3 months after the release with only one new thing. The people need something new, something that gives them a reason to play it. And my nephew is one of those people who stopped playing it and I think he is not the only one, am I right?

But as I said at the beginning, the game also brought some very bad incidents with it. For example, mainly in the US there are a lot of people that use the Pokestops feature to attract people to them at night so they can perfectly rob them. It’s really simple. You just put a lure that attracts Pokémon in the game. This lure also attracts people in the real life, and if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, someone can easily rob you and you can do nothing about it.

And here is a small gift for you guys, POKEMON GO SONG!!! by MISHA

Actually this video got more views than the official video from Niantc.

POKEMON GO SONG!!! by MISHA                   43,278,549 views



Unknown said…
I believe that hype isn't that big, because its cold outside and its not to funny to walk around holding yor phone in hands, so you can catch some pokemon or pokestop.
At first there was great hype, bacause, c'mon, who as a child, didn't want to catch pokemons? And this year all of us could became a Pokemon Master.
Unknown said…
Hype train caused by this game made many people jump on it. I was one of them. I have to admit that this is future of gaming, use augmented reality and incorporate it into games. As you said Niantic made many mistakes, which made me stop playing this game. No new features, creatures are harder to catch (even the "common" ones) on higher levels, and many bugs in the code which Niantic seems to ignore, even though it seems they are easy to repair by experienced team, which company surely have. Those flaws are small, but they surely ruin user experience. I really wish this game success, however promises are not enough to keep people playing. As to accidents and wrong people using game as bait for inattentive players: people have to think for themselves, lets not accuse company for people stupidity. If one would not like to be robbed, he should not go into isolated areas, simple as that.
Unknown said…
To be honest I don't like this game in this new scenario, augmented reality. Althought I don't like, I have to admit that this game has made kind of a revolution nowadays. Why? More and more people now don't have time to do sports. But with Pokemon they were moving, under the pressure of catching all of them, competing with other people they were moving much more than normally.

I hope that after this whole big deal with Pokemon there will be available more games which in indirect way obliges you to moving.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
Personally I have never played that game despite of being a huge fan of Pokemon years ago. For me this game makes people crazy. I have heard about many accidents which happened because of lack of gamers attention. They for example cause car crashes and I've also heard about a woman who has drown out because she wanted to get some Pokemon. Ironically the more hype appears around something, the less attractive it seems to me, so maybe that's why I haven't tried this game. And in my opinion most of games at all makes people stupid and dumb, so I'm avoiding this kind of entertainment.
OlaScislewska said…
This game is dedicated to people who know what means the moderation. Some of the players start the game and achieving better and better results can not stop plaing. Simple rules of the game turned out addictive for players of any age.
I have heard opinion that as sooner you cease plaing as better for You. The more time you put into something, the harder it gets to let it go. The more You bought into the endless grinding, the more You convinced yourself it was worth it. The truth is that you waste your time on something insignificant and redundant.
Unknown said…
I know this game and understand a hype. It was very funny to see adult people moving with phones in hands. It was obvious they was playing Pokemon Go. Of course children also did it, but it wasn't so funny ;)
After 2 weeks I started to play. It turned out Pokemon Go is quite interesting game, but due to many mistakes which Paweł described I got rid of it very quickly.

I can agree it's good way to pull someone out of the house, but then what? No communication between people. Example:

Result? A lot of money for creators, people outside with only one interest - catching pokemons. In fact, there were some accidents, because of it.

To sum up, I think Pokemon GO can be a positive beginning of changing the way people will play games, but there is a lot do yet.
Pokemon GO is a great example of hypetrain. At the peak it managed to gather 20mil+ daily users. That's enormous number of players. As quick as it got to the top, as quick it all ended. I dont understand this whole hype to be honest. I don't know what made people so crazy about Pokemons. I dont like it at all.
Unknown said…
Pokemon go was ma favourite game. I've been playing it from the official launch in Poland, but now I've stopped, because I can't find any pikachu. I was searching for days, my dream is to be like Ash Ketchum, to explore the world with my loyal friend pikachu to be pokemon master and i thought that this game will give me a chance of achieving that but it didn't. Dispite of that it's very immersive game with many problems like locating pokemons but i don't regret time I've spend playing it.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
This game seems to be based on nostalgic memories for 90s generation. I remember collecting Pokemon cards in school and it was really fun. Although I have never played this game, but it has become a part of nowadays pop culture for sure. Even someone who never played it heard about it for sure, read some news about it, will understand jokes related to Pokemon Go.
Unknown said…
I never played this game, but I have heard about it, there was the time where almost everybody around me were playing this. Hype was actually really big, but now I think it went lower a little bit. Maybe because it is colder outside and no one is so willing to go in cold and look for Pokemons. Or maybe it was just a boom when the game was released, but now it is normalizing.
Dajana Kubica said…
I was fascinated by this game, but after 2 months of playing I got bored. My phone after several minutes game was discharged, in my area there were not a lot of interesting Pokemon. In my opinion, there is lack of communication between players. You can not fight with each other. On the other hand, evenings become colder and I do not want to run for Pokemons in such cold. But what I liked most about this game is that together with my friends, we been turning on lure at PokeStop and spent time with each other. Lure attracted other players, so I met new people. And to my surprise, I saw more adults than children playing this game.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Maybe if the game looked like on the video, used augmented reality, I would consider it interesting, but I know from some of my friends who played it that it doesn't. I'm not convinced the whole idea is good itself, sure the game makes people go outside, even meet with friends, however they're still only looking on the screen instead of living real life. I'm the kind of person who doesn't play games at all and I don't care much for having the newest technology, but I can confess I'd like to try VR glasses. So far I've had the opportunity twice, however I forgot to wear my contact lenses, thus my glasses maked it impossible. But third time lucky!
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I feel similarly, even though I'm from pokemon tv series generation, I've never been nuts about it. It's hard for me to understand how such game could gather 20 milion users a day, I don't get it, however I must admit I'm impressed.
kondrat said…
For me- Pokemon go is a great way to make going for a walk a bit more exciting. When I used to play Pokemon the nice thing I noticed is my daily movement stats. Using smartwatch you can easily see, that the game forces you to be more active, which results in more burned calories.
Unknown said…
I don't like this game. Pokemon go is only good for people lazy and addicted on the computer to get out of the house and once they come out of the house to play this game They do unsafe behavior for example: People enter the streets without paying attention to oncoming cars. There were fatal accidents because of this game
Piotr Basiński said…
I've played this game, it's cool to enjoy modern and new kind of entartaiment, with scenario from most loved in childhood anime. But it's important to pay attention to not collide with anyone while play this game.
I don't like it either. Also, I don't understand how people who play this game go outside just to stare at their smartphones. One of the main purposes of having a walk outside is to observe the environment around you. I guess that some people simply don't understand it and/or their life is so boring that they find Pokemon Go an interesting opportunity to spend their free time. The good thing is that this hype seems to be over now.
Unknown said…
I never played this game though as a child I liked Pokemon. I really like the same concept of using augmented reality. This is probably the first game in AR that has got such popularity. The cool thing is that it motivates the players to go out, but as you know nothing is good in excess and in particular something that distances us from reality. Supposedly in USA has been cases of people who have resigned from work to play Pokemon GO. For me this is a terrible addiction! I wonder if such a ground-breaking game will be developed in augmented reality or perhaps a long time nothing will be released.
Unknown said…
To be honest I have never played this game, but many of my friends did. They were very fascinated by this game. When we met, they told me about their new achievements and the people who they met. In my opinion this way of spending time is OK. You can meet with your friends in real time and enjoy this game together. Sounds great, doesn’t it?
I’m not surprised that PokemonGo isn’t that popular now. I have played it myself for a week or two, but I didn’t find it so amazing as media described it. I thought that maybe after a few updates the game will offer some new amazing features, that will make me as amazed as other people but as you mentioned, the updates don’t really add anything new. I think that Niantic has released the game too soon and that’s the main reason why so many are no longer playing this game.
Unknown said…
Moode, thanks for touching an amazing topic. Probably you guys also grew up on watching Pokemon on TV. And having a dream of living in the world where those beautiful creatures exist. When I was a kid I haven't skip any episode. With friends, we loved to draw Pokemon and play Pokemon card game. Nintendo created a great movement back then. I really enjoyed that part of my life.

When the game came out - I downloaded it ASAP. And was spending every evening after work riding a bike with my friend and catching them all. I opened a lot of new sights in Warsaw with a help of this game. In general, I traveled near 190km in during this game. So basically I could just cycle to Radom and back to Warsaw to have such a result. It was one of the most active summers I every had (what a nerd am I, yes).

Now the hype is kind of over, I believe that in spring we’ll have a big update and be back into play again. And I hope other companies will get inspired from Niantic and create more games that we can move more.
I'm not interested in this game myself at all, due to the fact that it's boring, repetitive and not really fun in long-run, but I'm sure that thanks to that, dreams of many children came true, as I'm sure that everybody who watched Pokemon as a child wanted to be a pokemon trainer as well. Therefore, actual popularity of that game is not that shocking either, as it is original, unique concept of the game powered by popularity and hype, although I never really got interested in that, maybe because I'm too old :).

Still, it affects people positively as finally they moved their a**es outside of PC, so I can't really say that I'm not satisfied. It's nice to see more and more video games being released, as I'm big fan of them and even the most casual titles that are not interesting for me at all, have their target and ensure that everybody can find a game he/she enjoys playing.
To be honest. Maybe I'm too old, I've tried this game - for me it's a complete waste of time. Try to find a Pokemon, get them in your collection and fight with each other. Maybe I'm a little bit old fashioned but for sure I will rather go climbing, boxing training, shooting range or any other activity that involves real people other than waste my time in "Virtual Reality" to catch Pokemons. Don't get me wrong - I love computer games - but something with a good story and little bit of reality in the background.
Kacper Zaremba said…
I think the hype for this game was too overwhelming for Niantic. The game had a lot of problems during it’s first days. Sometimes you had to wait hours to connect to the server. Moreover, there were many people cheating with bots, or fake GPS, which discouraged casual and fair players from it. Niantic waited too long with updates and new features and people got bored of this game. Simply because it gets boring after some time.
My experience with Pokemon Go went like that:
1. Installed the game
2. Caught one pokemon
3. Uninstalled the game
If Niantic tried to move older Pokemon games to reality, it's mechanics or at least some of them then it would be so much cooler. As for right now for me it failed miserably to capture the experience from these games. Maybe now when they made millions they will come up with something better.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
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Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I have never played the Pokemon Go but I have many friends who have played and their opinions about this game were divided. In my opinion the best advantage is taking people out of home but... I coulnd't find any more advantages. I don't see anything special in this game, it's boring to walk and look only on phone screen to find pokemon. Moreover I've heard about guys who were driving a car and caughting pokemons.
Unknown said…
I don't like Pokemon franchise in any way. There's also nothing attractive to me in the whole idea of this particular game. I think it's an absurd.
In compare to pokemons we all knew when we were young(tv series, gameboy versions) it's relying on nostalgic impression effect. If this game had another name no-one download it because game itself has more of disadvantage.
Unknown said…
I have been playing this game to find out why there is such a fuss about it. And I guess the idea was cool, but they didn't manage to develop it well. This is not my way of spending the time, but I feel sorry about the guys, who was disappointed. I know enough adults, who enjoyed running around and catching the Pikachus:)

And i don't understand, why many people in social media accuse this game in accidents with players. no matter what you do, you should use your own brain in order to keep yourself safe.
Moode said…
I get your point, however I wonder if the game is popular in places where it is still warm at this time of year.
Moode said…
I was not accusing the company, I was just mentioning a problem that appeared when people used it. Of course, people should also think before going to places which may not be safe.
Moode said…
I also hope that people will move more, even if this will be the reason of playing new games.
Moode said…
As I have commented above, I think that people should be more careful and think while playing.
Moode said…
I agree with you somehow, however the positive thing that some people finally got to move from the house and go outside.
Moode said…
Maybe some people got to talk to their friends about the game ;) so maybe just a little communication appeared. Lets hope new games will change it towards making people talking!
Adam Nowak said…
It is a pretty cool concept, but i don't think it is much more than that. They really should bring more interactions between players, like challenging strangers to a battle on the street, it would be super cool. I have a feeling that this game's potential is wasted by its creators.
Moode said…
I don't understand the hype either. However I am amazed with its' popularity too.
Moode said…
Did you get a chance to discuss with some of your friends about this issue? Did they see the problem too?
Moode said…
I only wonder if people will remember about this game in a couple of years.
Moode said…
This maybe the weather (in colder areas of the world) and also the issue that the company didn't make any improvements to the game.
Moode said…
Maybe this would be a great idea to make a game that will not only make people go outside (I think this is really good) but also to comunicate and share experience more.
Moode said…
Thank you for confirming with your friends opinion that the game experience was not exactly like it did on the video.
Moode said…
Having said that the game made you go outside, did it make you enjoy walking so that you would still keep on doing this despite the fact that you don't play the game anymore?
Moode said…
I totally agree with you.
Moode said…
Thank you for bringing out the topic of having games with scenario of the most loved anime form childhood times. I guess that it makes people remember how it was to be a kid.
Moode said…
This is why I think that we all should be careful with not getting addicted, even to games.
Moode said…
If your friends got to meet and actually talk about the game, than to me it is a success. The thing that concerns me is that most of the people just focus on the game and forget about others around.
Moode said…
Your opinion confirms that every company that release a game should take care of the gamers and make the game itself more and more attractive.
Can you please let me know how many km did you walk during this week or two?
Moode said…
Andrii, maybe when the spring comes it will be good to go biking and leave the phone home? What do you think? ;)
Moode said…
You are saying that the game was boring, repetitive and not really fun in long-run - I wonder how long did you play it for?
Moode said…
Jakub, I agree with you. Old fashioned ways of spending time outdoors were much nicer.
Moode said…
I saw one video where one person was showing how to cheat with making the APP think that you are moving - he has put the phone on a vinyl player while it was going around.
Moode said…
I think that if Niantic thought about making more money with they would be improving the game all the time in order not to allow the game to go down as it did in fact. In my opinion they just were satisfied with the result they got - not really great way of thinking to me. I think that they should care about the gamers more.
Moode said…
Thank you for your opinion. I think the same way as you do. I only know the game from what I have heard from my nephew and friends. And I could not get interested in it enough to start playing it.
Moode said…
Sometimes I think that trying to repeat a success that one thing has made in the past (like the Pokemone TV series) is a mistake. It hardly ever works for having "the second part" as good as the first one.
Moode said…
I guess that some people get so much addicted to such games that it makes them forget about the whole world around. This is a very scary behavior.
Moode said…
Maybe we will get a chance to see it developing in the future. Time will show.
Unknown said…
That game is absolutely amazing. I mean, the concept is, the game itself is kind of bad, but it actually brings people together with the most bizarre of things - collecting invisible japanese monsters.

The fad is gone now, but at its peak the most popular spot in my neightbourhood was the Church - the building itself and the cross near it were PokeStops, the statue of JP II was the Gym.
I was actually playing this game for 2 days and after that I just uninstalled it. I'm a big fan of pokemon and I have been playing it from the first generation. For me the Pokemon Go broke the concept of training your pokemons and fighting with them. I also didn't have time for just running after pokemons through all the city.
Unknown said…
Personally, I haven’t played it. However, I do like the concept of it. I like the fact that you have to get out of your house to get better at it. I didn’t download it because I actually was afraid that I would spend my whole free time catching Pokemons. But I feel like people don’t really play it anymore, maybe they should develop this game more?
Maciej Główka said…
I think that everyone, who played pokemons on Gameboys Color, wanted to catch them in real life, for example during a walk to school. In my opinion this is the main cause for such brilliant and one of the biggest opening for mobile app.
I agree with you, that NIANTIC messed up. As far as I know, they didn't change or upgrade an app a lot, and how long can you catch another Pidgey with 20 Combat Points.
I think that, whatever they will do in near future to Pokemon GO, there won't be so much hype as on the beginning.
Unknown said…
Pokemon Go was a big hit few months ago, but now it become something almost forgotten. The moment of excitement and thrill of the generation who as small children loved Pokemon turned into a routine and boredom which closed the subject. Now, almost nobody is interested in Pokemon Go, it was a momentary very popular phenomenon. However, you can learn from this interesting lessons. Young people from the generation of Internet and video games obviously very yearned for their childish heroes from childhood and the technology of augmented reality is a big issue in the future and game developers should not forget this and should not ignore it.
KamilG said…
I didn’t play in this game, because I prefer other ones and when I go outside, I want to have contact with reality not virtual world which I have in my computer. Besides, this game took so much battery that it wasn’t possible for me to play in this. I think it was just one-minute trend, just people were convincing their friends to play and when they resigned, this game stopped being so attractive. I think the concept of moving people out their homes is good, but n other hand, as the author noticed, we don’t have any physical contact with other people.
It was pretty funny to see the hype for this game in Warsaw. Everyone was playing it all throghout the city: around the Palace of Culture and Science, in the buses etc. And then it just slowly died out. I didn't really see much in it, I don't really like mobile gaming that much.
Unknown said…
I think this game is really good application for children or teenagers to come outside and spend your time in fresh breathe. I dont think its bad point when someone go outside and star his eyes to mobile phone because they stay at home and staring to computer or TV. This application also care about teenagers healty.
Unknown said…
At first I played Pokeomn GO and really liked it but I stopped caring part due to lack of new updates but mostly because of the bugs (and I don't mean bug pokemon). Pokemon GO stopped being fun because of it's broken 'tracking system'. I don't know how it looks now, because I haven't played in a while. The idea for it was great, it was awesome how everywhere you looked, there was someone playing the same game you did. People who laugh at it probably just don't like pokemon and can't be bothered to understand a pop culture phenomena when they see it.
Jarek_Ziem said…
I've played this game. There was huge hype and world went crazy about the new Pokémon GO. Unfortunately, developers made couple mistakes and even if the shares skyrocket on the market and company value doubled, still there is almost no one playing it right now. Couple months after the release.

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