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Week 6 [14.11-20.11] Global Warming

Global warming concerns the whole earth environment. It affects all humanity around the world, and let’s be wider, all living beings. It divides more and more people in the whole world. Those who agree that  the process is happening fight with the ones who deny   this fact. There is one main reason why  so much doubt and discrepancies are observable:  One is not able to witness any effects. We cannot see that something is really happening. Global warming is a quite slow process, especially in comparison with an average human life length. Every single sign, which due to the scientists confirms the genuineness of the global warming, can be easily explained by a few more simple reasons. Furthermore, common people do not understand  that  harsh winter does not deny the heating process in the macro scale.


Since the beginning of the twentieth century two major figures have risen in an enormous way. As it is easy to guess, the first one is average global temperature and the second one is an amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The rule is simple – the more CO2 is emitted, the warmer it gets.

The reasons of global warming are very simple:  the increase of the  number of people; change of  oxygen into carbon dioxide during the process of breathing; emission of enormous amounts of greenhouse gases; deforestation, especially in the regions of the Amazon river and tropical rainforests in Africa. It decreases the natural possibility to change carbon dioxide into oxygen again.

Do we realize the threat we face? Well, yes, all developed countries agree that  there is an issue we have to face. There are several different ideas how to fight it. The first and most obvious one is reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere. There are already set levels for new manufactured cars etc. But the problem is, not all the countries contribute to that. The European Union has recently set very strict regulations about pollution emissions. Our country may have huge problems with getting along with those regulations, as long as we rely on coal power plants.

What do you think about global warming? Do you believe in it?
What can we do to stop it?


Unknown said…
Due to the fact that there are evidences that global warming is a real thing, I don't know how people can doubt about it.
I don't know how we can stop global warming, but I know that there are some actions take about it and many people are involved, for example Leonardo DiCaprio. He even mentioned it in his speech when he, finally, got his Oscar award. I believe that there is or will be his movie on National Geographic about it.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
Well, I believe that exists something like global warming, people wouldn't make up this term with no reason. On the other hand, I think that this changes through the global average temperature are so tiny, that it makes no difference at all for us and that's why people mostly don't care about these whole environmental issues. Some ways to stop the global warming are for example not using sprays, travelling by public means of transport due to reduce the gas emissions by cars, or limit the amount of paper we use unnecessarily.
Unknown said…
I do believe that global warming exists, but I think we cannot prevent it. Setting regulations is not enough. For example, car and electronic manufacturers make products that are easy to brake, and last only until end of warranty. Mercedes was able to create car(MB W123) that could drive 1000000 km (with proper maintenance). New car is considered good if it can make 300000 km. I don't believe that it is impossible to create long lasting devices nowadays. Companies refuse to do it in order to make more money. And it is more eco-friendly to maintain car than to buy new one every few years. Even if new car uses less fuel, imagine how much water, energy, steel and other resources takes to create one car.
Unknown said…
I personally don't believe in Global Warming.
The Earth is warming, so all of a sudden we're in a crisis and it's our fault?
Earth is always changing and many people tend to avoid that thought or contradict their argument even if they admit that's true.
This Global Warming mess is a hoax. What's going to happen when the Earth starts cooling? Oh my god it's global cooling!
Humans released a new gas into the air causing Earth to cool down below the normal temperature.
Humans haven't started recording temperatures long enough to preach what is normal and what isn't.
Try recording temperature changes after a couple billion years, then we can say what's normal and what isn't.
Unknown said…
Well, I believe in global warming, it's a searious problem that we have to faced, but not in single, we should engaged all the people around the world, because the price is the future of our planet. What about preventing? Coutries in EU have many restrictions about CO2, but cities of 3rd world don't. Due to fact that is global problem everyone should had have the same rules.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Unfortunately I don't have enough qualifications or experience to say for sure if it's true, and believing or not believing in it doesn't change anything. If it's true and CO2 produced by people has a major impact on the Earth climate I hope that it will be resolved, developed countries seem to care about this issue and interest in electric cars and renewable energy around the world is a good trend.
Unknown said…
I think people basically don't care about this topic. Of course I think there is something like global warming, but as long as people are the main cause of this effect, we can do nothing about it. Or not so much. We cannot prevent it from proceeding. But also I think that the changes are not so significant, so it will not impact us in near future.
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Our planet Earth has been changing it's climate so many times throughout millions of years. Maybe we got the opportunity to see these proceeding changes right now. I don't know if global warming really exists. I mean, we should care about our planet no matter what. It's our duty. Even if the global warming is real or not. Maybe it's all hoax to make people buy all of those "eco" things which are supposed to be "global warming friendly". I don't know. I've recently read an article saying that o-zone hole is recovering and by 2065 it will be fully recovered. It confuses me a lot.

Link to article :
Unknown said…
Yes exactly, in addition, polish government now found the way to earn even more at our expense, we will have to pay a tax for 10 and more years old vehicles. Of course, everything is allegedly for the well-being of the atmosphere but what about the damage which will be done to the environment because of the abandoned old cars?
I believe they should work on car's improvements and reducing gas emision instead of putting some irrational law in practice.
Unknown said…
I don't see the rational possibility for stopping global warming, however, I hope there's something what could be done for reducing car's gas emission.
What makes me angry is worldwide deforestation process and common trees removing in Poland. We can't even cut out a middle tree on our own property without the appropriate permission but the government seems to has every right to remove every tree which they like, example: trees on the scarp next to Ochota station while they didn't interfere with the train track or 100 hundred years trees on Piastów station which were removed year ago because they built soundproof screen despite protests of all local people.
kondrat said…
Yeah, global warming on one side is really important, and we should take care of our footprint we leave on the environment. From the other side it is horrible, that there is a lot of marketing involved in this topic. Manufacturers use the global warming problem to convince people to buy their products.. That's sad.
There is no doubt that we should take care of the environment we live in. The question is how we do it? The global warming phenomenon seems to be greatly exaggerated. Most well known car manufacturers use global warming to their advantage offering the products which in "theory" are environmentally friendly. I am thinking, in particular, of the petrol/diesel engines which undergone downsizing. Yep, on the paper, such engines will be more efficient, but at expense of durability of those units. This means that more engines will need to be replaced in relatively short period of time. By that rationale, more engines will need to be produced and so the car factories will release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. You see where it's going? It is a vicious circle.
Piotr Basiński said…
Global warming is a big problem to solve. We should change habits and enviroment polution to solve it, because not doing anything can be bad consequences for hundreds of years.
Unknown said…
In my opinion a process to stop the global warming is very difficult and long-dated. After many years of destruction of our planet the entire population have to change their mentality. We must find a new way to manage our planet Earth or we annihilate ourselves. If we want to remedy this problem we must start now, and our successors must continue it.
Unknown said…
I'm afraid that although so much talk about global warming, people still don't realize size of the threat. The effects of weather are increasingly being felt by us. My friend lives in China, and every year there are more and more typhoons. You will notice that more and more often in the world we deal with weather anomalies and it's associated just with global warming. I stop to believe that people will start to take care of this problem. Soon only escape to another planet would be one solution :/
Unknown said…
It’s obvious that global warming is happening. Just try to compare when winter was starting in Poland when you had 7 years and when it is starting now (literally now). It just feels that something goes wrong with nature.

I love the argument that it’s all because of over-population. I believe it’s a serious problem nowadays. There are really too many people on this planet. And all of them want to live and be happy.

I think that with next generations the level of ecological awareness will increase. If we would invest enough in educational system, to produce this awareness in kids.
I do agree that global warming is a fact and we cannot deny it. I'm just not convinced that it is such a big, tangible problem for us. Maybe it is also my ignorance, but I'm not sure we can do much to fight this problem. Of course, some actions can be taken to reduce our impact on this, but to succeed it has to be done in macro-scale.
We have to do something about it, so thinks like this will never happen again :<
As you mentioned, small things such as using public transport can have a HUGE impact
3rd world countries aren't really a problem, developed countries like China and USA are :/
It might not impact us, but what about our kids or grandkids?
I agree, changing some of our habits may make a huge difference :)
I know, that's what I hate the most about bureaucracy, it makes absolutely no sense.
We mmight not have big or even any impact on global warming, but I think that we should at least try.
It's obvious that global warming is a real thing, and you'd need to be a massive ignorant to think otherwise.

There is a great video ("sadly" in Polish) that I recommend to everyone who wants to learn more about global warming, made by Dawid Myśliwiec -

There are many reasons why such thing is happening, majority of them are explained in the video above, and I feel like there isn't that much we can do to stop it. Without support of government forcing big companies and other countries to limit generation of CO2 and alike, it will only get worse.
Unknown said…
First time when I thought about the global warming was a couple years ago when in March there was a meter of snow in Kiev. I thought that something went really really wrong with a weather. After that I started to notice that weather is changing every year. Summer nowadays isn't similar to a summer of my childhood, same as a winter. There are a lot of videos online which prove that global warming is a real problem. Melting glaciers, the lack of fresh air in some countries and increased level of the world ocean shows that we should do something to prevent a global catastrophe.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
We are facing a global warming problem many years and we should actively take care of our planet. There is huge amount of rules that European Union provides but but those rules do nothing until we will have no awareness that we need to take care of our "home".
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The climate is changing, that's for sure. I can tell when I look at my photos made in Iceland 25 years ago and now - it's warmer, less snow everywhere, less Ice year by year. There was a quite good documentary on National Geographic "Before the Flood" - where they showed how pollution affected climate in many Countries. Many corporations chosen industrialization over our health time and time over. Coral reefs in many places died over the years because of pollution and climate change. That is very sad thing but something big how to change to make people change their way of life.
Kacper Zaremba said…
We have all those laws in EU, but we have to obey them. For example car companies are cheating in emission tests. Have you heard about 'dieselgate'? Volkswagen, the biggest car concern in EU, cheated in tests dozens times. That's a hypocrisy, isn't it?
Ofcourse we should take care about our planet in a long term use, but we must remember about common sense. Humanity should improve in every way. One supertanker is making more pollution in one year than one middle class car in 500 years. we should find compromise.
Unknown said…
Uncontrolled development of India, China, Africa and South America is what will cause global warming to progress even faster. Unfortunatly we can't do anything by now. No matter how much we will limit the emissions in European Union. It will be nothing compared to global amounts. Without an unrealistic scenario of enforcing global limits by force we are doomed. I just hope that I can live long and happy life before it gets too bad (hope, not sure if I will be lucky enough).
Adam Nowak said…
The real problem is a fact, that many nations make politics from global warming. At example, mentioned UE: the real reason behind those CO2 regulations is to prevent economic growth of less developed nations, like Poland. Another good example is a light bulb. We have to use fluorescent lamps, that are more efficient, but contains mercury, and of course, are more expensive. I beleive that politicians could do a lot more to fight against global warming.
Unknown said…
I think that global warming is artificially created. The average temperature has increased by 1 C in a thousand years. Not once was the heat on Earth . The earth can handle itself. I'm not saying that we do not have influence on it. It is very good that we see the problem in cutting trees. I think that in the future it will pass.
Unknown said…
Anastasiia, I had the same. I mean I started to notice the weather is changing every year after the month (I'm not sure if it was March) when there was really big problem with snow.

I can't understand people who say 'I don't care' or 'Come on! Now there is global warming and in the future there will be global cooling'. We have big problem and need to solve it. I believe everybody can contribute to it with turning off the light, removing plugins from the sockets and so on. For every single person it is simple action (without any cost) but it is very important for our environment.

Let's say 'That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.' ;)
As we burn fossil fuels (coal & petroleum) the by-product is CO2. The more fossil fuels we burn the more CO2 gets into our atmosphere. Plus there are dozen of other sources. CO2 absorbs the heat from the ground which normally goes into space. So more CO2 means more heat being held on earth. I don't know how can you argue when it's pretty much scientifically proven.
Unknown said…
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I think global warming could have a huge impact on our lives. As we know climate is changing all the time even without our interaction, so our involvement could be not as big as we think.
Unknown said…
I really do hope Global Warming is not real. I mean, it would be terrible, with all the ice caps melting and everybody drowning. Hopefully, we will figure out the way to colonize Mars by that time.
Michał Pycek said…
I agree with these who claim that this issue has become a political issue. More and more politicians take part in the public discussion whether we should or should not believe in Global Warming. I understand each person has individual believes, but to me it is not a question of belief but a matter of fact. The ice is melting more and more each year, the natural phenomenons become more and more dangerous and powerful. The predictions are that very warm places as in Africa will become more dry and dehydrated, whereas the places which are moderately cold (based on seasons) like Northern Europe, will become even more cold in long period of time.
Unknown said…
I do believe in global warming. Like you said, many people don't think of it as an issue because they don't see "the big picture". And even if people don't believe in global warming, I think they can believe that for example emitting harmful gases is simply detrimental to our health and can cause lung cancer. They can also believe that deforestation equals wrecking natural habitats for many animals.
Unknown said…
Despite all the denials I believe in global warming. And it makes me very upset how indifferent people are to environmental issues.
Year after year we are destroying life on the planet and then pay the price ourselves.. The weather is strange, the seasons are reversed, people are affected by pressure changes.Yet humanity doesn't want to admit that we are the ones to blame.
I really want to believe in a positive outcome, but let's be realistic: this is all about politics and it would be almost impossible to prevent this process, until the ruling people will decide to change something.
Moode said…
Some people are saying that , global warming is not true thing, as they expect in the future cold weather, cold as it was in the ice edge.
So I am really confused, who to believe? is it getting warmer or colder
And we have to understand, that human can’t prevent this from happing.
KamilG said…
Global Warming is a seriously big natural problem now. And will be. Nowadays there are a lot of cars, factories that emit harmful gases to our atmosphere. Of course there are many regulations about pollution emission, but in my opinion it will works for few years. In the future, we will need stricter rules about gases emissions.
Scientists are backing up global warming with enough evidence for me to claim it is true. The big thing about it is whether we can really stop it, even if we become the most ecological we can. Also many people (especially politicians) need to get in their heads that the term global warming means it is really global. And any kind of local temperature differences aren't really relevant in the grand scheme of things.
Maciej Główka said…
Global warming is a fact, in my opinion we can't argue that. I've read few days ago about the temperature in Arctic, which is well over temperature, which all scientists predicted.
Every country should do everything they could to stop global warming. What can they do? Change to renewable energy, make big companies, which poison water, ground pay more taxes etc.
Trump's win in USA election made me worried about global fight with global warming, because in some article he said, that global warming is imagined problem made by China to attack american companies.
If USA, which is one of the biggest CO2 producers, stops fighting with global warming, we will need to speed up Mars colonization.
Unknown said…
We have to take care about our planet. Its a place where we live. I think global warming its big problem but we cant do much to eliminate this problem in easy way because animal generate a lot of bad element. We could create only a solution which eliminate only a part of this problem. We could discover some water or electric engine which one help us with take care about our Earth
OlaScislewska said…
I guess that we hurt our planet in not taking care of environment. I dont know if it should be called the Global Warming or however else but i dont belive that's only the next comercial thing to earn on that. Climat changes, air is polluted, glaciers melting, species extinct, that arguments should be enough to call current situation as a crisis and danger.
I wish we could do something but lets belive the politicans will wake up one day becouse they can do the most and they already destroyed much.
OlaScislewska said…
I guess that we hurt our planet not taking care of environment. I dont know if it should be called the Global Warming or however else but i dont belive that's only the next comercial thing to earn on that. Climat changes, air is polluted, glaciers melting, species extinct, that arguments should be enough to call current situation as a crisis and danger.
I wish we could do something but lets belive the politicans will wake up one day becouse they can do the most and they already destroyed much.

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